0 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, January 16, 1958 Read For Profit--Use For Results Want Ads RA 3-3492 BIRTHS and Mrs | STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works Markers Authorize Dealers Jim GARTSHORE -- Mr. Gartshore (nee Rints) are happy to announce the birth of a son in the Oshawa General Hospital, on Friday, January 13th. Mother and baby doing Memorials - for Rock of Ages Corp'n. Member of the CANADIAN ASSOCIATION of MEMORIAL CRAFTSMEN, 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone MO 8-3552 Jan.19 HAWKER -- Audrey and Gord are very happy to announce the arrival of a daughter January 14th, 1936 at the Osh awa General Hospital sister for Car- olyn A MAGEE -- Jack and Edith Magee (nee Stone) wish to announce the birth of a son, John Stephen, January 14, 1936, Oshawa General Hospital. A broth- er for Gordie. 7--Surveyors 15--Instruction 32--Articles Wanted 137--Male Help Wanted |39--Agents Wanted 44--For Rent 45--Rnal Estate For Sale DONEVAN ANP RICHARDS, ONTAR- fo Land Surveyors, and professional en- gineers. 13 Bloor Street East. RA 5-5632. FEB.6 CASH FOR QUALITY, SMALL PIANOS. state price and height Wilson and Ltd. RA 5.4706. Feb. 9 day, January 23, also piano lessons for Inquiries. Phone RA. 5.9929. | TEN UPRIGHT PIANOS WANTED IM. | mediately. State make and price to Box ELSIE DRYGALA, BRITISH RADIO soprano and concert artist, will com- mence the teaching of singing, Mon- B--Building Trades ELECTRICAL WORK, HOUSE WIRING, industrial heavy wiring, ranges wired, connected, bells, chimes installed. Rea- sonable. Standard Electric. RA 3.7624 Feb.13 NOBLE OVERHEAD GARAGE specialty, carpentry, altera- CART" doors a tions. of all kinds, also cupboards. 154 Sf Mill Street, RA 5-6620. CUPBOARDS BUILT TO SPECIFICA- tions, and laid. Phone RA 52715. PALMER -- Mr. and Mrs Edward almer (nee Marie Knox) wish to an-igq Pate: the safe arrival of their som, 1--Accountants 3 ounces, on Randy Edward, 7 pounds, ounc Bi | BoB I ARCT EOI ARIS Rta January 15. 1956 at the Oshawa Gen.| doing | Ing Service offers complete bookkeep- eral Hospital. Mother and son doing small businesses, 47 | ine service for Well. office RA. 50397 Prince Street Room 1: dence RA 3.7605. Jan. 22 GOW -- In the Oshawa General Hos- 'pital Sunday, January 15, 1956, Baby Gow, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Gow. 248 Annis Street. Age one day. The funeral was held from the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Monday, January 16. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery S. T. HOPKINS AND COMPANY, CER- tified Public Accountants, 172 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. RA 53509 Feb. 2, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL co. chartered accountants licensed trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toront Ww. Monteith FCA, A. B. Monteith B Comm., CA G. W. Riehl CA (resident partner), G. E. Trethewey CA, R. F. Lightfoot CA. RA 5-4662. 135 Simcoe Street N. Jan. FEB.6 Jan, SPECIALIZING IN CHIMNEYS AND fire places and repairs. Dial RA 5-0842 Jan, 31 trim work, stairs built, also tile|nyrtry Insurance Agency, 2) Kine ot 3 bi RA 3.3722 30 Me 112, Times-Gazette. Jan, LEARNING 1UL DANCE IS EASY - and fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing WANTED =~ CHINA CABINET. DAL RA 5-0841 or 5-1860. Feb. 1 WHEN ANSWERING HELP WANTED Ads send copies only of references and other papers, and avoid possible loss of original. ACCOUNTANT INTERMEDIATE CPA student or equivalent to join staff of Public Accounting Firm. Must have fu. ture management potential. A previous public experience WANTED -- RAW FURS, LIVE POUL try feathers, scrap iron, metal and rags IL Turner, North Oshawa. RA 3-2043 (col lect.) Jan.14 SHAW RAG & METAL 89 BLOOR EAST RA 5-2311 Res, RA 3-9111 AUTO WRECKING 16--Insurance ALLSTATE AUTU INSURANCE, SAVE up to 20 per cent. Seven months to pay. For personal service at your home. Call RA 5.7413. Feb. 1 IMPERIAL LIFE ASSURANCE REP resentative and General Insursace. Me: Lo 17--Money to Loan FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES Sale Agr s purchased and sold. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SANI- tary way. RA 5-3986. Jan. 15 MORRISON'S ROOFING, INSUL-BRC- king and eavestroughing. Free estimates. RA 5-0473. Jan. 16 CARPENTER REMODELLING, KITCH- en cupboards tiling, free estimates. Ask about time payment plan. James Clarke. RA 51754. Feb. 12 PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES, fittings, fixtures, mew and used. In- stallations at reasonable prices. RA 5-4241. Jan. 23 MATHEWS -- At his Jate residence, in Whithy Township on No. 12 Highway, Saturday, January 14, 1956, Victor George Mathews beloved husband of Hannah Wold, in his 64th year. Resting at the #W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Tuesday, Janu- ary 17 at 3 o'clock. Interment later in Lake of the Woods Cemetery Kenora, Ont. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER AND Co. Accountants and auditors, 64 King Street East. B. L. Yale, CA, F. Fried: lander, B. Com., J. Hunter CPA. Feb. 2 | 2--Barristers CREIGHTON, | FRASER Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar- ies. Bank of Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446. T. K. Creighton Qc; N. C. Fraser QC; G. K. Drynan, G. Y. Murdoch, NHA Mortgages ranged. Feb. DRYNAN AND McKERCHER -- At his home Utica, Ont. on Sunday, January 15, 1956 Bert McKercher, beloved husband of the late dna Worden in his 78 year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott . Panabaker, Port Perry, Ont. for service on Wednes- day at 2 p.m. Pine Grove Cemetery. ar- 1. CAMERON AND MACDONALD, BAR- risters, solicitors and notaries public, 18% King Street, East. RA 3-2269. NHA and private mortgages arranged Jan. 20 A W. 8. GR | Solicitors elc Interment ac, BARRISTER East. RA EER, 6 King Street RA 3-4759. Terence V.| Residence RA 5-2602 BA, LLB, Residence | Feb. 10 MeNALLY -- Suddenly at Oshawa Gen eral Hospital on Sunday, Jan 15 1956 James F. McNally (1305 Simeoe St. No) [54717 "Rogidence beloved husband of Sadie Edgar and os. Kelly BA BCL. dng father' of Mrs. E Mullen (Muriel) {noo a™8 Dodds, Mrse J. Bracey (Marie) Mrs D. Wether-| 5203 up "¢Elsie) Lois, Joan, Melville, James| _ 3 and Frank in his 65th year Funeral | | JOHN M. GR from Mcintosh Funeral Chapel, Tues. +| and solicitor Jap. 17, 2 p.m. Interment Breadalbane | pA 5.9421 0 Be 'RA : «Cemetery, Utica. , BA, Sc. BARRISTER | Simcoe Street S. Dial 368. Jan. 20 {---------- -- a HUMPHREYS AND BOYCHYN, BAR Greater Niagara | risters, solicitors, 6 King West. Phones At the Grea nuary 15. office RA 5-1177. Res. RA 5-4604, Whitby 1936 George Holderness Turner, of 22542761. Money to loan. Feb. 1 Is, Ontario, - i rg Se of Ruby RALPH S. JON BA, AND THOMAS ee, dear f Mrs. Arnold Mat.|H. Greer Associate Barristers and So- ; i Se Ontario, Mrs. Car- ca 65 Simcoe Street South. RA shin 'Cook (Madge) Niagara Falls. Ont 5-3525, Mortgage loans available. Feb." nd Mrs. Peter Kovacs (Mildred) St sCatharines, Ont. Brother of Villigi, Rit ¢ fick Mase a A nh hildren. {able for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe St. ig sig vesting at the Funeral NRA 33% Charl C hp ac, Chapel! of Hetherington and Deans 1176] Fi) das Victoria Ave. Niagara Falls, ont. for| ssersice in the chapel, Wednesday, Janu Vier, Solicitor sary 48, 1956 at 2 p.m Interment F ir-| 144% King Street iyjew- Cemetery, Niagara Falls, Ontario | Residence RA 3 TURNER General Hospital on Sunday, BASTEDO, BARRIS. Clients' funds avail. | McGIBBON AND ters and Solicitors MANGAN, Money to Oshawa "ac : BS ARRIS- loan. Office, RA i 1 JOSEPH P z. T. SALME RS BA, "BARRISTE ZR, SO YoU IR LOCAL ROOFER, FLAT " ROOF- ing, shingling, siding, louvers installed Terms. All work guaranteed. RA 5-6161. H. W. Tucker. Feb. 9 Do IT "YOURSELF. aL "ALL minum combination storm doors. Regu- lar $79.50 install yourself $55, 3 channel storm windows, 20 per cent off. Phone Ra 5-4332. Feb. § | UNITS, remodelling, hourly Feb.14 CARPENTER, KITCHEN trim, wall and floor tile, recreation rooms. Contract or Terms. Phone RA 5-8213. For plumbing, hot water heating, sewer connec- tions, Findlay furnaces See MURRAY MILLER CO. Forced Air Specialist 341 Athol E. RA 3-9343 or RA 5-2993 FEB. Don't Wait Until Spring To Do That Home Improvement' Job DO IT NOW! Call: ALLEN & CHRISTENSEN BUILDING CONTRACTORS Repairs Remodelling Kitchen Cupboards Recreation Rooms, etc. Free Estimates RA 5-6126 RA 5-6328 _|licitor, etc., 1312 Simcoe Street N. Dial | office RA. 5-3741. Residence RA gn | Jan. "IN MEMORIAM : of a dear MANNING F. SWARTZ, wo n memory 4 away Solicitor Notary. Money to loan. Ba friend Bill Jenkins who Paster SWIV. eit Block, Suite No. 4. RA 34697 Res | ; suddenly January 18 ie On Cory, |dence. Dial RA 3-409. Feb. 1 ! member, y | 3--Chiropodists BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF and Surgical Chiropody. Specializing in foot | and leg diseases. Foot orthopedist, {ray diagnosis. Suite 2, 47 Prince res RA 5-5621 Feb. 1] of » srmm-------------------- dear husband and father Wm. J : he. Toss. | 4--Dentists kins who passed away Jan TIENKINS -- In memory of Willi am | NKINS ge who passed away Janu-| y John Jenkins, ry 16, 1935 --Fwer remembered * Carol. JAMES A by John, Girty | loving memory JENKINS -- In Feb.5| Alex. 10--Sharpening Service AUTOMATIC SAY SHARPENING, SET-| ting and retoothing, all types of saws Factory contracts wanted. Fast services Skate grinding lengthwise 35 cents, fig- jure skates 50 cents, Stans Sharpening {Service, corner King & Burk. RA 3.3224 Jan 20 12--Dressmaking I ™ MEASURE DRAPES. | and general dress-making RA 5-8420. 259 Cowst Jan, | MADE slip-covers Prices reasonable. Street. 1055 What would we give his hand to clasp a --- Hs Jit Jace to a his smile, | E. Hours 9.5.30 daily, Saturday mornings. | 'o hear hi Feb. 9] As in the days that used to be RA 344 el R COLLARD, DENTIST, 24'3 SIM-| N. Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturday | mornings. RA 5-4832 Jan. 24] one e | 6--Optometrists I. ADAIR DENTIST, 37 KING ST., But some sweet day. we'll meet again 5 Bevond the toll and strife And clasp each other's more, In Heaven the Happy --Fver remembered by and family hand Life wife TU C R, OPTOMETRIST | SPE in muscle anomalies, eyesight Evenings Mon., Wed, Fri, examined at home. RA Bldg., 31 King East Jan. 26| Elizabeth | -- H cializing and glasses invalids Disney ng mem grandmother 1 16 ja30, foreve true sever MARTYN -- In lov dear mother and Martyn, who passed av Sweet memories wi Time cannot change Years that may come Our loving remembrance --Levingly remembered by and Bill | L loving memory of | Janu. { t's -- cannnt of you Reg, Gladys POLLOCK ~-- In Gordon Pollock, who passed away ary 16, 1952 God knew that he was suffering That the hills were hard to climb, So He closed his weary. eyelids And whispered, peace be thine --FEver remembered by Alex, Kay Lou and Jimmy | RA 3-3492 Mary of rdon 16 POLLOCK "-- In loving memory our dear nephew and Pollock, who passed away 1953 ways remembered by unt Edna and family THE cousi Jar uncle Bob RESULT ing. memory of who pass POLLOCK In lov our dear son Gordon Pollock, ed away January 16th, 1952 There is no parting from love No distance can devide For today in memories garden We still work side by side --Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten mom and dad those we NUMBER POLLOCK -- In loving memory of a, dear nephew and cousin Gordon Pollock, | who passed away January 16, 1952 | --Like falling leaves the vears pass by. But memories of you will never die, In our hearts you are there to stay Loved and remembered every day --~Lovingly remembered by aunts Hazel and Hilda and families Consult the Business In loving memory of our dear mother Annie Shewchuk who, passed away Jan. 16, 1950 | Deep in our hearts your kept We love you too dearly to ever forget « --Lovingly remembered by son Steve and family and son John. CARD OF THANKS | | | SHEWCHUK -- Di rectory memory is BUY OR SELL RENT HIRE We wish fo extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives friends and neighbors for their kind ness, cards and messages of sympathy and flowers in the loss of a dear hus- + band father and grandfather, also ¢ thanks to Dr. W. W. Tomlinson, Dr Chas. D. Russell, Dr. 1. Logan, special] nurses, nurses and staff A-2 of the Oshawa General Hospita Rev. L. M Somerville and Rev. Nicholas Siblock for their consoling and the Arm strong Funeral Home for their kind and efficient management of the service Mrs. James Graham and Famil on LOCATE ARTICLES words We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Neighbors Friends, and relatives for their many acts of kindness, cards, flowers, the use of cars in the loss of a dear wife and mother, + Helen McClelland, We would specially wish to thank Dr. Maroosis, Dr. Russell, the Victoria order of Nurses. Special Cockurn, Campbell, Owen Thomp and staff of the Os the Armstrong & ine LEGAL NOTICES "Most al Anything" | 13--Gardening & Supplies SUPER DELUXE AMARYLLIS BULBS 5 Beautiful colors to choose from: dark red, scarlet red, white, salmon red, orange Retail per bulb $2.65 For your house plants we hdve: ® potting ® peat moss ® vermiculite ® soil sweetener & most types of liquid fertilizer soil up | bought, 18--Loan Wanted roms FERGUSON or 321 LA SALLE | Write Alcoholics Anonymous. P.O. Box Hennick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 King Street East. RA 3.7232 Jan. 26 v TS, "MONIES A AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. Ap- ply M. F. Swartz, Barristers and No- tary Public, 3 Simcoe St. §. Oshawa, RA 3-4697. Jan. 12 Best prices paid for scrap iron, metals, batteries, etc. Factory accounts apprecioted. Feb. 10 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, metul, Rags, Paper, etc. RA 53432 RA 5-4159 Free Pick-up Open Saturday Jan. 20 SECON ND > MORTGAGES agreements Funds. Louis E. RA 3-4543 FEB.6 I AND | sold and arranged, for sale purchased, Private S. Hyman, QC 37 King St., FIRS LOAN ON and ag- CLIENTS MONEY TO first mortgages. Mortgages reements or sale purchased. National Housing Act, Mortgages arranged, Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch Jan 2| WE WON'T BUY YOUR MORTGAGE! but we will lend you money on it. SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 Simcoe Street North RA 5-6541. M.W.F.Jan.26 M. GREENBERG & SONS TURN YOUR SCRAP TO MONEY BEST PRICES PAID For Cast Iron Batteries Copper NTED FIRST money on Motel Property, Box 309 Times-Gazette MORTGAGE]| $12,000. Write | 10f - Rags Steel Lead Etc. 19--Personal For Prompt Pickup Service Phone RA 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E. (Just East of Ritson Rd) OPEN SATURDAYS 180 Hillcroft Street. For Jan.17 has moved to appointment call RA 5-9194. HAVE YOU A DRINKING PROBELM! 103, Feb.4 20--Cartage Oshawa. {HIGHWAY MONUMENT WORKS ON {Highway No. MOVING Reasonable. WE MOVE ANYIPING ANY TIME. Dial RA 5-2621. Jan. 24 DONE WITH 2 TON STAs Dial RA 5-1565. Jan. 33--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of MABEL EDITH JAMES, late of the City of Oshawa, are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed, solicitor for the Exe- | 21--Personal Service | HOME LAUNDRY OPEN UNDER NEW | management. All laundry individually | washed. Phone RA 5-1632. Jan. 21 2. between Whitby and| Robert ' Austin, proprietor. MO| Feb. " Cooper Smith Company 16 CELINA STREET RA 3-2312 14--Household Repairs PAINTIN AND DECORATING, | Rates reasonable Free estimates 3 Phone RA 5-6688. PAPERHANGING repairs. Ready to Phone Van Hom, promptly serve 5 Feb. 11 RA you -4025. REPAIRED A AND REUP. See our materials si Fecov: | Bruce R. Dalton, 75 harles RA 3.7212 Cob 3 FURNITU holstered ering Street CHESTERFIELDS EBUILT RECOV- ered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstering Co., 10 Bond Street, W. Dial RA 5-0311. Jan. 22 | FOUR (8.8874 Feb.4| FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL PURE BRED | $10. Phone Newcastle, 3186. AND PAINTIN 5 |cocxe cutors, on or before February 17th, 1956, after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have been received. ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. OSHAWA. Jan. DAVEY"S CLEANING CONTRACTORS Floors cleaned and waxed. Windows and walls cleaned. Venetian Blind Loundry c ast, Free Estimates Work Guaranteed Dial RA 5-8741 MW, F Feb. 8| i6, 23, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES ARTHUR SIMMONS, DECEASED, 23--Women"s Column |WHY GO OUT TO HAVE YOUR HAIR | done? Have your hair done In your own home. Hair cuts and permanents. | RA 3.7095. Jan.29 | SPENCER SUPPOMTS INDIVIDUALLY ! Designed . Registered Corsetiere, Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road North | Jan. 29 ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said CHARLES ARTHUR SIMMONS, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Re- tired Foreman, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of December, A.D., 1955, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased on or before the 31st day of Jan- uary, A.D. 1956, after which date the said Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the said es- tate, having regard only to the claims of whiclp he shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 6th day of January, A.D., 1956. Byron S. Edmondson Executor. By: pn § SPECIAL, PEKMANENTS $3.50, COLD-| waves $4.50. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine | Avenue. RA 5-5363. Jan.13| 25--Pets and "HOLSTEIN Apply Wm , phofle MO | 10¢| GooD breed Whitby EXTRA Ready to Smith, RR 2, heifers. P | Collie puppies, make wonderful pets, | 10¢ fill RA Ads dial AC ANCY-WORRIES? fast! For an v Rent em ad-writer 3-3492 R SPANIAL PUPPIES | browns, reds, blacks. Waubena Kennels, | RA 35-6321 Feb. 5 EAUTIF UL | BABY B BU DGIES, RI READY for training, talking strain Apply to Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East Jan. 19 SE tid 26--Farmers' Column CORN KING STOCK AND POULTRY conditioner obtainable now. Apply George Barnhardt, 76 Brock West, on awa. Dial RA 5.0197. Creighton, Fraser, Dry- 1 S--Instruction GERALDINE LEE, A R. C. T. TEAC HE R of piano and theory. Dial RA 3-3008 Feb. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY -- TAP, Baton Baliet, Pointe. Register now. 424 King West, Oshawa. RA 56122 June ist nan & Murdoch, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. His Solicitors herein. Jan. 9,16,23 35--Employment Wanted DEAD FARM 5S1UUK, PICKED UP promptly. Phone collect, Bowmanville MArket 3-2679. We buy live borses. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Feb. 1 27 --Fuel Wood STOVE OIL OR FUEL OIL, PROMPT deliveries by metered trucks. Harry O. ? E X P E RT PAPERHANGING AND LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DANCE EDU. cator, dancing school--bailet, tap, toe, pre- school, character, baton. Masonic temple Fridays and Saturdays. Informa tion RA 3-7233. April 12 LESSONS ON SPANISH GUITAR, piano accordion, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, violin. Wilson and Lee Music Store. RA 35-4706. Feb. 12 5 ALL MUSIC REQUIRMENTS, HA wailan and Spanish Guitar lessons. Alto Music Supplies, 539+ Albert Street. RA §-1501. Jan.16 MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Learn to drive by safe and courteous instruct- ors. RA 5-4771 LEARN MORE TO EARN MORE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES Start Any Monday RA 5-3375 TH. Studios, instruments and records.| Perry, T RA 33443, RA 3-0443. April 16 painting. All work guaranteed estimates vice. Dial RA 5-0679. 10¢ BOWSER'S FUEL Burners and Furnaces Coal, Wood and Oil Wood V4 cord in 1' lengths Soft Wood Slabs, $5.00 Hardwood Slabs $6.50 Body Hardwood, $7.75 Dial RA 5-2490 i For Results CALL RA 3-3492 CELLARS WHITEWASH. ed, cellarways painted, hardwood floors, cleaned, waxed and polished by exper. 12f|ienced man. Call Gordon Wilson, RA |5 9921. Feb. 10 30--Lost and Found LOST - RONSON WHIRLWIND lighter, light tan leathéerbound, vicinity Simcoe South and John Street, Leo Lind- berg. Phone RA 3.7510. Reward - KEYS IN BLACK CASE, --- or corner of Cadillac Reword. Phone RA 32702 an ! 36--Femole Help Wanted FOX TERRIER, WHITE with | EXPEC TANT MOTHER WITH SMALL Tag 384. Smay| children, urgently needs full time 'help, information dial RA 0D Toronto until March or April, state 10c | #%e. experience and salary expected © Write Mrs. J. Kieran, 477 Parkside | Prive, Toronto, Phone ROger 126 2.7077. $100 MON THLY For wearing lovely dresses given to you as bonus. Just show North American Fashion Frocks to friends. No canvassing, in- vestment or experience neces- LOST ger Street Glidden, RO | LOST tan and black marking boy's pet, For B8-8874 31--Articles for Rent TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! RENT A small console piano and bench for less than $2. per week plus cartage. Up to six months rent may be applied on purchase price of the instrument. Wil son and Lee Ltd., 87 Simcoe North. RA 5-4706. Jan, in OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ng w n i sortow, The McClelland family. ttl McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS FOR SAI vl |or rent, skil saw. bench saw, sanders box trailer, chain hoist, paint sprayer, [pipe dies, etc Stan's Sharpening Serv ice, corner King & Burk. RA 3-3224 Jan. 0 North American Fashion Frocks Ltd, 2163 Parthenais St., Dept. U 2404, Montreal, P.Q sary 30 12A%t 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. Write Box 315 Times-Gazette, 12 ITS HARD TO KNOW when you may lose something of value But it's EASY to call 3-3492 to place a Lost Ad in The Times- Gazette, The proved way to re- cover lost arti ies | EXPERIENCED FRAME MAN, EX. perienced on master frame machine Good working conditions, top salary and bonus. Mansions Auto Garage, 1460 Grey Street, Montreal. Apply to Mr. Jenkins. s 12¢ TOOL DESIGNERS Interesting work with excellent salary. AERO-AUTO ENGINEERING (Canada Ltd.) 431 King St. West, Toronto EMpire 4-1407 SALARY AND COMMISSIONS Salesmen wanted for Cen- | tral Ontario. Must be of | good appearance and have a car. Past sales experience. preferable but not essen- tial. Troining given to selec- | ted applicant. Group insur- ancg and hospital benefits provided. Apply Mr. Brown, Genosha Hotel, Saturday and Monday, 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. 8| | | 11b ASSISTANT MANAGERS Due to continued expan- sion we have openings for assistant managers. This position offers an | excellent opportunity for advancement to become future executives. QUALIFICATIONS Junior Matriculation or better Age 21 to 29. Must own car. single or Married. Must have good appear- ance and be able to meet the public. | Eoootione CATE NET car allowance. Many other benefits. Evening interviews by appoint- ment. Personal Finance Co. 114 Simcoe St. N. | Gazette. UPSTAIRS FLAT, LJ LOOK AT THESE WEEKLY EARNINGS P.O.C. $404.66 P.D.S. $449.74 JER. $375.00 Such cheques are not uncom- mon when you sell our na- tionally advertised products to stores, offices, factories, etc. We are the leaders in our field and have been established in Canada over 10 years, Protected territory assures con- tinual repeat business at full commission, Samples, a unique sales plon, presentation kit, etc., supplied. 20% commission paid weekly, A permanent position and a car is essential. Certified Electric Company, 80 Park St. N., Hamilton, Ontario. galow, oil-heated, furnished or unfurn. ished, no objection to 1 or 2 children. Dial RA 35-0409. x FOUR ROOM APARTMENT WITH bath, newly decorated, central location. Children welcome. Phone RA 5-0109 any. time. 12¢ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS, now available in private home. Apply 82 Park Road north. 5 to 7 p.m. Dial RA 8-8671. Feb. 16 2 ADJOINING ROOMS, FURNISHED as bed sitting room and Kitchenette, central, hot water, all conveniences. RA 5-1568. 11f THREE CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING rooms, heat, light, hot water, $50. per month, no children. 227 King St. West. 1H NICELY LOCATED 4 ROOM APART- ment, near Alexandra Park, fully equipp- ed, ideal for bysiness couple. Call RA 57213 1 SELF-CONTAINED 3 ROOM HEATED | apartment, $55. monthly. Apply 2804 Burk | Street. RA 5.7844. b 114 10c| rr LARGE FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE 40--Opportunities for Men |ior two. Apply 542 Simcoe North. RA 76. and Women 5 id 3 ROOM SELF-CONTAINED APART- ment, child welcome. Apply 147 Mill BRITISH KNITWEAR Street. 7% TWO ROOM APARTMENT WITH kitchenette, 3 pc. bathroom large closet, laundry room, private entrance. Reason- able. Apply 23 Gibb Street, apartment 1. Ile Opportunity for mature men or ladies with spare time. Extra income assured showing guar- anteed quality knitwear. Ny- lons, lingerie, dresses. Car desirable but not essential. Free training. For interview, write today. Box 194, Listowel, Ont., or phone RA 5-4986, Courtice. Feb.5 |41--Room and Board FURNISHED 2-ROOM APARTMENT, bed.sitting room and kitchenette. Air con- keeping, central. 34 Lloyd Street. NEWLY DECORATED FIRST FLOOR | three-room self-contained apartment. Cen- tral, heavy wiring, private entrance | Available now. Write Box 1, Times-Gaz- | ette, Whitby. 101 Suit business couple. 106 $65. MONTHLY, COSY, 5 ROOM BUN. | 2f {ed drive, TV aerial, ditioned and fully equipped for house | $2,500 DOWN AND $80 MONTHLY, IN- | cluding taxes, takes this lovely S-room ultra-modern, oil-heated bungalow. Pav. Venetian blinds. 4 per cent N.H.A. mort, . Only one like it. Call Roga Real Estate Ltd., MO. 8-2931, 137 Brock Street North, With, lle 3-Bedroom Brick Veneer Bungalow 4-pce. bathroom, $3800. Down $11,300, Full price. Apply 11 FOREST ROAD, AJAX. Jan.14,16,18,21 ESTATE SALE Bowmanville $11,000 buys 2--6-room semis detached brick houses. Im- mediate possession of one. The other leased. Phone RA 3-3912. of 100 ACRE FARM In Reach Township, never fall ing spring fed stream, ideal location for trout pond, 70 acres under cultivation, 30 acres pasture, bush, hydro. House has modern kitchen, built-in cupboards, hot and cold running water, furngcel Good pig building, barn, driv- ing shed. Off Highway No. 7. Write J. Waterbury, R.R. No. 2, Blackwater. 1b ROOM | men, | weekly. AND BOARD FOR G close to business section, Apply 15 Maple Street. 7 a FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, GROUND AvS| floor, heat, light and water supplied 2 | Heavy duty stove. Parking. Also five- ROOM FOR ONE you NG GENTLE | {room bungalow. Phone RA 3-7088. 10f SOME GOOD fman, breakfast or full board if desired, [good locality. Central TWO: LARGE UNF Phone RA it All conveniences. Dial RA 5-5714. ROOM AND BOARD, BEST IN TOWN, | single /beds, water in every room, all | modern conveniences. Phone RA x 168 {536 Lorraine Street. Feb.13 | ROOM AND BOARD FOR GE | men, single room. Apply 204 King ptitol East. Phone RA 3784. URNISHED ROOMS. Brock Street West 10¢ if desired, rent, 246 John Street, (off { South). RA 5-9946 anytime. tiled floor, warm, te EI { trance, baby welcome, ROOM AND BOARD -- SEVEN DAYS, once $75. monthly. weekly, very central, bus stop, 10 min-| Road apartment 2. utes from four corners also garage for | rent. 240 Division Street. 1 43--Wanted To Rent OFFICE warm room, | iences, possession FURNISHED ROOM, ALL CONVEN- ply 182 Afhol Street, East. FIVE ROOM WOMAN REQUIRES unfurnished light use of washer. | { Times: Gazette. housekeeping | Write Box 312, cabinet, sink, hot water heat. Furnish- | youna MARRIED COUPLE DESIRE |ed or unfurnished. Available Jan. 25th. | Apply 25 Quebec| of | two furnished rooms, private bath pri-| vate entrance. Write Box 304, Times No children please. Street. Bp. ee FURNISHED ROOM | REL IABLE F BUS INE! IAN WIT I T H two gentlemen. Apply after 5 p.m. | family requires four edroom, oil Beat, | Lloyd Street. | ed home. Call RA 8-8571. | THREE ROOM 144 For Rent ed, available | THREE UNFURNISHED ROO Ms, | 58620 heat, light and water, private entrance. | |{45--Real Estate For Sale | Phone RA 5-2391. 12¢ | | BUYING OR SELLING, HOUSES, BUS | nesses and tarms, it pays to see W, Mc MODERN immediately, adults. 1 of children, RA 35-9512. OR 2 ROOMS, RENT FREE CARE Apply 279 Jarvis Street. NEW : 2 STOREY HOUSE, SUITABLE | for two families, oil heated, very modern, | all 'conveniences, very central. Summer | Street. Phone RA 3.7244. in| EIGHT | ROOM HOUSE IN USHAWA, all well decorated and can be sublet, | brand new forced air furnace, very cen- tral, all conveniences. Possession, Feb. ruary 1, Phone Whitby MO 8.2426, or| apply in person Maple Lodge, Whitby. 12¢ 8-3231, ELGIN ST. WEST Weii construcied 3 room brick home, present income $100 monthly. Giving owner 4 rooms on main floor, Double cor garage, hot air heating, laundry tubs, extra bath facilities. Totol LARGE ROOMS, NO Price $14,000. Half cash re- 79 Colborne West, just | Phone RA 5.1200. 12¢| quired. Call Mr. Addison, RA, 5-3889 or 5-5579 anytime. children. Apply off Church Street. RA 3-4687 Mr. Brown 10c WHY SETTLE FOR LESS THAN $10,000 IN A YEAR? The days are gone when a 'few thousand' a year salary was enough for a man to take care of his family, buy a new car, and 'salt some away for the future." If you are a middle-aged man who has reached the "'ceiling" on your earnings and now want to make good in a new field, we can make you a fine offer to join our organization, where top men are paid up to $12,- 000 in a year. Middle-aged men, 45-50-55-- and up--are particularly quali- fied for our type of business, where earnings start at once. Bert Lichti began on _part- time basis--when he started full- time with us, averaged $787.31 per month his first three months. John Christensen averaged $752.55 earnings per * month his first seven months. G. A. Holland, new man start- ing mid-year, earned $2,194 .- 36 in three - month period. Average of over $700 per month. Hartley Haynes, new man, earned $106.01 his very first working day. These are unusual earnings of top men. Like earnings are available to you because we do not put a ceiling on your income. | | | Free | For prompt and efficient ser. In spite of shortages in other | electricity free 14 QUEBEC ST. BACHELOR AND 3 ROOM APART- ment, available immediately. 44 Ontario] $2000 Down--Top price $8,500 for this spotless 6 Street. RA 5-1932, or RA 5-3352. 12f | room clapboard home. 4 rooms on main floor, 2 'up, modern kitchen, oil heating, 3 pce, bath, garage. Call Mr. Addison, RA. 5-3889 or 5-5579 any- time. LLOYD AYERS i Realtor FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 GENTLE. men, with small kitchen. Apply 286 King Street West. 3 ROOMS AND BATH-ROOM, HEAVY wiring, $48. monthly, hot water, heat,| Goed parking, abstain. | ers. RA 8.8587. of SIX ROOM _ HOUSE J newly decorated, oil ice, apply 21 Prince Street, phone RA 5-2777 10f | 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for light housekeeping. RA 5-2185. u ROOM HOUSE, ALL CONVEN- | iences, quite central. Please give refer- | ences in first letter to Box 313. Times-| lle] JARVIS "STREET, | heating, bus serv-| after 6.30] Are you planning to build this year? Whether you are plan- ning your own individual home, or a 100-8ouse subdivision, you can eliminate oll your problems and headaches by utilizing our experience and services. WE OFFER YOU COMPLETE NHA SERVICE 1. We arrange and process your NHA mortgage. 2. Ob- tain builders' estimates by ap- proved NHA builders. 3. We have a complete line of Insur- ance including the COMPO- SITE DWELLING POLICY. Call J. P. ALLAN REAL ESTATE BROKER AND GENERAL INSURANCE at RA 3-4534 ond ask for Mr. Vandette M,W,F Feb.6 Gazette. MODERN FOUR-ROOM NEWLY DE- | corated apartment, oak floors, private] entrance, oil heat. Stove, washing fa. cilities. No children. Feb. 1st. RA 53139. Hs MODERN KIT-| | downstairs, ga- Phone RA| 11 | ROOM HOUSE, hardwood floors Immediate possession. SIX chen, rage 3-4420. SIX ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE, | clean, nicely decorated, at 5 Albany| Street. Apply 485 Bloor Street East. | Dial RA 5-6253. 1 ee t FOUR.ROOM HEATED APARTMENT, | hot water, downtown location. Available Feb. 1. Apply 74 Simcoe Street North. | 11 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS, now available in private home. 82 Park Road, North, 5 to 7 pm. RA 8-8671 Jan. THREE - ROOMS UNFU partly furnished, apartment, light, heat | and water included. Private entrance. | Vacant February 1. Whitby, MO 8-2764. RNISHED OR | 8f APARTMENTS -- FURNISHED, VERY central. All conveniences. Phone RA| Kd FUR} SHED 2 2 ROOMS, GAS'STOVE children welcome, reasonable | Park Rd | 7) 4 ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CONVEN- separate en. at Apply 165 Verdun iences. Plenty of hot water, central. Ap- 7) HEATED APARTMENT LARGE | for rent. Apply 786 Simcoe Street South. 7%) 10c| LARGE TWO ROOM FLAT, KITCHEN FOR ONE OR| 16, of APART-| ment, heavy duty wiring, newly decorat- RA 9 12a Auley Realtor. Dial RA 3-2512, Oshawa or | 0. Whitby. Jan 27| 88 Wood St. 12A! HOMES! WILSON RD. S. New 5-rocom brick bungalow, hardwood and tile floors, oil | and forced air heating, 4-piece | bath. $12,000 with $5,000 down, or all cash. Make offer. SIMCOE ST. N. 6-room storey-and-half white clapboard home only 2 years old, oil and forced air heating, oak and tile floors, 4-piece bath. Nice garage, awnings, extra large lot, near shopping centre, only $11,500 with $4,000 down. AJAX S5-room brick storey-and-half, oil heating, forced air, land- scaped. Decorated, near schools and shopping. Only $11.500 with $3,500 down. BURK ST. 6-room brick, storey-and-half, oil heating, awnings, TV aerial, a good spot. Only $17,000 with $5,000 down. BUCKINGHAM AVE Nice 6-room brick, storey-and- half, oil heating, fireplace, nice back yard and goraae. near Simcoe St, N. Only $9,500 with $4,000 down. VERDUN RD. 7-room storey-and-half, all conveniences, storm doors and windows. Heavy wiring for only $6,700 with $3,000 down. FOR A GOOD DEAL SEE: W. McAULEY Real Estate 13 PRINCE ST. Dial RA. 3-2512 WHITBY DIAL MO 8-323! Open Evenings | | | | 12a 46--Real Estate Wanted BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker Listings Wanted PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Bond St. East - RA 5-3692 RA 5-0457 We. have clients desirous of obtaining 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Some with all cash. If you are thinking of selling your home. Call RA 3-4534 or drop into our office at 135 Simcoe Street North. Appraisal free and no obligation. J. P. ALLAN REAL ESTATE BROKER Ask for Mr. Norris MW,F, Fe 3--Real Estate For Sale 5-098y after 6. SINGLE ROOM FOR GEN TLEMAN | near King and Ritson. Apply 74 Oshawa, Blvd. South. 7 FOUR - ROOM APARTMENT WITH 3. piece bath, completely furnished, stove| and fridge, hot and cold water, central Apply 899 Masson, 7 to 9 p.m. N.H.A. LAKEVIEW GARDENS--solid bric forced air with oil, electric fix sewers and water--$10,700 with | | 7#| businesses, our volume is ex- panding at a terrific rate. We have an opening in the Oshawa area, for a man over 45. The man we. want must be high grade (not high pressure), am- bitious ond sincere. Earnings are paid in advance, no invest- ment is needed, no collections no deliveries. Excellent home office cooperation. Write a personal letter to our Vice-President, Pert. C-2, P.O, Box 88, Station J, Danforth, Toronto 6, Ontario. 120 | |39--Agents Wanted {EASY SALES AND | selling daily necessities | time. Age is no handicap. lit vou are 18 or 60. Free particulars 12a | BIG PROFITS full or part no difference | | 4-piece bath, | Available immediately. entrance and bath heat, | gas stove and laundry facilities. Dial RA 5322, THREE ROOM APARTMENT WITH hot water, ground floor, decorated, private entrance Dial RA 3.9931, | if newly 6-room 112 kitchen and one bedrcom on first "room on second floor. Oil heating, "ROOM APARTME u UR nished, heated, wired for heavy duty stove, self-contained, private entrance parking for tenant's car. On bus line at 822 King East. Available Feb, 1st. Apply in person W. Gordon Bunker. 11b THRE which includes interest, principal NT FOR RENT IN N central, 3 large rooms, private light and water, home, KAISER CRESCENT --sewer and Modern Five-Room Apartment electrically equipped, best lo- cation. $100. Apply 498 Sim- coe North, Apartment: 5. RA 5-6309. 314 Simcoe Street South After 5: EVERETT ELLIOTT, RA 3-9290 Feb. -storey home attractively extra lot included. House consists of living room, dining room, price $8,500 with $3,500 down. HOMES k construction--6-room bungalow, tures, sidewalk, hot water tank, $1,775 down VETERANS ROAD landscaped, large lot plus floor plus 2 bedrooms and bath- decorated, early possession, asking Monthly payments only $38.69 and taxes. BUILDING LOTS water--3$1,500 with $300 down SANDRA STREET--sewer and water--$1,200, LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE Dial RA 3-9329 30 Dial LLOYD METCALF, RA 5-6983 12a