STUDENTS TAKE DRIVING COURSE ~~ To Assist March Of Dim Red Pl | End Of Battle Sighted Duty Poy But Help Needed Now Howe Admits and 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, homes in Oshawa and Courtice displaying porch-light will be visit- ed by Mothers on the March C. D. Howe, Canada's Trade Minister, has admitted to Michael Starr, MP for Ontario riding, that aircraft built behind the Iron Cur- against polio. The Mothers' March on polio will tain have been allowed into Can- ada free of customs duty or taxes| take place in 40 Ontario centres at Mr. Starr placed a series of ques-| 1 | | the same time. : | Alderman Christine Thomas, tions on the Order Paper in the| House of Commons following ar- | wife of T. D. Thomas, CCF mem- |ber fir Oshawa riding, in The Legislature, will lead the march- rival of a Czech-built plane at Osh-| awa airport in November, 1955. * | Presence of the Communist-pro-| - ing mothers of Oshawa. The campaign is organized b; duced aircraft at Oshawa was first revorted in the Daily Times-Gaz- the Kinette Club, with Mrs. E. J. | " ette. | { OD Seek Supt. Inspector For Schools Oshawa Board of Education ls eeking two men -- a superintend- | nt and an inspector -- for the dty's 18 public schools. Decision to advertise for appli-| :ants for the two positions was nade this week following notifica-| fon from the Ontario Department of Education that it does not| ntend to continue providing an nspection service for the city pub-! ic schools after this summer. "There is work there for two men' stated Dr. C. H. Vipond, chairman of the board, during dis- cussion of the matter. "If we hire one man, he will eith- er be in the office all the time or in the classroom all the time.| I think a senoir man would do for) schools and a junior man for the inspector." [ Trustee S. G. Saywell agreed that it did not seem fair to expect] one man to handle both the plan-| Reed as general chairman. Each Marching Mother will be The plane, typed Aero 45 Moto- kov was to be repainted at Oshawa {asked to contact homes in her block, but will .not be expected to canvass more than 15 houses with-| out additional assistance. | and used to spark a nation-wide AlD MARCH the Mothers' March yaies campaign by the BELA Ma- are to be turned over to the Marlh chinery Corp. of Toronto. of Dimes, the fund-raising division ASK QUESTIONS of the Canadian Foundation for A great deal of indegnation Poliomyelitis. was expressed by those who were Mrs. E. Reed, chairman of the aware that this plane was allowed Mothers' March at Oshawa, said MRS. T. D. THOMAS into Canada for the purpose of sale today that the end of the battle o private individuals or industry," against polio is in sight, with wide-| Kerry, Mrs. D. Skitch, Mrs. G. Mr. Starr declared today. spread use of the Salk vaecine. Poirier, Mrs. A. Stone Jr., Mrs. H. "I have been informed by Mr But she emphasized the aid need-| Law, Mrs. T. C. Russell, Mrs. Howe that three such aircraft ed by thousands left with crippled, | R. E. Cox, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs. were consigned. to Canad. from weak and wasted limbs, for whom | R. Bowers, Mrs. S. Dyl, Mrs. K. Czechoslovakia during 1935." the Salt vaccine came too late. Krantz, Mrs. G. Garrison, Questions askeed by Mr. Starr During the Mothers' March re-|J. E. Crawford, Mrs. L. Ripley, tater. 88 In, Hansard. are re. ceipts will be issued for all dona-| Mrs. F. Densham, Mrs. R. Wo- A a Tolows: ' tions above $1, which can be used| ten, Mrs. H. Armitage, Mrs. G. prints sign for income tax deduction purposes.| Russell, Mrs. B. Russell, Mrs. § Jo: Wore any airplanes manuiac- Mrs. Reed states that volunteer J. Grieve, Mrs. H. Dick, Mrs. | | ; turee behind the iron curtain im. mothers are still needed to ensure Bruce Gerrow, Mrs. W. Hunter, ported into Canada during the year success of the. Mothers' March! Mrs. J. Ratz, Mrs. E. Southern, 2. If so (a) how many: (b) by campaign next Wednesday | Mrs. R. Brook, Mrs. A, Goepfrich, whom (¢) at what price; d) Applications will be aécepted by Mrs. H. Vice, Mrs. D. Lowe (Cour- from what country or countries? Mrs. H. E. Webster, chairman tice), Mrs. Frank Downey (Kendal- 3. What taxes were collected on of canvassers; Mrs. H. M. Cran- wood and Gerrard Rd.), Mrs. J. such imports, by way of custom mield, or Mrs. R. A. Donald, who| Henderson, Mrs. B. Tierney, Mrs. duty or otherwise? are in charge of publicity for the! J. McLean, Mrs. H. Readman, 4. Have any such planes been imported during the current year? If so, how many and by whom?| 3 A The following answers were giv- ' ning and the inspecting. | i en by Mr. Howe: Chairman Vipond added that, 2 x ~ 1. Imports into Canada are re- campaign. | Mrs. W. C. Coulby, Mrs. H. Rough- | For Wednesday's march, Oshawa | ley, Mrs. P. Willson, Mrs. R. { will be divided into districts, each! Hobbs, Mrs. G. Leaming, Mrs. W. under a lieutenant. Sargeant, Mrs, E. Mothersill, Mrs. based on enquiries he had made, | corded' in trade statistics bY Sous. i X try of consignment and not y » She Balas f80ge of 8 Seen, ny ne os on PA Y| three leaders from St George's | Churcle Collard four Joly n > : hawa. G i | members of his troupe are shown $6,000-$8,000, During the period January 1 to 7th Oshawa Group are in Buffalo | as they enjoy the trip. Scout | District lieutenants will be: | J. Risebrough, Mrs. W. Bobig, Mrs. E. Chesebrough, Mrs. | Mrs. J. Menzie, Mrs. D. Brock- ' October 31, 1955 (latest figures (his weekend as t of a four | 1; : v RR yo. pay expenses avaizyle airplanes were cons gned| © Ti 23 part of & Tour: | Jim Goddall is seated. Standing, SCOUTS ON TOUR Thirty eight Boy Scouts and | day tour. The Scoutmaster is | | Lloyd, Mrs. G. Long, Mrs. G.'Jackson, Mrs. G. Bell. Dog Tests Ajax Man Held At CRA Is Committed An Ajax man who attéempted to left to right, are Patrol Leader Jim Hutchinson, Scout Stewart Sharp, and Patrol Leader Law- rence Allen. lo --Times-Gazette Photo J. Hill, Mrs. J, Clemence, Mrs. R.| man, Mrs. A. Pollard, Mrs. D. E. to Canada from Czechoslovakia. up to $50, for a public school or- 4 ; # ¢| 2. (a) Three; (b) Under the Sta- chestra which is entered in the| @ | fistics Act, the names of individual | Kiwanis Music estival being held o's dN {importers may -not be revealed; in Toronto. The 21-member orches:| : 450) " (c) one aircraft (sailplane) tra, which is conducted by Klemi| STUDENTS AT OCVI are tak- into a "distance judgment" ma- |g) 955 one aircraft '(including en- Hambourg, wil probably, Savel to ing a unique course -- they're | chine in the top picture. This |gine) -- $10.215, one aircraft (in- A next e. i | machipe is used 'to point out a , Toronto by learning to drive. More than 45 | Fie EE Gh, ofl 0 ire how far | Cluding engines) $21,972; (d) | from him a moving object is. consigned Nil v "poor attendance; of them have already starfed the All Ci lovakia A Wa Sy to a the pon 1 20-week classroom course 'which | Dorthea Richardson, also a stud- > Customs Iu Ry bon film lectures, which have been| Will be followed by 10 %o 12 ent, tests the brakegreactor ma- | pyring the" Daily Times-Gazette! held at Central Collegiate Institute| hours behind the wheel. The clas- | chine: below. This machine tests the amount of time required to Si gy vial investigation last year, the BELA | ses are under the supervision of tT id hi under the sponsorship of the Woard-| C. Nash, auto mechanics get the foot from the accelerator representative at Toronto aald is Trustee Saywell observed: to the brake in case of emerg- "It| teacher at OCVI, and he i being firm had imported Wires 'sles is very obvious that the citizens) j4sisted by James V. Henderson, ency. The machine measures' the from Crecholovakia a sige aren't as interested in it as of the public school physical edu- time in hundredths of a second. Dh a the twin-engined Aero thought they were, or as they aP- (ation department, and James The students will later try their 45 Motoov which landed at Osh-| peared to be the first year Poltz, a teacher, at OCVI. Marg- | driving tests 4 - --Times-Gazette Photo aret Dancey, a student, looks awa | | Woman Hurt . \Id + |3 BEDROOMS In Collision Peiping Has Old Quarter IN NEW HOMES drive, suffered a lacerated knee With New Red Population Three or more bedrooms are the usual thing in the | i majority of homes now being and bruises when two cars collid- Editor' ts: Lots Mikhis built in the United States ed on Icy Park road south, at Tre- " Britian Bre WritSe on Larger families and increased sane stree Hii 2 to incomes have raised the de- Miss Whyte, who was on he: been oucing Sommusist tuna mand for such houses. way to work, was a passenger in a) : ® A=gon) In the market for a home? x > > patch written for The Associated 1 ar driven by Kenneth R. Wagg ile 0 See the Classified section ac 22| Press was mailed to Hong Kong. ; of 222 Golf street. There was $450 By LOIS MITCHISON for excellent buys! But if damage to Wagg's car and $400 pRIPING (AP)--T oral you'd like to sell a home, call hf EIPING (AF The old foreign t d | damage to the other auto, which|jegation quarier of this Communist RA 3-3492 for an ad- writer was driven by William S. Peters|capital--once capital of the Chi- She gladly helps you Jord of 46 Champlain avenue. nese empire--still is foreign your ads for speedy selling. According to police, Wagg was, Its streets are lined, with West travelling south and Peters was|ern - style, glass - windows shops. ing north when his car went into Foreign cars with diplomatic li- going | a skid. licence plates and ambassador's Dogs in the obedience class being A conducted at the Community Re.| cOMmMit sulei edwa srmeand edot | creation Centre in Oshawa have| was r to stopped walking in clock-wise| Ontario Hospital, Whitby, when he Education Needs . i - A | . itu Ippeared Jefore Magistrate F. 8. Federal Aid Lift | | | a Se Sr Teacher Miss 'Reha Graham this| was committed under the Mental wee al e dogs "about turn' and go the other way. This rently, Nospitag At fora Period, ave ox. tricked those dogs. | ng ays. For some strange reason the dogs didn't like the idea. But all | school systems have points which J /U0n Lt HNNA Iavor will wae dtuucus. | ORDERLY CLASSES | Classes are being conducted in |an orderly manner and the can- { nines are fairly docile about it {all. At Thursday's class a little Terrier was not concentrating on | his work and tended to disrupt the {rest of the students, who were keen to get their noses down to work. . | 'Most of the dogs have mastered the job of heeling and sitting. Lat- est lesson and homework consists of walking the dog past posts. When the owner stops near aj post, the dog is supposed to sit quietly and ignore the post. Sur-| risingly enough, most of the dogs at class caught onto the idea quick- ly -- but then, the '"'posts'" were only two men selected from the publie gallery. | By JIM REVITT | car whipped past at a rate that {s significant that in both would have qualified the driver the United States and Canada there for a low flying pilot's licence. is an increasing demand for more| The law enforcer gave chase federal education. | and eventually caught up with the In Oshawa, Board of E car. It was an unmarked cruiser chairman Dr. C. H. Vip 5 | fiom the Bowmanvilie deiachmeni rapped the provincial government of the OPP, for not paying a higher proportion! But there were no hard feelings of the cost of education. Mayor | between drivers. They joined forces .W J. Naylor has called for a re- to chase an American car which vision of taxing processes and was going faster than either of more federal finance for education. them. The Whitby car won the Everyone acknowledges that a event, catching the American car difficult situation exists and a big by a wide margin from the Bow- task is fronting the Ontario author- manville battle-waggon. ities who have to build $60,000,000 HO, HO DEPARTMENT of schools every year for the next, Many readers have been asking ten to accommodate the increasing just what the citv council wants school population. Is the task get-| to make out of Hills and Dales. ting beyond the capacity of the| Lots. { municipalities, which at present OVER THE FENCE foot the bulk of the education bill? Ah, the good old davs. The meet The muncipalities are falling be-| ing" of fair hoard with city council hind in the financial race to pro-ion Wednesday night touched off vide buildings and teachers for|excursion back to the good old the rising population of children | days when the Oshawa Fair was JUMBO BOTTLE The growing burden has prompted really something worth climbing . - many to look for more federal|goyer the fence to see ST. THOMAS, Ont. (CP)--Milk- : al re ie is limited ¢ ath : an Jax Fordum. offers: his cus. | help. as loca revenue Although the meeting was dis- u L | {MANY BARRIERS cussing whether Golf street should da OFL OFFICIAL Richard Courtney, former pres- ident of Local 222 UAW-CIO was elected vice-president of the On- and lomats ments. « The legations and embassies, too, have undergone some changes. NOW GUEST HOUSE The old 'U.S. embassy is head- quarters of the Peiping branch of the Communist party. The French embassy is an official guest house {for such distinguished visitors as Prime Minister Nehru of India The Belgian embassy has been leased to Burma. The German em- bassy is occupied by East Ger- frequented mostly by of Communist dip- govern- tario Federation of Labor at the recent convention in London. He is still a member in good standing of the local union, al- | though now stationed at St. Cath- arines as an internalional re- presentative for CIO United Auto Workers. Mr, Courtney was nominated for the high office by James Lowney, a member of Lo- cal 222 UAW-CIO. FOOD FOR DUCKS flags come and go through gates in the high walls surrounding their old houses mans and the Austrian embassy tomers the latest in milk carriers. The Oshawa City Council and | go through Alexandra Park, most now is that of the Hungarian He supplies a three-quart bottle the beard of education put their | speakers deemed it opportune to The owl is a wise old bird, and people's republic complete with wire handle heads together over school finance declare how they gained admit- wise old birds know a good in« New Alphabet Version Due For China Reds | HONG KONG (Reuters)--Com-|dialect, spoken in Peiping, then to munist China is planning to intro-| spell out this unified speech in Ro- duce a '30-letter version of the al- man characters. 5 phabet used in English to replace The new 30-letter alphabet will the centuries-old Chinese written use all the English letters except language of 30,000 painted charac-| "V"' and an additional five letters MEDICINE HAT, Alta. (CP)-- But the American and British Fifty pounds of wheat was spread | tourists and the eccentric foreign out on tarpaulins as feed for three | residents with private incomes dozen ducks stranded here Fish have been replaced by' Russian and game officials set out the feed| technicians and their wives . after finding evidence the ducks| The Piping Cub, which admit- were scratching the snow and ice ted no, Chinese members before the for feed in a market garden. war, now is the International Club COMING EVENTS | RUMMAGE SALE ST ANDREW'S Church Tuesday, February 14, 1.30 p.m. | 35a vestment when they see it. There is no better investment than the remarkable new SUN LIFE plan: Life Insurance to age 65 with pre miums returned if you live to 65! Call me today and let me tell you all about it. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The British embassy continues at the same old stand--even Chinese ministry of public secur- though with depleted personnel. | ity Charge d'Affaires Conn O'Neill] A number of Westerners still heads the small staff. They no! live in Peiping. A convent of nuns ~ longer have the old legation guard! --British, Swiss, Canadian and m= + x i rut. fence -- or under it f British soldier: > S -| French : eu ihew ! ; of British soldiers. The British mil | French runs a school for children, "Council tet the meeting with the] "Eber Down, a stolid rural man impression that once again, and for | said he always supported the fair, a long time to come under the €X-| even to the extend of not climb- isting set-up, the cost of education| jpg the fence. Herb Bathe let it be will be the Jrgest single fem oi Knows that he always paid to visit the annual tax notice sent y the fai si « ig- A A " home ot ally aL Shen Shedkers fogialie | ers in a campaign against illit- Iepresenting sounds common in Constitutional barriers, inter-pro-| what it us > | eracy 5e. . vincial jealousies, and political pac oY used 10.he, and dendance| China has about 20 main dia-| It has been estimated that fewer apathy seem to be hindering any = Maybe the fence is too high. lects and 200 less important ones| than 20 per cent of Chinese can concrete moves to tackle the edit All our readers made a point of but only one 3,500-year-old written read and write. cation problem on a national scale. telling us that we made a mistake | tongue. This is understood by lit-| Surely the time has been reach. in a report about the win a speakers of all dialects but] VANCE AIRBORE int ed when a well-educated youth isi handling of the letter on water |pronounced by each in a differ-| notional airport na had in wi as important to Canada as a well-| fluoridation. Thanks and apologies|ent way, and only scholars of great | s ne a iy ere 1a aS iH trained army. Both are national' ty hoth of vou | distinction know even half of the| Songers on Panes using e Pe , resnonsibiMties in the long run Mayor John Naylor did not refer| characters. or ti more 1 an i $122,509 op The Neelon - Garson Township the letter to the board of health. A nationak language reform con- $22.00 hia 1954. was Counell, recently pase. Shiai 1 Was Telerted bo ie board on|ference in Peiping decided last| profitable year on record in 1955 | tion askin he Domini overn-i the motion of / 0. Eagle. sun- rize \ s : | ment to 2 half the educa'ion| ported by Ald. C. amas hut this October to popularize the Mandarin Annual Teport showed 654.765 pas: | costs in the Sudbury area. Said|doesn't alter the fact that sending the reeve: 'If we don't get more' the letter to the board of health! revenue soon we're heading for was unnecessary and that not all banruntev." aldermen agree with Mayor Nav- LEFT. RIGHT, LEFT lor's perfectly justified system On Wednesday night of next week | of referring letters instead of call- the local anti-polio organization Will ins for a motion on each | hold what they have s rangely | wm ------ c-- i Ruan dR Fath, he have ever se 5 yr NEG T RDI recently. Both bodies have develop-| tance to the park in their vouth ed an admirable skill at spending | Ald. J. Lovell, with a faraway look the taxpayers' money. The edu-|in his eves (vou know, a 40-foot cation bill is getting heavier, and] star in an 8-foot room) confessed! suncil wanted know if it could|that he used to climb over the NORTHMINSTER COME DOUBLE Club Variety Show, February 23 and 24. Admission 50c, children 25c. Feb.11,18,22 BINGO, ALBERT STREET February 13, 8 p.m. 35b ROGER WOLFE DIAL RA 3.2883 CP. AND T Hall, Monday, VALENTINE TEA AT HARMONY UNI ed Church sponsored by the Onward Group; Tuesday, February 14, 3 pm. to 6 p.m. Adults 50c. HR ST. VALENTINE DAY TEA TO BE | held at Knox Presbyterian Church, Tues. day, February 14th, from 3-6. 35b Buehler's Meat Specials ! MONDAY ONLY! ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH Valentine tea and program, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2.30 p.m. Admission .3l¢c 5b 12 KING ST. E. PHONE RA 3-3633 BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY February 11th, 8 p.m 34b VALENTINE BRIDGE North Simcoe Home and School Association to be held ot the Frankly, we have never seen a| dime marching More than 1500 women are ex- school, Tuesday, February 14 at 8 P.M. Admission 75 cents Phone RA 5-3276 for tickets FARMERS UNION meeting at Tyrone, Tuesday, February 14th at 2 p.m_ sharp. Calling all farmers unionized labour members and oll other citizens to hear Mr. J. Shultz, Manitoba, speak. Mr. Shultz is top Dominion arm Union Orgeonizer. You afford ta miss Special cannot this! 35, MAXWELL SCHOOL CHILDREN HOLD OUTING Children of Maxwell School were guests recently of the Max- | ; pected to go from door to door o d eserving cause. It is thus obvious Wednesday collecting coins for this} | , Greatest crowd ever to at- Fresh that the eampaign should he call ed the "March of Dames". is probably foo late for advantage of | ever, | the group to How- it take this dazzling publicity gag ~An ednesay to spot these marching | ate by emptying out all the dimes, The 1500 women| | will give the dimes their marching in ot uk lo a well Neighborhood Association at | a close up of some. horses on-a | The other day one of the Whithy detachment was plavine tag ~Times-Gazette Photo | speeding motorists on 401, when a a special sleigh party in the coun | nearly farm. | try. They are shown as they get | any case, we'll be out on imes and hope that you'll co-oner- your place rders "AST WORK The gendarmes of the OPP are uick off the mark, sometimes with HAD 92,000 | tend a baseball game were { the almost 92,000 fans at Yankee Stadium in May 1933 Lean Ri rouhd MINCED BEEF TEWING BEEF when the Yankees and Red Sox double - headered. Many had to sthnd Through Classified ads in The Times - Gazette YOU can get things done right in your easy chair! STEAKS SIRLGIN and WING 2.1.00 Finding a job, a place to live, furniture or a business ic EASY when you shop the Want Ads. Also place a "Want- ed" ad and get offers sub- mitted to» YOU. Dial RA 3-3492 for an ad-writer. 2-Ih. WIENERS 1-pkg. Wiener Buns BOLOGNA END CUTS Ib. 16¢ 19: BY THE PIECE