Pep -- ww ~ Fo © coher 17, 1855 7 i : CEREBRAL PALSY SUHUOL AND CLINIC Peppered Combine 'To Raise A Sign SASKATOON (CP)--Sam Smith, | . who farms in the Pike Lake. dis-| [trict 15 miles southwest of here, |had a sign prepared to place on | his property. It read: 'Be a sportsman. Hunt| with permission." | But he never got around to put-| ting it up, he said ruefully as he | reported to RCMP that when he {went out to finish combining his | erop he found his combine peppered to the tune of $500 damage by a .22-calibre rifle. Last year, he said, "sportsmen" shot his tractor radi- ator full of holes, The sign will be in place next year, said Mr. Smth. But it will] #8 carry this legend: 'Hunting pro-|. | hibited." And he says he'll take some measures to see the prohibition is obeyed. ARDS Suggest Talks On Highway Problem OTTAWA (CP)--A new federal- provincial conference is being sug- gested for Ottawa next month to consider problems slowing con- struction of the trans-Canada high- way. The 4,600-mile coast-to-coast rib- bon of pavement was started five years ago but only a little more than one-quarter of the road has been completed. " Works Minister Winters is under- stood to have received general agreement from the provinces when he suggested the highway | conference at the recent federal | provincial fiscal meeting. : WINNERS OF ST. JOHN AMBULANCE CADET AW Canadian Clothes Mark Nationality HOULTON, Me. (CP)--It's easy to spot a Canadian, says an em- ployee of this potato town's farm labor office: Bah b dians are re ble any- { where," he said. "All you have to do is look at the wool in their clothes." "If they aren't wearing wool, take a look at their shoes. If | they're black, the wearer's a Cana- | dian. Another way, apart from the | way they talk, are the jackets they 'wear. If it's one of those blue | The minister, informants said; " |now is writing provincial highway ministers suggesting a November date for the parley. Chief consid: eration would' be renewal of the trans-Canada highway agreement under which the provinces con- struct alloted mileages within their boundaries with the federal treas- . ury splitting the cost. x Collaboration Charge : i e of the man's jobs is to spot Canadian migrant laborers who | head illegally for jobs in Maine! A SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR CEREBRAL PALSY TREATMENTS OMMUNITY CHEST | BOSTON (AP) -- Senator Joseph! you would say he opposed my serebral Palsy Council Is Now Participating Agency eae i Sestimuns Se en elused 10 vwmeilion council in the coming year to add | of Leon J, Kamin, former Harvard| McCarthy's testimony about him. to the services and benefits, so that research aide, with a denounce-| At another point, Bartlett asked these children might receive the ment of Harvard president Nathan McCarthy if he felt Harvard was proper care and treatment close A. Pusey. a Communist sanctuary and he re- td their homes. The Wisconsin Republican de- plied: The Oshawa and District Cere- clared from the witness chair: | 'I am not sure sanctuary is the bral Palsy Parent Council wishes, "I have no respect for a man|right word. There was a statement to make it known that any handi-| who will harbor fifth-amendment| by the Harvard president or some- capped children, whether the case Communists . . . I think a man who one that they would not eliminate be cerebral palsy, polio or any|does this should not be a college fifth - amendment Communists. I other condition, and who might president. Pusey should be ex-/guess that would make them "he Oshawa and District Cere-jrounding district. At the present il Palsy Parent Council is in-|lime, two afternoons each week " i are dewbted to this work. As the ded this year for the first time need for it grows, however, it is one of the agencies participat- hoped that additional time can be in the Greater Oshawa commu- secured in order to increase the y Chest. It was recognized by number of days training each Chest executive as worthy of week, lusion because of the splendid] The Council was able to secure rk which it is doing in the the services of trained personnel ining and treatment of children/to conduct the school and admin- o are afflicted by various types ister physiotherapy treatments. A cerebral palsy large quantity of essential equip- uring the past year, this volun- ment to help the trained personnel r organization has been con-/in the work was either purchased sting a school and clinic at Sim- by the council or donated by inter- Hall for these handicapped ested citizens and groups Idren of Oshawa and the sur-! It is the desire. of the parent potato fields with visitor's permits. | : : ; | | | | | " The charges against Sgt. Alan l . | RA ER Robertson were dismissed Wednes- McCarthy Ends Evidence INSTRUCTION BEING GIVEN IN FIRST AID day. : | : The dismissal still is Subjest to. MU TY HE review by 6th Army Headquarters | Cc n C t t T . ] COM NI C ST in San Francisco: ' n 0 gress- on emp Ilia _ Robertson told of weird opgra- A 1 ( tions by the Chinese in which "pickled lungs and livers from' St. John Ambulance Gives [&i ir aie fo hearts wey: placed in incisions in hd . hd hd our sides and then sewed up." ital Service 1o Community | ese cue dome ue h {operation "was a cure-all that had Lis : ? pi . .lbeen proved in Russia," The science of first aid to the qualified first aiders and the nurs-|Club fairs; and many organized) injured is based on fundamental|ing division of 20 fully trained and picnics and athletic and sports! . principles of practical medi: qualified nurses, assisted by 15/meetings. S dne To Build cine and surgery, a knowledge of nursing cadets. These devoted and (USEFUL TRAINING t] ) 4 Y which, in case of accident and untiring workers in the field of/ The nursing cadet division of- Ry sudden illness, enables trained | first aid are recognized as a Vita ers a youth program for girls New Opera House \ benefit from the equipment and|posed. An educational institution| sanctuary." Be nt i Ci 2 Ee a elie SYDNEY (CP)--The conduetor of treatment, are welcome to attend| which harbors Communists should REFUSED NAMES assis ance Overy 2 prevent ag-|to serve the public on any occa-|baby sitters. The Home Nursing | the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the school and clinic at Simcoe|be exposed." Kamin, now engaged in research [Promote recovery. o die | si Bc oid i gli ife | Sir Eugene Goossens, has some Hall. Pusey opposéd McCarthy when|at Queens University, Kingston,|Sravation of the EY (°F conc iSion on Wialov aco) ents are Skely| course ie Sseful mn everyday life, | aqvise for architects on how, fo. Your contribution to the Greater he successfully sought re-election|Ont., is charged with contempt of igh fe ariva Wh. | ars of the nursing A rn Shear i Cpasic | design opera houses. Speaking at .a Oshawa Community Chest makes to the United States Senate in 1952.| Congress for refusing to name oh or John Ambulance, one|nursing cadet divisions attend the|principles of medicine, while at luncheon of the Royal Australian this Red Feather service possible. , Calvin Bartlett, counsel for Ka-| Communist associates when he tes-| +" co binity Chest agencies, blood donor clinic at the Oshawalthe same time enjoying social con. Lustitute of Architects, he gave the at ------------ | min, asked McCarthy if he had|tified at a Boston hearing in Jan-|°f the Community Chest ag | ! ' ya ihe sa ving | following list of '"'don'ts': ; is the primary sponsor of first aid| General Hospital. At first aid|tacts. used the word 'campaign' in ref- erence to Pusey. McCarthy an- swered in the affirmative, adding: "I think I told you my first contact uary, 1954, of the Senate perman- ent investigations sub - committee which McCarthy then headed. Kamin had admitted he was instruction and practice in Osh-/demonstrations and medical aid| The cost of maintaining St. awa. Junior and senior first aid|posts at fairs, picnics, games and|John services is high. Funds are| courses are held once a week for|races and whenever requested, necessary and for the bulk of these Don't build a round hall ("Theyre a horror to us. The sound rebounds everywhere.') "rom Giant Pile Flows | liver Of Canada's Grain By WALTER GRAY Canadian Press Staff Writer HURCHILL, Man. (CP)--The at pile of concrete and steel that the Churchill grain terminal ids on grey rock thrusting like narled finger into wind-whipped ers of the Hudson's bay- rom its massive storage bins summer has flowed a river of :at. Beneath its shadow the »s of many countries have sed into the bay and over the thern horizon, their holds mmed with Canadian grain. ehind the terminal a town ves. And across the barren ira scientific and military ds seek to solve the mysteries the north. ever before in its 26-year-old ory has the National Harbor rd terminal seen such activity. dismal past is all but forgotten, JACHED IN 1878 wrchill as a port had a miser- childhood. As early as 1878 ove was made to have the fed- government build a railroad Hudson's bay. Promoters ar- i that a shipping route through son strait would save 1,000 s and several handlings in ing wheat to England mstruction of the rail line from Pas, 320 miles northwest of iipeg, to the bay began in 1910 he direction of Nelson, 156 s downcoast from Churchill. steel reached Kettle rapids on Nelson river and stopped there. struction ended in 1917 due to a ime steel shortage. What work done gradually deteriorated an expenditure of some $20,- 00---$14,00C,000 on the line it seven evenings, and home nursing|the ambulance divisions are also|the Brigade must look to the gen- courses are 13 evenings in dura-lon hand. To date, over 50 public|erosity of individuals through the tion. A mixed senior first aid functions were attended this year. Confmunity Chest. Equipment, course is now in progress at the For the past few years, in addi-| supplies, medicine, tion costs Rotary Hall, and this fall's junior|tion to the blood donor clinic, | and transportation for tents and first aid course for boys and girls members of the organization have|equipment are only a few of the has been started. been in attendance at the follow-|items of expense. TWO DIVISIONS ing: | The St. John Ambulance Asso-| must have resonant surfaces.") The St. John Ambulance Associ---| Oshawa Minor Hockey League, ciation earnestly requests that| Don't obstruct the audiences ation in Oshawa is composed of motorcycle races, Home Buildersievery citizen of the community! view of the stage. ("Musicians can | two units. There is the ambulance Fair, Oshawa Fair, Canadian Le-|give generously to the 1955 Red sense audience irritation.) 4 | division of 17 fully -trained and'gion, Lions, Kiwanis and Rotary Feather campaign. | The New South Wales govern- 'ment plans to build Sydney's first' opera house on the shores of Syd; ~ ney harbor. It has started an inter. national competition «for a suitable design. ¢ Don't build a stage with em ceiling, or with cloth hangings.' ("They eat up the sound and the dience gets half what it pays with Pusey was during my cam-/once a Communist, paign in 1952." OPPOSED HIM "Did he oppose your election?" but balked when asked to name others with Red connections. McCarthy was on the stand un- asked Barlett. der cross-examination all day : . McCarthy replied: "He signed a| Thursday. When court adjourned western Canadian farmers and; The wheat is then returned to vicious smear article which was| he left Boston after being advised businessmen JSafled the Opp the the head floor, dropped four floors| approved by The Daily Worker 8)ihat he would not be needed to ay ssociation, persuade e ork a A Communist newspaper). 1 uess' lesti urther. federal government to rehabilitate to the workhouse and then moved] Pap z y the line, abandon development DY conveyer belt to the storage [ plans at Nelson and complete the Pins. The old annex contains 144 S 1 " ° i 4 for.") Don't have thick carpets or thickly upholstered seats. ('You - |. "8 First 1 Phalanger Then 2 Phalangers: Canada feels strongly that unless be confident that Russia's aims| SYDNEY (CP)--For 18 months a broarder raison d'etre for NATO have changed. [cartoonist Eric Joliffe has been is evolved, there is grave danger of| Meanwhile, NATO is ill-equipped the proud owner of a pair. of public support for the ih Russia's peace oh alm, PP phalangers--rare flying squirrels: of grain--a token shipment only--| When the grain is moved to the sailed from Churchill the following ships it is first weighed, then Association, [refused to permit a Negro priest members of the congregation and Sauatian bi hn er his : ve i i i is-! N ---- 3 ¥ voyage. hit an iceberg in Hudson's Pressed for more business for the to celebrate mass. informed politely but in unmis- strait on Oct. 1 and sank. Reper-|Port. It called for greater railway { tends to lean too heavly on the | often startled Joliffe's friends. The federal Rummell said he addressed "with dent 2 Clearly a violation of the ob- gor article 11 for five years," to holding the answer. But she feels hydrogen bomb as a war deterrent,| This week, however, the joke ) e federal government, eyeing sentiments of deep sorrow . . . the ligation of reverence and devotion i re i i " mercial traffic during the Second the increase, authorized construc a_highly-placed Canadian officer|one must be found soon. World War, not to be reopened untii tion of an annex to the terminal the long experience of 27 years of God, regardless of race, regard NATO as an alliance outcroppings of previously - sub- Jolliffe will call the baby Nim line to Churchill. | storage bins, each with a capacity Steel finally reached this port on{%f 33.000 bushels. . Oo Neg Priest NATO Countries Press til September, 1931, that the first/run up a 640-foot incline to the a Jas Py | ° commercial cargo was loaded from |1,460-foot gallery towering over the) NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Arch-| trusted by the Holy See wth the the newly-completed terminal. {berthed vessels. Twenty - three bishop Joseph Francis Rummell|episcopal office. or 1S u ure Veta . has suspended services at the St. the Negro priest at Jesuit Bend. | The first complete shipping sea. SIP olds. | Cecilia Roman Catholic mission at get. 2 and added. son in 1932 ended in disaster. The, A reorganized On-to-the-Bay As- "He was 'approached by several tramp steamer Bright Fan, one of|Sociation, now : vices at Our Lady of Perpetual to celebrate holy mass in that war baby, still has only its armor) Id put pressure on NATO gov- 5 n Joliffe found the phalangers on. gusslons were great but a court of Mail enance ad In 10ST Sr oanized tein church at Delle Cho pe | LT omg By y to, wear despite the thaw in the Soya a uke the hind. oi Sully were outlined at a Jntor | Melville island, north of Dawrin,, i y issi 2 oe international climate. i Stalin' - ' have a proper lookout, Prairies: at St. Joseph mission at Myrtle The only reason alleged for the) tion knit together by Stalin's in here among Canadian, U.S. and|at his Sydney shome. The next few years were as dis- By 1950 Churchill was reacti-|aurocq' the Mississippi river from discharge of his duty was the fact|15 NATO countries feels, as she It is geneally agreed that thel Erilish figures qualified to outline| He takes the phalangers to town { ; ans. that he is a member of the Negro has for some time, that it isn't auses for such concern: are | their respective national views. | with him in his pockets. Their sud- and drought and grasshoppers |annual record for traffic. In 18511 "1, a letter to members of the race." | enough. causes I sul bh ts a ; ruined Canadian crops. The mid-30s! 21 vessels arrived, in 1952, 26; 1953 church and missions, Archbishop| easier to pinpoin an e solu- brought little business to Churchill, '31; 1954, 36; and 1955, 38. "Wek AT less and overseas forces of troups/ female Phalznger fom his pocket color | of ! to the part of the alliance' ; e know we €an coun. 0 'and weapons unnecessary. | to show a friend, a baby phalanger,. F he d loor th Il double the st it To notitation which would provide 1h and United States support on mcs." eoarded as a dangerous Only one ich long, popped out of. "rom the ¢ umping floor the grain wi double e storage capacity |- ---------- | oi 4 a ¥ oT is shot 300 feet up to the head floor| from' 2,500,000 bushels fo 5,000,000. . Hor expansion of the frame ork nq But some 'other countries like Another is that the fixed menace! 'I Was so shocked that I shook . then drops to the scale floor where] Huge machines do most of the Says Nazis Shot known as Jacob Djugashvili, in other ties. flay and France tend to think ,¢ pe cold war made NATO agree. |like a leat, said Joliffe. "I drove i { - » 1941 after the latter was captured Yow Canada is canvassing ideas ptherwise, ment far easier then the present! MY car home OW gear so as not . scale--there is a bank of four--has are pujled into the dumping room Son Of Stalin lon the eastern front. fon how to challenge the Russian a capacity of 3,000 bushels, The where four electrically - operated } I d f ial job d that (aboriginal for little boy. Th weighing operation is completed in|dumpers empty four cars in four, CAMP FRIEDLAND, Germany |the command of traved by such actions as the re-|formed for one special job, an at merged national differences, duties 3 ; e concentration camp. near Berlin | turn of the Porkkala naval base to| When the job has been completed and desires. 2 | mothers Jame is Queei (aboriginal The grain then drops to thé] The new annex, sstarted in 1954, to death in a Nazi concentration: | where Jacob was a prisoner. Finland. {ie their satisfaction, it can go. Yet another is the positive appeal | girl, ' March 29, 1929. The first shipment] MOVEMENT TO SHIPS October. However, it was not un- dropped to four conveyer belts that DISASTROUS START | spouts drop from the gallery to the The letter told of the arrival of s-| : fed By ARCH MacKENZIE i renamed the -Hud- Jesuit Bend because parishioners 10 ships that made the northern Son's Bay Route i s0 reduc ser- ; lantic Treaty Organization, a cold ia Y " Fh oils 4 {port The archbishop also reduced ser- takable language that he was not lantic lrea 8 {alliance being sapped. This in turn go oe a1 reasons fo. its vulper-| °° six inches long. cussions were great but a court of| maintenance and in 1947 organized {and they have since lived happily" Grove. All three churches are unwarranted interference with the] Canada among some other of the transigence. couraging. The depression came vated and since then it has set an New Orle g One is a fear that the public den appearance from a pocket has: The archbishop called the inci-| «we have been beating the drum tions, and Canada makes no claim The port was closed down to com making conventional weapons us| rebounded. When he lifted the first communications of its kind in| which Catholics owe to every priest \ ith NATO said here recently. He 1945. When completed in November it ri ye have bee - nationality." : : : p y during which we ha e been en-'or nationality such matters," said the Canadian. Wb By her pouch; ; |he interviewed Stalin's son, also|include economic, cultural and it is weighed in carload lots. Each|work in the terminal. Grain cars 5 : » "There is a danger that they state of semi-relaxation, with 'its 0 disturb the baby. He said he got the details from peace and goodwill initiative, por- six minutes, { minutes, (AP)--Stalin's son Jacob was shot| workhouse floor where it is again required 17,000 cubic yards of con-|camp in 1945 after he flung him-! Reuschle said Stalin's son appar-| SUPPORT THREATENED {NATO VULNERABLE |facking in NATO compared with dropped to 35 cleaning machines| crete and 950 tons of reinforcing|self on an electrified barbed-wire ently decided to commit suicide] "This doesn't mean much of a| This is regarded as just what such trade and economic groups NEW FARMS on the main floor. These machines, and structural steel, all shipped fence, a returning German war when he heard that the Red army| Russian sacrifice strategically," | the Russians are seeking. It is felt! as the General Agree nent on Up to March, 1955, India's com- and $6,000,000 on port facilities capable of handling 20,000 busheis from England. Its final cost, when| prisoner said today. | was approaching Berlin, "bacause| says the Canadian view. "But itthat the new Moscow mood must| Tariffs and Trade or the Organiza- munity development plan brought elson--was doomed an hour, screen the wheat, remov-/completed in November, is esti: The story was brought back by he was afraid the Russians would| understandably may make a big|be tested and appraised a good tion for European Economic Co-|177,000 acres of new land under t in 1926, an organization of ing all foreign material. mated at $1,700,000. jMaj. Walter Reuschle, who saidikill him for getting captured." _ impact on public opinion." deal longer before the West can operation, fruits and vegetables,