Workshop Department, The Times, EARLY SPRING 10 THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Saburday, Vebruary 35, 5 [ | IN THE HOME |Gozette. Oshowe. | anaTiiox, ont. (cP)--Sprng ~ TIMES-GAZETTE-HOME OF THE WEEK Plan Your Summer Work WORKSHOP | 1oxmokeh 20 se pop 1 Fos io on band is . hf | erty on BBC premises include a|fown 150 miles easi of Port Ar- | pair of ballet shoes and a roll of thur. His forecast is based on the NEP] of £7 | wallpaper officials report. ! position of stars in the southwest, A man who once laid claim to|stallations need not be too costly.jcare. Will a single tub be suffi- Pr being the laziest person in the GROUND FLOOR LAUNDRY cient? Should twin tubs be install- world stated that he "spent the! A ground floor laundry room,|ed?" Perhaps a combination sink summer renting row - boats to|in fact, can pay off in more ways|end tub with a sliding draining tourists, and the winter waiting for|than one. With the facilities for|board will give best service. summer to come around." Most|easy laundering constantly at|Should the existing tubs be re-| i TED of us spend the winter waiting for|hand, the regular weekly wash-|placed: Modern tubs offer such | J / AND EOMBPANY summer to come around, too, but(day might well be eliminated al-|advantages as long - arm swivel | Bq 3 we have to work pretty hard at|together, because it hecomes a rel-|faucets, bringing water of just the A) 7 E 184 BOND ST. Ww. the same time, and when sum-| atively simple matter to do laun-|right temperature when an dai { oh | mer does arrive, we seldom have|dry from day to day as required. |where you want it. Some models | | MRS) OSHAWA as much time to enjoy it as we| Strangely enough, planning of| feature the retractable shower y wes Nhe. whi the laundry starts outside the hose, » Bandy for quick Tinses u ere are ways in which the room proper, but concerns itself ayout o e room Is ghly average housewife can give her-|v.ith the most Important item of|important, and while it will de- By RUTH WYETH SPEARS WHOLESALE HARDWARE self more time of in the summer. |all on wash-day -- hot water, and/iend to some extent on what] Many steps may be saved If For instance, by doing her laun-|plenty of it. Without this essential, [equipment is to be included, cer-|cahinets for things In constant dry the modern way, she canhome laundering can be a night- tain basic principles can always ,se are near the stove and sink.| DIVISION make every wash day a half-holi- mare. be applied. Start with the laundry it ig with this In mind that these A Shack over of the' present Fsiiet or bin sear the door. Next space-savers were planned. They! e secret of cutting wash-day| water heater, both as to efiiciency|a good working surface, either os intc a wash-half-day is , 3 the id end size, will save many a head-|bench of table, for sorting. Then 8 Sengneq 3h and the a PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE ning os laundry poom which 1s 2¢he a on, Whether iA not the he Jaunds' be and washing ma-| containers for seasonings, Some aesign o cut the laundering heater is large enough will depend|cLine. Once again a working sur- . vy ! l= >. i # oR : tasks in half. Most Canadian hous-|{to a considerable extent on what face for preparing laundry for the 8 he Sieives and et re BUILDERS' HARDWARE 4 . . i ' a. ? 4 i a es have not been planned and built|type of equipment is to be used.|drying area. dimensions are variable to fit space with wash-day in mind, but it {s| Bear these factors in mind. Will While all the foregoing should be |; = "ur on™ me 5 pe » X ; HO E DESIGN No. not too difficult a task to make aan automatic washer be installed, |kept in as compact a unit as pos- A b qi ir e! y 28 $ and MILL SUPPLIES oN Jabor-saving laundry. and if so what is its consumption? «ible, the ironing section can be| y De arranged fh ig Bi Location of the laundry room is/Many of them use from 8 to 12/set up as more or less a separate scraps as pieces are all small governed both by convenience and|zallons per load, a rate which can|init. Here it is important to hay® ' waat possibilities the house offers. |quickly exhaust the supply from|geod working surfaces, both for| The pull-out pan rack is on rollers 184 BOND ST. Ww. OSHAWA A logical location in many older|a 20 to 30 gallon tank. Will the damp - dry laundry awaiting iron-|The teraced dish rack gives easy ' type houses is the basement,|c.othes be washed and-or rinsed|ing, and to stack the ironed linens|access to everything. Pattern 413 . where a set of laundry tubs is|in the laundry tubs, and how|ready to be taken away. Both|is 35 cents. The Kitchen Handies Dial RA 5.3594 probably already installed. But much hot water might be needed|tlese surfaces should be within Packet of five patterns of other frequently convenience Influences|to do the job. Will the hot water |casy reach of the ironer to save step-savers is $1.50 postpaid the housewife to locate the laun-|tank be called upon to supply oth-/lime and steps. Address orders to The Home dry on th main floor, especially er needs, such as bath and show-| With a laundry room like this, |= if she wants to carry on with the crs during the time the laundry, the weekly wash can be taken care household work at the same time| is being done? of in double - quick time, leaving | as she is doing the laundry. In|PLANNED FOR SPEED the housewife more time to enjoy this case, a roomy pantry - Bide] Plan the room for both speed|the summer sun. Of course, fo might provide the answer, and if|and labor saving. Remember that|what good purpose she will put the the kitchen plumbing Is adjacent|tubs are the heart of a laundry|saved time in winter can well be to it, the necessary plumbing in-'room, and should be selected with!left to her own ingenuity. | iy -------- onto camo -------------- | | od. I you have a sand-blasting| FREE For further information write to: 63. contractor conveniently located, FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE iii: sisi, M SYLVAPLY ee obey Ediar, The #72 apm. CFQUESTION: 1 am building a -Gozette, awa. y A : am 5 | A --~ By ROGER C. WHITMAN house and the bathroom tub has PLANS show how to - SQUEAKS da 1 y poy Th cement spoia in it which } ave b S on oor of a year-old ouse | 'nt been able to remove. Could you . IN THE HOME The Building Editor, QUESTION: We purchased two [slant toward the centre hall? The [tell me what to use to soften it or improve your home Oshawa Times-Gazette, new wood bedroom furniture sets, | difference in level is perceptible remove it? I've tried scraning it, WORKSHOP Oshawa, Ontario. complete with inner spring and and is about one and one-half| hut have only scratched the porc- box-spring mattresses; both sets|inches. The only other "defect' lain. 10 t ( ) Please send me further details ahout how to obtain standard squeak. The party who sold us the in the house is the bowing of] "ANSWER: 1 am afraid there is easy- O= Lo] ways f zuilder's blue prints for Home Design No. 63. furniture cannot solve the prob- | three longitudinal wood beams on| nothing you can use on the ce- ( ) or enclosed please find 75c for which send me Book of |iem. Casters under the beds did|the first floor, but they are not|ment. A solution of muriatic acid Peter Whittall, Canada's Mr. De-i-yeursel, gives you step-by-step directions Plans entitled "69 SELECTED HOMES." (Please make {not help. What causes this and in the centre but near an outside| will soften cement, but will also how to make at tive units ph d for you by designer Fred Moilingswerth. Ny This three bedroom home car- ries a New England colonial design into a tri-level style. The home and garage can be con- structed on a 60-foot lot. A gen- erous plav are2, lavatory, stor- age and laundry room are all included in the lower or first level which is below the bed- rooms. The second level fea- tures the huge living-dining com- bination with fireplace and built-in buffet. - Upstairs, which is only a few more steps up, Is the third level, showing three bedrooms with excellent closet space, and the full bath. Standard Builders blueprints costing $8.75 a set may be ob- tained for this design No. 63. AA LO { ~ | EE ar 3 vow can it be remedied? wall, The house is well built--no|damage the finish. This is why remittance payable to The Oshawa Times-Gazette.) ANSWER: Evidently something | cracks. gamage. and plumbers cover tubs went wrong in the making of either| ANSWER: If there are no signs|and other plumbing fixtures with a sessssscscsnseassces san nae . the mattresses or springs, so that|cf termite infestation or rotting, |heavy layer of paper or other pro- friction of mental on mental causes|the carpenter doing the timber |tective coating, while plastering ting at the source except to re-|that was not of proper height, or|done. . -- Dining-Livieg Room Divider move the covering. You should| possibly the joist hangers were! VARNISH AS ASPHALT TILE Plan No. 120. A neat sys- ye Plan No. 125. Storage buffet contact the maaufacturer of theinot of the right length, thus giv-| QUESTION: We have asphalt ! tem of shelving -- open or A with pass-through space and I adder Safet Rules springs and mattresses for a re-|iag you a lower level toward the|tile on our basement floor. It is Bs all with doors--for living room "111 1| open shelving over, designed Y placement. If the maker is reput-|centre of the house. To correct this |laid over concrete. It has been ig | walls, children's room or specially for open plan din- able, he will gladly make the ex: would be quite a task. wa.ed many times in 12 years. U anywhere in the home, iv] ing-living room division. ' = Pr a - | step sTooL RAI parTern 302 Sigg a the noise. There is no way to get-|framing probably placed a girder and other messy work is being Will P t Mi h suange. USE OF ATTIC LOUVERS Would it be Jossible io move DISCOLORED WOOD FLOOR UESTION: the wax, and varnis| e tile w 1 reven 1S aps QUESTION: We ave been fin | ramen Nouse t Ne Jave 3 spacious a Sojonless yapuish, and then wax . y {ishing a room and the new hard-|(te attic. Wi ; in tLe floor again? This stool has a modern look yet| You're up in the air when you're prevent the ladder from sinking wood floor has no finish on Rr ow ie +The piow a ANSWER: It is not practical to oe Counter Height Bailtin Cabinets y tha tolding steps ave. exact coples mn a ladder, and there are a few|into soft earth. {While working on a window with|of wood and the openings seem |2Dply paint or varnish on asphalt | Paneling and Extra R olding steps {rules of use and safety it is well to| Don't carry heavy materials up|steel wool some shreds of it fell| quite wide- Does the attic space tse. The oils in both these mater- Plan No. 121. Modern de- ad of 3 stool that has been in use for follow to keep from coming back the ladder--pull them up with aign the wood floor. It rained in on| peed bide Bria thoi Pp ials would have a detrimental ef-| sign with cupboards and Folder No. 126. How to build mole than fifty years. It is 25/down to earth -- hard. rope after you are in place, prefer-|the floor and where the steel wool ' Ifect on the asphalt. Housewares | NS drawers for dining buffet, attic or basement rooms, inches high which is just right to] Inspect the ladder before each|ably with help from some one on|shreds were the oak has turned ANSWER: Attic louvers, are in-| tions of department stores, also| JM | | den, or any room where with panelling ideas for all use, making certain there are no|the ground. blue. Is there any way to bleach space ¢ioorcovering dealers, sell a wax-| counter height storage is through the home. Janice a, 00d ideas aud to 2h Ione a other parts, DON'T LOOK DOWN out the color? oy saa do Baove Othe insulation t all Ear by dies or Bi vida which could | neede: ) h done. The ste The first step in raising a ladder| DO0't look up and down when ji? te ise, 10g Tigh Aft [be used, and when the tile is clean- en chores are done. The s ps may ainst a house is to lay it on the JOU, are high on a ladder. Looking] ANSWER: The discoloration [ii \h ne rafters and melt|.3 yoy 'can rewax it. be turned down with a single mo- a8: " y Ne straight ahead will best enable|chould come off the surface when|0Ut When a thaw sets in, | tion when needed for reaching high|ground and push the base against|y,, 4, keep your balance. Also, the floors are scraped with a floor-| 08 the ceilings and walls below. | d . shelves. Steps privide maximum|the wall. don't lean to either side to reach|sanding macbine. If mot, you can|'Vhether or not snow will blow = ARE, | | Vo Wall to Wall Vi Work Bench & Cabinets safety when the stool is used as a|START AT TOP an awkward spot even if it ap-|bleach out the spots by applying a|throush the louvers depends on| pr ny Plan No. 127, A sturd ladder. The pattern gives tracing| Start at the top, grasp the top|pears to be within easy reaching|hot, saturated solution oF oxalic | how Hey orate made and the} MORTGAGE LOANS Plan No. 122. Another popu- lial work center for the A diagrams for all shaped parts, list/rung and keep walking slowly to-| distance. |acid (poison). Leave it on over- amount of tilt in the slats. | 4 £ lar built-in" easily made in = carpenter, so well designed of materials needed and directions|ward the house, moving the posi-| Keep one hand on the ladder at|night; then rinse well with clear| SLIPPERY STONE SIDEWALK | AVAILABLE | : units and installed. Banks of NN a ig Jor assembling. The price of pat-ition of your hands on the rungs as|all times. If it is absolutely ne.|Water and wipe off as much mois-| QUESTION: How can I remove! Srawers nj enpbearis qa £ and make it a recreation tarm 209 fe 25 conte For €1 50 addi.lvau ga along cessary to let ooh Fi {EY ble, Whan the sak iz neat fold-away vanity. tional the Kitchen Remodeling] For the best balance of a 24|over a rung for added support, |4IY, mooth with '000" sandpaper, io Toga Mi a LAE gd TooH Leature, Packet of flve standard size pat-ifoot ladder, have the base about| Never paint a ladder, since iPe off the dust and finish as de-||imestone sidewalk by chemical! a B ones a a Et | Sort yan, lengthening paint, wil hide spite and other [MEL Co pon op oop {6808 Vosaible? ¥ : s : shortenin a istance ac-| breaks. To preserve the wood, use! ANSWER: Chi B i & S li i 4 ' ' 4 , JESTION: NSWER: Chip the surface with arrister olicitor Workshop Department, The Times-| cording to the ladder's height. {linseed oil, spar varnish or some QUESTION: We recently had al, hammer and cold chisel. It would ' Master-Bedroom Storage Wall i f Bunk Beds Gazette, Oshawa. | A wide board under the legs will| other clear finish home built and find that the con- if v H iF Holsh [tractor did not smooth off the|l¢ Petter if you could get a stone 65 Simcoe St. South Plan No. 128. One end of Plan No. 128, Une or tne - p it . : : concrete floor in the basement. oF Fram e Srorker Jo Toughen the Dial RA 5-3525 the bedroom becomes a gen- y most unique and attractive 1 A A | ; . T A d There are trowel marks and small erous Mr. and Mrs. ward- double bunks with sto: on 1 hammer. A much neater looking | Sb alidi y : unis with storage Tre 1C S mazing irm 0 war aitis 2nd Yallevi. shoud ve lays fob can be obtained with this tool | Jole With sliding doors and ! FE Srimel--its 20 as to smooth off the present sur- | an tie hammer and chisel met - . N A : i : EY . Electronic Future Scholarships [as ie bik oi is the minimum thickness advis- | MONTREAL (CP)--Color tele- Patrick, "there will probably be TORONTO (CP)--A. V. Roe Can-|able and should it have any rein- vision in two or three years and|2n electronic device to succeed re-|ada, Ltd, Friday announced it is orging: | : . i do | Modern Kitchen Cabin perhaps: in the more distant future frigerators, deep freezes and con-lawardin g 14 $500 engineering Answer: You could have a ter Living Room Entry Divider ets ventional air conditions." razo contractor grind down the . Booklet No. 113. Reprinted automatically - driven automobiles. {scholarshi . . I Plan No. 124. This unit | ps as part of a student. surface of the concrete with a floor takes up only a 12 inch strip | | by popular demand! From a i .| While he wa th things | indi : A CO JR Falck res 5, 8, he, 8 astnce program at tre east WEDGE macht, OF, 01 cout CF Bou? paee has lot sg peo TE a 3 i ; i Canada universities. ig es3 0 i i PEW ( hoo tronics Limited, sad itoday the fut-|Pert said there were other things|®™ concrete, but in order to get al 3 i on entry side, shelving and 1 ' - may" a , | Now 1 i : tells you how to make kit- ure for: electronics is almost un.|that "may" happen Eight scholarships, an aircraft: pood bond the present floor must Now i TUE TIME lo sour tot DIAL il storage on living room side. chen cabinets in simple nits, Yirited. "The highways of the somewhat design prize and the $3,000 loan Je coated with a special bondin Color television will be intro-| more distant future may be given|fund are being established at Uni-| preparation, or it a be gion CRETE! RA 5 3516 - duced in Canada in two or three| certain characteristics which will| versity of Toronto, McGill Unlver-|oughly roughened by chipping it PR Vv years, he told the Gordon economic enable automobiles to be complet-|sity, Montreal and Queen's Uni-|vith hammer and cold chisel. No OMPY SERVICE commission. Half the sets sold in|ely automatic. They will only be | versity, Kingston each is to re- winforcing is necessary. | CURRAN & BRIGGS READY MIX LTD. Do it yourself or have it done~you save either way with 1960 will be full color. told of the destination and the auto/ceive three scholarships. SLANTING FLOORS Within 10 years Canadian TV|Would proceed to this destination) Crawford Gordon Jr., president,/] QUESTION: Can you give us| 9 --- Seo your lumber dealer now for free home viewers will yes! live programs via the safest and most comforta- announcing the awards, sald the|come suggestions or reasons why OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS improvement plans. Get free advice on S Y L \"/ y.\ >] L h 4 from Britain and other overseas ble route, | "growing need for engineers and|the floors of all rooms on the sec planning, on low monthly budget payments, points. "The housewife of the future may technical personnel is a continu- ET - on professional work-help if you want it. DOUGLAS FIR PLYWOOD t developments|have electronic stoves which will{ing and major problem facing our oi igtionaty tube Sevelopme ts|cook frozen foods from their elec-|industry." L] | MacMILLAN & BLOEDEL LIMITED Serving Lumber Dealers from Coast te Coast iat il hls tadio and| tronic deep freeze and be ready to The announcement sald nine of VANCOUVER CALGARY EDMONTON WINNIPEG LONDON WINDSOR TORONTO MONTREAL QUEBEC CITY make it rtable. Magnetic tape/serve in two to three minutes {the scholarships, three to each uni-| lis movies i be made| Electronic. washing machines and versity, were offered by Orenda You BUILD FOR THE feed into TV sets. driers may reduce the chore of ©ngines, Ltd., a division of A.V.| OR REFRIGERATION home laundry to five to six min- Roe, With each of the nine goes a | FUTURE WHEN YOU "In 10 years," said Group Capt.|utes." $300 grant to the university. frre 8 ' : \ | | vas opts SEATS || Oshawa Box & Lumber Co y v 3 "3 8 R ] | | HENDERSON'S |) EEN ; | 436 RITSON RD. N. DIAL RA 5-4704 | | coNceTE ed] socks | oS: | Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. You get a reliable cost construct. || ; ion with our mew concrete block || construction -- they are equally | A y 3 : 84 SIMCOE S. DIAL RA 5-4443 adaptable to the construction 2 Pegboard has meny | of your home, your farm, the . applications , .. in community, school or « com- ; child's room; work J; mercial building. Ask the men I . - . shop, garage or | who are experienced In con- ? kitchen. See us for crete block. A Henderson Block Wp is ) wor 1] ing upp 16S LJ Pegboard. neighborhood contractor or arch- ® CLEAN and DURABLE Concrete Blocker Eo 1279 SIMCOE N. DIAL RA 3-4694 HENDERSON | : A) | | © BEAUTIFIES YOUR HOME Geo: Macko Lumber CONCRETE - W . b . B k i i] Ek T T { PRODUCTS | EVERYTHING in LUMBER 7 RITSON FORD soe TING Sure mr RA 3.2732 J sha my | P A V | i 6 LT il LTD. | BUILDERS HARDWARE & SUPPLIES & LUMBER FREE ESTIMATES concrete & cinoer stocks || BROOKLIN SUPPLY & LUMBER p edacocC k L um b er Co. LTD Phone RA 8-8132 Simeoa $1. N., Oshawe J] 7 *4 >4*2 A 9snAWa BROOKLIN, ONT. 428 RITSON RD. N. DIAL RA 3-9811 436 Ritson Rd. N. RA 5.4704 a HIGHWAY 7