S.A. Home League | -- ---- | Pythian Sisters 4 : ad " Hold Installation 'Hold Annual Supper, R a ; | The activities of 1956 of the Sal | ii ? a w | Sister Evelyn Clarke was install vation Army Home League stayied' ; 1 : ed as most excellent chief of the |on Tuesday January 10 at the : ; © pd Pg 7 {| Pythian Sisters at its regular annual Home League supper. | Ha 5 #7 4 48 [ " the { One hundred members were pres-| 8 : 2 fi 1 i 2 : " ; H Mesting Hold Tecentiy 4 { ent and the special guests were the| I ZA ; . % / ; ; J i range Hall. " Territorial H.L. secretary. Sr. Mai-! " { - Ge ; i | The other officers are as ig GT pg divisional H. JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL RA. 3-3474 | | ; ig uu : i ed lows: past chief, Sister Madeline L. secretary, Mrs. Brigadier A. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, January 14, 1956 © [4 ET Food Wo RET Ogden: ES, Sister Jeah Fitches: Dixon, and the sivisions) com- BSS DUN ST sy ; % i ET, ig ® we he ar mander, Brigadier A. Dixon. ©. A vg i 4 manager, Sister g a retary, Sister Lucille Clase; . . . | y Owing to illness, the Oshawa Sh 1 H h I K f | h i ; Ap) S Lu Liane; secretary Mrs. William Saunders el a OIwiC / ving au man | y A ; | treasurer, Sister Chri Aitchican: was unable to attend and Mrs, | ; ; piotector, Sister 1eata ame; Major V. Maclean was mistress of : : H : |} guard, Sister Anne Holi. The in- ceremonies. arried in Hebrew Congregation Ww. Hain ard wre comprised of The treasurer, "Mrs. Melville i 4 ; Sister Marie Lavender, acting p nein] The marriage of Sheila Z, Hor-ants were Miss Frances Palter, A Grand Chief; Sister Mabel | Sith sead the 1953 fnaneln) report ch and Irving Kaufman was Oshawa; Miss Bayla Rubin, Mount ai ; ? Disney, acting Grand Manager, | urer of each of the five groups read 3¢'emnizeC recently in the Osh-| Vernon, New York: Mrs. Stanley : and Sister Eva McCabe. seting | the group report. awa Hebrew Congregation. The Revich, Toronto; Mrs. David : ; Grand Senior as each new officer | Mrs. Dixon spoke of the H.L |bride is the daughter of Mr. and Falgeson, Chicago. They were ; was escorted to her chair the work in the mid-Ontario division, Mts. Samuel B. Horwich of Osh-| dressed alike in ice-blue silk bro- i ; BN degree staff formed a guard of and of the plans for this year and|?W2 and the bridegroom is the cade with matching headdresses honor with an arch of beautiful she introduced Major Burnell who 3B of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kauf- and bouquets of pink roses. } - chrysanth pli'ying the spoke on the Canadian Home|™an of Chicago, Illinois. | Mr. Ben Mayer, Chicago, acted ' Hh : ' colors of the temple. Sister MEC® Leagues and the things which she Rabbi Martin Norden officiated| as best man, and the ushers were : Bune z Madeline Ogden presided al. the hoped they would be able to ac-|and Jack Young and his orches-| Mr. Phillip Karasik, Messrs. 3 ; a meeting. Sister Emma Clarke re- complish in 1956. One important,ita played the wedding music David and Robert Fagelson, all hn ported flowers had been sent to objective was the establishment of| , The bride was given in mar- of Chicago, and Mr. Phillip Hor- : y h Sister Saunders. The annual audit- more and brighter Christian homes, | riage by her father. She wore a|wich, Oshawa. ' i ors reports were given. The |The Canadian Home Leagues not bouffant gown of net over pink| To receive her guests at the ye ; A M charter was draped for a period only assist with local projects, but illusion satin with a chapel train.|reception the bride's mother ware ; J f Ne of 30 days for Sister Ida Bell establish and maintain mission- ihe moulded bodice was richly Renoir blue lace and the bride- 4 2 : : dl Ke Tonion. , 4 arv contacts embroidered with pearls and se-|groom's mother who assisted, was " 3 iA : . : Sister Rey Clark : : 6 i S pr It may be of interest to readers quins around neckline and sleeves | also in blue. : : % bh itl Pp 5 . oie s zy Si 2 presented a MAUDE BRAYFORD AT HER DESK that the Oshawa Home League| complementing the double crown| The honeymoon is being spent : bi i 4 r ord 2 or Ph a eine a re --Times-Gazette Staff Photo made substantial donations to the securing her veil of pink illusion. at Miami Beach, Florida, and the| % # i np elin 0 he 8 ies as MEC, Sil Buin find Be, Boy Br ced Se et Bk Ga iL me J eS ST I ae i > i i i i in in! fy ravellin e bride Ma y ¥ - ional Camp at Roblin Lake, the ing a white orchid an y p cago. For 14 : ter Kay presented Si ter Marie 1' 5 On Eve of Retirement, Recalls Cancer Society, Christmas Cheer,|tosebuds with white ribbons wore a pale blue wool ensemble : a ih Gi 3 3 a shoir f Th t f honor was Mrs. witl blonde beav oat and |Lavender to the dias for a gift the Sunday schol choir (und and) TIS, LET Oca: The sien: Sorta of 'ny Sweetheart Tose FEMININE INFLUENCE IN THE HOUSE ier Kay clarke "pre cnita "tn Early Days at Regent Theatre school in Hong Kong. It calls the | Three women members of the | session of Canada's 22nd Parlia- | clough, Progressive Conservative 'gifi-. people to worship, and the children - t. Left to right: Mrs. Ann | for Hamilton West; and Miss Ho i By JO ALD WINCKLE for the evening performance. Mrs. to school. Gifts of bedding and ane grees fe S ore | House of Commons pose together | Shipley, i Rl gl 3h; as. | Sh So Prarie Coe MEC Sister Evelyn Clarke ad- All career women dream of] 3rayford recalled many of the big clothing were sent to other mission during the opening of the third | Temiskaming: Mrs. Ellen Fair- | servative for Halton. (CP Photo) dressed the meeting briefly. Re- what they will do when they retire, | hits of the "silent days." Seventh stations in Africa and retired 8 I = . re ~ | fceshments were served. Some want to travel and others|fleaven with Janet Gaynor and|A. officers were remembered at an ee Sin ucation BI 1 ' . rr want to stay home and develop a|Charles Farrell; Circus Days, star! Christmas. Night of Cards ( alls for Geor Aes as Kin St H-S EE few hobbies, but Maude Braviord| ing Jackie Coogan and The Cov- Mr. G. L. Roberts, vice-principal, expected the school to assume | g g " |sity, became interested in tuber- thinks she'll take in a few good ered Wagon. | of the OCVI, led a panel discus-| more disciplinary action. Many | % A movies. LIVE INTRODUCTION CLUB CALENDAR {sion at the regular meeting of| educational leatlers today see the Successful Event H 1d. A 1 F. the ' Ni ht tosis during her student days at This would not appear unusual| For 'big pictures" the Regent Sunset Heights Home and School| function of the school as something| wpe gth Scout Mothers' Auxil- Olds Alnua d IS g |the University of Lyons. France. that Mrs ray: i . Y Sc YW Association. The discussion increasingly different from what it, ; " . . { except that Mrs. Brayiord is re-| eatured a prologue. Scenery was used to be assunied to be. The fact jary combined with the Group "Father's Night" was the motif for other people's property. tiri is 2k after 32 *| bui ita- centred on home, church, school \ ittee ig A ' | i Mig Wn) ogg ills 30.50 tbe age a2 Soci monDAY and external social environ-|that schools were much larger than| Committee recently for a night of for the January meeting of King| Mr Weldon said that in order g carrying { Women's Hospital Aux. ment as they influenced a child's they used to be, had more social|®2r%s: Street Home and School Associa-|ty obtain a licence to drive a car manager Lee Osier in 1924, she of the feature resentation was| .nchi i A ( ¥ xa 3 Basi a : : became assistant manager under|nerformed, wh BY some local] Sunshine Repeiah Loge education. Mr. Roberts was assist-| activities, might make it more im- Progrescive euchre 'was played) ton. Mr. George Moss presided one must first take driving les- Mr. James Foy during the war, a|person of talent. As the song ended J Mot aera A . led in the discussion by the Rever- personal, he said. in the Hillcroft Street Scout Ha {an was ably assiste y I.|sons, then an examination, and unique position since few movie he stage darkened and the picture 8th Scout )\ J ers Ant. lend H. A. Mellow, Dr. W G. Watt, The panel all agreed that man The president of the Auxiliary, George Weldon as secretary and|after passing that examination, theatres have women in manager- flickered on to the screen. Centre Street H and S. Assn. |nr J, W McNeill and Mr. G. A.|is more than flesh and blood, he is| Mrs. Robert Clayton, welcomed Mr. George Webster as treasurer. must obtain insurance. Whereas jal posts | "Those old-time films opened a| Simece Street COIT Fletcher. an immortal soul and in edua-|the guests. Mr. Moss opened the meeting anyone over the age of 16 may ob KNOWN TO HUN new world of lentertaimmnent.'| Licasant Mon. Aff. Cluh It was stated that "there was, tional processes must be tended as| Prizes were awarded to the fol- 2nd. called on Mr .George Pearce, tain a licence to carry a gun. Yet ow? INDREDS od ory. Bravia "and those Bus. and Prof. Women's Club an yneasy feeling that the influ- such lowing: Mrs. John. Drinkle, . Mrs. chairman of the program €om-| gun accidents can cause a'most Since the days of the two-reel ih ber ve| 3th Scout Mothers' Aux. |ence of the home had lost some of Mrs. J W. Britton thanked the jack Wrigh , {irkland, | Pitee. =. .. las many deaths as car accidents. comedies and the *'col (of us who remember them have ( tion H and S As £ : Sy Leg Jack Wright, Mrs. D. Kirkland, Harrison Murphy. principal S s ossal epics i -oronation H and S Assn. its former effectiveness" One of members of the panel for its inter- Ge i r vir. Harrison Murphy, principal ge concluded his remarks by say- of the silent films, Maudie's cheery|2 deeper attachment for the movies College Hill H and S Assn h i 4 bv F y ¥ +€1* Mr. George Bobier, Mr Thomas | occ entertained with two films. |; oy 3 : Hid h Yitran the younger generations that| willing Work . | the reasons for stating this observ- es'ing and informative discussion. Abthorpe, Mr. Jack Wright, Mr.|The first showimg showed a fire ing "A gun is like a woman, treat smile has greeted movie-goers, and po them for granted | ing Workers |ation was that the home was| Mrs. Earl Huntley presided at/. .c.™" popier Mr Robert! whi a e .-!it with respect and it is your best eight years ago Famous Players| "With the coming of synchroniz-| TUESDAY | spreading itself out thinner bythe meeting. lal ree and Mrs. J. Roberts {which occurred in an Arnprior| frend, treat it carelessly or abuse| presented her with a jewelled pin = | trying to take active parts in the, It was decided to send two del-|"'2Y Peale '|lumber yard and depicted the|jt and anything can happen." | in recognition of 25 years' service, ©d Sound effects we had to ac-| payughters of England [school, church and many other egates to the Ontario Home and|/Mrs. M. T. Topping and Mr. hazards of fire and the almost Another highlight on the pro- gram was the appearnace of the "Ive always loved show busi. COMmodate a machine backstage ga "Home League outside organizations. | School conference in Toronto in|N: Gimblett. | impossible task of fighting fire * ness," she said, "so the long hours 13 Prodice_the ri Sunde an] Christ Church WA | Mr. Mellow speaking for the April. | Bridge was played in the recre:| with a bucket brigade. His second gu th ow 8 Sn ne antals | spent at the theatre have never 'Wings' we had to find oa for Fellowship Group church asked "What kind of prod-| A report was made by Mrs. Jack ational hall of Christ Memorial| film was entitled 'Conservation."| Ceo © 0 following members Ii [irked me. In the early days we ran, travelling orchestra. she laugn.| Lriendship Group {uct do we wish to produce; or| Liston on the night of cards to be Church. Mr. Russell Flutter wel-| Taken near Oshawa Jarbor i Messrs. John Nicholls, Gil Taylor | three-day vaudeville acts, and Ij.4 . | Canadian ion Aux. | "What do we want our children held at the school on January 25 comed the guests. | showed ie melhor) of BAK € and|.nd Bob Rankin, three boys from | on ig whes Bent Jon According to the movie histor- Holy Trinity Eve. Guild fto be like" He quoteq Socrates as § p.m, : 4 Prizes were all lucky draws and| "yj. "phoma Davidson introdue-| OCVI who sang several delightful . xs, WIS was A professional magh | a talkies made their debut in| Ne Jr. WA Saving "A supreme goal of educa; Mrs. CR Harrison grade four|yore won as follows: Mrs, Jobn ed members of an impromptu|arrangements. | ide around 10WD Bling. and the first to be shown oi] Hoots Head Aux [tion is the tending of our souls." room mother served refreshments|yroppning "Mrs. Fred Sturch, Mrs.|male quartet composed of Messrs.| Mr. Maycock expressed appre- folded 2s en altraction io his act) the I hr wo Brosiver Me copay H and 3: Assn Mr. Fletcher, representing the and the attendance prize was Wom grnest Reading, Mrs. Jack Fran-| Everett Maycock, George Pearce, ciation to Mr. Murphy, Mr W.el- ll The tortoise has ne housing ission was . school, said he felt that the home'by Mrs. Gloria Adair's room. |cis, Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. J.|Colin Daniel and George Moss. (don and the Boys' Quartet. |§ worry. No mortgage problem + reents for the matin 3 |ody, starring Anita Page, Bessie] Westmount WA : I ! -- m ee and Liu cents Love and Charles King. Another| St. Paul's Guild cClennan, Mrs. Fred Harris, Their rendition of well - known| Mr. Moss conducted a short bus-| | a eee. | | Mi |carly talkie was Gold-diggers of| Victoria Lodge, LTB | | Mrs. George Jewell, Mrs. S. A. favorites was well received. iness session. I HALF-SIZE STYLE [Broadway starring Winnie Light| Albert Street WA » ¥ |Willson, Mrs. T. Kellar, Mrs. H.| "Safety in Hunting" was the| Attendance prize was won by |ner, followed by Al Jolson in Sonny| Knox Presbyterian WMS | F. Kane, Mrs. William Fitches, topic chosen by Mr. George Wel- Mr. D. A. Sutton's room. | Boy and Sunshine Susy with its| Storie Park Aux. . . Mrs. L. C. Luke, Mrs, J. B.| don for an interesting talks. Mr.| Refreshments were served by i catchy little theme song, "Today ST. STEPHEN'S SR. WA showed an interesting display of Thompson. Door prize, Mrs. J. Weldon stated that it was impor-| the fathers of pupils in Mr. Sut- 1 am So Happy". WEDNESDAY The January meeting of the hooks which are available at the|Fitches. tant for parents to instruct their|ton's room under the .chairman-| ship of Mr. Chas. Collard tself usin een Lodg Church was held at the home arms, and to teach them respect 4 [About this time a fim was made| Tih Scout Mothers' Aux. Jirs Yay. Smits," Sitmpos"Shregt = - served . - SUN LIFE ASSURANCES by a company that had been ex-| King Street WMS North. NORTH SIMCOE H AND S$ ASSN. : [ : : tient could not convincingly be |hibiting at the Canadian National] Oshawa Film Council The annual reports from the "oo 0 re and School Quicker Detection urged, a hospital announcement lf COMPANY OF CANADA Exhibition. Called "'Oshawa| 13th Scout Mothers' Aux. different officers were Tead and] IK I entitn the Linen Touche ard | 1g With the advent of sound Oshawa| SA Prayer Meeting Seo WA of ees a! library. Refreshments were serv-| After 'the lucky draws were| children on the proper use of firejahip of Mr. Ci 4 1a h > Ps ed refr Speaks" it included a parade of] CP and T Committee the year end financial report was cp. "0 ditorium with Mrs. S. J. Of Tuberculosis With Dr. Mankiewicz's new et . th 1i fi Cedar Dale Jr. WA given. ; nh of if us ing Fling Ps hg Pearl Group Mr. S. G. Saywell installed the | Barlow, president, presiding. and|meiod, much of ine anxiety of] 'he dik p apd) : . new officers for 1956 and thanked| Mrs. Barlow announced that) , #aeh the waiting patient is eliminated local choir Tam ey the nee THURSDAY the auxiliary for the part it played|Mrs. Leo Glover was convening By DOROTHY ROE jopter Detned y Pi tive and spread of the disease is 2 ROGER dential music: many wellknown| Girl Guide ®x. Council in helping the church in so many|the North Simcoe H and S bridge NEW YORK (AP) -- A woman|has been discovered at the Royal checked by early isolation of the §° 5 WOLFE singers took leading parts and Mr.| Court Charlene COF ways. " to be held on Tuesday evening, | ould never look severe, in the ital, a Mo Molntyre facing Pa the narra-| Maple Leaf, LTB Mrs. Ray Smith, the new pres- February 14. She also announced Shoula of Hannah Troy, who soft- Edward Laurentian Hospital her| X-ray examination remains im- tor. St. George's Eve. WA ident, took charge of the meeting| Home and School Council meeting ane the uncompromising look of|staff at the hospital have discov-|portant for the detection of lung | Mrs. Brayford sald that she Happy Doubles Club and new projects were discussed|to be held at the E., A. Lovell|the straight silhouette this spring|ered a mew method of detecting|lesions but the nature of lesions i § Died would never forget the day, July| Calvary Baptist WMS$ for the year. The combined service School, January 24, and a "Citi-|with feminine and, frilly lingerie| "tracing" the early growth of|can only be determined definitely | RA 3.2008 21, 1933, that Polly Moran, who| Shrist Church Eve. Guild of the Sr. and Jr. WA's and zenship Night" in Deer Park| touches. They range from a wide tubercle bacilli in two 'weeks.[Dy discovery of tubercle bacilll.| {starred in many pictures with Mar.| Albert Street WA the Jane Dennis group for Janu-|School, Toroato, on January 26. |cape collar of crisp, white em-|Formerly it took five weeks. Dr. Mankiewicz, who taught bac- | | lie Dressler, called at' the Regent,| St: George's Aft. Aux. ary 29, also a St. Patrick's tea) The room attendance was won|broidered organdie on a navy silk] The improved method consists interiology in a French university chatted with her and left her an| Kate McLaurin Aux. for March 14, and a spring bazaar. |,y Miss Muereta Hull's room. |afternoon dress to a discreet little|tubercle bacilli with a yeast whick|in Shanghai and has done much autographed photograph which she Sivenile Maple Leal The members were divided Into] ppa puginess meeting was fol-|collar of linen and lace on a shee|will grow only on a laboratory research work at McGill Univer- treasures to this day. B A Ewe A groups to take charge of the der lowed by a film entitled "Human|biege wool sheath. culture containing tubercle bacilli. In all her years at the theatre| Soya Chapter, OES votional for the meetings or he |Growth." Mrs. R. A. Wallace act-| The white-collar girl is this de-|As even a small of the [nothing really tragic has happened.| Centre Street WA. year. The next ee Werany|cd as moderator for a panel to|signer's favorite for spring and her bacilli in the culture produce heavy ; [One New Year's Eve the crowd| Challenger Group held at the home of 1 ty xan |discuss this film. Other members|crisp accents of linen and lace|and visible growth of the yeast the) = pop DISCRIMINATING MEN «so [that thronged into the late show| 17th Scout Mothors' Anz Crawford, 105 Orchard Ioteh OU- of the panel were Mrs. A. P. give a fresh and flattering look{Presence of the bacilli is quickly] * |was so enormous that the weight i i levard. Mrs, David utcheon, pylton, Mrs. Donald Stiles, Mr.|to the new fashions, viewed today|established. Mrs. Frank Kirby and Mrs. R. W.[po gH. Dancey, Mr. Hubert and/by the fashion press. Before the development of Dr. and pressure finally broke the | ! / : A | Smith served refreshments. |Dr. D. E. Sturgess An extremely ft tit hi Mankiewicz's method it took five hurt, but if was almost unbearable] PERSONALS | ALBERT ST. H. AND 8. ASSN,|lively discussion followed with thela 'two-piece look in 8 one - plece|(0 4X weeks to confirm, by cul two Inew lO =A tae hurt, but it was almost unbearable ibid : ph | {panel members and the associa-| tural methods, the presence or ab- sitting there in the icy draught. - ] | The regular meeting of Albert/tion members Taos part. [dress by simulated boleros and| oo of tubercle bacilli in a pa- "Children often fall asleep in the, Cathrina Gibson was elected as g oot Home and School Associa-| |tackets. Others have real Jackets jon; show," Mrs. Brayford said, "but| president of the Blue Bird Girls|:or*Co halq "recently with Mrs, nC reshments were served by which,may be removed to turn aj, r+ bor peg ANXIETY \ they are all routed out before the|Club of Storie Park at its annual A : |the grade mothers under the con-|tailored costume into a cocktail doors are finally locked for 'the| meeting held on Wednesday night.| "A: Dixon presiding. venership of Mrs. Donald Burns|dress. During this long period of wait. $ vy locke: or the meeting 3 '| Following the regular business, Mrs. M. A. Adam. VARIED SILHOUETTES ng, adequate isolation of the pa- night. In these days of TV this|The other officers are past-presi- hers happening is not as common as it|dent, Jacqueline Cameron; vice of the meeting te Nagy Brot ore | For after-5 wear, this designer used to be. | president, Sylvia Phipps; secre- A i presents varied silhouettes, rang- "I do mot regard television as tary, Joan Barassin; treasurer, |ViOL8 _ And accordion, They Were HOUSEHOLD HINT ing from slim shafts of silk to b serious competition," she smiled.(Elaine Bailey; program, Joan| "ar tts To re G. V. Lee! Before beginning those dirty|draped harem skirts and full, y y "With the wide screen, color, stero"| Clark; sick convener, Justine : |household jobs, scrape your fin-|gauzy skirts of chiffon or net. 14%--24% phonic sound. and the polished per-| Bell; social conveners Donna dssisted | 2 roe 4 Kory. (gertips over a bar of soap to fill Oleg Cassini uses various de- formances of exverienced actors|Drinkle and Barbara Black. | pupils of Albert Street School who |up the space between the nail|vices to make a simple and care- By ANNE ADAMS the movies are better tha i i [ : Smart fashion for the half-sizer| And besides." she a iii Bart Ryan was honored on Thurs- (are in Grade 6 and attending other|ang gkin, Soil will mot have a funy (haved Sheath Took Saringly Hair Color : ; ia Foam cut to fit properly the shorter,|with TV in the house, wives and| day evening at a surprise party | schools. Mr. Korry spoke briefly | 1 once to mar your nails, and the|black linen sheath in which a cut.| Problem? : A touch of a button . . . and instantly fuller figure! Sew-easy vou're girk'riend: | t ak at the home of his parents, Mr.|to the pupils and expressed re:| : i x SUre 10 Wont Wore tas one. Cerere] ay. pond: like le Saken (utl and Mrs. M. J. Ryan, Roxborough|gret that they were unable to con-|hardened soap will wash awayjout section just above the bust - . . rich, creamy lather flows from stripes they're slimming, form ward fo seeing o mom ling fori) venue, prior to leaving for St.|tinue their schooling at Albert later when you wash your hands. provides 3) conditioning aud mat Why not look the pressurized container! Applied with lovely chevron - effect in front! through without an eye on the John's Quebec, where he will|Street and wished them every definitely daring effect ; fingertips, it actually cuts shaving time Popular 4-gore skirt drapes grace- lock or an ear for the telephone." i0in the RCAF. Sixteen former and success In their new schools. | With, skilful drapery and fuid attractive? in half! Best of all, the lather remains fully from hipline present air cadets of the Oshawa] Mrs. W. A. Dixon, Mrs. G. V.| KOREAN COMEBACK Baad oF sales pery an b u » (Fattern 478. Half Sizes '14% squadron were guests. A buffet Lee and Mrs. A. S. Cooper were| TORONTO (CP) -- Barbara hea og of paki) thes Mig ds soft and moist all through the shave . . . 16'2 takes 3's yards 39-inch fab- SOCIAL NOTICES lunch was served by Mrs. Ryan named delegates to the annual Broadfoot, recently returned fromthe 'woman, considering that thel coll 4 rinses off easily to leave your face el and daughter, Diane, Convention of Home and School|Korea, said the chief concern of principal purpose of fashion is to| y fresh and clean. Only $1.25 This pattern, easy to use, sim- --- . ----| Associations, being held in Toron- Korean women is finding job op-|;y, ke women look more exciting (above Kresges) ple to sew, is tested for fit. H ENGAGEMENT HOUSEHOLD HINT to on Apri] 3 and 4 portunities to substitufe for their | -------------------------------- complete illust ated str Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Olin wish : a . Bh Miss Barbara Smith, children's home life destroyed by the war. | Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS to announce the engagement of Nail heads in molding, or dents, yihrarian at the public library, She was addressing a meeting of 35 in coins 2 5. cannot be their youngest.daughter. Elizabeth, cracks and gouges in old wood- hou ht an interesting message on the Young Women's Christian As- accepted for this ern. Print to Joseph Stephen Boshkovich, son' work, can be filled with plastic «CpjlGren's Reading." She also sociation plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, of Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Boshkov- wood to make a smooth surface] "~~ "77777" 77 "7 FFT" en STYLE NUMBER ich, all of Oshawa. The marriage before painting. Fill in a little Send order to ANNE ADAMS. will take place in St Gregory's|ahove the surface and, when the care of Dzily Times - (Gazette, Roman Catholic Church on Satur- plastic wood has hardened sand- pie] £7 buss Pattern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario. day, February 4, 1956, at 11 o'clock. paper it flush. [J -- J | Tn R PLENAMINS, |. ~~" IF MAS DRESS IS SOILED, SHE CAN 3 (4 i AFTER-SHAVING STICK 7 It S onl seconds fr ! SEND IT TO OUR CLEANER AND ( : To the man who is looking for a fitting WILL BE RETURNED LIKE NEW Th. NIOR : | A % Supply | climax to the perfect shave, Yardley , ; now offers after-shaving lotion in Our phormacists gre always on duty as ready to ! . : A scientifically formulated ; : solid form. It smooths on ei ian ; 7 ¢ multi-vitamin for children, i ask 3 Jeaving your skin with a pleasant, tingling ages 6 to 11--in one daily Adi feeling that helps you face the tablet specially designed to $549 day refreshed. Just $1.25 be easy to swallow! In Super ({ Plenamins, Jr., your child gets 9 vitamins including vitamin Bis that's so important for grow. ing children, liver concentrate and iron. Here's a multi-vitamin specially formulated for children--a sugar-coated tablet your child will want to take! You will like our personalized service. : J T RY 11]: L EXPERT CLEANING -- PROMPT SERVICE - s A RA 3-4621 3 Locations in Oshawa SERVE YoU. WELL SAVE You MONEY 28 KING ST. E. 62 Plant -- 51 BURK STREET CERNE bE hiking ¢ En DRUGS" 1 530:SIMCOE ST:S.| DRUGS Branch Stores: PHONE RA 3-2245 PHONE RA 5-3546: 30 SIMCOE ST. S. 4 RITSON RD. N. at KING | : 8 i REGULAR CITY-WIDE DELIVERIES RA 3.4912 RA 5.1944 I 15 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3.5778 | CaeaNIICaEN TT Rew assist you . You can depend on us ALL the time for all your drug, toiletry and photographic "+. GILVDOSSY needs. Just pick up your phone . . . our prescrip- TLL a tion department is always ready to serve you.