S50--Articles For Sale THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, February =», 1958 18- UTON COAT, CLOTHING, HOU! [NORTH OSHAWA soma oor Holds Successful Euchre Home And School Group Phone. RA 3-3314. an VIOLET KIRBY DINING ROOM SUITE, ENGLISH OAK, nine-plece, in good condition. Apply 166 Correspondent Athol East. Phone RA 5-0464. 47c| NORTH OSHAWA -- In St. Ste- phens Church on Sunday, Mr. Say- vell spoke on "The Market Place." He brought to our atten- iior. that 16 out of 38 Parables NELS HYLAND HAS IT! | ircuep rues, PATTERN, wing deal with money and its right and 1750 Danforth Ave. Toronto |backsfound, complete with felt under-(Wrong uses. He spoke briefly on . pads, 9'x6%', 74xd%, 54x27". Dial RA 'he necessities of life and indul- RI 7547 HA 0060 |a832. 47c 4cnce. The choir sang the anthem tt Str owuonnEw "Rock of Ages," conducted by reversible broadloom rugs. Made from Mrs. 8. C. Rundle, organist and your old woolens, carpet, clothing, ete. lezder for St. Stephen's. i 48--Automobiles Wanted UNFINISH- LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS dou- | want cars for wrecking, highest prices RA | paid. RA 5-1181 or 5-1182. Mar. 7 45¢c See Odd Situation: On Hanging In UK. By ALAN HARVEY 'would not itself sponsor legislatich Canadian Press Staff Writer ty apolish the death penalty, but. LONDON (CP)--A piquait situa-|would find time for a private mem- : : _|tion, laden with possible pitfalls, . .. Toronto at Adelaide House re: lion Prime Minister Eden's govern- bet > om embodying similar pro- peuty, 11 pi L Dickson |M€nt, has arisen in the House of a nen iby ae Taunion Commons on the issue of capital LABOR PROTESTS Road. punishment. Labor spokesmen promptly pro- Grade II piano, The majority opinion appears to|tested vigorously. Opposition Hurren ? be that the Conservative aduiinis Jeader Hugh Gaitskell joined with a tration has wor tself into a|Herbert Morrison, a wartime home . Grade 1 piano, Frances Heather tight corner. Emotions are run-secretary, in assertions that the Ross. 3 3 . ning high on both sides of the/government had committed itself Mr. Roy Smith of Taunton Road Hose. 13 producing its own bill. 45--Real Estate For Sale NEW 7 OOM BUNGALOW, ed copper plumbing, ¢il furnace, ble garage, pice large" lot. Dial 5-8404, near mew Motors plant. o.ASSIFIED ADVERTISING All 0 or Rent VOL. 85;; smoLe mooM FoR COMPLETE TWIN YOUTHS® BEDS, with cupbeards underneath. Two tri- cycles. One racing bike. Set twenty books "American People's Encycloped- ia." Dial RA 3-2084. 47c 44--For Rent 1%-STOREY, SIX | house, large lot, ONE BACHELOR APARTMENT IN| school and church. Oshawa's best apartment building, stove, after 5 p.m. Diai 'RA 530233 am. 6 pm. March §| PRE El BUNGALOW AND EXTRA LOT 45--Real Estate For Sale $6,500 -- West end for this FOUR - ROOM COTTAGE IN CAESAR. | ea. Phone Blackstock 2IR12 or Write 46 2-bedroom bungalow and extra lot, hot air heating, built-in Box 324, Times-Gazette. 7-ROOM HOUSE, ACCOMMODATE cupboards in kitchen. A bar- gain. two families, large lot, central. Could be commercial site. For information apply | 130 Agnes Stfeet between 5 and 7. Alc $8,200 -- $4,000 down, 6- room frame home, Drew St., oil heating, 3-piece bathroom, - ROOM INSUL-BRIC| 60' x 410°. Close to NEVER SELL Phone RA 88975 | YOUR CAR tH Until you see Nels Hylond, Toronto's Leading Car Buyer. Cash and Liens paid off. Part Cash and another car. Another car financed WE TRADE UP OR DOWN taining first class honors and hon- ors at the examination held by the Royal Conservatory of Music of ATTENTION HAIRDRESSERS! MAR- tin Turbinator hair dryer, good condi- tion. Best offer. Dial RA 5-6642. 47a ------ ant FURNISHED | rooms, one single oom; quiet home. Central. . Garage if desited. c UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Lynda Sayce BUYING OR SELLING, HOUSES, BUS inesses and farms, it pays to see W.| McAuley, Realtor. vial RA 3-2512, Osk-| awa or MO 8-3231, Whitby. Feb. 27| 50--Articles For Sale West and Delbert Crowder of An- 5-1532. Mar. 13 ate. Phone RA 5-9125. Ais ASKING = PRICE $11,500, MODERN north-end, 5 room bungalow with 2 basement rooms, city sewer, sidewalk and bus service, close to school. Dial RA 56177. 46f | 4 bedrooms, Quick possession. Walter R. Smith BROKER SKI BOOTS FOR SALE. CAll RA 5.9992. Ask for Bill around 6 p.m. CONTENTS OF 4 ROOM HOUSE, IN. cluding family clothes. Also quantity men's socks to clear. Must be sold Dial RA Next Sunday, Mr. Swaine Van " PAINT, $2.95 GALLON, GUARANTEED, all colors, interior. exterior. Mar. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 62 King Street West, RA 3-7624. Camp of Toronto will take the service and the following Sunday, Mi. Taylor of Toronto will be the vreacher, while Mr. and Mrs. | saywell and daughter Margaret napolis Street, spent the weekend with friends at Jackson's Point. While fishing through the ice he caught a nine-pound lake trout. Yes! Roy caught the big one, and took pictures of it. The boys also The background is this. Eight| days ago, after the government had made plain that it opposed] abolishing the death penalty, the) Commons took a different tack. On| EASTER a free vote, it decided by a major- | ity of 31 that executions should be abolished. | Eden, taken by surprise, pledged | that the government would *'give full weight . . . to the decision GE UNFURNISHED ROOMS suit couple without children. olborne West. 47c bh THREE -ROOM APART- t, lights and water supplied. ing. Near Duplate. Dial Ba Leaving for United States. 5 Victoria, Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3941. 44d com] 3 17-INCH TV CONSOLE $100, SOLID i A walnut bookcase, $25, Ns Tyee Tina Stet Went Atlantic City also. table and 2 chairs, $20; Axminster living |SPACE HEATER IN GOOD CON-| On Thursday night, February room oriental rug 9x10%, Coffield wash-|dition. Reasonable. Dial RA 58018. 45¢c| 16 North Oshawa Pee Wees de- ing machine. Apply 168 Central Park . at d Eastvi Park 7.1 Blvd. 42f/3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE INCLUDING |:€&te astview rk, score 7-1, RCA Victor TV, refrigerator, heavy duty|in an exhibition game at North range, washing machine all dew. Write|Oshawa Park and on Saturday Box 521 Times-Gazette. 45f\ morning, February 18, North Osh- USED RANGETTE, $20, GOOD COND-|2Wa@ defeated Eastview Park 5-1 at .|and Helen Van Camp have gone for a much needed rest down south. Mr. Saywell will be in got a nice lot of whitefish. Neighbors and friends of Roy Smith family extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. William Brady of Courtice in the death of their Tittle son, Terrance, not quite two years old. During the funeral week Mrs, |taken by this House : Roy Smith had as guests Mr. and| He announced Thursday how this | Mrs. Wm. Parker of Scarboro,|Would be done. The government Mr. Wesley Smith and Johnnie I ¢ : Plunkett and Miss Nora Bloxam/ Mrs. Dave Hutcheon was a} March 23. tion. Apply 304 Ballard Street. Dial RA [te children's arena. of Toronto. srest recently when she visited! SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER AND |5-8010. 45¢| On Saturday night, North Osh-| Best wishes and bright future Fairview Lodge with Mrs. A. HOUSES WANIED FOR CLIENTS. pare parts. for same. Cutting heads, | oreo oro on awa Pee Wees defeated Kingside|lo Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pette (nee \founce and her Red Cross group. ja, gash of your uy. FoF Suich Mo, | cards. etc. Meagher's, 5 King Street W.| 0 Tn tos "i ess size 16. Reason-|Park 240 in an Exhibition game Jacqueline Ficher) who were mar-|They visited each room and serv- {Auley, Realtor, 13 Prince Street, -RA Feb. 28| able. Phone Ajax 74M. 45c|at the Spening of the children's Jed Tas week, from neighbors and | fen fo some vi out Sort Ook 3.2512. Mae. 16 . arena in Oshawa, a! , shawa. awa friends, Mrs. James McNally, {ew Ae, LADY'S NEW BLACK WINTER COAT, USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, 8|SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE The Sr. Women's Association |Jr., and Miss Frances Parker. size 16, excellent condition, originaljup. B. F. Goodrich Store, RA 15-4543. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kirby at- K ith' K ips . 5 3 i Ww -- ~ tended the world day of prayer el EH] ~ lans to hold a St. Patrick's Tea , $50. Sacrifice $25. Phone Whith Feb. 75| Queen Elizabeth Home and|P | Zl school Club held a very success-|on March 17, in the Sunday held at Northminster church last Thursday for St. Stephen's church. |USED AND REPOSSESSED TV SETS|ful euchre on Friday night with | school room with a sale of aprons BABY CARRIAGE, EXCELLENT CON.|and aerials. Dozens to choose from, Mrs Nelson Wright, convener. |2nd candy, 2.30 afternoon. dition, like new, also 120 bass accor- | $49 up. Kelly TV. 81 King W. March 18 Mrs. Alymer Ward welcomed the Te an "| y King Street |W Mont, High 11 GILSON DEEP FREEZE, 15 CUBIC|%ay Book Exchange, $61 King Street! Wm. Montgomery. High score feet, moving, must sell. Apply 762 King [West Open every evening. Feb20\cyichre prizes were won by Mrs. Street, East. 46b | Stanley Gates, Kenneth Whitting- | Go when you want tor {and Mrs. Lloyd Hall. Have your present tires | During the evening Mrs. Carson de-skidded for your | Heard convened a very successful | bers of the executive, bringing the evening to a nice conclusion, | Serves Siclion GUIDES COMMITTEE | 117 SIMCOE ST. N. dion. Will sell cheap for cash. Dial R BOOK 8, POCKET BOOKS,|v.sitors. Lucky door prizes were ton. Douglas Branton, Mrs. = New Term Opens Mar. 5 safety. {home baking sale. Lunch was The 13th Guide and Brownie Phone RA 3-7032 WILL SELL UP TO 45 ACRES OF land just east of Oshawa or exchange portion as down payment on house. Owner. Dial RA 50394. 45¢ $5,800 Down payment, $2,000. Bun- galow, 4 rooms, 3-piece bath, furnace. Carry $50 monthly, interest, principle, tax. Ajox. $8,000 Down payment, $1,500. 1)2- storey, six rooms, 3-piece bath- room, cellar, furnace, extra large garden. - Carries $56 ' onthly. Pickering, | BERNEICE H. PATRICK | Real Estate Broker $7,000 | Listings Wanted Down payment, $2,000. 72' PERSONAL SERVICE x 200°, bungalow, 4 rooms, 16 Bond St. East - RA 5-3692 bathroom, garage. Carry $60 RA 5-0457 month, Dunbarton. SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, and service parts, Meagher's PORTRAITS 1" by Oshowa's Leading Photographer r 3 SIMCOE ST. S., RA 5-0151 846 Simcoe St. North DIAL RA 3-2911 Open Evenings 46b OUSE COLUMBUS DISTRICT and school. Vacant now. 527 Times-Gazette. 47a boM APARTMENT FOR rth Oshawa. All conveniences. possession. Phone RA yn c 46--Real Estate Wanted | HOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS wanted for waiting customers call us to-| Donald Scott Broker, 25 Prince St. FINEST FOODS AT EVERYDAY LOW prices, Glecoff's Supermarket Ritson, South, open daily to 10 p.m. We cash March 22 day. cheques. Phone 3-2612. RNISHED ROOMS FOR parate entrance and bath. ly 936 Simcoe Street Naren, APARTMENT GROUND fwood throughout, stove asd i supplied. Adults only. Va-| With eq, 1st. Apply 29 Brock Street| galia and « 46 SGisuED HOUSEKEEPING | --h sink, use of washing ma-| ple preferred. 48 Drew sent | | ~ VE TWO-ROOM HEATED | separate bath and entrance. ocated in Bowmanville, $40 ns, Bowmanville MA 3-2436. | af Mar. 1 EXCHANGE Apply 444 March 2 BUY SELL AND RA 33271. South | WE used furniture. Simcoe Street, SELLING YOUR HOME ? Kindly Contact DON HOWE, SALESMAN A. E. MURDOCH, REALTOR RA 5-6871 12V4 Simcoe St. S. After Hours: RA 3-9692 Tues., Thurs.,Sat.,Mar.3 47 --Automobiles For Sale | a - | ALL. CHANNEL SUPER-BEAMA ROOF aerials installed, $39.50. Aerials repaired | and moved. Kelly T.V. RA 5-5121. Mar.18| $10,900 Down payment, $1,500. 1}2- storey, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath- room, furnace, cellar. Whitby. CALL GLADYS NEWELL Pickering 8 New classes are now being organized for young people who want to make a fresh start in Oshawa. Some will enroll who have been working in see- sonal or "blind alley" jobs. Others had hoped to attend four-year colleges, but could net do so. definite plans Ny RAWLEIGH'S. PRODUCTS FOR SALE 162 Harmony Road North. Phone RA | 35-3073 Mr.14; B.F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, BAT | terles, Kelvinator, refrigerator. Televi : sign. Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543. Feb, 2¢ VELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ble in private home. Apply oad North, 5 te 7 p.m. Dial Mar. 16 fURNISHED ROOMS, THIRD lights and water. Five min- The Osha' Four Corners. 104 Celina day reluctar 3982. ~=~~=Z20 020 P00 of the ¢ BEpROOM APARTMENT, At an ej}, stove, automatic washer and ducation of bachelor apartment, electri- day, the truped. Dial RA 3-9207. reductioppivATE BATH. APPLY 235 peal from avenue. Dial 3.4384. 46e The counc hoard that D ROOMS, NEAR NORTH 1,317,094 hese to bus stop. Dial RA 000--the am | ase of NGF HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. The origip Eldon Avenue. RA 32439. represented d6c han three 4 RooM SELF-CONTAINED | rate ov 496 Simcoe Street North. DMP erred possession immediate. | "The RO ME John. RA 5-6309. 4 J i rm-------- board of APARTMENT UPSTAIRS, timates B all conveniences. Close to EC - Oshawa district. Phone ' d ki Some have just postp 9 for the future. RA comic 57861. A6f | sold or exchanged. Kings-|won by Mrs. Lloyd Hall and Mrs. Stop when you want to! |sel Tennier. Mrs. Fred Goodman | scived to the players by the mem- JOHN BERLETT'S group committee held their Feb- | |ruary meeting at the home of] |Mrs. Alex Yonson, Hortop Ave-| Mar. 3/nue, with Mrs. Eric Brock pre-| siding. Minutes of the previous | meeting were read by the secre- | tary, Mrs. Lloyd Dalby, and the] treasurer's report by Mrs. Ernest| |Bauder. Plans were made for |anc.her euchre to be convened by Mrs. Ruby Brown at Queen Eliza-| beth School on March 9. Plans | were made for the mother and daughter banquet to be held on| Friday, May 11, at Camp Samac. | |The next meeting will be at the| {home of Mrs. Ruby Brown, Rit-| son Road North. | The meeting closed with Mizpah | Benediction and a nice lunch was | OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE | served by the hostess. | | ¥ Congratulations to the following| 111 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-3375 You're a well woman, and a smart woman, Miss La Trink . . . | see a little tag which indicates you send all your clothes to . . . NEW SERVICE CLEANERS 16A Ontario St, Oshawe {'31 CHEV. COACH, $100 CASH AND take over monthly payments. RA 5-3092. 47a JOHN SQUARE 55 sme gop ve BROKER Feb.23,25 SOLID BRICK NHA BUNGALOWS Lakeview Gardens A few of these homes are rebdy for occupancy and here are some of the features of these modern homes: 3 DIFFERENT FLOOR PLANS | 3 BEDROOMS AIR-CONDITIONED OIL - HEATING of TAP. " ig oa OAK AND TILE OR water supp Soper ' CERAMIC TILE BATHROOM ah ha busgslow. Chinn's RA 370m | STAINLESS STEEL SINK of IN KITCHEN COPPER PLUMBING HOT WATER TANK LAUNDRY TUBS pio FRONT LAWN SODDED | SIDEWALKS TO FRONT APARTMENT. CENTRAL. AND SIDE DOORS | ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE SAVE | Dial RA 56447 after 6 pm. | You can own one of these | For ra 3 ontie rt homes with $2,005.23 down M: 4a RA 5-2802, ar, i wm | TOWGE FURNISHED Housg-| 9nd monthly payment of $68, - | aSATET ON: with refrigerator. Also which Includes principal, in- 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN, EXCEL- ce. lent mechanically, $30. Dial RA 5-8434 year campaf™ Dial RA 3.7800. hy terest ond taxes. For further after 4.30 p.m. "1 foral law iUSEKEEPING RooM, SIN.| information, call supremacy puit two gentlemen. Private| MRS. SEVERS ation reacts, beh Clow to Mow, RA 5.9223 HOWARD LANGILLE Realtor There will be high school graduates, college grad- uates, former college students, etc. You'll make many new friends among these rising young bus- iness people. ESTABLISH YOUR FUTURE TODAY ! TWO - PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, | reasonable. Dial RA 3-9702. 46c| MANTLE MODEL OF ENGLISH GAL- leon. Exceptional detail. Phone RA 5-0310. 46 LOADED. with VALUE are the CLASSIFIED ADS [sss "MONARCH. REASONABLE. RA 3.9073. 46d BRAND NEW, '52 Pontiac 46¢ GM AUTO RADIO, custom made, fits 49 to Cheap. Dial RA 3-3133. '53 AUSTIN SEDAN, WINDOW WASH- er, directional signals, under coating, excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone RA 3-9093. 46b Start Any Monday . . . school open all year 'round, including | summer . . . start now, graduate in the fall , . . follow a' vocation where demand is highest . . . Day or Night school , . . with individualized instruction, | DUPLICATING . . . MIMEOGRAPHING . . . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY WORK DONE i | | A woman never knows when her op- pearance is goinz to be subject to the most penctrating scrutiny. To keep your wardrobe in tip-top shape, § always send it to us for cleaning. We treat your clothing just as carefully as your doctor treats you. RA 5-5733 Fof Pickup and Delivery AIR -COMPRESSOR, PISTON TYPE, portable with electric motor, pressure tank, spray gun, $49. Car radio, bullt-in. Dodge, Plymouth, DeSoto, '46-48, $24 286 Front RA 5-9216. 46b RANGETTE, WHITE ENAMEL, EX.| cellent condition, $25. Violin and case, like new, $25. Modern utility table, drop' ---------------------- | EAVES; -§TY ' Arborite, chrome, - $10.] '51 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 -- FULLY |Phone RA 8.8547. 46b equipped. apply 104 Athol Street East! 'til 9 44c | PRESSURE SYSTEMS, $85; THREE plece bath, modern, $99; stainless steel "56 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, RADIO, sinks, $17; sump pumps, $39; plastic, heater, 5,000 miles, large discount, $375 copper, steel pipe and {i 8, Dew down, take over payments, 334 King | used. Chinn's, RA 3-7088. Mar.17| East after 6. a" | 1942 PLYMOUTH, GRILL COMPLETE | with parking lights, in good condition | Phone Blackstock, 27R2 after 6. 466 38 CHEVROLET "COACH, $50, GOOD value. Dial RA 5-2373 or 71 Burk Street. 46b 55 METEOR, BEST OFFER AND TAKE over payments. Forced to sell. Phone RA 3.7688 before 5.45 Friday or after 5.45 Saturday. 46¢c pupils who were successful in at- NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO PAYMENTS, till April. Sale over 100 TV sets, all leading makes. Kelly TV, 81 King W. March 18 ROOM AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Fold- ing chairs, card and banquet tables for rant Clava Vox. Oshawa Mar. 14 WINTERSEAL Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors. KOOL-LITE KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS and closes from inside the house." Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies. All-weather protection, LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-4632 AFTER HOURS: Les Eveniss .... RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith ... RA 5-8832 Don Howe RA 5.0313 | Jack Sheriff .... RA 3.3775 | 40 CHESTERFIELD SUITES Always on Display 299 Simcoe S. BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN Oshawa's Largest Bama Mil | "52 CHEVRO HARD TOP A-1, ONE |owner $395, 53 Ford A-l, $895. Name your down payment, Manchester Garage, |plvne Fuili Feiry Sis ToQurO awa Custom or We will be closing our Oshawa Store, 82 Simcoe Street North, on Saturday, February 25. At this time, we would like to thank all our customers and friends for their patronage. DAILY DELIVERIES IN OSHAWA WILL BE CONTINUED For All Your Bakery and Delicatessen Needs PHONE WHITBY MO. 8-3706 (Collect) BREAD 16° CAKES - PIES - COOKIES - PASTRIES 49 FORD, NEW MOTOR, TRANSMIS sion Apply Burleys White Rose best of fer. Phone RA 5-3051. at y. ea ---------------- Parliamend ROOM SUITABLE You and fplectrically equipped kitchen itd will ering desired. Central 87 John) ; 4d] South Afric: sa ------ members ofS FOR RENT. AVAILABLE Before the'ose to Duplate, RA 3-2997. troversial bi Sy stitutional VZELF-CONTAINED APART-| "cape color¢and refrigerator north end. blood in thilaable April 1st. Dial RA| : "a have enjoye MESES eonally withPARTMENT, VERY CEN. " e for business couple, chil he days feats lights water. Rent rea- colony in thy "gs "s 6707, ot The gove their nameM electoral rol, a separate vote only fo candidates-- sit in the H( Modern resentatives.Room Apartment ATR "lly equipped, best lo- $100. Apply 498 Sim- 1 orth, Apartment 5. Qo: Mar, 1 ACE TO LET ) to 1,000 sq. ft. TORONTOle for light industry today a leak sponsible f°" garage attached day which feed air heating York townslSWITZER DRIVE injured its pA 5.9502 Deputy fir af East Yorl - -- initely estab had split op the house ICE SPACE earth arounCecond Floor port vy Ontario Street Gas from lable March Ist) der the how ~ APPLY BI JnAnewE MURDOCH e five ¢ 2 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-3843 lod STUDEBAKER REQUIRES MINOR | work on motor, $85 or best offer. Apply | 218 Park Road North. 43c 470 [1949 AUSTIN SEDAN -- BLACK, EX-| cellent cqndition. Phone RA 5-7866. 45c 1940 FORD TUDOR, GOOD TRANS. | portation, reasonable. Phone Ajax 74M. 451 CARL OLSEN Real Estate and Insurance 39 Prince St., RA 5-3412 ATHOL ST, EAST -- 6-Room brick home with garage, mod- ern throughout, oil heated. Priced at $12,500 with $3,000 Down. OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH -- 6-Room brick with garage. Only $9,500 with $2,000 Down. RITSON RD. SOUTH -- 3-Bed- room bungalow, modern kitch- en. Full Price $7,500 with $1,000 Down. LOUISA ST. -- 5-Room brick bungalow, large lot, hot water heating. Listed at $8,500. GRETA ST. -- 6-Room, 2- storey brick home, oil heated, A-1 condition throughout. Only $2,500 down will handle. BALDWIN ST. -- 1-Year-Old, NHA 3-bedroom brick bunga- low, many extras. See this and make an offer. NEW NHA BUNGALOWS -- Complete with tiled bathrooms, forced air oil heating, laundry tubs, stove cable, electric light fixtures, iron railings. Down payments from $1,600. For early spring occupancy, see us now. For these and many other good homes, contact this office for further particulars. After Hours Please Call Henry Stinson RA 5-6423 Carl Olsen . RA 5-4671 Member of Oshawa - Whitby and District Real Estote Board 47a 1954 CHEV. 2-DOOR, | grey . $1395 | 1952 MERCURY 3.TON, 186" | | | wheel base, cab and chassis. At | this low low price 1951 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET "'88" 1950 MORRIS OXFORD, exceptional condition .... $39% 1947 CHEV, SEDAN, See this THREE children RA LH] APARTMENT, abstainers, no 68 McMillan Drive. $20 DOWN TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OF AGE BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 1271 Simcoe St. North RA 3-4675 Fresh Daily Delivered ........ Only Loaf at 46b " Sei Rn 4d 48--Automobiles Want. [WANTED -- CARS FOR WRECKING. Highest prices paid. Phone RA 8-8911. Mar. 10 a CARS WANTED We require well kept cars. Preferably financed, top prices poid. Write Box 425 Times- Gozette or phone Toronto MA 1914, | t.t.s. Mar. 6 ii A 47c | For Sale 'Keep Up $800 DOWN ; ""unfinished house (4 rooms livable) and 5 acres of lond Ships to lots, in Port Perry. Asking $5,700. No reasonable offer for fo-oM Mr. Addison, RA 5-3889 or RA 5-5579 anytime. floe a1 $8,500 FULL PRICE fishes o™ storey-and-half white clapboard home, with 4 rooms y floor, 2 up, oil heating, modern kitchen with plenty of s, 3-pc. bath, garage. Terms. Call Mr. Addison, RA 5-3889 S.A. Parl ss7e anytime. ¢. $9,800 FULL PRICE Parliamerocom bungalow, only one year old, with completely tiled 174 to 647 tiled both, forced air heating with oil, ook and tile i ood size lot. Many extras. Terms. Coll Mr. Addison, mixed bB39 or RA 5-5579 anytime. arate ele LLOYD AYERS 88 Wood St 470) Display of Complete In the near future, we hope to open at a new location in Oshawa, and serve | Estate Home Furnishings -- |50--ATticles For Sale March 4] FREE ESTIMATES! ENQUIRE TODAY! NASH ALUMINUM WINDOWS -- DOORS -- JALOUSIES KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY RETAIL SHOWROOM 94 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA RA 3-2219 PHONE RA 3-7902 During Day Evenings March24 you with the same fine baking goods you have been able to get for 15 years. PERFECTION BAKERY and DELICATESSEN WHITBY -- w-- EA A we | 116 BROCK STREET SOUTH PHONE MO 8-3706