Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Jan 1956, p. 5

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, January 20, 1956 bd AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 'BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Lost Hamlet | Representative -- Lloyd Quinton, 29 Temperance St. "Does Nicely' MA 3-3729 BARTON-IN - THE - BEANS, Bowmanville Badminton [zinc mir Leceserme Club Beats Uxbridge from Roman times, is. still here and doing nicely, thank you. | To the dismay and bewilderment of some, the parish was ro] The Uxbridge badminton club| Bill Bradbury and Maxine Par- paid a visit to Bowmanville re-lish vs Jean Lehman and Marg. cently to play their third match|Hockin, 15-8, 15-12 (Bow.). | of the Oshawa and Districl| LADIES' DOUBLES | - Further Extension Of ed from the new index. of the 19,00-| Shopping Centre Planned place - names in England and League. Bowmanville proved tol Marion Bernhardt and Eileen be the stronger club winning sev-'Gould vs Pat Lucas and Donnie | Wales, compiled by the general AJAX (Times-Gazette, Staff Re- registry office. Officially Barton- porter) -- The year 1955 saw many an matches compared to five Creasser, 15-11, 152 (Bow.). matches for the Uxbridge club. | Jean Pearson and Eleanor Har- in-the-Beans is dead. * {changes in the Shopping Centre dis- MIXED DOUBLES : MIXED ris vs Reg Stephens and Dot! 4 years," he said. "I can't un- more changes to provide for exten- Burgess and Pat Lucas, 15-7, 15-/ 15-4, 156 (Ux.). | lifting, Some will be painted a 10, (Bow.). MEN'S DOUBLES {name given by the Romans 1,500) The buildings now occupied by|tile red or green, which will do John Gill and Eileen Gould vs| Jack Pearson and Bob Harris, years ago to this rich bean-grow-|the Crippled Civilians Society and much to relieve the drabness of Reg Stephen and Ron Frank|vs Bill and Mel Burgess, 15-7, ing area. The name was anglic-|the building that houses Hydro'those war-time buildings. | 18-17, 15-12 (Ux.). |15-1 (Bow.) lized to prevent confusion with an- Garnet Gray and Pat Rattray| John Gill and Garnet Gray vs| ther Barton-in-Fabis, in Notting- H lid Ch 470 Schoolboys vs John and Jean Lehman, 15-2,/ Joe Marble and Ron Frank 157, | hamshire. KINGS LYNN, Eng. (Reuters)-- 15-2 (Ux.). 15-8 (Bow.). blisher 'of Gord Coulter and Marion Bern- Gord Coulter and Bill Bradbury ao Rom the vi A oy] The Queen has turned gloom into smiles on the faces of 470 school- are slated for removal by May 31. The clearance of these sites will make possible the further devion- ment of the Shopping Centre to First Street. The area west of Commercial Road is to be developed. It is {now zoned as M-1 or light indus- |trial land. | In the industrial area, 12 build- | plans of Central Mortgage and ings owned by CMHC and occupied is a literal Housing Corporation are complet-|ly" tenents are to receive a face Ernest Garnham, a retired|trict of the town. Practically all| clerzyman and one of B-I-T-B's 170| serviced lots for stores were built| Jack and Jean Pearson vs Bill f Py = n J 3urgess and Marg Leask 15-7, Hockin, 157, 1512 (Ux), derstand why we've suddenly been|sion of the shopping area if present Pat Rattray and Maxine Parish jot out," citizens, was surprised. | upon, | 15-2 (Bow.). . Barton-in-the-Beans 'We've been here for hundreds| This year there will be many Bob and Eleanor Harris vs Mel Vs Jean Lehman and Mary Leask {translation of Barton-in-Fabis, the ©: hardt vs John Mason and Donnie/vs John Mason and John Lehman 3 in the book, but it Creasser, 15-12, 15-11 (Ux.). 15-11, 5-15, 15-11 (Bow.). ave, BO y Hb Wl . New Library SE !the name of the locality. Strange, . = | because it's not an easily forgot- Is Pleasing Team Bnd Individual ten name, is it?" | AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re- Majer League Standings The question of B-I-T-B's exis- porter) -- Subscriber to the pub- tence was raised by a reader of lic library will be very happy with the Sunday Times, who wrote say- the library s new quarters east of ing he was "dismayed" by tne ex-/the municipal offices. clusion. "For years, the name has The whole ground floor of the : : ;ascinated me by its supreme former Eaton building has been Bowmanville: -- Standings in the Hap Palmer ...... agricultural quality.' renovated. The walls nainted pleas- r» Bowling League Ave: Bruce Milne 5, X 2ND SCHEDULE | Matt Harrispn Fans W L Pins Pis.! Ab Piper Cada 5 6913 12} Murray Tighe .. 6354 12! Bob Williams . 6778 12 Ed Rundle |ing pastel colors. Floors sanded gneoch of an extra holiday and) R and refinished. The stairway to the the lads were disappointed. 6740 7! Bob Cale suing . 6372 7, Dr. K. Slemon .... Negro Leader {second floor has been changed and However, the Queen's staff called {access now is through an outside 4,0 school after the Queen left-- entrance on the west side. and asked for a holiday to be given 6233 7 Ted Hoar 6382 6 Norm O'Rourke 5 5 F . MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)--J. Ed- vs 3 Job Seca gar Hoover, director of the Fed- {eral Bureau of Investigation, has One room has been fitted up for to the boys. the children's story hour i 2 ys. 5 Art Brooks .. 5; Bill Sevens {sharply criticized a Negro leader vho says the FBI doesn't try hard on Saturday mornings. It will be {possible to show films in this room COAL LATER 4 Dr. H. Rundle .. 2 org Sellers when investigating a racial killing. In a letter to Dr. T. R. M. How- 'very conveniently. It can also be| Peat is an early stage in the used for Library Board meetings.' development of coal. Glen Lander y arle AVE. Bill hears ard of Mound Bayou, Miss., Hoover said Howard should either give ev- | N.Z.Faces Problem- oll oy Sinise Power Or Scenery? Al Osborne .. : ; 2 Bass Oke | "I do not propose to permit unusual, Sometimes there Bh Bill Oke. false charges made against this ROTURUA, N.Z. (CP) -- i a ow at Climatic and Rae Rundle [Sarestt > Bip ing w Wh, Zealand faces 3 choice Between Jinderground Shanges are believed Jack Gay . oy " i scenic marvels and urgenuyt. . George Piper pix by FBI regional headquarters| "=. , power. : | But the decrease has been gen-| Ralph Kelly " i 4 Observations over several years eral in the Wairakei area since | Frank Samis Ral oched in Lut Angeles. ova are leading to the belief that the poring began and shows no signs | Dave McKnight .... 6 Appeal his statements were "based tapping of Aiderground Steam re jmprovemen, Scientists ake 'arew I fe {e'ectricity may be seriously af-|still reluctant to say Farewell Blackburn 6 : --lon Je0orts iougit bb oe Dy Xe-|fecting geysers and other thermal|change is definitely due to the bor- {shone of Mississippi " | activity which draw thousands of ing nearby. But recent reports Howard said he would make a VS. The .Queen visited the King Ed- ward VII grammar school here | Wednesday. After a visit by royalty schoolboys are traditionall; sup- posed to get a short holida; But the Queen made no mention in her 214 214 213 213 213 210 210 e Bates McKnight Aallmsn Rundle Bagnall O'Rourke = DS DD BS AD 0 8 8 20 LY I 7 a se 03 00 00 CO rt tp Cl - = = wo 2 NAME id Leslie Jack Coole George Elliot fie Ross McKnight .... led Begnall 6 Elton Brock Si Trewin Reg Hearle Doug Taylor . Hank Janzen ... Frank Lewins .. Ron Maynard Bill Westlake hands. The plane crach'sndes in the bush wih t"~ 1» it lines including the strove to lana plane ground. KIR-CRASH 15 passengers saved cair liner cra hed ~ from Knob Lake to Jacaues Hugue frostbite in his By J. C. GRAHAM pilot who di ress Corresp on flat A fawn. A white-tailed fawn weighing about 3% Ibs. at birth may attain 300 Ibs. full grown. The fawn is carefully hidden Ly the doe and further protected by its spotted 0~ ~ le Wd nin who suffered were remanded in custody for one week. Frank Papp, 19, and John Wil Plead Guilty To Theft Of Guns Ee ee GODERICH (CP)--Two Brant-/seen wzlking along a highway. A ford youths Thursday pleaded service sation operator s»id he guilty to theft of 17 hand Zuns saw a gun sticking out of the from the RCAF ctation, Glinton,|pocket of one of tne boys, then DONO DARROW IIR colouring and a lack of scent. 223 | tourists every year. | hint broadly that it is only a | Boring for "underground steam matter of time before the conjec-| and to theft of two cars. They phoned police. 0 | a [30 ACE 1 (SE Hc: TEND, Explanations of more difficult clues. CLUES ACROSS: 4. answer Bud here. The beauty to come is the surer is, of course, the full. blown A Bud would come closer to giving plant or flower. assurance to a gardener that thot beauty was com- ing than would o Bed, por ticularly since we are not told anything of the Bed; i may have nothing in it. Coax is best since Coox needs some such phrase os "into doing something fool- ish" to qualfy it. Hoox does not. "Hoax a man" would be encugh Note the clue's reference to It is ac- age does from the beauty It may, I n when old", edged thot ot detract of Lace. spoil the looks of a Face. "Even", then, points to Face, since it implies that despite age it may be beau- tiful, however, Bets fits the clue. A person who Bets hopes, or perhaps even believes, he is going to He often doesn't win, hence frequent disap- pointments. The Beggor knows that most people are going to turn him down, so is not so likely to be "dis- appointed' when he draws a blank. win A Settle is largely regarded as an antique today and Settles are largely old and worn. As such they have appeal for antique collec tors. An old ond worn Ket- tle would have little proc- tical volue and appeal 'to very few people. No particular kind of per- former being specified, Abil« ity is more generally apt. All performers need Ability, but only a restricted number (acrobats, etc), must have Agility. An expert would be brought in to Vet it. Since the clue Times-Gazette CROSSWORDS As there was no correct answer to puzzle No. 105, the prize of $70 will be carried forward and the prize for the next puzzle will be $80. CLUES DOWN: 1. . Hare is gst does not say it is broken, but only "appears to have been broken', we have no authority for he would Set it. saying He should not comments Need any the back seat. It's not right to say he should not Heed such comments at any time for it's possible that comments, even though undesirable, might at times be valuable. from One needs "a certain amount" of technical knowl!- edge (but perhaps not a great deal) to Tend 0 ma- chine. Considerable tech- nical knowledge is neces- sary to Mend one. He has chopped the tree so he might leave the Bole standing. He would hardly leave the Hole as the roots of ao tree chopped by a woodsman are generally left in the ground, or removed later. People, par- ticularly from Europe, con- tend that Hare should be a little "high" to really make choice eating. Thus a visi- tor might, or might not, like it if he found it gq little high, depending on what port he came from. How- ever, no visiter, travelling in this country, regardless of where he came from, would like it if the Fare were o little high. There is no "might" about it. The clue implies that the landlady has o very definite say in this matter, favoring Let. The tenants often have a big soy in how the rooms are Lit. Any ordinary player can Take opportunities that are simple and obvious. A play- er who con Make oppor- tunities is relatively rare, and undoubtedly 'a greot asset"', Far from merely being "'pos- sibly thought of' as being ruthless, a Pirate actually is, or was, ruthless. Pilate was not ruthless (he washed his hands, you'll remembar) bu he might possibly be thought of os being ruthless by some people. Seed best fits the clue. A good Seed pays returns in kind as it reproduces other Seeds in kind -- that is, of the same kind. A good Deed may pay returns but not necessarily of the same kind at all, | with a mixture of salt and sand. apparently was alarmed by smoke ceived heré Thursday. He has been They are for the use of the public seeping into the room where its replaced by Moteyus Shumauskas, more extensive statement after he 1eceived and studied the letter. Prepare For Parakeet 'Saves' Icy Walks Couple In Fire > RELIEVE LEADER' BOWMANVILLE -- Aluminum frantically ringing a small bell in| lovas Gedvilas, prime 'minister of colored barrels are being placed it cage Thursday awakened Mr. the Lithuanian Soviet Republic, at various points, in the town by 20d Mrs. Harold Seely in time to has been relieved of his post the department "of roads and| flee their blazing home. {which he had held since 1943, ac- streets, These barrels are filled] The couple told firemen their pet|cordinz to a local newspaper re- {has been in progress in the Waira-| ture is proved. kei district in the centre of the] The loss of one tourist area North Island for five years. Do-/among many would not be vital, zens of bores have been made, | but others are also threatened. It some as deep as 3,000 feet and is planned to exiend the drilling| with a diameter of eight inches.|program to many other places, as They are producing a supply oila large chain of power stations is superheated steam at high pres: urgently needed to keep pace with sure which will be used for elec-|the demand for electricity. tricity. The bores produce a steady| It is suggested in some quart- supply of steam and none of them ery that despite the urgent need has shown signs of petering out for more sources of power, at a'ter the initial period. Some have|least some of the major thermal even increased in pressure. cites should be preserved. CARLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED secretary of the central committ on icy sidewalks and inclines. |cage is located and leaped around, | of th Lithuanian Communist The first barrel has been placed) jangling the little bell untilithey| on Temperance Hill, opposite the arrived to investigate. Hibs TELEVISION LOG partment feels that these will be beneficial to motorists and pedes- WBEN -BUFFALU--Channel ... 4 CBLT--TORONTO---Channel 9 ACTIVITY DECREASES But the natural thermal pheno-| mena in the vicinity have de- c.eased in intensity. Nearby is the famous Geyser valley, visited |every year by large numbers of party. trians in helping get over the icy spots. So Mr. Moiorist, if you cannot get away from the curb or up that hill, just help yourself, it's all for free. Millers Take League Lead BOWMANVILLE -- In the Town Hockey League, Thursday night, Millers took over sole possession of first place when they downed Front Street, 7-5. In the second game Courtice gained .ground and shoved the Foresters deeper into the cellar with a 7 to 3 trimming. STANDINGS I} of New and from overseas. Measurements over the last three years show that the geysers and other thermal wonders such 2-Man to Man |as boiling pools, steam blowholes 12.30 P.M. land fumaroles are decreasing in $--This Is The Life | activity. Typical is the case of the 4-Wild Bill Hickock {Bridal Veil geyser, one of the star 2--Freedonia Folio {attractions. It began to diminish in| 1.00 P.M. | force several years ago and to play 9--Buried Treasure (less frequently. It has not played Ae a eicine |at all for over a year, and guides 120 PN {nw refer to it as a hot spring. Such changes in activity are not "wen Expects More | UK. Immigrants 2---Ror Rogers 2.00 P.M. $--Junior Magazine 4--Film 2--Father Knows Bes 2.30 P.M. S-Atvenvurs, i TORONO (TCP)--Premier Frost 2.00 PML said Thursday a greater numb\r 9-You Are There of immigrants from England is 4--Sunday News expected in the next year. 2--Readers' Digest He told a press conference a , recently-adopted federal policy of helping immigrants with their pas- sage will attract more : desirable immigrants. | "There are many skilled persons over there who can make a real contribution to our province, but until now they haven't been able to afford the passage," he said. | rary vais Transiorm Your Basement Info a 'Recreation or Activities Room YOU BUILD IT - A Large Room 12x20 STRAPPING, 650 feet 13.00 FOIL INSULATION, 250 feet . 4.50 45 PIECES, 16 x 96 prefinished AMPERLY Prefinished TEN-TEST, 240 sq. ft. 12x 120r 16 x 16 NAILS AND STAPLES MASTIC TILE FLOOR, 9 x 9, B and C Patterns ........ FRIDAY EVENING | 5.00 P.M. | 9--Roy Rogers 4--Cartoons 2--Mickey Mouse Club 530 P.M. $--Howdy Doody 4--Gene Autry 6.00 P.M, Wizard 4--News; Range Rider 2---News: Sports 6.30 P.M, 9-Kaleidoscope 2--Studio 57 7.00 P.M, 9--Tabloid 4--Rin Tin Tin 2--District Attorney 7.30 P.M. 9--All Star Theatre 4--Count of Monte Cristo 2---Eddie Fisher 8.00 P.M. 9--Dateline 4-Mama 2-Ozzie and Harriet | 30 P.M 12.00 NOON 4-Wild Bill Hickock 2--Hollywood Playhouse 1.30 P.M, 4--Cartoon Corner 2.00 P.M | $--Movie Time | 4--Champlonship $---CBC News 4-U.S. Congress Bowl- ing 3--Jesse Ketchum Awards | 2.30 P.M. $-Olympic Review { 2-Mr. and Mrs. { 3.00 P.M. 4.2--Basketball | $--Mr. North 4.30 P.M. | $--Robert Q. Lewis SATURDAY EVENING IT Our Home Improvement Plan WE FINANCE 5.00 P.M. $-Wild Bill Hickock 4--Sky King 2-Capt. Z-Ro 5.30 P.M. $--Disneylana 4--Beat the Clock 2---Super Circus 6.00 P.M, 3---Disneyland 6.30 P.M makes it easy . . . You build W L T Pts. Millers 21 Front St. Courtice Foresters 3 Contractors Fined $15,000 MONTREAL (CP) Three brothers who operate a large ex-! cavation and concrete contracting firm in suburban Ville St. Michel, drew fines totalling $15.000 Thurs- day when they pleaded guilty to income tax evasion charges in criminal court. The brothers, who operate under the name of Beaudry and Sons.| 4--Theatrs ali pleaded guilty to having evaded| 2--Tonight naying some $90,000 in taxes dur- garurpaAY ing a six-year period. Paul Beau- 30 AM. dry was fined $6,600, Charlemagne, 4-Saddle and Spurs $4,800, and Julion, $3,600. | Rumpus Reon Judge Armand Cloutier granted / he them the alternative of paying the A arctan reum fines or spending six months in| 92.30 AM jail. He also ordered them to pay, 4--Cartoon Capers $30,000 they still owe the govern- 2--Andy's Gang ment in income tax it now and do not make your | $--Plouffe Family 4--Our Miss Brooks 2--Crossroads 9.00 P.M. 9-Ford Theatre 4--Crusader 2--Big Story 9.30 P.M. 9-Star Stage 4--Star Playhouse 2---The Vise 10.00 P.M. 9, 2-Sports Cavalcade 4--Line-Up 10.30 P.M. 9-Sports; Coleman 4--Person to Person 2--Red Barber first payment until 75 days 4--Sunday News / 2--Loretta Young 4.00 P.M. 4--Live Drama 2-Wide World | 4.30 P.M, 9--Lassie 1 5.00 P.M, | 9--Perspective . 4--Omnibus 5.30 P.M. I 9---Fighting Words 2--Captain Gallant 6.00 P.M. 9--Exploring Minds 2-Ethel and Albert 6.30 P.M, 9--Father Knows Best 4-You Are There 2--Liberave | 7.00 P.M. 9-Our Miss Brooks 4--~Lassie | 39.20 $-Mr. Fixit; News Lucy Show from date of your order. 7.00 P.M MATERIALS MILLWORK AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. features a range of internationally known products for use in "Do-lt- Yourself". You will find ALL requirements at this one loca- tion, A Large Room 12x20 ECONOMICALLY FINISHED STRAPPING, 650 feet 13.00 FOIL INSULATION, 250 feet . 4.50 16 PIECES KNOTTY PINE SHEET ROCK, Prefinished . 240 Sq. Feet 12x 12 or 16 x 16 ' Prefinished TEN-TEST .... NAILS . MASTIC TILE FLOOR TRIM DOOR and HARDWARE ... 9-Navy Log 4--Science Theatre 2---Warner Brothers 7.30 $---Holiday Ranch 4-U. of B. Round Table 8.00 P.M. 9, 4-Stage Show 2-Perry Como 44.44 15.00 11.80 257.94 YOU PAY NOTHING DOWN $15 FOR 18 MONTHS Materials suppli are all p NO PAINTING REQUIRED © PLANNING © COUNSEL ® ADVICE FREE! The services of our experienced staff are ready to help you get started on the right foot. 830 PM. DOOR and HARDWARE .... 9, ¢---Honeymooners 9.00 P.M. . $-On Camera 4--Two For the Money 2---Liebman Presents 9.30 P.M. $-NHL Hockey 4-It's Always Jan 00 P.M. 11.00 P.M. §, ¢, 2-News: Sport 11.30 P.M. 9--Friday (L) finished NOTE: 4--Gunsmoke 10.30 P.M, $---King Whyte 4--Damon Runyon 2-Dr. Hudson 11.00 P.M. $---News; Billy O'Connor 2-Wyatt Earp 7.30 P.M, 9---News Magazine 4--Private Secretary THE SIGN OF FRIENDLY LOANS 299 SHORT of CASH Let BELLVUE help Bring your problems here. 00 P.M. 9, 4-Ed Sullivan Show 2--Comedy Hour | 2.00 P.M, li 9--Playhouse | 4--GE Playhouse | 2--Alcola Hour 9.30 P.M, 9--Showtime 4--Alfred Hitchock 10.00 P.M. 9--Wrestling | 4, 2--Playhouse 10.00 AM. 4--Western Marshall | 2--Childrens Cortier EYE SPACE ! 10.50 AM. e Ranger North America has about 60 Pr Lee ae major astronomical observatories, | 11.60 AM, the largest in Canada the David ¢-Butfalo Bill Dunlap observatory in Toronto. 2-F SALLY'S SALLIES SUNDAY 5.30 AM. 4--Western Film 2--Hopalong Cassidy 9.30 AM. 4--Cartoon Capers 2--~Rumpus Room » 10.00 AM. 11,30 AM. 4--Lamp Unto My Feel 4-Texas Rangers 2--~Church Invitation 2--Watch the Birdie 10.30 A 44.80 4--Adventure * Drama 2---Amateur Hour 10.30 P.M. 4_What's My Line 2-Confidential File 11.00 P.M. $--CBC Folio 24.00 3.00 38.43 15.00 11.80 154.53 YOU PAY NOTHING DOWN $15 FOR 12 MONTHS NOTE: Materials supplied are all prefinished. NO PAINTING REQUIRED 12.00 NOON 4--Uncle Jerry 4-Big Top 2-Chr 2-Capt. Midnight 1 11.00 AM, 12.30 P.M. | 9---News; Weather 9--Ni : ather 4, 2 News: Sports 1.30 P.M. 4--FEleven-Thirty Theatre 2--Academy Playhouse ceases 4--Church Service 2--Religious Programs ZBEST QUALITY STOVE OIL -- c Service ! 8 20° Dial RA 5-1109 Pw VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA Loans quickly and easily § arranged on a pay from income plan. BELLVUE FINANCE CORP. LTD. 29% Simcoe St. South OSHAWA | f G. H. WILSON, MGR. I DIAL RA 5-1121 2--Ramar of the Jungle 1.00 P.M. OPEN SATURDAY © Prompt Delivery! UNTIL 2 P.M. Hours: 7:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Saturdays 7:30 A.M. te 2 P.M, Millwork & Building Supplies | 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Limited RA 3-4694.5 "I'm not hard to please, darling, | but I just do like anything ex- | pensive."

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