| map to locale the hidden trons: ure, and inthe lower picture the heroine has heen put into the "eooking pot." The were Laken while Treasure" presented last Thurs day night on the terrace of the YWCA as the closing feature of the summer Day Camp, In the top pleture the pirates study the BROWN PAPER and card board were used for everything from skirts to 8 monster shark in the pageant he Pirates' Varied Program At Y Day Camp Betty I, Ostle Provides Fun For Younger Girls Becomes The Bride wie oe lta Ath ie Gog vo ir Of Donald J, Lyon datriel R1 | for Girls which has been opet | | O'Brien, program director He marriage of Betty Irene | ation al the YWCA for the whole | Eaeh day began with flagrals | ale daughter of Mr, and Mes of July | Ing eeromany shortly after al 90, Alain Hamblyn, id lt ld For the benefit of parents and | and the girls worked In groups ui | Norman on al A phine i HW LL] friends the Junior and senior | 1080 when they "switch / . or erafts or went for a swim al on [solemnized Lust Saturday evesin groups presented a pageant, "The [In the ehapel of Albert Blraet ie | Pirates' Treasure CRA pool ' ; d on the terrace. | Lunchtime came #f noon with o ( f harch with oh aiavasond | The story and presentation which |. ch girl enjoying her awn plenk The bride who was. GIVER In was created by Miss Judy Ross, | fave and milk to drink which was marriage hy her father wore 8 | pasistant program director, Con | provided, as in past seasons, BY |haiioring . length gown of nee | bined singing, dancing #8 41 ihe focal Kiwanis Club. It was over taffeta, A net and penn) drama, and while entertaining the | Sico aoranged that BVOUP, | oaddress held her fingertip. vell parents, afforded an Interesting ouery day, would have enok Rens apd hep JNAETUD Vel project for the campers i Kay dg out" at the barbecue Nearly 200 registered luneh everyone the month, The seniors, a singsong prior to the 11 and 12 years of age Hau his might he a three days a week, and (he project, a lesson in First ors, nine and ten-year-olds penny!' hike on two days The special Fach day began sound & pom vided eluded "Comic Birip Day Day Talent Day" and a and track day I'he the 0h LJ and PORES | joined In Miss Loreaine Ostle who was Variety her sister's only attendant, wore natures a toast lace and nel dross with & Ald oF | matehing headdress and ears ried yellow rose Ir, Harry Lyon the ast hest man for his heather and In A reception was held In the TV garden at the breidb's parents field 'home on Division Street where the bride's mother received wear: | ing navy blue sheer, The bride: | room's mother who assisted was He turquoise oreps Bath wore h orien and corsages of Mr. and Mes. Lyon left | wedding trip to points east | and on thelr return will live in Oshawa, Vor teavelling the ride | ve a white and navy hlue dress vith white accessories and a red oOrsage early in girls of ulttended un went After a program for was di ten, each embly ol day's an into groups roup with its own eounsellors Fhiree senior counsellors, Lorraine Harrison, Irene Wysolskl and byl via Bloan, were In chavge of dane ing, evatts and drama, and Mar lene Payne arvanged a special program each af i PERSONALS Mrs, Jack Mrs, Chris nue, and Ay hons Stree! vacationing Lake, at the lerton's son Miss Shire to Port Perr few days as the Emily Wilson, Riverside North Mr. and Mis LJ san Road bouth, have a thelr sen, Mr, Orland a and Mrs. Brooks, of London aro day alway 1.40 camp sohedule for the finished at. Approximately pm. to enable The to he home h five o'clock tafe OHng Vink Later for a fram the Udell Halph Plokering Mel arian Mi Whit Clarence Mis and Burch, John Street, | V Conway, Cramwell Ave Hugh Fullerton, Gil spent the past 10 days Al Bunset Ba Hive cottage of Mps, Val Mr. Roy Niegholson Pian Heal (1 Vi Allred Avenue, have nels Viiae Hu thelr Lorraine 'THREE AIMS Beatin STRATFORD, Ont, (CP)-Mad Dental OFcer| sme Marcel Mareean, wile of the Graham Conrad has | famous French mime currently tationed at Camp Borden for] taking part in the Bieattord Shake summer months. Miss Conrad | spearian Festival, says she wants retin hy plane to Halifax (fo soe a bear, a wall and Niagava week Falls tens up UNCH! 1 and ckingham Huest thelr Conrad of Halifax, Nova andl thelr nephe Cadet heen the will next Brigh any ° wha Hope has returned aller spending « ol Miss Brive guest Brood Hit Huestis Brooks On thre onsvi eanon when and goig During this is much coming cation trips the Bocial Department would he glad if lei wand send in particulars of thelr vishars or thelr own trip There 1s nol charge for this service. Please dial HA M74 and ask for the Social Department red Wigin | het Jy Mrs, Robert 1. Wilson street west, accompanied hy two daughter Honile and has returned home after an en joyable holiday spent with vela fives In various parts of Ontario Al Belleville she visited her two brothers and sisters-indaw My and M. Reynolds and Mi and My AC. Reynolds and at Hrackville another brother and sis torsinlaw, Mr, and Mes, E.R. Roy polds, In Greenbush she visited a | sister Mrs. W. F. Hanna, and Mr Hanna, In Delta, an aunt, Mrs Samuel Whitmore, and at Vank leek Hill an unele and' aunt, Mr and Mrs. Alfved Petter the Me on 3a Ai Own Huestis at Wedding Out of Parlane Bugger turday alternoon included Mes. J. A MeFarlane, My Ins MeFarviane, My. Morey Miss Cleng Keanedy, My Bowen, all from Cordova vr. Exlmer MeFarlane, My. and Mes, Gordon MoeFariane, Miss Dor i MoFarlane, all from Marmorag Mp, and Mrs, Clint Teneyeke, Mr, Gary Teneyoeke m Long Branch Ontario: My | My are Galt, Ma : W son, Pont Poriy, Mi ad Ruki and yang Chard, b Donald Mines DRY GINGER ALE BIG 12 oz. BOTTLE y £4 "THE KING OF ALL KING 512858" 88-98 PLUS DEPOSIT pletures | Junior | | | | | Wore WOMEN'S EDITOR 8 THE DAUY TIMEBGAIERTE, Thersdey, Mga 4, Joan Sager, Alvin McFarlane Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony |, 0 AOWINCKLE Baskels of pink and willie ged ol formed the setbng Ww Ceplrg Slreet United Chureh for # wed ding last Baturday silernvon when Margaret Join Seger, Sanghier of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bari Sager of Oshawa wis ules In marvisge with Alvin Eugene Mek airline, ol Mr, and Mrs A, Mekal of Cordova Mines, Optariy The Reverend 8, €. BH, AMkinson periormed the double ving cere: mony, Mr, Bonald Kellinglon pay: ed the weading mame and Mis Bonelad Eellinglon ries "I'i 9 Walk Beside You and ""Bespuse Given in marviage by hey her the hide wore & wally - length gown of gevdenla white Chantilly face and nyion tlle over net api satin feille topped with # long deoved brief $acket, A het eon of lace over satin held her vel of tulle Huston and she carried 8 cascade of ved roses and while wephanotis | Miss Barbara Sager was maid {of honor for her sister in daffooil yellow, The other attendants wer Mrs. James Sager in blossom mink and Mrs, Man Flee in lorgel-me not blue. The gowns worn hy all the allendanis were similarly sty ed of nylon tulle over net and tal Mary Crowder Walter Zycshook Exchange Vows The Ukrainian Preshylerian | Church was hi ene of & prety | double + ring ceremony last salir day afternoon when Mary Crow der and Waller Zyeshook were united In marriage The bride is the daughier of Mr, and Mrs, John Coleshaw apd the bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs, Nicolas Zyeshook, sil of Oshawa The hy the The weddin Mr, Bamue The hride," who was given marriage hy her wather, wore wallz + length turquoise lace over coremony was performed Heversnd 4, €, Jacenty, music was played hy Burnside campers were rehenrsing, Times-Garelle Bia A FEW CHOICE ITEMS LEFT! during our colossal ALTERATION SALE EVERYTHING GOES At Rock Bottom Prices 129" 169 99 29 159 249 A Few Other Relrigerators and New T.V. Sets al GREATLY REDUCED Photo Apartment RANGE 30" Tabletop RANGE WASHING MACHINES ro 3-Way Portable RADIOS FROM NEW 1956 Lb T.V ony Home Servies $10 Exirg 10 CU, FT, Refrigerators {with while PRICES ! Get Your New T.V. at ARKWA TELEVISION 918 Simcoe St, N, Dail RA 3-3043 Sema-- (Peter Visniar Weds Joan Cook At Grace Lutheran 8 AHH VERB RA Wpk Is oe of Pelex Yienisr of Om LE WB a ARETE AEFI er ar anas by ihe Beversnd Bortpen | Koike wt Grace bathers Chnrch lash Friday syenihg, The hide PAL RA, 4 BATH Li daughter of 05, snd Mrs, Perey {Cn of Prestonyiie ond the wide wreom is he son of Mr, snd Wis, | Viswiar ml Oshave : wad fading ne fete Asks Aesor: led the eh wk Wh pi Ro sch aha Wis i Rup Hi bride whe wes given Wn ir: Lai aun by her Lather yore willing BOR needed ie over net My 9d tela lopped with » Hci chet, A berddress 4 Plsied wile ana seine held her Dngertiy veh and she carried B cascihde LE Wik I rr Mrs en Danze Womor wesring wisi Aengih A Irnended tulle over tallets with # SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE marriage is snnownced of Tune Westlake, danghier and Mrs, John Westlake, to Wilsoy gm of My. apd Mrs. duck Wilson, ah of Oshawa The marvigge was solemnized wt Christ Memorial Chwreh on Fy) Ii duty 2, with the Reverend H Cleverdon mificimting ENGAGEMENT Mr, and My Angus Bavion of Gshawia sphouncs the engagement of thelr daughier, Mary Judith, (4 veler Thomas Carswell, son of ly. and Mi Frederick George well of Columbus, Oplarin marriage will Lake place on August 27, 1955, st # in Simeone Bireet United Oshawa ( gon A (6hs designed wikh sixapiess hod: ew gs lopped wih bolero Jackets nd having bowllant skins, They Wik miiens and sean sydded heandresses to maleh thelr gowns nd. carried case bimisisdy of pink Fones, te Chard mn, Wows Mines id "4 were Ralph Wek aon m id other the bride arom, and Mr. Men ice of Oh AVE, A reception was held In the low er high of he chireh where the Wide's mother received wegrng # slrest Yengih dress of dusty rose crympllette, with » white hat and matching aecessiories, Fhe ride woom's mother whe sesisled hose navy Bue and white nylon sheer over talfels with a smell hat of while ribhon. Both wore corsaies of roses, Also kreeting the guests was Mrs, Bihel Bobbing of Galt, Ontarie, wrandmother of the bridegroom, who wore k navy Wlue ensemble For the honeymoon ilps Northern Ontario and Osa the bride wore & Hill ol natural Ninen with an orange hat and harmon Ing mecessories, Op thelr return the couple will reside In Oshawu wr The Shirley of My Dougii 4 Bre The Saturday 7 eloek Latfets with a pearl trimmed satin Church and a corsage of red roses and lies of the valley Miss Rae Johnston was olhongr wearing rust onion skin wecessories and a vel IW rose corsake, The Hower girl Miss Donna BKockme, was in pink hel and lace and carvied a nose nal William Zyeshonk was | his brother was held at the bridegroom's parents' home on Highland Avenue, For the weddin rip the bride viore a gray 8p while dress with while accesso roses. Mi hest man for A FRCEPIOR maa vr a ming Ed ride s wekpmion Bie bride's ou! i of ioe) i win Phalching het ond Poves. Wi iy Viewer, sider of the ye Groin, wes Tower £5 Ww WWE BWR is YEE BREE white Boversd Bel wl ; loves Both cabiis lw LOY ERI BF roe Bi hues. My. Glen Lapiey wis hed men Wd the wore Mr, Vaud Yiewisr wma We. Bohs A Feceplion wes held & poienly home, Vor WHE # while ack wih EB Eo 0 REEEBMIES Reg, 9 4 WAYS TO BOY ¢ Cosh ¢ Charge * Loyowsy # Budew 42 KING ow ries, The couple will live in Oh: | gay of white carnations and pink awa adadedatat wy Give Away PRICES | DRESS SALE a £ peel, iy Hoss dad SR Wake Mil Wm # bw EE Bl BYE BRE IE pes ihemesty ss ws hn Woe SPVORTED YHAORIA 6F) ~ Patrice Mi, LP Far yk % Wsthe 1 1 wish BAER pp od 2 RY ORR ay dd they ell the Aisg Wis igh ? # rand yo Ly Bikws WHE 8 Whi YH Bevy hue me sewinr 7 ® on ore thor, wy Mrs es wi heir bos in Prestony we FINAL 77 tw 1995 95 , 9 777 Reg. 10 25.00 Beg, 35.00 Beautifully detailed nylons, Ef sheers, IHBA CIBRES, PIE and hinens the newest sithausites, Many with math ng jackets fr oioies. Misses and women's Sires tons sits Ld RWINNE SE Famous Name Brand "CATALINA" » 2 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM: SALE 4.99 SIZES 32 70 38 REGULARLY; 10,95 a ALL SUMMER SKIRTS 2.99 REGULAR TO: 7.95 LE ET REGULAR; 2.98 SLEEVELESS COTTON BLOUSE REGULAR hdl 3 shal _ ze 32 70 38 = SWIM SU "COLE of CALIFORNIA" «« FAILLE LASTEX & IMPORTED COTTONS 4 STYLES T0 CHOOSE FROM; SALE 1:77 REGULARLY TO; 14.95 Rn MAN TAILORED COTTON PYJAMAS REGULAR; 3,98 1.79 BERMUDA SHORTS (EEE S Re. tor 4.00 ERWINNE'S SPECIAL TY SHOP n SIMCOR § LB OSHAWA