42 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Friday, January 20, 1956 1 Read For Profit--Use For Results Want Ads RA 3- 3492 45 BIRTHS | 6--Optometrists 15--Instruction |30--Lost and Found (37--Male Help Wanted | 44--For Rent |44--For Rent |45--Real Estate For Sale - - : INDEX C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, SPE-!LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DANCE EDU- 0ST --- RONSON WHIRLWIND WHEN ANSWERING HELP WANTED UNFURNISHED L A*R G E FRONT| Wo LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, [us - STOREY, Sx ROOMS, YOUNGS. cializing in muscle anomalies, eyesight |cator, dancing school ballet, tap, toe, lighter, light tan leathérbound, vicinity | Ads send copies only of references and room, ground floor, light sink and! arage. Full price $8,500. Must be sold WILSON -- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne D and glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri.,|pre-school. character, baton. Masonic|gimcoe South and John Street, Leo Lind. other papers, and avoid possible loss of washer privileges. Suitable for one per: he Bhi Central. "Dial RA 5-1014. 16f Ha February 1. Apply Box 129, Ajax.16b Wilson (nee Bernice Peebles) are happy T 68. Invalids examined at home. RA Temple Fridays and Saturdays. Inform-|perg. Phone RA 3.7510. Reward. 12f| original { son. Dial RA 8-8409. 16f D -- by to announce the birth of a daughter 5-6143. Disney Bldg., 31 King East. | ation RA 3.7253. April 12. | NEW STORE, 25'x40 A 4ROO I - M_ BUNGALOW. Nancy Marie, January 15, 1956 at the | | ATI N Jan 26° - LOST -- LANCO YELLOW GOL D|ACCOUNTANT -- INTERMEDIATE | ONE FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT | apartment, immediate possession. Phone ATTRACTIVE 4 Roo Bae ox: Oshawa General Hospital. CLA F LESSONS" ON SPANISH GUITAR. wrist watch on Simeoe Street North |CPA student or equivaledt to join staff of | lady or gentleman, kitchen privileges, RA 57938, 128 Wilson Rd. South. i6b Zorth cud A Diese Dain, ons i Inge piano accordian, trumpet, saxophone, |yalued as keepsake. Reward ia Public A nting Firm. Must have fu-| central. Phone RA 5-9310. 16¢ ' 1--Accountants 7--Surveyors clarinet, violin, Wilson and Lee Music| g.8464. EM tsi bie fan ol ly id TWO ROOM APARTMENT WITH EIT. mirror. venetian biind.s hardwood the: B t, " Store. RA 35-4706. Feb 12 - ------- | public accounting experience necessary. TWO ROOM APARTMENT, WITH chenette 2 pc. bath, unfurnished. Near! oughout, storms and screens, nicely 2--Barristees DONEVAN ANp RICHARDS, ONTAR- -- {LOST -- MALE HOUND, BLACK AND 1261 4: Duplate and Pediers. Phone RA 5-9116.|scaped. $10,800. Phone RA 3-4870. 164 3 --Chiropodists fo Land Surveyors, and professional en |GERALDINE LEE, ARCT, TEACHER|{ RE. White Hing neck and. "points |Write Box 315 Times-Gazette. kitchenette, 3 pce. bathroom, large clo. 116.4 3 GE NE LEE, \ 4 ER [tan w A . 4 5632. i { set laundry room, private entrance. - + the 4--Dentists gineers. 13 Bloor Street East RA jams of piano and theory. Dial RA 3-3008.|near Tyrone wearing collar with name | EXPERIENCED FRAME MAN, EX.!Reasonable. Newly decorated Avply TAREE ROOM SELF-CONTAIN.| BURR -- Entered into rest in S--Nursing Services Feb.16! plate. Tattoed in both ears. Reward frame. machine d Apartment 1 V% ACRE family residence 402 Beverley Street, uPying Se meses a ---- | Phone collect R. Rahm, Bowmanville, |Perienced on master frame e: 1224 Simcoe Suuth, Apartment I 4c ed apartment, downtown, central. Dial| 2 Oshawa on Wednesday, January 18.1 6--Optometrists B--Building Trades HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY -- TAP. |nx' 3.925. 195 God. working conditions, top salary ang). --r TT cOMPOSED oF | RA 51776. Available now 16c | 1956, Emma Elizabeth Wallis, beloved 7--Surveyors baton Ballet, Pointe. Register now. 424 Bonus: Yausions pos ar ae uy UPPER DUPLEX (COMPOSED 2 Brrr: rp -- EE s -Room bungalow, hydro ana wite of voln Heney Burs and mother of 8--Building frades ELECTRICAL WORK, HOUSE WIRING, | Ki King West, Oshawa. RA 35-6122. June e137 Articles for Rent » | . pre large VIE oom, dmet eae ef INREE G0) SELLE TAD water in, 80 feet frontage on John of Windsor, 5 MacGre-1 o_ gilding Material industrial heavy wiring, ranges wired, ran icely ¥ ¢ Moca. \ 3.977% : ighway, west of Bow= gor (Ivy), Reginald, Victor, and Albert 10=Shaaing Sere La i shtalled Rea: MERCURY SCHOOL OF nicely decorated, very desirable loca-| Phone RA 3-9776. 16¢ No. 2 hig Y, Oshawa in her 72nd year. Resting at | 2 McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAWS FOR SALE tion. Dial RA 3.4898. 16¢ manville, for onl 5.000, with Amarin Pubic Tame. oak 1) --pisiness Opportieyiter sonable. Standara. Eiecwic, RA 37634, SAFE DRIVING or rent, skil saw_ bench saw, sanders,| AIRCRAFT . | LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ALL ¥:$5,000, with memorial service in the chapel | }2_Dressmaking | box trailer, chain hoist, paint yee Electrici LOVELY APARTMENT FOR RENT, | conveniences, heated, central. Apply 5 $1,500 down. Sawirday, 2 p.m. Jamary 3lat. Intier od upp! uid * N OVERHEAD GARAGE . pipe dies, etc. Stan's Sharpening Serv-| ectricians cisoe to new shopping centre. Vacant, entre ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa |3--Gardening & Supplies Bor HER Sa Tgp n ly Learn to drive by safe ice, corner King and Burk. RA 3.3224. By br Pena Hoping centre. Jaca W. McAULE> | 1 4--Household Repairs j donFs : a» sclally pA a A 3 Feb 20 Instrument Technicians iences, no objection to one child. iv FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, PRIVATE | 15-- Instruction Bongo ig ny . and courteous instruc- Radio and Radar after 6. 137 Rosehill Blvd. 16a SBirance and bath, 73 Central Park| Real Estate M RIAM 16-- Insurance . tors. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! RENT A a | Biva. North, Ist} 13 PRINCE ST. I 17--Money to Loan | CUPBOARDS BUILT TO SPECIFICA. RA 5.4771 small console piano and bench for less | Technicians ive RoOM HOUSE WITH TILED. CLAUS -- In loving memory of al 18a--Mortgages For Sale dear father, Leo Seabourne Claus, 19--Personal passed away January 20, 1953. 1 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, val tions, trim work, stars built, also tile than $2 per week plus cartage. Up to 3 | bathroom, $79 monthly, oil heated, hard. | Feb: ; DIAL RA 3-2512 13evisen waned supplied and laid. Phone RA 53715. six months rent may be sppiiea oni A/E and A/F Mechanics | ood for, "35 Queenscourt, Atax, cant, February First, Avely H. and K. Jon.20,23 Jan, 31 purchase price of the instrument. Wil-l Ex, R.C.AF. Group 3 with Phone 1294. 1 x 4d - i ferred | APARTMENT FOR RENT. 174 COL- 0--C G IN CHIMNEYS AND Feb.17, CF-100 experience pre " Buen rad den pun] XC Fran GIES A low more To [i | wonted for Toronto Areo. | NODERY THREE Roowt Arama, lote Sees ku Abus dos | SNACK BAR GARAGE : i ts 21 | - . | . His Gould RN a Kaow.] 20 Chai Jan. 31 EARN MORE 32--Articles Wanted Excellent welfare program, Salle court, fridge and stove, no ob. AND GAS PUMPS He has found sweet rest at last. || 23 women's Column | SEPTIC TANKS 2SLEANED THE SANI- DAY AND NIGHT jection to children. Dial RA 5-8722. w YURVITEVD SELF - CONTAINED | inlaw Bea, and grandchildren. : i 24 | Teasonable. Dial RA. 8-365] Personnel Department FURNISHED 2 ROOMS AND LARGE entrance, stove and fridge, Phone RA $22,000 for this thriving and II 25--Pets and Livestock | MORRISON'S ROOFING, INSUL-BRC- M i FIELD AVIATION CO bright kitchen, toilet, all conveniences, 3934. 154 growing business on new high- CLAUS -- In loving memory of a!| 26--Farmer's Column | king and eavestroughing. Free estimates. Start Any Monday CASH FOR QUALITY, SMALL PIANOS, . suit 2 or 3 aduits, basement. Apply 121 ™ IGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS way -- Peterborough district dear father, Leo Claus, who passed | 27 fi ei Wood | RA 5-0473. Feb, 18 337 state price ang height. Wilson and Lee LTD, Oshawa Blvd. South, 165¢| TWO 1IG DUSERERPING BdONS, Y ; J * away January 30, 1953 R 28---Summer Resorts | RA 5- 5 Ltd, RA 5-4700 Feb. § mm ---------- or |completely furnished central. 8-8397 6é-room, beautiful brick home. aa Hor ; / . ONE LARGE FURNISHED HO! Anyone interested -- pictures Alwags: tender fond and true 230--Hurting i en cupboards tiling, free estimates OSHAWA TE JPRIGHT "PIANOS WANTED ™M Municipal Airport keeping room, also single room, 2 blocks| SIX ROOM HOUSE. with 3 POE. BATH| can be seen aot office. here yo tn) Sa prov Aeter a lua, Yara For Sate Ak Hoag 31754 Paymest ian Feb. 12 BUSINESS COLLEGE Mediate » ale ake a price Hog Oshawa, Ont. {south of Regent Theatre, 97 Albert St. room, near hospital, coal heating, elec-| = e do not ink of you --Lost an un Clarke. 5-1754 8 112 imes zett, of 5 4 ol --Sadly missed hy daughter, Helen, son|f 3, 3 S79 OURS 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Sith ibd STE 15¢ 16a tric hot wajer, hardwood down, gar R. Smi inlaw Elmer and Grandchildren Tees DOF Re | PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES WANTED -- RAW FURS, LIVE POUL. age, reasonable. RA 50790. 156 a ter mit son and Lee Ltd., 87 Simcoe North. RA| Sadly missed by Son cab. daughter] 24--.Morket Bosket {tary way. Feb. 15 SCHOOL CLASSES WANTED -- GOOD BABY CARRIAGE Apply apartment, central, separate | «if SUF Rearts your memory, lingers | CARPENTER REMODELLING, KITCH- ireb. f P.O. Box 366 EE --, {omblecly furnish kissd 32=Arricies: Wanted | fittings, fixtures, pew and used. In try feathers, scrap iron, metal and rags FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, 3 Pe. | bath private entrance, side door, 5 M N AP, CLAUS -- In loving memory of a dear [ 33--Legal Notices | staliations at reasonable prices. RA I. Turner, North Oshawa, RA 3003 lool | TWO MECHANICAL, [Sa JPio0, Joes sie door. .f| THREE ROOM MODERN APART. BROKER father and grandfather who passed away | 34--Auction Soles | 54241. Jan. 23! 16--Insurance lect) Feb.14 |dren. Abstainers. Apply 68 McMillan! eq. available immediately, adults. RA | ; SE ed ck with Wemeties 35=Employment Wanted | YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, FLAT ROOF: ro eee: = DRAFTSMEN | Drive RA 35-2468. 16f 5.5629. 156 846 Simcoe St. North 0 1 ac S 4 SU 0 A S4 ------------ ---------- » 36--F le Help Wanted | nstalled. - g « Upon the path you trod a B ing, shingling, siding, louvers ee [up to 20 per cent. Seven months to pay SHAW RAG & Must have considerable me. |THREE LARGE ROOMS, GROUND\rmR ER ROOMS UNFURNISHED DIAL RA 3-2911 We bless the years we had with you.|| 37--Male Help Wanted | rerms. All work gua Feb. 9|For personal service at your home Call | 4 floor, city conveniences $40. monthly, jpartment, light, heat and water inciud- And leave the rest to God. Betty. 38--Male or Female Help Wanted H. W. Tucker. RA. 57413. Feb. 1 METAL chanical drawing experience, |North Oshawa. Phone RA 5-0982. - |ed. Private entrance vacant February OPEN EVENINGS ~Sadly miss y f 9---Agents Wi - Y " " y i i . a 5: a enn 3 gents Wanted DO IT YOURSELF. ALL TIME ALU-|Torrnrn-- oars REP. 89 BLOOR EAST preferably in tire manufactur. 1st. Whitby MO 8-2764. 15¢ 16h 40--Opportunities ior Men & Women |i minum combination storm doors. Regu-| .c ative' and General Insurance. Me. RA 5.2311 ing. Also TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | : LAUS -- In loving memory of a!| 41--Room and 3oard lar $79.50 install yourself $55, 3 channel xiry Insurance Agency, 21 King Street vate entragce, hot asd pi +2--uneal- Estate For Sale C1avs 2 Demon at off. Phone Murtry is Agency, 21 King Res.: RA 3-9111 Prive ce, Bot cold running 46--Real Estate Wanted dear father and grandfather, Leo Sea 42--Room and Board Wanted gore windows, 20 per cel 5| West. RA 3-3722. Jan.30 es. . ONE ELECTRICAL water, steam heat. Dial RA 52159. le | bourne Claus, who passed away Jan. | a | Ra em ---- gay -------- | FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, PRIVATE-! 20, 1953 f 3 oud Jo Rent | CARPENTER KITCHEN UN 1T 5. 17--Money to Loan AUTO WRECKING DRAFTSMAN FOUR - ROOM SELF i CONTAINED | ly owned, conveniences. Possession Feb- PRIVATE Ro BRL TH * God knew he was suffering, . : A ml a . SL | apartment for rent, available eb. 1, Pi RA 5-6379. 16a And {he Mls were hard fe siimb, | :45=Rect Estole For Sgie A a te, remodeling. AND SECOND MORTGAGES. | Best prices paid for scrap iron, a; Phone RA. 37338 (Working couple pre.| wo" 1 Phone RA 3:64 tan Payment. 'Write bog on So gently closed his eyelids. Il 45a--Real Estate Exchange fecrealion Jove: by aR or FIRS La 5 purchased and sold.| metals, batteries, etc. Factory Work involves electrical 'draft | ferred) 14f| GOOD LEVEL LOT 82X254, TAUNTON Ti mes-Gaze And wrispered. peace be thine 46--Real Estote Want ¥ -- i t < i in nd record control, Brame Road East (approx. one mile east of --Ever remembered by Jim, Gloria and Real Luis Wanted | COPPER RANG WITH 20 {ean iek and aa % sabi re, In 2) accounts appreciated. So ¢ | MODE FOUR - ROOM SELF-CON. Taunton), near new school, (price cor- HARDWOOD Bush, Clos D0 oS granddaughter Bonnie 47 --Automobiles For Sale COPPER RANGE "BOILERS ih Street E A 72 an. 26 Feb.10 tained apartment, 436 Simcoe North] Loinion: Dear hew school. (F or | awa. R.. 3-9811. i 48--Automobiles Wanted year guarntee. Also glass lined and gal | CLIENTS, IES AVAILABLE 'FOR| adults preferred. Possession February | RUSSELL, -- In loving memory of | * 45--Automobile Repairs vanized. Reasonable installations. L. B S, MONIES | our dear daughter, Florence Kathaleen Steady positions, 5-day week, MOTEL: SITE ON HIGHWAY dil BE shawa an 0! . fel who pied away Jamar | 5), op cng are | ot water [tr od svar: Sarbeg apg Np | oe ARDALE SCRAD Aovly FOUL ROOM APARTIENT, WERE | Ree, SLIT, B50 4 siete, hohe, nd rit to Bi 1933 06. knew wits Y. woke. :tHat mov CLASSIFIED AD RATES | For plumbing, Ot WOter fiary Public, 3 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, IRON AND METALS : ol; Yery Settral, BA sews. He awa or MO 83231, Whitby. a Sos Fu vig sie Bobi weg heating, sewer connec- |RA 3.4697. Feb. 12 100 Annis St. Employment Office FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, UNFURN-| coo pk pater ore (HOUSES SANTED OR Sr LENTS For the call was sudden. the shock 25 words Sheree || tions, Findlay furnaces |FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES Eost of C.N.R. Station Dunlop Canada Ltd, bahed, I calen, Jeomate entrance, | oors, oil-heated, modern kitchen, ex- culis and satisactory sale, see W. Me. To part with one we loved 50 dear. 3 CONSECUTIVE bought, sold and arranged, agreements] a cellent large, garage, Athol Ayley, Realtor, 13 Prince Street, RA 6 cONSERTIONS .. 1.88 207 See for Sale Jureiased, Private' Tunis Saws! WE PAY: Whitby THREE ROOM APARTMENT, UNFUR|S East, no agents. RA S06. ic saul) Feb. 1 Sometimes 'it's hard to understand INSERTIONS. .. 3.00 3.30 MURRAY FEB6| Highest prices for Iron, Metal, auto: very convemlence. Cel | Lory Gp Luts FOR SALE. APPLE! h tral. Dial RA 8-8133. Why somethings have to be If not paid within 7 days the - " . Rags, Paper, etc. | Hin sub.division, sewer and water,| BERNEICE H. PATRICK But in His wisdom God has planned CLIENTS MONEY TO LOAN ON i { 7) |NHA approved. See us today. Jones Reset ou rover 1s soe som soy wo wions | MILLER CO. [miei "hoard "i 15] 7a 5.3432 8a 5.4159 EE et | PE Er Eons poker s or s 3 ick- n r : | God gave me strength to fight it, orders for consecutive, insertions. Forced Air Specialist Housing Act, Mortgages arranged, ree Pic P pen, >a Yr 20, SALES $55. monthly, Phone RA 5-9829. l4c Listings Wanted And courage to bear the blow, a Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch LOTS OR ACERAGE WA) | b he bl Fubsaqunt insertions ordered at a hi ' D d Murd e | BACHELOR AND 3 ROOM APART. NTED, WRITE | But Nast 3 ccost: 10 Jose you, deay posi 9518 Soule 9 row izing] 341 Athol E Jan 28 ment, available immediately. 44 Ontario Song complete diregtions and details. PERSONAL SERVICE Kathy, : : { t H. Kivinen, 38 Lawrence Ave. = 2 No one will ever know 3600 par. moon tor ines "if | RA 3.9343 or RA 5-2993 WE WON'T BUY M. GREENBERG & SONS OPPORTUNITY |suset. Ra 31032. or RA saa. tar AH Kivinen, 3 1| | 16 Bma sh fan - RA S392 4 ~Sadly missed by Mummy, Daddy,. Ake ily | r * y » Each additional line 75¢ per month. Feb.6 [] T | FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 GENTLE. brothers and sisters | M URN YOUR ---------------------------- Each initial letter, abbreviation, . | YOUR ORTGAGE ! men, with small kitchen. Apply 286 Ring / Feb.1 | ¢ i . Street W M of Oshawa-Whitb $ ond c sign, figure, count as a Don't Wait Until Spring To Do but we will lend you money S C R A pP Sales Representative ro: reet West, ember y STAFFORD BROS. | ia Sau charged 15¢ additional. || Tl He et umn 2 ROOMS, SINK AND CUPBOARD ™ & District Real Estate Board We have clients desirous of I $8 hh on it, . 3 MUST be in o So Aovertuemanty I DO IT NOW ! SUPERIOR FINANCE INTO quired by national man- kitchen, private entrance, furnished or obtaining 2, 3 and 4 bedroom blication. Office hours: Daily 8 - 5. : 17 Simcoe Street North uf i i uniurnished. Apply 111 Park Road| homes. Some with oll cash. If Monumental Works i guslieohion. 4 fice hours: Daily Call: mes Suient M 0 N E Y acturer of industrial North. 4) $1 ,200 DOWN you are thinking of selling. your moriols « Marker REGULATIONS -- : M.W.F.Jan.2 steel products and build- - ROOM HOUSE, MODERN far. . . Call RA 3-4534 or dro Memorials ers be "2, 20111 Times-Gazette shall not ALLEN & CHRISTENSEN an BEST PRICES PAID ing natericls, Prefer. oie loo | 7-Room brick home, 4 rooms a ot 135 Simcoe 9 Wid . 2 ! : Authorized Dealers fisements submitted. otherwise thon BUILDING CONTRAC 19--Personal or : ; 34120. lmmediate possession. Phone i on muin floor, plus 2-pc, bath; Street North. Appraisal free in writing, nor for more than one i Steel - Cast Iron - Rags ance given to applicant 3 rooms up, with 3-pc. bath ar Le for } Incorrect Insertion of anv adverse. Repairs ~ Remodelling ADVERTISER WISHES TO CONTACT Batteries ; y PP h dand tite i and no obligation. Rock of Ages Corp'. ment, nor beyond the brice charged fl ° Kitchen Cupboards person driving to Toronto. Leaving early with experience in metal [SIX - ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE, hardwood and tile floors, oi : for a single insertion of the ad- Recreation. Rooms. ete. morning. Dial RA. 3-9494 after 6 any day Lead - Copper - Etc. . clean, nicely decorated, at 5 Albany! heating, double car garage with Member of the CANADIAN vartisements in which error occurs. R Esti Ye 16h : culvert field. Central= Dial RA S253. Bloor Street . East, | cement floor. Only 11 years J P ALLAN ASSOCIATION of MEMORIAL. § oF diam sean mmm pu ssize Re S328 (oar Too a mame Faann| | Fo Frome Pickus Service East Ontario territory. doe | old, North district. Total price REAL ESTATE BROKER CRASFTSMEN., classification. : Feb. 5 Write Alconolies Anonymous. P.O. Box Phone RA 3-7333 [hot water, downtown locaton. vaabie| $12.90. Coll Mr. Addison Ask for Mr. Norri 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby | sk for Mr. Norris an oe. Alcona rook . 308 Bi : Reply giving full par. | hot water, downtown location. Available Phone MO 8.3552 1--Accountants 9--Building Material [wovio_ LIKE RIDE TO TORONTO. : oor St. E. ticulars to Box No. 323 14} anytime. 50--Articles For Sale -- | and agreements for sale purchased. Ap. Goodman; RA 5-104. Feb. 19 first and second mortgages. tg vd company-paid welfare plans, 1. Apply 13 John Street. RA 5-6309. 14f BUYING OR SELLING, HOUSES, BUS- {ween | | Feb. 1. Apply 74 Simcoe Street North., RA 5-3889 or RA 5.5579 Dhans (Just Eact of Ritean RA) : ie Sa) 4 Times-Gaz . APARTMENT FOR RENT IN NEW] Fob 191 CE RE Ty | LARGE BUILDING TO BE TORN] A OPEN SATURDAYS | Gazette home, central, 3 large rooms, private! LLOYD AYERS . CR BOB CLANCY'S ONTARIO ACCOUNT-|down at Ajax. 25.000 feet of 2 x 5/s, |20--Cartage 3 Jon 22 | | Realtor 88 Wood St. |5vontiac SEDAN, GOOD CONDI entrance and ba heat, s fins Service offers complete bookkeep-|tongue and groove, can be sawn into 15¢ an th heat, light and water, | x | MOVIN NE W. -- 15-5322. Appoints Probe | Prince Street, Room 1; office RA 50397 feet of 2 x 12's by 25 feet; 20.000 fe et | HOVING DONE Laon 81 Stamp. 133--Legal Notices 38--Male or Female Help | id 16a tion. Price $250. Apply 211 Sieve 54 [VRVVE 47 --Automobiles For Sale e.L 2 Few gas stove and laundry facilities. Dial ing service for small businesses. 47/2 Xx 4's; 25,000 feet of sheeting: 13000! ry Dial RA {Residence RA 3-7605 Jan. 22 fir timbers; 1,000 linear feet of walls, | EE | imbere: 190 linear feet of walls, | Wanted | ATTRACTIVE ROOM FOR RENT IN| [South b r < : : |S. T. HOPKINS AND COMPANY, CER-| sheds; 8,000 feet hardwood maple Hoar. ho MOVE ANYTFING ANY To | NOTICE TO | ee ew home hathroom floor, Dorth end: | Are you planning to build this ONE DIFFERENTIAL COMPLETE On Ten Reeve {tified Public Accountants, 172 King St.|ing; 200 sheets '4-inch plywood; . 4 w x CREDITOR WANTED TU TOR FOR FRENCH AND RA 56608 after 5. 13 year? Whether you are plan- springs and shocks for 1950 Morris Mi- S | East, Oshawa, Ont. RA 5-3509. Feb.2 feet conduit with fittings and Fi 21 P 1 Servi | S science for third year highschool stu- ning your own individual home, mor also three 500-14 inch tires, tubes EVRY a J | m-- torn eu | wire; 50 doors and frames; 50 windows ersona rvice dent, state experience and charge "per | THREE ROOMS AND BATH, HEATED, | 100-h bdivisi 4 and wheels; cheap. Dial RA 38986 1c. OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Grey|MONTE TH, MONTEITH, RIEHL CO, | and frames. Also 2 x 4's, 2 x 6's, 2 x 8's. -- m-- or IN THE ESTATE OF hour. Write Box 324 Times-Gazette. 16b| private entrance, built in cupboards, © © house Suicivision, county council Thursday appointed | chartered accountants, licensed trustees, (Sale to start Monday, January 23, HOME LAUNDRY OPEN UNDER NEW ¢ 5 . JE ------------------|iile floors, electric dryer and washing you can eliminate oll your | Bgmre. mewapaner eames hn op Nomieih, FCA. AB. Momeits 3. oust Tours" Phone Alen" oar | Wah Thane RA SHEE dan 3 oc COCHRANE, DECEASED |39_ Agents Wanted Bnei, © foe Set West Apt 1) problems and headoches by | 1950 HUDSON SEDAN, 1 a OL one ax » La - hs tnd oe . ls * i H tigate newspaper charges that 10|comm., CA, G. W. Riehl, CA (resident | Pickering, 178W jan 08 -- { All persons having claims |m------" en Bowmanville, 13 utilizing our experience and | medium green... $695 deputy reeves are sitting in coun- | partner), G. E. Trethewey, CA, R. F.| lo rerng, 178W. HIGHWAY MONUMENT WORKS ON | [BE YOUR OWN BOSS! HIGH EAR vr . | services cil illegally. {Lightfoot, CA. RA 54662, 135 Simcoe! J0--Sh P Servi Highway No. 2. between Whitby apa| against the Estate of Irene {ings possible with our line of cosme.| ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS, | pr 1947 FORD COACH The sixman subcommittee ap-| Street North Feh.s aypening Service bi Robert Awana, aii hg Cochrane, late of the City of tics and Household necessities. Exper. 5 Pare a Rome: + WE OFFER YOU do k bl ) sc -- ------ pr ------------------. 7 T--r-- SI TR A np 3 "el t o y . .m. . pointed by the finance committee | ro ANDER, HUNTER AND AUTOMATIC SAW SHARPENING, SET- | Osiowe 20 Yo County of hi eu mecessary ii Box | RA 8.8671. Feb. 16 COMPLETE NHA ar ue wi 00 into the matter of anta y of ing |10NE and retoothing, all types of saws. ' tario, General Motors m- i . | increasing salaries of county offi-|sucer pountants and Auditors, 64 King |, 8, re contracts wanted, Fast services DAVEY'S Plover ry gn [Staton © Mental. i may ADJOINING ROOMS. FURNISHED SERVICE 1947 MERCURY SEDAN - t nossibi . " AR Skate grinding lengthwise 35 cents, fig ' ., gi as bed sitting room an itchenette | it: that deputy. noeves are sting lander, B. Comm., J. Hunter, hi TU Longs on Se WB CLEANING on or about the 22nd day of | WANTED: MAN FOR § EADY | central, hot water, all conveniences. RA| 1. We arrange and process maroon $ 3 leputy . | ~ mong consumers n city an 1568. in council illegally A seer SSTVICS, corer Ring 40d. Burk. RA CONTRACTORS July, AD. 1953, are hereby |. a locality. Permanent comectnd|d: : 1 your NMA mortgage. 2. Ob- 1954 PONTIAC COACH It will report at a later session.| 2--Barristers dr ; an 2 notified to send to the under with large manufacturer. Only reliable | SELF-CONTAINED 3 ROOM HEATED tain builders' estimates by ap- a ---- . sie y tier considered Write Rawleigh's apartment, $55. monthly. Apply 294 Burk | H i W. oe The next council session is sched- | 11--Business Opportunities Floors cleaned and waxed. gned on or about the 26th |hus gh's ly. Appl proved NHA builders. 3. We Dept. A-310-13 7 | uled for April. Members of the CREIGHTON, FRASER, DEYNAN. ap | Pp ---- Windows and walls cleaned. day of January, AD, 1956, y 35 Montreal, P.M 16a Steet. - RA 57844 a have a complete line of Insur- sub-committee, all reeves, are:|Nurcoch. DRarnsters, Solicitors, Notar-! HERE ARE A NUMBER OF V | full particul of th claims | LARGE FURNISHED ROOM SUITABL i i h . James Matches, J Keppel Henry les, Bank of Commerce Bidg., $ Simcoe | arn Frachises available in Ontario and enetian Blind Laundry i a han pri ; ai | 40--Opportunities for Men |for two. Apply 582 Simcoe North. = SITE icp apo BRAMLEY james Siaiches, Xo 'mond Me Street North. RA i TK. Creighton, Eastern Canada for Automotive Retail Free 'Estimates a for which ¢ He the estate | and Women Pity 1 om LIN: OLICY. | MOTOR SALES é ) € AC; 1 raser 0 G Tynan. | Stores. We are offering an opportunity vied 2 wi a distributed waving re J Sma------------------ mt a Sulliva A] C n, Os-|G. Y. Murdoch, NHA Mortgages ar-|, responsible people interested in oper-| Work Guaranteed gard only to the claims of TWO .ROOM UNFURNISHED APART. | J P ALLAN prey; How re McC lin Flesher- ranged Feb.1| ating their own business. Take advantage hich ti ) 4d shall BRITISH KNITWEAR ment, upstairs, North Oshawa. Phone . * 1271 Simcoe St. North ton W arden Carmen Werry | CAME N MACDONALD, BAR jaf twenty ih dT orice his ro, Dial RA 5- 8741 | 1 i 'y : ol "igual RA yesh REAL ESTATE BROKER AND : all y » LD, at w a 0) » e 0 0 " Dundalk ve follows a Story in the| FS €rs: solicitors and notaries public, Soclating Wi Sanads i seven (97) | M,W.F Feb 8 have notice Opportunity for mature men |2 WARM FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- GENERAL INSURANCE RA 3-4675 le move ows. ry 13 1 King Street East. RA 32269. NHA| 40 00 now in operation. For further in.| --- Dated at Oshawa, Ontarle thi or ladies with spare time. Extra ing rooms, hot walter, laundry facili- 3 Durham Chronicle, a weekly which and private mortgages arranged. Feb. 20] 0 0708 SOW I OPEFAtOR. TOF FAFA and | 23 W. Column 8 1 2 tes, central, children welcome. Dial ot RA 3-4534 and ask far tf. said "10 men are occupying county | =--r--c-- 0 « | Auto Supply Limited, Head Office, Lon --Women"s Colum 11th day of January, A.D Income qssured showing guar- . |g" ¢ S20 a Mr. Vandette council seats on the basis of false | ¢ 5, GREER. QC. BARRISTER, A |don, Ontario 15¢ | HAIRD IG IN ; , . 1956 anteed. quality knitwear. Ny- - MW. F, F b.6é 45--Real Estate For Sale Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street East | HAIRDRESSING IN MY OWN HOME . -- S ~ON e records files as true voters' lists." [5.4717 Resid RA 3.4759. T ----------(Cold wave, $5. Finger waves $1. Toni's lons, lingerie, dresses. Car [3 ROOM UNFURNISHED SELF-CON- h 5- 717 sidence RA 3.475 erence RA 1 D ki ' ' y . HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN tained apartment, no children. Dial RA The paper calls upon "all 10 of Kelly, BA, BCL, Residence RA. 35-5203 2 ressma ing $3.50. RA 5.9617., Apply 219 McKim LEYS desirable but not essential, Free " 13¢ . these men to either refute the) Donald B. Dodds, BA, LLB, Residence, me | Street 16¢ Solicit trainin Fo tery ] charges or resign." {RA 55203 Feh.10| MADE - TO . MEASURE DRAPES, | = olicitors for the Executor 4 2 : [iistview, wile FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, OIL HEAT / The Chronicle' 'harges were : - a - ---- |slip-covers and general dress-making WHY GO OUT TO HAVE YOUR HAIR WARD MORTON BROOKS today. Box 194, Listowel, Ont., and garage off Ritson Road South. Dial . e ironicle s charges Te! Jo M. GREER, BA, Sc. BARRIS. Prices reasonable. RA 58420, 259 Court dome? Have your hair done in your Jan.13 20, 27| or phone RA 5.4986, Courtice 8-8433 Tas not considered by county Foun] ter and solicitor, 74 Simcoe Strat Stren: Feb.14{own home. Hair cuts and permanents. | a [ v Feb 5 | i REALTOR as a whole, but only by the finance! South. Dial RA 59421. Resid ---- | RA 3.7095 Jan.29 TWO.ROOM APARTMENT. PRIVATE ittee. Warden Werry said he 53368 a] - hl 35--Emp loy ment "Wanted ; committee. Wa den | Nerr 52M he #555 Jan | 13--Gardening & Supplies {ss /NCER SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY | >> play ad a1 ~Room and Board bath upstairs. Appy 448 Ritson Road FOR RENT UMPHREYS AND BOYC HY. N. BAR TE ES -- designed. Registered Corsetiere, Mrs, 15¢ H ail Toad t council unless it si raised ' ' RELYABLE MIDDLE AGED WOMAN 2 'Apartments, consisting of 2 rooms and bath, Hot water and heat er in cot ess sters, c tors, 6 King West. Phones SUPER DELUXE Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road North. IREHABLE in nursing, will care for sick ROOM AND BOARD OR ROOM FOR 2| NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, LOCAT- p 9 by a member office RA 5-1177. Res. RA. 5-4604, Whitby Jan.29 | ie" . » entl led 8 Street South. | t .| supplie -------- | 2761. Money to loan Feb. 1 AMARYLLIS BULBS z and home, live out, also will baby-sit. Rentlemen. central. dial RA 3.3356. 201/ed Simcoe Street Sou mmediate pos. a qu | 24--Market Basket | Phone RA 8.8161. 16a Bond Ea 1p session. Dial RA 3.7400. 15¢ . $7,200 WRONG BITE RALPH 5. JONES, BA, AND THOMAS | : : - v | RAL] JONES, | ---------- ere | EXPERIENCED MULTILITH OPERA. ROOM AND BOARD FOR "GENTLE-| | THREE-ROOM HOUSE, WITH MOD. BIRMINGHAM England (CPY-- H, Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli- | 5 Beautiful colors to choose |gin . STRAW, POTATOES AND CAR- for wants steady position. Six vears of.| men, close to business section, 7' days|ern bathroom, kitchen cupboards, all! 4.Bedroom frame bungalow near school and park. Taxes only $75. Alsation dog, was or-|citors. 65 Simcoe Street Sou 5-3525. | 5 i 1 p after biting, Mortgage loans available Feb.7 white, salmon red, orange Solina Road, Courtice 16b | Gazette 16¢ | . --mn suitable for couple only. Write Box 32/| An excellent buy for a worker or for a large family. Down Payment a policeman WhO NcGIBBON AND BASTEDO. ror Retail per bulb 4 $2.65 -- : ie -- | ROOM AND BOARD, BEST IN TOWN, | fimes Gazette. 15¢ | $3,500. 8-1 : H [MIDDLE - AGED HOUSEKEEPER with single beds, water in every room, all | reprieve was a work - busi So an Sones ave piv ea For your house plants we have: 25--Pets ond Livestock two school aged children requires situ-|modern conveniences. Phone RA 5-168. SIX. ROOM te aE. OIL HEATED $ 10,000 a © fir 1 ' Si Tosca join the RAF as a security Street Norta, RA 53566 Charles C. Mc-! ® potting soil ® peat moss (COCKER SPAN IAL PUPPIES, ation ou farm with bachelor, widower | 53 Lorraine Stren. Feb.13/with hot water, hardwood fivors avail ; ' or elderly couple. Absfainers. Wri Milhaud SANA now. Phone RA 5-0747. 15 3. n 0 utifully land lot, el 0 hi |Gibbon, Qc, 'Edgar F. Bastedo. danas) & vermiciiite soll sireelerer | browns, reds, blacks. Waubena Kesnels, Box 2, Times-Gazette, Whitby. He 'ROOM AND BOARD -- SEVEN DAYS,! 3-Bedroom bungalow on beautifully landscaped lot, close to school. La To } ! a, -- | weekly, very central, bus stop, 10 min. LUXURY APARTMENT, NORTH OSH.| The down payment is $5,000 hut the balance is paid like very low {JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Qc, BARRIS-| & most types of liquid fertilizer | em t | | ter, Solicitor. Moncy to loan. Office, | BEAUTIFUL BABY. BUDGIES, RE Abv|36--Female "Help Wanted d_ |r. Es Sen ae garage ress to awa, suitable for couple. Seaton sar rent, {142 King Street Kast, Oshawa. RA Cooper Smith Company [lof training, talking strain. Apply to| ---- re andl) SETTING IT |Bo2 Residence RA 35-3405. Feb.1| Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Eigin Street East.| EXPECTANT MOTHER WITH SMALL 42 Room and Board $1 1,000 STRAIGHT ep 16 CELINA STREET Feb. 19| children, urgently needs full time help, THREE - ROOM FURNISHED APART. : : ine T. SALMERS, BA, BARRISTER, RA 3.2312 --=""" |in Toronto until March or April, state Wanted ment, no children. Apply 150 Division.| Delightful é-room bungalow with carpori, situated on a large land- Dr See ee orth 4 | 26--Farmers' Column age. exvelience and minry. expected, | 144) scoped lot. This home features many extras including metal cup- More people crossed the oceans {Dial Office, RA 3341; Residence RA F | Write Mrs, J. Kieran, 477 Parkside qpgppcTABLE WORKING MAN 36) | boards, tiled bathroom, sliding closet doors, automatic washer and in planes thon in ships during 13-3542 Jan 24 ---- {DEAD FARM "STOCK, PICKED JF (Drive, Toronto. Phone Roger 2.7077, 121] requires room and board by end of d al t ' d 9 D P 1.650 1 : Lhe - - yl * > a Tir y um . . 1954, according to the Inter. |MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER, 14--Household Repairs SE Phone collect, Bowmanville, | PPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED, | | January. Write Box 328 Times-Gazette. | Modern ryer, alumin storms and screens. Down. Payment $1, A NING oY. SWARTZ DARRIST | MArket 3.2 We buy live horses ER a TREES! Sal 15h solicito Nota Money oa as wm-------- -- 4 \ ra Chl . , par ime. Sandalwood rive-in, ] i + . 0 set Block, Suite No. 4. RA 346%. Resi. FLOOR REPAIRS. ALSO CLEANING MAr&Will Fur Farm, Tyrone. ~~ Feb. Parl Bm. Sandaiwoed Drivein, 1626 -- Five-Room Apartmen $13,475 It wos the first year slane ldence. Dial RA 3.4029 Feb. 1. all types of tile and linloleum. all work 27--F w | 43--Wanted To Rent electrically equipped, best wm» | ' a ; hire. tha ch -- hel i guaranteed, if not satisfactory --Fuel ood NEED MONEY TO BOLSTER THE - MERE. | Very large seven-room bungalow in 6 nice quiet area. Hardwood to lead ships, the study - : i" or A Fhorivs . | , a i cation, $100. Apply 498 Sim- fr VACANCY-WORRIES Rent Ads fill charge. Phone RA 5.7116 after 5. Feb | we kel? Four hours a day with Avon WANTED -- Garage large enough for| . floors, oil heated and log-burning fireplace. veoled. 'em fast! For an /ad-writer dial RA[ - -- [STOVE OIL OR FUEL OIL, PROMPT | Ponmetics will bring you a good income. dump truck, central. Dial RA 3.7111. 15 3.3492 { PAPERHANGING AND P AIN TING, deliveries by metered trucks. Harry 0. Box 316, Times.Casette 130 * id 3 RA 5-6309 | If you've a transport' you'd REI -- |repairs. Ready to serve you promptly. Perry. Telephone RA 3-3443, RA 19442 SMALL FARM WITHIN 25.MILE RA. | : Feb. 1/ AJAX like to sell, onything -- cor, 13 --Chiropodists 1 hone Van Horn. RA. 5.4025 Feb. 11 Aprill6 | HAIRDRESSER'S "A PPR E] TIC Edius of Oshawa, suitable land for gard.' $1,700 Down for a solid brick, 6-room bungalow, situated on a very canoe or baby carrioge. Classi- bs a - ery or mse) Spam -- - , (downtown shop. Write Box 317, Times- ening. Phone Oshawa RA. 5-6103. 14¢ ; i " FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP- FACTORY HARDWOOD CUTTINGS, $5!Gazette 13d Ji: large: lot, Nicely decorated, aluminum storms and screens and very fied ads get you buyers! Simply [JAMES A. BRITT AIN, DOCTOR OF hoistered. See our materials for recover- per load delivered anywhere. Phone ---- ---- ------------ 6 TO 8 ROOM HO SE REQUIRED IM. ™- LIVING econom | to t Full P only $8,900 call RA 3.3492 for an qd- [Surgical Chiropody. Specializing in foot ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street.' RA 5.1526 : Feb 17| COMPANION FOR ELDERLY LADY. mediately by business executive. Must! ACCOMMODATION iii Pomona Td) iy gy So. writer, and leg diseases. Foot orthopedist, RA 3.7212, Feb.3 ~---- = TTT" light duties, sleep in. Dial RA. 3-9784, 15d he pear public school, and preferably | YR Jaemotis Suite 3 0 PH REELS REBL RECOV BOWSER'S FUEL -- oll heated. Phone RA 5-6528 after 4 p.m. ; 1 . 3 OSHAWA-ON-THE-LAKE SOLD! Streer. Fa sal, Fer iD s JPSULY. RECCY: He| = with board for reliable middle- 3-Room cottage with 23' living ro ith firepl Alumi . 3 - J vi : 4--Dentists rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- Oil Burners and Furnaces Women wanted for sales BED. AND SITTING ROOMS ON Bama.| 09° couple, in motherless storms and pi A Only $1.750 -- Full Price: $5000 Vm BLUE GENDRON BABY CAR- anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa, Up- Cool, Wood and Of and display work, City [oom 'oor for semi invaid cians| home in Oshawa, in exchange di dl Jide sh, lis me-------- DOI teriRE. Co, oni tree! est, ¢ / i 0 i riage, with mattress, A-1 con- |G. L. ADAIR, DENTIST, 37 KING Dial RA 5.0311 Jan 22 Weed 4 Lard In ¥ Jongty of Oshawa, earn 90 (lady. Nurse's home preffered. Home| for care of school-age child 115 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY dition. $25. Dial RA Street East. Hours 9.5.30 daily, Saturday : | softwood Slabs, $5.00 cents per hour and up | Box gar cessary, fray service. Apply| and household duties. ion, 3+J. Vig sree mornings, RA 3-447 Fev9 15----Instruction Hardwood Slabs, $6.50 3.P | 30% 3%. Times . Gazelle : riley MO 8-2601 . t IRE NICH : - -- Body Hardwood, $7.75 WRITE BOX 322 | TWO OR THREE ROOMS, MUST HAVE K / 4 SOLD THIRD NIGHT J C. R. COLLARD, DENTIST, 242 SIM. LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY : 3 2 2 Ihave Phone RA 3-2993 EJ, Bryon W. J. Mowat - | fridge and range, private bath, private MANY CALLS! oe North. Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturd d fi the Oshaw, di o # Dial RA 5.2490 TIMES-GAZETTE | % 312 KINGSDALE AVENUE Res: MO 8-365¢ Res: MO 8- ve, rth ty 0 6 daily ik ay and Ha oh % Os awa Studio of Dancing Feb.10! | 144] catrance. Write Box 304 Times.Gazette | [. 1 es: MO 8-2819 from: dark red, scarlet red, rots for sale. Dial RA 55069 or apply, fice experience. Write box 230 Times weekly. Apply 15 Maple Street. 12¢ floors inlaid, oil heated, quiet district] national Trans coe North, Apartment 5,