Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 2 Aug 1955, p. 6

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6 THE DANY TIMES GATRTTY, Tuesday, August 3, 1958 Wr Dimes thestha Fiididoers | hmiiad y ibans, (plane, Baby ones Co Not Boosted Constr onion Of Milk BAR,000 pints, The first year the 'haby bonus' was paid the consumption of heer -was 115,000,000 gallons and in 1968 hed climbed to 204, 000,000 gallons, It is 8 matter of simple arithmetic to discover thet for every gallon of milk cone sumed some one, and we hope it was nok the hables up to 16 years of age, to whom Canada pays the family allowance, drank over 40 gallons of heer, That is an awful lot of heer, whether it is measured on the hasis of gallons, quarts or pints, It means that Canadians consum- ed B21,000 gallons of milk and 204,000,000 gallons of beer, The consumption of heer of 18,8 gallons per eapita in 1068 means that everyone including the milk drinkers, guzzled 60 quarts or 120 pints of heer dur. ing the year However, the family allowance was paid to slightly more than one-third of Cana. da's population, or 5,206,200, As we asked earlier, who is responsible for the enorms« ous Increase in the consumption of heer, and why is it that the family allowance payments, which were intended to increase the consumption of milk, have not accom. plished that purpose? Delightful good thing to shed the worries of a work. «day world, Even mothers with children contrive to take it a hit easier, and they are all the better if they can learn to re. lax, There is an obligation on the part of ad- ults to see that safety is promoted to the greatest possible degree while on vacation, Holiday freedom sometimes makes young. aters move than usually careless, and they should he specially instructed regarding the rules of safety, particularly on the road or in the water, For older persons a, conscious effort for highway safety should he accepted as a stern duty, Bummer in Canada can he a delightfu) time, especially for those who learn to take full advantage of our salubrious wear ther, ------------------ Consumption of beer by Canadians has increased from 9.6 gallons per head of pop- ulation in 1945 to 18.8 gallons per citizen in 1968, but what we would like to know is, who is drinking it? Burely it cannot be the under 16 years of age portion of the popu~ lation to whom this nation pays the family allowance or "baby bonus'? Those to whom the family allowance was made, in May this this year number 5,205,200, an in crease from 1946 when the total number was 3,168,000, In the same period of years when the family allowance has climbed to $2,726, 000,000, wand in the last fiscal period reached $850,118,002, the consumption of milk has decreased in Canada, It is only logieal to expect, with these millions he paid to make the lives of Canadian dren hetter and happer, and to improve heslth and welfare, that the consumption of milk would far out-distance that of heer, Yet in 1945 the consumption of milk, according to the Dominion bureau of sta tistics, was 4,844,000 pints, It attained a high of 4,647,000 pints during the second year the 'haby bonus' was paid, 1046, and has ranged well below that total sinee, and only in 1958 did it veach the figure of 4, Summer Can Be The summer months are now upon us, and this season of the year may he worth a few thoughts, In the first place, those who need rest and relaxation should make the best of the opportunity te live as much as possible out of doors, It is well known that sun. shine 1s a great balm for human ills, That is, of course, if you take it in reasonable quantities, Even sunshine can be harmful if it is allowed to cause a burn and this should "he remembered by those who de- light in acquiring that healthful-looking tan, A majority of people these days get a period during the summer when they are not required to perform the dally vound of common task, During this time it is a Self-Help Keynote For Highlands To most North Americans, the High- lands of Beotland are the romantic scene of Bir Walter Scott's novels and the home of the kilt and the hagpipe, Bome know them as deer forests, grouse moors and salmon streams, But to the Highlander himself his sternly beautiful land is a stubborn economic problem, one that has grown intense in something more than two centuries of change, After the introduction, the New York Herald-Tribune describes an interesting experiment now being carried on; It says: "The Highlands, rugged and isolated, long guarded a way of life that antedated feudalism, But the clans and their chief. tains were broken in a succession of eivil w Wars the last in 1744, Deprived of the old certainties of the clan system, penal zed for loyalty to the Btuarts, the Beots hegan to leave the land they loved, "Many of them came to this continent of Ireland, Others, like the of the song, enlisted in fered neither sites for factories nor farms for the plow, Bubsistence farming and fishing an dthe care of tourists or sport. ing visitors became the principal resources of the Highlands, ' "The world at large owes much to the hardships that drove so many Highland. ers to its far places, Few frontiers, of ter: ritory or the mind, have not found a Beot hacking away at the rank undergroundd of vegetation or error, Now Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton and the Highland funds, which have heen established in Great Brits ain and the Unted States are attempting to redress the balance and to reinvigorate the economy of the Highlands, "Self-help is the keynote of the plan, as it must be for so independent a people, Long term, low interest loans will be the principal means used, to provide capital" for individual enterprises, It is a challeng ing idea: To allow a territory, which has proved rich in human resources to pub them to work at home, The music of the Highlands has too long heen dominated hy the laments for those who have gone away: it would he well if some lively reels or strathspeys became the keynote of the region rather than 'Lochaber No more," Other Editors' Views SMALL MEN IN MARATHON (Ottawa Citigen) fn this year's running of the S6-mile Boston Marathon, with well aver 100 competitors in the field, three Japanese and twa Finns placed in the first elght, The winner wax a Japanese welghing 196 pounds and he established a new record; he dig It through being able to run faster uphill {han anyone else, There may be material here for a thesis on the staying power of smallish men and on the virtue of fish---supposing they do train on fish, CLEMENT ATTLEE ON THE WAY OUT? (Newsweek Magasine) All insiders in London here feel Clement Attles's days as boss of the Labor Party are defintely num: bered, But that doesn't mean he will be suceeeded by Aneurin Bevan and his left-wing forces, Pres sure will come largely fram middie-af-the-roaders whe feel Attlee and these around him ave simply outdated, and too ald to load THREE REQUIREMENTS (Stratford Beacon-Herald) John Rusin sage sald i: 'In order that people may be happy in thelr work, these three things are peeded: They must be Ht far i: they must not de too much of ju; and they must have a sense of success la WW" some hy Way 'Highland Laddie' the kilted regiments that fought for ng. land's kings around the world, Great ins dustries came in time to Clydeside and then Scottish Lowlands, but the hills of Bible Thoughis if we do his will we will know the doegtrine, Faith is the key But we have the mind of Chelsl 4:18, I Car ' al] » » € A» 3 I'he Daily Timeu-Gazette Published ny TIMES GACHTTE PUBLISHERS LIMITED a Bens Blveel Boubh, Oshawa The Daily TimesGaselle (Oshawa, Whitby), combining The Oshawa Ties (established W710 and the Whithy Gaselia and Chronicle (established 10631, is published daily (Sundays and statutory holidays sxonpled) Members of The Canadian Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association and the Ontaria Provincial Dallies Associadien and the Audit Bureau of Cirgulation, The publication of all news despatches in the paper credited ta I oor to The Associated Press or Rewlers, and alsa the legal news published therein, All wghts of special des patehes are alse reserved T. L WILBON; Publisher and General Manages, M, MoINTYRE HOOD, Managing Editor. Offices: 4 King Street West, Taronte, Ontavied University Tower Bullding, Meatreal, PG SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivesed hy oarviers in Oshawa, Whithy, Broaklin, Pars Perry, Alas and Plekering, not aver 3c per week. By mail tin Pravinee of Ontariel, outside cartier delivery areas, $15.00, Elsewhere $15.00 por year DAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR JUNE 12,648 A J One of Oshawa's favorile reabion areas for many of QUEEN'S PARK Good Job Do Lands Depar TORONTO Significant in the tremendous onslaught of fores! fires this year has heen lack of egriticism of the department of lands and forests, or even sug gestion as to how is flredighting methods might be Improved This Is an exceptional to the efficiency of the deparl ment's fotest protection branch and eo he faith which the public has In And iw is a deserved tribute, for Ontaria has good veason to he proud of the men that fight Ws larest fires GOOD RECORD Our Hires losses yepresent a. grave this is no discredit (0 the depart ment or Hs protection hranch Rather, in relationship to the mas nitude of the task they have before them every veal 1s to thelr ver definite credit that the Toss 16a large: Their task Includes patrolling millions of aeves of tha for several months of the year | in a state of high hazard and under continual threat from lightn ing, campers, hush workers, (rang ele Al the height of a serious dry spell such as we encountered thi year It means frant-line duty to days on end fighting fives, when AK BOON AK one 1s under eonirol another hreaks oul MORE MENY The only eriticlsm that might he offered would he on the size of the fire-protection fares, I would appear obvious that FL were tribute are hig problem, Hut Himher FOR BETTER HEAL and - QUIET AND SHADY NUOK men of the ely and the Oshawa Golf Club husiness irigl is ne By tment lavier, losses would he lower But for anee the ohvious appar ently lan't right. In normal Himes Wh Braneh 18 recognized as helog as efficient as any In the world, The only way to maki it appreciably mare efficient would he lo greatly enlarvie Hs size and engage In very Intensive proles tan. And this would he etonom leallty unsound The maln problem 1s copin the high hazard periods, And diy mg these times, of gourse, thai sands of men wee needed and re erutted. A larger permanent forge waldn't make any great diligr auE protect with nes BTIFY PENALTIES One improvement he In pur forest § far slrieler pe fully Lightnin there might fire protection nallies for wil setiing of Hees a ather unsanirall Fanta" cause seb the wiggest po fam of pure fives. Bul a great aim her still are wlaried hy careless gan and: hush travellers Department pilots ean tell wl mast unbelievable stories of sueh carelessness. CF men causing one hich has had to he hough! and then doing the again the next da anly one thing thal wh peaple will respect. This is a (EE that they will h downright atesid ta he earele Present penalties ave fale! hes and the department does HI very hest ta lmpose them wher the elrgumsianeces warrant {EHH there 1s ream for even heavier im or Hagranl offenders careless He under control hing here 1s Hie 1] posi TH Take A First Rid Kit On Your Motor Trip HUNDESEN, MD of autos on the = #treets cand highways, accidents and Injuries arg hoimd fo spell the summer fun of many families Minor, as well as serious Injwi jes and hung, should he treated promptly even when you are an the toad, Arve you prepaied for such emergencies Most motorist are nol I strongly advise you to ear) fivat ald Kit in your ear. You never kay the nyo oF your kids might nee dorks oF KIv The American Hed ammends a kit which contains following as a have minimum Bix one « Inch adhesive hand ages, Individually wrapped to as sure sterility; twa three neh handages compresses; one square yard of sterile gauge; a tube of hurn olntment and a telangilar handage which can double as a tourniquet A tourniquet won't da much oad IF you don't know how a use i I might be a good idea ta clip aut the following instructions the use af a tourniguet and place them In your fest aid kit, too Tourniguels should he used only ta hall the severe hlpeding of the extremities, Knot the tour nlguet about the injured Himh Insert & stick hetween the knot and twist to apply pressure The tourniquet should he placed Just above the edge of the wound Friendly Drink Leads To Brawl NEW TORONTO, Oat. (OF) A feiendly deink" alter same over time work lead to the tahhing Thursday night of three New Ta ante men Police chief Bah New Taranto sald Peleg 12, nvited six friend he had heen working a loeal factory to his an wn the house of Anthony Karkut, 46 Landlord Karkut me | i hi room 0 objegt Whe lot a Ry HERMAN N, WITH millions Cross red the May aor with whan Weatherup of ayertime at had unheaken skin he tween It and the wound, Make sig that you apply It Hghtly enough to compress both the ay terials and the velns Don't release the taurniguet; let a physiglan do that, This 1s a de parture trim previausly issued instructions, hut the Committee an Surgery of the National Hesgareh Coungil now says this adviee 1 the hest LOW TEMPERATURE Onee the tourniquet 1s applied don't toy tg warm the Hmh hy covering it with extra clothing om a hlankel. <A hody part deprived af its hiped supply will saevive hetter ab lower than normal tem perature, You should, however, elevate the injured limb so that if 6 slightly higher than the trunk af the hogy One word of caution tourniquet only if other fall to slap the bleeding, Usually mg a elath diveetly on the rtace of the wound will halt the Haw af hipoad Ls STION AND ANSWER G0 Can prostate gland tel be eured without surgery Answer: Various foams of treat ment are suggested for this eon dition Massage af the ally advisable ment 1s due may he necesss relieve aime furhaney IBAVIRE some LLL | methods prastate 18 usw when the enlavge In fection, Surgery wy to pompletely mrastate wland dis having hattle stavied Mayaer and his friends gave Kav Kut Yguiie a severe beating, po Hea sail then Kavkutl reportedly the basement to get a "ground down butel BIE Ad 1 an en the three men were hey Mayaer, Wn ehh Beresanski i, Thamas Wales, 36, ta the left shoulder, Hospital afficlals i all ware in good condition vo Rarkut Bin pustody an $8,000 havsed with assault. May charged with permitting and the ather six ave founding, The ease will Aus 8 nodse and a went a Wing fraea vaunded he he | are Wi Ja A Aer | drunken hay | foie up a ah all af the pravines' Mong the res he Lshawi Heve Is a scene hned han a U.S, GALLUP POLL NEAR OSHAWA winds Ws ell BEGUNAE Creek as il though the Way Despite Ike's Strength GOP Would Not Win House By AMERICAN INBTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION PRINCETON, NJ In ie first ecoasl-laenasl cheek on hasic party slrength since the 1664 eleetion the Institute finds that the Repub Hean party has made Lite head Way I BIRCH g suppariers Digapite the fact that Pec. dent Eisenhower consistently wing nul aver leading De moeratie contend ers In Gallup Ball ""Frigl Heats', if the Election were helng held Lo day, Ih Is likely that the Riv By waild keen contr of the Howse of Representatives, Ta win control, vecent experi: ence indicgles that the Kepubh gang must poll approx imately hh per gent of all voles east for House vandidates outside the Boulhern slates An of today, the GOP runs even with the Democratic party In the North, or ahoul the sime as they did In the 100 Congressional ele ban when they lost the House Hove 16 what the latest survey, based on a carelully construgted cross-section of UB, voters show The question the eleehions for congress were helng held today, which party would you like tn ses win in this slate the Republic fin party or the Democratic party" Here 1s the vole outside the South: Hepublican B) per eenl, Democratic B) per cent, In making today's supvey, he Institute LL use of the meth which enabled It ta correctly es Himate the results of the 106 Cone wressional election within ane per: vent ake point af perfect aecuviey, Here 15 the trend of the vole outside the Boulh since 1646 Vole for ( ahireny oulgide Bouth: Hepubliean Demos iM 1046 election hi'% i 148 election 1] ] 1660 election W 1002 election ah 100d election oe Today's survey World ¥ conwr fh Reserved Angostura Bitters Is A Family Secret : Trinidad wha drink WHR angnsiiura OF BRAIN Few Peapls PORT (Heulers) enekiats Havored Bitters realize that Whe aramatie dashes in thelr drinks are the peo duet of ane of the hest kept family apprels no story Far 181 years, sueeassive gener alongs af the Blegert family have heen making thelr hitters in a fae: tory hore, Only ane man outside the family knows the formula, He is David Boon, chief chemist of the eompany, who was lel Inia the secret In 1uhd When ane af the three hig vals in the factory Is emnaty, Boon mw Habert W. Blegerl, managing di rectar af the eompany, yelires a a loeked vopm, There, Boon op Siegert measures oul the ngredi ents which gn lo the hitters and Haees them In 4 perforated stain eas aleel haskel he fled basket, carefully en vered, 18 placed In a perealator vherg rum gels ta work In the ingredients 0 praduee the hitters which, when marketed, have aleaholic content of 44 per cent The ngredients for hitters ave imparted fram several eaunivies an al Phat is ghoul as much of the secret 15 knawn The man wha stavied the husi ness, Dee JF, G, 1B Biggert, served AF AN AEmy surgeon in the Beeand ast Prussian Infantry al Wales log. He aevived In Veneguela in 1880 with some farmer eomieades lcarms ta Join Blmen Boellvar's fovees yy make ah Blegert produced in 1634 aro hitters whieh he intended as a harmless stimulant for the appetite and to relieve the many minar slamaeh eamplainis eam mon in the teaples He gave his hitters the the awn af Angostura ale changed tn Cludad Bolivar----wheve Bolivar sel up his headguariers on the viver Grlnnen, Siegert setiled there and distethuled hotties af Wis hitters tn patients and friends AnBostura was then a husy port and the reputation al the hitters was carried around the world hy affieprs and crews af the many ships thal called thers Alogert dled Wn 70 and his twa deeided that heeause af the unsettled alin] situation Wn Venesuela, they would move to I'rinidad name of Decide Hunting Not Affecting Population Of The Partridge PORONTO (CRY he Ontaria government yielded Thursday to the arguments of pavividge hunt ars and is awn wildlife experts that nunting doesn't affect the hind population. 16 sel a new two-month puEnn far grause and parividge in the northern part af the provines In the last twa years the season in the Navth ran for theee weeks, hut It was splib-with ane week al Thanksgiving and twa in Novem her. The split season now 18 abal ished. There 18 na change in south arn Ontario where the seasan re mans al ane week Wilditte otfieials of the depavt ment of tands and forests sought for twa years tn have the season amended. They eantended an he 8 200.000 game ied hunters that hunting does nol veduee hisd papulation but the ap alte 8 prahib the pase HE HUNTED THRIVE Research had shown that where the hirds ave heavily prateeted, veduetions no density hive heen greatest, Where hunting was per mitted, the hirds seemed ta have thrived. Surveys in Ontacia, Mich gan and Wisgonain have shown thal the Intensity af hunting has no i lation ta papwlation uetuations of game hivds The 1088 apen seasons Bapt, IV Nav. 10: Algoma, vane, Kenora, Manitoulin, River, Sudbury, Thunder and Timiskaming toreltovial iets fet, H:Nay districts of Hound (et Hig Cook Halny Hal dis 10: The Muskoka tereitarial and Parry eounties of Beant Halton, ath Nav. A Wasex, Haldimand, The Investment Dealers (MEMBER TORONTO 16 KING §T, Far Wtarmation DIAL RA 5.1104 THOMSON, KERNAGHAN & CO, BOND and BROKERAGE OFFICE Association of Canada STOCK EXCHANGE WW, OSHAWA Resident Mar ERIC R, HENRY Wage Issue Between Union And INC Nearing Full Settlement nl he TOROWYG (CP ® os of 0 a of the pony OR WER Jesies wae Wh an ay ts Aion rly A ; a of otha AAG Filly A wines if to Mreomant, Rivest lo 14 J wry dV LANG, TEE Were Ft ke 1 ei 0 vision, Je, EER : -- --- Pollution Plan For Niag ara Basin or Niag (AP) En ved i Fl "lle oh sounty wi i the fis oy fant use hhin sell he wells tn federal government hai Aepols nr font ) cenls A hundred, These ave frogen and ve wold tn fishermen Tater in the year, An experienced fisherman ean 4 pre 4 fk we ries will od rap anil 5 fishermen ¥ he olit Wobng W. gud WOES REAFIY LOWRS WG ¢ i si) 4 i Fhe " Wkth-eolored = iy that da Bol new have sew: wisps his 10 fenlas Dhaai Wine is hailed 1n, hut the Auld: he report had wllsking and Yi his ly yields ten they rch heay ha i apt nd keen Iwi » 5 Bong without an Of Geneva Talks fo Were co ot 9 _-- a the nity ke | h HE yr their bigs, Unless sng me pretty & hogrd's pia i th Gy oud 3 1 ch us the owns of hire red: painted Block of lend I hoa | The dl 4) squirking squid tries his best i Ly Ih Al Wve ah hail i io i ant hi haut '} 00 were ci qh yr hewlh Gd i HONDON { hy / el cilities pllscied we port of iy Ld falg (i fA I i ough sich ory will hal In pin mation of sewer districts In Verge wsally hot eh heklowagh, West Beneea needle protruding hyowih fight hack at his captor, Thus the 2: ig a he nissan I BH Ish are used for hill traikle i Ly A AYRE BREN son, Wrehill wen side of } " sie 0 Mtl tend bil hy Hat Too § 8 Viungor helper whe handles treet {0 une only one Tie, ir Anthony yo pd lhe | Ite bin th inide sory Dories generally groups slang the eastern and sonith Big Fou bide siory of Fre Wesent crowd In west coasts of the island, renter wer the hehvily Io fled A and 0 UPR OREhES " Whiiaha Hh sree since Tat May's owi i schools The ries fw i from hundre 5 of hile fle gna hay Mharily fier awh and | He unl early sven) ok whet fo li 0 hate are eihed down BYGONE DAYS i i DIMmuniet py ad pi Muh is flost thew oh he Hd exams al Osgoode Hall, stand: Churehilll hopes ta iy hd third In a class of 181 sly lo of We way lgaders i contact with fin Sen hm on i's no, fal hed ne yh onl Sn i #0 YEA Ernie oA (¥ #, the winners of hadg yeu Wale in the Onlarie henehar, Par flemly helleve hat when they rer Lor oral WB Armitage was | te ated tn the rank al acting they fro hele i more in the Ontarle Regiment, Alfreg Heal was ¢ 30 P, C Rate Cut For Insurance isi fl he Bans OF fied bad { i W. Bhat 11 | dM on. Waller Bmegal w #0 pei o TH CUT NO | Kh hr td Wie ihential wuranes On. of Amerie has slashed rates hy 80 tH the heavy: welght honors at van pam Aleve Kosevshyn and Fred Beisle fier ent an #roup major medical - insuranee AA, fh anil A We i" Arne were (he winners In the other di- vislons Miss Iva FHyarson i (al plang IE announced Friday, The olin OAVEE. fOKiN wan elected viee-preside i Dt ackver Hy A ol of longed Hines oF injudy whieh Ya fi The Courties family trek was pre fade Ah Giplogse a ana i Bl presented hy Jf, ¥ Ts i ousls aver @nd above a hasle firoup, Plan, such as therapy AW (Amy) Armatran wan Ad Alin \e-elnek nursing the eaveied "A i Laughtin fe oh Champion While the cuts are nol expegied phy for fennls #ln arald Halper tn to hive mile ih peel ah sie pighe § We Cross ane IVRICIANS Whi, hy defeating bi Be) ncormrated, Ih 15 ex poe ALL] other Canadian oom) panies Jing In ealasiyophe type al ARK, may he faved fo oul rales Hume other Insurane [Vw yi Were eauEht hy surprise lal of one sald 8 H0-pev-pent dee preas was astounding after vate ineveases for Blue Cross plans Taal An action brought against the ely far damages, aopount of a nul ines oreated hy {he garbage AUR, Was Jiimianed | with oosts, In A lidgme ahded down hy His Hohor Judie RB. Ruddy, oar A Pominion Life official sald his firm was almost sure 10 Aeoreane vibes, Confederation Lite sal i slashes ave a "matter of std Tons Of Wheat Capt, fF, Willams, a well kan satin oh pla a the Great Lakes, PARRA the ae of BA The Oshawa Briton of the Cana dian Leon passed A a a prales LA he publieation of de faite of the i seutions of snldiars 0 XpedIOnary forge an ae Bl ive arvite Jo" awardie oN fe: Lost In aze sertion | doa 08 Ang Lock were mpd IH delegates to A fash five cansed 0 onnidprable I the eanvention Wee Action an AAMAS TeeRRtly 1h the W the resolution a Wil tor Lynde at Ashburn, Fiames ponsimed about two Avreh Kent, Linealn, Middle: of the orop before heli hpanght sex, Navlolk, Oxfapd, Peel, Well. under contral, Alan destviyed were and, Wentworth and York 10 tons of ateaw, Backing of § e The dally legal bag remains at motor of annbine boi 1] Rie Lamhton, five exeapt in the southern eon: have started the Rage, tes where If 18 three, The posses: onds, the Hames had eked thet ston Ti ab any one Hime 15 15 way aproas the BFaere fel BECAUAR Householl Finanee Hives YOU every service YOu want when wa need extra eash | £30 10 §1,000 Simply on YOu preitie 10 TOpRY, Fast, Teiendly, one-day service, Senaihle terms with up 10 3 months Why do more people horrow from HFC Why is HFC Canada's largest, most recommended 10 T0pAY: CONTHIICT TINARee company on Money when you need itl 64 King Sirent Bast, d Haar, taleph RA 5-0506 11V4 Simeae 51, South, snsend Heer, phone RA 8.1130 OENAWA, ONY, ; ------

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