ESEEERE LB | Pr THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, 1 Thursday, March 15, 1956 GERMANS OFFERING NEW CHEAP PLANE West Germany by Dr. Hermann Winter. 'fhe "Wren King", priced This plane which costs no more than a car has been built in at $1,500, cruises at 100m.p.h, and | has a landing The designer Hail Amazing Col Hess speed of 30 m.p.h. hopes that the ing enthusiasts CHANGE HEADQUARTERS VIENNA (AP)--Radio tablis little plane will prove popular among Germany's post-war fly- Prague says the new headquarters of the Communist-dominated World Fed- erati joa of Trade Unions will be es- hed in the Czechoslovak capi- Mushrooms SNOW WHITE NO. 1 w 4Qe WHITE FOOD STORES SWIFT'S PREMIUM BLUE BRAND BEEF CROSS CUT -- ENGLISH STYLE SHORT RIB ROAST SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- AYOVAC -- SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS Ya Pieces SWIFT'S PREMIUM 43:| FRANKS D9: | BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 35 Sidea 33: 1-Ib. BEST BUY CHASE & SANBORN BEST BUY tal. The federation formerly had adquarters in Vienna, but the 4 istrian interior ministry ordered mp Fresh PRODUCE fg CROWN say- Founder Of Orph anage be re-living your life," he served. "1 find myself back with regret about things I should have done. HOLLYWOOD - Col. Dean Hess was in Holl a this week with 25 of his children. The kids were flown in from Korea, where they live in an "For instance, I remember dur- orphanage which Hess founded and ing the early days of the war helps support. They are here to when a poor youngster like one of act in 'Battle Hymn," the film these came up to me in a street version of the colonel's amazing in Seoul and begged for some- thing. I had the equivalent of 50 cents in my pocket, but I had , lean, handsome and darR- been saving it to buy something haired, was at Universal-Interna- tional when his charges arrived, to send home. I let the Korean and he rushed forward to greet officers I was with shoo him them affectionatley. The kids, who away." ranged from 2 to 8, changed their. «when I got back to the base, peat outfits to tattered clothes, I kept worrying about that boy which is how Hess found many That 50 cents would have meant of fhem in Strife ore Korea, " so much to him." While he watc over the wide- ; The Hess story, which will be td Youngsters, he talked about portrayed by Rock Hudson, begins y/ in Marietta, Ohio, where he was Yes, it a minister in the Church of the Djseiples of Christ. The preacher, who had flown his light plane to Lloyd Visits churches around Ohio, joined the FLEW 63 MISSIONS en- urion "A commission as a chaplain J came through after I had grad- Off y T » Ii uated as a first lieutenant," he re- air force during the Second World w called. "But I sent it back. I felt JERUSALEM (Reuters) -- For- is somewhat eerie to ar. that I couldn't ask my neighbor to bear arms against the enemy if 1 dida't do mys. I : felt I could accomplis more a eign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd of regular officer than as a chap Britain left Israel today for Trip- jain' oli, Libya, after a 22-hour visit on yo. flaw "63 fighter-bomber mis the last leg of a Middle-East tour. gions in Europe, During one of While here he held private talks thom a homb dropped acciden with Israel's Premier David Ben- ta)ly' He later learned that it fell Gurion and Foreign Minister on "an orphanage. - This weighed Moshe Sharett. He also saw Maj. heavily on his mind Gen. E. L. M: Burns of Canada, During the Korean War he United Nations chief truce super- helped organize the South Korean visor. wa : Air Force and flew 250 mission In another border incident in the himself. He was touched by the tense Palestine area, an Israeli pitiful bands of orphans in that military spokesman said an Israeli wretched land and decided to do policeman was slightly wounded by something about it. He took over a Jordanian sniper who fired a an old government building on single shot from the Jordan sec- Chenju and airlifted the orphans tion of Bartaa Tuesday. out of the combat zones He also said Egyptians tried to 'We had over 1,000 at first," he invade Israeli territory from the said, "but 200 died in the first Gaza strip, but retreated after an two months. Death was a kindness exchange of gunfire with an Is- to them." raeli patrol. Now there are 714 in the orphan "I Hope They're al Home THIS Time" e IT'S discouraging to a young businessman, like your newspaper- boy, to be unabie to collect his ac- counts on time. To have to call again and again for his money-- and meanwhile pay for the paper out of his own pocket -- soon dampens any boy's enthusiasm for his first business venture ! DON'T let it happen to YOUR friendly, reliable carrier! Have the mone ready on his regular collection ! Remember, he counts on ou to pay promptly-- just as you count on him to deliver the paper punctually. ob-' age, looking « movie po it out of the country Feb. 4, and Hess has donated trom his book and to its support, pro ing the trality activities 00 n° br * RN ys gli Austria's Soviet-imposed neu- was threatened by WFTU 4 My JAVEX wash is SNOWY WHITE I; 1] hig whiter - 0000" and GERM-F REE to INSTANT COFFEE 25¢ Off 10c Off GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS 2 15-0z. Tins FINEST QUALITY -- FLUFFY WHITE Eastern Potatoes SOLID HEADS -- JUMBO SIZE Iceberg Lettuce 2-29: NEW SPRING CROP -- TENDER Green Cabbage FRESH, FLAVORFUL -- CALIFORNIA Cauliflower TEA BAGS Finest Orange Pekos 50-1b, Bog 100 Bags BEST BUY WAGSTAFFE'S ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT Ib. MARMALADE 3 1 2 2 5. Large Head LIBBY'S TOMATO 21 _| CATSUP dm | SUPREME BRAND -- SWEET MIXED 21 PICKLES 16-0x. Jar A Lenten Treat rere ea More than a bleach and stain-remover, "JAVEX"/ safeguards family health No other laundering product exceeds JAVEX'| ¥ in low-cost, germ-killing efficiency. "JAVEX" keeps kitchen and bathroom sweet disinfects as it cleans... and sanitary too. Keep 3 bottles handy, use "JAVEX" every day! KILLS GERMS CLEANS 4 REMOVES STAINS | DEODORIZES : BLEACHES i 4 SIZES--16, 32, 64 and 128 025. * gl f Wecrg * REMOVES sth a a Was ' pe A Ae Bn HB Beauty Soap 2 Large Pkgs. Fab Detergent 2 4x 59 53: MONARCH BROWNIE & WHITE 21: Cake Mix 2.31 Tuna Fish 39: 31 Mufets Swifts Prem 17 Windex Spray =: 37 {| Margarine 499: Cheez Whiz = 29: Cheez Whiz 49: Va Price Both Sale for 7-ox. Tin Coupon Pack 12-0x. Tin 2-1b. Tin FOR CLEAN WINDOWS 20-o0x. Bottle 8-ox. Jar 16-0x. Jar DAINTY RICE 2: CHIEF BRAND BROOMS 99. Fine, Medium, Coarse BULLDQG STEEL WOOL 2 or 33: 200's -- Regular or Chubby KLEENEX TISSUES 2 for 39. Butterscotch or Chocolate SHIRRIFS SUNDAE TOPPINGS Sturdy 4-String Red & White Tea Bags CWE Salada Tea Bags «79° LIPTON'S PURE 265 Orange Pekoe Tea ° 9-0z. 31. QUAKER INSTANT OATS 39: Jar Baker's Chocolate CHIPS Va PRICE SALE 2 33 6-ox. Pkgs. 44-o0x. Pkg. Corn Syrup A Red & White Store Near You SPROULE'S McKENNA'S SPROULE'S CORNER KING At RITSON SUPERMARKET 948 SIMCOE N CORNER SIMCOE At MILL Cod Fillets wn. 31: Sole Fillets mn. 45¢ MARKETERIA BROOKLIN BROWN'S MAPLE GROVE GROCETERIA MAPLE GROVE