+r MRS, HARRY CLEMENS Doll Made By Oshawa Woman Wins Honorable Mention At CNE| (Styles Of London, Paris, New York! Modified To Meet Canadian Taste | oT egy "a kpyed ea iurs mt vite flr rr] haf wd suis of Mr i seey rom heck oy wes' sre mime Son & EI Ri irl # , wid lo the ore 1s foe 0 rene, i Ton a Bewtowna' besrime £1 he tink a aun | Vor enn / (ded 4 : ys prvey of 160 bags wil Port toni wy ogg Vivi B io fon as (#4 pnd Gark ol ¥: | oh bids comiorm 16 the bod) Tonoms Ud tens rong A wie oh Ae Wong enon head the Vi! mere or sis and Aresses i, awiion thers ws designed for the a cot i vt {7h wane 16 he coupiry Enon md fin om Wi rolled mo one pov ig AR Coma, sop! Cons | ed 1 aw Bing # AES, Sega, "ierimmion engl' £9 went, A Hille longer th tha ierinn skirt, this gently whol the nk Hels pre 4oy, reer, the head wh eseweiied Rooms ww wee fanipring » Pow Wn wishes | oo, but Lthing is the "emghon hl,' on the 0d | mgr DRAKE Wakao why back on the he wii portion for the cgnon A | nd with # ow! top seller tor 160) Conte wit Fon Reasssones, welry me CRI Breeh trimmed with ir haliness colors in feathred with ones nd urges Loved By Hi-Crowd (Bays Teacher Status, Must Be Raised Plat-Heeled Shoes an Bo Que Sosd) ol ne yen "Wows, Wack and navy ae or, in Helin, siraighidine sits and skirts sre oli the thing this 1a), with own shades I mina Ing Karian's are especislly poplar in Nova Beotia AM GQuehee Chly, main fall stra Hons are tweedy conls and sills trimmed with Persian 16mh, mink na sabre), Thrssplece sully with long ited Jackets, shirts ana blouses, are populsr, Dresses fol low the A snd WH Vines shown In Parle, and come In wool, velvet and novelty bend fabrics Fashion experts predict Mont raul tien will he WEARING (Wo #8 this year ~ the SP AS A 4 7 Yen | 1s Mill the style leader and vwarmih | look'! he 2 the Aogk, meaning nav ) 18" the thing demanded of cols BRR is 8 NOVEL VARRICH with gold snd mislile thread man-made furs, and the time, ng lorsa Gress mre heing ven hg ay In sore windows Top ehovs are Wwown, ss in mow other pace, with all ones of wid, copper and yellow, Bits of purple and red have sls crop Vhenson quills are making their RopeRrance is hal trim and Wie hoy caps and herels pre popiler As vei the Adine In dreses And stills has nd made mush Impact on Winnipeg Edmonton merchants expect Lulothes buying bonsnis this yenr Fhey predict Wack, then brown, A favored fall colors, The sheah Hing | | | Thomson i cg | | In 8, George's Anghioan Church | } gi i * WEDDING TRIP TO NEW BRUNSWICK the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, By Aney Andrews of Oshawa and the bridegroom 1s the son of Mr. md Mrs, Thomes of Jong's County, New Bruns wiek Ireland Pietured at the reception fobs lowing thelr marviage recently fre Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Cuirng The hides, the former Miss Ruth Evelyn Andrews, Is Phote hy Pietured shove with one of the | dressed, Is Mrs, Harey Clemens 214 Rusholme road Tovanto, as the hest-dressed Bridal Doll In the other five ealegories, fou many dolls she has made | of the winners were Ontario resi Albert Street, who has received an the fifth from British Honorable Mention in the Canadian | dents National Exhibition Doll Dyessing | Calimbia competition. 'The prize doll 1s in| Mrs. Belva Miller, of Toronin, Class 4, Best Workmanship (sew: won first Hing in the Bahy Dolls in Dressing Class, Mrs Millers ory fir Clemens models the heads | came mp ie with & finelyem: and Yands in plasticene; makes | broidered hahy dress, a petticont & plaster cast of the model, and|la match, diapers snd rubber pan from the hollow mould makes a | thes head of plastic wood which shel A twodaced doll beguiled the finally paints, The doll she 1s hold: | judges and won first M we in Best ing 5 & pretty blonde Ukrainian Work manahin (Sewing) flor Mes wl in oa red satin skirt and ved | Louise Price of Toronte, This ele Fons verly-designed doll has two eon "Fhe one | sent to the A ranting faces sewn hack Wo hack ton 18 much fore glahorate," Mrs | A erocheled "Barbara Ann Seolt Clements explained, "The skirt and | won first prise for Mrs, € Goods house are embroider #nd 1 man of Toronto in the Best Work: hreafied fprans of tiny heads (or | juanship-- (crocheting or knitting an, nee 4 Aon m class) OF the Many URLs wi ie d y dolls subi the de ine | 11 the [filar ig NINOS fhe wolf)eieney Gul ] fi the entry of Mrs Argarel Bh nin i imple With lquist of Langley, B.C. as the Mos! hadues lanyard, and tie, has as alot 01, Daf, pnt 150 0 i" entepl 4 | " 8, Clothes were made of hand-painted ( Au Bid , leather, A doll, dressed lo Pei thre sont the parting Age of the | In Class 6, a hahy doll wearing | WAS EIVEn an Simon able Mention | in this elass The bridal dolls, which came from every pravinee of Canada auinumbered all other entries 1a | this highly popular eompetition The judges ve. Elsa Harvey, who awns her own doll shop; Mrs ivy Clarke, of Chatelaine Maga and Mes, Fern Laxton, a fa: | designer--choge the entry ine whinn sihmitied { Lo mp of all the entrants for this class, Miss k or nol # heautifully knitted, woollen dress Miss Lugille Ontario, Like iwiee fo Tavistock, won Hirst emp 1s totally blind All the dolls entered In the com petition whether prise-winnevs will he on display, nd floor of the Coliseum during Bx hibition And at Christmas, (hey will he distributed as gs lo un Ww Miss Pauline Miles derprivileged children While Hubby Does The Driving Wifey Should Watch Safety Aids Men may do most of the em driving, But with perhaps the year's peak period of hghway traffie coming up, women Should remember that they tan ean help avold aeeldents Bao nays Mrs. Allan Turner Bone president of the National Counell of Women of Canada Vacation time 18 nearly aver now," she pointed out taday and peaple will soon he starting to elose thelr summer amps Childpen will he going hack lo nehonl, And the Labor Day week end 1s not far away "Phin means that Jrohably more oars than ever hefore will soon he travelling on Canadian Mghways "Women should remember they are not simply passengers," Mis Turner Bone warned, "A ear dr ver is se intent an iriving that there are many safely aids he averlnoks, These a woman ean al tend tn" Bho offered these six rules, ad dressed exclusively ta the wom enfolk Make sire the ear doors locked, I's good precaition Stratford Highest For This Season ETRATFORD, Ont. (EF) = Al tendanés at the ninth and tina week of this A) rathor Ahakespearian festival was esti mated at 1.080 hy bax-offiee man ager Rie ard Bulterfielq. The week's figure was highest of the season, With nine instead of the usual eight performances, Al tgndance was about 8 per cont of capapity Aceurate Hgures for total at wre and tondance this seaman are nol ye! may save children from & nasty fa Prevent the ohildeen from dis tracting the driver; he may he negotiating a teieky turn, And keep them from fiddling with door han dies and pushing buttons Boe that the driver stops for a up of strani coffee or some othey alertness heverage every 100 miles ar #0, and to streteh Ws lems, If you'll he foveling where restau ants and luneh counters are few and far hetween, hrew a pot al home and earry the heverage in a vacuum hottle, Don't forget the ehildren:." (another flask, with milk, feed water or one of (he sweetened home drinks, for them Give the driver a break, If you are a licensed driver, take a spell | ¥ #t the wheel yoursell ogoaslonally Don't ask the driver ta open the windows If the air the car gels stale, Open than Foupselt Converaation nea Hmitpd amount of i Weng keep | driver alert, But don't diseuss Warrisame things, And above all, lose the argument (han distraet the driver al the wheel a DERRIS KILLA BOY ATROUDRBURG, Pa, (AP)=Fly ing debris from a dynamited bridge ahutment fatally injured Jon Ketter, 16, Thursday and injured |¢ five others, Lely Ing four ohildren, The dynam A anchelng done In PROPATALID oF the erection of a new bride to replace a structure aver the Poconos ereek damaged hy the floods, available, Mr Butterfield said, But he said it is sxpected tn be around ihe 102,000 mark, somewhat lower (han last season, when 197,204 peaple attended LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANGNG Ballet, Tap, Tee, Character, Baten, Registration: Sab, Sept, at the Masenie Temple, Contre $i Information: Dial Residence RA 3.7253 Pre-School, Ind, wl pm 10 am, Sleek Hair Styles | Plastic Is Handy For Rooting Slips Amnteur gardensrs can lake ron | Exposing The Ears Headlines For Fall | The first thing you ten do--and the easiest-«ahoil getting into Ihe fashion pleture fo all 18 1a change your halrdo This year, hair 1s worn long m as you lke it, Bit whatever the length, there's esi curl move | he soft wave snd shaping to the wad than the studied ringlel, And are are showing, , completely aven to the top of the ear heing ight out in the open Made to order for the new eof {tures 16 the newer type of pin eur! home permanent, Quicker move lasting, yet soft and never too erly', this new pingulek wave depends on # neutralizer to { | lauk In the curl that's Si | make them shining and tractable | "ROSYCHEEKS' Bonny Ville daughter of My old Yast month, Her and Mes, Blanley George Ba ants are Mi And Mrs, Krnest O Argecnt and Mrs, Vrederiok geant, Central Park Blvd, South, | gio ogholf, all of Oshawas Is Maryanne wha was one year Howard Swinson Weds In England Bix celebrities of the English stage were present at the wedding this summer of Miss Joyee Hawkes and Mr, Howard Bwinson, son ol Mr, and Mes, William Bwinson of a | Othawy The eouple met while appearing together In the same Show at Clacton-on-Bea, England, wo years ago The wedding took tonon-Bea with the Higgins officiating The bride, the only daughtey of Fo and Mra V., Hawkes of] the Gelsha Hotel, Clacton, was gl ven In marriage hy her father wore 8 white nylon nel gown with Ma of CGuipure lage, Bhe op nk roses, orehids and lilies of ihe valley was bridesmaids Mr, Bwingon 15 part of comedy sel Authors and Bwinsoy An F, Barry Authors, alse of Oshawa, was the heat man EAE the service a aneelal hymn was dedieated to the bride groom's parents who were unahle tn Attend the ceremony A reception was held at the | Gelaha Hotel and the haneymonn Wis Spe al Jersey In the Chan grandpar BLACKENED BROWNS New hrowns without the hot, un flattering look of the milk ehoeo late browns of yesteryear, Black ened down frequently worn With - hlagk accessories, Lipstick with just a trace of coral Is best red flare to aecen) a cham pagne helge foundation and pow: ey lace al Clac Heverend Mi in the ow | venient 25¢'PACKAOH SE ---- 0GUE YO Attended hy three the ne CR Dridegroom's parents, ho hers and sisters spoke hy tele phone to the couple durin glhe re oeption, and, Mrs, Bwinson will he returning to Canada this autumn we Make Loans n To CONTE AILS » Raduee monthly payments , eloan up Ws and have mare cash left aver each month with a Bill Cansali dation loan here, Employed men and wines martied or singlas=oan phone frst far loan an Nest visi, Write oF come in faday HL mare convenient Aonns B50 te 1700 ar mane _ KXAMPLES OF LOANS hg 15 he Tr LLE.L) I TT Wit, [#18 [820 | 840 Abas parmant saves wr aipihing! Foon § Papmaniy fad inheiwasn WARNE BI0 IN ARRIBA (Can) PD PL 20) Te! RETNEN TS SSL) Rrsonal fad Fly, 114 SIMOOR BY, N, (Over Bank of Nova Seotln), OBNAWA one: NA $4007 « Ask for the YES MANager OPEN EVENINGS RY APPOINTMENT «- PHONE FOR EVENING HOUR Loans wade tn snidonts of ol srounding towns + Pasonl Finanee Company of Canada fo last, Best part of all is tht {you ean §0 out In the sum wile || {your wave ds taking, , or use a | dyyer to hasten the process, Most uli WRYES, B8 you know, can't he iuhjected to sunlight or artificial heat during the waving process At least two weeky' before you ive yourself a new pin-quick per tip from hortleuliurists st the Cen rel anperimental farm in Otawn Polythene grocery bags come in handy when you srs sLariing roots on plant or shrub eutbings The method is quits simple, When propagating shrubs, make » long sloping cut in & vigorous stem and hold i open hy Inserting a small chip, Dust a little root stim winling powder on the wound and pack a handful of slightly moist APNE Enum Ions ony Becure with raffia or string Now, ent an eight or ninedneh auare from a polythene grocery hag, Wrap the square tight) aroind the moss with the A tied shove and helow the wound The polythene film conserves nalsture, st whme al. | pond ne Hanes the LL] a prevent heating and growl mold The transparent plastie also lets you see what's going on Inside Aller the cut branch has sent roots into the mons (this takes shout six weeks) cul Moff below the wound wanent, do give your hair the wenelit of 8 wonderful hair repay datment that will soften and "fapl" the suAdurned ends, end and plant as un new shih damaged haly lously responds miraew again, This hair vepalr treatment formerly was obtainable only In| an expensive New York salon wow Is easy, delightiulAotise mix ture of vieh olls 1s available for me use, Pul on halr repair | while you've around the house on # morning, don your bathing cap fo generate a little heat; then wash oul with an egg creme Skill has been o tradition with us for ever a quarter of a century, LEWIS OPTOMETRISTS J KING 57, & RA 5.0444 shampoo, ¥ven the most summer | 4 You com ir Wp (oun lowe add am extra noom witha B oh M Howe proud wed Loan Cee... MY HANI 2 i apy tnd ur 0 but the Graham wd Min Janice Crahsm oa, Murr ad her +4 , Who have A psn of Summer nek, i he "oe from New No in where Maineson My Ai win. 4 rs, ind : mp § Ble, Marie, North Bay, "i Wiha. USA inky =] Li for "oe fret din A and ask for the | oslal Department, SWEET EARFUL New hairdos show the whole enr--~the halr eaught over and he top oar, by IX yy RN di il i ~ ~ : ¥ i= jis 4 ik if} Er § i : : : § i ES if 1 i LY il ~ Originally te 39.95 $14.49 Wonder values In crease-resistant suits for waar now thibugh Fell, Ten popular styles in flannel, pis and pic, English wool cheek, linen, worsted rib, and gaberdine, Lovely [i postals, ond dark bosies i a Sizes 9 to 17, 10 to 20, 12V4 to 244, Steady controlled heat from your living room The Wine ont TEMP MASTER With ts 'Eledtrie Eye' Thermostat shanges fernaee sential ~ Always order- Dlu@ ++: It can cost you money! Don't just order coal--insist on 'blue coal', Only 'blue coal' is colour-marked for your guarantee of heating satisfaction, This famous fuel is deep-mined hard coal ~~oarefully graded from start to finish, It gives you the clear full flame that means batter heat thrifty heat--wsafe heat.. Thousands of Canadian families rely on 'blua coal' for steady, healthful heat, So don't be colour-blind when you buy coal, It pays to order 'blue coal', '¢ LANDER COAL CO. 43 King St. W,, Oshawe RAndolph 5-3589 coal' EE -- TR