WIRANT HRA wide and four long." Sl SR he iit ate un 2h pu Sah v a a Halifax Is. Hamstrung | vy Defence Facilities 5% DON hoxk jaliow Haligonians little more than vincial and civic goveInmepts. --Canadian P.ess Staff Writer | three hours to leave the city be- But there is still little hope of! HALIFAX (CP) -- Evacuation, fore an actual attack began. {an immediate solution to the Fair-| sole answer to an H.bomb attack REVIVED DEMANDS {view underpass, whire two-lane] on this seaport of 105,000 persons,| The civil defence exercise has traffic is held 'up for hours as cars | is hamstrung by a pair of traffic laid new emphasis on demands by | from the Dutch village road at-| bottlenecks and narrow, winding ratepayers, newspapers and radio t2inrt to merge with waffic along roads to safety. |commentators for improvement of | the Kempt road. Civil defence 'director E. J.|existing routes from the cj The | An application befere the board | Vickery, planning the city's first complaints have been hea bout | of transport commis. ners would | test evacuation Sept. 18, said Hali-|the highways and bottlenecks for double the width of the underpass; fax has no choice but to evacu- more than 10 years. ' to 100 fe€t but observers maintaii| ate the 'pocket handkerchief" pen-| Besides the mile-long Angus L. a vicious right-angle turn from the! insula in the event of nuclear at- Macdonald bridge linking alitax | Kempt road to the Truro highway! tack. with Dartmouth, the city has only would remain. | "The H-bomb can wipe out every-|two exit routes. | Residents along the road wan a thing within a three-mile radius,"| One, which Senator Harold Con- superhighway, bypassing the pres- be said. "Evacuation is a must, be. nolly once called "the climbing, ent roads. There is nv estimate of | cause Halifax is only two miles tortuous St. Margaret's bay road," the cost of such a project. |snakes along to Nova Scotia's south | Possibilities of a superhighway , There is no optimism among men shore. | were explored several years but seeking ways to save lives if an| The Dutch village road joins the no action was taken, apparently be- | air or sea attack should be made! Kempt road at the often-cursed cause of the provincial govern-| on this east .coast naval base, Fairview underpass and twists to-ment's fear that the city would be-| rated as one of the top targets in ward Truro and the New Bruns-|gin annexing land under a law that | the country. wick border. gives it the right to expropriate| LONG INADEQUATE | Along an 11-mile stretch of the five miles in any direction. | "We know our exits aren't ade- Truro highway are 88 side streets| One government source said such | quate,' said Mr. Vickery. "They in a mushrooming suburban area civic action would relegate the! haven't been for 10, 15 or 20 years. that began to sprout as the Hali- | province to mending streets. All we want to find out is how fax population outgrew its land Government sources are Te- many people can be moved ove" area. luctant to discuss either the bottle- what we've got in a given time."| To reach either the Bay or Dutch [necks or the exits, both of which Planners have set "a two-hour village roads motorists must cross were constructed during the 1930s. deadline for the e:odus of 10000 the congested Armdale bridge at| R. W. McColough, executive as- persons Sunday, Sept. 18, four days, the northwest end of the city. |sistant of the department of high. | prior to Canada's largest test evac- Efforts to ease traffic problems ways, said "that's one of the $64] uation from Calgary. have culminated .in plans for a questions' when asked ii th> roads | Mr. Vickery said the country's 265,000 rotary traffic circle with! are adequate for civil defence pur- radar defence line at present would the cost shared equally by pro-iposes. - Impatient Driver Fined For Punch TORONTO (CP) -- An Ottawa Red Chinese Ambassador Proposes High Level Talks |. oo. : GENEVA (AP) -- Red China's munist territory. The Americans | ! Ambassador Wang Ping-rian yes-| also have agreed to facilitate the |2long punched a man in the face terday propostd talks with the departure of Chinese nationals in|in an effort to hurry it up, and United States "'at a higher level." fe U. S. who want to go to Red was fined $10 or 10 days in court esumably between State Secre- ina. is' wn hid Dulles and Premier-Foreign Ang's delegation contended this week on a charge of common Minister Chou En-lai. earlier today that these announce- | 8s5au p The Chinese envoy also de- | ments on the civilians wound up| Doug Thompson, 34, a travelling manded removal of the Western that phase of the negotiations salesman, was convicted of hitting | trade embargo against the Peiping which began Aug. 1. In the confer- | Orliff Schnaufer of suburban Lea- | government. ence's second stage. the ambas- side in the face Monday night. | The U. S. representative in the | sadors are expected to range over Schnaufer said he had stopped for | talks with Wang here, Ambassador the entire field of Red China's eco- |a red light at a downtown inter- U. Alexis Johnson, refused for the nomic and political relations with | section when Thompson got out of ! ee Bb res ---- op Fatal Plunge Into Lounge » NEW YORK (AP) -- A young woman crashed through the glass roof of the Biltmore Hotel's fash- ionable Palm Court at the end of a fatal 24-floor plunge landing in the midst of 150 persons having cocktails and a late lunch. The falling woman hit and seri-/ ously injured a man sitting with his wife the lounge. Ten other persons were cut by flyng glass. | The woman was Miss Mary | Merkle, about 27, of Cleveland. | The young woman dropped from the bathroom window of her suite or from a fire escape outside, po- | lice reported. i Police said Miss Merkle had been despondent after a neryous breakdown and was in New York for medical treatment, Radio-Active Phosphorous Hits Cancer PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Radio- active phosphorus offers a promis- | ing new weapon in the fight against | potentially curable cancers, the | International College of Surgeons | was told. | Dr. Komi Nakayama of Chiba | University Japan, told of using| the radio-active material together | with a special geiger counter, de- veloped for insertion into the hu- | | man esophanus and stomach. The Japanese surgeon said ra- dioactive phosphorus injected into the body of a patient gives off atomic "'signals" which are picked up by the specal geiger counter. This technique. he asserted, has shown to good advantage in the | diagnosing of early--and therefore | potentially curable -- malignancies of the alimentary tract. his own car 'and went over to Schnaufer's Police said Thompson apparently | became impatient with the slow-| moving traffic. i time being to discuss anything but the West. | the repatriation of American civil-| The two envoys met for an hour | jams in jail but says machinery | and 40 minutes today. Although | has been set up so they can ar-|they apparently came to no agree- | range to go home. Twenty-two ment on what to take up next they | others whose release was prom- | agreed to meet again next Tues- ised last week are still in Com-!day Sept. 20. To Name Hotel After Queen In Spite Of Nationalists (CP) -- The 'dividual weging a change la the Mr. Gordon said hundreds of . covered a wide GINGER ALES HUNTERS AMMUNITION nn 59% tw | 35° - I © SHOT GUNS o Noble Pump Gun. Reg. 79.95 Stevens Model 71. Reg. 64.00 Winchester Model 12. Stevens Bolt Reg. 94° Action (3 shot) . . . Canuck Standard Load. ) iad 102.00 ... Reg. 3.00 .. .. RIFLES 50 Winchester Carbine. 09° Hm 18.95 79.50 15% 300 Savage. Reg. 118.00 . 300 Savage 303 British Cooey Bolt Action Repeater Cooley Bolt Action Single 12.95 Winchester Bolt Action Coduy. Bult: Action Single 10.95 30-30 Winchester. . 3.25 SHOT GUN ~ SHELLS Imperial Megnium 7 Reg. 4.00 . 3 Imperial Long Range. Reg. 3.50 . .. Maxum Long Range. Reg. 3° 3.25 . 395 4.00 CLEANING KITS Gun ASSOCIA Duck Decoys DEEKS 79 SIMCO Open Mon. to Sat. till TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY LID. TE STORE E ST. NORTH 6 p.m. -- Fridey till 9 p.m. Peart wor JHe wy Cc ol PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 15, 16.17 ES ------ FEATURE OF THE WEEK! LJ 18-FL 2.33 SPECIAL! 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Cashmere Toilet Tissue ..... 2' id y |) Dr. Bullard's Dog Biscuits se 248. 27: GIANT Blue Cheer ................ he Sa LGE. 39: Palmolive Beauly Soap 2: 25¢ 3.1% 25¢ LoBLAWS COTTAGE BRAND Dated Daily.-| i, SLICED Op UNSLICED 15 I 2 ih 7 oJ 3 of J. ¥ BEA Jol Bol UII 3 -V XS (3 speciaL! CHAMPION SPECIAL! ATI TIT TT) Eg SPECIAL! HAWES FLOOR GLOSS [] WHITE LOBLAWS FRESHLY GROUND Pride of Arabia Coffee LOBLAWS FRESHLY OROUND Two Cup Coffee... SPECIAL! A QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY CherryCake ................... ua = N Guy Lo b lo DONT MISS LOBLAWS = T.V. Show SENSATIONAL PRESENTED BY LOBAWS 1-48. BAG 1-48. BAG HALF -PRICE OFFER ON TRIPLE-THICK HEAVYWEIGHT I Waterless Cookware See display in any Loblaw Ste "for complete details 29. = 75 MONDAY NIGHTS AT 7:30 P.M. OVER CBLT, TORONTO LOBLAWS -- FREE INSULATED BAG WITH EACH PURCHASE Hostess Ice Cream... LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL : Tea Bags 22:39: PINT BRICK SPECIAL! LEAN FRESH Pork Shoulder Redasts SPECIAL! 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