+ THE DAILY TIMES.-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle Weather Forecast Sunny, clouding over this evening. . Temperatures unchanged. light wind. Low tonight 50, high tomors row 60. TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve. ising. RA 3-3492 All Other Calls. RA 3-3474 » VOL. 84--NO. 244 TWENTY-EIGHT, PAGES lass Mail Price Not Over 5 Cents Per Copy Authorized as Second-C Ottawe HON. MACKINNON PHILLIPS, PROVINCIAL MINISTER OF HEALTH, OFFICIALLY OPENS NEW SEWAGE PLANT | | mm RO URE Th ira HIEVES GRACK SAFE WHITBY TOWNSHIP os Lovell, Ald. O. Eagle, Ald. C. Thomas, Dr. Mackinnon Phillips, Ald. C. Harman. The picture at right shows city engineer Fred Crome showing Dr. Mackinnon Phillips one of the clarification than 80,000 than three service more It took more years . The picture above shows Health Minister Dr. Mac- kinnon Phillips cutting the ribbon to officially open the plant. The A LARGE CROWD of civic ' to | dignitaries and visitors from oth- er municipalities witnessed the opening of the new sewage treat- | ment plant built for the City. The | plant has a capacity for treating more than 6,000,000 gallons of sewage a day and provision has been made for adding duplicate units to the existing plant as re- quired. It will ultimately be able 14 pt th the medium of Salk [thro and ail public and separate school children in Ontario, by next spring speaking at the opening ceremon- jes of the Oshawa Sewage Treat ment Plant. purchased all the Salk vaccine i could last year. In all 750,000 doses were given -- more than any Doomed Villages | Get New Townsite CORNWALL (CP)---Residents of | the villages of Mille Roches and | Moulinette, both doomed to flood- ing by the seaway and power pro- ject, are expected to occupy the new town of Long Sault by the end of 1956. H. D. Rothwell, liaison engineer for Ontario the St. Lawr- ence power project, said Wednes- day work on the new townsite, lo- as a double check cated six miles northwest of her will begin almost immediately. He said plans call for an mediate population of 1,100 with eventual occupancy of 1.600. The planned area will accommodate 3.500 persons and space is pro- vided for almost unlimited ex- pansion. im Lady Alexander, wifé of Can- - ada's former governor-general, examines in Toronto the crest of the Imperial OFder of Daughters of the Empire, held by Mrs, B. | Hydro centre picture shows the official party at the openng: lr, Dr. A. Mackay, C. Cox, Ald. ( Ald. G. Attersley Ald. J .B vy, Ald. J. Dyer, Mi E. White, Mayor Norman Down, Ald J. 00,000 Children Get Salk Vaccine Protection against. poliomyeijtis, Capagian, province. OF fhe 375.0001 If was explained 'that cach year | 1 - (children, each of whom received it to 1,400.000/two innoculations, only one child including all,!showed gigns of polio and the child did not develop paralysis. "This is indeed encouraging, but it was announced here Wednesday we cannot say it was because of] by Hon. Mackinnon Phillips, On-'the innoculations tario minister of health. He was {here was a lower number of cases, paral Mr they and deaths; the Hon Phillips continued. "We have on order that the job will be will be covered." The minister voiced praise the care taken to assure the ad ministration of pure vaccine to On tario children, He said that is taken for anal by the naught Labor sample is forwarded to Ot analysis by the federal authoritie minister Ontario has not experience as the The United States at conducted its own tests bul for some reason, turned the ing over to six cominerc ial firms Why this was done is obscure. This, the is why same States ime units at the new plant. The plant, received 2 4,500,000 The minister said the province gee which will be given before next spring. This work will begin|St fin either December or Januhry so completed| {three months before the polio sea- {son starts in June, One shot will be | given to the children who have al- {ready received two shots and ail {children of pre-school age as well as all primary school-age children of from each batch of 2.000 doses a sample Con- Another commented, had the United one test- Ji its attractive gardens and M & C " f Sn a Si p f th Pp is ric tems mitre ions. See say, VAAN LOINIESSES age 3 > 38S --Times-Gazette Pictures Killing Infant WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Fernand | Amie Desbiens, 28, father of two i children, broke down in the. wit-| TORONTO (CP) he had killed b in. Ontarie-have -been- h fist, ir union that they will not suffer 4 i ia] ghils h ton _Th¢ inquest had been underway of and 15 minutes and Des; was" in the. box 1 more prior fo 1953 the" graph, showing| 2 mivute when Te the member of polio cases,, declin-| Lo! 0 B ed after October 15. That year|1aPhened? crown atiorny ruce ihe Zraph Simbad and there were" .j" hit: Ti * Desbiens 'blurt deaths during the year with 42|,.. : | per cent of the cases having para his throat choked as he began to| lysis. The year 1954 had the small- SO What did you hit him w est number of cases since 1937 with! «1 pit him 'with my fist 210 of which 77 had paralysis. him all over." ' There were nine deaths. "Then the baby didnt fall out Canadian director. yeat there Wepg Feport- of the high chair as you first told d cases of which ad paraly-| police?" gs. There were only four deaths.! "No he didnt," urday last five new cases|plied. had been reported. Three of the The inquest was adjourned and cases involved paralysis. There|Desbiens was taken back into were no deaths | custody. 1-mo] Hi It hospital bills, - "The United Auto. Workers COL} gid Wednesday night if pay the employees' share of Blge Cross hospital insurance and Phy$i- |cians' Service Incorporated cover ed, age for October. Cost to the union ol was said to be $100,000. | The announcement followed dis- ith?" | cussions here between Louis G. the father re. mands at. Oshawa, Toronto, Since WILL GET REBATES Some 4,000 workers in Oshawa ance for October shortly after the strike started, were assured they would receive rebates. ; ~-- The 17,000 ness box Wednesday and Fall oh king General Motors. employees | d Of Blue Cross, PSI employees there have been off fn Oshawa, merchants BER " » x e have Hid off e lo; in industrial plan{s wi [have auto transport drivers. SALES DOWN UAW Men Assured |. | )i Sales in stores have drgpped 10 per cent, the Oshawa Chamber of {Commerce sairl. Main contract negotiations still I hit|Seaton of Detroit, GM's chief ne; are awaiting solutioir of local prob- | gotiator, and George Burt, UAW/lems at Oshawa, where the power- |. ful Local 222 five years mgo suc- | solved. The union seeks in line with that paid by Ford of |Canada and other benefits are lother demands of the UAW. U.S-Red Deadlock On UN Balloting - | By TOM HOGE The picture changed when the UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)--{U.S., over bitter Soviet opposition, Yugoslavia and the Philippines | pushed through a proposal post- were deadlocked again Wednesday poning the Security Council elec-| night in new balloting for a dis-|tion and switching to balloting for| puted Security Council seat, but|the Economic and Social Councii|js to be the citys main weapon in Russia's bid to seat the Belgrade and the Trusteeship Council, a proposed drive against flop Communists appeared crippled by| On the second ballot, Yugoslavia BE i istric an American manoeuvre which found herself elected to ECOSOC houses and the red light digrct, place. the Yugoslavs on another|with 46 votes--seven more than the The by-law to be patterned after key United Nations council. |required margin. No date was set|legislation brought in recently by When voting resumed Wednesday| for voting to resunfe for the Se-lthe reform administration of in the General Assembly, Yugo-|curity Council seat. Mayor Jean Drapeau of Montreal, lavia--backed by both Britain and] Jubilant American the Soviet bloc--was strongly fa-|claimed that Yugoslavia's election department. vored to win, Interest in the out-|to ECOSOC considerably weakened| Under the by-law, owners of |come was keen, since a Philippine her chances for the Security Coun: pouses renting accommodations on defeat would deal a heavy blow tu| A state can serve on both bodies, | less-than-weekly basis to more the United States, who has been|but such distinction is usually re-/than six persons would require a backing the Philippines strongly. |served for the big powers. | licence. The city would be em- After three ballots in whick|. The Yugoslavs had long been a|powered to cancel any licence neither side got the needed two-| candidate for ECOSOC. But after|without stating a reason and there thirds majority, it began to look they received open backing from|would be no appeal from council's like a stand off. On the ninth and both the Russians and Britain for|decision. final ballot of the two-day series, the Security Council* seat, they| Controller Ford Brand said the the Philippines had 3I' votes to| formally announced their candi- pest way of dealing with houses of Yugoslavia's 27. dacy for that spot. ill repute was through the type of 9 Ee by-law adopted - by Montreal. He asked tha{ the city legal depart- ment obtain a copy of Montreal's Toronto Proposes Drive Against City Flop-Houses | circles|is being drawn up by the legal] TORONTO (CP)--A new by-law other objectionable types of accom- id, have been able) sting laws by re! |modations, he said, jlo evade the ex {sorting to all types of trickery. | "The laws have been so badly written that it has been almost {impossible to obtain convictions." | Controller Roy Belyea said coun- | cil should instead of reports." "Everyone i knows is . it what {Street font to visitors." Burt To Visit Oshawa Tonight George Burt CIO United \uto- Workers national director, will vi- sit Oshawa tonight to bring UAW Local 222 membership up to date on negotiations which so far have a health .plan who paid their own and the com-|paid completely by the company. * pany's share of the health insur-| Wage increases to bring the scale/ Jarvis is one of those tourist attractions that are pointed Now in its fifth week, the strike ceeded in winning a contract sep- asked the crown attorney. was called to enforce contract de-| arate from the other four Ontario St.| plants, Local or secondary issues Catharines, London and Windsor. | at the other plants have been re- HELD FOR THEFT One of two Imperial Oil Co. ____! employees charged with theft of $30,080 over a six-year period, William Summerfield, Toronto, was taken into police custody after an audit of the company books. An employee of the com- pany for 38 years, Summerfield was due for retirement pension in five years. Central Press Canadian Classroom Is Damaged So Children Holiday « have ; safescrackers.. 3 : George Farncoinb, Township Official papers from the clerk, indicated fhaj the amount safe littered the office floor, to- of money missing from the torn gether with cheques issued ® the A ate not large, but gave of Township. : ate. ASHE Police officers, led by Corpora¥ Th brass BOX i | Norman McCombe of the Whithy ed meer on no as found smash- | OPP detachment, believe that the ed open fen feet from the safe, with {burglars entered the building. yi A as Jemainin through a south window of the|:. 0. imorovised classroom in: flzssroom, and gained access to ing the clerks office, accom modat. ithe safe by ji he Tae be Re Nas. Cama leading fo the clerks office © "and littered by the thieves. The _ thieves probably escaped he teacher's desk was broken through a back door of the Town: Jacaved ny fonights of drawers shi 2 vac Vi dumped on the floor, and a book- ship hali, which had been pried| ' if] open from the inside. case was riffed. i Experis irom the Attorney-Gen- |eral's crime laboratory have been HUGE FISHERIES notified, and will visit Columbus CAPETOWN (CP) -- A total of {today to make a thorough inspec.|about 650.000 tons of sea-food, not | tion of the East Whitby Township) including whales, harvested an- offce and the blown safe. {nually Tn South African waters SATE SYERTURNED | placed the Unjon among the first e -pound safe was discov-| ishing nations of the world, lered on its back, with the door | the national nutritional council was |peeled upward by she force of the|told by Dr. J. M. Marchand, di- | nitro-glycerine blast. rector of fisheries for the South BULLETIN OTTAWA (CP) -- The Sup- reme Court of Canada will review the bizarre case against convicted murderer Wilbert Coffin Dec. 5. Mother, Child Die In Blaze | IGNACE, Ont. {and one of her six children were burned to death Wednesday when fire destroyed their home. The five other children escaped the flames. The victims were Mrs. John Sto+ | vel, 41, and her two-year-old daugh- ter Gloria Jean. | "'ask for police action A pooriy placed charge could African commerce department. | (CP)--A mother Calls For Clarificati alls [or Llarication | : | by-law to make.sure there are no. . : Sai . 1 | loopholes in Toronto's act. failed NE Cn oats, Teel The fire was started by an ex- . | Mayor Nathan Phillips said he yr. wotiations Plants. fplosion shortly after 8 a.m. hen n Townsend ecul t |had asked the police department. 270" Negotia lons on monetary| 17-year-old George attempted tol d 10Nn [for a report on crime conditions in| S5ues are still held up pending start: a wood stove by using oil.| [the "area aréund Jarvis street, Outcome of Oshawa local talks, The fire spread rapidly through! LONDON (Reuters)--The Royal, the publicity is likely to be- centre of the red light district in which continue today. {the five-room home in this town! § IF amily continued their normaljcome. . . . central Toronto. Secondary issues at St. Cathar- 200 "miles northwest of Fort Wil- round @public duties today, giving| "Let it be ended in jusfice to, "We had.an expose concerning ines, Scarboro, London and Wind-| liam. [no sign of any crisis at court over|the Royal Family and in the inter-|the area two years ago," said Mr. SOF have been completed ISAVED SISTERS | the reported love story of Princess|ests of the institution of mon-|Brand. "We asked for reports then| Nelson Wilson and Ray Larkin a | § Margaret and Peter Townsend archy. . . ." but nothing came of it. Asking for of the top Local 222 negotiating George, badly burned about the But as they prepared to open new| Princess Margaret, Queen Eliza-|Teports in itself accomplishes noth-| team reported to their bargaining ands and face, ran out to notify! hospital, wings and visit schools peth,' the Duke of Edinburgh and|ing." committee at Oshawa -yesterday| neighbors. Sixteen - year - old Ken and universities, a new voice was|the Queen Mother were the dinner| Operators of flop houses and On Progress made during discus-| $8ved his sisters Connie, 6, and added to the demands that the|guesis Wednesday night of the| - sion of individual' plant problems | Patsy. 4. Shirléy, 14, was rescued! true facts of the romance should|Aychhishop of Canterbury and 50]: at the GM parent plants, {by Bill Hamilton. who worked in a be officially told. ; RL : . "Yibishop of Peterborough. 'Lots of cfrik in be nearby garage. h other high ranking Anglican clergy-| chat lots of gossip.' A strike bulletin issued from . ie The Daily Telegraph, influential! men at Lambeth Palace, the arch-| ..., gossip. : (union headquarters following the Mrs. Stovel had left the flaming Conservative. paper. which till now|hishop's London residence Did you discuss anything euf- bargaining committee meeting| home but ran inside again when has kept clear of speculation about] As the ranking prelate of the rently in the nev 4) he was asked. stated: "Brother Larkin fel. thaf|she discovered the baby was sfill the princess and the 41-year-old|charch, which frowns on the re.| . Oh, certainly," Dr. Leeson re-|if the company wold send some|inside, divorced air attache. publishes a marriage of divorced per song Plied, "lots of things. one in to the bargaining table with/ strong editorial headed 'A damag-| whose fofmer mates are living,| He declined to elaborate, Tthe authority to make decisions] fir ng silence " [the archbishop , has become a| Townsend slipped out of his tem- then we could make better pro-|Stovel, an employee of the Ontario | department of highways, was away A little family of the village of Ghonda, near Delhi, is shown awaiting evacuation outside their mud hut, completely st ded by water. Ghonda © the ! first of 500 villages to be inundat- | Calling for an official statement, |central figure in the talk of a|porary London home not long af-|&ress " the paper, which is close to Sir | possible Margaret-Townsend mar-|ter dawn today. It was believed he| Local items listed in: the strike | at the time. Anthony Eden's government, de-|riage. had gone to spend the day riding| bulletin as still in dispute at Osh-| The Stovels moved to Ignace] lares "The longer any element! "We had a very happy evening lat Epsom, where the princes: 'steriawa ve stripping of lines. |2ight years ago. The surviving chil-| par . id one oflin the dav was to open a new "roup overtime anc] ren ¢ being carved for by theiy Dr. Spencer Leeson, hospital wing. thours' of work, and rest periods. |grand-parents in Dryden. Smart, right, national regent of the order. Now visiting Canada with her husband, Lady Alexan- der said "the whole family want to return here some day Central Press Canadian tery Mlowed to linger na f ' 4 y € I 1 inge ful ler statu one of this affair, the more deplorable the guests, embers ne nee youncer. WATER-MIRRORS PLIGHT ed In the worst floods of the ecen- tury to strike Northern India. 175 persons, at least, were re- | ported dead, 8,000 cattle destroy- ! damage to crops reached the $30 ion mark, Central Press Canadian 2