{ 1 Walt (Bucky) | Melbourne Games. He was a life Don Smythe of Toronto 17-18, 15-10, His eareer earnings totalled $72.'and 187 feet. Rheal Seguin of Ot-'tee, drew gasps from Australians BREAKS RECORD 12 _TAE DANY TIMESGAZETTE, Monday, March ¥, 19% ny ee Rene iA member of the Moatreal Amateur 15-11 471. tawa placed second with 219 points at a news conference when hel VANCOUVER (CP)--John Pave- Myre announced Wednesday. Athletic Association. Also ntering the round of four FLAM BEATS SEIXAS on jumps of 177 and 179. Eric gave the figure (400 million Rus-|jich, 30 - year - old high school | LeMyre said Teed has decided] His daughter Beth, a leading was Finn Kobbero of Denmark who MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Herb Flam Kurrle of Midland was third. sian rubles, which is $100,000,000 teacher, Saturday broke his own FUR FIN AND CAMPFIRE to continue an off-season job with candidate for the swimming team made an excellent recovery to won the men's singles title of the Only bad casualty of the day was at the official rate). | Canadian record by throwing the * ' a firm in Rochster, N.Y. Fiala he was to have managed, won eliminate Dave McTaggart of Van-| Good Neighbor tennis tournament|Claude Dupuis of Quebec City, Du-| Australia has allocated only £6,- shotput 48 ft. 2 in. at a Vancouver By JACK SORDS | telephoned LeMyre from his home Canada's amateur sports Hall of couver 11-15, 15-11, 15-8. {Sunday by defeating Vic Seixas,|Puis fell after jumping 190 feet. 000,000 (Australian) ($13,440,000) | Olympic Club indoor meet. Pave- lic Springfield, Mass., and told him Fame trophy for 1955. She was ETURN FROATS 13-6, 7-5, 6-3, 46, 7-5. The sixth-|{He spent the rest of the day in for the whoe Olympic Games, of iich, who was suffering from a he was through with baseball. |selected for her triple-victory ap- RET ranked United States amateur DOspital with' a broken nose and which £5,000,000 are for new sta-| heavy cold, bettered by four inches pearance at the Pan-American 'LAKELAND. Fla. (AP)--Detroit| from Berkeley, Calif., was down Severe facial lacerations. diums and £1,000,000 for admin-/the mark he set here in 1952. SO An, HEL Lah | Games. . Tiers RYiday feturied pitcher Bill 3-5 in the final set before overpow- REDS GO ALL OUT | istrative costs. | RCAF BEATEN S ", Ariz. }--, | Froats to Buffalo o e Interna-| i i RN : : abe afer Faul Rickirde Towrsisy foi] TAKES BADMINTON = |iival League on option. Froste, lia Se ma: © oe | BOURNE (APL_The Soviet Pesiih said, spociel stadiuzs . WEAF BEATEN rivers de emer Sie ung oof | GLASGOW (Reuters) -- Joe Al-|lefthander, had an 05 record with| In the senior singles, Ray Sum- 000 this Olympic year on sport. a Olympic tials. Pesliak 1s one of| Canadian air force hockey team In Quifilder pave Pope Oviclem must | ston, the United States champion Buffalo last yoay and as. 57 at mers of Toronto defeated Jack Russian official said Friday. a three-man Russian Olympic dele- Europe, were defeated 7-3 Friday ile hit. from South Pasadena, Calif, won Augusta, Ga. In the Sally League. Staton of St. Petersburg 6-1, 6-1. | Mikhail Pesliak, vice-president, gation visiting Melbourne to look night by the reinforced Oslo city Re Jreat Droieative helmets while Hit the mews Shales tile Sahirday HORSE DROPS DEAD | BUFFALO SKIER TOPS {of the Russian Olympics Commit- over Games preparations. I Tigrene team. PROLONG A HURRY, WASH -, | The Orioles have had the hel- 1 : | WESTBURY, N.Y. (AP)--Vonian| MIDLAND, Ont. (CP)--An after-| Prd AIR TE Ess Tien Torus { mets available all along, but Rich. tional Badminton tourngiment here: Chief, seven-year pacing star of noon snow storm, which used OON'T FOLD OR ROLL uP, ALCOHOL WHEN | ards has left it up to the individual nesia 15-2, 13-15, 15-12. the Arthur Brown Stable, dropped bad spills for several top skiers, WHEN STORING IT. EXPOSED TO THE | whether he wants to wear one dead while working out on the didn't faze Franz Elsigan of Buf- INFLATE IT SLIGHTLY AND AIR THEY Wi | Pope was hit in the back of his WINS JUNIOR TITLE Roosevelt raceway training track!'falo, N.Y., Sunday as he won the LAY IT FLAT HE Ly DRY |head on a pitch by Cleveland In- wrnneOR (CP)--Toronto West Friday. Midland Ski Club spring invitation |dians' Dick Tomanek in an exhi- ! captured it d .| Vonian Chief in 1954 once de- meet with a total of 220.2 points. ALCOHOL DRIES [ bition game. X-rays disclosed no Eid Y sapiured iis second congec feated Adios Harry, recognized as Elsigan showed good form and » WATER serious Injury. Association junior A championship the current king of the pacers. remained upright on leaps of 177 | DUCKS AHOY! Saturday night by whipping Wind- { r FAN ! Chaar Blues 91-43, winning NEW YORK (AP)--William G.| Sor. I Ta Ing | RE Leitch, chief biologist of Ducks Un. (ielf {ogame ftotal-polnts title Sas limited, reported to New York headquarters Wednesday he had BEAT CANADIANS sighted the season's first flock of 4 J HOPPERS, CRAW- =~ WILL LIVE LONGER IF TIED TO THE mallards returning to the Cana. , GLASGOW (AP) -- Joe Alston, Take no more chances 4 during PROVINCIAL'S Easter » FISH ETC, "a HOOK WITH LIGHT, FLEXIBLE WIRE dian nesting grounds. The mi. (Dé American singles champion, ¥ : . reached the semi-finals of the : x : easly bij iA Sieh jucsiay lest invitation badminton tournament with unidentified fuels and snow geese also were sighted here Friday night by defeating Sunday. | | GAIN SEMI-FINALS i a ¢ ats > ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (AP)-- b i Whe {Lewis Hoad and Jack Arkinstall BORGANA SPECIAL {of Australia gained the semi-final J By round of the Alexandria interna- CLOTH COATS 4 | i i BUDGET TERMS FISHIN sii J = = > L IS " 7 Pa 7 Son Xe 5 = 4 am tional tennis tournament Wednes- i - IGAT BE RUGS ar ay. , 3 A \ aL BE WARM EDGES OF THE bs a : Hoad, the Aussies' No. 1 Davis 4 y hy \k " - Low THE STRINGER Fish LIFE BUT THE GOLF STREam ~~» | Cup ace, defeated Bob Perry of NEW ; SA $1.25 A WEEK ITSELF HAS LITTLE LIFE { Los Angeles 6-1, 11-9. Arkinstall | A + LI'L. ABNER Bitrtbutnd by King Posteres Syndionts | turned back Jaroslav Drobny of < Egypt, former Wimbledon chaie FUR PROCESS pion, 6-3, 6-2, ) ; : Hi SPORTS IN BRIEF | zene, cua (CR y en o@@l' | wore (ROMY cox... sau the US Devic Cop f knocked aut by Willie Toweel Mon- 4 | vont Skydigh vagelin dows ON NEW BASIS jtain of the U.S. Davis Cup team day night, died Wednesday night f . : ances when you switc y -- The 1956 for a fourth consecutive time Fri- after being unconscious 52 hours. | ' v4 phish WLR golf champion- ay, |Essakow suffered a hemorrhage THE COLOR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY Here's your chance to go Shs to Dominion Royal "8% ship tournament will operate on WOLVES SIGN WINGER oF, te Dram, Siter being kriocked | --a { tubeless and SAVE Tubeless. a new basis, with a qualifying LONDON (AP)--Wolverhampton e round by Toweel. Don't take a chance with fuel or weather! Replenish MONEY . rouse that hi ee tue i) Wanderers, English first ghision UNDER PRESSURF | your bin NOW with 'blue coal'. Come snow, cold or . field in the title event I 7" soccer team, Thursday signed right NEW YORK (AP) -- Tenley Al- i : . ers ; winger Harry Hooper from West bright, the Olympic and US. FURS bitter temperatures, you'll be all set with a fuel you Details of the new arrangement, yan, {pited for a reported trans- women's figure skating champion, KNOW will give you better heat, more economy, more which will be on a trial basis, gon fon of £25000 said Wednesday she has been un i spent! basis 25, s sday s - on, more value for every cent t! were announced Thursday by sec- "..pivine Winger" Hooper, 22, is satisfaction, J y fide = ---- aseew WATT VIM ann : der pressure to turn professional, 1 Ss E retary Bill Hamilton of the Royal ,ie4' for his speedy bursts down °°. 70 Kin t. E., ! t acquainted with a fuel that takes Canadian Golf Association oo wing and prin shooting However, I am not even con- 9 Order now! Get acq along with the Canadian junior jand's B team and twice for Eng- had," the Newton Center. Mass. RA 3-7921 | BLUE--your identification, your protection, your REMAINING TREAD OF YOUR TiRES, NO BREAKS championship and the interprovin- janis under 23 team. " Cup, will b~ t 'd at the Edmuw NAMES S SWIM OFFICIALS a pleasure trip to London. ston, NB. . if club the .ck MONTREAL (CP) -- President! Swi MANAGER DIES FUR 670-15 || $14.00 | $13.00 | $11.00 | $ 9.00 | $ 8.00 | $3.00 FOR LOW COST AUTOMATIC HEATING 16.00 14.00 13.00 11.00 9.00 3.00 vill 36-hol dal- " i ati 710-15 . 1 J A k There will be a ole medal: Amateur Swimming Association, ta] well-known city sportsman STORAGE play qualifying round the first tWo announced Thursday that Fred . Sports : €€N Olympics swimming team, money, time, trouble . . . with the 'blue match play Aug. 15. named general manager of Can-' Priday. ing team, died SPECIALISTS coal' TempMaster. "Electric Eye" 800-15 18.00 16.00 14,00 13.00 11.00 3.00 Olympic Games and Tommy pi y RIO de JANEIRO (AP)--Bra: Walker of Toronto the coach. |S _2Ppointment last week for the ing room ...gives you simple, inexpen- Thursday when told they had mis- also establish the Canadian cham- understood heavyweight champion pionships, will be held in Toronto going to fight a Brazilian boxer in| MILAN, Italy (AP) -- Wallace an exhibition. Instead he's going to (Bud) Smith, world lightweight t The 1956 Canadian Amateur, Ho has played five times for Eng sidering the many offers I have every risk out of coal buying--'blue coal' is colored cial team play for the Willingdon girl added before leaving by air on guarantee of the world's finest anthracite. | Tire Size 8/32" 7/32" 6/32" 5/32" 4/32" | Smooth starting Aug. 13. Don Mitcham of the Canadian MONTREAL (CP) -- Fred Whit- jus g Vonat~"e : Cut down basement trips... save fuel, . days. The 64 qualifiers will start Whnoas® ot Sirvaay, that Fred|just named manager of Con: 760-15 17.00 15.00 13.00 12.00 10.00 3.00 pe ada' vi ing t at the 1956 i ; ha : MISUNDERSTOOD HIM 2S Dyunmng leam e His death in hospital followed thermostat regulates dampers from liv- 820-15 18.00 16.00 14.00 13.00 11.00 3.00 zilians were keenly disappointed The Olympic trials, which will sive, automatic heating day and night. gt Ae Dl a . . DEAL RIGHT...DEAL WHERE TIRES ARE A SPECIALTY... NOT A SIDELINE hibition here next Tuesday. J x i They thought Marciano was SET FIGHT DATE Order blue coal now gym work and other things. . . ."" | nounced Thursday. HOME FOR DODGERS | Mian Er Ld tle match in NOW IN STOCK ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--A bill de- ished because of financial reasons signed to establish a Brookiyn : sports centre, to be the home of ROYALS LOSE TWO BA 8 T iM DIAL ; TIRE LU. LID. | 48 BOND ST. W. 5 RA 5-6511 "Ontario's Largest Tire Sales And Service Organizatios' 43 KING Ww, RA 5-3589 skip rope champion, will meet Duilio Loi, MOLDED PLYWOOD HULLS | ! "They asked me to do something European titleholder in a 10-round, { J -_ for the Leprosy Fund! fhe champ Dom-title Jiznt ia Milan, in June, DOMINION said. *'I sai would put on a Vittorio Strumolo, director of the demonstration of rope skipping, Societa Imprese Sportive, an- Transoms, Knees, Molded Dashes ROYAL | ] Brooklyn's baseball Dodgers, MONTREAL (CP)--The Mont- A squeaked through to final legisla-\ real Royals Baseball Club, last Pp [« ) RB T 3.9311 tive passage in the Senate Wed- year's International League pen- i nesday. ., nant winners, have lost the ser- As a home-rule measure, it vices of catcher Dick Teed and . needed a two-thirds majority for a passage--or 39 of the chamber's 58 members. The first tally, fol- ® owing no party line, showed 38-18 y ---- | Then Sen. George T. Manning,| k we ew ; Rochester Republican, switched his| vote to "see that baseball stays in Brooklyn." : The bill would permit New York City to establish a Brooklyn sports centre authority empowered to sell | $30,000,000 in bonds to finance the| project. Proposed site of the centre] is a 500-acre tract to be cleared in the Flatbush Ave. Long Island Ret Soh eb SAFE AGAINST CUTS & RUPTURES NAME TALBERT ; a . i ew EL" : ini : : : NEW YORK (AP) -- William) ot NOW THE STRENGTH OF STEEL combines positioned in a double layer under the vital (Billy) Talbert was namde cap-| with the proved features of an advanced "Super tread area. So strong is this SAFETY STEEL Raoyalon" body (0 form a new kind of truck SHIELD, it makes the tire completely safe ° tive (hat ends failure from road hazards. against rupture, bruises and impacts. Ose led Powerlul cables, sealed in live rubber, are BREWING COMPANY it dh / < STEEL IN SAFETY STEEL) gy 1p 0.R.H.A ENDS FAILURE FROM ROAD HAZARDS LLL LLL], SR. HOCKEY / / h | / i at Py " YHE VITAL Tire meets axe the Impact forces the sharp cutting edge deep Into the tire wothrough the tread and then It's stopped , , , right at the steel barrier! (Semi-Final 7) Tn SAFETY (STEEL) gy fe 1p NAL ARIA SUTTON @ jit I | / PREVENTS IMPACT & BRUISE DAMAGE Vs J ' 4 } { } { Sharp penetrating objects are stopped by the SAFETY STEEL SHIELD . | y J J Fo before they can penetrate the body fabric and cause serious damage. PICKERING J TL! SAFETY (STEEL) sy ELD VITAL AREA TONIGHT » Y< if] / | HEN, STOPS GROWTH & TREAD CRACKING / 4 / biitit) Tread strains are minimized. Tensions of flexing and "stretch are : MARCH 26th i F247, blocked by the SHIELD... prevented from affecting the tread. GOOD ROADS ARE SAFE ROADS ; / bel / 4 i» or ; Support the Canadion 8.30 # kd ii Ei) Dominion Rubber <5: . p.m. p \ EERE i [AUBSER] +... help make our highways safe WHITBY "DOMINION ROYAL TIRES ARE AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING DEALER" COMMUNITY . Provincial Jire (o Oiee/es 48 BOND ST. W: TELEPHONE RA 5-6511 BREWING COMPANY LIMITED