Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Feb 1956, p. 14

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ofl-base colored paint, This started GREASE ON DRIVEWAY When the powder becomes discolor: | {a discussion in our home. My| QUESTION: After we had a t wi der 1 4 weg FIRSTAID TO THE RILING HOUSE: ut cist asic fm ts Coma hea 0 more 1s sors | AA get this increased efficiency the/my car dripped oil from a leaky : H PLUMBING 44 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, February 11, 1956 TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE |aluminum paint must be removed transmission, Is there a way to re- By ROGER C. WHITMAN first; "otherwise it will still cut{move it? . down the heat. Should the alum-, ANSWER: If the oil has not WATER SEEPS THROUGH , ANSWER: If your tank is a com-|inum paint be stripped off and if| penetrated too deeply you should water; then rinse thoroughly. wr QUESTION: What can be done paratively new one it ly possible not why not? be able to remove it Spread al™ Remodel bn to a brick house? The terrificito find a buyer for cause | WER: ter|thick layer of dry portland cement wind and rain storms we have had metals in general are becoming what ind of PA aot on the or an oil absorbing powder (sold ry iy yea Kraig Sad STANDAR caused the water to come right/more or less scarce, Ask some|i sdiator: the finish coat is what/Py fuel oil and gasoline dealers),|way in 1954 and 1956 FIXTURES through the brick. The walls have|local ofl burner dealers if they|.ounts as far as heat emission is| . become thoroughly soaked {would be interested. If mot youl, ,cerned, Tests along these lines| FOR BETTER LIVING ANSWER: Examine all the mor-could fill it with water. Before|p, eo heen conducted by several la-! | tar joints ad repoint all those doing so it would be wise to dis|poratories and the same results| Por good found to be defective or cracked solve a couple of pounds of washing|ave been found, Put the new| i then coat all of the walls with a|soda in water and pour it into the| nn int Gyer the aluminum. If you transparent liquid waterproofing. |tank to neutralize any sulphuric|yigh to get still more heat out of If possible use the type that con-|acid that might have formed. Fuellyour radiator place a sheet of] tains silicones, For good results oil at times contains a smalliauminym foil on the wall bpck of| two applications "will be neces. amount of sulphur and when mix-|(pq radiator, Tt will reflect the sary. ed with water an acid forms caus-\peat into the room instead of pene- INSULATION IN WALLS ing corrosion. trating Into the wall, > | QUESTION: We are building a| PAINT ON RADIATORS baa ; now house. The outside walls are to be, QUESTION: Sometime ago you PAIS: OVER JALLTAYER ! acs with | of stucco and we are going to have answered a question about painting| Nish ol Sat eq our the inside walls plastered. We have radiators and said that a metallic a paper ey as n app Le f and. Kitchen been told that if we put Insula- paint such as aluminum or bronze|P% CrY rl an A use Ard prod >» | ) / fixtures. Free tion in the walls the plaster walls|would not emit as much heat as an| Thai #9 on iif bef ey 8 | > estimates, will sweat, We want to use the in-| ays ere prepar. ore 4 } sulation but would not do ft if it| Gc f will cause this condition. shoud IN THE HOME | ANSWER: 1f the paper adheres L. B. we put the blanket insulation next| elt 2 pir sralloeard and 8 Since: AT A SOUND ® Ae outside Yall or jitide wall? if WORKSHOP were: sealed it might be wise ol See us for your building i i 0 1] D uM A Li) they are cold and the house air paint over the paper. Rubber base| material needs . . . we | contains enough humidity to cause| m5 _ paint can be used satisfactorily for have a complete stock. Plumbing & Heatin condensation to form, With insula-| © ; [gOS] | this purpose. Di ion Lumb NORTH OSHAWA | ging X tion in the walls this is not likely Li A mension Lumber | PLUMBING HEATING | 758 MARY STREET to happen providing the rooms are| 3 - J Plywood | "wour saris | PH. RA 5-1044 heated uiformly and the temper- 4 0 i : | ature is even in all parts of the 4 ¥ u BUIL FO E | Flooring A f | TIME PAYMENT PLAN! Jouse, The Japorproot 2 ey, of p / Ee 0 D R TH Roofing e blanket insulation shou ; en I 4 jhe back ul the Plaster am the sh A FUTURE WHEN You I Siding anges nailed on the inside sur- 2 faces of the studs. ' 4 BUILD WITH | nsulotion ROUGH CEMENT FLOOR ' A Bulders i ' UESTION: I have a home : 4 A ITN " Hardware | " LIVING A rE es find that the ent flor oy ' . HENDERSON * Millwork ty Cate foul? Foss you 19-0° 134 7+ 9 i the basement is not smooth; in fact it is quite rough. Is there any-| "70 and many thing I could put over this to make| By RUTH WYETH SPEARS CONCRETE others |it smoother? If you have a jig-saw you should | . | ANSWER: The simplest proced-|; . delighted with these graceful] BLOCKS 1323 %Q. FT. . {ure is to locate a terrazzo man who ivy designs. They are modern ver- 25235 CU. FT. TB Ad could make the concrete floor| ish "of the Victorian wall shelves} You get a reliable cost construct {smooth by going over it with a ter-| 4" rackets that add the touch} jon with our mew. concrete block razzo grinding machine. Or you HOME DESIGN NO. 329 [could gring olf the floor oy a of charm that is so needed in construction ~ they are equally The Building Editor, | or jt/Many a contemporary home. The| adaptable to th tract From the front entry of this Oshawa Times-Gazette, | floor underlayment then coved shelves and the brackets may bef E50" FL e contiruetion brick veneer ranch home one Oshawa, Ontario, {with an asphalt or vioyl.as es 08 hung singly or in groups accord- your home, your farm, the can walk directly to either liv- | floor tile The inde aymen {ing to the wall space. Both the community, school or a com. ing or dining room. There is a Please send me further details about how to obtain standard (Usually stocked "by dealers hand-| 0. Cake nice gifts if you used | mercial building. Ask the men Son : built-in china cabinet in the well- builder's blue prints for Home Design No. 329 {ling flooreovering:. [fine woods like pine, maple or ma-§ who are experienced in con- I} © ted ationa lighted dining room and the liv- losed pl find 7c for which send me Book of USELESS FUEL OIL' TANK hogany. The pattern is actual size(f crete block, A Henderson Block | Home Imp rove ing room also boasts good wind- hd ene ised ¥ ig SELECTED HOMES." (Please make QUESTION: I recently convert-|to be taped to the wood so that all} neighborhood contractor or arch. ment Year." Let us ow area. A fireplace Is featured Plans entitie Oshaw Tin ps-Gazette.) ed my oil-fired furnace to gas and|saw lines may be traced ready for § tect -- to specify Henderson help you Improve / h pl remittance payable to The Oshawa Times-Gazelle. |am wondering what to do with my|sawing. Readers who like to*keep } Concrete Block: Rf your home. in the living area. Although plans cks. yi | underground fuel oil tank, I don't|their jig-saws humming should in- call for a full basement, the Y ox | laundry area is combined with diddy iadiindapnt isle odie dbl ig think it would pay to dig it up|clude $1.50 additional for the Jig- the kitchen. This saves the home- |but wes wondering if it were fill-| Saw Packet containing a wide var-| maker continual trips up and Sass isenusnatasaeenenetenerrint rey eenvenenene og with water if that would pre-iety of useful projects. The Times-| ON down stairs. The three bedrooms vent the metal from rusting on the|Gazette, Pattern Dept, Oshawa, -- " been desig- HEAR , . . Heatare Serves Windows Jha ow | . | inside; Ont, C IT pan. NEWS wightly. on et space itchen | I me dent rete wen. Suburban Life Leaves Room ONCRETE | cxLs, fast table, Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set F I di id 1E [3 | PRODUCTS | "anad 'may be obiained tn Canada for | FOF INCIVIAUAL LXPansion T - OSHAWA BOX information write to: The Build-| This article describes and pic- magazine tells the story of how ng Editor, The Daily Times. tures 'a number of Levittown's| this community's residents have LTD « Gazette, Oshawa, Ontario. remodeled houses, demonstrating | remodelled their $9,000 home to . LJ} & LUMBER the spirit of individuality which|suit their individual tastes. says: Push out a wall, add a| Levittown, through the imagina. | NOW IS THE TIME to pour thet DIAL CONCR IN THE HOME wing, build a patio, change and|tion and hard work of its gina Cellar Floor with Our HEATED CON- ETE & CINDER BLOCKS CO. LTD. I RA 5-3516 [Loree ser oval] i nnn nin a sarod en Levittown began building, f r » | non Rds N. following the end of the war, jt| hommes such with its own sue Po PROMPT SERVICE | | | had the tone of young married free taste, Here you will find in-| hSouples coming from crowded dividual Drsons, Jot Jacsless Som | CURRAN & BRIGGS READY Mix LTD. ! || apartments, searching for space, MUters press nto a standard of) ps) - | Now it has the tone of settled|/leveled-out living. Here you will OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS [families with growing children|find real pioneers who have plant.| searching for more space, better| ed trees instead of cutting them and more individual space. Levit-| down; who have Expanded their £ "RE BUY YOUR LUMBER and town is happy proof of that pride % wmimad vans wie li 03 | 4 | Fhe" ve omogenized Wl net ee aged Dn of Os. | \ : | BUILDING SUPPLIES nes' . people who have moved from the 4 FD a | | What started as the largest mass | City to get a taste of tomorrow, i . AND EOMPANY LIMITED H 7 LET us WM hy THF, NEW SELF-SERVE WAY . production of homes in the nation's frue, x may be 3 shall josie, bit Ww A K E \ AT history amid loud ecojticism has| § ieople have learned to make | R27 , developed int sxttemely well! the most of it. Those are the m bY YOUR HOM E Fromeny My I es of life and women who are changing the 184 BOND ST. W. BROOKLIN SUPPLY & LUMBER 00 LTD . . : 3 Jlfor 17,000 home owners. - face of America, OSHAWA ITH WYETH SPEARS The community Is Levittown Te ; ; ) a . by Re New York, a commuter's centre PEACEFUL ATOM { N HIGHWAY NO. 7--BROOKLIN . View your screen from any y, ely 20 miles from the sidewalks | : An atoms - for - pe i angle. This television stand has a ' | : peace exhibition Jurn-table top and useful storage of New York: issue of A monthly hcued at Chittagong in East Pak: WHOLESALE HARDW ARE space beneath. It will fit jute A] oem m------ -- | ary, ne. DIVISION B inst o vall, It : | arrre a a" room divider" where may be ted lor supporting he} pi ! ] «th is viewed from both t and on the ach ste § ! ining and living Aa The boo in making this stand is illustrated M PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE } with modern fixtures! L struction of this stand is quite on patfern 420, which will be mall ORTGAGE LOANS BE \ : he Povle. It is a cabinet 3 juches by ul for Be The Dally ores AVAILABL | \ Sniay the senvenionee : <9 inche wenty inches i razette, attern ept., va, ' EF y ° i Either of "oo types of os Ontario, E BUILDERS HARDW ARE Randioraé a Shawge & ' -- ---------------- 8 ie lnstalie i + "A Surface to Cover All Your Needs 3 Ralph S. Jones and MILL SUPPLIES BN ( 3 vad 0 umbyr! bd Kitchen or Bathroom" OIL BU RN ERS AND Barrister & Solicitor | CI - » . FORCED AIR UNITS || 65 Simcoe st. south || 184 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA | FE Gt D. BURNETT [| | Standard Patterns Carried In Stock Dial RA 5-3525 . PLUMBING & HEATING CO. LTD. of 10% DOWN Dial RA 5-3594 8 10 ATHOL W. DIAL RA 3-4629 FEARS SPSL Tone i 5 YEARS TO PAY! |v frre ativan!' budgeiformet' se" PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 5.92 PER MONTH ON OIL BURNERS < Sue : of Irth id ie? HARVEST GEO. THOMSON BAL 3.7718 , IRISH LINEN Chorcsal 125 CONANT -- Free Estimates Day or Night : Gorgl Pink Trusses White | 81 SIMCOE ST. N RA 3.7641 | INI BEST BUY! | ff cHROMTRINM" = ASPHALT Le ALUMINUM MOULDING CA RPETS$ | Wit: Seal 10% OFF "a hat DRIVEWAYS | S| WALL TO WALL & RUG SIZES. Wacol ry © CLEAN and DURABLE [| SEE: | em en | ER ose Large Samples In Your Own Home "NO SLAM" JAMB veiw Blond Striped © BEAUTIFIES YOUR HOME ORIENTAL OAK Blonde Beeswing Chartreuse Grey Pickled Grey Beeswing I 2AEP STOFE DNDOTNDG BESS Des Rattle-proot chain closer Red Stripeq Block modern KICK PLATE Quer Masonite Enamelled Tile FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUY OBLIGATION W B B E | 4 E 1 1 0 \: ills ! VARIETY OF COLORS IN STOCK . M ash lun Exports About RA 54632 p Si | | gos Gosniss SAS GEO. MACKO A \ | N G L T D Smoothedge Onastallations { Formerly KoolVent Sales | LUMBER FREE ESTIMATES 15 Prince St. Oshawa Phone RA 88132 Simeon 34. N., Gilowa The Modern Way To Lay Wall To Wall Carpets GER ; | #73 pion wa. biel RA 32732

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