40 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, February 28, 1956 Growing Production Seen In Canada's Auto Industry By W- A. WECKER, OBE President, General Motors of Canada Some weeks ago it became ap- parent that the economic machin- er; of this country has been work- ing at a higher pitch this year than during any previous 12 months in our history. With the single serious exception of declin- ing farm income, every sector of our economy, has contributed to the record level of activity. Em- ployment and income have risen sharply, industrial production, pri- mary production--particularly of minerals -- construction, export trade, retail sales have all estab- lished new high marks, Within this general context of high - gear activity, the Canadian automobile industry pressed ahead to a new plateau in passenger car production and exceeded previous tecords' in a number of other areas. At the end of 1955 the indus- try will hav produced, by the most accurate estimate, passenger cars, about 20,000 more tian in the previous high year (1953) and a remarkable advance of more than 90,000 units over 1954. FLATTENED OUT Without detracting from this singular achievement it should be observed that Canadian industry in general, the automobile indus- try not excepted, flattened out for a large part of 1954 while it took up the slack leit at that time chiefly by curtailed defence spend- ing. Perhaps the more significant of the two comparisons above the advance over 1953 while the excess in 1955 over 1954 may in large measure be regarded as a return to a more nearly normal ievel of production and purchasing. Production of trucks and com- Mosier Sheet Metal Growing City Business An expanding business founded fifteen years ago, and serving the elty of Oshawa and large sur-| rounding territory, is the Mosier Sheet Metal, operated by Harold Mosier at 21 Church Street Mr. Mosier handles all kinds of heating units both hot air and oil, also air conditioning units, and has an exclusive Imperial Oil - Esso dealer franchise. He extends his sales and service operation to Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and West to Dunbarton, also Stouffville, Port Perry, and east to Bowmanville, where another dealer is located. He employs on an average of four or five persons. Mr. Mosier handles all kinds of sheet metal, which he has found increasing in demand as Oshawa has made rap- id strides in recent years. As a matter of fact, he is proud to re- late that ever since he started, his business has expended. He is very optimistic concerning the fu- ture of Oshawa from industrial, commercial and other standpoints, The heating units he sells and services include Garwood, Esso and Gurney. Mercury Taxi Business Grows Five years ago this month George Rutherford established the! Mercury Taxi service at 20 Bond Street East. He had one car for only a short time, but today he has in service twelve cabs and three] trucks, operating in and out of the city, with a 24-hour service. In connection with the business Mr. Rutherford is affiliated with the Tilden Rent-a-Car system which operates many branches in Canada and th: United States. It| is an important part of Mr. Ruth-! erford's business today. | Four years ago the Mercury Driving School was established, and during that time many hun- dreds have learned to drive. There are two instructors on the staff, and two dual control cars are kept for school operations. In the #im-| mer months, Mr. Rutherford ad-| vises, the school operates as many as fifteen hours per day. In the winter months, of course, there vre not nearly as many students During the four years there has never been an accident in connec tion with driving school operations When students leave the school they may obtain licenses as opera t.rs or chauffeurs. And what is more, the school has the enviable record of never having had a stud- ent fail. Normally the school hours ae from 8 am. to 8 pm. With traffic conditions as they are to- day, Mr. Rutherford finds an ever- mcreasing demand for taxis, par- ticulatly in the evenings. MISFIRES CATCH CITY FIREMAN ROSEBURG, Ore. (AP) The armory here was damaged in a series of explosions during a national guard demonstration Monday. The local unit of the guard was demonstrating a small- calibre mortar to prospective volunteers. The first round of fire hit the armory roof and exploded, setting part of the ceiling afire. The second round did not explode, but got stuck in the rafters, Firemen were called and put out the roof fire. While they were doing that, others pried loose the second mortar with a pike pole It fell to the floor and ex- ploded. One fireman was so startled that he fell off a ladder, The national guard unit com- mander said both shots were misfires. No one was injured. BURWASH, England (CP)-- When the band of the Normandy village of Eu visits this Sussex town on Whit Sunday, May 20, the toast at a dinner in their honor will be *"1066 and all that." That was the year William the Con- queror invaded Britain from Nor mandy. 380,000 ° W. A. WECKER mercial vehicles during the year will reach about 71,000 units bringing the industry's total pro- duction in 1955 to about, 451,000 uLits. Total production of passen- er car, trucks and commercial vehicles in 1954 was 357,083 ve- hicles, made up of 287,191 passen- ger ca and 69,892 trucks and con.mercial carriers. Sales of passenger cars, t An Enviable Record... 34 let by about 1.25 S [ty the industry for the Federal | Government rose during the year {to an ail-time high. Dollar value of sales tax collected was at an estimated $80,000,000 and excise taxes yielded the government about $90,000,000. a The combined fax reiurn from the industry in 1955 was about $32,000,000 higher than the 1954 and commercial vehicles during figure and at least $7,500,000 above 1955 will reach a figure close to|the 1953 total. It is interesting to production, Estimated sales of ncte that this record sum was re- passenger cars are 375,000 and [turned in spite of a small reduc- trucks and commercial carriers tior in excise tax made in the will account for 75,000 units. | spring ol the oa Tals tends y / is | strongly to confirm 3 Fd ibe end Oe yea oui | lowering th automoblie tax rate the total number of passenger and 1 akilg sare available to Hore I'S iste p ini people Ww C tars Tegistered the Dominion |b yin in the government's mercisl vehicle registration to total lollar revenue from these 5 y ;.| taxes. . roughly 915,000. Compared di- Y Pa i A .ectly witn population, there will be We have given most careful con a motor vehicle for slightly under | « it q t for au- ' i count duced this record market for au SYSLY. JOU Jonple in the country, (Lee It in Canada in 1955. We r , 3 ¢ | believe that they are enduring con- nay 3 Lope, production peaks | ditions in a growing economy. Fur- thi. year the industry has set what | theviiore, the 1955 total of Sbont Ey es re ea the face of the complete stop- ment. Monthly average employ-| Page of production on September 19 ment during the year has been at |i? my Own company, w hich usually an estimated level of about 38,000 builds between 47 and 50 per cent people, 10,000 more than a year of the industry's total production. ago and over 5,000 more than in| On the basis of these considera- the previous high year, The in-|ticLs I should say t here dustry's total payroll is estimated te strongest possibility of the in- at $150,000,000 for the year, an|dustry reaching in 1956 a goal that advance of $44,000,000 over 1954 [:s long eluded it, though some- and $19,000,000 above the record !imes narrowly: the production of set in 1953. { halt a million vehicles in a single Exports of motor cars from Y°ar- Canada followed the upward trend | of the industry, advancing slightly in both cars and trucks. Makes im-. CALARY (CP) -- Shoppers at ported into Canada from Europe one depariment store here will and the U.K. repeated the down- soon be able to cross the street ward movement of recent years, three storeys above ground level. reducing their share of the mark-| The store is building a glassed-in 5 per cent. overpass from a five-stirey park- ise taxes collected' ing structure across the street. EASY PASSAGE les and BIG HAILSTONES CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z (CP)--A late in the summer, bombarded the bruised. | city with hailstones more than an nch across. Two boys siruk by hailstorm here, where February is them were taken to hospital with org) [gkanderMirza of Pakistan, oncussion and many persons were Istitute of arts here, said "in Pak HEAVY LOOT istan there is no dearth of genius DUBLIN, Rezpublic of Ireland which ean stand comparison with (CP'~Thieves s'ole £200, all in 3 as ' the finest artistic talents in the pennies, from a fun fair herc. The opening a new building of the in- gorid haul weigied neariy haf a ton. ARTISTIC TALENT DACCA (CP) Governor-Gen sideration to the factors that pro-| that there isi we specialize in REMODELING ALTERATIONS - MODERNIZATION © General Carpentry Work @ Cabinels © Stairs ® Tile -- Trim SERVING CITY AND COUNTRY If you are planning on remodelling, or require Kitchen Cabinets, etc. let us estimate on a job that you'll be proud of. Finest quality materials ond all work guaranteed. GERALD SHARPE 221 BEATTY RA 5-7255 ARE YOU BUILDING THiS SPRING! CONTACT US NOW FOR ESTIMATES SAND GRAVEL FILL WE CAN SUPPLY ANY QUANTITY -- ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DILIVERY -- GEO. A. JACKSON Aa Top Quality Low Prices Fast Service 993 SOMMERVILLE RA 3-3325 OSHAWA -- 4 Years Service For Citizens of Oshawa! Oshawa's Largest Suppliers of: eo FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE e STOKER COAL e FUEL OIL e OIL BURNERS e CEMENT oe TILE eo BRICK e LIME e BUILDER'S SUPPLIES e INSULATION Upper right is pictured the McLaughlin Coal and Supplies office and yard. Pictured above, the office of the Oil Burner and Service dept. of McLaughlin Coal and Supplies. Here an efficient staff is at your service to you the fast-efficient oil burner, and fuel oil delivery that ou require FUEL DELIVERY BY OUR FLEET OF METERED TRUCKS! CONROY OIL BURNER The Symbol of Quality "Burns Less Oil Gives More Heat" A PRODUCT OF OVER 25 YEARS OIL BURNER DEVELOPMENT BACKED BY A FACTORY WRIT- TEN GUARANTEE. Firm Located in Oshawa In 1922-34 Years Ago! Mr. Les McLoughlin coming here from Swift Current, Saskatchewan, in 1922 started in business with Mr. L. E. Argue in the coke, cool and wood business alse building supplies, At thet time they secured the city agency from the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. for their f Reading Anthracit reputed to be the best the Pennsylvania Mines produced. Brick, Tile, Lime and building supplies were added in 1923. In 1926 the firm secured the agency from the Hamilton By Product Coke Co. for their fomous domestic coke. The busi inued to prosper through- the years until today it is one of largest of Heat ials and b city of Oshawa. Mr. out the di anit dist 8 ge lies in the Les Mclaughlin was born in How- ick Township in the county of Huron and spent five years travelling in Saskatchewan for the John Deere Plow Co. After that he was in business for five years in Swift Current os a retail dealer in Coal and agricultural Machin. ery, before coming back east to locate. During the later years in Oshawa the y has always kept ab of the times. With the advent of Oil for heating the firm i diately made ar- rangements to handle the famous line of Oil Burners known as "Conroy" and the equally famous "Timken oil burner, hundreds and hundreds of which have been installed in Oshaw homes and business establishments. The firm today employs a large fleet of metered trucks for prompt Fuel Oil delivery os well as a fleet of Coal trucks. McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd. have goined @ wide rep ion through the years for "Quality and Service" and their Many hundreds of customers who continue to deal with the firm attest to this fact. L. F. McLAUGHLIN, Pres. During recent years the firm has added house insulation to their long list of services, McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. OSHAWA Phone RA3-3481