» " BRUINS IN EXHIBITION | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, February 11, 1958 14 India Needs v Says Hysteria: | SSSA smerny | uous vausadons Seusovars 3. We | | T E L E I S I O N L Oo G i - Boston Bruins of the NHL willl MAY BE FISH RECORD TWO MORE FOR TON | H d L play an exhibition game against! NASSAU, Bahamas (AP)--An 85- BOSTON (AP)--The signing of R A D I oO L oO G $1,500,000,000 WBEN- -BUFFALU--Channel ... 4 ~~ WGR-BUFFALO--Channel 2 SAITNAICYS LAWS |G iliceburg Hornets of the OHA pound wahoo weighed here Thurs. shortstops Milt Bolling and Don I ; . CBLT----TORONTO---Channel 9 | TORONTO (CP) -- An Ontario Senior B loop on Feb. 237 |day by Col. Fred A. Wanklyn of Buddin to 1956 contracts was an- SATURDAY EVENING F A d ; 7.30 P.M. P.M. oreign 1 Nassau was hailed as a possible nounced Thusday by Boston Red government psychiatrist says pub- world record catch in the 20-pound Sox. Bolling, who came 'to the CKLB-Angel with Dold WGR-Grand Ole Opry NEW DELHI (Reuters)--India : M. .00 P.M. A- Artie diay : the International Game Fish Asso-|located elbow in spring training 10.00 P.M. Thursday announced details of al Na Bn Biekock a 3- Een 100. AM. Press crusades for tighter law ey \ciation list the record wahoo for last season and appeared in only CJBC-Lend An Ear Show Regent -- "Trial" at 2.00, 4,20, that tackle as 67 pounds, 8 si. He was kept on the | sarumpav TENG | Boy Resers 10.3 AM. lic hysteria over sex offences and THEATRE GUIDE test line class. The 1955 charis of Red Sox in 1952, suffered a dis- Nous CKLBLate and Early |socialist-style five-year plan which, | 3 yil\can Racing 2--Father Knows Best | 3--Home forcement may hinder rather than xX CFRB-Canadians All WGR-Monitor to succeed, must have more than| 5.30 P.M. 2.30 P.M. 10.30 AM. aid solution of the problem. 6.45, 9.00. Last complete who eh by John Dunham off Miami sidelines after his recuperation CKEY-Jazz Concert CJBC-The Hometowners |$1,500,000,000 in foreign aid. | 9--Disneyland You Ask For It 4--Strike It Rich ? Beach in 1935. thy Billy Klaus. WBEN-Juke Box Jury 'An outline: of the country's Sec:| 4--Beat the Clock star Stage a Noo Dr. F. H. van Nostrand, the On-| at 8.40 p.m. e brilliant play of Billy Style 10.30 P.M. ond five year plan disclosed that| 2--Super Circus 3.00 P.M. 4--News; Serial Dramas|tario reforms institution depart | CJBC-London Studio CFRB-Tex Beneke i i 6.00 P.M. $--You are There 2--Tennessee Ernie ment's dir Biltmore -- "The Americano" CBL-Now 1 Ask You CKEY-News: Sportss India will concentrate heavily on| _ = 6 FA. 3-3ou ire Then e! e director of neurology and (Technicolor), 12.30, 3.48, 7.06 ? rapid industrialization and at the 12.30 P.M. i . ia : FRE Co ie BAL bi i time seek tg build a ugocial-| 2--Diseyland 2---Reader's. Digest 2-Feather your Nest Peyehiatss told She royal commis-| - o;4715 97. Fhe Eternal Sea," GET TOGETH ER CL 3) WBEN-Gene Autry or the Saddle |ist pattern of society." aa SEA Cnr. 1% Pa. Sion pil criminal law relating tol 207, 525 and 8.46 p.m. Last - : CJBC-Music Hall CKEY-News: Las Lye During the plan, which begins In| 4--Lucy Show 3-Loretta Young 3 Many Maguey Se 3 sexual psychopaths) complete show at 8.35 p.m. : : azz , JM. -News: Sports: April, India 'will meed 8,000,000,000! 7.00 P.M. 4.00 P.M. h "M. ursday: x ; ver ferenade . 3 1.30 P.M. rupees (about $1,680,000,000) in out-| $--Burns an Allen Asli Didwa | $-Ribet Sas "The crusade is not a 100-per- Brock (Whitby) -- "Sitting Bull' CKEY-Sports Fivals: side assistance, the outline said, | 4--Sclence Theatre 2 e Worl 0 ra cent gain, in my opinion. I believe Saturday Matinee at 1.30. Eve- ul (CTRC/Tvialog MW Tempo CYRONAL Boke) CHIP Lats wud Tay The outline calls for: [ Vamer Biolen ia EN. 4--Meet The Millers the time has now come for a con-| Ming shows at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. SA TURDAY, F E B. 11 2. i cxLB Radom CBE pita onla Orch, CBL-Pop Concert 1. A 25-per-cent increase in the A lg Lid 5.00 P.M. servative appraisal of the prob- i 9 national income by 1961. 4-U. of B. Round Table 3-Petizective . lem." Regular Dancing Plus A ACH SUNDAY MORNING 10.00 A.M 2. 10,000,000 new jobs and a more 9 rotay a . ' Omuiig PM. 2--Film Festival He said that in a nine-month a 0 AM. 8.45 AM. BLN even distribution of "wealth and| 3p ¥®cons > 3.30 P.M. period there has been a 30-per-cent Over-Twenty Club J RZZ SHOW hig} CKLD-News; Grace CKLB-Gormiey Chureb |o uc projude to Worship | economic power. 8.30 P.M. . Gall 4--Bob Crosby increas : A J CKEY-Stoun Church; 400 PM. ease 'in the number of persons) J " " United Missionary -Stonn CFRB-Lutheran Hour 3. Free schooling for 60 per cent % Jackie Gleason 00 P.M. 9-Open. House convicted of sexual offences. ane Oalentine. | FEATURING THE "FREAM FIVE 9.00 AM. WBEN-vilation ta Lear of" 5; "children between ages six] , i, &W PF 4--Serial Dramas did not indicate a proportionate AM. CJBC-Chadiver Music d 11 4.30 P.M. i + CKLB-Preiude to Worship | an . 4--Two for the Money 6.30 P.M. increase in offences. Magistrates 0 C Vv I AU DITORIU M : Postmark CBL-Windsor Chorus CBL-Recital 4. An over-all 18-per-cent in- 2--People are Funny 3 Father Knows Best 3-pur Jud F ations would not be human if they failed| eNwe V ole CKEY-Family Hour a Be Foi Nib CIBC Sunday Sam crease in farm production. I hy tg 5.00 P.M. to react to a public outcry and' a| 8.30 AM. REY prim CKLB-Church Service 5. The increase of electric power 4--star Jubilee : 7.00 P.M. 9--Long John Silver press crusade. TONIG HT Dance Restricted to Teen-Agers -- 15 to 21 Years CRLB-Uketiiian Bap | WBEN.-Classic . Themes *| CKEY-Carlton 'Street generation to nearly double its) 2--Jimmy Durante 3-Ouz . Brooks rtoon "It is common knowledge that! Chur | N-Classic Church present 3,500,000 kilowatts. | 00 P.M. ale 5.30 P with certain offences, there are CFRB-Back to God | 9.45 AM. CJBC-Church Service | | 2 Wyatt Earp n Te iraieat eT ear ag Y w C A WBEN-Devotional |CKEY-Christian Science | TFRB-Walmer Road Bap. |, 10 spread the country's wealth, 10.30 P.M. 13 P.M. s. The Be . spi toy Service | WGR-Art of Living tist Church the plan suggests that India should | $--News Magazine Au thoughts latent in the minds of un-'§ PRIZES, SPECIAL DANCES move gradually toward fixing aj br. Hulseh Fronds s--Lite With Eiabein (S68DI0 individuals, and some act] "pon "Beeth's Orchestra SUNDAY AFTERNOON ceiling on incomes. " 5.00 P.M. 4--News; Range Rider upon them. Relatives of the ac- on s 12.00 NOON 1.30 Pa. "oo P.M. 4& 2--News; Sports 9, 4--Ed Sullivan Show cused persons often are persecuted Be Newaa Organ | CKLB-Liberace SEYRBFue Mule . . 11.30 P.M. 30 P.M. by erackpots." x A 2.00 P.M. KLB-Ukrainian Hour 9-- Wrestling hd ML. K VAEY-News: J. Crysdale | on ovmphonetie CKEY-Concert Hall Aim Doublin 4.2--Playhouse 9--Playhouse 4--Range Rider; News 12.15 P.M. WGR-Symphony Hall CJBC.Audubon 4---G-E Theatre 2--Star Tonight CBL-St. Michael's CFRB-Trull Sunday How 4.30 P.M. | - SUNDAY 2-Goodyear Playhouse 7.00 P.M. CJBC-Oat. Sportsman 2.30 P.M. CJBC-Churen of the Alr | f Memb h 8.30 AM. 9.30 P.M. $--Tabloid JKEY-Children's fheatre |CFRB-Queer Quirks 5.00 P.M. ers 1 2---Hopalong Cassidy $--Showtime 4--Soldiers of Fortune 12.30 P.M. CJBC-Variations WBEN- Indictment ; ; 9.30 A.M. 4--Alfred Hitchcock 2-Water front CELB-News: Sports CKLB-Personalities CJBC-Cucko Clock MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) A| 4-Mighty Mouse 10.00 P.M. 7.30 P.M. WBEN-Paul Weston WBEN-New York Phil. | CKEY-Pot Pourr coast-to-coast organizing blueprint, 2--Rumpus Room 9_CBC Folio Guy Lombaste CJBC-Harmony Harbor barmonic | CKLB-Rosary Hour {aimed at doubling the AFL-CIO's| , ,. 1000 AM. | i--Advesture Drama 3-Rovis Hos WGR-Record | Revi CKEY-Jay and. Ginger . 33 PM. 15,000,000 membership in a few| 3" churen Invitation 10.30 P.M. 5.00 P.M, N CFRB Woolworth Hour |CFRB-Concert Favortes | Gum ants ars years, has been proposed to the 10.30 A.M. What's My Line 9.3--Caesar's Hour & merged labor organization's execu-| 4--Uncle Jerry - 2--Confidential File Burns ou a tive council. 2--Captain Z-Ro 1Le0 P.M. ' M. SUNDAY EVENING A : | 1.00 A.M. 9, 4, 3--News; Sports 6.00 P.M. 5.00 P.M, CFRB-Billy Graham John 'Livingstone, AFL-CIO or-| 4 Morning Worship 1.30 P.M. CKLS-News: Sporta; CELE Alioar for Adven-| CJBC-The Dreamers ganizing director, mapped the plan| 2--Religious Programs | 3--The Magic Flute Ci News:. eau, CREY Talk of the Town 10.00 P.M. and drafted a multimillion-dollar 139 NOON .4--Theatre 15 P.M. EN | financing fund. The former vice-| 9--Concert Artists 2--Playhouse " » WBEN-Our Miss Brooks |CKLB-Decision Hour > c : CBL-U.N. on Hecord CBL-French Radio CJBC-B)d's Scrapbook [president of the big United Auto| jews: Weather Novos 3-Deuty Vaughan 6.30 P.M. 8.30 P.M. CFRE-Faith for Today |Workers Union, said that "wher- 12.30 P.M. 4--Capt. Kangaroo 2--Robert Montgomery CKLB-Chapel Musie | BBEN Hub 5 Shiner, WGR-Catholie Hour ever there is a need for organizing| 9--This is the Life 2---Today 10.00 P.M. CJBC-Melody Cards CPR DS Philadel hiv 10.30 P.M. is where we will be." | 4=Wild Bill Hickock 9.00 AM. 9,4--8tudio One JFRB-Our Miss Brooks F P! CKLB-Bible Hour 2~Technical Institute 4--Little Rascals 10.80 P. 7.00 P.M. Symphony CJBC.Hawail Calls The plan was prepared on an 1.00 P.M. : WBEN-Edgar | CJBC-George Little CBL-Little Symphonies area-by-area and industry - by - in-| 9--Antarctic Expedition { Singers o 11.00 P.M. | dustry basis from a survey made Mover Medicine 10.30 P.M. ¢ : CIRB People are' Funny" | CKLB-This Is My Story |CKLB.Starlight Souvenirs (DY 22 AFL-CJO regional directors. *=P- QRUCK, RT AM $--Taproom y ? ' 4 INCE CJBC-Greatest Story CBL-Winnipeg Symphonies Details were kept secret, but| g--Country Calendar 4--Gary Moore 4--Theatre 2 2 ; ; i ys €" : » OUG! Presents For Your Enjoyment ™ WM. - rr" g . CIBCPat's Music Ron | WBEN Mitch Miller CFRE-News; © sports (Livingston has already indicated 4--Amos and Andy 3-Ding Dong School | 3--Tonight ERE Juke box Jury 9.30 P.M. 1130 P.M. that pF mary organizing targets | 8 CBL.Vanity Fa CKLB-Religious Interlude |(JBC-Escrpe With Me |W "white collar" workers, in- r ' to get aboard buses for the shore. & . cluding government employees as C b Is {FIC raw MONDALMORNING oy ocr [Yell 28 retail and fice workers, WOPACANANA 18 350 0 EG he ny" ares 4 MAG CELS-News: Koffee CKLB-Devctions: Muste 11.00 AM. tile, building, ened, lex: ; : : behind the beach. Coming back, » on Sain ae cen sees tay 8 mo nee pence, ood. paver' and Hard To Reach [te lines sre longer andthe dey GEORGE Du MAURIER'S I intriguing drome WGR-Musical Clock 9.45 AM, Music CBL-News; Concert Time | CJBC-Audio CFRB-Road of Life ) DE JANEIRO (AP) ~--| The trouble is that Copacabana CJBC-Toast and Jamboree | CBL-School Broadcast 11.30 AM. | T M k Copacabana is a beautiful beach.|is 2 long, narrow area--three miles ' 10.00 A.M. ach. Donald Sinden and Glynis | of a delightful Mermaid who CFRB-News: Top O' The Sor Back to ne Bible CBL-Kate Altken ants 0 a e The only trouble is getting to it. jong Zod tires i Johns in: & scene from {lie Mot: leaves her ocean bed to spend Protam. CELE Cauiia'ip ang Traffic to the beach is a mess.|the sea. All traffic has to filter two scintillating weeks ashore, " Marriage . )! edy hit "Mad CKEY-News; Ballroom |CKEY.Billy O'Connor Ch R d Iu Rio's current 100-degree heat along three street 1 th] Jia techuiesior comedy Spelt on Monday at the Marks - CFRB-Kate Altkea eaper adar wave, people stand in long lines the beach -- @ T el Wh about Men" The mirthtul story | Theatre. 1L45 AM. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Cheaper| CKLB-Dr. Pauil radar sets, now too expensive for CBL-Laura Limited many fishermen, are the object of | CFRBStrike Up The | Jim Spilsbury, former airline head. tie see. | htee inane Gees ati] OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE id od M TEEN Hawi Miller A for Jo 2 : : WBEN-Breakfast Program usie " , - = om MONDAY AFTERNOON Blithe Spirit, cruising coastal PRESENTS 3 y i - ] . # A , a a CKEY-Tops in Pop arm (NAAR tes TU0I0 aud o ctiunie : ON AND ROMANCE WBEN-Serial Stories CELB-Malodies is gineers design and assembl n "" 15 P.M. e in ADULY ENTERTAINMENT CBL-The Lis Gang CJBC-HI-Fr his small factory in Vancouver. | In his arms . \ 130 P.M. 30 P. CKEY-News: Studie Party| In his floating laboratory he in-| : Chrivorsal' Fatbonallonal, wa Ld "30 PM. stalled the latest electronic devices | she forgot everything 4 ing COLMA ry the WEBEN-Sally Work to study problems of marine com- A THREE - ACT PLAY . cept that & | ANNE BAXTE munication. hou CFRB-Music on Wheels EYES OF 10 ee ser omcords he (EYES OF RADIO tum] By EOWARD PERCY & REGINALD pinkAM |] | IE ROCK HUDSON CKLB-Showcase CREY-News: Sa7 8 CHL Play It Safe bis factory are finding their way| . Directed by SHEILA MORLEY Ig] woman! GLENN FORD » DOROTHY MCGUIRE with Music 50 P04. into all parts of Canada, in con- | S 4 4 ihe JULIE ADAMS In "TRIAL" anette ence' Ere Ha ywaod | WRB Claey CELB-News, Supper Club | struction camps and RCMP posts, | _ To Be Presented At Progr h " CHA wen (ET TF Gin | oth Te 00, 8 S| Tho MCLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE A CFRB-Top Tunes CIRC Eivead Gover "Radar is the "eyes" of radio, | CN 1.00 P.M. CELB-Call for Help she Stories Caluaties id be ? the SLM bering reas F ebr uary 22, 23 ' 24, & 25. At \ CJBC-Hon. Paul Martin onean aii hs ors CFRB-Melody Parad CFRB-Musi aga: CBL-8tory 7 foty Tacs e "A radar set within the reach of CURTAIN: 8:20 P.M. MONDAY EVENING fishermen is desperately needed on| : 4 0.0 P.M. EEL gm ' JEN. Jack Carmo Y% this coast," he sald, and sea rescue BOX OFFICE: HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE 3 | bs ARTY S M lo] J GFRB-Bing Crosby Vy Ph CIBC Ax Oller np officials agreed. TICKET SALE TO MEMBERS ONLY -- Saturday, February 18 | ow CELB-News: Theatre 5 . Many marine accidents are Guide a pha i 20 caused by fishing goats unable to] 1 'CKET SALE TO GENERAL PUBLIC -- Monday, February 20, and |! v nen mw 3 ' c "see" Tuesday, February 21st, 4:30 p.m m I PLUS HIT No. 2 \ TECHNICOLOR CBL-CBC CKEY-Beauty Talk CJBC-Jazz Cnhmited see" through fog or spot deadly Y. st, 4: p.m. to 8 pm, and at the theatre -- 0. -- News; Sports | ow P.M floating es. With radar/] ot 7 p.m. on the evening of each performance. I | . 615 P.M. 7.45 P.M. > A RD. Passi EM." | GiB Back to the Bible | SUCh accidents could be avoided. | GENERAL ADMISSION -- $1.00 {| GREGORY PECK - ANN BLYTH -Passing Parade CFRB-Roman WGR-Fibber and Molly Now 50, Jim Spilsbury sold his | EGORY PEC] ARN ANN BLY ce 3 CBL-Livestock Reports; |CKLB-Music Wonderland | CJBC-Cal Jackson {airline last year to Pacific Western WBEN-Sports | CBL-Don Messer WBEN-Dateline Airlines for $1,500,000 | £6 6.30 P.M. | CJBC-Fibber McGee 10.30 P.M. - Er LL O Li [CHEY News: Mickey CBL-Distinguished f 99 AN ENCORE TRIUMPH I CELE Easy Listening | pan n Artists | SEE |opend®iy [ete w, Father And Son HIS ARMS ; 7.00 P.M. WGR-Boston Symphony |WGR-John Lascelles . R E c I T A L | TECHNICOLOR Meet In Prison | CKLB-Stamps and Stories | oc. Opportunity 11.00 P.M. LAST DAY - Robert Mitchum "Man With The Gun" WGR-Lone Ranger | | CK1.B-Starlight Souvenirs sRanges Noth CJBC-Byng's Choice | GFR Double ify » CBL-Harry Boon Quintet - WBEN-Arth Chl-Rawhide . | €BL-Farm Forum 115 P.M. BELLEVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- The BY PUPILS OF ALL GRADES WBEN-Curt Massey 9.00 P.M. CKEY-News: Les Lye | prisoner was booked for drunken- CKLB-City Council CJBC-Prelude to ness. 7.15 PML | WGR- Telephone Hour | Dreaming PS ioW's. your father been Kean: Presented by The Oshawa Branch CBL-Roving Reporter {| CKEY-News CKLB-Starlight Souvenir P gd REE |" naven't seen the sidan tor] ONTARIO REGISTERED MUSIC Deportation Bid |Sanada isa Sen | The pooner was ushered into a TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION deport his wife, originaly from cell block. From one cell peered Buffalo, N.Y. a familiar face. It was his father, . to be held in On Woman Flops , mie fever mariean ims chareed win rwieness | 3 rrr sn MPMORIAL LIBRARY TORONTO (CP) -- A 22-month On a visitor's permit. In April 1954 lal campaign by the immigration G1 Rien tor permission to stay TV SPECIALIZED SERVICE | WOMEN IN department to deport Mrs. Shirley ji, Canada. The d t t's - i Brent, American - born wife of : y rg send police to her north FOWLER w TONIGHT -_ 8 P.M. SOLITARY! . Barry Brent of Toronto, has ended Toronto, aparent and arrest her. Mivimuts House Call: 3.00 Rs > ohte eportation proceedings were in- [] akes ¢ PH.: RA 5-1685 i i : : : in victor: for the Brents. ot Sat Tor Lot the So. 6 Bond St. W. Public Cordially Invited Silver Collection Mr. Brent said he learned Thurs-|nreme Court of Ontario quashed cay that the Supreme Court ofl ieportation orders three times. CENTRAL pros THREE ore-Act PLAYS { BE ; MUSICALLY LEANER E = i TOPS . BROTHERS =IN-ARMS || ® | out semoroven 2 | sm mois ran ws ANCAP ¢ it RMT TRO 3 TRISTE, Jechmcolor f J . MURDER +: DESOTO | ALL STAR QUIZ KIDS A tur Rawk Production fiaturing WHEN CRIMSON REPRESENTING THREE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. ; ON Lies OLYNIS JOHNS A BLIND DETECTIVE SOLVES A BAFFLING MYSTERY A Quiz. Game Second 10 None Bern DONALD SINDEN Come and Cheer the Teams on fOAP OPERA AL McNALLY Youthful Toronto Evangelist and Radio Speaker-- THEY CAN BE AWFULLY REAL SOMETIMES Assistant in the Great Avenue Road Church 7:45 p.m. - SATURDAY - 7:45 p.m. 4 Th CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM ZZ, SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH sal 4 ELLIOTT-DRAKE OSHAWA YOUTH FOR CHRIST THURS. & FRI. -- FEB. 16th & 17th fs sms PORE BORA GL BISPM. o TICKETS -- 50c (At the Door) : 8 Las? PDiay "THE AMERICANO" (Color) & "THE ETERNAL SEA" H (ADULT)