BRIGADIER W. S. RUTHER- | regimental members, top right. FORD, ED, commander 15th | The members, left to right ar Militia Group, Toronto, recent- | Sgt. A. Bryant, ly attended the annual inspec- | tion of the Ontario Regiment here. The brigadier chats with Sgt. A. C. Davies, top left. Sgt. Davies is due to retire soon but has been re-atiached to the | regiment on supplementary re- | serve. Brigadier Rutherford pre- Sgt. R. W. Martyn and Sgt. A. C. Davies. Bottom right, the brigadier, ac- companied by Lt-Col. F. 8. Wotton, CD, officer command- ing of the regiment, inspects the men. Lt.-Col. Wotton pre- sented a Welsh Regimental tie to Sgt. Davies in recognition of port of this worthy cause," nald. Headquarters for which the funds will support. Auto Sales Hit me New Record OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of mew "ire motor vehicles soared to an all- time high of $1,255,546,000 in 1955, the Bureau of Statistics reported. The increase of $266,000,000 over ik pesulied mainly from a sharp ump sale of new passenger cars, the bureau sald. Written Tests Za, oe i For Motorists | ha: EER 7 sents Canada Defence Medals, | his long service. The Ontario Be i recognition of 15 years of | Regiment is affiliated with the ous service three !| Welsh Regiment in Wales. ! i | and commercial vehicles to 78,602 from ng e big jump in passenger ear sales brought a record in financ- ing. Sales of new cars financed climbed to 152,546 from 126,009, with values increasing to $299,139,- 000 from $230,900,000. Used pas- | Written tests are coming for learned today from E. G. Mac- prospective auto drivers, but it/Nab, assistant registrar of the will be at least two or three Ontario motor vehicles branch. months before they are introduced| The questions in the spoken test in Oshawa, says Frank Stirtevant, would be the same as those in the local examiner. written test, he said. | Applicants are already being giv-| Magistrates holding court in| en written tests in Toronto and it| Oshawa and other centres have is the intention of Highway Minis-|often been critical because drivers' ter Allan to extend the system to licenses are issued to people who, Oshawa and other centres as soon! cannot read or Speak English. as feasible. "There is nothing in our laws' The system will not do puay with which says you must be able to): Score Policy On Agricul gricu tur roads tests, which will still re-|read or write to drive a car," quired before a license is granted pointed out Mr. MacNab. . - {0 anyone. "But we do have a sign recogni- 3 New Canadians, who cannot read tion test and everyone or write, will probably be' given|/to be able to. oral tests, The Times - Gazette [signs mean." REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT five years before he would have the right to apply for Sam on vw WOUNded Spaniel Kept this Bill on the Th Same tt St Under A Close Watch the wheat - gro g|make citizenship so attractive win . ounty |that there would be no need for a| 'Attend ciation held its annual dinner ving a larger number of immi | Teddy, the spaniel whose wound- on the missing list recently. He ual in in the House, conse-[1aw to get new igrants to be |, aroused the indignation of was found, _semi-consclous and u ce the Genosha Hotel this week. Guest of honor was Mr. Justice Children [Successful Candidates | Hears Judge The Ontario Couniy Law Asso- Hi J Court of More than 46 association mem- bers and their wives attended the dinner. Mr. Justice King, who is itizens. In this respect it| : tly this subject occupied a|fome CLES hres | Courtice residents, is Sood part of the time. |is my opinion that the Citizenship| J "tairly well." Branch does not take the neces- ' However, this debate ended immi-| Mrs Jack Lee says that Teddy's sary steps 10 altract sew broken leg is still quite swollen. i coming| weak from hunger, in the wld [ ] four days later. all The following is a list of suc- Honors -- Helen E. Laxton, Marie Teatr : The gos nas Jiilering fon, 3 1va fossil candidates & examitiations Margaret A. McDiarmid; Molly Tora: Lind, al) chang B. when the Honorable C., D. Howe grants to become citizens of this| PFO $ broken leg an: ere was a et All members of the city's school|R€!d recently y the Roy: on-|Anné¢ Johnston; Grant L. Cryder-|crine Bassett (equal). threatened to abandon the resolu-| oo ney. This bill will not be pass-| Jf be doesn : get ny Detter, Je in Js body. n "Pee Bad Severs safety patrols were guests at a Setvatory of Musi o Toronto jn man, Adele Planeta (equal). Pass -- Justine Rose. x wile would cusble {armen od by the government and it may Will Jaye 10 1a e him bac e al Cg Li) rom pee who skating carnival in the Oshawa's| '10% i "0 der of merit es are| pass -- Donna Beth Howard. [GRADE I PIANO presiding at the Assizes in Whit oe om bn 1 1 Brough" MAD le oh VAL ater of Soo tin To ne A el Sy ECE HARD nave wre | Ftd ous mil ln ace Ty 5. 3. am Teave it for discussion towards the| D5, session for further discussioh.| reddy, finds it hard to believe Gazette last week. They all want-lthe city police department, was in|ToAGILR S hogy Fomor Toga bic en gn ~|gan, QC. end of the session. This prompted|teos of the House of Commons|that anyone would want to harm|ed to know how he was." charge of the colorful program Honors -- Ruth Marle Skinner. (0 a1). Michael S. Bell; Mary| Honors -- Katherine Ann Mar- Mr. Justis King fo lived the opposition to drop the subject, | °C © een posted now and I find | his favosile friend od Jom She rays She Fhoned e J Bw. which featured prizes for cost- GRADE 12 risng ath: Sturgls Pun 3 Pons Ye $ oosis, id ellawa + nd Worked wilh o Gen- least i 8 i l 1 | manville detachment of Sg ~~ x dress Sr To md hl" Ea" Sn gh Lo fe 75, 0, Wh avd Jone ele, Gh, oie 2, 2d comedy Sad ill FAND om Caio May Kemp RADE TX oman SSM J he Bill No. 82 was ans and the standing commit- {hen thiee years old, was lost in shooting of i 38 vikuows goctation, doated_fwo hours ice a ot Sian Honors -- Cherie ple er, Margo k. Mca GRADE vin VIOLIN '|the legal profession. d| i i e bush. person, e me and the Oshawa Children's - . onors -- Rolf Wehn: ihe he ae, a} ee_on Suseial Yelations BL The black spaniel himself went'around to investigate. Arena Commission one hour for Hous Claite Flissbeth Tier- "BADE in PIANO GRADE IV VIOLIN ert COMING ~ short-term credit to grain produ-/ing very shortly and a great deal| the carnival. ne Ar Dy . st Class Honors -- First Class Honors -- Charles VENTS cers in the Prairie Provinces 10 of work will be done by those who soe chilures will be supervised GRADE VII PIANO DO veins Cobthovak thy Slocumbe. -- sot ial difficul- : ers from their schools dur- " = H 1 , ORANGE TEMPLE SATUR- ties Arig Fromm ability to de APOLOGIES IN ORDER | auds Newspapers ing the three-hour program. 1 Somers -- Virginia Piper, Sally angela Deanna Minacs, J o hn| Honors -- David Lawrence|day. February 13, 8 p.m. ow Eee vais LL pc Pr i 108% gy on pan, (Mack Son Cal My Butgontlin 1 oy, mom or cue, an nose . ®/GRADE VI PIANO : : sive euchre at Friday, February 17 at 8 o'clock. 3b again held sway in the House of and the Speaker of the house of ® - ; ] Commons. commons found themselves in a T t-Trade Aid guests. First Class . Honors Dawn Miller; Marlene @. Dalby.| Honors -- D. A. E. Parkes. HEAR PRIVATE MEMBERS |peculiar situation and had to apo-| ouris ulial Elizabeth Macko. -- Loulsel GRADE II PIANO The private members of the|logize in the house of COIIOns | GEMS DON'T Honors -- Patricia Anne Corn.| First Class Honors -- Frances house of commons are having a/for tampering with the Hansard] TORONTO (CP)--Travel Minis-| There were 1,549,942 entries of ish, Frederick J. Harris. Anne Yonson; Lorna Gail Wil- short period of acknowledgment. | record. This was the result of nore Cathcart of Ontario Thursday| yg motor parties planning to stay DISINTEGR ATE MI Black Rundi A Daal toners = Diane. Hoppe, Nagy i Pass -- Alan W. Hryeyshyn, liams, Each year during the early part speech made by Mr. Gardiner in|credited the province's mewspaper equal); Carolyn Kinsman. E. Puskas, Bonnie Watson (equal); of the session they are allowed an|the house of commons, in which publishers with helping to lure a two days or more and 3,891,960 Oxira number of days in which to|he suggested that Quebec hospi-|record number of tourists to the|cars entered Ontario for stays less| Diamonds decompose and |GRADE V PIANO Patricia L. Atkins; Robert J. have their favorite bills and reso-|tals and other institutions were province last year. than two days, Mr. Cathcart said. crumble when stored away for First Class Honors -- Eleanor Coulter, Lynda Faye Hurren lutions debated. After that period guilty of illegal use of margarine.| Mr. Cathcart told the Ontario| Included were an unknown number years? Not a chance. Jane We! (equal); Ellen Skinner. Bonnie ends government legislation takes The use of margarine is banned in| Provincial Dailies Association an- of multiple entries. Genuine diamonds are the | ------ e. The members take Quebec by provincial law. Mr. nual meeting the newspapers' edit-| In addition, 213,871 U.S. persons| hardest of stones; have never | every advantage of this opportun-| Gardiner, through the speaker of|orial and advertising sup por t|entered Ontario by rail; 239,088 by bean Blows to disintegrate. ° ° ity and they promote through re-|the house had certain figures and| helped make last year's "know|bus; 242,864 by boat and 118,222 ba yi? 3 oo ae Togerve & at ar ainin solutions their pet projects. Al-|words in respect to this Statetnent Ontario Jetier' campal n gue, w ry Jesord k. ) each category. beg a 8 egral tod through > es | - erased ansard. ow-| cessful that the Canadian Trave 0 u 4 s ei there are some thirty-four erased from H d e follow lg gig Ded ee, Vas MEATY © SPARERIBS resolutions of this nature. Probab-|ing day when members read Han-| Bureau has planned a "know Can- | x ly twelve or fifteen of them will|sard and found that these figures|ada better" program for this year. parimient believed it increased an- supply >v. soiling tings i a =] en oon be debated this session and the|and words were missing, they $250,000 000 spent proximately Motels spent an estimated $12,.| anything else -- call RA 3-3492 : ly ante will be Agni Rd a a a was $250 for each dollar the depart- 000,000 last year on additions and| for an ad - writer's help. | By HAROLD MORRISON went," he said in reply to John| SPECI ALS $ gets out of his resolution is that reached by the house of commons ment spent. improvements. Solis Pres Stat Wier ogo ALS Albert) | 3 leet rio on i brought tole hot Roc og gd Asks Probe tional bargaining, to decide the. fate bu Bh ; » Waly to ¢ I attention o S govern 1 hd of the much-battered International| « thi SATURDAY ONLY i Hie Bk Be tn it~ ~~ Grain-Loans Plan Fact ent oto Gee at a, etn | ONLI' ch holarships for students,| WAGES HIGHER Monday, but the feeling is grow-|o: commerce is the minimum that | : the Bsa intensitying re-| Average weekly wages paid| nto Entry be Oe I bend has notjeould be considered." | mse een somos eee % PDabate Is Renewed BBE Si ul Se 0 fh Say ma haust rip fl rl cities, and the first of last December, which| { Ali Fis oi hen Tomi A half of over-all world wheat trade| the desirability of deducting full was an increase of 15 cents over| OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern- Thatcher (Ind 8 Moose Jaw-Lake 1en newed and is willing to make Some| gous ke erent for. mein to] Medical expenses from income ® Aaovel plan was brought forth Tens, mue-etiticized gt2in ati Centre) voted for the CCF atembt| oc. viiron (AP)-Sen. Olinl hone. Trt he dermioe 1 crsmi|iocome a member of the agree. uo eg1s! y kK o my N n 2 y v S - BILL ON CITIZENSHIP by the minister of agriculture, in|hyrdle passed, comes up for re- to kill the bill. The Liberal ma-,, "pein (Dem, S. C.) said folly. Hy gd gin Ment © bring sales /ty the two: A Liberal Member of Parlia- which he suggested to the British newed debate in the Commons to- jority was supported by two Que-|he has asked for a Senate investi-|the United States. Tos evel ! ment introduced a private bill in|delegation headed by Sir An-| day. bec. independents, Paul Gagnon, gation of Leopold Diaz Silberstein] The U.S., world's leading wheat|F RICE ISSUE the house of commons recently thony Eden that Canada would be| The House voted 129 to 69 Thurs-| Chicoutimi, and Raoul Poulin,|and circumstances of his entering|exporter last year, has stated it is| SruX of the issue Is price. The which is an amendment to the| willing to trade surplus Canadian|day night to defeat a CCF motion| geauce. the United States and obtaining|interested in a mew pact only if|Cclling in the current agreement Immigration Act, making it man-| wheat for immigrants at the rate| which would have killed the bil "op C0 oiled o strength.|Citizenship. Britain is willing to rejoin it. Brit.|i3 3205 a bushel and the foor| datory to apply for citizenship af-|of one. thousand bisheis Jer biol 1 Tauly the ENermen SP" | ening in outright opposition to the| Johnstoi. said in a statement his¢in. the world's foremost wheat| i o f 30UEh Jue ero sefling i ter five years, in which time it is|try. This plan was ridic e gram, n effec tS ce | ov. 3, of measure, compared with the vote|interest was aroused by complaints|importer, walked out of the agree- Eb do " pact = 3 Sonat m- necessary to establish domicile house of commons and many in- reasury guaranices fo an of 130 6 18 on Feb. 9 which ap.|from South Carolina in connection ment three years ago and is show- porers s about $1. or No. 1] Te ne or eo ey Various members| The motion would "have denied! proved a preliminary resolution af-(with Silberstein's proxy fight for|I"€ no great eagerness fo come| Britain's argument against the 3 | -- i i |ter four days of debate. Then only|control of Fairbanks, Morse and|bacx. immigrant would have one year regarding it. ah 2pprovill in prise the CCF voted against the resolu|Company. He said = stockholders| WANTS BRITAIN IN agreement 5 That when She var 2) Commons agriculture committee. | £00, with Progressive Conserva-| "have expressed grave concern tof Thus, Trade Minister Howe intl-| ioe always seemed to hover near Miss Lucy left her home at i that|tive and Social Credit parties de-|me over their investments" in the|mated in the Commons Thursday 3 N 8S Is Guest : y i - Opposition embers argued hat ibis the measure as better than|company, which he said manufac-|that Canada would not be willing the ceiling. The exporters, which | Birmingham for an undisclosed lo: | committee study would reveal sup ni fures "many top secret products|to become a member of a new ate Canada, U.S, Australia and| SKINL cation several days after she was|port from western farm organiza- 4 i : ally. for the defence: depart.|agreement if Britain stayed out.[Erance, started at the ceiling inj ESS ege ; |tions for their stand that there| Thursday night Opposition leader|eSPecially for the defence depa " the new pact after Britain walked! excluded from the university for|groiia instead be cash advances|Drew said his party will vote|ment and the atomic energy pro-| "We will only be interested fi, 'y, 1053, but the price soon WIENERS TALLADEGA, Ala. (AP)--Auth.|safety reasons. She is seeking re on grain stored on farms. against the bill on second reading. gram." a very Substabtial quantity ofijeopped. | erine Lucy, the 26-year-old Negro| admittance to the Tuscaloosal "rhe motion was debated three| In the closing stages of debate| Johnston said he had asked for|"2%" 8 TCHCeT 7 T1¢ BTCC where is some flexibility in our| co-ed who was barred from the schoo : _ |consecutive days. Members wholon the CCF motion, Stanley|an inquiry by the Senate judiciary views about the maximum price," | ib University of Alabama following| Talledega College, a private lib-|spoke then now may make a sec- Knowles (CCF--Winnipeg North(sub-committee. He said he had|ctein's Portuguese pasport, even|Nir. Howe said Thursday, though o € campus rioting against her pres- cral arts college sponsored by thejond speech. Centre) referred to previous criti-|also called the immigration service|though I am a member ,of the|Canada is not prepared to tal e| Congregationaist Church, has no|OPPOSITION VOTE cism by Mr. Howe of the length ofn|and was told "that I could not be|committee (judiciary) having juris-|"any material reduction in the | ence, is a guest of Talladega Col All opposition parties and Ross! debate. lege. lracial restrictions. given even the number of Silber-|diction over these matters, floor price." , ee a lH ld