Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 4 Aug 1955, p. 14

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500018 ROM FRANCE Foy ' seins tron Monty 8 19 gh France Laks {Amb ores % » ihe {ake f ad a | thei on ' wp Loup of scouts Constable Boroanded In Crashed Car Case Ki YOROKTO whose huliets eased & speeding Ch nurses Mw manasa ¢ on SL ha Ein J ol the su wis (hare ' #BEE In connection wt One Letter Balks Phonetic Alphabet eind I wri ail he ¥ wre heh fi i Ley iiy hirhian East AIDETICRN Bobi IRLE thing else. How why is nm wil slumped Ihe experi ol a He iphishe nin {ation nin i IFipned up vi vial is y I's the onl men. haven'l wp with a Altar thies jie wi eve Rss Fie fkper have fallen onto havi Fines with RIITON 1, Kric seapeh fon 17608 rived nel Wis American Henry Mone) Blgla Liniversity ng clipe, wid the Bame new phon And ihe h i internniiungl grik ' ane jell letter | heen ahle tn ark team | I stil bile word ears JOINED IN Bell, alrecls Brugin's ministy and evil aviation, ar) gre In siruggle with the! Ansnciale myeet il 8 wpesch and hoa field has nay | 1B : PILLOWS, Kapok "PILLOWS, Feather, ' PILLOWS, Foam Rubber First 2.500 Good Year Foam Rubbe Reg. 99¢ en 1.49 an Chips Ren i, come Khe of CRren URS 1] hut | pe Naise il hy | Ghiebor, Oma | br | Yankee and Zulu nded frp the lores ie at ] ring of the charge ha h erimingl neg Hobeyi mnyihison He J 4 oday from #itrami wk of oe J H Barge of wre k wn poles he remained aie Priestman' neciar, nig For Marilyn? "a alphahe! com put place ol ei ey Davin ell and Dy : Ihe Inigrnaliong Organization wt loser will sub i Civil eon piem #ion 1a ae # ention In Monivesl th "i if nation group adopt gid nghsh "oh international 1angusge i Ine insey he | ne » of fig 81 | therap Naval Salute For Queen's Birthday TESTED i howed th 1 itphabet 15 ahout § ven Inke en with pirerali engines He Baker, Charlie only shout § per ory min i reads Alla Lehn, Fo Juliet! Pap | NTPLLIGIBILITY 8] Ai aid r ph Hibs i from he nis lem rated in intellis The new bi { vor, Lolf Lr syslem arlie, Delia Hotel, Indian hike Osi Romeo, Blervra, Tapgo Victor, Whisky, A-7#y A decision on 'N| of navy The eral | vessel Iishre flaps Horm 5 enpecied soon ie TORONTO (CP Oniario hursday Queen ships itt db Edd kasd dd (48 TRE DANY TIMES GATIENTE, Thorsdey, August 4, 1990 Man Charged Over y William Tell Shooting YABCOLYER (EF dn Furry, #1, wae charged fois yal gobion oA HAE Tuwidey wer the pr wh shoting of B yess oid Womens $i kone Roig nh her Ris Pry wed whan 3 nw pole nies Bey ww Police believe she sie sacidopt ay ehol when # whist BARREL for # chrdhonrd CRIN Wi pRass 1 00 her Beas, ven peiRy w eh Mre, Ow and her buhnd Philip, sid someone Swgarsias TRIBAL Praatise With aR Rd metic BER RIE § WIRE A TRAE WEE Brest ph we cordbosrd conan ry Wn the 1yepacs Mrs. Orr seid whe thew suggested es play Wilkiem Teh' and Placed (he carton on her hed The tus two mois pereed the Larges ht the hind struck Wis Ly Blinker Signals 'Made Them Friends SAINTE JOBS, BB, (CP)-Twe YINBE AINETIcRnE, wih Inet high Winker wgpils wh ie serving with the United Slates Bavy, ark spend ing the swmwmer wn the Sorth A lantic recording Ww worfe Bsns pe wien the wlory of Inshore Disher men Don Loomis, 8 Byesroid Cal iormian, and B-year-ad Bam Mas Weg, # third-yesr Bowdon Univer Wy #udent, are. working from Rm Lidnot Aory rigged with Vigssll and i71ERn On their prvi herk 4 plan furiher slope in age which saried when the wh HECcoyeren they Common eres un the fishermen's Ie while signs ne from heir respective ships hey plan 10 sell lo the head of Bay of Fundy, portage weyons the Chigneelo isthmus 10 North umberiand sirait, cross the 6 Blacksmith Is One Of Remaining Few DAUPHIN, Man CF) Robert Anderson is one of the holdouts Wn an old hl ByIng prolession He's the travelling Wacksmih Wilh the NArness- racing nares Ing wing through the Manitoba (air ENE gen Hime Born, raised and apprenticed a a Wincksmith in Aberdeen, Beotland Mr. Anderson eame to Canada in 1920 ana opened a blacksmith shop in Decker, Man was #8 Rood business in the days when everyone had horses," he said, "But now | don't know where I'd he i It weren't lor the harness racing horses Mr. Anderson makes gil the horses' 'shoes sl the I6irs. Epen horse needs mn sel shoul every six months and the shoes have 16 he vesel very three to Inn weeks "Then in the winter 1 run what you might call a mail-order busi ness, making other shoes for the pacers and trotters and shipping hem ont as far as the west consi Mr, Anderson likes the eirenil he "You the race nepection hesd wheelchairs or fur tempi riers at Lachine, Que ihey began 7 gan Rew vo, rise riven by Constable fy on he f t he fleeing co Aurmg mn iy hase "wot Sormian Lheesema ¥ Ldn nr ig Eysiem ers im Hawn 1 he proposed a lo leach police 14 hen pect armed, He sald A] Mvers a hold he "dings of thelr re Se ier holarship mi Yoronte hoard wation of decided tu ron # uEgestion hy Controller Baltour that Teropta pr umversit cholarship n Bell naueror of Laks end the English channel {year-ma imme ike sud hag physin Bae mid in AWA (CP Royal Canadian ships will fire royal salule tn celebrate the hirthda Mather Ellzaheth, the announced today, salutes will he fired hy sev designpied a aluting u, AW ships and shore estab wis will he decorated with and pennants Just rg can't heal being on hee wByi INTERNATIONAL CLURK The Rotary Club of Benoni, » amall town pear dobanneshurg, ih proaan a ow | Bouth Africa, projects for use hy or housing clubs nthe "United States, | f same oA 8, Lawrence to hewloundiana PRY TEER mong the Bova Seobik opel Loomis, 8 professions) photogra phar, 8 FecOrong Ww wills and ny lion pictures the We of the fisher men whe sel ot of Canad pris. Manning, #» resident of Brunswick, We. is making exlen ove notes for megane articles Their howt is # derelict found washed up on the shore. They have BO PvEr Duk sans and osrs and Ho mhelier Looms estimpted they had rowed howl ope-quarier of the way since they left Brunswick June 4 Both know boasts and navigetion and they have ghrepdy mel spd hesten one Atlantic slorm Their princingl obieet is to study the tishermen's way of Me, by Wing with them and under the ann itions Gold Rush Fever Near Geraldton FORT WILLIAM (CPA wan Jum ind has slaried a staking rush 2 miles southwest of Gergldlon mining oihiials reported here Wed nessa A #irike was Iwo months ago western Ontario first made ahout near the north town, 19 miles northeast of here, and two weeks AEH AN American mining group from Indigng recorded 4 claims During the last two weeks ip lo 70 claims have heen staked in the ares The original find was made hy Arthur West, Geraldion business man, and Axel Newhouse, Gerald fon prospector TO STUDY OD MONTREAL (CPI Civil defence will 'he one of the chief subjects 10 he studied at the annual ror ference of the Canrdian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities in Edmonton Aug. 28, to Bept was disclosed here Pam ins night, you oars PARTHER Heat Mixed Blessing To Canadian Farmers OPVAWA (CF Wlisiaring hawt, as KH 29 lien Ross, oe VRE Ries Wieshing Canadieh tormeis Under 2 semrehing wm priwie Rept 16 TIDEnE 9VRIA # BERG ren crop. The het is NRE ry A gh that Jeet YeRy Fer Wed the whew roy to he low est wn I venrs and bas enabled # Hart on the harvesting ready Bet thet seme Wistering sw 16 Boing oi pois of 1REmers wn (Mario and nehes. Some corn md os wie shriveled, Wony her fidlde are Wn such RB cribicdl wate Strange Malady Strikes Indians WINNIPEG (CP)-8x Leen ped Cree indians, the last of Eight Rowe to Winnipeg with a Wrangs melady during the Yast three weeks, Weft by mr Weonesdny tor thelr home # the Shampiipwe reserve worth of The Vas, Man The slrange disease, symp tomiied hy violent convilsions snd severe headaches, has heen wnaes mnelysis by doctors ms Virus re sepichers othe University of Mapiiohs for shout three weeks BNA RE Yel BO CORCINEVE TEPOTE hes begn made Doctors said last week thet the Hisense 1ikely would remain & mys tery W i mia not recur and i the YIEUR 1esis proved useless The swmmer's is NEW CANADIANS Canadian ciienship papers were granted wn 1994 (o 19.545 per ons whe formerly owed allegiance 19 other countries Jovalle fragrance IT 15 50 GAY, §C YOUNG, 50 FEMININE YARDLEY ENGLISH LAVENDER $1.50 92,25 43.50 MITCHELL'S PRUG STORE ? SIMCOE 57, N, oat ily & Grewt Gownpows of Fem oof seid DIMI, fust winder CRG PIETER A Rley oA ponaiie Aone 9 B JERE AEP Fitismwias lose 0 cemiril Canadien run ks WEN add Tha boron mf Aatistics 1epoiing Ihe Canadien crop eds mE Wehnarhivy BEEBE BRE DRI IE CTOPS YE 1 Wel het hey rey EF REE VE ARpRiEs 4 {amatiah | Produce howl 9 yaw piss with feed, in wali estima of 475005 MH of hk this buishets of ERT & yl FEE Wh #Hivi of AK ron Serer Canada or yeRrs sa wy a when! Irom the Inet crop yemr, this mey LARS Canadinn whet sepiiies to # fom | " the Tormers ad Boy, 7, On Lakeland Beach Drowned | PLANE CRASHES Wl ins ¢ oA WI, W the overs 4 Canadien wiry nai gctuis bs yonerely rN po tn comril Ag gi yo w may ren ete een gr Wy oA Ji CERURG, Opt. (CF)--A Lud pireraft craked AMON (09) seven yor 1, MI] Ent lon, Weta, aa oy whe WaNGEFRA Bw RY Eom RB line fence fon children David Reid of vided by Wie Tether was roy 4.4 inpwed, whantonkd |; er: party of #hneid iy ng hans on Lakeland beach ined Henderson, Hen aymete, The son oA Rody of oA Be 1k rR nthe Mrs. Ger Aer son. Wik et A midentified ty pobice, walked plo i restpant nesr the basins and 144 the proprietor Ws friend had {alien nly the waler had Cia'd. of # group of bie nel on mM oubing for his own son hors' eh You Will 6B BETTER PICKLES aren #Haried a scprin and the other YOURE with # fakeofl, Phot ford wes we a4 ae thei p d de THE ROYAL COMMISSION CANADA'S ECONOMIC PROSPECTS will commence public hearings in Toronto, 23rd of January. Briefs are invited from organizations snd associations wishing 10 express views on the prob: while economic development of Canads and on the problems to which it appears likely to give cifically included among the subjects 10 he ons Herd hy the Commission are the following I in the supply bh) distribution ; ¢) prospects for fa) living; an prospective of raw materials ond ERETEY MONFERS | the growth 10 be expected In the popu Intion of Conndn snd changes in io growth and change In domestic and external markets for Cana: dian production trends in iy and standards of Aaah ®) is for and should reach the Room 400, Daly and socinl capital, Briefs must be in writin Secretary of the Commission, Building, Ottawn, hy the 28th of December, At least ten copies should be forwarded and more, i possible, It would he helpful if organizations and associations intending to submit briefs could so inform the Commission's Secretary without delay, W. L. Gordon Chalrman DV, LePan SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED - YOU ARE INV ITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT _ PLAID MOTOR RUGS Mansy saver Fringed edges Reg, 2.95 rRs Latest aut, Rag, 10¢ sash 6 for 25. I LO SAVE DOLLARS ON ALL WEN'S Outdoor Shorts Sanforised, 1 Reg. 2.95, KIDDIES' MONO T-SHI Bhutan shoul dor, Reg. 69% 3 for) Ist QUALITY! CELLOWRAP PILLOW CASES 4 for 1 white LADIES CARDIGANS Lares x A he Ist QUALITY, WAFFLE WEAVE CARDIGANS WITH THE NEW METALLIC LOOK! feminine sweater in sonl Fine new sattan are sae 34 Kes Li The truly PDE MONEY SAVER soyy Plisse Shirts GRAMMED Fon RTS o. i Avaiity syAaver PILLOWS am Rubber Fling fli MEN'S NYLON BLEND GAB, DRESS PANTS All shades Reg re PBS Monsyr ver m Rubber 1.99 Buy at this prise, Re LLL] Ye Reg, 3.95, Broken sines PENMAN'S Tops or Shorts 39 PDS Manayiaver 3 for 1.00 7% on Mansy CLEARANCE! LADIES DRESSES 1.99 Man! Just try on one of these MELBOURNE FLANNEL SUITS 2 PANTS == REG, 49.95 FDA MONEY SAVER "WOOLEOTT" BLANKETS CM 3.99 00 GIRLS PE MONEY SAVER 21 BOND ST. W. Training Panties Slee 3:8, All solers, Reg 10g FRE MONEYSAVER 7 for 1.00 FLANNELETTE RECEIVING TOP QUALITY! SIZES 415 TO 6 FIRST QUALITY paitals batwing slesves, petite Reg, 6,95, 4.15 Each BE a... .S'S.k DAVY CROCKETY BRACELETS s Migluie 9) sherms Wa oh a9. GREY wool BLANKETS Neg 40) hash harden ingluding siher Reg LE MONEY SAVIR LUTE LR LN 2.99 LARGE Si28 PLASTIC POOLS 2.39 hilankets LLB] MONEY SAVER DIAPERS Row AT 3.99 inte ssi 2.59 2.95 2.95 Kingeott Diepers = Reg, 3.99 Birdseye Diapers = Reg. 1.99 FBS MONEY SAVER LADIES NALTERS mt Pe FRE MONEY SAVER BOYS HOLIDAY DENIM JEANS 69 MONEY SAVER imw6 Rey 1.49 PRs matching buttans, Tiny ribbed Johnn enllar, ribbed waisthand, In combine rayon and cottan, Aqua, Liles ar White, Sizes 14, 16, 18, 20. feg 2.9, 1.49 GIRLS' DRESSES 99. glath, 2 ww 13 IRONING BOARD COVERS Felt -- Complete 8 O« with Plastis Was PRS MOMEY SAVER TUMBLERS Cut Glass =» Reg. 15¢ each 6 for 30: PBA MONEY SAVER MEN'S FIRST QUALITY Sanforized Jeans Rivet reinforsed, 3.99 POE MONEY SAVER Reg 210 5, 10. PIECE BAKING SETS CA slides measuring FBS Maneysaver Juioe Containers Plaats, emey 5 Q \d able ponring PDA MONEY SAVER ANKLE SOX Kiddies" ribhhdd 5 for 1.00 BATH MAT SETS 4 fot ki 99 LAL 20:FT, Clear plasthe wrinkles i 0SE i 88 hose, suarantend! LJ] With sauplings POS MONEY SAVER spout, Reg, 09 HOSTESS LAZY SUSAN wi JQ Aleat, plastls, hat al shiver; eey te PRE MONEY SAVER sloan LADIES PEDAL PUSHERS 99 he 5 MONEY-SAVER Jorendes ah Ie, got 3 lh ring, i Nie hy 0 WE BOUGHT TOO MANY Ladies Blouses " 29 "OUR LOK 15 YOUR GAIN ironing PADS lpn Tht 79: Rayon Bedspreads 1.99 hi ante n : Hy HoH [ 4 LAL Mania GIRLY PLAY SHORTS 2 BO. foriged tansy unig slastis waist; 3 to wormed Bln ABHEL SANE enn en GIRLS' SHORTS AND MATOWING NALTERS 1-39 BRL NONEXIAYA less § " oll you pay " Sos 3 bo warted salons LK) 5 alan Maney saver BLANKETS --~ on Solactul filters, Solon; Yellow, "79. Large Size Colorful BEACH TOWELS "e118 2 20 * PERKY og 08a. Plastieslined drawstring, Wh 39 LINEN SUN SUITS 49: Suton Tere en sambed gatton Pi flies 4, . PRE Manny Reg: 79%. Grip, Li satton Han suit, oy tim TN 1 saver Mansy saver PAC DAVY CROCKETY 2-PIECE SUITS Sizes 2 to 6x Reg AMR 2.79

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