m= Court Gives $150,000 = To Widow TORONTO (CP)--A court deci- sion has earned a Polish widow aa additional $150,000 profit on the sale of her 135-acre farm. The Su- preme Court of Ontario Tuesday ruled Mrs. Teodozia Sambroski i® may sell the property for $365,700 Two months ago she was denied permission to sell it for $216,000 |= badly did she need the money ° E [that she couldn't even take time of from her job as a factory hand 1 to attend the hearings. . ------------ Mr, Justice C. A. Gale Tuesday approved the sale of the.farm be- tween nearby Oakville and Bronte, for 20 times its value five years ago. J. M. Baird, acting for the Offi- 4 '. |cia! Guardian's Office, intervened "% lin the original court action. He = |said the land had a steadiiy in- . % |creasing value and wanted the |widow and her three children to / |receive the highest possible price SB |for it. Princeton Construction, Ltd. Imade the $365,700 bid. Mrs. Sam- broski is to retain three acres, on : . which her house and barn are § MAPLE LEAF -- READY TO SERVE WHOLE OR SHANK HALF Tore Powell | COOKED FULLY SKINNED AND DEFATTED Kia : 5 57 S554 Drives Safely SMOKED HAMS rego ¢ greates has travelled I WARE 50Y | : : The sarch fox the grees | as cavlied by heconicr 0,0 [| OF €arS § sMOKED -- BURNS QUALITY in North America is carried on the Liard river in northzasiern SUDBURY, Ont. (CP) -- Tony ir. Canada's vast northwest on | British Columbia. In 1955 oil powell, who drove 2,000,000 miles Ib tL LJ} VALUES EFFECTIVE foot, horschack, canoe, plane | companies spent more than $2,- 45 a cab-driver, has celebrated | and helicopter. This Imperial | 50€.000 n searching for oil in his 70th birthday and 50° years of Oil Company geological party ' the northwest. safe diving E-- M. Powell, for 20 years a Tor- - - 1 hd . : a mpi p io axi-dr , started I - 4 Tickets Sold forged Olympic Games tickets omg a ad I gg Whi bik UNTIL SAT. MARCH were likely to be circulated : Rar Sou Tor tear gyi Tee Ey "MAPLE LEAF ~ READY TO SERVE 31st For Olympics he said. from the station to city hotels. c¢ re i i GLazep AND carNisked Ty JOUR WHITEY DOMINION OFEN WED. Ale Months Rhead Hydro Buvi to 19% Mr. Powell worked for a WHOLE OR SHANK HALF . THUR. NIGHTS TILL 9 THIS WEEK ONLY YOIO BUYING jimousine ervice, during, which OSHAWA OPEN THURS. TILL 9. CLOSED Gate receipts for the Olympic George VI and King Edward VIII,' 000 | TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontarjo a fruck-driver and anothe: year Gen. W. Bridgeford, chief execu- Hydro-Electric Power Commission holidaying, 2x Powell Inoved to LB. Cc MAKE A SHOW-OFF PIE THIS WEEK-END ee do id PORK MONARCH -- SEE AD IN NEWSPAPERS FOR RECIPE SPECIAL His safety record includes the : Gen. Bridgeford said that all top- legislature 'that 150 other purchases : : : ap P4 15.0Z priced seats had been sold for the. are under negotiation. About 1,235 Gc American Auiomobile Associ FROIT <OCKTAIL TIN 23¢ All swimming and diving tickets ,,r hased. Much of the land would also sold out in British Columbia. The war, be- MELBOURNE, Australia (CP)-- time he chauffered the late King v ; ALL DAY FRIDAY. REGULAR HOURS SATUR- Games at Melbourne next Novem- J@QWQY Lall AoW the Dike of Windsor GRADE "A" -- 5 TO 8 LBS. -- EXCELLENT VALUE PRE-DRESSED ber have already reached $1,500, After a year's experimenting as . DAY : ar MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS tive officer of the organizing com- has bought 898 properties for the Sudbury driv 2 mittee, said last week ihat total St. Lawrence seaway Poxed 2s 8 cabdriver DEVON BRAND he 39. 13.02, ¢ ox office receipts probably wou In answer Tuesday to a 5- i ' ig PIE CRUST MIX 29 touch $2,500,000 w hen revenue from jon from Peter nA (L YHies Orttie Safety League gold adie o SAUSAGE PKG PKG. films and television is addedd mont), the commission said in the ,nq" an honorary membership of A N LB. 49 AYLMER -- CHOICE SPECIAL opening and closing ceremonies. tj onerties won! ave to ation Sh i------ Gthep prongtiies Wonld have in be ALSO AVAILABLE A CHOICE SELECTION OF GRADE A ASSO: D had been sal Final rights of Yoz. be flooded by the project \ AOE I UR ANCE AR : a ¢ s sk , ©) , S 4 N i S : JA] JVE ( )--A car in- weight-lifting and gymnastics were es 2s pgs aie of (the surance price war is being waged ROASTING CHICKENS, DUCKS, FOWL and PRE-DRESSED TURKEYS JELLO PUDDINGS 3 PKGS. 26 But a total o* 550.000 reservable OLD. INDUSTRY tween three types of automobile seats were still available for other 4 A J 4 insurance companies, is a boon to * events, and there will be standing: Brickmaking, cne of the oldest the motorist. Some policies are Culverhouse Quality Products GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE! room for 45,000 people each day. industries in Britain, was intro-'cheaper now than they were more Gen. Bridgeford warned that.duced by the Romans. than 25 years ago. TENDER, SWEET KERNELS -- CREAM STYLE! SPECIAL! EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE FRUIT ! CALIFORNIA FIRM CRISP ECONOMICALLY PRICED -- FIRM CHOICE GOLDEN CORN 2 "-: 27° | RIPE BANANAS 2 ..29- | Head Lettuce Armed Aggression must be met with Trained United Strength J reaLvaLue: SPECIAL! | CALIFORNIA FRESH GREEN TOP sz @ ron SY° cl . wa -- LARGE MIN CSINMEN AMM EIIIL AR CHOICE PEAS "wi" 2 "0 31° | New CARROTS 3... 25° | muzmmansye i DELICIOUS DESSERT -- CHOICE RED SPECIALY "|" A TASTY TREAT WITH YOUR EASTER DINNER Ruby Red PITTED CHERRIES 2 vi 31¢ | Sweel POTATOES 3 19° | GRAPEFRUIT § CULVERHOUSE -- CHOICE CULVERHOUSE -- CHOICE \ : LARGE Size DICED BEETS 2 7 23+ Dessert Pears 2 cr 35: | PASCAL CELERY 2: 19° |__ = 933° CULVERHOUSE -- FANCY CULVERHOUSE -- HALVES NO. 1 EL MORRO" SRAND = SUGAR SWEET SIZE 29 & Asparagus Tips '%0F 37¢ Choice Peaches 23 23 | CUBAN PINEAPPLE LARGE OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE OR JELLIED ROSE BRAND -- SWEET WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF EASTER CRANBERRY SAUCE MIXED PICKLES FLOWERS AND PLANTS © 16-0Z., ¢ TIN 23 JAR 33 EASTER LILIES -- HYDRANGEAS -- FRESH CUT DAFFODILS AND FANCY PANS DYSON'S SWEET GERKINS ror. 27+ FEATURES AT DOMINION MAKES 4 QUARTS OF NOURISHING SKIM MILK BISCUIT FEATURE! DAVID AND FRERE SPECIAL POWDERED SKIM MILK -- INSTANT MIAMIMARSHMALLOWS 'cow we 33° Borden's STARLAC " 35° ECONOMICAL SPREAD DELICIOUS! | FOR HAPPY EASTER EATING ~~ EASTER ASSORTED CANDY NUCOA 2 11 5g 12.02. IDEAL FOR A GIFT -- ASSORTED 14D, PKGS. CORONATION WHITE ONIONS ae 28° Regency Chocolates BOX 75° JUST HEAT AND SERVE! IDEAL LENTEN DISH CHATEAU CHEESE PLAIN OR 2.0¢ 27¢ Easter A R Gums 15.0Z. 29¢ IN TOMATO SAUCE -- COOKED 15:02 SPECIAL - = - - - D. so Heinz Spaghetti 2 ": 29° SPECIAL OFFER AT TIME OF PURCHASE WHITE OR BLUE -- 5c OFF PACK ROBINSON'S Cream Egg ocx ue 33° Breeze Delergent 'nc 36° CHRISTIE'S RITZ BISCUITS (3° 2I¢ McCORMICKS ¢ Cream Egg FOIL WRAPPED 3 FOR 2 4 SPECIAL OFFER! PACKAGE OR SEEDS VALUED AT 95¢. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE PARKAY MARGARINE 0% i 35¢ NON sc N SCUFF KRAFT MARSHMALLOWS '%%" 28 EVERY DAY VALUES SimonizWax ~~ 119 SHIRRIFFS GRAPE JELLY °o¢ 27c ALUMINUM FOILWRAP "oii ne 20° | vis ar rie of rorcase. ORGANDIE TOILET TISSUE 3 ,o, 29¢ Noesoiisavese AYLMER TOMATO JUKE 2 "ii 27° op be cppviprres wo.or 15 Cheese Spread ' 29° FROZEN FOOD FEA TURES KL EENEX TISSUES is 39¢ APs 2E37Y, TANGY, FLAVOR TO EASTER HAMS! MOOT -- OCEAN TaisH won. KOTEX NAPKINS 2, 2,,79¢ French's Mustard "5 23° ® . ® Royal Canadian Air Force SOLE FILLETS "oke. 43¢ GLENWOOD BLACK PEPPER ...: 14¢ HANseNs-- assorted 5 ox 3B Y dna ¢ \ HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 1°. wih O KETCHUP 25° Easter Jelly Beans * 29° AG LAING'S C.C. SAUCE soraie 23° Do your part to help Canada do her part! AYLMER --- FANCY SPECIAL PKGS. ofa). . GREEN PEAS no'3ie JAVEXJAVELWATER ji 25¢ Instant Icings 4 or ¢ Please mail me, without obligation, [ull perticul garding enlish CUDNEY -- FANCY GUARANTEED FRESH RICHMELLO ment requirements and openings wow available in the RCAF. ALT NOW -- MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY | "ried STRAWBERRIES - %.c' 38 GRADE A LARGE '| HOT CROSS BUNS rox 33° eo {| BIRDSEYE BROCCOLI "2%" 28 BRAESIDE EGGS lila or consult the Career Counsellor ot the RCAF Recruiting Unit, 27 St. Clair Ave, East, Toronte Er BIRDEYE SQUASH 1a0z, 21c ATTRACTIVELY PRICED ICE CREAM bil 25 y AL3-3