& THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, Novembér 25, 1958 WHITBY and DISTRICT 'Four Seek Mayoralty In Whitby Election Nominated to fill the three va- As nominations in Whitby stood last night at nine, the town is as- sured of contests for the mayoral ty, council seats, Public Utilities Commission and the Whitby Pub- lic School Board. Four men were dominated for the office of may- Three were nominated for the! wo seats on the PUC and five were nominated for the three seats on the school board. There were 13 nominations for the six seats on council. They have until nine o'clock tonight to qualify. Two offices were filled by ac- ciamation. Ken Lee was returned .as reeve and Stanley Martin was returned as deputy-reeve. Nominated for mayor were the present mayor, Harry W. Jermyn; former town solicitor, John Hare: ~.Duncan B. McIntyre, former i fs pepve and ex-warden of Ontario ! % Cdunty; and Gordon F. Osborne swwasformer member of council and =¥school board. sms Nominated for the office of wesgeeve were Alex. Scott, Stanley > Martin and Kenneth Lee. Later wa = ex Scott and Stan Martin, who! Whitby Kinsmen Offer To Sponsor Sa The eighth birthday Ring Street Home and School took the form of a book display by Thos. Allen and an explanation of the safety patrol system The meeting opened Home and School praver. Reports from the recording secretary, Mrs DP. J. Cuddy, from the treasurer Mrs. Bert Foote, and the corre- sponding secretary, Mrs. Brady were adopted as read Mrs. Duguid asked for someone to become official pianist for the meetings. She also asked for vol- "tmteers to help in the library at certain times when the children come in to return books and to g#t more. It was also suggested «swsthat more people become mem "hers and so become eligible to Vote by paying the fee to the sesdb@ASUTET. SAFETY PATROL wwe Mrs. Duguid introduced the Swss-speaker, Mr. Campbell, who had two films shown, one a children's film, "Safety To and From School", and a second film for adults, "Driving a Car" After the films, Mr. Campbell, having had experience, went on to with the meeting of| crossing also nominated for other withdrew, Lee reeve for 1956. Only person nominated for the office of deputy-reeve was Stanley| Martin, who held that office this year NOMINATE 13 Nominated for the six seals on council were former councillors Everett Quantrill, William Hur- ley, Willard Dodd, Alex. Scott and Mrs. Joyce Burns. Councillor Stuart Roblin was not nominated. Also nominated for seats on coun- cil were James Smyth, Jack Me- Avoy, Ernest B. Killens, Ter- rence M. Moore, who later with- drew; Sid Correll, L. Harry Ink- pen, Oscar Moore, Gordon Davis and Howard Law. Mrs. Burns, in- cidentally, was the only womanji nominated to any office this year. Nominated for Public Utilities Commission were Albert Randall and Harold P. Phin, commission- ers this year who are up for re- election, and Oscar Moore. former member of town coiincil. Two are 1 » elected for a two-year term. | were seats, f fety Patrol might have a patrol boy as assistant, Q.--Would the children take the routes where boys are stationed? A.--Teachers and parents could encourage 'and advise Q.--Who provides the guard for the Dundas crossing" A.--The Whitby Police Board Q.--Could these . boys control group of children? A.--Children would be consider- ed under the jurisdiction of the school and would be dealt with 'ac- cordingly Mr. Fairman rose to say that be would support the project com pletely but felt that it must have the support of the Police Commis- ion, the Board of Education, the Police Force. The svstem works successfully in Peterborough, Ot tawa and Guelph. The town has grown since he came so that in- stead of thirteen teachers there are now thirty-three. The Planning Board and Industrial Commission encourage expansion and the traf- fic is becoming increasingly haz- a leaving Kenneth| cant christ, Moore. for a vears erally year, sponsored Commerce and Town Clerk John announced would take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week Tuesday the candidates for mayor to be heard. R. evening, are . scheduled Wednesday evening, the other can- didates will be heard Final word on who will be come until the deadline; Differing from past, by Frost n the town he running or qualifying. | Whitby's last night acclamation many years were nominated but two, Scott and St ew, the hall. will nine o'clock tonight, to not Three members of this year's council, an leaving reeve for 1956. Mar Kenneth On seats in the Whitby Public School Board were Lloyd Gibson, William Forbes and Donald Gil- who are up for re-election, and John Moss and Terrence M.| Three are to be elected two-year term. former there was no public meeting after nominations closed «his year. nominees brought to the platform and gen: indicated whether or not they would stand for office. This public meetings have been Chamber years, that SECOND ACCLAMATION Reeve Kenneth received his second office Lee as all n men, Alex. with- Lee tin, ardous. Teachers. he felt, deserve great credit as no child has been killed on his way to or from BOWLING NEWS school explain a safety patrol system H During 1954 four children were killed in traffic accidents in Whit- by. It would help children to un- derstand and respect traffic laws but in order to do so, the project must have the support of all the schools, parents, police and the police commission. In other wo: ds it must include the whole town. The duties of a patrol boy (or| girl) would begin at 8.45 till 8.58 The next patrol would take over at 11.30, another at 1.15 and so on The patrols would be staggered so that no child loses too much time It must be understood that no patrol ever goes into the street but periorms his duties on the sidewalk. The equipment would include cape, white crossed belt, gaunt- lets with black hands and white cuffs. If any traffic is coming it must be cleared in four directions before putting hands down and putting them behind his back served bv Mr. Campbell explained that the Campbell's plan so far had not been sponsor- ---- ed by anyone nor had been auth- orized. However, he felt it would be invaluable in training respon- sibility, leadership and so would need incentives such as a monthly meeting with treats or prizes given by a local sponsor and pos- «ibly prizes for the winning pa- trol. Mr. Foote, at this point, stated that he had been authorized to sa: that the Kinsmen's Club would underwrite the project if it is proved They would provide bel' 22 scapes (when necessary) commit- ur YeBs to work with patrols, month- ly meetings with a year-end ban- fuet, in effect, they would under- wu. Write the whole effort "QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS !.'A question-and-answer period followed. Q. --How will be 24 drained? « A.--By special classes. "4 Q Where would these Blace" A.--Possibly after four hool would provide a or its own patrol Representatives of Dundas, borne, Hillerest Schools, as as. St. Bernard's were The suggestions were given letters. be sent to the Police, that School Commission Home & the Banners were given Clark and Miss Eckel prize went to Mrs to the eighth birthday St the honor to Mr is well known by Partridge the of the Allen 'Book display Refreshments the mothers room al anthem Wedding Anniv. and Mrs Applegrove Ave. Mr son, ding anniversary They were 1905, in St. Francis Roman Catholic Church, ing, by Msgr pastor of St Credit Among those present inal attendants. Mrs. N. G mander and Levi Stephenson, sons and daughters the patrols Mrs and Emily celebration day Al Heffering take Each teacher YOUTHFUL BISHOP St. Remigius, who died . trol "|AD, was elected archbishop = fe Trafic police at & 8S. REPRESENTATIVES Col well present : the unanimous approval of the meet- ing and it was recommended that the Board of Education and the Police combined Associations are in favor of a patrol to be set up and that the Kinsmen will support Mrs The door * John Mitchell Mr. Fairman was invited to cut cake of King H. & S. and he in turn passed who teaching profession and who was in charge Meeting closed tvith the nation were of Mrs Will Attend 50th Joseph Stephen- will be at home to their friends on Saturday on the occasion of their 50th wed- married November de Sales Picker- J. Sheridan, present Mary's Church, Port the celebration will be their orig- Com- 15 grandchil- dren and two great-grandchildren Miss Bande! will also attend the in Toronto om Satur- - in 533 Dundas _Rhe pims, France, at the age of 19.| WHITBY Phone 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. SATURDAY MAT. 1:30 PM. ont ' . Song. INE M. Wh Ano v -Copgr, al Tog ve DANIELLE POWELL - DARRIEUX WENDELL FERNANDO -SOREY, LAMAS with MARCEL UNA RICHARD . Dalio - * etd - + Anderson + Murat yw {1G DAMONE DISNEY CARTOON "PETE SMITH" and "IN 1492" LADIES CIGARETTE LEAGUE |°ut an accident,' BOWLING SCORES 500 and High triples- Denyer 607, C. Watts C. over: 600, P. Moore 580, A. Bradley 550, L.. Wat-| son 546, J. Reed 545, E. McBride that two or three days, Fallow 523, J. Hewis 5214, M. Gordon ty might be free parking days. Sandford 502. 536, 515, Y, E. Singles -- 200 and Clarke 237, C. Watts 235, E. Mc- Bride 224, M. Gordon 219, C. Den-' ble, M. Everic over: B.! yer 215, 202, A. Bradley 220, P. Moore 224, 201, J. Hewis 204. Team Winchester standings 16, Sweetcap 14, Ex- P J. Reed 209, 204, layers 22, ports 13, Buckingham 13, Sports- man 12, FRIDAY NITERS BOWLING ° LEAGUE 5 Winners of first section are the Green Gables with 16 points and a pinfall of 19,289 Flyers and second Left-Handers, Has-Beens, Go-Getters each with 11 points; Dodgers with 10. Misfits 9 and Price Yards 8. Virgie Rooke 278, Jack Houlding 294. Shirley Jack Houlding 748 High single High triple Over 200 R. Silk 235; Bye 269; Houlding 256, 203; 217, 209; R. Luke 200; §. Moss 224; Ing 231; H. Barrons Ewen 208; Lean 201: Rooke 278; W K. Thompson Lemons F V. Rooke. D 294; Blight 212, S. Holland 231; J. Wootton 203, 217; Barrons 207; D. Gilmor 201; Howard Gina Howard 204; J. O'Neill G. Moss 575, 210; V. B. J McGregor 244; L. Ww. M 204; V Harmer 249, 272; 200 A. Coad, F. Townsend, Roper, R. McGregor, H. Vissor, WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE Sabre Jets, points, Misfits, Corn Huskers, zards and Grand Union took seven Whippers, peckers and Rockets taking five Team standing: Sabre Jets, 14; 12; Corn Huskers, 14; Buzzards, Woodpeckers, 10; Gr Wh Dominion, 14; and Union, ippers, 10; y § In were| of | these On! in Me- Mc- Buz- Wood- | | COACH LES DOUGLAS "Beat Whitby" is the demand of the irate Kingston fans! Coach Les Douglas, pictured on | the left, has quite a chore on his hands, to satisfy the rabid Limestone City fans. The Whit- by Dunlops, riding a win string | of eight wins in ten games, will be a mighty tough problem for the Goodyears, who move into KINGSTON FANS DEMAND WIN HERE [Donations To |Community Chest | Canvassers are turning in their! returns for the Community Chest, | campaign, but it is apparent that| {by the end of the week, the total! { will be well past the $3,000 mark. |e following is the 8th list to be issued from headquarters. | Previously acknowledged $2,503. Anonymous' |W. A. Andrew ... {W. R. Bradley .. | W. Hammers {J. A. Nixon .. |G. Lowell D. Kernohan R. F. Hunt Mrs. F. Henstock . | Tom Henstock | Mrs. E. Archer .. |H. P. Phin .. Chas. Rycroft W. Martin . Moore .... D. Shadean . R. Corbett .... | Mr. W. Keys .... | Mr. W. Couke |W. F. Quilter ... E. Everdsen D. Saxton E. Booth . W. McDonald Mr. T. Smith ... Veand Mr. George H. Banner ... Mr. J. Cockburn very Hotel Whitby R. M. Deverell - on IX] NEAR DD tk i INI AUD 4 DO 0 Th NIN tt BD pe DD | Mr. DON BELLRINGER | Mr. Whitby to tackle the here tomorrow night. ringer, on the right, Guelph Biltmorite, is one of Kingston's better performers, and these two members along with the rest of last year's On- tario champions, seek their first win of the season against Whit- by. Game time will be 8.30 Sat- urday night, here in Whitby. "'Dunnies" Don Bell- a former 223232323233323333338338334! -- $555 .00 3.00 FOR SAFETY'S SAKE { Chas. McCausland George Stott Mrs. E. Read Mrs. L. N. Yates . Motorists in Whitby may this tyear receive a Christmas present| | from the Whitby Police Depart- ment. The present will be in the form of one day's free parking in front of an unsatisfied parking meter. However, the joy of beat- ing the meters comes only after the motorists have passed one accident-free week in the town. In making known that a reward of a free parking day would be granted, Chief Constable Charles Fletcher, of Whitby, ' stated that beginning on December 1st, Whit- by would embark on 'Safe Driving Week". On December 1st, munici- palities in both Canada and the United States will mark safe driv- ing day. In a small centre, such! as Whitby, said the Chief, there \ is no reason why a full seven days should not pass without an acci- dent. Accordingly, from Decem- ber 1st to December 7th, inclu- sive, will become safe driving] | week in Whitby. | If, for the entire seven days, no | accident is reported, he says, a day will be announced when Christmas shoppers in the town | will be allowed to ignore the me- ters. "If we can go two weeks with- he continued, | "I venture to say more than one |day of free parking will be grant- ed." He would go no further in this statement other than to hint in the| nidst of the Christmas rush,| | To permit all the motorists to reap the joy of shunning a park- ing meter, says the Chief Consta- requires only a little more! care. He says that minor acci- dents, scraping of fender paint, etc., by motorists who continue to park by car, will not count against the free parking day. But acci- dents which require police investi-| gation will automatically cancel| the free day. If some driver slams through a 5: County Bowl, 5; Mis- The Saints, 4; CDC's, 4, Stokers, 4; Tartan, 2; Cubs, 2; Blowers, 0. High triples: Lloyd Sabins 856 (345, 316), Jeanne Sabins 649 (253, 245), Richard Sundin 690 (267, 236), Millie Peggs 625 (272), Eva Bartell 618 (228), Don Reed] 618 (255), Bud Goode 733 (351), Bill Moorhouse 614 (234), Art Sheridan 642 (225, 224), Hugh! Sims 651 (252), Bill Jordan 664 (272, 239), Albert Knibb 622 (237), Isobell Mowat 604 (290), Ron Pas- coe 734 (272, 234), Jim Connors 625 (235), Eve Yates 747 (356), Frank Bastarache 652 (246), Ron Butson 666 (244, 217), Doug Row-| den 713 (286, 248), Fred Watts 716! (239, 242, 235), Chuck Gill 646 (259, 218), Viola White 605 (214), Marty Jordan 677 (269, 239), Bill Collins 636 (248, 220). Lemon League: Agnes Potts 98, Bev Heffering 99, Russ Clarke 82, Grace Igglesden 90, Ethel How- ard -94. Doris Beaton 95, Sheila Goode 92. Prize - winners were: Dionne and Bill Forbes. Coke winners were Gordon and Bill Mahafty. Rockets, fits, 5; Helen' Marjorie | WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT - room and complete heat, light Palace Street and water WANTED TO REN" 700 John Street We Timts-Gazette, Whithy IARAGE, Writt Box 124, too small, Ralph Kabanuk, MO 278 - LOVELY MODERN TWO WANTED on room apartment consisting of bed sitting [est Prices; by ph kitchen facilities, | supplied, 233 EAR| 7c of CARPENTRY. CUPBOARDS, RECREA. POULTRY, HIGH. Also feathers, new and old Phone Jake Parker, MO 8.3488 mornings or after § Dec 11| Will Give Day's Parking For Accident Free Week 'traffic deaths on Whitby streets well, | Charles Fletcher E. A. Thwaites George Viner i Morley Nicholson Const. | Geo. Lankine William J. Hill Douglas Allan | Robert McNee stop-sign into the side of a pass- Gordon Kimmerley ing car on the last day of an acci-! Vincent Powers | dent-free week, he is going to J, M. Rae . {have to explain his error to more john R. Frost y than the Chief Constable, | Robert R. Harding SAFETY CHECK {F. L. Barlow rine During this week, point safety F. Helena Richardson ... checks are being conducted by T. Eaton Co . officers of the Whitby Police De- Verna M. Sandford partment Officers check on brakes, lights, horn, windshield wipers, mufflers, etc. On this oc- casion, the erring driver is pro- vided with a list of the accessor- ies on his vehicle which do not pass the test. He is given an al- lotted time in which to get the vehicle repaired and must report! back to the police department for | final inspection. If he fails to get the car repaired and report back, he can expect a summons. In an effort to make all drivers safety-conscious, Chief Fletcher reminds them that as the days grow shorter, more persons are! on the streets after dark. A driv- er, he said, must now exert even| greater care than was necessary in the summer. So far this year, Whitby has had no traffic deaths and it is his earnest hope that none will occur for some years to come. In 1954, there were four 100 10 = hy po 2.00 2.50 Totals PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Whalin, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whalin, of Owen Sound, were the guests of Mr. and {Mrs. E. R. Elliot for the week- end. They also attended the Royal Winter Fair. Little Wendy Williams is now back at home after spending a week in the Oshawa General Hos- pital. Prompt recovery is wished by all her friends. Mrs. Geo. Toffin was greatly surprised on Friday when Mrs. R. A. Rousseau and Mrs. Violet D. Richardson had a lovely big day. After singing Happy Birth- day, Mrs. Rousseau and the staff enjoyed supper together. They all wished her many more birthdays to come. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Richardson and family, of Peterborough, spent the week-end visiting his mother, Mrs. son, and his sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Green, | With the advent of winter, icy roads and snow-covered roads will menace motorists and he reminds the driver that stopping distances will increase during the winter! months. MP Urges No Cut In Food Production from Euclid St TORONTO (CP) -- M. J. Cold | Mrs. Mary Ashby just returned national leader of the CCF|from a trip visiting her daughter party, said Thursday the federal| | 2nd son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Arued| government should not allow a cur |Ojamaa, of Jamaica, Long Is- tailment in food production when land, New York. many people in the world are starving He told the Empire Club that! surpluses in butter, wheat and ap- ples are piling up and farmers! often feel the answer is to cut pro- duction. The federal government, he said, should adopt fiscal poli cies to protect the farmer TODAY'S CROSSWORD 2. Native state (India) 8. Enticed 4. Anger 5. Unhappy 6. A small spray of flowers \ 1. Biblical name (D.) 8. Crushed A. Fireplaces (Scot.) 10. Trapshoot- ing (poss.) 16. Cracked 18. In time long . past (obs.) 119. Wrath Miss May Newman and Miss Hazel Winters spent the week-end in Brantford. ANCIENT INSTRUMENT The violin developed from an ancient Arab musical instrument known as the rebeck, with three strings SILIAIP] [TIOIRIVIS | [LIGIVIRIE | [VIEIAIL [LIEIRIWIA] [1 NIV IA] ACROSS Satan (Arablan Relig.) 6. Biblical name (poss.) 11. Girl'sname 12. A trick 13. Blundered 14. Scope 15. Inlet (Shet. Is.) 18. Not married 17. Whirling in eddies 20. Permit 21. Sodium (sym.) ' 22, Openings | 23. Minus 24. Paid in advance 26. Unadorned 28. Professional golfer (shortened) 29. Behold! 31. Variant of Ubl, a yam ofP.L $2. Skull caps (slang) 84. Paused 86. Man's 81) INICIO B11 PIONS ICIOIRIE| LIAIOJAIG oy] EINIDI SENSI TIAIBIL | i] {TIR]) JE 1D} AIGIOMIH AIWF 1 IE] (WI [S|OJOIMID IAIGIS] [AICICIEINERL TA TIHIS) LIOINERAIYIED] nel Yesterday's Answer 35. Allowance for waste , 88. Island off ! East coast of South « ' Jutland 89. To cheat) (var) 25. Constel- lation 26. The act satis. faction for 20. Yeast 30. Seapors (Belg.) 32. Gin's nickname 38. Stily TION ROOMS, ALTERATIONS. No job he HOM E ter Ward ist, INSULATION, contained, Phane MO 53-2064. FOR SALE -- | MO. 8.3301 FOR RENT ment, RUSSEL EL WILDE, ELECTRICAL -- FOUR-ROO Apply 320 Walnut Street, after 5 Mc BLOWING FOR RENT OR FOR SALE FIVE ROOM Method. Free Estiate -- SEPTIC TANKS PUS#alow. with option to bu CLEANED THE SANITARY WAY, Wal. Y100. monthly. Phone MO. 8.2736 Whitby rd, Whitby. Phone MO. 3ises. Jan, 11 |FOR RENT -- VACANT "DECEMBER J iteb three room heated apartment, 8-25 nelf 274 "1953 FORD STAKE, MoD. FOR RENT--THREE-ROOM BASEMENT el F300. Apply Hillcrest Dairy. Phone ADartment, private bath, heated. 2680 APART. CON tracting, new homes, water heaters, fix tures, MO. 83174 range cables a specialty Phone Dec. 23 NE FURNISHE ed apartment, able rent FOR RENT -- HEATED THREE-ROOM, | WANTED TO "RENT-- SM ground floor apartment; '47 Dodge, cash. MO 8.2466 FOR pletely heat. Appy Road South, | P RENT v 8 109. D, $75 MONTHLY. modern four-room bungalow J ONE private entrance, Apply E. Robert's Thickson's Sizes. Road between Whitby and Oshawa. 272f| Ashburn. Powell UNFURNISH- | ~ reason Iso for sale, radio and heater. Cheap for |Kentleman a | com oil Liv erpoole | Frenchman's Bay, Phone ($65.00 monthly. Apply W. J. Mowat, MO Fic | 58-2601. x y In spring. | 08 | FoR RENT ONE FURNISHED ROOM, le for single man. Phone MO | #4. 831 Brock North, 78b Phone 278¢ ENT, FOR RENT--APARTMENT FOF {Available January 1; three rooms and | bath, heated, central. Business couple | [i preferred. No children. Phone MO pel | after 5 p.m. 2754 FOR SALE--PINK BUNNY BAG WORE | only four times, $5.00. Phone MO 8.2119 after 6. 275h FOR SALE--CEDAR POSTS, OF | ALL | Apply George Benetin, RR L | asa l FURN. | for single | In the vicinity of Oshawa-| Write Box 225 Times-Gazette, | 2754 | shed apartment and garage, Pickering. Whitby |For RENT --. HEATED FOUR-ROOM me 37. Sluggish 88. Century plant 40. Girl's name 41. Fabric made .00 deputy-reeve were filled by ac- --- peared to have been caused by $27 749.45 kidney Violet D. Richard-! |-- is believed to have '|day night recommended that Que- i|bec take part in a national health {miler Duplessis feels the province's {public-charities system is satisfac- tory and a health insurance plan unnecessary. | PREMIER DENIES Mr. p denied these views. He said he believes Quebec prefers its own hospital system w hich it wishes to pre- serve. "We are ready to accept sugges- tions for improvement, as long as the rights of the province are safe- guarded," Mr. Duplessis said. Mr Marquis said the public- Charities system helps only indi- gents and it is painful to note that, in these times of prosperity, 30 per cent of the people of Quebec could Recommend Quebec Join Health Plan QUBEC (CP) A Liberal] member of the legislature Wednes- holdi scheme. Antonin Marquis (L -- Quebec East) said the people of Quebec want health insurance but popular opinion is being "chloroformed by the Union National government.' Mr. Marquis, a Quebec City drug- gist, said he is astonished that Pre| DEPUTY-REEVE Going to office for his second term as Deputy-reeve, Stanley Martin last night won the seat by acclamation. He was the only W. C. Town & Sons FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY MO 8-3410 man nominated for the position. Only the offices of reeve and | | clamation although other seats 00 on public bodies might be so filled before election. Candi- 10.00, dates have until nine o'clock to- 10.00. night to qualify. 1.00 -- ia % Says Woman, 46 Died Naturally HAMILTON (CP)--Coroner Dr. H. R. McAlister said Thursday 9.00) night Mrs. Frances Hayes, 46, died 9 00/of natural causes. He said. bruises 2.09 on the body had nothing to do with 1.00 her death. Police began an investigation 5.00 when the woman's body was found 5.00 Wednesday morning in her bed in a, 5.00 rooming house 5.00 blackened 75.00 bruised. Both eyes were and her jaw was Dr McAlister said that death ap- a ailment. The autopsy indi- cated the bruises were received some time before death. cake to celebrate her 65th birth- WILL QUALIFY HERE Announcing he will be in the running for council this year at nomination meeting tonight will be 1955 councillor Everett Quantrill, cillor Quantrill, this year shoul- dering the tough job of chairman of finance, has been a member of council for the past three years. He is also a council rep- resentative on the town planning board. DANCING - at = BROUGHAM Every Saturday Night With Music You'll Like "by. And His Band ROUND ond SQUARE SALE OF WORK FANCY WORK TEA Saturday, Nov. 26 from 2:30 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. at The Salvation Army 211 Brock St. South Whitby from flax 42. Diminutiw of Letitia 43. Pay out, 48 money DOWN 1. Football team BUY YOUR FUEL OIL WHERE YOU RECEIVE RELIABLE BURNER SERVICE CALL RAndolph 5-3589 43 KING ST. W. LANDER - STARK OIL LTD. apaftment on 'Corbett's Point Road wl | | Albert Randall and Son Plumbing Sheet Meta. Heating Oil Burners SALES & SERVICE 102A Byron St. 5. WHITBY Phone MO 8-2991 Evenings & Holidays Albert Ken MO 8-4224 MO 8-4248 in "Whitby | above. Coun- | not afford to pay their hospital ex- sive and beyond the reach of the average man. WHITBY i signed until 12:00 noon on Monday, December Sth., 1955, for the position of Assistant County penses. Hospital care was expen 2 BELL CAB Applications will be received by the under- Assessor for the County of Ontario. Applicants are requested to state age, quali- fications, previous assessing experience, and salary expected. WM. G. MANNING, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, Court House, Whitby, Ontario. NEW BUNGALOWS FOR RENT... WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE In Whitby, Ontario Ready to occupy December 1st, these fine homes ere located in the new exclusive residential subdivision om Lee Ave., north of Dundas Street. All are 3 bedrooms, with tiled baths and kitchens ~-- spacious living rooms -- full b -- oil hi g -- storm and screen wine dows, ete. Will rent to 6 to one year at $100.00 monthly. If purchased by tenant during rental period, rent can be epplied on purchase price. Phone: B. SKY, AJAX 487 EVENINGS AND WEEK-ENDS CALL MR. PRENTICE AJAX 1105 Or Call At Builder's Office AMCAN HOLDINGS LTD. BUILDERS KING'S ROW AJAX, ONTARIO SATURDAY NIGHT SENIOR O.H.A. HOCKEY Whitby leads the League . . . Kingston is in Second Place Longstanding rivalry between these two clubs assures you of the best in hockey. Bring the wife and kids out to see... "THE FINEST HOCKEY CLUB SEEN IN THE ONTARIO COUNTY SINCE 1945" WHITBY DUNLOPS GOODYEARS 8:30 P.M. NOV. 26 Sonk 6 goals in twe games lost week. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA