paid for in a period of 90 days, A THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, February 4, 1056 44 mec ant vous urvuried SUG GESts Peace River Bridge clously donated to it. Be Oper at ed As Toll Bri dge Re-elected to the steward board for a three-year term were --| OTTWA (CP)--Canada Friday|profit '"'making working arrange J. Newton, A. N. Wilson, C. Rob-|proposed that the Peace bridge ment for practical co-operation." erts and R. Guy. inking Buttalo, Ny Font The note said Canada would be Auditors re - appointed wer e| Lrie, be operated jointly by willing, if Parliament approves, to country and New York state for a Percy J. Pascoe and Mrs. Johb|jmited period as a toll bridge. |co-operate with New York to con- ewlon. clude the present | The proposal was contained in a Speration of the Mrs. Loyal Pogue, the recording memorandum to the United States|bridge by the Buffalo and Fort steward, was secretary for the embassy here following discussions|Erie Public Bridge Authority, in- evening. cluding vesting the U.S. porton of Canadian and American of. the bridge in the Niagara Author- THORNTON'S CORNERS ALMONDS Members Hear | Good Reports MRS. LOYAL POGUE Corresondent ALMONDS ~ Reports from the different organizations were presented to the congregation of Almost United Church at its an- nual . meeting. Opening «devotions were conduct ed by the supervising minister, Rev: G. C. R. McQuade, after which Robert Shaw, the student 'Find Rabies In was shown during the recent out-| TORONTO (CP)--Jane Brown- break of rabies in northern Onp.|le¢. Whe celebrated her 100th Lindsay A ay rea tario, when 15,000 'dogs were vac- birthday two weeks ago, died Wed- nesdfly. Her husband, m, died OTTAWA (CP)--Rabies has been|cinated and no cases of rabies injs wei) ago at the age of 90. discovered in the Lindsay and|these animals has occurred. Mrs. Brownlee was born Jane Pembroke areas, the agriculture| The announcement said rables{Hoggirs on a farm near Lucan, department said. Three free vac-|were confirmed in three foxes and|about 2 miles north of London, cination centres will be opened a dog in Victoria county, a fox and|Ont. She was a resident of Lam- soon to combat the disease. a cat in Hastings county and albert Lodge, a home for the aged, Vaccination centres will be|stray dog at Pembroke. here, for the last eight years. opened Monday in Pembroke and at th: Petawawa military samp. A third ceptre will be opened Lindsay at a later date. Vaccination of dogs and cats in these areas is aimed at stopping|} the infection before it spreads a wild life and infects animal pets. ficials. The bridge reverts to own- ership by Canada and New York|ity. state when present indebtedness is| A suggestion that Canada name paid off. members to the Niagara Authority New York seeks to vest its in-/was rejected in the note because Howard Keel and Esther Wil- -liams in a scene from the Cinema- Scope and color spectacular musical comedy, "Jupiter"s Dar- ling" featuring Marge and Gower Champion, George San- ders and a host of Hollywood | celebraties opening a three-day engagement at the Biltmore | Theatre Monday onthe same prcigram with the $ensational drama "Cell 2455, ath Row" thes "shock" event the screen yeirr. pd RAGLAN Lodge Plans For Dance MRS. L. MAHAAFEY Correspondent RAGLAN -- There was a very large attendance at church on Sun- day afternoon. Rev. R. Rickard of Columbus United Church who spoke on "Ambassadors of Christ". The choir sang 'No Tears In The Sky." Next Sunday Church will be at the usual time of 1 p.m. followed by Sundav School at 2 p.m. Recreation Club held a euchre party in the hall on Fri- day evening. Prize winners were Mrs. C. Avery, Mrs. Len Slute, Lloyd Davidson, Harvey Wilson. There will be another euchre on Friday evening February 10th. The Odd Fellow's Lodge is hav- ing a euchre and dance at Brook- lin on Friday evening, February 5 PERSONALS ' Mr. and Mrs. George Luke visit- ed the former's brother, Noah, at Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Corner and Evelyn and Miss Linda Slute spent Saturday and Mrs. N. Birkett and family. of Mrs. Robert Bryant, George Stacey and Mrs. Johns like to express their sym- pathy to them on the death of their sister, Mrs. Frank Fox, the former Annie Stacey, of Richmond and Mrs. Len Slute and spent Sunday evening with . and Mrs. Russell Coates at Mrs, J. Latimer calied on Mr e on A ond Mrs. Won. Steele on Tuesday| Sunday supper of Mrs. afternoon. X N.4 Jackson Ey at Osh- a, Manns and [<4ffl ii and Mrs. J. Bridger and visited with Mr. and Mrs. at Seagrave on Fri- Stan Manns and spent Friday with Mr. and onan French and family at i Paisley of Uxbridge visit- ; ji ig ' 4 iT Ts. Perry Oshawa were Sunday Mr. fami: Heather of Shirley called on Mr. Wirs Me. and Mrs. N. Birkett and Ivan! were Sunday tea guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. O. Gilroy and Mr. and Mrs. C. Way at Scarboro. Mit. and Mrs. Carl Avery at- tended the IOOF Grand Masters Banjuet in the United Church at Torts Perry. Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis Wendy and 'Donna of Maple Grove were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.. John Bright and family. Mirs. George Solomon and boys spenf Wednesday with Mrs. W, Grecmley and boys. M/s. H. Thompson has been c¢on- fined' to bed the past week. We are "glad she is feeling better now. Mr. and 'Mrs. Richard Manns supply, presided for the reports. Presented and adopted were re- ports from the session by the clerk, E.G. Harris, the stewards b | Robert Guy, the Sunday school, the Woman's Association, the choir and the boys' club. The report noted with regret the assing of one of the senior mem- rs, Mr, Cephas~ Osborne d also a former member, Miss Mab- el Mackey of Ottawa. Mr. Harris presented the vital statistics of the Session. The mem- WA Celebrates Its Birthday MRS. CHARLES WHITE Correspondent THORNTON'S CORNERS--There was a fine attendance of members and visitors at the Women's Asso- ciation Birthday party held Wed- nesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Wilfred Har- bership today is 66 on the cc ion roll, nine of these being added during 1955. The minister conduct- ed one funeral and five baptisms. The treasurer, Harry Stephen- son, presented the report of the general fund. Total recipts amount- ed to $1,453.70. The congregation met all its obligations and closed the 1955 books with a nice balance. The sum of $247.19 was forward- ed to the treasurer of the mission- ary and maintenance of the Unit- ed Church, Toronto. The Sunday School treasurer, Mrs: C. Lee presented the finan- cial report which was most en- couraging- On the roll are 59 pup- ils and 10 teachers and officers. The Woman's Association treas- urer, Mrs. Harris gave a splendid and very satisfactory statement. The ladies raised the substantial sum of $1,557.80 by collections, don- ations, suppers and catering for the Rotarians. The choir and boys' club also presented encouraging reports. In addition a new Hammond electric organ was purchased and sited with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mor- and family of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs, ' Stan Manns and Brian were Sundlay supper guests of Mr. and| Mrs. Walter Manns. | Howard Brown of Pickering was| a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown and family. Mri and Mrs. M. Mahaffy and Miss; Anna Cram of Port Perry {and Miss Hughena Cram of To- rontp were Thursday evening visi den at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staple, Mrs. Wm. New, Mrs. T. Bell of Port Perry, Mrs. L. Gibson, Mrs. G. Spencer 'of Columbus, Mrs. N. Bir- kett, Mrs. S. Manns and Brian, Mrs. L. Mahaffy and boys spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W. ris, opened the meeting * with a poem and prayer. It was decided to hold a St Patrick tea at the Sunday School to raise money for the Association. The tea and home cooking sale will be combined and held March 14. An open night for the cubs was announced for February 23, all are invited. Mrs. Gerdon Reeson took charge for the program. Mr Hugh Scott sang two solos, "He", and "In the Garden" accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Scott. , Mrs. Bert Hircock read the scripture and a devotional "God's Love". Mrs. Charles White read a poem "Wealth." | Mrs. Herbert Schuermann gave | an interesting and informal and in places humorous talk on her re- cent trip with her husband, to Germany. They also visited Aus- tria, Italy, Switzerland and Eng- land and Scotland. Mrs. White thanked all for an interesting afternoon. The ladies sat at tables for birthday cake, ice cream and tea. Present to the oldest member went to Mrs. Charlie Davidson, * gift with the birthday this week to Mrs. Peter Lofthouse, There were 81 at the Sunday School service last Sunday after- | COLUMBUS terest in the Niagara Frontier Port Authority which it has designated to plan harbor and transportation "the government of Canada con- siders that 'it would be ina ate and undesirable . . . Humans bitten by rabid dogs or cats can contract Bydrunhiobia, Fifectiveness of the vaccination ppropri- » facilities n the Buffalo area. The Canadan proposal was that| the bridge be operated by Canada and New York, or the Niagara Au- thority as New York's agent, 'as a profit-making toll bridge for a substantial but limited period, such as 30 years." SEP. RATE BODY rate corporation, on which Canada and New York would have equal rights, could be established under this plan. The U.S. half of the profits could go to the Niagara Au- thority if New York desired. As an alternative, the note said Canada and the Niagara Authority could own and operate their re- The Canadan note sald a sepa-||- GET-TOGETHER CLUB presents SPECIAL! RECORD GIVEAWAY NIGHT SATURDAY, FEB. 4th 0.C.V.l. AUDITORIUM (Prizes Donated by Wilson & Lee) spective portions of the bridge for Ladies Plan For Bazaar MARY M. DYER Correspondent COLUMBUS The Woman's Association held its Janu. ing in the church when Rev. R. Rickard conducted an installation service for the new executive. The new president, Mrs. E. White, took the chair Mrs. M. Francis was in charge of the wor- ship Jeryice. irs. Dalby gave the scripture rea and the lesson thoughts, ' a During the business period a ba- zaar was discussed. It will be held on April 18. All the ladies of the congregation are invited to make noon. Rev. Nelson started teach- ing the books of the Old Testa- ment to the children. The assistant Superintendent, Edward White, Manns celebrating Mrs. W. Manns and Mrs. Gibsons birthdays. conducted the service. tors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma- haffy' and boys. cil Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Steele spent| Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. (Cecil Shute, Linda and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bright of Cihawa called on Mrs. H. Thomp- son, 'Leona and Billie on Sunday evening, dM r, an s. N. Birkett spent Thursday evening with Miss Flos. sie Sipencer and brothers. Gearge Solomon attended the fu- reral'of his uncle, Abraham Solo- mon, on Monday. Mrs. Lloyd Mahatfy, Gordie and Wayrie, spent Saturday afternoon with (her sister Mrs. T. Bell and family at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steels were Mr. and A] Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Conroy of guests of pnd Mrs. Lloyd Evans and Mr.j and Mrs. James Coates and and Russell Corner on Sun- day afternoon. Muriel and Murray Birkett and and ly at Port Dirk Bogarde and the lovely French actress Brigitte Bardot are shown above in a sdene from one of the many hilarious com- edy sequences in 'Doctor at Sea" which opens Monday at the Marks Theatre. The picture is filmed in VistaVision and Technicolor. : Donng Bray spent Tuesday even- contributions to make this event a success. Mrs. Ray Scott gave a very in-| teresting paper on 'Thoughts for! meet-| CALLING ALL . FOOTBALL FANS! Coach Frank Tindall QUEEN'S GOLDEN GAELS With Films, Chalk Talk on Football E. A. LOVELL SCHOOL the New Year". | The ladles retired to the Sun- day, School room where the com- mittee served tea and the usual social time was spent. PERSONALS Frank Wilcoxson has been in the hospital for some time and is re- covering nicely: We hope he will| soon be able to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wilkinson, Scugog; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Not- linghain were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch, Friends of Morley Cook will be sorry to learn that his store was (Centre Street) MON., FEB. 6th, 8 P.M. Adults: $1.00 Students: 50¢ Tickets available at Johnstons' Men's Wear recently damaged by fire. Mrs. T. Flett had the misfortune to have a nasty fall on the ice. We 100 FooT MOASTER STRIKES TERROR! GIANT SPIDER... DEADLY-ACCIDENT EP OF SCIENCE! cre ovr, G0 second it grows bigger! ~ ht) THE JUNGLE CHARACTERS IN TODAY'S JUKE BOX GANGS! {2 '\." Na Ea y BULLE {EY Fou Yorn SOBAY'S \ 24 LOST GENERATION! Se 1 WILLIAM CAMPBELL MAMIE VAN DOREN KATHLEEN CASE ) KEENAN WYNN NMONDAY wish her a speedy recovery. OVER TWENTY CLUB DANCE TONIGHT | Y.W.C.A. Ron Deeth's Orchestra ing wth Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma- heffy t and boys. | 3 with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn. * Mrs, Lorne Slute and family vi- Actress Mamie Van Doren is the centre attraction as she per- forms a jitterbug dance routine in Universal-International"s fast- | for "OUR * All Members or Prospective Members Welcome OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE CASTING MEETING TOWN" by THORNTON WILDER C.R.A., Mon., Feb. 6, 8 p.m. + Tickets from Members door. Ontario Regiment Association DANCE IN THE ARMOURIES -- ON = FRIDAY, FEB, 10th Dancing 9 to ? -- Refreshments DOOR AND SPOT PRIZES TICKETS $2 COUPLE or available at the . TARTS MONDA yA LAST DAY -- JOHN WAYNE "BLOOD ALLEY® 4 Se JUPITERS DARLING WILLIAMS > KEEL CHAMPION > SANDERS * THIELE ITILIL X- "LOVERS' LANE BANDIT'S"" OWN STORY! J lusaues ov ALL ue ivs Siumadeopl H [ < "Many Rivers To i "Capt. Lightfoot" paced melodrama, 'Running Wild "" William Campbell, Kee- nan 'Wynn and Kathleen Case are co-starred. Opens Monday at the | Plaz i. ! CLUB BAYVIEW WHITBY DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ERNIE WHITE and his Orchestra PHONE MO 8-3191 Dancing 9 - 12 FCIR RESERVATIONS 7 $2.50 per couple OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUB --presents--- "CAIRO TO be through the Holy Land and o the pictures. 8:15 Ava any TICKETS $1.00 MONDAY BAGDAD" 5th in the Season's TRAVEL-ADVENTURE SERIES for '55-'56 by THAYER SOULE Here's ao thrilling account of one of the world's fascinating and historically-rich areas of the Old World. Much of the journey will Il of it will be beautiful on our full color screen, We will see the wonders of Egypt, then Jerusalem the Mosque of Omar and all the other wonderful sights of our route. All backed by the excellent narration of the man who took CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM P.M. ilable at door or from Kiwanis Club Member The Captain was a stickler for discipline, and the DOCTOR AT SEA got the point / AL ARTHUR fis ORGANUATION PRESENTATION DOCTOR... AT SER DIRK BOGARDE SRIGITTE BARDOT : BRENDA DE BANZIE JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE (arDoy "A LAWLESS STREET" ew. "ROGUES OF SHERWOOD FOREST" EDMUND PURDOM DAVID NIVEN GEORGE SANDERS wn ROGER MOORE SMOKE ~ m= LOGES REGENT AYERS THEA A picture you will hear a great deal about...! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ITSTARTED SO INNOCENTLY - A BOY AND A GIRL ON'A BEACH THEN X re hi: Iii i ? [14 § WATCH FOR ITI