APPY NEW YEAR » » $ : THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, September 3, W005 ¥ ....5715 > Frank MacKenzie Ross, 64, Vancouver industrialist, has been appointed Heutenant-governor of British Columbia. He 8 Lt.-Gov. Clarence Wallace who | retires in October. = (CP Photo) RAGLAN Mrs. G. Solomon Club Hostess MRS. L. MAHAFFY Correspondent RAGLAN -- S. G, Saywell chose "A Continuation of the Sermon on the Mount for his sermon, om Sunday morning. Church service will be held at 10 a.m. next Sunday. The Willing Workers Club held its September meeting at the home of Mrs. George Solomon on Wed- nesday afternoon. The social part of the afternoon was spent in celebrating with Mrs. Pierson, Mrs. Hambly and Mrs. Robert Bryant, their birthdays which all oceur this week. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly of Mount Forest, Ontario, and daugh- ter, Ruth, and her children, Steven and Paul of Oshawa, visited Mrs. Roy Moon and family Friday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Corner and Grace, and Charles Jackson of Oshawa were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Corner and Evelyn. Oriville Lyle was a Sunday tea west of Mr. and Mrs. Norman irkett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Harrison and family at Oshawa. Wm. Steele was a Thursday sup- per guest with Mrs. Kilpatrick and George at Cedar Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy and boys spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Manns and family at Poft Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn and Clare and Wesley Brawn visited with the former's son, Robert, at Kingston. Mr, and Mrs. George Huntley of Whitby were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. George Solomon and boys. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter nns were Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Manns and boys of BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 90 KING E., OSHAWA MR. & MRS. MAX COLLIS MR. & MRS. MAURICE COLLIS AND FAMILIES Wish All Their Jewish Friends and customers a Happy & Prosperous New Year COMPLIMENTS OF M. Collis Furniture Co. 78 KING STREET WEST PHONE RA 5-0332 Whitby, Mr. and Mes. Tom Bell, Linda and Bob of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manns and girls of Scugeg, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Manns : Me, and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs, F Woods spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Thompson, Leona and Billie. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin White, Port Perry, spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett and family. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Corner and Evelyn spent Monday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. New and Muriel of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele spent Sunday evening with the Brawn family of Mount Carmel. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hope of Oshawa spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Corner. Mr. and Mrs_ Arthur French and family and Mr. Thertell spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Manns and Brian. Mr. and Mrs. MacConroy of Kingston spent Tuesday at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and Mr. J. Evans. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Moon and Mrs. Bridger and girls called on Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crozier at Manchester recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Manns and Brian spent Monday evening at Mr. and Mrs. T. Manns and fam: ily of Scugog. Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Willerton, Ronnie, Larry and Wayne, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mis. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. J. Latimer and Miss Spiers of Toronto were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. J, Porter and Mrs. J. Nash, Oshawa, were Tuesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. T. Manns and chil- dren were Tuesday supper guests |}. of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy and boys. Sorry to hear Mrs, H. Heaps is in hospital. Hope she 'will soon be up and around. : Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Corner and Evelyn were Thursday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon and Mr. C. W. Moon, Seagrave, - called on Mr, and Mrs. Norman Graham of Pickering on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luke and family were visiting friends at Agincourt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy and boys spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ma- haffy. Lorne Stanton, Brooklin, t Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon. Glad to see little Gordon Ma- haffy getting around a little after being laid up with an injured foot. League Of Safety PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE LTD. WISH 'TO EXTEND TO ALL THEIR JEWISH FRIENDS A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 36 SIMCOE N. DIAL RA 3-3612 Tonight, September 16th, the Jewish Community celebrates the "Rosh Hashanah" Festival which marks the inauguration of a new year in the Jewish Calendar. This is also the com- mencement of the "Ten Penitential Days" which culminate in the solemn "Fast of Atonement." The ancient Rabbis invested the New Year Festival with the additional names, "Day of Judgment" and "Day of Remem- brance", thereby signifying that according to the Jewish con- ception the coming of a new year is not an opportunity for excess mirth, but should be considered a welcome occasion for introspection, self-scrutiny and stock-taking. Ld On these solemn days, Jews unite in prayer, thought and medi- tation. The Sacred prayers uttered during the Holy-Day Ser- vices are centred around the theme of the "Brotherhood and Unity of Mankind", pointing into a future when the whole world will be perfected under thé kingdom of the one God, united in the service of the Father of all Mankind. The Jewish Community will specially pray on these most Sacred days in the Jewish Calendar for the health of the Queen, for peace, prosperity and freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of worship and freedom of speech. To Our Jewish Patrons of Oshawa and Vicinity WE EXTEND ' Greetings FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR BURNS Credit Jewellers 32KING ST. WEST Phone RA 3.7022 HEARTY GREETINGS -- and -- © ompliments of the Season To Our Many Jewish Friends Mitchell's Drug Store 9 SIMCOE ST. N. Phone RA 3-3431 'S. EINHORN & DAUGHTER Extend Greetings For a . HAPPY NEW YEAR A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL JEWISH PEOPLE OF OSHAWA AND VICINITY WISHING ONE AND ALL Prosperity and Success A & A SURPLUS STORES 86 SIMCOE N. PHONE RA 5-4462 Wish All Their 'JEWISH FRIENDS and PATRONS A Very Happy -- AND -- Prosperous New Year Compliments of the Season and Future Success and Happiness TO ALL OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS OSHAWA DAIRY LTD. 431 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 5-4719 We Take This Opportunity of Wishing To All Our Jewish Friends "A YEAR OF GOOD HEALTH AND PROSPERITY NESBITT'S LADIES' 33 KING STREET EAST WEAR Extending... Season's Greetings TO ALL MY JEWISH CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS % igh 50 Mill Street Phene RA 3-4631 Gets Road Trophy BANFF Alta. (CP)--The Cana- | dian Good Roads Association an- nual trophy was awarded Wednes- | day te the Ontario. Safety League | for making "an outstanding con- | tribution to the understanding of | roads and streets" during 1954-55, | C. B. Cooper, a GRA director, | said the Ontario Safety League | "was chosen because of the scope and diversity of their campaign for public safety. Their message was , Evaphic and compelling." | JEWISH PEOPLE EVERYWHERE Happiness and Prosperity The Good Wish of FRED'S DRIVE-IN 111 KING ST. WEST PHONE RA 5.2533 MR AND MRS. CROZIER AND FAMILY WISH THEIR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A Happy and Prosperous New Year WE SHALL # EVER READY DURING THE COMING YEAR TO ASSIST YOU IN CHOOSING THE VERY BEST IN QUALITY FURNITURE : 19 CELINA ROYAL HOUSE FURNITURE £0: .. RA 5.5432 To All Our Jewish Friends and Patrons We Extend New Year's Greetings STORE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, SEPT. 17th / OPEN AS USUAL MONDAY GLAZIER'S DEPARTMENT STORE 498 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE RA 5.3411 pe atime, ~ 3 J | i iA