PORT HT TO WTR OR WR gE DRE WWI ee BR ey $8 age ih U.K. Business Seeking Workers As Partners or BY ATHOBY GOODMAN LONDON (Bewters) Mors #4 6 | Hoare Bribie Tneinessmen sie Wop: (ng 10 Insugirnie wn ork of WW Bunial Remosraey by Laking thelr wip schetnss range from Tle Tmperinl Chemions Tnaustries week | Coph Hues, the Moor ir Plonsers, 16 Hawnires, one of Wikies lending CROREARIE LIORRET IE, Fie Anthony FAsw's Conservative ol market price ma when 05 worth of mock Tins heen bowihé, # Te | workers Rio pRrinsraiiy #0 | govevenment has BIER We Whole ddd | hanred | oar a ---- 5, Wary wie ih ite Winco Er ---------------- CRASH KHAS FIVE BATAVIA, WY. (AP)=A Roth: ester teacher and bs wis and thres ehiidign were killed Wednes: Any when Ww, / Ll Alle negr Pavilion Centre, 19) ture, " fise my sve ve ¥ pis A 6h ih Fh, vie: w pel 4 Livia 1 4 oF #Yery fl" ofl ig Ml A which has [2 Fk fof i Gin Fo Whales cd oid i eH fm foe vol I] { i. i it oo Ay: We ready oi nar: bonus then fs Invested bn! will fe bo #1 aa Uh, "BUYS" FOR THE SMART SCHOOL-GOING $ YOULL find I, easy onthe: Inaddgot ta iit yoni yominge wars tar Schad Gpering ob Zallar's, Lot Zaller's Bae pardatie Quality Merehane diss and Thiilr Prices he your guide 1a mmey saving ALL BROTHERS : ie the sirife In riotdor | World Beout Jamboree at Nie | assy Raphael of French Wore ween, these scouts give sn | agarnondhedake, Ont, dean: | seca, Looking on is Rene ¥ aber» nt exampie of brotherhood | Claude Blanviilain of Bordesus, | on of Algeria CF Vaal 4 ne as they shake hands af the | France, shakes hands with EM: 18 THE PANY TIMER GMIITE, Thursdny Angst WH, ed RETAILERS 70 THRIFTY CANADIANS Co-operative Company Drive Force Of Village EYUQUOT, BE, CP) Fish ng 1s the sole industry Jo thle, Ll of 800 on the west CORN of gouver Ieland, All except the rs sod fisheries officer oe sommercinl fishermen The driving forces behind the vil 's growth was 8 en operative wying company, established in weasion years. Its own husiness dwindled ss members were ed 10 the two large private com panies that were established here For more than #0 years Kyugquot nan important hase for the est coast fishing feel, The home of 3 (rollers 1s swelled 0 as many as 150 hosts puns of spring or eohoe sal man enticed fishermen from as fay south as Bambield and as far north as Queen Charlotte sound Fishermen begin rolling fog spring salmon as early as Yehri ary and Increase thelr efforts In May when fish heeome mare plent ul HALIBUT IN AUGUST Purmg May and again some time In August there Is & shart season of Halibut fishing, and many of the larger hosts ave stripped of fruiing gear tn take park Hunting is & favorite sport in this aren, Alhough deer ave vars In this cougar-prowled land, ducks and geese ave plentiful An aocasionsl dance enlivens the weeks thet follow the Hashing sea son apd movies Are a regular source of entertainment, Bome 40 families live in the vil lage, and 40 Indign families Hye In 8 BERRERIE community fn the sur rounding islands, Many while fam ilies spend the summer fishing sea son here, finding the torkential rains ton much Tor wll-year res idence The Nootka Indians do excellent haskel weaving Incorporating an clent designs handed down hy thelr forefathers, They alsa are experi In headwork and knitting Kyuquot now has a daily alr mall service and the stenmer Princess of Alberni calls every 11 days ear vying freight, mall and passengers, . h 'Muddy Jordan' Is Key ToMiddleEast Economy JERUSALEM, Jorden Bestor, (AP) ~The river Jordan, by North American standards, might be abled & oveek, Yel it may hecoms ta saanaiite wellare bow # m dovdan, where Christ tsed, bs 5 main Hemant in A tan plan for develop { ngdom of Jordan and Areas, . lan gels Ma name from Johnston. He has heen push the plan for several years un susplees of the United Btales government, Wik got an agreement In elple from the Arab countries : gerned last February, but well 01 fied sources aay lapasl dis eed on allocation of wale Bl marth "lu NORTH OSHAWA Cub Pack Goes To Church VIOLET KIRBY Correspondent NORTH OBHAWA Though the AF was very hot, Inside Bt, Bie en's Church was cool and ve frishing The service was, very AEPIFING as Mr. Blephen Baywell welt further with the message of Ydesus' Sermon from the Mount" Rhepariau a8 He went for the Hime when His work would be left for His disciples, It was very comfort Ing ta he able to sit In church hy have this story heaught ta # we listened we knew it applied fous all tn gue steagile far the trie way to live and die. Taken foom the Gospel of Bt, Mathew, ba hy he world see Jesus in met" A 0 cholr, Mrs, 8 ©, Rundle IF leader and arganist, Tn chureh his morhing were the ith Cub Bek from Clavemount and thelr pF Jack Prost, They were wel od hy Mp, Saywell while hall § at Camp Samae, Next Sun Ll 8 speetal, with Hey Feil from Pennsylvania and | ¥ alsa he a bapbsmal servies 8, Savwell asks parents to get In touch with him Aug. 28 The Br, WA. will have thelp first meeting Wednesday evening August 8 Closing hymn, "Birds are sing woods are ringing, with thy ses preglous King." nEvatulations are extended to and Mes, Allan Robinson Op id avenue on the hivih of thelr daughter, 7 phunds, ¥ os, on esdiy, August 17, Mother and baby ave doing fine lle this hot weather prevails | we noes, everyone for miles ave | filaying the beaches, and swim: | IE has hit an alltime high Osh awa lake shoves everywhere, were aralvded with swimmers and ple plekers, The waters of lake On aria wereup ta MW, the warmest for & food many years, Travelling Whday for wiles, we noticed the lovely coal spats to visit, and 10 lunch at, but all were ta and families were enjoying minute of H ready to Jeturn Tor another round of talks in this region Countries Involved wre Byrin, Le hanan, dovdan and Israel, Because Fab dsrnpll wir never has i 5 fil y orehy making Johnston's (as more dificult, On the ihe hand, nothing ean he dope unl al gree an the scheme, singe al ve water vights In the Jordan valley BVilem METTLEMENT PLAN The dohnston plan would provide direct settlement for an estimated 10,000 persons In the Jordan val ley, Proponents say the country's agricultural production would In crease tenfole The plan Involves construction of two slarage reservolrecone in the hasin of the Yarmuk viver, ehief teihutary of the Jordan, and the other In Lake Tiberias, the Biblical loyed Oshawa dale, the exhibits were spendid, Oshawa stores and Apliances were well represented hie children enjoyed the vides an the merry-goeround and the ears tis all aver for another year Mes, Hisle Oldham and daugh ters Belly and Mae and Alan Maellosh of Orchard view are ho ldaying with Mv, and Mes, Ernest Oldham, Bt Catharines Ont Mr, and Mps, Melville Hodgson, Blmene street North, have Just ve turned home from a fine tip, They went Hirst to Kingston hy car and left on the ferry, travelling all theaugh the Thousand Islands At Clayton they got off and rest ed for 46 minutes, It took § hours ta make the heat eras thraugh beautiful waters past is lands with heautiful scenery, hack to the city of Kingston where they eft by ear and Visited the North Pole, They saw Banta Claus and his live velndeers, so tame they wauld game Pight to the vislios ditle stores where one ean buy Christmas things and veal toy Ahops, Just a ehild's paradise Then to lake Saranac, They went up White Face Mountains, a steady five for miles and when they gal 0 the top they found, lots of ears which had made the same trip From the mauntain they lnaked down on the streams and lakes and they could see, through the long ranges of the Adirondacks mountaing, a wonderful view, They went aver the Ivy lea Bridge to Lake Bararae N.Y They were at Lake Placld over night and enjoyed the hoat races, and were al the hig skating arena at Lake Plackd to wateh the ska ters on arbifiolal les, the year round practising for their earnival and competitions. Alleen Richards from Oshawa was there but they didn't get to see her. IE was mars vellous 10 see them performing with thelr instructors, Then an ta | Watertown and Utiea, N.Y, and Syracuse and Auburn, They were at Old MebDanalds farm where square dancing, hay vides, horse back viding and tied ehigken are all done The old fa shinned way, They vislted "Fran ter Towns mothe mountaing where they had rodeos, earvals for horses, a block house, ald frontier Hames, weaver's shop, tradin st, alsa the chapel, Bary Boo 5 RY North Oshawa people en and was farther down, but they Bea of Galles, Water from these peservalrs would he channelled ta a canal runing down the east wide of the Jorden river, 1h the Wh to levigate the plata esl Hinton haw offered to finance (he scheme--pravided hath Hvael and Arah i] 08 agree, But here are nleong o ections in hath camps, Although the Arabs Afireed » prinéiple last February, there st 5 a sleang emotional feeling alalngt the Scheme among many Arabs wha 'hate the Idea of even indiveet eo-operation with lsrael, The Lebanese parliament reeently recommended Lebanon vejeet Tuy ther talks with Johnston The plan alse contradiots Taraell plang tn divert Jordan waler to lhe southegn Negev desert, where Israel hops to settle Hs surplus population At the North Pole they saw real Jieople as Brow White, Mother Goose and Little Ho-Peen around a large pole of log and snow, which never mells, just like a veal faleyland, On the way hack they visited with friends at Niagara Falls Migs Betty Hodgson, Simeos of North, with felends fram. Oshawa has heen holidaving at Bala, Ont diss Ruth Header, Byng Ave, has Just returned fram her trip to England, Teeland, Beotland and France, She brought hack many nee pleces of linen. Bhe came on the Same lane which Bean hi Marilyn Bell and her trainer Gus Hyder, Her visit wan very theil ng but | presume there Is nn place like Canada, Hpecial Hivthdays, Gary Kirby, August 38, 10 Highland Avenue U.K. To Subscribe To Flood Funds LONDON (Heuters Prime Min Inter Eden announced Wednesday that the Beibish government will allow "reasonable sums" of money 0 he sent to ald feed vietims in the United Biates and Canada, Edin lawned a statement saying the government remembers "with Wratitude the generous assistance received fram the United States and Canada nthe food disasters' In Britain "The Bank of Eagland will, therefore, be veady ta authorize Applioations for the remittance of reasonable sums far this purpose hy the relatives and cwse friends aver here of vigthms, and hy Hema and companies In the United King dom to associated flows and eam panies Wn the flooded areas and hy organisations collecting funds far Wis. purpose While there are no floods In Canada, Eden, Wn veealling Cana dian contributions ta Belial dus Ing Heitish flood disasters, appar ally Nd nat at " i) vnbion wy : q aw A AY twibute to Canning png didn't go In daily schoel wear, izes 4 to bx in the lot, Zellar-Thrift-Priced EERE Well made! Zeller: Thrift-Priced ten '"Schalars", Of tub-laving, ""Sanferized" Cotton Zeller: Thrift-Priced ,,,., PRINT DRESSES = Sizes to 6x, "Sanforized" cotton pthers, Guarantesd fast ta washing! Crease-resistant! Predomin. antly red, blue, grey, green, Zeller:Thrift-Priced , voi rr00s Ll + .. Generous hems, TUNICS == Nylon-Blend Gabardine! Rayon Serge! Long lasting fabrics seo by for Easy fo care tree EERE ER EEE NE SEES EEE RE] blue or red ~ sa pretty with a little white blouse TERE SEL EEE EER] orl Navy, WOVEN GINGHAM DRESSES -- SIZES 7 TO 14, Prattily styled as shown with dainty white Pigue trimming af cellar and pockets, Easy ta launder! Leng wearing! Your choice of red, green, or blue calarings, Zeller-Thrift-Priced ,,,.,: REE RARE " WHITE BLOUSES «= "Petar Pan" and lace-trimmed "les for Nursery and Kindergar« readelath, Sizes to bx [l SUSPENDER SKIRTS == Sizes to bx, Of velvetesn or Acelate-B-Nylon wy in SEER ER EEE RE EEE L = prettily styled as shown and For Ages "PETER PAN" BLOUSE ~~ "San fariged" sation hreadelath with dainty smbraidered White, Zellers Theity-PFriced ergandy For Ages 8 fo 18 WOOL CARDIGAN = Sizes 38 1a 34, Smart! Cosy! Searlet, navy, Prue green, with 2 06 f ~~ contrasting trim TOTS' SIZES BOTANY WOOL CARDIGAN w= avy, Zeller ! Theife-Priged (0 (0 B0 d wr With lets gf Blgns 4 19 A, Style as shawn, name WALLET "| Mek eames (n searlel, pawder ine Abe HO TH SPECIAL OF RISTUTEE, RARER, ERI mane file] fear colirs meney re "STRETCHEES" NYLON ws Fit sizes 6 to BY4, Shilnk resistant! Better 1ivning, longer wear Ing: Pastels and dark salen, Zoller Thrifv: Priced AYRIPED WIGH AN infers heels, Grey, brown, navy EYE ll wos! nat tees and DENIM ANAIAUS Tumup ippered, Sixes 6 to 14, Zellers Special Low Price ATHLETIC sizes, White rib-knit atten, Special and Feature Values "IN-&-OUT" SHIRTS SPECIAL! SIZES 8 TO 16 == Shirts of printed cotton flannel, in popular eelerings, Goods looking and practical for school and sporty, seams for rigged Specially low priced 0 1 ay on the Family Budget, ONLY Aoi " EERE ERERER] "LONGS" SPECIALTY Slim legged Wonton IY ft axtia long 10 allaw for avy duty V4-05, white-hash Blue Denim, RELL SIL EE REE EEE UNDERWEAR FEATURE VALUE SHIRTS = SHORTS «= Small, medium, lage Sharts have double panel front and full elastic waist, Per garment, enly Double-sewn wear, lots of ZELLERS LTD, 21 SIMC OF ST, §, PHONE RA 3-2294 gos! mmmy/ EVERY BopY KNOWS TWAT "THRIFT-MATIC * MEANS SHOPPING ar 2ELLER'S/