THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, January 14, 1956 13 GOOD OLE UNCLE Ww } 7 J TOO LATE! our] PROMISE IDES SAVIN A LOT O PICKIN® UP, IT KEEPS RAGTIME. IT'LL BE | ¢ PLANE'S TOOK GET VI GRANDMA Jas FRO) Ro" Ca YOU KIDS IN TRAININ', TOO? A PLEASURE T'SEE p : 4 KIDS! WHO COMES TO HER HOUSE ~~ a Co AH NEVAH SEEN wy . x y WITH HIS GLOVE. a Pe R THE MOST TRUSTWORTHY. HIM BEFO. , ; ll, . ; : - =] \ NAME IN ALUMINUM =T : " 4 \ : CONVERTIBLE STORM SCREENS, WINDOWS, | DOORS, ALUMINUM. . AWNINGS : Risco Sales osevs [1d. 135 Simcoe N. RA 3-2863 GRANDMA EERE FE Sh, eiTeR | (Eee JOT Fe yim NOW is : I wasH rout line Tl ne | THE TIME! Ii wl Lhe f A Get your Fall clothes cleaned 2 h and pressed SEND IN YOUR SUMMER CLOTHES FOR STORAGE Aldsworth CLEANERS 36 Athol St. ERA 5-1812 MUGGS AND SKEETER AS MANAGER OF THE STAGE PLUMBING LINE, BATES ANEW WHEN : 1 A GRAV OUT, ! WITH A STRIPED ¥ LEFT EAR Sf Z| = i oP fies Sey purven , 3 a = yi] a eee 1S REPAIRS , Be sure your plumbing Is well in- suloted against cold weather. We offer a complete repair service. Free estimates ! LIBBY'S PLUMBING & HEATING 23 CELINA ST. RA 5-6411 THE LONE RANGER TILLIE THE TOILER x fr ; Couns 'll EVERY DOG THATS THE SEVENTH > a KEEP AN EYE A short time CUZ BERN Sue leaves... Phil seems lost in thought LOVES HIS CUP OF COFFEE IVE ON THAT CAR. for a time. Suddenly he notices LOOK, CORY, T LEVELED WITH MA T HAD THIS MORNING AY HAVE T0 SEE YOU. 1 DON'T KNOW A MZ.E.S.CELLO | | ' HEZ MATCH! THE Ss EH WHO OWNS A YELLOW CONVEZTICLE! A LIEUTENANT'S CLUE' Be good to your canine! NOW, IF YOULL EXCUSE ME, L E.5.CELLO 1S 'SWEET J || friends by feeding them HAVE A DATE | : 1 | ; (} i Master Dog Food. MASTER FEEDS 54 Church St. RA 3-2229 World nghs © 196, Kung, Features Syndhcate, tn SECRET AGENT X9 Drive In For Free SAFETY CHECK ! ctuoimr a seconde con 1266 =. CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED pHonE RA 3.4634) "nor tin 20 BOND ST. E OSHAWA YES, WHAT?! conFouno Tm, TAKE IT EASY, WE ANYWAY, T DON'T | " ov ; es oD THEY'RE 25 te ro" | COMEBACRIEET Y 7 >. i ul LOOKING FINE, YJ EXCEPT ONE \&%* §+f | SAVER, 1 ORDERED YOU Y DIDN'T FLY OUT... UKE! JUST , I go} el ae on? an on hy yes <4 hppa a A Bz, Tings Lf oF oe puots [701 f | NOT TO ALLOW THESE Bul) APPARENTLY dist 0 D £0 ALONG MINDIN' OUR OV YoU MUST BE TERRIBLE oN neve, RAS FLOWN WALKED OFF INTO : : 4 NICE LITTLE DOG Tne conn HN in pr ue hmele WANTED TO STOP NICE, 'CAUSE ZERO ONLY dad : ) LIKES NICE PEOPLE. : QQ Py ; y y NT Special 31 Lh) [ E< ba ~ fe Ho " Fe) Ea Wy. fo CAR ' a Cut Pieces \ O&O | 5 us 259% MILLWORK AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 Simcoe N. RA 3-4694 SMART, SANDY, AND MIND YOUR OWN SWEET LITTLE BUSINESS // LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY | BUZ SAWYER YOUR USUAL GOOD GEE, WHAT > OOKING, Nao | DD 1 AY? 4 Get The Famous FOR ONE THING Fl R ESTON E wart? come views, peeves! A CHILD!..WE HAVE ! PERN am eV) ¢ oy g = JOWN and: COUNTRY I THINK WE FOUND ff} . TO GET HER TO A x Ix ; - Snow, Ice, Mud Tires at a" McLELLAN'S TIRE AND BATTERY LTD. 38 Prince St. Dial RA 5-1021 OSHAWA WE'RE HUNTING 1S : i CARR INVISIBLE. : { DFORD: mUR eee DONALD DUCK 1] It Yourself RENTALS @ Floor Sanders ¢ Wallpaper Re movers ¢ Paperhanging Kits ¢ Elec- tric Paint Strippers ; AS STV PE oy £2 N JULIE'S AT THE POINT WHERE Nor | [Fe M ; a A) By ; z= MY KIND OF MEDICINE WON'T ? £8 ; SAYRY AN J PATT | DO HER TOO MUCH GOOD. 41 Lo W ih fo SINT a ee ? rae is \ La Ne 6 . 3 SS iy a OLD DOC TIME'S WHAT % | N-- TNE - . 84 Years at respected their picket lines, and in| S8 2 A 6d - A) FT rl fe 85 Simcoe N. RA 5-3529 mid-December the printers and] \ J > mailers declared themselves on # : = Sn. | strike officially. * y a ; None of five other unions repre- ; FUEL 1] 8 flsenting employees on the papers walked out. i 3 ; The last to come to terms were| £5 \ 1[1)']3 (1]| the Teamsters..While they norm- gd IL THE CHIEF 0 =? - ally bargain separately, they . . ' ; THE $500 H reached agreement in a joint ses- Ba Te Re EPTED MY 7//| BRIDLE YOUR ORIGINALLY OFFERED |. 24-HR: SERVICE sion with all three newspapers late . Wo ION FOR A IMPATIENCE... WAS NOT ENOUGH! ARR E Saturday night. A few hours earl- IGE- WIGWAM... | THE CHIEF WAS ...IM POSITIVE Telephones: ier the Detroit Newspaper Guild WAS TO PAY 7 S0 DELIGHTED HES GOING TO DAYS NIGHTS {and The Free Press came to terms. LU $500 FOR WITH THE DESIGN, RAISE IT TO RA. 3.3443 RA 3-7944 || Before that the publishers had LAND IM TO 4 Y' KNOW WHAT $1000! Yad settled with pressmen, paper and| . / late handlers, printers, mailers! f « Y 0. HTH j plate handlers, Fit stereotypers. | SCENE OF ROBBERY in to- | park -- HARR oe 2 | day's $6,000 theft here was at | tion ~ Wholesolé Petroleum T Lod gil Rg Bg | the corner of Athol and Albert WONDER WHY DON iE: 7 Floods Threaten streets, shown top, Two messen- PATCHES 15 MAKING . gers were walking from the car | RSE TO i EN . . ; - ALL TRAT RACKET! : : ; North California oid -- | RAD SP ARTON J 7 R ) 9 o 180 |Sunda| R / (eid 7 { - "RY | RK SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A Fi 1 H block | | i ent! oh ! - \ Ee 44 ng mighty torrent, cresting at 69 feet. Ns ire alms jotocky vo " - J ' i 3 rolled down the Feather river in . |srrand northern California today, threat- - | despet 2 ened the new level hastily aces Lives Ot Six rd AT at Shanghai bend after the holiday k : preset X ; . floods at Yuba City. MILWAUKEE (Al')--Fire that ine LANG ONRN iY 2 Sh El i Army engineers said the levee burst upward through the stair-well! , oref~= 2) . = ! arp eC Fic yas "likely to fail' because it wasiof a four-storey building, sealing| Ang ( ' i! - a : t 4 d 4 COMPANY Foadily up with mud and other|cozens of screaming residents injothe ¢ ; ? TO BE A HEAP 140 Simcoe St. South eadily available materials. their rooms, claimed six lives early nets : | J J : A J : AVL BBG Honor" RA 8-8214 Oshawa