> SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Kalle J. Lindberg the t of their daughter, Lillian Maija-Liisa, to Alfred Richard Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Sharp, all of Osh- awa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, February 4, 1956, at at St. Andrew's United Ladies of Oshawa! . .. Don't Miss This ANNIVERSARY WonMEN JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL RA. 3-3474 SL --| Church. |8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, January 4, 1956 PERSONALS ed Church in which Mr, and Mrs. Day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Hogarth are both members of the| Mrs. George Marsh and Miss Lil- 'session. Mrs. Hogarth who was a(lian Mae Marsh, Patricia Avenue, Teel] Knox, Wilcox Avenue, Toron- Sunday School teacher for a num- {have returned from a five-day visit ber of years, is still an active, *° Buffalo, | Reliave Suffering Fast- Effectively CK with APORUB | | [ Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Gipshultz, | River Street, Toronto, | | Mr. and Mrs. Potter Knox, El-| {gin Street East, spent New Year's| hands of members of the Chal- lenger Group of Albert Street Unit- member of the Woman's Associa-| Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, tion and the Woman's Missionary) Mary Street, spent the New Year| eekend in Montreal as the Suetlsl Society. lof their daughter, Mrs. Sixty years ago the former Miss! Sproule, and Mr. Sproule. {Evangeline Burr, caughter of the {late Mr. and Mrs. Burr of Myrtle,| Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Irwin, Mary came to work in Oshawa and two Street spent the New Year weekend years later Henry Hogarth, son of as guests at the home of their on the late Mr. and Mrs, John Hogarth in-law and daughter, Mr. and of Hampton made his way to the Hollis Williams, St. a M |quiet, little town. His great grand- {mother had Some to Canada with} Binh hi Moog Tl oFth spent] er seven sons about 1820 and set Itled in Mariposa. Mr. and Mrs. {New Years Day as the guests of Hogarth are both proud of being Canadian born of British descent, and one of their prized possessions {is a sea chest, brought over the {ocean by the pionering great |e andmothes. TOMORROW Thursday 9 a.m. Sharp ® CLEARANCES! BIG VALUES ® SPECIAL PURCHASES . . . THE LOWEST PRICES EVER... "FABRIC TOWN our Anniversary Sale. During MR. AND MRS. HENRY W. HOGARTH Friends From Near and Far Call To Greet Pair on Golden Wedding [since "= Widely-known and respected in|bride:maid at the wedding which{the couple moved out west. They Oshawa and district, Mr. and Mrs. took place Jenuary 1, 1906 in Med-! {spent 16 years on the prairies be- Henry W. Hogarth, Celina Street,|~alfe Street Methodist Church with|fore returning to settle perman- celebrated their golden wedding!the Reverend Benjamin Tucker of- (ently in Oshawa. Mr. Hogarth was anniversary with an at home on!ficiating. a bricklayer and builder and his Saturday afternoon. The best man on that happy oc- Bet wife can boast that she has Assisted by their daughter, Mrs. casion was the bridegroom's bro-|always lived in a house built byl Gordon Colquhoun, (Elma) of! ther, Albert Hogarth, who was kill- her husband. Massey, Ontario, the couple re-i2d in World War I at Vimy Ridge. | They are both in good health| ceived over 150 guests including] Pouring tea during the afternoon/and active. Mr. Hogarth is handi- Mr. Michael Starr M.P. and Mrs.|>nd evening were Mrs. Lorne Ho- capped by loss of hearing, but they Starr, His Worship the May Mr.|garth, Mrs. Fred Garrard, Mrs. dre a lively pair who appreciate Norman Down and Mrs. Down, the Earl Hoy and Mrs. Cecil Tebble ofthe conveniences of today and Mayor-elect, Mr. W. John Naylor pk) Two great-nieces, Sheila agree that the "good old days" and Mrs. Naylor and Mr. and Mrs. Hoy and Rosemary Turpin Kept/were not so good in many ways. W. M. Alsop, [the door and Mrs. William Gra-| Mrs. Hogarth is an expert cro- A sweet surprise to Mrs. Ho- ham was in charge of the guest/chet-woman and many samples of garth was the arrival of a group register |her handywork are in evidence in of young men, all members of a, The catering was in the capable'the home. ' Sunday School class taught by ---- Raa a a a's a a aaa aarti LALA LL LLL a al Mrs. Hogarth 15 years ago Ai Jsuss- MAN'S OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, OR HERE. .. RCA VICTOR As another New Year rolls around, it is once again our p e to the past six years we have attempted to bring to the shoppers of Oshawa, at all times, quality merchandise, the best of service and reasonable prices. Your gratifying patronage leads us to believe that we have suc- ceeded in accomplishing this. In order to show our appreciation of your patronage and to solicit your future Poin agin Noten 3 y/" A A, EN GIANT JANUARY CLEARANCE he hls e Litte Boy patronage we have grouped together a collection of 40,000 yards of fabrics, priced them as low as possible 'and are now offering them to you as a token of our appreciation. COATS }| Try Bien an | ' © BETTER ]/ WAYS! 7 The Greatest Drapery Event of the Season . gifts and among their telegrams +} 1 Aluminized "Deep Mage" 4 Better Brightness & Contrast, FABRIC TOWN cuir cimns Reg. to 49.98 was one from the Prime Mini-ter, Picture Tube. 5 Better Inferlace. Suss-Man's Quality Custom-Making the Honorable Louis St. Laurent. |} Long distance telephone calls ¢) 2 Beffer "Noise" Cancellation. 6 Beffer Channel Separation. 3 Extra Sensitivity & Stability. 7 Better Sound. io WILL NOW MAKE YOUR DRAPES FREE OF also added to the day's excitement. 3 ony 29995 joes With Your Purchase of 'Materials Selected from Oshawa's Greatest Drapery Values--15,000 Yards of To receive her guests the bride Matching consolette swivel base of slight extre cost, Newly-Created Material to Choose From. of 50 years ago wore an afternoon ) PATTERNS BY THE WORLD'S LEADING DESIGNING ARTISTS, DRAPERY FABRICS dress of navy blue sheer and an X orchid corsage. An honored guest was the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. +} Ellsworth Vrooman, who was } IN 48-INCH WIDTHS Abstracts ® Florals ® Scenics Distinctive Hand Prints, Etc. THAT. SHOULD ORDINARILY SELL FOR A MUCH HIGHER PRICE FREE CUSTOM MAKING Please Bring Along Your Window January Sale THAT HEADACHE 'When you suffer from pain of Headache, Neuralgia or | = Muscular aches you want to [{ %." stop that pain fast .-= So take Aspirin! A tablet starts disintegrating almost the instant you take it starts to relieve. that pain aimost instantiy § Here's RCA Victor's all-new 1956 "Deep Image" Television Save many fashion dollars on new fabu- ¢ = better 7 ways in new "little boy" coats fashioned for ] No costly alteration charges £ performance features. . . and when you purchase ao specially propor- with sensational new consolette tioned Suss-Man coat , . . with full flar- 4 swivel-base for perfect ing back . . . detachable drop belt . . . Viewing wherever you sit in the room! matching patch pockets . . . popular dl CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS pearl buttons . . . chamois lined end 4 interlined. Sizes 7 to 17 in red, grey, 3 5 KING ST. W. RA 3-3425 , lous petites. @0 COME IN AND TEST-VIEW IT FROM EVERY ANGLE TODAY | VAT-DYED, .98 # charcoal, powder blue, royal and beige. "| IMPORTED, TOP QUALITY 48" SATEEN DRAPERY LINING REG. 1.39 YARD SPECIAL SPECIAL FEATURES Of This Amazing" Offer ® You get top quality custom drape makin: o Lined or unlined, os required @ Any, width of drapes ® Any number of widths SPECIAL COTTON GROUPS 10,000 YARDS VALUES UP TO 1.49 YD. Large collection of quality cottons in all colors, with many assorted designs. 36" GUARANTEED WASHABLE COTTON PRINTS In assorted colors and designs. SALE PRICE 36" SANFORIZED BROADCLOTHS In 20 beautfiul shades. SALE PRICE 36-42" FRENCH CHANTILLY LACE 500 yards in rich floral designs for evening and bridal wear, dressy bigyses and 'trimmings. beautiful shades. SALE PRICE 54" ALL-WOOL JERSEY In 10 beautiful shades. SALE PRICE 36" ENGLISH VELVETEENS In 10 beautiful shades. SALE PRICE 36" PINWALE CORDUROY In 12 beautiful shades. SALE PRICE 54" SUITINGS AND COATINGS (1st Group) Regular values up to 4.50 yd. SALE PRICE 54" SUITINGS AND COATINGS (2nd Group) Regular values up to 3.98 yd. SALE PRICE 54" PRINTED PLASTIC (NOVELTY) "wn | [ 48" PLAIN PEBBLE CLOTHS AND DAMASKS Look at all you get... and youll choose "Job-Rated" TRUCKS ...a truck to fit your every hauling need! He: YD. 30. YD. SALE PRICE . Take time to look at Dodge before you buy. You'll quickly see Dodge gives more of everything you need and want in a truck. New! 12-volt electrical system! Insures plenty of current at all times for ignition, lights, and accessories. To avoid electrical discharge, generator charges the Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Li i v p f » Limited Top quality, vat dyed, pre-shrunk, Regier values Ideal for recreation rooms or kitcher or up to 3.98 yd. SALE PRICE bathroom. Regular 1.49 yd. SALE PRICE battery rapidly even at slow engine speeds. Regulator maintains full voltage no matter how much current is needed. Distributor setting and maintenance is greatly simplified. Get more truck for your money... see your Dodge-De Soto dealer soon! ROBINSON MOTORS More profitable hauling: You'll do more jobs per day, tally up more profit, with the dependable Dodge truck 120-h.p. "Six" under the hood! Fuel and maintenance costs are cut to the bone. In models of 19,000 Ibs. G.V.W. and higher, the new Dodge 175-h.p. V-8 gives matchless power-performance! 574 Ritson Rd., Oshawa More payload capacity! High maximum G.V.W.'s in all models assure bigger payloads that mean more net profit for you! Express bodies are spacious, give you up to 67.2 cu. ft. capacity. Loading heights are low, less than 2 feet from the ground on models of 5,000 lbs. G.V.W., for easier loading and unloading. More comfort, safety! Hauling is safer and easier in a Dodge truck cab, thanks to the biggest (1,023 sq. inches) wrap- around windshield of any truck! Thewide, 3-man seat is unexcelled for hiproom and shoulder-room. And easy-going PowerFlite auto- matic trinsmission is available in 14-ton models. 401 Dundas St. E., Whitby McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS REMNANTS -- REMNANTS -- REMNANTS For quality merchandise at lowest prices shop and save at Fabric Town! The above specials are only a few cf the many great fabric values you'll find on display! COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! FABRIC TOWN 75 SIMCOE ST. N. DAL 5-1611