16 THE DAILY TINESGATITTE, Selurkey, Miguel §, 1995 he WHOSOEVER WEARETH Whosoever hearth,' add fund Al shout the sand; the hiessed tidings the world sround; boread the Joyiil news Wherever mon is found; Whosoever will, may come" Whosoever cometh need not delay, Now the door Ws open, Enter while you may; Jesus 16 the true, The "WW hosoey er "Whe Bvery Bible lover has his Tayo He verses hui all of them are fod of the familiar passage In down B16 "War God wid otien 0 loved he that He gave His only Bon, that whoseever hellevelh in Him should not pevish, bul have eternal life An English evangelist Moorhouse, preached # be of sermons on that Bible verse dir ng # revival which he conducied Wn Chicago In the winter of 1868 His messages left a deep mpres sion upon all who heard him, in eluding some of the principal American gospel leaders and singers of the dey RAGLAN MRS, LLOYD MAHAFFY Carvespondent GLAN -- Mi hie 1 gand Mrs. Gay HA | fon Comer and Evelyn, Columbusj | 8. Bryce Heevi arth Osh | Harold Corner | Jackson, Osh: | awn; Mr, and Mrs and Gracie and Miss oh weve birthday guests of, Mrs {] lam Stoel 11 and hey Mrs. Robert Bryant + gon, Paul Bolomon, fila and ay Wh Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. A oriin eallgd on My nd Mrs lorman Birkett and family on Fri avening Congratulation te Mi Donald Verguson dean Oy ston, on the hirth of a hihy gel on Friday, July 20 Mr. and Mrs. J, Mani with My, and Mrs £ and family Mr, and Mrs, Gary Cummings pronto, were visitors on Welnes with Mp, and Mis, Lloyd Ma y and hoy Mr. and Mrs, Arthur French and family of Whithy visited with My, vi, Blan Manns and Brian on Bunday Ronnie French of Whithy spent a few days last week with Hrlen Manns William Steele called on his old neighbors on Bunda HOR Mr. and Mrs peni Wednesday In Toronto and took a Boatdrip to Niagra Miss Maple Brown days with her grandpavent and Mrs, B. Collins, al Wintl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Vren and Mr. Thuriell visited with Mi and Mys. Blan Manns and Hiden Mp, and Mrs, William Bteel, Mi on Mrs. Richard Manns and fam v, Port Perry; Mr and M mi wood Manns and boys, Whithy jem Sunday evening with My and Mrs. W. Manna Mys J, Coates and Heather were Friday tea guests of Mr, and Mis Russell Comer and Myrtle rs. Ward Hees were Thursday dinne Mr. and Mrs, Clearis and Mp hee) spent Norman everal al Tas. Latliner a few Mi pent h and Cal Halaman and boxe shgratulation to My. and Mrs Ward Greenley and Cal. an arelval of the hahy hoy, Charlie Brawn, Avthur Brawn Miss Effie Brawn and Me and Mis Roy Heawn visited relatives at Crassvell, Avoea and Marletie Mighignn rt and Brawn and Heuer Munro spent the weekend with Mr. and Mps, Hoy Brawn Linda and Ellen Latimer apent Clara "Whosoever "Whosoever Tis "Wha Henryl spank | only Wing wayi will may come ' sever wih The promise 16 secure will Forever must endure l will { We forevermore; oever will may come" : | | Philip Bliss, the famous singing | evangelist of the nineteenth cen: | tury, was one of the listeners, He with moved hy the emphasis which | the English preacher gave to the "whosoever, In the Bible which served as his sel word pln mon ext There's a hymn tune In that work," Mr, Bliss decided, Al litle later he had writien his |geeat gospel song, "Whosoever | Hasreth,"! It proved to he a very popular and effective soul win ning hymn in the revivals of that eri, and for years afterward lany men and women have heen | moved to pecept Christ through hearing Hs messages, | several days last week with there {grandparents, Mr, md Mrs | dan, Latimer ' Mr, and Mrs | Wednesday evenin, and Mrs, Russe Myrtle Miss Myrtle corner spent a few | days with hey wister, Mis, A. Hope, Oshawa Mr. und Mrs, Alex Martin, Bev: Larely and Barbara, of Gall spent we weekend With Mr, and Mrs Davidson Honnle Davidson, | days with Mp, and Mrs Land boys of Blaekstork Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Blute and irls and Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Blute and Children were Bunday evening visltars with Mr, and Mrs, Albert Blut On Bunday the Woods held a fam ily plepie al Hampton Park in honoy of Mr, Pred Wonds' birthday Mr, and Mrs. I. Manns and ehil dren were Friday guest of Mr, and Mrs, Stan Manns and Bylen Mr, and Mus, James Latimer were Bunday guests of Mr, and Mes, Creen at Uxbridge, Mrs Howard Thompsan, Leona and Bill were Wednesday visitors with My Mrs, Bruce Bright and family in Oshawa Mi and Mrs Sunday visitors, Mr, and Mrs, Fd Coppen of Pelerhoronih My, and Mes, Waller Manns and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Mahatfy and hoys, spent Friday evening ith Mr, and Mes, 4, Manns and family at Beugoyg Wiss Jovee Conroy and Allan Buckana of Parth were weekend west of Me, and Mes, Lloyd Evans and ehildren tv. and Mrs, Gordon Harris of Oshawa were Bunday guests o Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Evans and hildren Me, and Mrs {othy and BIT, Bt sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs | Russell Davidson Mrs, Fred Woods, Mys, H Phompson and Leona spent Tues {day In Peterhovough Sunday visitors at Mr, and Mrs, WH. Davidson were Mr, and Mrs Don Haines and family of Oshawa and Mr, and Mys, Ferpy Collins {and hoys of Blackstock Mr, and Mrs, J. Bright and fam ily and Mes. Ho Thompson Leona and Bill attended the plenie at Hampton Pak in honor of My Prod Woods Birthday on Bunday ! | VERSATILE PLANT The lohen produces brilliant [blue and vod dyes, substitutes as Lenmmercial stareh In pastry and | peavides an Ingredient for perfume and eosmeties A. Hope were guests of Mr, Corner and i gpent #4 few P, Collins Karl Slute had as | { Walter Torry, Dor Catharines, 'were BETTE [ihe very smallest enlidren hed igne uoildeen should have the whole | owed fay dorusalom [rom the Mount nf OUes, "He deliver ws owt of tine hand, © , Bet I net, be br, 0 evr Crm ht wt lo re 8, 3d or wr the geiden image which they host set wp/ ~Beniel 748, 5 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Exiles In Babylon Wept When Asked To Sing Song By NEWMAN CAMPBELL [hoe driven you, saith the 10rd" \ 4 been] We will have io Condens the Have ny of you children Beer | siiiing "story of the three Young away from home and experienced | Tews wha rebelled against Kink Pawsinly some 0H yebuchadnerzar for lack of space REYEY Wnday Nenoe IRRY have chapter read lo them, or the sory een away without thelr PAFems | uid so them in dramatic fashion so any of the MIBYIREL (hat they realize how brave these ab summer camps, visiting friends | GUNE Wen Were v velatives, learn whal he wort | N eb ' ore MiB 8 ind Bl id Welwehadnewir had pn Image Lof gold made, It probably was not for the (amiliar home SIFT GURaInEs | mpde of sold gold, Tt Covered Older' people often have the BRIE wig gold, and It hak been estimat unhappy feelings when they are Wi gq "(hal the image wis #0 feel fain Itt, Ait, Wl Mer A SG fh AE, Lhave heen Nebuehadneviar's own ela, I Is yEry URahappy GRPEIT Lage as kings of that period of leno dine when the | jen erected Images of themselves Jews of with Inseriptions in heir own fom praise, in conquered countries, 4 Nehuchadnerzay commanded that all the people In the eity should how down before this tmage and worship i, when they heard the sound of the many musieal instru ments, Amarvently all the peo ad a commanded exept Young Jews who were in their god even unin death, The penalty for disobeyin the king's command was pi nn Were eapiives within the hour in a fiery furnace steanie land, This 137th Psalm is] BOme one told the king that the saddest of a) the Palms: | these Ihre Bhadvach, Mes By the rivers Hah thers | hack and Abednego-had pol hows we sal down, yea wept, when | 6d In worship before the image, NE emembered Zion, We hanged | 60d they were hrought before the our harps upon the willows Wi the | King midst theyeol The king told the three that if iar there they tat eayried us they falled to worshin as he o y captive ol Hib aurea Whi " whup " aay Sapte y that wasted us re: | thrown Into the furnace, ding quived of ps mirth, saying, Big And who is that God that shal us one of the songs of Zion, How deliver you out of y Ania! ve sing the Lavd's soni In ily BNAWEr Wak, 8, shall we HA ' ane Cod whom we Nerve, is alle Toreritah sent a Yeiter fo these] te dediver is trom the burning first GApHYES webuehadnezenr | ery furnace, and He will deliver telling them that the Lord had told out of thy hand, © King, But i him that the eaptivil aid last he I known unto thee, 6 v Ard counseled thal Rel BErve A veal A Lap J and | gods, ney worship the golden im dwell in them; and plant gardens, | Sis which thou hast set up and eal the fruit al them The king was furious, snd he "Puke ve wives, and hegel sona oomimanded thal the furnace he and daughters; and take wives far healed {o seven times Ws usual your sons, and give your danighier heat, and that the men he past fn hushands (hat they may hear into It, Bo hot was the fre that sons And drughter that ve may | he men w ha east the three youths he Increased there, and not Alm in were burned fo death, inished Apparently peeving into the fur Ta settle the King was astonished fo land, tn therain--the three hulld homes glther Jesus or and wax stron i angel fram heaven, Bven thei the program the Lard outlined for | olothes were not searched, They these homesiek people, For the dis: | Were eompletely unharmed, so Ne af our OWA | huehadnezear ordered the three to vule and | eome oul, and they did, apd Ne making | buchadnegear ordered (he three fo nis inl eam out, and they did, and Ne waxing | buehadnegger hlesked he Cad of | Bhadrach, Meshaoh and Ahednedn wha had saved them, and he prom od the three In the provinee of Habylon Many martyrs have died for their faith In the world's history Could wa--any af us as hrave and falthiul fo our God as these three young mea? Riser hs when hey " wi can ima ddan Hn wit #9 drageed. against her their hames and compelled to say in the strange land of Babylon How many people In our work ave (eeling the same ak ness ox Hes aller having thely nami ii raved hy war, and them elves forced Into camps for displaced persons, far from thei Bo many hearts he can understand ang with the feelings of the le three fail hon world ove Bympathigs peapie on i al " on wi yequired i hey il ne hit Kin TOP@IEN | EE children g four men and One more down In thal nurry hea to go inta business in exlleg--thal wa "Hi placed person that 18 & Common sense what thousands are dain homes, od thely NH ALEANKS and strong fountry The told Hi to pray And | seek Me, and find Me, when ye | shall search far Me with all your heart." Then would the Lovd "turn Away captivity; and 1 will gather all natinns, and fram whither | ring lands in AR Tres Lord also Hin penple all your vou fram all the wnlaces Wiltihire Joining the Aug, 18 flight will he 17 Bouth Afvioan seouts, The las flight Aug. 16 will stap at Belfagl to plek up Novihern Ieeland seouts All Hight will end at Toronto with seven starting fram London and others from Manchester and Hreatwieh, Beotland Jamboree Airlift For 1,000 Scouts OTTAWA CPA of 1,000 United Kingdom Boy Seouts Wn Canada for the alehth world jam horee at Niagara the « Linke started yesterday, The United nsingdom forma tion affice sald Thuvsday the al If, tn 14 separate flights hy char tered ateoecalt, 8 the avg undertaken for Hoy Beouls jamboree is seheduled for LB) Maney for the alriif $408 a geout----was raised hy the UK, Boy Beauts Assaclation, disivigt groups and the scouts themselves The fest Aight leaving today will hing seouts from Bediopdahive Huntingdonshire, Middlesex, Hels tal, Devon, Jersey, Bomersel and an AGAIN PLEASE! KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya (AP) A Malay with a mouthful of name left hy plane for Washington 0 0 | hell Malay" to the United Biates He 1s Hala Ayoub Bin Raja Hall Hat, Offieially Asi ghaton as Ma layan enlonial attache to the Heit ish embassy, he will make a six month lecture tou Aull GREAT CONQUEROR Alexander the Great suv theaugh the Holy Land in the eentury hefore Christ, (hh Lets THs SHIRLEY Driving Shed Is Destroyed , Bb, DUFF ja SHIRLEY ~On Fuesdpy Trip' # rhs) A iow ih Elwood huniser five and wht the fl were # The aida al We wii oy some Shirley Inetiluie 16 holding is meeting wi the homes ml Mrs, Lorne Dull on Weanesdny wl lorhoon, 7 4 #7 wll pm, wl Kenton pn athe IG AW Ux The General Moors Workers we ning & much needed resl and fresh he, Miss Betty Moore spent & fey dre" with ure Weleh, Wend, om | Hack, he seid Daley produstion nthe comnty | Go To Churc Ee sss , {low nok putfured yet Lin Threatens | wind i the Growl fimeos ry Industry Pik H he ne 15 woh oH BARBIE (OF) The WoW: Com and pot ERE WB Years 16 IERENIRG | goed and tay ramen in Mina wy Vand barley bre ¥ ewer 1, Ris, REP al yep: ys ; ese ative lov Wor Blmuoe, Je A illus this week, Bad have his ons IRS Ee A down by Pastures and hey have been! hned is & resi of B Sl-wees rout and weny Ihrmers hive hess complied owe some ol thew winikr feed 19 maniein We Grace Lutheran Church i 150 ALBERT OV, Bey, MW, 6, Kotak, Vorior SIMCOE 57, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Suppty Minis sr REY, H, WILLIAMSON SUNDAY I am and 7 pm SUNDAY, MIG, T 1166 AM WORHING WORGIP "KIMSMEM OF JENS Ontaria, Kober Dull is holideying with | his sisters ot Lakewids Beach on 4 Island i Jick Moore was home from camp over the weskend and his yeiurned lov three more weeks 14 ipperwash on Lake Hirom srnon Venlon is looking wiler the Manchester Hod will the | operator has # holiday | Threshing 18 the talk of the day | the Manchester garage while the | long hot spell which wm wm Ms] Wink whek | Bain would ceripinly he & wel | wome Bs Bll srops wre drying Ww. | Master John and Grant Ble, | Columbue, were holidaying with thelr cousin John Contes Inst week rs, Popowiek has her herry worries over 1or Another yen With the heat they were & poor | crop this yes SCOUTE ARRIVE MONTREAL (CF) = Forty elght | seouts, some of them Wind, others deaf and several with crippling | handicaps; arrived herve during the weekend en voule to the World | scout Jamboree al Nisgara-on-the: | Lake, Ont, The hapdicapped scouts | will form part of a contingent of | 1000 that France is sending lo the world mee! PRIMARY INDUSTRY Oil is the chief sources of the wealth of Iraq, HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE WR (580) ST, PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN WILSON AND ROGERS Ministers Rev, B, A, MILES, BA, I AM, MORNING WORSHIP "PASTORAL REFLECTION" The CHURCH SCHOOL All departments, 9145 am, dur ing July and August KNOX PRESBYTERIAN N., at Brogk St, Rev, § 0, COLES, BA, Pavid Jenking == Chairmaster Simeone St 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker for Aug! REY, HARRY H. GREEN, B.A The Chureh Scheel classes during luly and August are part af the marming serviee, Bring veur boys and girls with yeu 7:00 P.M, 7100 PM, COTTAGE MEETING 87 NASSAU AT, You are eardially invited 8:30 P.M, EVENING WORSHIP conducted at the Band Shell by the Oshawa Ministerial Assogiar Hen, : | The Exiles in Babylon When the Jews they sat forlomly by thelr harps on the trees . the viver, they captors. in Babylon King Nebuchadnessar of Babylon built od them 10 sing & song of Bion as & Front golden image and told all the ee to fall down and warship it when -- heard the sound of the eamet, the W eould they ani of Won in & strane Rute, the harp, the duleimer. and the od olor musical lnsbiumente anit wept, ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Wovipiure-- Pailin By Alived 1. Buescher 1708; dovemiah ¥0:0-14; Daniel 8, | The three Jows still refuded to worship Those who did not worship the del were be thrown nto a fevy fumeee, the King avdered, Men told Nebuchadnessar that three Jews, Bhadrach, Medvach and Abodnage, did net bow down and Chessy Were draged balers the King. ¢ { the king's nossa ordered the fumace heated and the men were bound and cast in, They same out unharmed, MEMORY VERE EDAMY 801M .. td ial, #, furious, Nebuohads 12:30 P.M, "This Is The Life' Sunday School ot 10 am VISITORS WELCOME re re -- h Re gul ar THE UNITED CHU Oh OF St, Andrew's United Churéh INTER: REY, GEORGE TELFORD, MA, BD, i od Choimaner; Mh, KEY TAS, ATEM loddid SUNDAY, AUG, 7th 11:00 AM Simeon 5, and $1, And tions will worship drow's Chureh, REY, 6, TELFORD WILL PREACH Service ot the Bandshell, 8,30 P.M, 0s td po -- " n eh CHURCH of ENGLAND in CANADA (AMNGLICAM) 87, GEORGE'S CHURCH Centres and Bagot SAreels Officiate The Rey, A, Payne -- -- WILSOM RD, EXTENSION Wilson Rd, 5 and Hoskin Ave Student In charge, 1, A, SHARK Phone 53-9844 SERVICE 11:00 AM L] CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillerate Streets The Rey, H Phone B:-57956 LJ] HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one black sast of Albert RECTOR THE REY, E. A, IRWIN, LST SUNDAY SERVICES BAM, == 11 AM, = 7PM, Hector, 0. Claverdon SE HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Northeast Corner Harmony Rd, and King $1. €, MINISTER =~ REY, DAVID F, SUMMERS, B.A, TELEPHONE bAndoih 39379 ; wi, Hrs METCALFE, ORGANIST AND CHOM " 10.00 AM, REY, DAVID SUMMERS CO OBOLOIST: MR, FRED DENSHAM ACCOMPAIST: MRS, ROSS WALLOWELL Dus to the building operations, Sundey School will net mest ing July and August, - Westmount United Church ROSEHILL BLYD, JUST NORTH OF KING §T, REY, DAVID F, SUMMERS, B.A, MIMIST) TELEPHONE RAndelph Yodo mm MRS. W, T, COOK, Organist and Chole Birssier 10/00 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL, All Departments 11:30 AM. REY, DAVID SUMMERS CORMER OF SIMCOE and OAK STREETS MAJOR and MRS, J. PATTERSON 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 2.00 P.M 7:00 P.M Directory (YP) Haliness Meeting Company Meeting (YF) Evangelistic FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 79 KING STREET EASY Affiliated with the Baptist Canventien af Ontarie and Quebes Ministers REY, |, B, BEGG, BA, BTh Musie Direstar: Mrs, M, Joyes 11:00 AM~"A STORY TO REMEMBER" 7:00 P.M. "AN EFFECTIVE TESTIMONY" Sunday School each Sunday at 10,00 a.m, Wed, 8,00 FM Service of Prayer and Bible Study We Invite You Ta Wership. With Us 4 [IE -------------- GIBBONS STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Farmerly Chureh of the wpen Beak REV, A, 6, E MITCHEL! North ef Laisa PASTOR 9.45 AM. BIBLE SCHOOL 11.00 AM, w= MORNING WORSHIP 7.00 P.M. .--Evangelistic Team Fram Toronto iPM, MEETING TUES PRAYER A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU me---- "CALVARY BAPTIST CENTRE AND JOHN 57 OSHAWA REV, CLARENCE M, KEEN-~PASTOR : Affiliated with Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churehes of Canada BIBLE SCHOOL GRACE AND PEACE! A PASSING OPPORTUNITY" Speaker: REV, WALTER NICHOL Pup te semmencemant af eur bullding preagram this will 'be the last servied In aur present ehureh Building 9130 P.M. Radin Broadeast CKLE 1380 WED, 7148 P.M =Fraver Meeting P45 AM 1100 AM 7100 PM re ------------------------------en-- spe The Christian and Missionary Alliance RR a er ee EU ® BIBLE TEACHING ® MISSIONS ® EVANGELISM A PROGRAM WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT A REV, WM, J, NEWELL Preaching 7 PM, ~"KIBROTH. HATTAAVAH" MASONIC TEMPLE Siieer 9:45 AM 8.5. CLASS FOR EVERY AGE 11:00 AM =~MORNING WORSHIP THORNTON'S ROAR NORTH $5 HALL hd ------ TT - A QUOTATION FROM THE WRITINGS OF THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH The source of all glory 1s aceepts ance of whatsoever the Lard hath hestowed, gantentment with that which God hath ardained, OSHAWA BAHA'l COMMUNITY 158 Central Park Blvd, § Phone 3-328) and hacretaryi mp NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE ST, NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER REY, HW, A, MELLOW BA, ORGANIST == MR, J, A, ROBERTSON 11:00 AM = Rev. €. D. Maan, BA, B.D, Brace Unite Cl Ll £ ON WOT SUNDAYS SERVICE DOWNSTAIRS NO EVENING SE i NO SUNDAY SCHOOL "SITTER SERVICE" EE Minister; Rev, A, F, Cowan, BA, NO SUNDAY SCHOOL, MRS, PEARL AYLSWORTH, NAPANEE oy ina Steee! thuted Glad REV, MERVIMN A BURY, MA, B.D, Minister Mr, Wallaes Young, Mus, Pas, ATM, Organist and CI 11100 AM ~Guest Preacher; Rev. H, G, Tuttle, MA, BD, DD, f Toronte, Sec of 1h Foner Thar "IRA AT IORBR KANT RAG Soloist; Miss Marilyn Boot | Broadeast through the faellities Radia Statlen CKLE Youth Department , (yore ae 1030 AM, Chureh School vivian ! 100 AM 100 AM SAL Nursery EERE ERE REE A i f= ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY © FAMILY CHURCH ye re -- "REV, R, E DARGAN |7 ERIE §T, B® | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH == 64 COLBORNE SY, BASY DIAL 5-3873 10 AM--Sunday Sehoal for all age rau; 11 AM=MORNING WORSHIP 7 PM--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR IVERYRORY WELCOME . SUNDAY SCHOOL w= 9:40 AM, SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM, == SUBJECT SPIRIT Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 a'elogk includes at healing through Chitstian Selenes, The reading ream lesgted at the ehureh, open Tuesday and dav trom 2 to 4:30 pow, exeepting legal holidays, where the and Christin Selenea lierature may ba studied, borawed op chased and subscriptions placed for periadicals, 3 a \