Bleak Atlantic Island Studied By Scientists PTEWARY Moe, bhava heen 4 Press Salt " " . Kom 1s Sospponring tached £ Yr wo days, Omy eg Co 4 yam. Nemeyiser WALIFA% (CF) ~~ The Whew, recovered, of ips " ne 4 Jews whe Ye on the The 7 -#h of tn iT E ¥ A ' SIGNS OF THE TIMES FEE ET y oA, hi Hy oF ( at & " AP Jad 6 THE DALY TIMESGATENTE, Monday, Replomber 15, 19% Editorials Government Making Attempi' 1, dali 7" Soh, (WRapws, (PRN, Rl yc Wudiad hyn "Te port deparisment employees wud Ge. ' oot oA hoses sway - i rei waves and ov A is recording sands wash wr To Forestall Unemployment After much urging which heretofore Bag brought no setion, the federal gov« ernment is prepared 10 Jnuneh & Program tn Yessen the volume of unemployment during the winter months, Labor umons and municipal boties have repeatedly ures ed thet this be done, The Government's program, announced by Minister of Pab- lie Works Winters in a speech at Halifax, is & four-point plan by which it hopes 10 Granpie a maximum number of Jobe during the winter months, 1 is as 1olows jo "Y, Departments and BENE aie 16 MITARES EORGAF on timed to» provide (he maximum smount of work in ihe constriction Programs 2] wldtd Alleritions and repairs on BOYErIIREN Blldings and equipment are 16 Wave the seme Buibni iis AF BE posElly 1 Progurement programe oVernment hye ng from privike dusty sre 10 he prrenged where practicaiie lo cresis mos Winer om Pity reid 4 "4, Ganeritly, Wil departments mid SERcies we tn arrange thelr malls, financial arrange: men's and oiher matters 19 this end." This program is s gesture in the right direction, 1 shows a recognition on the part of government that it ean do some thing to ease sensonsl winter unemploy- ment, But it is only & gesture, It will not slop seasonal unemployment unless ihe other factors in the Cammdian economy which have to do with providing work fol- low # similar policy, and arrange to time as much work as possible for the #lack winter months, This is a mattgr in which government and private enterprise must work together if a satisfaglory solution to he found i Canada's Industry Advances Whe Intest commercial letter of the Can. adinn Bunk gf Commeres Is devoted to A comparison of the Canadian economy of thig year with that of last year, ft is of spatial interest heepiise i indicates that & gold recovery has heen from the slit recession of 1064, It notes that the indwetriagl production compares favorably with that of the two previous years, the average level being five per cent higher than in 1064 or 1054, Bome high spots are noted, Exports to the United Kingdom have Increased cone siderably in the first half of this year, al though they are now meeting with some resigtanee on the ground of price, Kxports to the United Btates and the big increase in the eonstruetion industry are other fas made tors showing improvement, : Vew if any industries exert sueh s wide. spread influence on the Canadian economy as eonstevetion, The performance of this industry in terms of eontraets awarded during the January to July period, at #4» #40 million, and now over the two billion mark, surpassed last year's figures by 3) per cent, This was a major factor in the re. sumption of the upward trend in business, One notable vesult of this hus been as ins erense of 26 per cent in the lumber pro- duetion on Canada's west coast, Also on the bright side is the fact that Canada's wheat crop this yesr is far ahead of Inst year, and should be in the neighbors hood of half a million bushels, All these factors are combining to make 1966 a most propitious yesr for Canadian industry and business, Safety Belts On Automobiles For a considerable Lime there has been (quite a keen discussion of the value of safety belts in sutemobiles ng 4 means of preventing serious or fatal injuries in nue tomohile accidents, In an aiticle on safely factors In nutomoblles which he wrote a few months ago, W, A, Weeker, president af Ceneral Motors of Canada, had somes thing to say on that subject, but at that time there was no definite erystalization of opinion as to thelr value, In fact, safe ty authorities are still engaged In research regarding them, It 18 now announced, however, that safes tv helts and shoulder harness will he op Honal equipment on several makes of ears on thelr 10566 models, Bpecial kits contain. ing factory-approved seul helt components for Chevrolet ears will he made available I'hese kits will offer sales combings through denlers ty belts, or belts and shoulder Bit of Verse DAY OF DAYS She was lovely to see, as she walked up the Alsle, In her gown of satin and bridal lacs With & trusting look on her girlish face And those in the ehirch were wearing a smile As a lovely young hride slowly walked up the aisle No doubt was there, and no worry at all Her future was hagy as sun thro' mist But sweet as roses, hy dewdrops kist fhe walked as if answering young love's eal Of her face, was no doubt, or worry at all May God's hlessing vest an you dear litte hiride On whatever you do, or wherever you go; The Road for Life is nel easy, you know But in perfect happiness you will abide If God's blessing rests an you, dea little bride WYNE BUNNING Bible Thoughts And the dates on our dobuments and papers ale an absurdity I Chelst ds not risen then 1s our preaching val =1 Cop, 18114, . 3 " "y The Daily Timeo-Gazette . Published By ob PINES GASITER PUBLISHERS LIMITED a1 Bias Brest Baulh, Oshawa Daily Tumsatinesiia (Oshawa, Whithy), eambi ing Tis, haws Times (aatabiished Wn And the Whithy Cadkily anf Ohpnntels (pstabiinhed 161, \& pullished daily chnadays ane slakilory halidars axcepled) + dmnhers 80 Canadian Dally Newspaper Publishers As aoribien, The Crandian Pass, Audit Bureau of Circulation, wid the Oniavia Pravineial Dalles Assnslation: The Cane ihn Press Ws sxplusively entitled a the use far Fepublic ation of all news despatohes In Whe paper eredited de | GF 10 The Absnclated Fress ar Heuters, and als the loos) newa published therein, All vights of spuslal deapituhes are alsa Fadi ved TL WILEON, Published and General Manager, M. MoINTYRE HOOD, Manssing Editar Ollens 40 King Steet Weal, Tarania, Onalaniei University Tower Buliiing, Montreal, PW "SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivernd hy carriers in Oshawa, Whithy, Brookiin, Far Pairy, Alas anid Piehoring, nat aver Mie per week, Hy mail tin Pravines sf Onlariel, outside oarvier delivery areas S000, Blanwhers $10.00 por vou DAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR JULY 12,328 tiong, Chrysler and Ford have also ans nounced seat hells as optional items, It will be interesting to note the extent to which motorists take advantages of these options to instal this 'new safety equipment on their ears, Its proponents point to the use of safety bells on PABKEN ger plrevaft as un pattern to follow, On aire eraft, however, the airlines are responsi ble for ite installation, In automobiles, 1¢ will be a matter of the free-will choice of It 18 just possible that few will want Yo he bothered with strapping themselves into the seats of thelr ears and donning shoulder harness, even In the in. terest of thelr own safety, The announces ment that these will he available to those who want them, however, shows that autos mobile manufacturers are anxious to do thelr part in promoting the safety of the motoring publie, Other Editors' Views PRINCE CHARLES 18 RIGHT (handon Vreee Press) Prince Charles was somewhat ehargined when "n entering a train in London, bound tor Portsmouth, he found that "there 1s no engine," IL was an gees frie train, His Hoyal Highness protested that ens fines "ought to puff.' We agree, The trains we travelled in when we were his age puffed, Progress and science will no doubt dietate eleetrie, Diesel or atomie engines, hut for the sake of sentiment and the children they should all be fitted with puffers, hells and olddime whistles, Puff! Puff! Puff! Yoou-oof! ear buyers POTENTIAL DOCTORS (AL, Thomas Times-Journal) Canada has a high vatlo of doctors to the popus lation, while some oountries, parfeularly in the Middle and Far Hast, ave woelully short, Mei University had 1,600 applicants for admission to the medical sehool, and oould only accept 115, As in the ease of food supplies, the medical services are U1 distributed ' CONQUEST OF APPENDICITIN (Hrandon Bun) , The mortality vate from appendicitis has heen res duced hy move than 82 per cent in 18 years, 1s the finding of a Carfadian survey, In 1080, there were 0 deaths for every 1,000 eases af appendieitis, In 1084, there were only two! The ehief threat from appendicitis hin been that of the appendix would rupture and the infection spread throughout the bo dy before the surgeon could operate, Bul the Canad. Ian survey shows that sinne 1980, sven ruplured aps pendices have become 18 times less fatal, Mueh of the evedit for this goes to surgieal 'advances and antihiotio drugs Hike streptomyeln and panblotie, A potent penton combination NO BUTTER SURPLUS (Vietoria, B.C, Times) Actually there is ne butter surplus tn Canada, If Me. Gardiner's price were reduced he would have no trouble selling his butter, Millions of Canadians Are eager to buy It But Me, Gardiner and the dalry industey ave encouraging, indeed compelling the sale of margarine instead of butter when every datrviman in the country regards margarine as the ehiel danger to his prosperity, mat A Tire war | Tum why 9 MAC'S MEDITATIONS Defeats As Steps Pd To Greatness By M, MeINTYRE WOOD We have Just finished reading a hook that has gripped us tremend: ously, 14 18 & novel hy hrving Blone, with the title "Love 1s Vilernsl"" But it 1s more than a novel, If Is the story of the litle of Abraham Lincoln snd his wife, Mary Todd The title is derived trom the three words "Love 1s Elena)" which were engraved Inside thelr wed: ding ring The wlory 1s remarkable in the platurs It gives of the great Amer Gan satesman as & man who overs came adversity, defeat and diy coursgement to reach (he height of fame as the president, who emancipated the slaves in the Units od Biates, Lincoln is desoribed as 8 man of little formal education, whose mother had heen illegitimate, After wandering around looking for work he became a clerk In & general store at New Balem, Illinois, hit It falled, and he was again un employed, He heeame a oandidate for the legislature of Hlinols, but was. defeated, In partnership with anothe man, he went Into business in a store, hut again there was (allure, and he was left with debis whieh took him 1p years to Hguldate, He again van for the leg islature, and this time he was elec! ed, hut when he sought a seat in Congress, he could nol secure nom: Ination Lincoln's career seemed fo he studded wilh defeats, He finally was elecled a congressman, hit heing relegated to the haok benches showed little of his latent powers and he was not renominated, He sought a position as commission or of the land office, hut without scents, Thoroughly discouraged and In low spirits, he was on the paint of aoeepting the Hovernorship of the new Oregon territory, which had heen offered to him, But hig wife, the former Mary Todd of Lexington, Kentucky, would have none of It, Whe argued him info realizing what was hia best hope for the future, He helleved, how ever, that hin political eareer was us # lawyer In Springhield, A few years later, however, he was forced hack into polities on the Issue of slavery, and was 8 candidate {or the US, Bennte, Again he was de fented In 1666 he became allied with the newly-formed Republican portly hut falled to secure the noming tion for vieepresident at the first Republican National Convention In 1668, he again tried lo gel into the Benale, and was again beaten, ELECTED PRESIDENT The slavery lesie was then split ting the country, and Lincoln hes came § lade) in the movement for WA curtailment, In 1560, Republicans nominated him president, and he wis aleelod The rest of the story Is history The secession of seven southern slates determined to malutain slay ory precipitated the disastrous eivil war, whieh began with a series of defeats for the union armies In the midst of i, on January 1, IW, he issued his historic Emancipation proclamation, freeing all slaves in the United Biates, In 10664, he was nominated for a second term hit the war had heen going so hadly that his defeat seemed cer tain, Thanks to a series of striking Union vietories at the erueial me ment of the campaign, he was rv elected, winning every stale except New Jersey, Delaware and Ken tueky, He was not long to enjoy the fruits of his victory, On April 14 1808, while attending a theatgionl performance, he was asshssinaled wy John Wilkes Booth, who shol him In the hack of the head It is a great story of a humble man rising above untoward ely cumstances, undeterred by many defeats, sethacks and discourage ments, to hecome one of the great est men of all time, 11 Is hard to say what the course of history in the United Blates might have been had Lincoln allowed all his defeats to send him back into ohseurity And as we read the story, we vealiged an never hefore the part which his wife played in keeping him on the course whieh led fo the for ended and was ready to settle downhils eventual greatness U.S. GALLUP POLL 'Want New Safety Devices By AMERICAN INNTITUTE WW PUBLIC OPINIGN PRINCETON, NJ Memo to the automobile industry: The big gest improvement in the 1056 ears that could he made, In the eyes of the UB, public, would he to make them safer Among adults questioned in a nurvey , the Institute, making the new 10868 models safe to drive and to ride in 18 mentioned by als most four times the number who call attention to any other im» provements they would like to see, renter horsepower or higher speeds were hardly mentioned A little Wore than halt of the persons questioned sald They coyldn'l think of any improve ments or "that they didn't yelish the idea of top much Improvement aver (he present models Here's the eation that the pub le wan ake SWanld: you like to see any im provements made in the new {L1) oars next year!" Aalely Improvements Lh L) Quality ! Mechanieal Appearance Lower price Other Can't say, none hi . 110% The table adds to more than 100 pereent hevause HOME PETABIA mentioned more (haw one im provement, As Top Car Improvement Apart from new wafely devices, men would place the most empha win on quality, meehanioal ehanges and lower price as features of the 1066 models Next (0 safety ime provements, women would emph Aklge appearance Npecitle Improvements salon paloty linen that were mentioned were such things as improved windshield vision, hetter hrakes, hotter steering mechanivms, safes ty belts, automatie Hght dimmers, rubber bumpers, speed governors and to make difeolisn signals niandard eqiipment on all new Cars, Loss chromium, prettier colors and wmaller and narvower ears were frequently mentioned as ap PERFANGE Improvements, Under mechanioal factors were such. things an reduced horsepow er, hetter shooli abuorbers in make all cara with only six eylin ders and to make the new models saqueakproot ' Quality factors gan mileage, hetier more durable body and smoother motors In a July. survey, the Tnatifule found that 40 pereent of the publie thought safety belts should be lus stalled In all new cars as a mehns of vetueing traffio Injuries and roughly the same number said they would ar them while vig ng In a oan World Copy eluded hotler materials, construction ! Flight Reserved 3 "MAC'S MUSINGS Al long last we have Been able to travel Uptown to the business Pection snd 1 has been A raul thrill to walk Around that section as We went shopping, snd To meet again so many Good friends whom we Have not seen (or months And ws we have staried Yo fet around again We have heen amazed Al the signs of progress Wherever we have heen, The new places of business, The extensions being built To stores ana schools, And the Improvements To .our ely strests, Probably if we had not Been Iald snide for » fine months, we would : ol have bon ho much mpressed hy these chan, wil we have noted with oh Interest how the (nee of Our eity Is being lifted, Just heoause we have not Been there to see them Coming into being, Now we can understand As never before how mueh People have heen away From Oshawa for some years Must he impressed with The changes in our ely Bince last they saw I, And when we look hack I'o Oshawn as we first Know It 40 years ago We are staggered " he Progress that has heen Made In that time, and That makes us wonder What kind of a ety We will have in Another 256 years, BYGONE DAYS 18 YEARS AGO Mary Cowie, Whithy, obtained first class honors in all of the eloven Grade 13 examinations that she (ried Mayor J, €, Anderson's grand father, Jacob Anderson, oelebrats ed his 04th birthday at the home of hig son Rev, T, H, P, Ander: won, Bond street eas! Mra, Long, treasurer of Christ Church Guild, was given a fare well party at the home of Mr, Carman Lott, Mrs, Long was tf: Ing up residence in Peterborough, A new honor roll of enlisted me) win hung on the back wall of Baint's Anglican Chureh in Whithy, City counell began war on: the gambling machines, His Worship Mayor C, Anderson said they corrupted the youth The Ontario Regiment Band, une der the haton of Handmaster J, Hroadhent, won the Class A Band championship at the CNE for the third successive time, thereby tak: ing permanent possession of the Hoare and Hon Challenge Cup, Mew. William Blight, Columbus, velebrated hor Bird birthday at the home of her daughter, Mra William Brummell, Mes. Emma J. Cornish, Taunton, died in her With year Lance Neath won the shorthorn cattle Judging award at the ONE Private Robert Cronk, well known Oshawa resident, was killed in on automobile aceldent in Eng lane : HG INDUCKMENTN WHEETON-SUPKR-MARE, Eng fund (CP Offlolals of this Bom ppaet town will give free parking SENT FEE 1 w QUEEN'S PARK : Fit when bu Wh lonboise vat Voom 998 [0 nd toi, Een = rvere 16 shoes HE whe ind 4 i we There "Zeb Janes Wins Credit For Park By DON OVREARN Specinl Correspondent To The TimesGinueile TORONTO There will he at least two smiling faces st the session, CB, 70" Janes of Lambion West should have » grin for everyone. The velersn eam paigner finally won his fight to have the government exproprl sie the Pinery, on the shores of ,prpesding the swe: Lake Huron, for n provincial park ah Jo the bulk of the eredit, 'office the next day, Two And Art Child con smirk mn " told-youny' i he wishes for mer Hamilion sthiete has many pages of Hansard filled with his pleas on behalf of safety belts for i ios, Yor a while he was tranted as a crank, bit now safety halts are begining to be sccepled by the public, snd have sven n adopted by the B.C, government for is a oars, Nn if Rev, AW, Downer Is the new spanker, the most disconsolate man in the house will he W, J, "Bill" Stewart, former Toronto mayor and P.C, member for Parkdale, Bil) will be the last man on the gov- ernment side who has heen in the howse since 1087 and len't either » retired cabinet minister or holding down 8 Job, He was speaker for a few year's in the 40's, bul has heen overlooked In eabipet vacan- wie There aren't mang of the 'M ward left, Premier Vrost, George hunber, George Doucett, Col, Tom art Farquhar Oliver and " the Liberal side. hinet appointments --- A Tr «Was using the Not so at all, Pere says Sittgrems tha appointments were 10 men involved One minister didy't Know being chan, the enh meet mi 1d he would be Inter he was still & bit 4 new of the MAKES right hand grimly tueked sway In a special fitting, he was An other was told only the night be fore the change, TRANS CANADA it Wi em Ottawa is upsell mind and well) plans Ottawa has heen so insistent thet work proceed on the trans highways that it hes and particularly the north, Work dons on the trans means work that can't be other districts, snd the has been receiving many TH in thelr Engl op ot win: A power suk Hoppa he a : artieularly from loesl A hurry and do the work ridings that was promised Ia tor NOT "SPEED" And a word of "ere Biekell, registrar of motor vey Ww at Bi. 0 remains of combatants in In North SRA ri atte very great vehicles, Some time ago 0 # handed comment on safely program we theme is quite It is "Hurry wil FOR BETTER HEALTH Sanitizing Articles Used In Sick Rooms By HERMAN N, BUNDESEN, MD Tuness in the family means lenty of extra work for the poor omemaker, And if that Yiness Is contagious It doubles your chores One of Jour Rrimery concerns of course is to keep other mem: hers of your family from eatehing the disenss whatever it may he This means sanitizing eating and drinking utensils used in the alek room, SANITIZING AGENT Iodine makes a simple and of fective sanitising agent, ¥ivst, scrape and wash the dish. of, cups, glasses, knives forks and POONA hen rinse them for 10 seconds In walter between 150 and 170 degrees ¥, Sanitization Is completed by im. mersing them for one second in an lodine solution, To make this solution, mix one teaspoonful of two per cont lodine Solution or lodine Tincture to a pint of water, Generally such 'a solution will maintain sufficient strength for us after all three meals, DEEP COLOR You'll probably he able to Judge th Heit preity well by the polor, Bolutions strong enough for panitization vange in color from deep amber to yellow, Solutions too greatly diluted to do much good usually are pale yellow, Preparation of an lodine solution In qulek od easy and will have you both time and work, A THE DRUG FTORE You ean get the proper lodine tincture of solution at your drug store, Maybe you have a bottle in our medicine cabinet right now, ake sure, though, that you use FAIRBANK PLATFORM ith rubher 1 hen y y Heaney ator Weloht | Fone of wid od FR ta Arta os LR LL] apace, deck chairs and a 80 per * oont reduction in charges for eon corte, dances, putting greens, fen nla and Indoor Swimming 0 avery Visor hooking A week's Accom modation in October, the two per cent mixture, not the on CN oh PRESSURE ways Minister Jim Allan is wenring a frown these days i id be because pressure his pence common seven per cent tincture, And don't worry shout your wten treniments with the proper solution shouldn't sils, Even repeated harm them, QUENTION AND ANSWER M.L.: What would cause a man's breast to swell and shoulder and arm on the left side to pain? Answer; Swelling of the breast may come from a variety of esus os, such as an Infection or & tu: Pressure on nerves produce the pain In the shoulder mor and arms You are In need of thorough study hy a physician to find the cause for the trouble before proper trentment could he earvied out WORSE THUAN EARTCOTE, gland Brian Prior was preparin paint his house In this EVER (cp 0 re: dlesex own when flames from his blow: toreh set tire to the roof and de: stroyed it, i NEED PATIENCE LONDON (CP = Four members of the Wembie, -- Round Table ih thelr three game with four A fablors 1s drawing ar-old chess round: a close, Con: teatants mall thelr moves and walt weeks for the reply, al new lesated of Diol RA 5-3525 RALPH §. JONES | Barrister and Solicitor 65 SIMCOE §T, §, S-MORSE TRUCK luty ball hearing wheel rh of f rhoek cary of the cloe nd W The in that, -------- could The clogk until he walked into Ba Inte Sonne % ihe goin, He was of moving nto * ful of of . rt, was bullet J fam "e #1 ily, i'n The early Charpent clock pling 4 C harks 1 sna, was hall finished, ries, who sentenc. lore the infamous J «4 hm his right hand cut off, f Charpentier finished the Intrie ond "ns hen he fini skeleton of ished Lansds special fitting as » gri inder isrupted 10 his Sescendants," m rom programs all through the provines 'The Charpent d the clock 1 ham K da when they y+] br Asm t settled 0 years ADDED THRILL CLEETHORPES, ot a fun fair ire resort, Hol to J.P. ors escaped slong catwalks, (CF) = Construction wi ANCIENT WARRIORS NORTON. ONTERS, Whe belle, several wkel wi " ay Ww tor Sept. 25th, 1955 id Fa C RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sunday ANADIAN CANADIAN PACIFIC NATIONAL ree -- LOANS for down payment . on a home to pay oll your debhs LOANS to repair == or buy & sor LOANS to remodel your home LOANS for any weeful purpose You ressive Monthly payments 100 |. 300 a LE 510.68 1000 , .... 1500 2 RR Ma . yy - i" endorsers or bankable ae FINANCE Ltd. amounts te $50 to $5000 17 Simcoe St, N, RA 5.654) Toon Saturdays Hi 1 \ Wednesday Mh 9 fv