3 or gue mg i ce on Pe PE te 5 SLEEVES STOP HERE rich in silicones, keeps out foreign The bracelet length sleeve and moisture; keeps your own in. Not shorter -- that's the sleeve story. a bit greasy, so you can wear it After winter's rigors, use a lotion/24 hours a day. # The oe 31 SIMCOE N. This LOW-TOP twa.eysret tie is built on am exclusive Hert last to give you style.perfect @eppearance with new freedom and unmatched comfort. Ideal for all occasions.' In soft, flexible brown or black calf. Widths A to D. Sizes to 12 DAVIDSON'S "SHOES THAT SATISFY" OPERATED BY E. A, SOUTHWELL Dial RA 5-3312 | | By CHARLES H. CHAYTOR | Whitby Industrial Commissioner | Whitby Industrial Commission {has achieved more than notable | success in the spacé of almost |three years since it began helping | potential industries find out why |this fine old county town is an ideal location for their new plants. New plants, small and large and producing a wide range of diversi- fied products are appearing in or- | derly planned zones throughout the town. Dunlop Canada | Limited built a huge and modern | tire plant, then a *Pillofoam" plant and a warehouse on their magnifi- | sent 61 acre site near Whitby har- |bour. They went into production with a total of well over 300,000 | square feet during 1955. | They now have a large and im- pressive neighbour Bathurst Power ani Paper Co. Ltd. whose | frst unit of 200,000 square feet for | their container division is expected {to swing into production during {April of this year. | Andrew Antenna Corporation (parent company of Chicago) was one of the first new plants to be | completed -- this time in the re- | stricted industrial zone in the northwest of the town. The plant | is already too small to handle all of the orders the company has on (hand. Temporary space had to be {secured but plans are on hand to {erect further units on the seven- (acre site owned by Andrew An- |tenna Corporation. Another new Industry, the W. vary Wright Electronic Co. (from Kansas, City) is thriving so well that, despite original thoughts to [the contrary, they will require a larger plant. [STRATEGIC LOCATIONS | who bought one of the most strateg- ic locations in Whithy's fine har- hour, is already working on very McNamara Construction Co. Ltd. | special manufacturing. Sklar Furn- iture Limited, who now own one of the finest locations that could be found anywhere, plan to build an uitra-inodern plant on their 28-acre site to take .care of the growing demand for its products. Chicagu Printed String Company hes bought a grand and carefully chosen 7-acre site adjacent to An- diew Antenna Corporation. A very special number of requirements were necessary for this industry. Whitb" was able to supply the ideal site. Pritish Drug Houses (Canada) Ltd. owns a fine 22-acre site by the lake and harbour. As with the previously mentioned site, definite date of building has not been re- leased but it should not be too long |delayed. | Trinidad Leaseholds Idd. (Regent Petroleum) has just acquired further land for expan- sion and several other of the long- er established plants are actively planning further building and expansions. Munns' Press recently began op- erations in a larger plant in the northwest of the Town. DREDGING FIRMS ACTIVE | Consolidated Dredging owns two |acres immediately adjacent to and |south of McNamara Construction |Co. Ltd. in Whitby Harbour. With {work progressing so well on the St. Lawrence Seaway Project, it should not be too long before real offers so much to most Fortunate indeed has Whitby been in its civic - minded sons for the work done in the has been the solid base on which the success of the past two or three years has been built, One i' [example is the admirable plan of (Canada) careful~zoning of Whitby. Whitby P.anning Board worked without thought of time or reward for some seven long years. The result vias hailed by the Municipal Board as superu, at the passing of the zoning by-law. ast The first major success in re- cent years, the building of Dun- op Canada's impressive plants was not alone the work of this commis- sion and the co-operation of all to- day, credit is due to Mayor Wil- liam Davidson of that time, his Council, Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, President John M. Robbin. unusual sight to see 30 ships (main-! Commissioner Sees Continued Industrial Progress In Whitby leading fo even greater success iu the aim of diversified industrial development, There can be no dcubt that. with its natural and also ju man-improved advantages, Lith different types of industries. This fact is being realized more and more -- with the consequence that great new developments are al- ready in the offing and more and more will arise from the impres- sive cud growing list of sound pros- Pests already built up for future action, WORK OF PLANNING BOARD Tewn Clerk John R. Frost and many others. They can drive proudly by Dunlop's plants today and, in admiring them and think- ing of their importance to Whitby in so many ways, share the glow of pleasure which comes from something well done. DEVELOPMENT OF HARBOUR One of the most important mat- ters constantly occupying the at- tention of Whitby Industrial Com- mission right from the start has been and continues to be Whitby's excell'nt Harbour, When Ottawa released the news a few days ago! that considerable monies would be spent on improving and developing the harbour, less note may have been taken than if another huge in- dustry had been announced. Yet the fact is that this news was of paramount importance for, not ouly do industries require water, cewer, rail, but some must have immediate access to dock facilit- ics. Already some such industries! have built and others are expected to build shortly. Still more could uot decide until they were sure that the required facilities would be fully available. Thus, provision of excellent harbor facilities at Whit- by will induce more and more in- dustries to choose the Town for their future growth and the har- a.: more become | c strit as the new plants, already bour will once 1y with grain) about to sail or oth. erwi » using Whitby Harbour at one time. The growth again to prime im- portance is of greai advantage to surrounding areas too. In seeking industries. Ajax, for example re- fers 'o Whitby Harbour as the harbour for the Town of Ajax -- wkich of course, is correct for Whitby Harbour does not belong to the town alone. The benefits to the city of Oshawa too in seeking new industries would seem to be obvious for many industries, if they cannot be at the harbour -- and therc is only room for so many--would seek to locate with- in reasonably short distance. Thus, just as Oshawa's International Air- port is potentially of great import- ance 'o Whitby -- being but four wiles from the four corners -- so 1« Whitby's excellent harbour of g.eat value to a very large area about the town of Whitby. BENEFITS WHOLE AREA Th: grea industrial growth of Whitby aiready achieved and now gainingfu rther tum is not THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, February 28, 1958 18 It is not very surprising from the foregoing to mote thai, in the space of three years Whitby's pop- ulation has risen by about 40 per cent, the assessment has had new building in a single year to boost it by one third so that the bene- fit is felt by all taxpayers. The mill rate went down in Whitby last year; it is almost certain to go dwn even more this year and should continue to go down as fur- ther new industries build here. A very healthy state of affairs in- deed! Naturally prospective indus- tries, already attracted by the gen- eral advantages and pleasant am- critics of the town, are quick to ute and take advantage of the health, economic condition of the town and the falling tax rate A new physical advantage was added last year when direct in- ter-switching between the main lives Jf the CPR and CNR was completed within the town. Inter- switching of this type is essential orly of great benefit to the town itself, it is of signal importance «5 a factor of stability and sound economic advance to the whole area. The diversified nature of this development is as certain an as- surance against possible r | 'n any o-e type of employment as can be obtained. Employment within the town itself has risen very considerably and hundreds of extra jobs of all types are now pro- vided by the industries now here. Many hundreds more will be avail- . for residents of the town and fully used. In the past it was no nlarned of building, go into pro- duction. to sore industries but is rarely available. To sum up in a few words: Whit- by welcomes new industries with WALLIS WINDSOR Seen coming from a luncheon with sovera} Jagies. Her black box, slightly er was banded with white satin. And her raven's wing hair was parted in the centre and waved down each side. SPELLING BEE ANSWERS WRONG OTTAWA (CP -- Red-faced officials of the Ontario Spelling Bee had to rerun part of the local contest. The official list spelled rhinoceros as "rhinoce- rous" and diphtheria as *dip- theria." : No one was anxious to com- ment on authorship of the spell- ing list but officials admitted it came from the Ontario Educa- tional association by way of an American "source." Youngsters in the local runoff of the Ontario bee who tripped on the misspelled rhinoceros and diphtheria were given a d chance. the fullest e 0 peration ard does not have to offer any bonus. Whitby can look forward to the future witn™ unbounded hope and confidence and judge the fu- ture prospects by what has al- ready been achieved. While Whit- by has such a fine sense of civic rride and offers such splendid co- operation in addition to excellence of location and so many physical advantages -- including the neces- sary services so well taken care ment by Whitby Public Utilities Commission, Whitby cannot but be viewed with favour by wise indus- trial heads. The new Industrial Brochure which has just gone to press mere- ly presents an introduction to these many facets which are so very important for the successful loca- ticn and development of ind of an! provided for future develop- plants. {action is to be seen here. Despite] |tlie great importance of the many industries, large and small, old and| nsw, now contributing so materi-| ally to the stability and prosperous |growth of Whitby, the work of Whitby Industrial Commission, sup- ported by the admirable co-opera- tion of mayor and council as well |as all bodies and groups -- and, yes, even civic minded individuals 'of Whitby and District, is now| TC Drug. , SIMCOE ST N 59 YEARS OF id SERVICE During the years we have been located in Oshawa, we have enjoyed the confidence of an ever - increasing number of patrons who have looked upon us as their FAMILY DRUG STORE. We certainly appreciate this wonderful response and pledge ourselves to continue the high calibre service that has won your confidence and patronage. MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE MODELLED TO | ibs anys ada ] Ve 0 ime A great deal of planning combined with our many years in the drug business have enabled us to come up with this completely modern self-serve, personalized way to shop. All of your nceds are attractively displayed on the new spacious counters. It's a great time saver for both our staff and yourself. Yes it's easy, and above all pleas- ant to shop at the new Mitchell's Drug Store where fifty -nine years of service back everything you buy. 1897 to 1956... Mitchell's Drug Store is indeed proud to perpetuate the long established traditions that have always char- acterized this store. Customer s confidence is the corner stone on which this enterprising business has been built. We have earned this confidence only by the most exacting study, meticulous research, careful fulfill ing of prescriptions. A Am iS IVE THEIR MOST MODERN, EFFICIENT, EASIEST METHOD OF SHOPPING. "ana PE on A A COMPLE CUSTOMERS THE TELY RE- The staff of Mitchell's are completely aware of their great responsibility in carrying out your doctor's orders. Exactness without variation is their law. © PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED e COSMETICS AND TOILETRIES EXPERIENCE -- SKILL -- ACCURACY QUALITY -- VALUE LET US SERVE YOU IN ALL YOUR PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ® SICK ROOM SUPPLIES » BABY NEEDS ® CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES for the R.C.A.F. FIELD AVIATION COMPANY LIMITED is a member of the Hunting Associates Limited group of companies in Canada. Field Aviation, with headquarters at Oshawa municipal airport, is engaged in aircraft overhaul, maintenance, repair, and modification work of all kinds. The company is experienced on many types of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, including DC-3, Beechcraft, Lodestar, Canso, Beaver, Cessna, Anson, B-17, and S-55 and Bell helicopters. Hanger areas totalling 35,000 suare feet plus sup porting shop facilities are maintained at the Oshawa base and subsidiary maintenance facilities are located at Calgary municipal airport. In total, Field employs a staff of some 250 persons including aeronautical engineers, licensed aircraft engineers, skilled technicians and the necessary supporting administrative staff. In addition to a large volume of maintenance work on civil aircraft, the company is engaged in extensive storage, servicing and installation work The company is also one of the foremost aircraft supply houses in Canada, maintaining inventories and sales offices at Ottawa, Winnipeg and Vancouver, in addition to Oshawa and Calgary. Among the many lines of products handled by Field's supply sales division are aircraft hardware, skis, dopes and finishes, fabrics, tires, instruments, parachute and harnesses, and compl ete parts and accessories. Field is also exclusive Canadian distributor for the Beech Aircraft Cor- poration, manufacturer of the well-known Beechcraft line. Field offers complete sales and parts service for all models of Beechcraft. The com- pany is also Canadian agent for the well-known British aircraft manu- facturer"s Hunting Percival Aircraft, and Blackburn and General aircraft. Another interesting agency held exclusively in Canada by Field is the representation for Blackburn-Turbomeca gas turbine engines. FIELD AVIATION CO. LIMITED OSHAWA AIRPORT cables,