'HARMONY Bouton, angug) editor; Richard saaF. 3 is got definite at Jrcsent THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, October 31, 1855 7 anks, faculty sponsor. | just where even! eld. , A highlight of the present term |If facilities in connection with the| o.oo pi ds STARTS NORTHERN TRIP . ow was the visit to the campus of new building are available to the | o. 2 Highway, sounds very| OTTAWA (CP) -- Governor-Gen- Oshawa Missiona Colle e the Voice of Prophecy Radio group, | ladies, arrangements will be made |good, with the creek winding] eral Vincent including the King's Heralds Male |to hold the bazaar at the Church, |through the wooded valley. It : . . | Quartet. This program is bread-| The next week or two will see be probably some time, however. on the Has Lar est Re istration Ever cast weekly on all leading net-|much work completed in the ad-| before all this becomes a reality, g g WorkS nd, over ay Stations | dition Mis the Church building, and as at preseat, there are uo roads V| ; Mr. i | throughout the world, and.is heard | if at possible, this annual mon- or services ii e . Har- WEENIE oT LEICHER Schoo 1 umd French Boris Packe over CKLB each Sunday at 10.30 ey-raising event will be held there. | mony residents especially those liv- HARMONY -- The Oshawa Mis-| Representatives from OMC Stu- am. | Arrangements are going ahead ing on Harmony Road south, are ! | sionary College has the enrol t| dent A iation recently returned| The student body is looking for- for the observing of the second eagerly Joking forward b having |ever, with 156 students registered from a convention with similar ward to a return visit, on Novem- | anniversary services at Harmony gr mal ay lab 8 he en. for the present term. | delegates from eight sister Colleges| ber 10, of the Star Free Concert United Church in December. Fur-|but this probably un OMC is one of the largest schools| in eastern North America. The con- artists. This event, which has be-|ther details will be made known next year. of its kind in the Dominion. Situat-| vention was held at Atlantic Union| come an annual affair, will be held in this column when available. |WILSON ROAD EXTENSION t. This number ed east of the city, overlooking | College, South Lancaster, M ass. in the College auditorium, and all| The decision of the Oshawa City| The largest attendance since ude teachers. Every the picturesque creek valley be-!The delegates were Frank King, | interested persons are welcome to| Council to erect low-cost dwellings available was p i i ! i | ; A Sunday School services started at A low. it presents a pleasing picture | association president; Nina McLel-| attend. | for senior residents in this com-| the Wilso 3 Angi Church taken to those visiting it. It draws stu-jlan, religion representative; Re g.| December 3 is the date set for munity seems like very good news. | the n Roa glican Churc dents from all over the world. For(Madden, paper editor; Connie the Harmony United Church Ba-|The site they have chosen north was chalked up last Sunday, with instance, this year it can boast of having three students in residence| from India, one from France, 1] from South Africa, one from Singa- pore, India, and three from Ber- muda. The future occupations of these young people run the gamut from the teaching profession, to "| the ministry and nursing. - New teachers on the faculty this] ) J | year are Miss Elaine Paduano,/ 1} oA English; Miss Eileen Wettstein, | ONE POLICE DOG REPLACES FOUR MEN NORTH OSHAWA lance, a German shepherd, Lance's training to become sen- | long-range jet bambers for the s his powerful jaws on the | try dog of the U.S. Strategic Air | SAC after graduation. The train- ve of Wilmer Mizell while his | command's security forces. The | ing course takes eight weeks and | Scout ead ers / ster, Frederick Adams, in- | sentry dogs and their miliary | the man-dog team may replace - i cts him. It's all part of masters will guard the newest | as many as five air police. At Service { at Sault Ste. Marie. _ i | VIOLET KIRBY anadian Wilderness |... &&= at St. Stephen United Church was : well attended on Sunday. With the| congregation to worship were the = | leaders and Scout masters, Scouts| {and Cubs of Stouffville and Mark-| By WALTER GRAY Temple in Banff National Park. A/gest air search in Canadian his- ham who were weekend guests at anadian Press Staff Writer ,|coroner"s jury aecided the group tory--some 60 Canadian and Amer-| Camp Samac. Stephen G. Saywell Ss HURCHILL, Man. CP -- The|was ill-equipped and lacking in ican planes--failed to find an Amer-|sermon was based on Jesus on adian wilderness is a man|proper leadership |ican C-54 transport with 44 persons the way to Jerusalem". The choir IT. Eighteen-year-old George Grin- aboard which disappeared over the|sang the anthem "A Safe Retreat i indrgds of adventurers dare|nell of New York City, one of the Yukon on a flight from Anchorage] The senior WA held its soci h year to try its bait of tower-| Dubawnt canoeists, said most of to Great Falls, Mont. | meeting at the home of Mrs. tay mountains, vast forests, tree-| them lacked proper equipment for| Among the most publicized Smith in the form of a Hallowe'en barrens and white water. |northern travel. Their leather boots searches was that in 1951 for Tor- party on Thursday night. i ost come out unscathed, but/were continuously wet and their|onto hockey star Bill Barilko and| Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Button have rs go through nightmares of|feet became cold, swollen and Timmins dentist Henry Hudson who| moved into their lovely yew home ms, isolation and hunger. For numb. | disappeared in a light plane near|on Orchardview and Mr. an > le the trail ends in the wreck: "We seldom took our boots off to James bay while on a fishing trip.| Donald Button and children wi of a plane, at the bottom of a|get our blood circulating," he said. RESOURCEFUL PILOT be going into their new home 85 or beneath a snowdrift | OTHER MISTAKES | Bush pilots are synonymous with soon as the carpenters are finis ortsmen can reach the doorstep| The youths wore the wrong type heroism and ingenuity when the| remodeling. ford idventure by automobile in the of glove. Grinnell himself made the! chips are down. Paul Rickey, Cent-| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crag ord, <y mountains. and along the| trip wearing two left-handed gloves ral Northern Airways pilot from Orchardview, were Sunday er ka highway. Airplanes can|without liners. Head nets proved) Winipeg, is an example. His plane] guests at the home of Miss them at comfortable hotels, | little protection against hordes of was forced down in northern Man-| Crawford, Toronto. dv es and fishing camps. Rescu-| black flies. Food was a problem|itoba while carrying five passen-| Robert Sykes, who has recent 4 are usually nearby if they get because their packs lacked variety.| gers--a pregnant Indian woman undergone an operation in ig al trouble. | "If you eat the same food every and four children. For six days, in| is doing nicely and expects to be LLENGE OF BARRENS |day, it begins to build up to the bitterly cold weather, Rickey kept| home soon. | s a different story in the barren| insecurity of the situation," Grin-| his passengers alive by letting] Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Shes are; s where hundreds of miles sep-| nell said, {them share the only sleeping bag.| making their home with Mrs. Rob- e habitations and the only hu-| After Moffatt's death the youths The woman's baby was born in| ert Sykes at present. : likely to turn up is a wander-| lived off the land "which was good the frost-lined. cabin of the plane On Thursday evening, Nr Doug, Eskimo or trapper ['psychologically.' and he took off his shirt to wrap it. las Scott of Kedron ls ey at country is not easily con-| "It eased the tension greatly. We However, the baby later died. |some 30 guets, at the ome 0 El L knew we would be able to survive.' Rickey warmed the poorlyclad| Lewis Fowler's in honor of a yal saster strikes most frequently] Tom Lamb, veteran bush pilot! other children against his body at|Fice of North Oshawa who wi lose who come ill-prepared and| and owner of Lamb Airways at nights. His hands became frost| married on October 29. t ofl perienced. | The Pas, Man., has a small hand-| bitten so he could not roll cigarets.| Miss Fice was the Fecipient of gus Maciver, veteran Church-| Det in each plane. Should he be Rickey gave up the solid food in many lovely linen table clothes, rapper, advises against any| forced down the net would be used the rations so his tharges would | towels, china tea cup and saucers, bn travelling through the north- | to take fish for food. Rev. Etienne not starve, living on liquids him pyrex sets, copper bottom eng ing unless he has a guide. On his| Danielo, a member of the Roman self. He lost 20 pounds during the| pols and many useful gifts; a s0 2 travels a long-handled axe and| Catholic Oblates of Mary Immac-| ordeal. | large package of canned food an hatch safe are the prime picces| ulate who lived for 20 years at| Bush pilot Gunnar Laurell of | groceries. Dainty lunch was serv- quipment. | Pond inlet on the northwest tip of | Ch: rchill kept himself awake for [ed by the hostess. le axe is used to cut wood and Baffin island, speaks of the de-! seven days and nights while he| Mrs. Wilmer Fice, Hampton, en- weapon i maraudi of frozen caribou meat, | was marooned in the barren lands. | tertained on Friday evening in als. The match safe assures|a staple food for Eskimos on the| He constantly rubbed his hands and | honor of her sister-in-law, Miss th and light. He always car-| trail. . | feet to keep up circulation. In his| Elva Fice. Twenty ladies were la medical kit and recommends, Two Wisconsin fishermen, Dr.| emergency kit only chocolates, | present and Miss Fice was present: bttle of liquor--for medicinal | John Tasche and Miles ~Eichen- a pa and a parcel of ed with many kitchen utensils, lin- | oses only. { burger, were isolated on the bar-| vitamins were of any use. The rest lens, towels, pillow cases and gad- 5 wife, herself a veteran of | rens for 29 days in August, 1951.|'was frozen solid. gets for house keeping. k : hretic travel, says: | They had a month's supply of food| After his rescue Laurell said he| Miss Fice received the good y 4 EVERYBODY GIVES ow his is the oldest country in|aboard their plane, but for two would always carry a snow knife| wishes of her many friends and world and it resents people | weeks they lived on fish and ber-' so he could build an igloo if forced | lunch was served by the hostess : EVERYBODY BENEFITS! ng in who think they can|ries, conserving their emergency down. He said he would also carry and Miss Lois Tice, Mrs. Verna | vy through it. They have to rations for a hike south if they smoke bombs and a large sheet of Corby and Mrs. Frank Gates. their time or they'll never| were not found red cloth to help searchers spot his' Miss Fice will become Mrs. Ray a it." | SAVED BY TENT plane. k | Fowler on Saturday, October 29, THAT'S THE COMMUNITY CHEST \STROUS CANOE TRIP, | Dr. Tasche credited a bug-proof ' is summer six young Ameri- tent with saving their lives, 7 canoeists attempted a 700- "Without it we never would have Hav : H 3 lr WAY [| THE CANADIAN WA trip from Stony Rapids, Sask., | survived in that wilderness," the A e you fried this amazing NEW . } Y Laker lake in the Northwest| doctor said. "Chemi- " ? Phon 3 4 tories. Leader of the group,| Hordes of black flies nearly drove mi-Coated".cool BY you ir Moffatt of Norwich, Vt.,|them mad before they were found. 'order NOW., 2 of exposure after two of the Johnny Bourassa, a Grande . canoes were swamped in| Prairie, Alta., bush pilot, disap- % - s of the Dubwawnt river. eared in May, 1951, on a 200-mile HUDSON (od ff ng s reached safety 10 days later. | flight from Bathurst inlet to Sal- June two American army offi-| mita mines. His plane, only slightly and a Canadian school teacher | damaged but far off course, was Fort Churchill for fishing up eventually found. The pilot left a 4 Churchill river. They started/ note saying he had decided to walk n blustery weather in a canoe out of the bush. He was never red by a small outboard en-|found. They never returned. | The countless lakes and miles of 313 ALBERT ST. PHONE RA. 3-4663 t July seven American school-| forests hide the fate of many died in an avalanche on Mount! planes. In January, 1950, the bige | asting Trade iefs Vary MILTON (CP)--An electrical facturing company and the chamber of commerce Fri bresented completely different b to the royal commission or; 2 \ ing trade in Canada. I : x : i nd RT A -------- -- hadian Westinghouse Ltd., in > " ef submitted to the commis . h \ v inder the chairmanship of Mr : | be W. F. Spence, urged that 4 4 ¢ al and Great Lakes trade be > on hd to Canadian vessels in the bst of the Canadian ship build- dustry. Of course it wasn't Simcoe St. then, -- only a clearing in the forest. Indians were only one danger the settlers to this district had to face, | FROM THE HEART TO THE GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST OBJECTIVE: $130,000 the Hamilton Chamber of nerce contended ships of for- registry should be allowed t we in competition with Cana ships. The Westinghouse brie' he elimination of competition cheapest way the Canadan yer can subsidize the shipping try i BEEN EFFICIENT the Chamber of Commerce it was pointed out that ships itish registry have provided nt service at reasonable rates en Great Lakes ports, the imes and Newfoundlond 3. Saunders, secretary of the ber, said extensive plans were way to accommodate larger, s in Hamilton harbor. nilton's tonnage is exceeded 1ada only by that of Montreal 'ancouver, he said. royal commission has held igs throughout Ontario since on the question of reserving il and lake shipping to Cama- uilt ships registered in Can- FOR MORE ABOUT THE DANGERS AND HARD- SHIPS OUR FIRST OSHAWA CITIZENS HAD TO CONTEND WITH READ THE SERIES OF ARTICBES WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 6, SATURDAY NOV- EMBER STH IN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE. These interesting articles will give an authentic ac- count of Oshawa from the first French Trading Post to the present time. Teachers recommend that pupils clip out these interesting articles for a source of material about Oshawa, so that they will be in Yine for good cash prizes, that will be offered for the best scrop books at the end of the 1955.56 school season, 1955 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 4 Honorary President -- Col. R. S. McLaughlin ® Honorary Vice-Presidents -- W. A. Wecker, J. H. Beaton, A. G. Storie, Michael Starr, M.P., T. B. Thomes, M.i..A. Past President -- Murray P, Johnston ® President -- T. L. Wilson © Vice-President -- Frank McCallum ° Secretary-Organizer -- Lew. W. McConkey Treasurer -- J. S. Hughes eo Campaign Manager -- Stanley A. Richardson ° Assistant Campaign Manager -- William C. Paynter. Representative of Oshawa Minisetrial Association--Rev. H. D. Cleverdon Seman ae, : ig Ba or Se; I dion i . English Macinally President of Women's Business and Professional Assoc. -- Miss A. Lawler, Whitby Wm AI Beath LJ D. Friend I ae nat a Mrs. O. President Oshawa District Labor Council -- Gordon Wilson John Brady John G. Geikie lent Oshawa and District Trades and Labor Council -- Dorland Windover +R. Io prs. whe. Hh President Local 222, U.A.W.A. -- Russell McNeil VW: £ Nebie Ciena ved President Central Council of Neighborhood Association -- Chris Mason . D. Stori 5." T." Hopkine Regent of Prince Phillip Chapter 1.0.D.E, -- Mrs. R. B. Smith Sor Bor ge onic Regent of Golden Jubilee Chapter 1.0.D.E.--Mrs. R, C. Day Loyd oe eighton ingly : " PS Norman Daniel Jack Lowry Representative East Whitby Township Roy Brawn Mayor Norman Down Hayden Macdonald BARGE OVERTURNS JENSBURG, N. Y. (AP)--A being used on the St. Law-, Seaway project overturned vift current Thursday anc d two trucks and engineer- juipment in 15 feet of wate Binder of the Morrison-Knud- '0., which is excavating 1, rE, Ergon {he equipment' ean COMMUNITY CHEST OFFICE -- 17 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- PHONE RA 8-8744 DON'T MISS A SINGLE INSTALMENT BY HAVING A CARRIER DELIVER THE TIMES-GAZETTE TO YOUR HOME EACH NIGHT, mmm mm mm -------- --