{KEDRON Kedron United Church Stewards New Tax Bid Conduct Afternoon Meeting | KEDRON--The church service (was conducted at Kedron on Sun- |day afternoon by the stewards of | the church with the assistance of other officials | In the absence of Russel Down, chairman of the Board of Ste- wards, Howard Farndale the treas- lurer conducted the service and gave the call to worship, Invoca- tion prayer, and scripture reading. The Responsive lesson was read by Albert Wood. Harold Werry led in prayer. There was a choir of 14 male | voices, and the male quartette con- | sist'ng of Murray Mountjoy, Rev. R. H Rickard, William and Har-!this particular item, behind them/|the text of a speech issued to the old Werry, was heard with fine effect in two numbers. Message of the day was brought by Walter Davis whose address on 'Stewardship' was a splendid climax in an inspiring service. Us- 'Garson Lauds their deep appreciation to all, and invited all their friends to come te see them at Brooklin, in their new home, Reminiscing and visiting was en- joyed over the coffee, to conclude | pleasant neighbourly get-together | ed. Shippers to Ideal Dairy have | DISCUSS BULK HOULAGE | Junior Farmers met at Brooklin lon Thursday evening. Bulk haul Farmers here about who ship milk to Oshawa Dairy and Bea- | ton's Dairy have had this topic on their minds of late with meetings and cooler displays widely attend- age was the topic. with the change over made previ-! ously: Ron Werry attended the Junior Farmer Leadership School at Brampton, over the weekend, and was a member of the panel, featur- |Garson sald Wednesday night it is THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE. Thursday, March 8, REGINA (CP)--Justice Minister hard to conceive of anything fairer to the provinces than the federal government's latest tax - sharing offer Mr. Garson said the offer re- affirms, in more convincing terms than ever. the equalization prin- ciple of the existing tax-rental agreements between the central government and nine provinces, He spoke to the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipali- ties on the eve of reconvening at Ottawa of the federal-provincial fiscal conference attempting to work out 'an arrangement to re- place the rental pacts. The statements were included in press before delivery. COMPOSERS HONORED | ROME (AP)--Four foreign com- posers have been named honorary | * INDUSTRIAL AMBASSADOR "WEATHERWEIGHT"" OVERHEAD-DOOR ARE INSTALLED AT CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES »® We Wish Every Continued ing the story of the boy with the' ed on the programe to lead in the|members of the famed Academy loaves and fishes, whom he named §iscussion pr Saturday afternoon, |9f £t. Cecilia of Rome. They are * SERVICE ELECTRIC OPERATORS FOR ALL TYPE DOORS Tim, Walter secured the rapt at- PERSONALS { Aaron Copland of the United =e NATION tention of the girls and boys. as = Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson and|3fates, Oliver Messiaen and Fran- he unfolded the miracle in the Bible! nics "Olive Luke of Toronto were|Cls Poulenc of France and Dmitri = 0 story, with the moral "Using what Saturday visitors at the W. L. Shostakovich of the Soviet Union. we have." Our responsibility in Mountjoy home. Olive remained|American operatic composer Gian- our use of our time, talents and for a 'few day's visit, Carlo Menotti, a native of Italy, DON possessions was made clear. William Parry has rejoined his' Was made a regular member. Rev. R. H. Rickard conducted family here, after a winter's work SEE ER Vi = a brief dedication for the stewards, at Tuntsville. : Trevail were guests of Mrs. J. igi = CRANFIELD already named along with W. L C. E. Love spent a week with Nokes, Oshawa, when the latter en- j Mountjoy, who served as usher. his dauchter, Mrs. Grant Ormis- tertained with a linen shower and Mr. Farndale thanked the congre- fon, and Mr. Ormiston at Wick party for bride-tu-he, Miss Claire gation fcr the fine support given Mr. and Mrs Curry and: Allen e the stewards, and pronounced the jorrie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank § Oshawa Collegiate students from MANUFACTURING Benediction. . and Susan of Oshawa were Sun- Kedron are the martyrs of the Next Sunday the Lenten series day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Starr week here, as they struggle with COMPANY of sermons Wi voatiue wih the here mid-term tests, while the Port subjec essing 1S Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farndale Perry group have the following - my daily work and social con: one Sunday supper suests of he; week-wrecked for them by the 22 BLOOR E. RA 5-3012 tacts sister Mrs. C. O'Reilly and hus. same same cause, Good luck! There was again an attendance hand, at Ajax ---- S-------- -- when Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee serv- Concerts were thrilled with the ed a buffet supper to the group. choral music of the De Paur Infan- installations. Let wus help were led up the band." Eleanor Mountjoy 10, for Germany where they will is the "pianist for Sunday School gpend the vear eon at the Chateau Laurie~ Hotel | Tnternatonal Suciety for, ihe We pled children in Canada. The an- = until April 1 for March and April Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe . -- - IRISH NIGHT SOCIAL of - . B wgw h Us {ara reminded of the "Irish Nighi! awa Radio Signals ritish, U.D. all are invited to join in an even- Bowmanville, on Friday evening Club enjoved an evening of bowl- most pleasantly at a party on Wed- department official said Wednes By GEORGE KITCHEN : NEW market, This gas would be deliv- PARI ro . Assistant superintendent S. A. handle n Pipeline Company on ariel pa lo ) VANCCUVER (CP) Sa Pe ' \iontreal market pending iomple Several from Kedron, friends Wednesday evening. was pictured briefly here recently (io... i does not lend itself to Power Commission examiner deny- =, " RA SS > ° ne , The Tennessee application now go in honoring them prior to sister-in-law Mrs. Russel Down ing of Northern Electric Co. Ltd., mation of the ish Common- annually to Canada commission examiner along with a itv, their home of many years. McCormack were guests at his you with your plans for mod- S LES thane " of 83 for Sundey School. Bible, [ieutenant and Mrs. T. Carter, Class meditations e by Chatham, New Brunswick, were AMPAIGN FOR CRIPPLED CHILDRE A read a Temperance story "Strike! week prior to sailing on March P aig ning lunch- left, secretary-general of the = first sheet of seals from ' nual Easter seal campaign fo At the campaign opening | | "Timmy. symbol of all crio he'p poled children will run Ottawa, Donald v. Wilson, fare of Cripples: purchases the . were Saturday evening guests i Members of the Adult Bible Class Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beaton, Osh- . Ww ! exas Gas Firm ants Ban Social" to be held in the Lower; Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott were PL M Hall on Monday, March 19, when' guests of Mr. and Mrs. N Mooney, " " . " p vs. Jack GC + ™ ™ T th k H t ing of fun and fellowship. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell en- Seen Guiding ex 00 S 1 n xport 0 ala ad 1 3 Columbus -- Kedron Doubles tertained several local friends In The ORONTO (CP) -- An education 3 Jon k be jie Falls. Ont. for the Montreal ing on Saturday, and were after- nesday evening at their home: day British and American text a jara rails an. al" wards entertained at 'Cloverlea,'"" Kedron members of Community uture utos books are unsuitable for teaching Canadian Press Staff Voeier ered to the Trans-Canada Pipeline : y sckeanl WASHINGTON (CP)'--The Pan- v 5 he ID a i 1 |" astistant Supe i Company Ltd.. to help build up a yo op" HEPARTING FAMILY try choir heard in Oshawa on Call us for free estimates on The elec. 1 gd r 3 Ars ; p : = Watson told a legislature educa- said Wednesday it plans to appeal a Ha rans-C. a line A ) . A tronic world of 25 vears from now ti comaitioe the United St Hes a 'recommendation by a Federal Kon of the main trans-Canada line and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Edward Copper of Belle- all your plumbing repairs or 3 dried Gordon Scott, joined Columbusiville was a recent visitor of her br Robert Tanner, assistant cuper- rod Ash cport 15.500. b "| Canadian teaching. An example: ing its proposal to export 15,500,- . ~° BRO Har 4 intendent of development engingerr- US writers considered the ad 000,000 cubic feet of natural gas IS Proceeding before another power {pai departure from this commun Relatives and friends of Stanley Belleville. Ont « the breaking up of the _ The decision by examiner Howell companion proposal by a subsid- They were escorted to the party wedding on Saturday afterpoon Mr. Tanner, speaking to a ser-| gp re. Most Canadian Purdue, announced Tuesday, is 1aIV. the Midwestern Gas Trans by their daughter Betty and her when he was united in marriage ernizing your plumbing at vice club, said the world of the yriters saw it as a logical growth, Subject to commission review with- STA Company, to import 200. husband from Toronto. Rev. R. H. to Miss Lois McConnell of Elm- 1980s will be largely dependent on ~The department is frequently in 20 days. either upon appeal by 000,000 cubic feet of Canadian 2as pichard was master of ceremonies vale. Congratulations and best electronic devices which will oper- asked why British textbooks aren't Panhandle or on the commission's daily from the projected trans. and presented a varied program wishes for your happiness, Stanley Installed By Us ate factories, cook meals and used more often, he said. His an- initiative Canada line at Emerson, Man., 10 prepared by the committee who A speedy recovery to Mrs. Ash- y drive cars swer: Differences in school curric- Panhandle Eastern planned to Service the north-central states. ji anced the evening, Mrs. Roy enhurst, teacher at Coronation 3 Mr. Tanner said in the factories ylums and language. One British sell the gas to the Union Gas Com- market Ratcliffe, Mrs. E. McCormack,! School, who has been ill G : y ® the machines will be controlled textbook gave an essay assign- pany of Canada, which now re- However, the Panhandle case Mrs, 1. Scott and Mrs. R. Flett.| What a difference one Irtter, "not By human hands, but by ment to: "Write to the ironmonger ceives 3,500,000,000 cubic feet a docs have a bearing on the over-| [Instrumental music by Mrs. W.] one little *'S"; makes when a Mrs. () We ARE AS NEAR Ww : punch.d cards or plastic tape . to inquire about a dust-bin."" year from Panhandle under an ex- all Trans-Cavada project in that Scott and Allan, always enjoyed, is changed to Mr. in a news item, HM e Wish Them Two FARMS e AS YOUR PHONE § CON Save TIME TINUED AN and MONEY IQ SUCCESS no obligation. vet turning out parts of consider. -- port permit granted in 1946. In Union Gas of Canada proposed to a vocal duet by Mrs. Miller and through a typographical error ---- able complexity at high cpeed."" TWO FARMS BURIED | seeking additional supplies, Union use the Panhandle supplies to help Stanley Webber in costume, and Here's hoping our readers do not Much routine office work, he OSLO, Norway (AP)--The news-|Gas proposed to build a, $22,500,000 build 5 a markgt in western On- vocal "solos shyt Mrs... Thos. Scott! jurnp to hasty conclusiens at the said, "will have been taken over paper Aftenposten says a snow |pincline through western Ontario to tario ponding the arr omissions val 'of Cana*! comprised the musical portion of| startling 'news such by computing machines, with fab- avalanche buried two farms near | service Hamilton, Kitchener, dian gas supplies from the Alberta the program. An impromptu dia- make ulous electronic memories." the village of Oldra in northern Waterloo, Guelph and Stratford. gas fields. logue, arranged by Mrs, Ted Me- EXCELLENT RECORD Widespread use of high fre- Ncorwav. A 57-year-old farmer and Purdue turned down the Pan-* Union Gas uses the 5,500,000,000 Laughlin, pi vided humor, as the Through a misunderstanding re- avency sound waves would be seen two children were feared dead un- handle application for additional cubic feet it receives now from various participants in striking ar- garding the method of checking in the kitchens Meals will be der the mountain of snow export on the ground it would im- Panhandle under the 1946 export ray, blonde curls and all, cleverly attendance, Vernon Iverson was cooked in a fraction of the time pair Panhandle's ability to give permit to supplement supplies it portrayed. "The sale." not credited with the attendance it now takes, he said adjust a few knobs or dials and adequate service to its American gets from its own gas wells in An address. beautifully compos- merited, in Junior Congregation Large iuminesceni paneis, pei- sii back. ine Cai, anes Ld < Wn . western Ontario ed by Mrs. Ratcliffe, was read to for 19 Vernon had an excellent haps covering the whole ceiling|ation and average speed have been NOT RELATED te the guests of honor by Margaret record. Wiih very few Sundays and glowing with a cold and al- set, would whisk along the high The Panhandle application had BIGGEST VOLCANO Ratcliffe, and a fold-away dining missed, and Mrs. Rickard re- most mysterious light" would re-{way guided by radio :ignals in|no relationship to a plan by the . shalom Gul : table was presented as a tangible grets the error so caused, in her place the present home lighting the traific lanes. Electronic eyes| Tennessee Gas Transmission Com- World's largest volcano, Nauna pxpression of esteen and good records, and repor! through this system vould swing into action when a|pany, another U.S. pipeline firm, Loa in Hawaii which had its last wishes misunderstanding in the recording The driver of the car of tomor- traffic signal or another vehicle iz{to sexport 90,000,000 cubic feet of great eruption in 1907, towers 13 Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Betty and of Vernon's Church attendance row would have little to do but encountered its gas dailv te Canada at Niag- 675 feet Bob each spoke feelingly. to show Mrs. M. Walter and Mrs. G TO CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES On Their Fine New Premises ™ NN AFEDDODARD r.D. GARRARD ures PLUMBING CONTRACTORS New 19546 Hudson Rambler Custom Four-Door Hardtop | ss HUDSON <znstle Make no mistake . . . this is a mew car .. . a car barically, radically different and Here's the only all-new car in the low-priced field... The Dashing MG-A improved in appearance, in power, in performance! In a year where others claim changes Hudson has changes. The All-New 1956 Hudson Rambler thrives on comparison . . . 80 plan now to sce, drive, and be delighted by a car that out-performs anything else in its price class. The Roomy 6-Pass. Morris Oxford An Even Better Sales & Service Centre For Morris and MG Cars KING-SIZED ROOMINESS: The Hudson AMAZING ECONOMY: Up to 30 miles per R r tops the whole low-priced held aver- gallon r room, head room and g SUPER SAFETY: Double Safe All-Welded he all-new Rambler is actually Construction brings you new built-in passenger mer outside to make it easier to safety! You ride in a cradle of steel with 3- get into your garage and driveway. dimensional protection against stress of impact, above, below and all around. Here is silent safety . . . the all-welded body gives complete freedom from body-bolt squeaks and rattles. HIGH RESALE VALUE: Canadian Si prove that the Rambler provides a higher per- centage of original price than any other low- priced car NEW BEAUTY: Inside, outside . . . from any angle the 1956 Hudson Rambler has sparkling new distinction. Now ! The opening of these fine new premises marks another important forward step in the progress of Cran- vs field Motor Sales. With their well equipped new service department they offer the best of care for Morris cars as well as for other makes, and in their new Sales Showroom they bring to the motorists of Oshawa and district the NEW POWER: New Rambler Typhoon Over head Valve Engine with 33149 more power than last year The Hudson Rambler Cross-Countr; combines load-carrying ability with COMPLETE COMFORT: The Rambler is the 3 ow-priced car with Deep-Coil Springs or front and rear wheels to gi smoothness. Airliner Reclining Seats Travel Beds are unique comfort 1teims too, living-room luxury. ntirely new complete new Morris line of cars. DISTRIBUTOR ENSIGN MOTORS Limited Eastern Ontario Distributor For Wholly ewned subsidiary of The British Motor Corporation Ltd , / Birmingham, Englond H SEE YOUR HUDSON DEALER NOW FOR A DEMONSTRATION DRIVE "(RANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK RD. §S. OSHAWA, ONT. HORNETS WASPS RAMBLERS METROPOLITANS MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED ere subsidiary of AMERICAN MOTORS CORPORATION Morris Motors (Canada) Limited