Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Jan 1956, p. 9

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, January 20, 1956 9 (KEEP IN TRIM Use Your Bust To Gauge Ideal Proportion By IDA JEAN KAIN | What is your problem measure- {ment and can it be brought into line So many of your letters in- MARY HAWORTH MAIL clude the vital statistics with re- gard to your figure, along with | "ideal" measurements. Let's talk | about the so-called ideal propor- Dear Mary Haworth: T am a man 25: and several vears ago I| forgettably in love, the alleged dif-| | fell deeply in love with Janet, al/ference in girl two years my junior. Owing to differences in religion, we did | not marry; but this wasn't on my account, I never have loved anyone be- fore, nor have I loved anyone since and I know Janet still loves me. I see her frequently and I cannot (forget her: and even when I don't see her I think of her all the time Others have said that if T got interested in somebody else, i \would forget Janet. So I started dating Donna; and even though I| didn't love her, we became en- gaged. After several months we broke the engagement and I felt very relieved, because I knew I could never love her. And all this time I couldn't forget Janet. WANTS A WIFE I want to be married and have| a family. yet I am afraid to marry| Donna. She is a nice girl, but can not compere with Janet in any way. All that Janet is, |not. I could never love her and I| {don't believe she loves me either.| |I have no feeling for her at all, and in truth I am glad when an evening with her is over. With Ja- net I was always perfectly happy and I know she was too--whether |dancing. talking, listening to rec- ords, ete I still love Janet and can't for- get her: but recently I started dat ing Donna again. 1 wonder if I am making a mistake, and if it {would. be a mistake to ask her to | marry me, knowing how I feel-- that I'll never love her, or care about her as T should-- D. W CASE HISTORY Dear D.W.: Your presentation of {the case doesn't make sense. It | LUXURIOUS COVERAGE There's a word for mink and | a double cape-effect collar which that is "'elegant", so it's no won- | can be worn up, creating a der that ladies prefer this fascin: | double petal line. Designed. by ating fur. And if a doting hus- | Dein-Bacher of the Waldorf, the band has presented you with a | wrap is one that will bring a Christmas check, you might well | rich look to both daytime and look to a little fur gem like this | efening clothes. -- By TRACY cre. It is an opal mink stole with ' ADRAIN. CHILD GUIDANCE Outlines Some Pros And Cons On Home Help For Poor Readers |evelation of difficuley. Love laughs For a good many years in this|sixth grade pupils. Each had been this is particularly true of authen- column, I've been entreating par-|asked for facts about home ex-|tic young love ents to read to the child as soon|periences and opportunities related - ---- as he looks at a picture for a few|to reading. help in reading at home. Help is moments, to keep on reading to! She found that pupils who had| 1 | practically never imposed on him. him long after he enters school. |heen read to at home nearly every|(As a rule, only poor readers are Also, I have expressed enthusiasm day (before entering school, pre-|helped by parents. This hardly over the teacher reading to her gsymably) had the largest propor-| proves that parents helping them school children from kindergarten tion of good raders and the small-| made them poor readers, or that through high school. |est proportion of poor readers. | helping poor readers at home is Mary E. Polhemus, writing. for|Only five of the 110 children said not worthwhile. a recent issue of "Elementary they did not like to read. Children HELP OF PARENTS Should Difference In Religion Be Obstacle To Marriage Plans? {movntable, T am sure. Some mu-| | tually Ility and noble humility of charac- lof a {scious anticipates, as the inevit-| | able | Donna fic ng | tion. We all inherit a certain body build and normal variations in the |way fat is distributed. Measure- | ment charts to the contrary, there |can be no one perfect set of meas- urements for a given height. While I might yearn to be long- stemmed and willowy with "model" - proportions, most of us |are just not built that way. But {with weight at healthy normal for structure, harmony of proportion can give a better than average figure. Test for harmony of your pro- | portions. Use the bust measure- ment as the gauge. The waistline {is rightly proportioned at eight to {10 inches smaller than the bust circumference. The average -dif- ference is 8'% inches. There should be only a slight curve of the abdo- men. Ideally, this meagurement should be from one-half to two and a half inches smaller than the bust circumference. Alas, this measure- ment increases with excess weight. | Slumped posture and flabby ab- | dominal muscles aid and abet the spread too. BE ACCURATE The hip measurement will vary with body type. Ultra-streamlined nips measure the same as the ust. Hips that measure from one to two inches larger than the bust Thus if you and Janet are un-| religion isn't insur- constructive reconciliation! can be arranged, that will permit your lives to be joined in happy marriage assuming. of course that 'your religious faith has to do with love of God: and isn't a blind adherence to man-made bigotry MUTUAL LOYE I suggest that you have not the healthy ego strength, the self esteem and courage, the magnanim- ter, to commit yourself "for better, for worse" to love, woman---for fear of being ruled highhandedly, or betrayed,| or forsaken. Or whatever intoler-| able fate your frightened uncon-| greatly S--10---W M1416 rg 4521 FEEDBAG FASHIO By ANNE ADAMS aftermath of trusting your) whole heart to anybody. You only feel safe psychologically, with a woman Jor Whom You Souda Thrifty! Use a 100-pound feedbag care less--Donna, for instance. ) % d / i PP or a gay remnant--sew this handy Your emotional conditioning in apron in jiffy time! Plenty of pro- : ly relationships may "have been| (eotive cover--"pansy" pocket for are termed average. Hips that such that you are steeped in a|pitihon color. Make a pretty half- measure three to four inches pessimist conviction that the good) pron too, for entertaining! larger than the bust are termed life -- of beloved companionship, ""pattern '4521: Misses' Sizes Small | full. happiness and deep satisfactions of} (15 "12); Medium (14, 16); Large| Be sure to take correct measure- the heart -- isn't for you. [(18' 20). All given sizes 100-pound ments to get the facts about your In my opinion, it would be a feedbag or 1% yards 39-inch fabric. figure. To make the test accurate, tragic mistake to marry- a girl|pransfer. included. here are the rules. The bust meas- whom you can't ever love; espe This pattern easy to use, simple urement should be taken over a cially when your heart is fixed on'¢, sew, is tested for fit. Has com- properly fitted bra. Circle tape another plete illustrated instructions. 5 proung back and under arms, and If you can't marry Janet, don't|® Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35 bring it togefher at the centre o marry Donna. Janet may be a|.ents) in coins (stamps cannot be the bust at the level of maximum erect an apartment block but res. idents have objected. Max Wolinsky, lawyer for the owner, says he asked the police to keep an eye on the property. "If there's a policeman with a nice large family he can move in, rent free," said Mr. Wolinsky. "The only catch is that the heating costs $1,500 for a winter." £ The Prince of Wales, now the Duke of Windsor, danced in the Galt home Oct. 11, 1924 the night of one of Winnipeg's gala soelal events, : The account of the evening. written in a local paper, says the "handsome residence" was a ver- itable bower. The drawing room and hall were cleared of furniture. The drawing room, with its yellow and green hanging:, held gladioli shading from apricot to peach. Chysanthemums glowed against the oak panelling of library, stairs and hall. An orchestra provided dance music. The library made a "sitting out nook." It was a warm night. MOONLIGHT TOO "The clouds of the morning were banished by the light of the moon | which flooded the picturesque gar- Measurement curve. -Next circle tape around {your natural waistline. To deter- mine the abdominal extension, cir- cle tape around body to include the curve of the abdomen at the level of greatest protuberance, as viwed from the side. Last, the hips. To get the full measure, circle tape |around lower hips at the largest part to include the buttocks. Body type is inherited, and your normal weight depends on whether you have a small, medium or large frame. It is true that with overweight, all your measurements will be too ample, but more than likely, some wil be more out of portion than others, for excess fat always parks in the least used areas. Aim at normal weight and sym- metry of measurements. Then bel fashion wise and compliment the effect by selecting clothes with the right lines for you--and you'll have den." the account says. your "ideal" figure. The prince danced with his host-| The prince also waltzed with 21 | - : ~ Mary Elm, a Montreal police- woman, is credited with break- ing up a marijuana ring by pos ng as a corrupt police woman ling to take bribes. One man was sentenced to two years for selling narcotics and two others charged as a result of her under- cover work. of the national wholesale grocery firm in which he was & partner with his cousin, built the three. storey mansion in 1912. It was bought following his death by the next-door neighbors, James Stew. Wellington erescent has been| empty since ast August. The ten- ants moved out Sept. 1 because of IMPORTANT DISCOVERY Cleanses KIDNEY $ Relieves BACKACHE Your kidneys absorb and filter about 20 to 30 gallons of fluid from the blood each day. No wonder kidneys need help at times, . nagging backache can be Nature's warning. Kidhey and bladder irritation may also.lead to rheumatic pains, buming itching sages, strong cloudy urine, getting up vila biadder cramps, nervous tension, that depressed feeling that makes you feel old. The latest discovery of the Buckley labora. tories is called UROPHEN (say Ur-o-fen). It relieves kidney and bladder irritations increasing circulation through kidneys ess, Mrs. Galt, who wore oyster H i M a | satin with all-over embroidery of ouse 0 emorie mercury wings each side of the | ban@eou. Mrs. Galt, now Mrs. R.M. Crumbli . D | died in 1928. | ng n €CaY | iss Embree McBride, now Mrs. | WINNIPEG (CP)--The '"house|Hugh B. Oser of Winnipeg, who | Slates blow down from the roof embroidered in purple and fl | {and fallen bricks tumble into snow| crystals, the ear ae Traffic that moves along Winni-| Mr. Galt, who came from Tor- peg's Wellington crescent sweeps|onto to head ihe Winnipeg branch guarding the entrance to the curved drive and pedestrians look sion. Once called the "finest house! {the George F. Galt house at 460| Relieve Suffering Fast-Effs S gold, a diamente bandeau and Of Dancing Prince { Gemmell lives in Ottawa, Mr. Galt where the prince danced" is empty. |was wearing flame crepe roms |that covers the patio. {with a purple band. {past the twin red-brick pillars wonderingly at the decaying man- {from Fort William to the coast," zoning regulations that forbade multiple housing in the area graced by homes of the wealthy. VapoRUB OBJECT TO APARTMENTS The present owner would like to with antiseptic action on non- germs. Don't put up with Backache wl it's so easy to get relief b cl Kidneys with UROPHEN. Your money back if you don't find UROPHEN is the best Kidney and Backache remedy you ever used. 69¢ and $1.25 at Druggists. 58.3 "love of your lifetime" -- but a|accepted) for this 'pattern. Print| lifetime permits more than one Clainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS great love, provided ("this above STYLE NUMBER. all") one remains true to himself,!" Send order to ANNE ADAMS, while also growing in social char- c.0 Daily Times-Gazette Pattern acter and repertory of human in-| pept., Oshawa, Ontario. terests. -- M. H | Mary Haworth "counsels through {her column, not by mail or per-| SHARR SOUTER a a of sonal interview. Write 'to her in| UNITY, Sask. ( _-- By . care of this newspaper. lold when Ma wielded a rifle to | " { {hel rotect her pioneer family wre Recalled here. Mrs, Charlie THE STARS SAY dropped a big coyote with one shot | from a distance of 300 yards. {FOR TOMORROW {months -- with a corresponding | Plan this day's work carefully.|ginancial increase. au ful experiences and "follow/gou1d be in. satisfactory shape through" closely so as to avoid| na it would be a good time to] Harrigan, mother of three girls, | By ESTRELLITA {Pattern activities upon success-| py early July, your errors. Extend the horizon of your |' tline a program of relaxation English" on "Home School Co-lwho were helped to read at home| It always irks you and me when operation for Better Readers," (tended to be poor readers in rela-|any teacher or Pil classes all teachers to read often 10/tion to their ability, while children| parents as unfit to help children at school. not receiving help tended to be with their lessons at Pome. In- Miss Polhemus says that read-/good readers. stead, parents should be encour- ing by the teacher to children| Then the author, trying to take aged by the school to help more builds up a bond of sympathy and|a leap, fell into an abysmal fal-|and be shown how they can help understanding between them. It|lacy: 'These results imply that{more efficaciously. produces short periods of pleas- attempting to help childten read| My bulletin -- "Home Helps for ant I and qui and|at home does not seem worth-|Poor Readers" may be had by children enjoy it, she points out.| while." she noted. sending a self-addressed, stamped Her article reports a study of| You and I know very well that envelope to me in care of this the reading achievement of 119a good reader does not ask for !mewspaper.) operations judiciously. And n't! and enjoyment. Plan a short trip neglect duties in favor of more|,. {rv to participate in some frivolous pursuits. stimulating 'social activities since | The evening hours are friendly, qyg0nal. relationships will be | to Youth interests, hobbles and | pjer fine aspects from then un-| FOR THE BIRTHDAY til the end of the year, and you could gain immeasurably by new If tomorrow is your birthday, |contacts. your _horosco indicates that| A child born on this day will be through the clever use of eitherlendowed with sharp intuition a mental or manual skill, you|and intelligence and should suc-| may enlarge the scove of vorr'ceed at any work requiring im- job Interests within the next six agination and originality. + | | k = Mikh ONTARIANS i = 4 LADIES' ANGEL SKIN FULL SLIPS Sizes S-M-L 1.47 HALF SLIPS ........1.17 Special é cur TEA POTS pecoraten .. 7 ¢ pan ....... 7c CHOCOLATE DROPS Sizes 812 - 11 ib. 37 only 'Fc ror METROPOLITAN STORE 60 KING ST. E. BLUE WILLOW CUPS and SAUCERS 4 for 86. ~~ EARLY SPRING CHILDREN'S DRESSES COTTON Sizes 1-2-3 HOSPITAL CARE THE Blue Cros WAY MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Sizes 14 - 17 Reg. 2.59 only 2.17 So -- BROCADED HEAD SQUARES REG. 59¢ only a7. LADIES' NYLONS First Quality 7 VES voy 4 / " Protecting more people than all other TOWELS Hospital Plans in. Ontario combined" Stock up on this ter- rific value. ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO Relax in Our LUNCH BAR for © FULL COURSE MEALS e LIGHT SNACKS © REFRESHING DRINKS Cokes 6¢ Every Friday Evening 'till 9 p.m.

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