THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE. Thursday, March 2, 1958 23 COURTICE | me 23 CAVE TIME- GAVE EFFORT CLASSIFIED ADS | (Continued from Page 23) 50--Articles For Sale WALNUT DESK TABLE, CHINA CAB- inet, glass, writing desk, floor lamp, board, lawn mower, galvanized wash tubs, other articles. 126 Fernhill Blvd. 69% Spring Tea Is Arranged MRS. C. W. THOMPSON Correspondent COURTICE -- The Courtice Woman's Association met recently in the afternoon. Mrs. Stan 'iaytor read the scrip- ture and Mrs. O. Robertson gave the devotional theme. Mrs. Nich- olls led in prayer. The committee for the spring LADY'S DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES and suit, all size 18-20. All in good con- dition. Reasonable. RA 5.2797. 69a 3% YARDS DRAPERY NATERIAL, Haral pater, , grey background, [tea are: convener, Mrs. E. Gatch- diches Wide, Dis] RS sus $l ell, Mrs. E. Essery and Mrs. R. COLODARE ICE-BOX, IN GOOD CON-|Cook as assistants. dition, $12. Dial RA 3-9214. 6%! Mrs. E. Essery gave a musical CONTENTS OF MODERN HOME number on her accordion. Mrs. C. also portable typewriter, man's bicycle, | Penfound, convener of Citizenship '52 Chevrolet sedan delivery. RA 5-2686. group, led in a panel discussion $a on "The Unmarried Mother and 1.Loyp | Her Child." The questions and an- Phone Rs | SWers told about girls going to #84 | Victor Home and the Dies in gen- leral and adoption rules. THREE PIECE CHESTERFIELD, | "y nob was served by the com-| Xue and Tay, 3, Avply 256 Yer mittee, The next meeting will be| on April 19 in the evening. DINING - ROOM SUITE, LIKE NEW. EVENING AUXILIARY dresser and chest of drawers. Apply 53| "yh March meeting of the Eben. | - ezer Evening Auxiliary was held PHILLIPS ~ FIDELITY RECORD at the Sunday School room on player, table model, three months old.| pridsy evening at this meeting. Apaiy 247 King Street West, At. Mothers of the Baby Band mem. o bers were guests. B.F. SOCDRICH STORES, FIRES, 247 Mrs. Charles Elliott, president,| teries, Kelvinator refrigerator Televi: ,n0,04 the meeting by welcom-| wou "Turifly budge: plan. RA $4543, 2 oe the guests. She gave a brief report of the Presbyterial held in Oshawa on Ichiuary Zi. Mrs. Elliott turned the meeting over to Mis. Alex Muir, one oi (the baby band leaders. Guests a Th TD ERMANENT BEFORY were welcomed by Mrs. Muir. on " g "I! Mrs. Harry Gay in charge of Simcoe ny ie | devotional, chose as the theme, March 24, 1956. Mar 20| "'Mothers." Mrs. Robert Muir and - Mrs. Murray Osborne favored NE By Ea AND i EXCHANGE with a duet, "Beyond The Sun- o Simeoe Street, South. March 22 set." Mrs. Wilfred Brown gave ALL CHANNEL SUPER BEAMA RooF | Several humorous readings. aerials installed, $39.50. Aerials repaired | Mrs. Muir called on Mrs. L. M. | and moved. Kelly T.V. RA 5-5121. Mar.13| Somerville who gave an interest- | x |ing talk on her work as a nurse in mission hospitals in Manitoba and Northern Ontario and siress- ing the need of workers to carry on missionary work. A delicious lunch with Mrs. Alex Muir Jack Gay in charge. GRAND UNION'S QUALITY POLICY INSURES SATISFACTION MARGARINE ~~~ 27 ALMOST NEW DELUXE light carriage, silver grey. §-1460. BICYCLES, TRICYCLES NEW AND used. Repairs to ali makes. Apply Dray- ton's Cycle 204 Bond Street East one block east of Division Street. April? BLUE AND GOLD AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Fold-| ing chairs, card and banquet tables for rent, Cleve Fox, Oshawa. Apr. 14 DOG AND CAT FOOD 16-0Z. TINS PIANO, UPRIGHT, EVANS, GOOD CON- dition, best offer. Dial RA 35-8309. 69¢ VON SCHRADER WALL WASHING MA- chine for sale. New. Reasonable. Apply 145 Ritson Road South after 5 p.m i Gs was served SR . and "Mrs. VISITING DAY P The next meeting will be held Sunday was visiting day for | and other supplies to 70 strikers 69 at the church April 11 with Maple' sitdown strikers at a tool-making including » women ho Were AM SHAVEMASTER AND| Grove Auxiliary as guests and| plant in the Toronto suburb of protesting the ring o work- hh i for same. Cutting heads, Mrs. George Reynolds as speaker.| Etobicoke. Families brought food | ers after the owner refused de- | | Jp eee S-- e-- --- KEDRON { mands for unionising the firm. Owner A: W. Mall says that he will close down the plant and return home to Chicago. 16-0Z. JAR REGULAR Mar. 28 GARLIC 8-0L. ROQUEFORY TUMBLER 1-18. CELLO BAG Burnham and Mrs. Glen dren an illustrated story, "Living' | by the Cross." | Mrs. Alf. Prentice resigned from |. Ihere was a good crowd at the the parsonage commiitee and it/ Community dance on Saturday The door prize was won VELVEETA CHEESE * 49: PARD 96029] c | cic DILL PICKLES 2Te BEANS wn PORK 33 2121: | sissy SOUP 2-23: WHITE HONEY ~2u.tin57: BISCUITS CHEEZ PLEEZ MARMALADE McLAREN'S -- GARLIC John ¢ NEW BOAT, 21 FEET LONG, 7 FEET | Hood. BISCUITS wide, 3 feet deep. Sell cheap. Call RA 32184. 66f AYLMER 24-01. JAR RANGETTE, OVEN CONTROL, LIKE mew, also combination coal and wood with four burner electric range. Per- fect condition. Dial 3-9128. [ J} USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, #3 up. B. F. Goodrich Store, RA 34543. Mar. 2 Special Rededication And Communion Servic Is Arranged | KEDRON -- Palm Sunday was |take her place. A discussion took place as to The guest of honor was showered is to phone the members and get 2 | night. was voted that Mrs. Cecil Fralick), Mervyn Allin; the elimination | 1ance by Dorothy and Jim Bryan whether a turkey supper be held 4, Mrs. Ross Law and Ken Mec-| lin the fall Each group convener| Minn, | EARLY MORN COFFEE ind the potato dance prize went The Scout and Cub father and] GRAND 1-LB. 89: 1-18. PURE BITTER 31¢ 31¢ CHRISTIE! 14-07. CARLTON PKG. 1-18. COFFEE 1.03 with many beautiful gifts. a complete vote regarding this. |son banquet will be held on Sat- 29¢ chserved at Kedron on Sunday UNION 118 18. d Rigily UPHOLSTERED WICKER | ith, Rev, R. H. Rickard preach- aod watching SShle; eiicems and {ing from John 12, verse 13. double panel bed and mattress. Call RA| Next Sunday there is to be a Mrs. Harvey Pascoe was among | those who enjoyed the St. Pat- Wednesday, March 28, at the rick's tea and Hat Show at Simcoe | church. Woollens are to be col- Group 2 will have its supper on|drday, March 24, at 6.30 p.m. in the Community Hall, with the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary serving MARGARINE = Nvcos FROZEN FOOD FEATURES LIBBY'S FROZEN PEAS pkgs. 3 9. AYLMER FROZEN GREEN BEANS 2:39 SUCCESS HEAVY DUTY the drinks. | The Community Association was unable to complete its cast for he three - act play they had! hosen, so they are 4 paring wo one -/act plays. luese will »e. pr d with a variety show m_April 7. | promises to be a big eve-! "ing, of entertainment for the Com- | nunity so keep the date in mind. | A number of trees have been cut down on Thornton's road orth, and street lights are being AUDLEY MILDRED PUCKRIN | Correspondent | AUDLEY -- Memorial Hall, Oshawa, on Wed- lected for the hospital before the nesday. lend of March. Mrs. Everson Norton and Craig| On Sunday our pastor, Robert of Brougham spent a few days at Newman, used the theme "The I Kedron last week visiting her par-| Mystery of I Am," for his sermon. are urged to attend this sacra-|ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mount-/ The choir was in attend an ot ment, and to record personal joy, and her sisters here. . |sang "We Shall Shine as the BARONS' Home Furnishings 424 SIMCOE ST. S. 51867. $3¢ special Rededication service and p Ek A for all s, as Kitchen Chrome Sets a climax to the visitation and Reg. $79.95 - $149.95 national evangelistic campaign just completed here. All members ONLY $59.50 UP Terms CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND R PRIME RIB AW | BR SIZE Cur 0AS ib. 3 THE LOWEST PRICE IN MANY, MANY YEARS, FOR THE VERY FINEST MEAT, MONEY CAN BUY! STOCK YOUR FREEZER NOW! rededication by Placing the de-| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchannon|g¢arg tachable end of the NEM card, left| and Marion, Oshawa; Clifford Tre- Don't # t the W.A by the visiting elder, on the offer-(gunna and Jack Neer, Toronto; |o in Jorge Bud Tags. gl ing plate next Sunday. and Miss Mavis Tregunna, Brook-| ig av, eS at al e A Good Friday service is to bel|lin, were recent guests of Mr. and |€THCl. Sroup 2 in charge. held at Kedron on Friday, March Mrs. Albert Tregunna. The Home and School Club held 30, at 8 p.m 4 Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Mrs. | euchre party at the Community Sunday School attendance re Harvey Pascoe and Mrs. Harold | hall last Friday. High prizes were mains constant at 88. Keith Tre.|Verry. were guests on Friday eve-|Won by Miss Marcia Chandler and 9.50 UP gunna read a missionary story;|MDE at a party given by Mrs. F.|Mrs. Cameron Aldred (playing as ONLY $99. Snd_ Superintendent Harold Werry|Langmaid, Oshawa. a man). Low prizes were won by Easy lerms announced that the Rev. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis were Mrs. John Beckett and John Gib. irs | Thursday evening guests of Mr. son. The lone hand prize was won BARONS' Heme Furnishings {Pastels Furuse, ax Somented to and Mrs. Campbell Hamer, Sol- by John Beckett. Lunch was 424 SIMCOE ST. §. | 17, |ina. served. TL Almivarsssy oe Jue Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love| A euchre, in aid of the hospital, IClass disc and Mrs, W. Were Friday evening guests of {will be held at the Community Sharp wah guest teacher of the Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pascoe, Osh- hall on Wednesday, March 28, fol- United Links class of Young Peo-|3%2: lowing the W.A. supper. Every-| % | Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke and one is invited to attend. {John and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, To-| We are Mrs. t son, glad to know that Mrs. | isi Columbus - Kedron Young Peo-|T00t0, Were Sunday visitors in the Russell Pogue is home again after and Darrell, visited Mr. and Mrs. ple's Union met at Kedron on" Ton Dy to 308 her recent operation at the Port Disk Sona, Oshawa, on Saturday| ry ay d bi Wg rs [Everett Mountjoy back in his od Elsie." OF| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin and recreation president, Ann Snow- ular place at Kedron on Sunday ; - family visited her parents, Mr. and den, conducted business which Sfier Bis enforced absence. - Th Me Walt? Slinger, * Chew e {centred largely on plans for a youngest = Cjdant on Sumday THORNTON'S CORNERS Sympathy is extended to the Wil-| hort play to be presented in the "23 @ very young lady whom jo vo i gn Bg Fong al pr many of us have been waiting: to liam Bell family in the death of M any Attend Mr. Bell's brother, John Bell, of FRESH, LEAN, MEATY WITH OR WITHOUT Cc see for the first time, in th DRESSING 0. i me, in the per- : Ig igo Junior Farm.| oR of Baby Muriel Phrnlh Toronto, | ib A number in the community have | 4 ib. 49. MRS. CHARLES WHITE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry and! Correspondent ers Deve attended the leadership church with her mother, Mrs % : en confined to their homes with, colds and different forms of = : SIDE BACON ons, Donald and Dennis, were| THORNTON'S CORNERS --The| Py ib 33 eo James Pengelly. AUSTRIAN ACTOR WIENER unday tea guests of Mrs. Werry's' Sunday School attendance went sen, movie actor and a member S 39. course held this past week at Master Jimmy Pengelly VIENNA (Reuters)--Max Paul: rother, Orville Jackson, and 'his|over 100 on Sunday afternoon. |of the Vienna Burg theatre singe SAUSAGE Port Perry under the leadership g,, of Harold Harton of Community qa Program's Branch, Toronto. The ife and family, Brooklin. Rev. Cecil Nelson told th il-| 18 Mrs. Percy Mountjoy and Gloria | 0 e chil-| 1898, died here at age 79. had Sunday supper with Gloria's| GROUND BEEF 29. GRAND UNION course has been greatly enjoyed, and will be continued this week j it Uxbridge. he weekend. Lorne Tregunna and | " Bob Holiday have also enjoyed Tan arcnis, Mir. and Mrs. W. TODAY'S CROSSWORD hrec-¥y Junior Farmers' Con-| Mr and Mrs. Douglas Love at.| Douglas, Robert and Wintry weather sti . 3 still $ . Silent Misses Kent Gerrow and Mar: ut tulips south of our home ls At fun : garet Fry attended the Golden wing two inches of fresh green speed - 12. By oneself best wishes are extended for many more years of happiness and 16. Pronouns 17. Distant man's section where she wag the| SCUGOG "ISLAND Grace |school tacher a fev: jcars ago.[United Church WA held its March PORK SAUSAGE i service on Thursday afternoon for charge of the meeting. Mrs. Neil APPROX. TOTAL «11 LES, the late David McKenzie. Known Lamont read the scripture. for many years, Mrs. Willlamland this was won by Mrs, Evelyn Spry, who is also the present well- Maynard. Brought Good Tenant: |PERSONALS meeting i i ; : g is Mrs. Sidney Chandler, | Mrs. Douglas Love was a guest yr" 0 Cherrie, Mrs. Keith used for the parsonage. The ittle bags were given to each| Lousville, Ky. Allin, bride-to-be, of Newcastle. nard. Committee in charge is Mrs.! i) Apr.1 BEDROOM SUITES Reg. $139.95 . $279.95 PKGS. PIANOS (APARTMENT SIZE) FOR Reg. $639.50 ONLY $539.50 Easy Terms BARONS' Home Furnishings 424 SIMCOE ST. §. Apr.) pie YPU MEETING FOR ONLY $100 DOWN Wa will completely furnish your home with the newest 1956 Brand Names Furniture and Appliances, HERE IS WHAT YOU GET: 2-Pe. Chesterfield Suite Television Set 5-Pe. Kitchen Chrome Set Refrigerator Bedroom Suite Spring and Mattress 4-Burner Range Washing Machine Coffee Table 2 Step or End Tables Trilite Lamp 2 Table Lamps Racker or Occasional Chair PAYMENTS ONLY £9.95 WEEKLY BARONS' 424-426 SIMCOE ST. 8. The Finest in Furniture and Appliances" GRAND UNION RINDLESS EXTRA LEAN : spent day with his aunt and uncle Joe Snowdens, Eldad. | GRAND UNION 1-18. CELLO PKG. 1-LB. PKG. SRAND UNION LITTLE LINK DELUXE 20 VOL. NEW WORLD FAMILY ENCYCLOPEDIA VOL. No. § ONLY S40. Start Your Set To-Day PEAMEAL WHOLE OR HALF |cial Campers' Reunion held at| { suelph Agricultural College over Brooklin Club. randfather, Mr. J / 1. Freight Mr. and Mrs. Howard Famndale.| ate of trav Ton a, Stevens, | 1 EvelgM FRESH MADE GROUND HOURLY BURN'S BIG 3-LB. TIN FAMILY VARIETY PACKAGE RED BRAND BLADE ROAST EXTRA LEAN GROUND CHUCK - vss RIB END PORK LOIN APPROX. Apr. 4 LBS, HOME AID Soap-bars last longer wrapped and left to "age" several weeks before using. Moisture dries out, makes soap harder, more durable For more "'durable" toke your time prospects carefully ads reach folks looking for places in every section of town. Describe your vacancy accurately, choose your ten- ant patiently ond he's more likely to stay longer. Call RA 3.3492 for g helpful ad- writer, APPROX. if un- 3V4-LBS. tenants, selecting Classified SAVE DOUBLE at GRAND UNION LOW, LOW PRICES PLUS G.U. GOLDEN PREMIUM CERTIFICATES EACH 25¢. PURCHASE ENTITLES YOU TO BUY ONE CERTIFICATE FOR 5c. tremens (abbr,) 34. Greek lettes 36. Indefinite article 37. Girl's namé bride - elect o OPEN THURS. & FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. WHITBY AJAX CORNER DUNDAS and PERRY SHOPPING PLAZA : and Mrs. Walter LUCKY TRAVELLER and family were Saturday Supper | TOKYO (Reuters)--Pan Ameri- guests of the Kenneth Powell -fam- PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL 6 P.M. SAT, MARCH 24TH. Ronald Werry attended Provin- 'ention, as representatives of the "ended the funeral of the latter's Al Wedding celebration held at the| rowth home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Fam | -------- cale, Whithy, honoring Howard's SCUG 13. Concise parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samue LAN 14. Farndale. Our congratulations and SCUGOG ISLAND 15. Allowance for weight - | (comm.) health, together. Ladies Plan Word of the passing of Mrs. } |Musray Yison, the oltther Morls Quiltin Bee '18, Sloth ones, 0 anchester, er | g 9. Pinaceous year, saddened folk in the Pere $ {To her young daughter, Melody Meeting with an attendance of 15 Ann, and to her husband, may ladies. The president, Mrs. Keith we extend our sympathy. |Crozier, presided, Many neighbors and friends| Prayer was offered by Mrs. |from Kedron attended the funeral Crozier. Mrs. John Burnham took {from his boyhood to many in this| Mrs. Alan Carter read an amus community, David attended school ing article entitled "Gossip" and in the Pereman's section here, 37 Mrs. John Burnham read 'Will| years ago, when his teacher was|Trouble.' Mrs. Alan Carter led in! "Miss Margart Robinson," Dow (a contest guessing beans in a jar, loved teacher at this same school.| Donations to the birthday shoe Gur sympathy goes out to mem- was. made by Mrs. John Burn- {bers of his family, as with them, ham, Mrs. Alf. Prentice, Mrs. ye feel the loss of a long-time Cecil Fralick and Mrs. Hastid. |friend. Lunch committee for the April HOUSE, SIX ROOMS, VICINITY [of Mrs. L. Booth, Oshawa, at a. Celina ond Bruce streets. Reason- Shower, ad party honoring Miss Crozer, and Mrs. Douglas Cro- able rent. Dial RA -- {Apel »astman, f A cheque for $50 was received Mr. Davis from the Oshawa Preshytery to 1 can World Airways presented a'ily, Columbus. {lady for the five-cent per week string of pearls to Mrs. Betty E.| Mrs. Murton Walter entertained Project. Another $10 was recelv-| Beard, the 250,000th passenger cousins and a few friends at her ed in payment for a quilt flown across the Pacific by the home on Thursday evening, fo A quilting bee will be held at airline since September, 1947. She's honor her niece, Miss Claire|the home of Mrs. Evelyn May 44. Squander 45. Hair cut short across the forehead'