CHILD GUIDANCE Vitamins Are Not Intended To Be Taken as Food Substitute By G. CLEVELAND MYERS |Vitamin C -- ascorbic acid. Like Vitamin pills are plentiful. When they are given to chil-|threat to us. While the average dren or adults, under the doctor's person needs a relatively small| orders, they may prove very use: amount of Vitamin C to protect ful. But pediatricians warn us that him from "this disease, much they can be harmful when given larger quantities are required for otherwise. Furthermore, medical good general health. authorities say that most persons Lemons, oranges, grapefruit get sufficient vitamins from a n¢i= and tomatoes are the best sources) mal diet which includes an ampe of Vitamin C. Rew cabbage, raw| variety of foods. Gin jg |turnip and othey raw vegetables Dependence on vitamin pills|and fruits also" help to furnish has caused S22 pares 1 Ris enough Vitamin C. lax their efforts to provide s ts from great anced diets for their children and ar lagra Jesuits for of eat cultivate good appetites. IU'S 50 vitamin B family, Niacin, Though much easier, they think, to. push jejaor, hag almost vanished from pills into children. FOR GIRLS, BOYS !| beriberi, scurvy is no longer a' WOMEN KEEP IN TRIM A Lull In Slimming Campaign Severe Test Of Dieter's Morale | By IDA JEAN KAIN [this discouraging period you have It's easy to stay with a reducing {what it takes to get down to diet when you're getting results. | healthy, happy normal weight, It THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, October 1, 1955 8 | may feel alone and friendless (so- VITAL MEAL cially) ina hostile world, except EDMONION (CP) -- Variet, is for George. the keynote in packing a lunch for My advice to the family ig tolschool children, says Miss Joyce deal gently with the romance, Lewis, nutritionist witn the Alberta meanwhile providing Peg with|agriculture department. Each pavehiatric help, do five her stabil lunch should contain milk, a fruit ng self-understanding. M. H.. . P (Mary Haworth counsels through|{°" Yeseiable, and a protein food her column, not by mail or per. such as meat, fish, cheese, eggs or sonal interview. Write her in care beans, as well as the bread used {of this newspaper). |for sandwiches. Louw Coton 14 WIZE i "Eati our country, Niacin is essential for| My bulletin Ean ding a 300d health. Rech in this vitamin ems" may 3 self-addressed, stamped envelope, Boo Vesetbies. LA to me in care of this newspaper) tremature igus » Age a Vitamin pills are meant to be Poor growth in children and| used in cases where there has Premature signs of old age may | been a serious lack of vitamin result from deficiency of Vitamin supply, especially in countries | B2 -- riboflavin. Active children where the supply of natural foods is cut down temporarily for one cause or another. NOT AT SUBSTITUTE Seeing the pointer on the scales/may be several weeks before you drop a pound or two each week start to lose again, but if you stay |\keeps morale high and slimming with the program you will lose. resolutions firm. Nothing to it! |MORE PROTEINS But just when you've enthuasti-| Particularly during this lull in| cally figured the date when you'll|losing, it's a good plan to step up be down to beautiful normal weight, |the protein in each of the three |you strike a snag and stop losing. meals. At breakfast, have a second {It's completely baffling. You're on|egg white whipped into the scram- the same diet, and going right|bled egg . .. and cook in a double along stretching and bending--but boiler without added fat. For lunch nothing happens. A few weeks of add a heaping tablespoonful of cot- |this impasse, and naturally you tage cheese and drink a glass of become discourage and disgruntled. buttermilk in the middle of the | It's difficult to account for this/ afternoon. At dinner, have a gen- lull in losing, but it is due to|erous serving of lean meat, but] : lone of three factors or a combina- make sure every speck of fat is 5 Foo tion of all of them. Ahet your|trimmed off. High protein helps a 5 5 i! % calorie intake has heen limited for prevent water retention and stimu- a time, your systém may econo-|lates the system to burn more cal- FRINGED WITH A FLAIR GIRLS who like to wear low long, wide and doubled for extra cut dresses for an evening out | warmth and luxury, It comes in mize and use less fuel. Or it may ories. be merely that you have taken off{ Check to make sure you are not will welcome the new trend to- | solid colors or in two tones. The ward cozy, chic stoles for warm | two tone idea was designed in ithe soft, ng at, and have|dsing too much salt It » not m e . Ps " " k ) , 3 x to give the soli ounds a jolt be- necessary to make a rastic Jeiamine, 4 Je th yr ages, Vitamins," to be had free] Your youngsiers wi] Jove wear; for they get lh ony Or it could|change. Just stop re-salting food includes plenty from the National Dairy Council,|ing 5. outh 1. _ |De water retention. When the tis- at the table. Excess salt can pro-| coverage when driving to a par- | college colors to please the cam- ty at the country club or even pus set. Whether one or two | for getting to their destinations | shaded, the intricately knotted fringe gives a soft finishing and persons who do muscular la- bor need it in large amounts. Milk is its richest source. One quire of milk Fag provide the : . ' : aily needs of this vitamin--a Vitamin pis contain Jy Mia good reason why adults as well as Ds, Or es etitutes for _ the children should drink milk every, natural foods 'which contain vita- dav i products, cheese and ice| ins plus iin minerals, ¢ar roam are also rich in it. So also ohydrates ats. te Medical science has discovered are Dyer po neat, 'and the need of certain yitaming an A vast amount of historical and the dieseas which occur rom scientific information about Vi - # the lack of them. Beriber res tamins appears in a remarkably| By ANNE ADAMS from excessive lack of Vitamin B 4.00 tive booklet, "Ventures, Voy- A SEE a When you write, be sure you address the letter clearly, cor- rectly and completely. Use the initials or first name of the ad- dréssee and include the name of the province ater the city. Where applicable, include zone numbers. Do not forget to put your return address in the top, left hand corner. Always affix adequate post- age. When in doubt, check at your Post Office. from | CANADA POST OFFICE ( Copyrighted ) er" apron, 16 inches long, FOR THE BIRTHDAY Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in| If Monday is your birthday, coins for this pattern (stamps can- Your horoscope indicates that not be accepted) to Daily Times- during the next month and a half| Gazette Household Arts Dept., Osh-| it would be smart to capitalize on awa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, | every available occupational op-| ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. Portunity since the aspects then Order our ALICE BROOKS will be fine for advancement-- ; even though the financial re- Needlecraft Catalogue. Enjoy wards therefrom may not come pages and pages of exciting new|for several months. Prestige can designs -- knitting, crochet, em- be increased, however, and a dis- broidery, iron-ons, toys and novel- play of energy and initiative on| ties! Send 25 cents for your copy|your part could do much to im- of this wonderful book now. press those in a position to aid You'll want to order every design | you. | in it! November and December will | | and enriched cereals and bread; Chicago 6, Ill |applique trim! For little girls --| b i ; 3 i p Co llv » . 7 ©. |sues store water as fat is lost,|long the retention of water in the milk, eat - especially pork am Heres a cute blouse a whirl-| weight remains stationary or even tissues, which postpones the regis- ; i P y Fear | it. Thi ither|trati f weight loss. i ity a! i § | and dried vegetables, such as peas: THE STARS SAY [their shirt as a warm jacket too: [5¢ the 'beginning 'of a diet or after| And do keep on with the shaper. in. 4 City taxi. This one is a nd beans. rersi 2 4 fringed model of jersey and is ! touch to the wrap. a al its from dire lack of overalls in long or short version. yoy have lost some of the excess. uppers. Even though you do. not| sede taini Bhelbl bchun Mo Scurvy results from By ESTRELLITA Pattern 4701: Child's Sizes 2,|But water balance always adjusts/lose a pound over a period of | | | |4, 6. Size 6 overalls 1% yards 35- --then the weight loss which has weeks, you can continue to tone child trends to idealize the reject- ents--on the unconscious theory | FOR TOMORROW : |inch; jacket, 1% yards; blouse 1/been going on right along will reg-'muscles and streamline measure-| ing parent, and to develop a com-/that utmost secrecy was necessary Sunday's outlook is a pleasantiyard: jumper 13% yards. Transfer.|ister in a lump sum on the scales. ments. And one fine day, the stub- lex of self-reproach feelings. And|t ive hi hos : one indeed. Seek relaxation with" mic" nattern easy to use, sim.| Here is a promise. If you haveborn pounds will tart moving p : . Pp : ES, lat i ora g 08k Df a chance loved ones and in congenial sur- ple to sew. is tested for fit, Has What it takes to keep on during'again ... you'll be on your way! | to seek morbidly in all relations at nning love all her own. She iroundings. Make some time, too | a 111 : Me if | ----| for the special acceptance that the { 5 y {complete illustrated instructions. . : : : for study, meditatior and cultural| Send THIRTY - FIVE cents MARY HAWORTH MAI parent denied him--that is, for the EE ------------ pursuits. Remember that time i RAO a solicitious, tender, all protective spent in self-development is never|(35c) in coins (stamps cannot be| i Tot accepted) for this pattern. Print| |care that the infant requires At YOUR EYES and During the evening hours get, plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS P t Sh k A D ht | the same time, he rejec el ¢ hi | as much rest as you can to pre- STYLE NUMBER. aren S a en S aug er a amet del | pare o the work week ahead. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | . for the absolute love that she feels | FOR THE BIRTHDAY : care of Daily Times-Gazette Pat-| Pl M Middl A d M he must have | If tomorrow Is Jou birthday, tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. 1 ans arr y e ge an UNDER STRAIN | | your oroscope cates a oli . | times and effort spent this month| | Dear Mary Haworth: 1 ave a|fection other than providing a] All of which puts the rejected wa in planning for the future -- es- MONEY ON TREES lovely granddaughter, 18, who has|good home and education for her,|child at a sore disadvantage, psy-| Rewritten| pecially where occupational mat-| SUMMERSIDE, P. E. I. (Cp). |fallen in love with a man 23 years| Over the years I've seen her go to| Chologically, during the emotional ters are concerned--will pay off on EHEC Cb on her senior--older than her mother. him wistfully, and try to put her|trials of adolescense--a season of previous [handsomely. This does not mean © ong we rod : pp a w He is her fathers age. . |arms around him--and he would|life that roughly includes the years copyright of that you will achieve immediate. le 5 Pile t 3 an SPOL"| The mother had suspected some-|tell her to run along, he was busy,|from 17 to 22. At best thera are PyRght of} monetary gain, but a spirit of Ct an Susu ° joc : om 2 Tee in thing for several months, as Peg|etc. And she would go to her room| years of stress and strain -- as €. H.Tuck| Jenterprise and initiative dis| 0 2 0 ° oll Shes | had stopped dating and was bored|in tears. He is my son, and more| changes in the self and in all one's Optometrist] played now could elevate you|{He Pass hi a i pili Ay with young people. So, when pinned |than once I've had words with him|relationships are being inexorably 31 King St. E.| | another rung or two on the ladder "°¢ oD feng ever since, with| gown, she told about George (I'll about this, but it did no good. | forced by nature. + Bu | of with financial bene: y er prize, | call him). She said he had wanted] I am very worried and wish you' Now it may be that Peg is in Orava | fits to come later. {to meet her parents but she would would discuss the situation as you retreat from the proposition of] . Phone RA 5-6143 | Personal relationships are un- EDUCATED FANS {not bring him home. _ |see it, for Peg's benefit. Any ad- growing up; that she is making | der fine aspects also and there is| KITCHENER, Ont. (CP)--Wom-| Now the parents have met him|vice you can give us will be wel-| an urgent, compulsive attempt t0|Myopia or near-sighted cases should! a good likelihood that November en's battle for equal rights has and they can't understand his ap- come. -- H. Y. {become "daddy's girl" for keeps, in| 0 oot ottention. All child-| |the centre of some highly stimu- reached the football field here. A veal for Peg. He is just a gra;, CURE SOUGHT |claiming middle-aged George as promp non. Ha {lating social activities. If you are|club has been formed to educate|balding middle-aged man with a| Dear H. Y.: Given the story from ker true love. Possibly she seized ren should be examined yearly whe- single, look for an interesting ro- women on the rules and plays of| mature sophistication that her| the parents' angle, or from Peg's, on him as the cure for anxiety, at|ther trey are wearing glasses orl mantic development during the football so the women can holler|boy friend lack. He is in process of a consultant might more readily a time when she was beginning to, + f the child f | first three months of 1956 and alas pertinently as the men at the|divorce from his wife, ani hasisee beneath the surface of the|fall iiito a depression and with-|"°" The eyes of the child ore form-) possibility of travel during the games. told Peg's mother that he will stay| problem. Your recital seems some- draw from the hearty hubbub of otive developing and therefore are' 4... middle of the mew year wilh tie away ig it is ova. iso. that| how remote from the heart of the the younger crowd's social fe. |constantly changing. f ¢ rm on ay {he won't marry Peg without her|matter--as if you aren't very| " sords, ttachment ialetited, Self assired and highly OF, pop Tat ea family's consent, '1 5 closely in anyone's confidence (Gear hii ume progres! deas and bus - : i \ of " i erisls ness . ' early tans Tromises a better ELL dln bl lig Bh Peal or impression that Peg's| Deurvticyve scnotiohal gris | |THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW |DOWCIry status along with ain the relationship; but she seems infatuation for George lured her| jm in ig teronc losis Prompted Monday's aspects favor routine omance Will dy ave |so madly in love that she would away from - the younger crowd, | ambit lc By ALICE BROOKS Fohiodules Ne I tionally fine aspects between ert Crow Ying >, J winds to| and ftom beau jes age. How-!| i 3 A i s; s : | V e is free. ever, her age an er history of beam LUlsomiing_flower is lini dealing with others. Don't try to Jamar aus Jule bs d il b | FATHER COMPLEX | emotional rejection by her tather| ts. in two shades of glow. force issues and don't insist on| "oot oO rH ay will bel Is it possible Peg has some sort| --maybe by both parents--sug-, temnants, in two Ss of Blow- 4 aving your own way in all things. tic, energetic and en-| of father complex. She has always gest another interpretation of Ing color! Thrilling hostess gift; "pe P. M. favors cultural pur. dowed with great keenness of per- been crazy about her father, and|events. | bazaar best-seller! |suits community affairs and all SePtion. i he has never showed her any af- The sensitive, loving, rejected "of Pattern 7086: Embroidery trans- enterprises designed to improve m= - ---- | | BN BN | fers, directions for making a "flow- the welfare of others. | | ' the - dea Home + # Year -- ST. (Beautiful Brookside Acres) for g-u-i-c-k ... . + » accurate service , ; a) Furnished by: EATON'S OF CANADA LET YOUR * SUITS CLOTHES * TOPCOATS A NEW GLEAM WILL COME INTO YOUR WIFE'S EYES : ss m--aia-- HOURS of INSPECTION -- Sunday ................ 10 AM. to 8 P.M. Saturday ...........,...p 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, " Thursday, Friday ..... 6.30 P.M. to 9 P.M. Wednesday civics... 2 PM. to 9 P.M. Open by Appointment Call RA 5-3539 McCULLOUGH CONSTRUCTION Company Limited 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. TRY OUR * DRESSES * SKIRTS -* TIES * RUGS CASH and CARRY 10% OFF RA 5-3539 | 181 BOND W. RA 3-7143