42 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, February 11, 1956 Read For Profit--Use For Results Want Ads RA 3-3492 33--Legal Notices CORPORATION of the TOWN of BOWMANVILLE Tenders for Gravel 36--Female Help Wanted TWO ENGLISH - SPEAKING YOUNG sisters or friends as mothers' helpers, Toronto, live close together. $25 month. ly. Will pay transportation. Mrs. Sharf, 380 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto, 32d 26--Farmers' Column 500 BALES TIMOTHY HAY, sale. [Rocket gasoline lawn mower, Stringer, RR No. 1, Columbus, DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly Phone collect, Bowmanville, t 32679. We buy live horses. Margwil Fur Marm, Tyrone. Mar, 1 FOR SALE -- SEED GRAIN, REGIS. y oats. Phone Blackstock 89R1l, E. R. Swain, Feb. 30 12--Dressmaking EXPERT DRESSMAKING AND AL Iso ofl for 37--Male Help Wanted 44--For Rent WHEN ANSWERING HELP WANTED | 3ROOM APARTMENT FOR Ads send copies ouly of reletencts. and and | $47 monthly. Dial RA 59289. other Javesy, and avoid loss of original. SMALL HOUSE, WATER AND LiGu1s, ACTUAL JOBS IN CANADA, US. 80.| gieriing Avenue off Wilson dy 'South, 4c WANTED -- IMMEDIATELY. OLDER an. on ' 813.50. Travel paid. 4 yoman companion tap elderly 18471 ; Centre, Room | \po0M SELF-CONTANED Light house duties. Sigep in. Write Box C52, 470 Stuart Street, Boston 424, Times-Gazetfe. 0d Sat, June p| ment, avallable March lst. HAN! C| pm. RA 5-1684. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AS A LICENSED oD, MECHANIC, IM secretary to general sive manufaciuring company, Wt 'have good shorthand, possess initiative, be alert and dependable. Top salary to cap- able girl, Kindly write full particulars in own hand and salary desired to Box 439 Times-Gazette. Me AMAZING EXTRA MONEY 1--Accountants INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION le--Accountants 2--Barristers 3-Ci i 4--Dentists S~Nursing Services 6--Optometrists 7--=Surveyors 8---Building lrades 9---Building Material , 10--Sharpening Service 11=Business Opportunities | 2=Dressmaking 13--Gardening & Supplies | 14--HouSeho!d Repairs BUECHLER -- In loving memory of a || !5--Instruction dear husband and father, Reinhold Bue-'| !6--Insurance chler, who passed away February 12, |' |7--Money to Loon ha h home and circle, | '8--toon Wanted 'rom our happy 3 God has taken one we loved, | !8a--Mortgages For Sale He is borne away from sin and sorrow 19--Personal 20--Cartage To a nobler rest above. No one knows how much we miss M®.'} 2 _ personal Service 22--Radio Repairs None but aching hearts Sax tell. rth but found in heaven, oii 'things 23--~Women's Column 24--Market Basket Jesus doeth all things well, ~ASadly missed by wife, Caroline, family 25--Pets and Livestock DUNKLEY -- In loving memory of a || 26--Farmer's Column dear uncle, who passed away Feb. 1ith, | 27--Fuel Wood 1946. 28--Summer Resorts It's not the words, they are i fv, 28a--Hunting It's the golden memory we keep of you. | 29.5 Properties For Sole --Ev bered by Dora and Alf. =--summer Proper th EYEE teqimbered 30--Lost and Found 31 Articles For Rent 32--Articles Wanted 33--Legal Notices 34--Auction Sales 35--E 36--Female Help Wanted 37--~Male Help Wanted 38--Male or Female Help Wanted 39---Agents Wanted 49--Opportunities or Men & Women 41--Room and 3oard 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted 47 --Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted BIRTHS WADDELL -- John and Winifred (pee Scott) wish to announce the birth of their son on Thursday, February 9, 1956 at the Oshawa General Hospital. IN MEMORIAM BROWN -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Edward N. Brown, who passed away February 12, 1948. Looking back with memories, | Upon the path you trod We bless the years we had with you, | And leave the rest to God. You left us quietly, your thoughts un- known, But you left us a memory, we're proud to own. --Lovingly remembered by wife family. ALSO , IE, 4c BOB CLANCY'S ONTARIO ACCOUNT- ett ing Service offers | ing service for small businesses. 47 Prince Street, Room 1; office RA 50397 Residence RA 3-7605. Feb, 22 8. T. HOPKINS AND COMPANY, CER- tified Public Accountants, 172 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. RA 5-3509. Mar. 2 MONTEITH, 'MUNTEITH, RIEHL CoO, chartered Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto, J. W, Monteith, FCA, A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., CA, G. W. Riehl, CA (resi partner), G. E. Trethewey, CA, R. F. Lightfoot, CA. RA 54662, 135 Simcoe Street North. Mar & YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER AND Co., Accountants and Auditors, 64 King Street East, B. L. Yale, CA, F. Fried: lander, B. Comm., J. Hunter, Cra, . ar, also Phone RA 3-3195. Feb 27 MADE T0 MEASURE DRAPES, s and general dress-making. Prices reasonable. RA 5-8420, 259 Court Street, Feb.14 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., March 15th, 1956, for supplying and hauling 2,000 cubic yords of gravel crushed to 38 inch, to be delivered to a site within the Town for stock piling. Gravel must con- sist of ot least 40% stone, 60% of gravel. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 14--Household Repairs RECOV- CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, ered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are Satisfact guar. anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up. holstering Co., 10 Rond Street West, Dial RA 5-0311, Feb. 22 PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING, repairs. Ready to serve you promptly, Phone Van Horn, RA, 5-4025, Feb, 11 FLOOR REPAIRS, ALSO CLEANING ali types of tile ne linloleum, all I work QUALITY FEEDS .$4.75 APPLIANCE = SALESMAN WANTED for Ajax District, car allowance and commission, Apply nAnager, E. Row- Sports, Sored: Shopping Centre, ec MILLWRIGHT The Canadian Locomotive Co, Ltd, requires the services of one experienced Millwright, capable of repairing modern racchine tools, minimum of 5 years experience required. 40 hr, week. Health & Welfare Plan Excellent working conditions, "hone or write Mr, F, Ohlke aot 7731, Canadian Locomotive Company Limited Kingston, Ontario Pioneer chic crums. .. Purity lay mash. . .. Purity Hog Grow. . . Pioneer 24% Dairy. Western mix chop. . Turkey starter crum. 4 grain sratch Ton prices quoted, cluded, delivered. COOPER SMITH COMPANY 16 CELINA STREET RA 3-2312 wo ROOMS $35 MONTHLY OR $20. r wanted, PLAN room, 217 McKim St. and Bowmanville, Ont., Feb. 8th, 1956. A J, INE, Clerk, Feb.11,18 34--Auction Sales . AUCTION SALE The Oshawa Auction Arena will have for sale on February 15, at 7:45 p,m., the follow- ing articles: Buffet, groceries of all kinds, pots and pans, box of quilts, numerous quantity of six-quart baskets, other articles too numerous to mention, Location: 1 mile north of Viger Oil Station on Town Line. Terms: cash, JAMES WOOD, Auctioneer Lariviere Street, Montreal, U PQ a 37--Male Help Wanted TRACER The Canadian Locomotive Company requires the services of a Tracer, or Draftsman hov- ing skill in the preparation of hand inked drawings, Age range 18-35, 40-hr. week, health and welfare plans, ex- cellent working conditions, Phone or write Mr, F. R, Ohlke Canadian Locomotive Company Limited Kingston, Ontario if ™0 UNFURNISHED ROOMS after 5." Feb.19| couple, separate and charge. Phone ry 5-7U6 ate FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP. Simcoe Street bolstered, See our materials for recover- | ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 3.7212. Mar. 3 2--Barristers CREIGHTON, FHASER, DRYNAN AND Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar- | ies, Bank of Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe | Street North. RA 3-3446. T. QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. G. Y. Murdoch, NHA Mortgages ranged, Mar. sacks TWO LARGE UN rooms, private entrance, hot and nuns water. Steam heat, Dial FLAT FOR Fg unfurnished, conveniences. Apply 25 Quebec eet (near Simcoe South), Feb, 11 CONVENIENT UNFURNISHED 3.ROOM heated apartment, central, private id » business couple or nurses. sonable, prvengops Dg Re LARGE NEW MODERN FOUR-ROOM apartment, self-contained, ofl-heated, nice district, yet very central, $85 monthly, RA 52802. oe : 15--Instruction | LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY CAMERON AND MACDONALD, BAR, and fun at the Oshawa Studie of Dancing " Mar, 1 | 13% King Street East, RA 3-2269. A | BA 58041 or 5-1860. ' and private mortgages arranged. Feb. 20| LESSONS ON SPANISH GUITAR | mpet, 'A. W. 5. GREER. QC, BARRISTER, | Solicitor, etc., 6 King Street East. RA clarinet, Violin, Wilson asd Lee Musk 54717 Residence RA 3.4759. Terence V. RA 5-708. Fon | Kelly, BA, BCL, Residence RA. 5-300.' gre oreo om--aner--rmaonon | Donaid B." Dodds, BA, LLB, Residence, h ais Ey IAT RA | RA 5-5203, Mar. (JOHN M. GREER, BA, Sc. BARRIS. |ter and solicitor, 7% Simcoe Street ' South. Dial RA 59421. pp , ~3300, a Tem i Fridays and Saturdays. Inform- 3 April 12. HUMPHREYS AND BOYCHYN. BAR: ation RA 3.7233. risters, colicitors, 6 King West. Phones: | pipupy DANCE ACADEMY -- TAP, office RA. 5-1177. Res. RA. 54604, Whitby | jt 000) "pointe, Register now. 424 2761. Money to loan. Mar. 1| ging West, Oshawa, RA 5-6122. June | BALPH 5. JONES, BA, AND THOMAS! MERCURY SCHOOL OF | SAFE DRIVING citors, 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5.3525 Learn to drive by safe Mortgage loans avaliable. Mar. 9 McGIBBON AND BASTEDO. BARRIS. | and courteous instruc- tors. | | ters and Solicitors. Clients' funds avail RA 5-4771 Mar. 6 and R. 27 --Fuel, Wood STOVE OIL OR FUEL OIL, PROMPT deliveries by metered trucks. Harry O. Perry. Telephone RA 3-3443, RA Fai Aprillé Feb. 16 FACTORY HARDWOOD SUTTINGS, 5 .r load delivered anywhere, one DANCE EDU: | RX 515g Feb.17 34C GIBSON -- In loving memory of Percy Gibson who passed away February 12, 1952 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, | Of the loss of one we loved so well | And while he sleeps in 1 sleep | His memory we shall always keep. --Ever remembered by wife Anne and daughters Eileen and Barara. LILLIAN MAE MARSH, eator, dancing school ballet, tap, toe, baton, Masonic 39--Agents Wanted ARE YOU DISSATISFIED WITH your pmésent occupation? You may be the person we are looking for to start 8 Rawleigh business in eify and rural locality, You will find this pleasant, outside work very healthful and Brot able. You can secure your time. Write Rawleigh's Dept. B.310.204, Montreal, P.Q. 35a ee--e---------------- ALERT DI DEALERS NEEDED _ IN OSH. awa and surroundings. You can $100 weekly and more selling guaranteed line of cosmetics, food products, daily necessities, Free catalogue and details at Familex, Dept, 2, Box F, Station C, Montreal, 5a MEN A AND WOMEN WANTED TO SELL | highest quality nylon hosiery and beau- tiful iingerie to your friends, neigh. bors, offices, clubs, church organiza. tions, etc. Wonderful earnings, full or spare time. Write to: Stardust Hosiery Company, 244 King Street East, Toronto 2 Feb, 2,4,7,9, 11, 14, 18, 18 EARN EXTRA MONEY Showing our Everyday cards, novelties, etc. is an easy way to moke $50 and up. Our at- tractive line makes it easy to get orders. Send today for free two color catalogue and sam- ples on approval. New Melex Greeting Card Co. Box: 516, Hamilton, Ont, ¥BEDROOM JOWER 3 DUPLEX, FIVE rooms), modern kite ample parking, east area, available March 1st. Write Box 431 Times-Gazette, 33 FOUR ROOMS, GROUND FLOGR, OIL heating, heavy wiring. One come. Dial RA 85-0205, ATTRACTIVELY FUKNISHED ROOMS, now available in private home. Apply 82 Park Road north. § to 7 p.m. Dial Feb. 16 BOWSER'S FUEL Oil Burners und Furnaces Coal, Wood and Oil Wood, V4 cord in 1 lengths Softwood Slabs, $5.00 Hardwood Slabs, $6.50 Body Hardwood, $7.75 Dial RA 5-2490 INSURANCE INSPECTORS LARGE American Corporation wishes to hire men 22-28 to be trained as:insurance inspec- tors; permanent position with vacation, group insurance ohd bonus system, promotion ond sa.ary based on ability and not on seniority; junior rgotricula- tion or better with some knowledge of typing; must have car. This job is presently in Toronto, Ontario, but there is a possibility of aq future transfer to Oshawa, postr fi Be KUNEY -- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Annie Kuney, who pass- ed February 12, 1951, Loving and kind in all her ways, | Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and true in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory she left be- hind Lovingly remembered by John, sons Jimmy and Anthony RA 8.8671, TWO FURNISHE! HOUSEKEEPING rooms, private bath and entrance, sin- gle beds, for two or three Setiomen, Apply 150 Division Street TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON- veniences, private three - piece bath, 3-3004. EL 35--Employment Wanted R ABLE WOMAN REQUIR "po. ---- | sition as operator for bookkeeping ma- EAV ,4 chine Experienced, have certificate B A ERTON E. Tutte, Phone RA 5.1193. Je DE. Write He | Mar.10 | 28--Summer Resorts | able for first mortgages, 20 Simeoe | Street North, RA 5.3566 Charles C. Me Gibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo. Feb, 24 | JOSEPH P. MANGAN, ¢ ac, BARRIS. | ter, Solicitor. Money to loan Office, | 14% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 49--Automobile Repairs | 88232 Residence RA 5-3405. Mar. 1| 50-Articles For fale | | |Z T. SALMERS, BA, BARRISTER, i $!--Swap and Barter | Solicitor, etc., 134 Simcoe Street North Residence RA away February CLASSIFIED AD RATES EE RA 53741; e Fa Jack 25 words or less Cash Charge [| MANNING F. SWARTZ, SARIN Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan . 6 CONSERVE 1.88 2.07 | got Block, Suite No. 4. RA 3-4697, Resi. 5 INSERTIONS. . 3.00 3.30 dence, Dial RA 3-4029, Mar. 1 If not paid within 7 days the } Chiro fists Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to originel f ecut nsertions. || JAMES A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF | iy Irate soi | Surgical Chiropody. Specializing in foot and leg Foot ort subsequant Insertions ordered at © ater date costitute a new original X-ray diagnosis Suite 2, 47 ince | Steret. RA 5-5621. Mar. passed away February 11, 1952 order, y lips cannot tell how I miss him, Professiongl and Business listings, heart cannot tell what to say; $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. | - God alone knows how I miss him, £ach additional line 75¢ per month, 4--Dentists G L Street East. mornings. RA 3.4472 husband, BOB'S FISH HUTS, Trent Canal. Special rates for Oshawon, lans. Phone Beaverton 362R4, after o'clock. oa CARETAKER WITH FAMILY sires job, Wife will work also 30--Lost and Found Box 438, Times "Gazette, | LOST DOUBLE STRAND pearls on Tuesday, finder please ai | 4 cellarways painted, hardwood floors | RA 3.9777. cleaned, waxed and polished by experi: "| enced man, Call Gordon Wilson, RA LOST -- FRAMED PICTURE, (YOUNG | 3-21 Feb.17 man and chihuahua dog), on Sim Street bus, Tuesday, Jan. 31. Dial RA EXPERIENCED COUPLE REQUIRE 83-8384. 34b | work. Interior ard exterior painting, wall and floor tiling, contract. Free LOST MALE BACK AND TAN ostimates. Dial RA 35-3154 3c hound has only one eye. Answers ®w Patch", Dial RA 3-018 or 228 McKim RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES IRON. Street, 33c' ing, 50 cents hourly, will pick up and deliver if desired. Phone RA 58575. 33c 36--Female Help Wanted ISLINGTON DISTRICT ( WEST TORONTO ) Shorthand Typist Required for expanding com- pany. Must be fast ond ac- cyrate. Good prospects for capable worker, Phone Toronto BEImont 1.6912 or write Box No. 330. Times-Gozette, MALLETT loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Frank Mallett, who passed away Feb. 11, 1948 ~Ever remembered by her family. tf. LEARN MORE TO EARN MORE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES Start Any Mondav RA 5-3375 OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW AT 22 Cadillac Avenue South, consisting of two bedrooms, living - room, bathroom kitchen and dinette, hot air Banting, pav- ed driveway. Write Box. 436, Times. EL] ONE . BEDROOM APARTMENT, available March 1. Dial RA 53023, 9 am. to 6 pm, EL COSY, FOUR - ROOM SELF-CONTAIN- ed apartment, second floor, stove frige. Central. Dial RA 3-3906, FOUR AND FIVE - ROOM APART- ments, 496 Simcoe North, adults ferred. Possession immediately, 13 John Street. RA 56300. FIVE - ROOM BUNGALOW Central Park South. Apply Street or dial RA 35-0859. TWO ROOMS share kitchen; widower. child part time. Reliable objection" to one child, inf RA 3.9235. ow) Room AND BOARD, BEST IN TOWN, THREE UNFURNISHED ROOM.S NEW: Migle beds, Water in py Ei all| ly decorated, use of laundry room, avail: conveniences. . . 396 Loraine. Strong: hone 1168, | able immediately. Phone RA 57057, 31 Feb.13 HOUSE, SIX ROOMS AND RUNNING ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO OR | water, bathroom, one mile three gentlemen, single beds, all con. | Brougham, on No. 7 niga Phone veniences, hot and cold water, very cen. | Pickering 77TW2. Ie opping centre. Apply 220 | { sau Street, RA 5.9176, THREE LARGE ROOMS, BUILT « IN sink, all conveniences. 16 Norin Oshawa. RA 3-698. 3e -- CELLARS CLEANED, WHITEWASH MeQUAID -- In loving dear father and grandf MeQuald who passed 11, 1951, --Always remembered by and grandsons. Hilda, 3 CONSECUTIVE PEREMAN -- In loving memory of a | INSERTIONS 4s dear father, Merwin John, who PASIed away February 12, 1954. | There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. ~Always remembered by the family. Reply Box 433, Times-Gazette 33c tf SINGER = In loving memory of my dear husband, William Singer, who SALESMEN We are fast approach- ing the top selling sea- son in the car business and we need two alert, neat appearing salesmen to complete our sales force. Experience not necessary. We train you, Our work- ing salesmen have aver- aged $85 per week dur- ing this winter. For Interview Apply: SEAWAY MOTORS LOST---NURSE"S WRIST WATCH, SAT. Jan. 28, near four corners, valued as | keepsake, Reward. Return to Slasaitiod dopt. Times-Gazette. 31--Articles for Rent !| Tuck FOR RENT --- 3 TON stake. RA 5-9624. 16--Insurance | ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE, SAVE up to 20 per cent. Seven months to pay. For personal service at your home can ADAIR, DENTIST, 37 KING RA §-7413, ar, Hours 9-5.30 daily, Saturday ___" ------ta------ -- GMC LIFE Mar. 9| IMPE REP. Mar.11 | resentative and General Insurance. Me | C. R. COLLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIM-| Murtry Insurance Agency, 21 King Street 1YYTON STAKE TRUCK FOR RENT | coe North. Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturday | Vest. RA 3.3722, Feb 30 by hour or day. Bial RA 56611. Ma a mornings RA 5-4832. Feb. 2 TRY RENT A| 6--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, SPE clalizing in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Evenings, Mon, Wed., Fri., 68. Invalids examined at home. RA | 56143, Disney Bldg., 31 King East. | Feb, 26 ON In a home that is lonesome today Each initial letter, abbreviation 8 ~hovingly remembered by 'his wife $ and c¢ sign, figure, count as a Irene word. Box charged 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by a.m. the day of publication, Office hours: Daily 8 - 5. Saturday 8-12. SPRATT -- In loving memory of a ASSURANCE 30¢ dedr brother, Billy Spratt, who passed away Feb. 12, 1951. 47--Room and Board ROOM AND ®OARD FOR BUSINESS %irl in vrivate home, North section. Dia) RA 56405. ! of BEFORE YOU BUY! 17--Money to Loan FOUR Fol 5.8655, on the Wil + 87 Simcoe North. RA 915-4706. Feb.17 TORONTO BARRISTER HAS CLIENTS | McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAWS FOR SALE funds for first, second or temporary | or rent, skil saw bench saw, sanders, | builders' mortgages. Roger 2.7723. | box trailer, chain hoist, paint sprayer, Mar. 6| pipe dies, etc. Stan's Sharpening Serv: TiRoT AND SECOND | '°* corner King and Burk. RA 3.3224. money to loan, good interest | eB Phone Whitby MO 82001, Roga | 9, RS miiea, i37 Brock Stent] 32 Articles Wanted Feb. 0:30] WANTED -- USED CHAIN SAW, RR | CLIENTS, MONIES AVAILABLE FOR No. 3, Uxbridge or phone 267R2. 35a | first and second mortgages. Mortgages | bo Re Bd Rd WANTED -- RAW FURS, LIVE POUL redments for sale purchased, try feathers, scrap iron, metal and rags ply M. F. Swartz, Barristers and No. industrial heavy wiring, ranges wired, tary Public, J Simcoe St. §. Oshawa, L res, North Oshawa, RA 3-2043 (col- - . Feb. 13 le Feb.14 connected, bells, chimes installed. Rea RA 3.4637 sonable. Standard Electric. RA 3.7624. |, -- | Feb.13| FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES |PIANOS ANY MAKE OR SIZE, WILL { bought, sold and arranged, agreements PAY cash, state make and price. Write SAN]. | for sale purchased. Private Funds. Louis POX 3268 Times-Gazette. Feb. 26 5 8. Hyman, QC 37 King St., Feb. 15 y % St. ERA A. CASH FOR QUALITY, SMALL PIANOS, state price an f ueight, Wilson and Lee LOAN ON, Ltd, RA 5-47 Mar, 8 Mortgages and ag reements or sale purchased. National | Goop PAIR oF BINOCULARS. RA Housing Act, Mortgages arranged, $3351 9 to 5. 3c Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch. | 30 MANY PETS? CLASSIFIED | ads bring Feb. 3 r buyers! Call RA 3.3492 azette ad writer. an Mar, 9 nick and Hennick Barristers, St. East. RA 3.7232, Me | e | LEARN HAIRDRESSING Women wanted, greatest oppor- tunity, better poy, pleasant work, catalogue free. Write MARVEL HAIR DRESSING SCHOOLS Branches: Hamilton, Ottawa. "Canada's National System" Feb.11,25 | 7--Sur 7 WE HAVE mortgage rates, | DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors, and professional en- Eineers, 17 Bloor Sireei Easi, Aecumasen, PONTIAC INN Room and Board in residential hotel, sing'e room with board $18 weekly. T.V, lounge, ex- cellent meals, comfortable beds. Dial RA 3.3993. SIX . ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 7 King Be | monthly. 68 Charles. Apply | Street West. Phone RA 5-0332, {FOUR - ROOM APARTMENT AND | store, Central, new building. 128 Wilson Road South. Phone RA 5.7938. Me NEW APART- SELF - CONTAINED, ment with kitchenette and bathroom, all Wares To Rent gui conveni One child li FAMILY "oF By DESTR 0OMS, gure for child if parents work. show North American Fashion outside city, farm preferred, write Box awa. RA 5.4061. Frocks to friends, No canvass- DRAFTSMAN 53 Times-Gazette. ! g y vas: for | Wes ~ 3¢| APARTMENT ~- PORT PERRY, FIVE ing, investment or experience " | RENT -- «- ROOM | room, modern self - contained. Avail necessary Neth: American Design and Development Werk house with all conveniehces, in oRooM | reer March 1. Apply W. J. Carnegle, Fashion Frocks Lid. Sits on Pumps, Heat Exchangers oe Whitby. Available by Mar. 7. Dial Perry, Phone 15. i " d Refrigeration Equipment, . Parthenais St., Dept. U3618, an | 45--Reo Estate Montreal, P.Q. P Opporturities for Training and |smaLL FAMILY DESIRES -TWO OR/ , For Sale 35a | Advancement to Checker and hive "gogo, Unfurgished apartment, Section Head. ' tte| Age 20-30 with Technical oT Trandate id FOR SALE School Training and Practical Yo For Rent Experience preferred. {SMALL THREE ROOM APARTMENT. | STOREY AND A HALF S. A. ARMSTRONG LIMITED [iss Soc Strvat Eas BRICK HOUSE 1400 O'CONNOR DRIVE ~~ |KOUR: Row, sea ERD, Large living 'room - with fire TORONTO place, three bedrooms, recre- ation room with fireplace, at Street East Bowmanville, Write or phone for appointment NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, RANCH ment and permanence for well Mr. Chamberlain -- PL 5-229] tached garage, large lot, paved qualified person. Starting salary Se drive. { Sivle. Location Simcoe Street South, Im- commensurate with ability and ------ F. H. WETMORE ate possession. Dial RA 3.7400. dc | EH Cay ne GARAGE FOR. RENT OR FOR STOR. | Times-Gazette, © 749 MASSON ST, RA 5.0234 3--Building Trades ELECTRICAL WORK, HOUSE WIRING, SPRATT -- In loving memory of Wil liam James Spratt who passed away CANADA'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF HEATING PUMPS REQUIRES MECHANICAL Mar. 3, | $100 MONTHLY For wearing lovely dresses given to you os bonus. Just sister would West ue CLIENTS MONEY TO first mortgages UR STENOGRAPHER Secretary for law office, legal experience not essential if other qualifications are first class. Five day week, group sickness and life insurance. This position offers advance- 35¢ «200 Winchester St, Mar. 10 Operated by the Trustees of The | age, central, Dial RA 344817. t Toronto General Burying Grounds. br LARGE FURNISHED ROOM AND GA. rage for one or two single mon. -smoking persons. Apply 338 Gliddon Avenue. A s-o113. 3e SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, central $7. Apply 38 Nasfau Street. 30f 6 ROOMS AND GARAGE, NEAR NEW shopping centre, on King Street West. | Available March 1st. Phone Whitby MO- hawk 8-2152. ax | 4RQOM APARTMENT, 3 PIECE bath, no children. Abstainer. Apply 64 McMillan Drive. RA 5.2468, { THREE ROOM FURNISHED x Bent, Jefrigerater, rangette, venson's Road and King. RA 3.4997. hia TWO - ROOM FURNISHED APART. ment, with {ridge, newly decorated, for couple or gentlemen. No Shilaven. Very central. Apply 253 Athol East. ur Canada's Largest Manufacturer of Heating Pumps CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. RA 5-3432 RA 5-4159 Free Pick-Up Open Saturday Feb.20 Feb.18 CLERK-TYPIST For employment in Ajax Previous experience desirable but not absolutely essential. Five day week--good employee benefits. Telephone for an appointment CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION AJAX ONTARIO Telephone Ajax 2 Non-Sectarian + Cremation is Inexpensive Write for Booklet Sat. Mch 31 STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works Memorials - Markers Requires * MECHANI ENGINE for ESTIMATING DEPT. Interesting work with considerable respon- sibility for application engineer. EXPERIENCE in estimating and preliminary design of heat trans- fer equipment desirable. MECHANICAL ENGINEER for HEATING LAYOUT DEPT. to out- line, design and develop new methods and systems for Water Heating and Cooling of large apartment houses, office build- ings, etc, » Recent graduate mechanical engi- neers with 1-3 years experience preferred. JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR PAPERHANGING & PAINTING GYPTEX All Work Guaranteed | RA 3.7080 50 NASSAU ST. BONES VANISHED 225, Mar 1 DRUMHELLER, Alta. (CP)-- Some citizens here are worried | about the disappearance of the din- osaur- A collection of dinosaur! { fJones found in he Drumheller val- CoA a ey was presen to thé city, but ASSOCIATION of MEMORIAL | ritics of the lack of tourist attrac- CRASFTSMEN, tions say the bones were placed in . an empty buildin d t 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby | fua" 8 2% camy % Phone MO 8-3552 Feb.19 (we | Dial CAL 21--Personal Service ER Frees LADY AS COMPANION TO invalid or child care any afternoon, 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. Dial RA 5.3691. 5b YOUNG LADY WITH TYPEWRITER wishes typing at home, secretarial ex perience. Dial RA 5.7285, 32 Deep in the heart lies a picture REGULATIONS @f a loved one laid to rest, The Daily. Times. Gazette shall not in emary's frame me shall keep it be respornsibae or errors in adver- rie phos was one of the best. tisements submitted otherwise than --Risand sister Lill, Hilly ahd family. iW writing, nor for more thon one incorrect insertion of any advertise- pig -- In loving memory of " ment, nor beyond the price charged dear son and brother, William James || for a single insertion of the ad- Spwatt, who left us February 13, 1981. | vertisements in which error occurs, Wonderful memories of one so dear And also reserves the right to clos- Are treasured still with a love sincere, sify advertising according to its own ill in our hearts he is living yet, | Classification. or we loved him too dearly to ever w forget, Fhere is no parting from those we love, C h- L d Pl No distance can divide ras an S ane For today in memory" s garden, Ww walk side by side. | my |. Rter 6-Hour Solo | rother-in-law Charles and' boys. TORONTO (CP) Tommy Gramstrup, 24, a pilot with six February 12, 1951 | hours solo experience, crash- rd we lace upon your grave, landed his single-engine plane at an lecay, 3 But love for you who sleeps beneath, nearby Maple airport Friday after i wever fide away R noticing one of its landing skis -- --Sadl is by brothe vi i eg See i | was broken. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE | He said he felt something snap 'aTy way. RA 5396. ~~ | when he took off MORRISON'S ROOFING, INSUL-BRC- CARD F T NK The plane's nose, engine and un- | king and eavestroughing. Free estimates o dercarriage were damaged | RA 5-0473 Feb. 16 1 wish to thank my many friends and | Marion Orr, Gramstrup's in-| CARPENTER REMODELLING, KITCH. neighbors for the expressions of sym. structor, said the youth made the |en cupboards tiling, free estimates. pathy with cards, phone calls and floral landing 'just as well as any vet- [Ask about time payment plan. James tributes, also acts of kindness and visits 3 " | Clarke. RA 5-1754. Jeb. 12] ami my TT for a TV to my late beloved wife eran ile: could do. | 18--Loan Wanted --Alfred Gelleff, rSransEup later resumed his [PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES ! - flyin lesson" | in another lane fittings fixtures, new and used. n- | $7,000 FIRST MORTGAGE AT [7% 'We wish to extend sincere thanks and Lyng S50 x eee | Stallations at reasonable prices. RA! per cent on good city Property. payable SHAW RAG & appreciation to neighbours, friends and | | 54241. Feb. 23| 5125 monthly, due 1963, liberal dou, METAL relatives for their messages of sympathy | Write Box 426 Times-Gazette. and floral tributes. During our recent outh 1 2) | Ing, sningling ROOFER: FLAT ROOF: | - - 89 BLOOR EAST sad bereavements of our mother, and ing. shingling, siding, louvers installe father. Special thanks to | ms. All work guaranteed. RA Jae. 18a--Mortgages for Sale RA 5-2311 EB Ww Tuck: ar, 9) = yo " : gn Ean Teri | 'In Collision i iin | 37. 000 FIRST MORTGAGE AT 6% Res.: RA 3-9111 3 | CARPENTER, KITCHEN U N I T 8,|per cent on good city property, payable | " Gren wid Ted Draper im, wall and floor tile, remodelling, 5125 monthly due 1963, liberal discount AUTO WRECKING GALT (CP) -- One youth was | recreation rooms. Contract or hourly. | Write Box 426 Times-Gazette. 8 ; / : | est price! id for scrap iron TORONTO CREMATORIUM |kiled, a second suffered a broken [Terms Phone RA 5.8213 Feb.14 - price} Bo 3p ory ~ 19--Personal metals, batteries, etc. Factory {hip and a 16-year-old girl escaped WA 3.7911 COPPER RANG LERS WITH 20! accounts appreciated. ; uninjured Friday night when their | year guarntee. Aiso glass lined and gal: HAVE YOU A DRINKING PROBELM:! car was smashed by a (rain at a|vanized. Reasonable installations. L. B. write Alcoholics Anonymous. P.O. Bex level crossing Goodman, RA 53-1044. Feb. 19) 103 Oshawa. Mar. 4 Dead is driver Kenneth Living- " i VACANCY-WORRIES? Rent Ads an stone. 17, of Galt. A relative, Rich- 'em fast! For an ad-writer dial Ral 20 eo aay ard Livingstone, 17, suffered a Iu fractured hip and a third passen- VE ANYTPING ANY NE RA §-2621. ger, Patsy Hatch, 16, was unhurt Police said Livingstone did not see the Canadian National Rail- ways passenger train until the last minu'e and then he tried to race cross the tracks. His body was fund under the train. You want a custom built home designed to your requirements at no extra cost, , , nstead Of a stock house exactly like your neighbors, 'call Gladys Newell, Pickering 8 JOHN SQUARE Broker Authorized Dealers | for Rock of Ages Corp'n, Member of the CANADIAN ANYONE LEAVING WHITBY FOR TO- ronto 7, 7.30 daily. Phone MO .8-2530, Whitby. Mb WILL MIND CHILD IN MY OWN home by week or day. Dial RA 5.3365. Me | APART. Vielnity weekly. ar For plumbing, hot water heating, sewer connec- tions, Findlay furnaces See MURRAY MILLER CO. Forced Air Specialist 341 Athol E. RA 3-9343 or RA 5.2993 Mar. 6 M. GREENBERG & SONS TURN YOUR SCRAP INTO MONEY BEST PRICES PAID For Steel - Cast Iron Batteries ? Lead - Copper - Ete. $10 Tin per Net Ton sora em. al HIGHWAY MONUMENT S4¢ 8-3462. 23--Women' s Lolumn iain | Modern Five-Room Apartment electrically equipped, best lo- cation, $100. Apply 498 Sim- coe North, Apartment S. RA 5.6309. Mar. 1 COSMETIC DIVISION FULLER BRUSH CO. SALES LADIES OSHAWA LINDSAY WANT-AD WONDERS CLUB'S WANT AD | SPECIAL -- PERMANENTS $3.50 UP | - Rags ~Coldwaves, $4.50 up. Page Hairdress-| ing, 396 Pine Avenue. Dial RA 35-5363 March 5 | w-- | Gerrow FUNERAL CHAPEL FINDS HANSOM FOR 75th ANNIVERSARY 10--Sharpening "Service AUTOMATIC SAW SHARPENING! SET ting and retoothing, all types of saws Factory contracts wanted. Fast services 24--Market Basket SPY AND COOKING APPLES DELIV- ered by the bushel. Dial RA 3-995. Re | For Prompt Pickup Service Phone RA 3.7333 PETERBOROUGH 25 FULL TIME Steady employment with expand- ing progressive company manu- facturing heat exchangers, centri- fugal pumps, hot water heating 35a 43--Wanted To 'Rent 43--Wanted To Rent : 308 Bloor St. E. (Just East of Ritson Rd.) OPEN SATURDAYS ~ Skate grinding lengthwise 33 cents, fig. 25---Pets anc and Livestock ure skates, 50 cents. Stan's Sharpening | Service, corner King and Burk. RA PETS AND LIVESTOCK, BLUE "TICK | 33224 Feb.20 | Hound pups for sale; 10 weeks old. Phone | er ------------ | Ryokan $10 1 13." * a 11--Business Op ortunitics 3 P - [FOR SALE DASCHUND PURPLES ow 3 Legal Notices To help' Hardie" fabalous new a NITY 8102 , BUSINESS OPPRTUNITY VILL AGE ---- ---- -- {1 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR cosmetic line. C lete t Krocery store tourist accommodation, 4 BEA FUL BABY BUDGI ne, Complete train- room apartment ple i" READY | any debts contracted in my name with nt living space. | REACTIEUL BABY BUDGE a ing program. All calls by Apply to|Out my written. consent as from this! $14,000 full price. Terms arranged. Roga i NL.08 ult price. Terms 2a fo 8 oun | Mrs T. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. | date Saturday, February 11, 1956 Milton | appointment, NO DELIVERIES | Average $100 per week 14 PART TIME Average $55 per week WANTED---Hansom cab and horse for Union League Club's 75th anniversary celebration, Feb. 9. Phone As part of its 75th anniversary celebration in 1955 the Union League Club of Chicago wnnted to transport its president to the tlub in a hansom cab. To locate uch a vehicle the club placed Classified Ads # newspapers WANT ADS CAN FIND ANYTHING specialties. Must have pleasing personality and be capable of developing new ideas and have ability to instruct others, Located in East part of Toronto. S. A. ARMSTRONG LIMITED 1400 O'CONNOR DRIVE TORONTO WANTED TO RENT Responsible party wishes to rent 2 bedroom house or 2 bedroom suite, for family of 4, in Oshawa or vicinity. POSSESSION BY MARCH 1ST. PLEASE CONTACT: J. B. JACKSON The Daily Times-Gazette Phone RA 3-3474 Selections can be made according to the needs of every family. Jun Our pleasant Service and Chapel accommodation will help you in time of sorrow. Dial RA 8-8643 390 King St. W. M,W,5,Marchl | L. Gray, RR. No. 3, Bowmanville, Ont North, Whitby Feb. 7, 9.10, 11 : Feb, ase | SALE, VALENTINE beed collie females Newcastle 3146 FO pure s10 PUPPIES 4 9 weeks old, 33 ESTABLISHED VENDING BUSINESS for sale. Twenty Jour automatic mach ines. handling national! product in good locations, bring up to 325 weekly peodit. | STUD $300. or best offsr. owner leaving dis | dale Terrier Itrict. Write Box 440 Times-Gazette. 33c| tween 7 and 9 pm. 'y WiLL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR | any debts contracted in my name with. | out my written consent as from this} date, Fehruagy 10, 1956. | (Name) OREL SAWYER, (Address) 376 Grooms Avenue Ji HIGHEST Commissions Phone RA 3-3219 FOR APPOINTMENT Writs giving full phone Mr. particulars for appointment; Fred Truman, PL 5.2291 35 Phone > SERVICE WANTED FR AIRE Phone Pickering 384W12 be | Ba | ve