8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, February 28, 1956 Oshawa Has Good Tax Paying Record Tax collections in Oshawa in 1955 amounted to $3,752,842, represent- ing 98.10 of the total roll, which is regarded as an exceptionally cred- itable showing. Out of a total tax 2 levy of $4,828,750. The Court of Re- vision allowed deductions of $5,- 273, the net taxes collectable were $3,823,466. Fortunately, most Oshawa tax- payers nade their contributions to the civic treasury either in full or | by instalment before the strike # started in mid-September, were able to complete tax payments. The city of Oshawa held first place in Ontario for tax collections 1947 to 1954, a period of seven years. The same statistics for this period show larger cities like To- ronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Windsor, show Oshawa's percentage high- est of all Ontario cities for 1954, 1953, 951 and 1950. The city's tax- payers are tax conscious and have a real sense of obligations to the city. TAX ARREAR COLLECTIONS Ey plies, Limited, has had a splendid record of serving the Oshawa Com- munity for the last 34 years. It was in 1922 that Leslie F. McLaughlin, coming to Oshawa from Swift Current, Sask., started in business with L. E. Argue in the coal, coke, wood and builders' supply trade. At that time they se- cured the city agency for the Phil. adelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company for its famous Read- ins anthracite coal, reputed to be the best produced in the mines of PeLnsylvania. Brick, tile, lime and huilding supplies were added to the business in 1923. In 1926, the form secured the agency from the Hamilton By-product Coke Com- any for its famous domestic coke. e business continued to prosper through the years until today it is one of the largest distributors of heating materials and building sup- plies in the city of Oshawa. Saskatchewan travelling for the McLaughlin Company Has Served Oshawa 34 Years The McLaughlin Coal and Sup- John Deere Plow Co. After that hie vas in business for five years in Swift Current as a retail dealer in coal and agricultural machinery kefore coming back east to locate in Oshawa. During the later years in Osh- awa the company has always kept ahreast of the times. With the ad- vent of oil for heating, the firm i.nm. liately made arrangements to handle the well known * Conroy" and "Timken" lines of oil burners. Hundreds of these have been in- stalled in Oshawa homes and busi- ness establishments. The firm to- day employs a large fleet of meter- ed trucks for prompt fuel oil de livery as well as a fleet of coal trucks. The firm of McLaughlin Coal and Supplies, Limited, has gained a wide reputation through the y rs for quality and service, and the many hundreds of customers who continue to deal with the firm Leslie ¥. McLaughlin was born attest to this faot. In recent | in Howick township, Huron county, |y ars, i a a Outario, and spent five years in|lcuse insulation to its long list of) Iservices to the public. the firm has also added HYPNOTIZES BY PHONE Dr. C. T. Fink of Ottawa has been practising hypnosis on his patients for years and now tells of a case where he hypnotized an expectant mother by tele- phone then rushed to the hospital to deliver a healthy girl, He says he has been hypnotizing patients by telephone for years. / | --Central Press Canadian CLARENCE COX The tax collection department, headed by C. L. Cox, reported at Clty Tax Collector the end of the year that 85.34 per- department was able to issue 1917 cent of local arrears of $35,520 more poll tax notices than the 2,082 (as of Jan. 1, 1955 had been col-|shown by the census. Total collec-| lected, leaving on the rolls total tins were approximately $20,000, arrears of 1954 and prior years of as compared with $24,095 in 1954. $8,135, outstanding, except the cur-{The department will continue to rent years' accrued penalties. At concentrate in an efficient manner) the same time the previous year its efforts along this line this! the department had collected only|year. In many places, collection of 77.5 per cent, so that in the pay-|tFe poll tax is not, to say the least,| ment of these arrears last year|in the list of sinecures. | there vas a decided improvement. | The whole record of tax collec-| POLL TAX COLLECTION. |tions in the city during 1955 was a It was reported that during 1955 highly creditable one, and one giv- | a new system of 'Poll Tax pay: en every care and attention by, ment was in operation and it work-|the tax collector and his staff, who, ed fairly well. Alded by the co-/realize that money returns from, operation of Industrial heads and tax collections help in a very large retail merchants in the city the! measure to make the city tick. | Prairie Farmers | Get Powerful Aid OTTAWA (CP) -- Prairie farm, vincial government studies to mae| unions, driving hard for cash ad. Sure jit workers and farmers get | vances on farm-held grain, now ner share" of the national in- have powerful allies--spokesmen| The: ! ese general agreements on is- for some 1,000,000 organized work: sues affecting farmers and workers ers were reached at a one-day meet- The heads of the two national ing of ihe Cajadian S210 Jaber economic council, atten y pro labor bodies, the Trades and Labor vincial farm union presidents rep- gress of Labor, agreed with farm resenting the Prairies, British Co- unions that the need of such pay- lumbia and Ontario. ments should be recognized: TLC chief Claude Jodoin and CCL head A. R. Mosher, whose or- ganizations are soon to amalga- mate, agreed also that farmers CU should get "equitable" or parity 2'Pe8- . f prices on all farm products. | Eight teams will inaugurate the, In turn, the farm unions. whi p | Canadian Police Curling Associa- ; uiions, Cl tion bonspiel, said Ben Bouzan,| claim to represent some 200,000 vice-president of the Canadian As- farmers, agreed with the labor sociation of Chiefs of Police and| chiefs that: i chief of the Canadian Pacific Rail-| 1. All governments should con- Way's investigation department. sider legislation to reduce work| The one-day 'spiel will be held at | weeks if automation gains ground the Winnipeg Granite Club. Eligible| in factories, workshops and offices.|are rinks from each province, 2: Minimum wage levels should | along with those from the RCMP, be raised through federal-provin-/the CPR investigation department. | PATROL CURLING MONTREAL (CP) -- Policemen from across Canada will patrol curling beats March 12 at Win-| o Industrial cial co operation to boost incomes Canadian National Railways' police | and the Ontario and Quebec pro- in depressed areas. 3. There should be federal-pro-'vincial police forces. "PROGRESS IS OUR MOTTO" BERNEICE H. PATRICK REAL 16 BOND ST. E. ® Residential "Call RA 5-3692 for a complete personal REAL ESTATE Service" ® Commercial ESTATE RA 5-3692 at Beaconsfield Golf Club, Mont-| bers increased. COSTLY EXPERIMENT NEW X-RAY DEVICE BLIND RIVER Ont. (CP)--Four- LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A series of year-old Peggy Clark lit a fire in|©i8ht pictures can be taken in four seconds with a new x-ray device designed by radiologist Dr. Ritchi- Thursfield, built at Vietoria Hos- RECORD SCEDULE |real, July 5-8 for $15,000, and a, CICAHGO (AP)--Golf's play-for- tournament at the Royal Quebec pay nomads will be lured by a 0 Club July 12-15 for $26,800. record $649,000 summer schedule of 22 tournaments, the United : . a toy stove to do some real cook- States Professional Golfers Assc-| JMGHTER GEAR ing. Before firemen arrived,' the ialion announced" recently: "| Canadian factory shipments of child's parents kept the fire under|pital here Doctors say it i ciation announced recently {overshoes and goloshes decreased control but all the girl's toys and elp in diagnosii wri Is a big Included are the Canadian Open|in 1954, while light and heavy rub-|the interior of her bedroom were particularly i Rg Simesges. /burned. sel ailments. You Build For The Future When You Build Wit HENDERSON'S CONCRETE BLOCKS YOU GET DURABLE, LOW-ANNUAL-COST CON- STRUCTION WITH OUR NEW CONCRETE BLOCK. A HENDERSON BLOCK IS EQUALLY ADAPTABLE FO THE CONSTRUCTION OF YOUR HOME, YOUR FARM, THE COMMUNITY SCHOOL OR A COM- MERCIAL BUILDING. ASK THE MEN WHO ARE EXPERIENCED IN CON- CRETE BLOCK CONSTRUCTION -- YOUR NEIGH- BORHOOD CONTRACTOR OR ARCHITECT -- TO SPECIFY HENDERSON CONCRETE BLOCKS. is the time to start building with Concrete Blocks -- See us for your needs ! When You Plan on Building Blocks Consult HENDERSON'S CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. MANUFACTURERS of CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS | OSHAWA 163 KING ST. W. | | HEADQUARTERS RA at LE OF LOCAL 222 -- UAW. -- CLO. (CHARTERED 1937) G.M.C. © DUPLATE eo HOUDAILLE INDUSTRIES LTD. © COULTER MFG. CO. LTD. PITTSBURGH INDUSTRIES LTD. (HOBBS GLASS) ONTARIO STEEL PRODUCTS CO. LTD. ® R.D. FLECK & CO. LTD.