44 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, January 27, 1956 130--Articles For Sale AA A OSE 50--Articles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale WINTERSEAL of CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Lawn ~ (Continued from Page 13) . ------ VOL, 47--Automobiles For Sale '0 PLYMOUTH, 30,000 ORIGINAL miles, new white walls, excellent condi- | tion throughout. RA 5.9577 after 5.30. | 22b | BUICK HARDTOP, 5000 MILES, o-tone, white walls, trade accepted. 5-2633. 814 Masson Street. Re PREFECT SEDAN, GOOD CON. | , blue. Reasonable. Apply 1202 Sim- | orth, after 6. 2b MC PICKUP, WILL ACCEPT| trade in. Dial RA 3-9967. 22b | CK, APPL Y 196 OSHAWA | prth on Saturday. 22a 50--Articles For Sale Chain Saws, Boy Team, Outboards, | EARL HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 Ray St., Oshawa, RA 8-8853 Moulded Plywood Hulls, Strunk Snow .Boy and Sales CHILDS NATURAL SHIFFOROBE: like new. Apply 162 Ritson Road. South. Phone RA 3-2180. 1 ONLY 17 INCH ADMIRAL TV GUAR- SKATES -- GIRL'S WHITE FIGURE, size 1; girl's white tube, size 4; boy's 22a 4 tube, size 3. Dial RA 3-4147. TRUCK TIRE 900 x 20 AND TUBE, Aluminum Combinatior Windows and Doors. KOOL-LITE AWNINGS RUTHERFORD'S | MADE 3 Free anteed, only $74.95. Meagher'/s, § Ei Street, West. MOVING -- MUST SELL 3-piecs chés- terfield suite, large norge refrigerator, used only one week. $85. Payments ar- ranged. Apply 344 Simcoe Street South. Ask for "Nick". 22a HIGH PRESSURE BOILER 25 HP. KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS and closes from inside the house." Evinrude \ | | record cabinet, bedroom suite (double dresser, bookcase bed, chiffioneer). Will "ez January Jumbo with controls feed pump, stocker. Pick- Ventilated Aluminum Awnings wick Cleaners, 434 Simcoe. Street South. Feb.22 Stop when you want to! Go when you want to! Have your present tires de-skidded for your safety. JOHN BERLETT'S TEXACO Service Station 117 SIMCOE ST, N. | Phone RA 3-7032 | Feb.3 balanced ride. WHEEL BALANCING For safety, for comfort, for tire economy, your wheel should be for that smoother JOHN BERLETT TEXACO SERVICE STATION | 117 Simcoe St. North Next to fire hall RA 3-7032 and Canopies. All-weather protection. . 21¢ | Sell reasonable Jo cash or $10. down and 20¢ RA 3-4832. TWO - PIECE CHESTERFIELD, DIN-| Phone RA. 5.0858. % | ing - room suite, blond. Good conditic'. | PRESSURE SYSTEMS, $8. 3 . PC. | bath, $99. Stainless steel sinks. $15 | (firsts). Plastic, steel and soil pipe, fit- toga. a eadings. Installations. Chinn's, | your Jan3i {Tal Furniture LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. GIRL'S COAT SIZE 10, RED, |00D| condition. Dial RA 5-5258. PRINCESS PAT STOVE, COAL AND wood, cream enamal, warming closet. $25. Dial RA 5-1273. 2le THREE-SKIN KOLINSKY FUR NECK- TRIM IT YOURSELF Leatherettes -- $1.69 per yd. up. 54 inch width. All trimmers supplies Foam Rubber etc. Clearance Sale RA 5-4632 AFTER HOURS: Les Eveniss .... RA 3-2707 piece, new. Phone RA 56854 after 5 Ae HP. MO OSHAWA AUTO TRIM Corner Church & Bond St. RA 3-3512 Bill Galbraith ... RA 5-8832 p.m. CIRCULAR SAW 25-50% Off Regular Prices AND % Feb.3 Jack Sheriff .... RA 3-3775 tor; 1949-50 Chev. car radio, Lloyd De- ROL "COACH, "LIKE © NEW, ge, '46 Pontiac torpedo, coach, ew motor. Apply 292 Oshawa 22a TON STAKE TRUCK, A- 1 Dial RA 3-9464. 20d [rON TAKE IN i GOOD CON- Ci be seen at Birleys Seaton, RA 35-9624. 194) AUTO INSU RANCE SAVE| r cent 9 months to pay. ll service at your home, call] Feb.1 g fo for a New Car | or an -1 Used 'Car? "Follow the Crowd to CHESTER GARAGE "FACTORY TO YOu!" NASH NOW AVAILABLE FACTORY RETAIL SHOWROOM KOOLVENT NASH WINDOWS - DOORS - JALOUSIES The finest in Combination Aluminum Storms, Screens KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS The Original in Year-Round Awning Protection AT ' 94 BRUCE ST. OSHAWA "Where Our Products Age Produced" PHONE SALES STAFF: RA 3-2219 DuringdDay STAN GALES MITCH GLECOFF RA 3-7902 Evenings HERB MAYNARD BILL HUMAN George Bartlett .. RA 5-1893 | HURRY HURRY HURRY for Feb. 21 |luxe baby carriage, Chev. motor, fit up {to 1949. Phone MO 8-3347. METAL 4 DOOR FILING CABINET, Feb.12 small oak flat top desk and chair. RA | 5-6654. 20¢ WELL DRILLING | ALSO pieces, Armiral electric FIRST CHOICE OF THESE PLUMS Open Tonight 'Til 9 p.m. SALES AND SERVICE FOR chesterfield suite, Fanactie, sl i" excel me |lent condition. Phone RA 5-6654. GOULD'S WATER SYSTEMS ena corn re Mehons o 5 ate Street West. CHESTERFIELD STANDARD RATES he TIRES, MOST B. F. Goodrich ik hx ox RUTHERFORD'S TRADE-INS' G. HART & SONS LARGE CRIB, YOUTH BED, RA 8! Bradley's Furniture Drive-In 299 SIMCOE SOUTH Feb. 6 THAT IDLE 156 SIMCOE "STREET SOUTH ! : 2 and 3 plete chesterfield and | Fenelon Falls Phone 99J | bed chesterfield suites. M,W,F Feb.27 Feb.12| GOLF SET OR equipment finds ready bf through Classified ads! Call RA § for 'an ad-writer. 97, ¥ Ford - Monarch Dealer ! one 512, Port Perry | for a demonstration | at home. M.W.F. Feb 25 | -- Automobiles Wanted OR Yau R "CAR, R, 1949 i Buying for out-of-town dealer! 5 hyo after L pa m. Ae ANTED -- CARS | FOR { WRECKING. | hest prices paid. Phone RA 8-8911. Feb.10 | AKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS | want cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. RA S181 or 'RA 51182. Feb? "NEVER "SELL YOUR CAR Until you see Nels Hyland, Toronto's Leading Car Buyer. Cash and Liens paid off. Part Cash and another car. Another car financed WE TRADE UP OR DOWN NELS HYLAND HAS IT! 1750 Danforth Ave., Toronto RI 7547 HA 0060 tf. '55 CHEV'S '55 PONTIACS Wanted NELS HYLAND "WE TRADE UP OR DOWN" 1750 Danforth, Toronto Riverdale 7547 Feb.3 50--Articles For dale GILSON DEEP FREEZE. 13 feet, six months old. Reasonably priced. Phone RA 5-1350 2lc 20% OFF FLOOR SAMPLE CHESTERFIELD SUITES 40 TO CHOOSE FROM AT BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN 299 SIMCOE SOUTH BUY NOW AND SAVE Convert Your Gravity Furnace to a Forced Warm Air Unit with a "DELHI BLOWER" and Enjoy These Advantages CUBIC | | Feb.4 Lower fuel bills. Clean filtered oir. Positive circulation of air. More heat in those presently hard-to-heat rooms. Dependable quiet operation. Full Year's Guarantee on labor and ports UNIT INCLUDES: Attractive casing; large, quiet-running fan; motor, two large air filters, fan control for completely auto- matic operation. Coll us now for an itemized estimate on installing a Delhi Blower or, if you wish to save on installation charges, install it yourself under our super- vision Call RA 3-3444 COMBUSTION CONTROL SERVICES 285 Wilson Rd. S 22b USED CAR SALE Terrific Values in "Safe Buy" Cars Traded In On New 1956 Mateors and Mercurys. $ 1] D OWN wpe FOF@MOST Star In ns neal Takes away any one of these fine "Safe Buy" Used Cars or Trucks to responsible per- sons of age. YOU MAKE THE DEAL No Reasonable Offer Refused ! ! OSHAWA OUR OFFER 1954 driven 1954 CHEVROLET COACH, grey 1953 this one for a real buy 1953 family car CHEVROLET COACH, visor, radio 1953 1952 maroon body 1952 fate throughout, radio 1951 1951 1950 METEOR COACH, green this one for a real value 1950 1949 1949 1949 1953 FORD COACH, 2-tone blue CHEVROLET COACH, maroon CHEVROLET 1952 CHEVROLET 12-TON PICK- WHITBY OUR OFFER 1954 FORD SEDAN, 2-tone, whitewall tires, radio, automatic transmission, chrome wheel discs 1954 excellent mechanically. A real 1952 dark blue. Clean as a whistle 1951 1950 MERCURY SEDAN, METEOR SEDAN, light blue, one owner CHEVROLET SEDAN, pale green. See PONTIAC COACH, grey. A beautiful light green, sun METEOR SEDAN, 2-tone tan top and PONTIAC SEDAN, dark green, immacu- CHEVROLET SEDAN, dark blue. Here's a car that can go real cheap. Make an FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, dark green. See METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN, gleaming new blue paint. Get this one for yourself. FORD COACH, dark green. Make us %-TON PICK-UP, dark blue. Good forany job. ....... 1... .. new light green paint, exceptional through- UP, PONTIAC COACH, black, perfect tires, value . .. CHEVROLET 5- PASSENGER COUPE, METEOR SEDAN, 2-tone yellow & black lustrous metallic maroon, custom radio, exceptional con- Nothing near it in price can match it for Pride. / Compare Meteor with any other car in its field! There's nothing to match it for pride of ownership. No value to equal it! Meteor's V-sweep grille, star- keyed styling, low roof-line and distinctive Rideau tri-tone beauty add up to the foremost styling. Interiors, too, are dramatically foremost in distinction. Meteor's brilliant V-8 responsiveness matches your reflexes instantly-- with smoothness and quietness born of 24 years of V-8 experience. You "go" automatically with Merc-O-Matic Drive*; enjoy the extra comfort and con- venience of power steering*, power braking®*, power windows* and 4-way power seat*. And a new kind of safety--exclusive Safeguard Design! Add it up, compare prices, you'll find Meteor spells Canada's greatest value! See Meteor--Go Meteor today tomorrow . . . miles ahead! *Optional at worthwhile extra cost. Foremost in safety with Safeguard Design Meteor gives you and your family the extra protection of all the newest safety advances. Standard on every Meteor--New Safeguard steering wheel of deep-cenire design: New Safeguard double-grip door locks that keep doors safety shut. 4 Optional --New Safeguard cushioning® for instrument panel and sun visors, and Safeguard seat belts®. * Package of 3 options available at surprisingly low extra cost. : ' Be miles ahead... be safely ahead with... 56 Walch A FINER V-8 VALUE FROM FORD OF CANADA Four fine series. Four great V-8's Mustrated above: Rideau Feur-door Town Seden THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW en TV every Sunday IT'LL PAY YOU TO SEE YOUR [if DEALER BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR For the Biggest Trade-In Value and Largest Discount ever on New Your MERCURY - LINCOLN - METEOR Dealer dition. Previous owner bought another new Mercury FORD COACH, green METEOR COACH, blue FORD COACH, maroon 1950 1950 1949 SEE 'EM -- DRIVE EM -- BUY EM OSHAWA WHITBY 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-4675 209 DUNDAS ST. W. SEE YOUR FOR A SAFE BUY USED CAR YOULL BE GLAD YOU DID 1956 Meteors -- A model for Every Desire or Requirement, In Stock Now at... Bramiey Motor Saves MO 8-3757 METEOR DEALER