& THE DANY TIMESGATRITE, Tuesioy, August 1, 1905 bs LANDS ON AIR CUSHIONS Four parachutes make a pretty | cond place to the rests of the y Cpe vith the four pars paitern in the sky ws a twodon | experiment with Fp ruck Is droped from a cargo | Chiles and the "heer barrel" eh 4 : ' aions under the truck, The ei ne at Bl Centro, C&W. To | 'Shion air filled, allowed the hes: US, military experts, however vy truck to lana . the Jenuty of the scone look we: Content Prows Canadian withou damage, / BA's Saw Off 8-1 Win Off Industrial Lumber TAC DON, on EE? AIS, Vif Larry's BA's proved 166 strong | MORNE, Fi I | Single driving Wn od, The [both In the biting wn wicking | SOE CUE, HORE," on | departments as they delenied I0-| was sent sconting wrownd 16 third : ial Lumber to the tune of Bon Durslon's wngle, Yiarga score kad 0 1 on Saturdey evening, The | €4 on the Wil snd rum executed hy ; : {Yuli who went out pileher to the { i of 4 | Kame was one of he 1asiest of | for' pecoman. Fhe mext two hil | the year 1aking only one Wows #08 | ters went down th order 16 end {40 minuies 16 complete, Whithy's Wig Inning duck Dursion was the winning | Industrials went down one, twa, | pitcher for the Bu's and allowed | three in the th inning od : 4 | eared phe more ron Wn thelr ha only seven scattered bile lo the po | apposition, Howie Adams was the hin oon Mi An Sons | lowing pitcher for Industrials and J / i ; wild Nave heen the third sl LEAVE Wp 11 Bits to the locus, ; or, ddnt Ao A The limgest Wit of the game ner he ora however, dan y ¢ mare damage #8 Bravin was Ww Wiithy's hall of the h 4 caught trying to seal second Whink when Crd Habba | "hy sixth inning was run off in ! thee WE WIR 8 II | foot ime be Doth, lemme seemed 10 A moth triple which fru FOREVER | oni "the dame over As Lash bab the seorehmprd, Besides this | possible, AILEY one man was ou I Gord had # wingle and ni "01 I the seventh inning for the In # fine game wl ira hiss, Ofer | Goitos™ non socie hit on single Playery tor Wilthy with more fen | ee" ews "baiter, Mob Wilson, Wit one Wt were Fred Bidgood with | SEE "Col C8 TEE Trouble Tut Ten wingle pnd a double and Brahin | Yall followed i hack: and made with two singles, Hon Speirs Hae : ihale { : La nice over the head eateh, An [roma ALA man ol he | other single was Wit before the | half inning was brought 1a a close In Industrials hall of the firsk| on a fiy to the first baseman, fhe inning the omy man to reach is WHITBY and DISTRICT Young Adults 'Meet Here The tisk of 5 series of conven Hons saried Ww the Omane Lr Mes' College, yosierduy The Bationst Young Adult's Conmitl, which annually brings 16 | gether young pope from const to | const, will mest in the College mi | this week, terminating on Sunday, | | Aug Tih The Young Adubs Cowell will | | he followed hy another conyen | Lon, the Camp ¥arthest Out, whieh | | cludes families from both Cane {nda and the USA, This convention | will slart on Mondday, August #h Bicycle Stands | On Streets Now | | Something new has heen added lo Whithy's sirepis, something, #| | hoped, which will make wilk | FUNERAL ( | Ing oh the sidewalks easier Added | MnA, VICRORTA Whowy pre | vecently we bieyele stands The funersl of Mis Vietoria vided Wn mder (het evelists wll | Brown, wile of the late Kdwma {se them rather than lean wheels | 110wn, toak place from the W, ©, | | against windows ov rest them won| Town Funersl Chapel on Satur: | | the sidewalk | doy, July 16th, Rev, 4. M, Ward {Chief Constamte Charles Wieteh-| FR Ik Vniiy BW igiid Ler, In noting thal stands are pro | 1 J yb ol ie | Ho am, DEATHS | #isten FATAL CAR SMASH Five persons wera killed when Hd ven Sel 0") the". waht 1. vin deaths from frail, wuridents MORE POWER NEW DELHI (CP) The govern: ment of India expects 0 spend about $584 000,000 during the 1 five yenrs expanding the annirys | piwer output, During the last five OWHInES ih Any W SHINY, CP Photo) a. fila Macs fine 7, faerie teem aa e-- STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works Memorials ® Markers Member of the CANADIAN ASSOCIATION of IEMORIM, ERAFTEMEN, 318 Dundes 1, 1, Whithy poriod Phone MO 8.3552 a a i ---- 150 COLBORNE 57, §, WHITBY CLEANERS , PHONE MO, 5.3548 {BA's went 'down In order In their | vided al the Post Office, in rant Kemp, 16e:| yaars about $200 00,000 has heen or of BL Jubn's Chireh, was Bich Bueirs who was Wt by | hall of the seventh ! Port | spent on hydro projects the pileher. He was Vell stranded | 30 ion coved what proved | If Sneigrove « Frug More and Whithy, Interment was in 8, | J PRECIOUS CARGO fiere's a veason for the anxi- | cargo are AB. Willlam Dow: ouihies 4 S04 here, In these ard, Brathay, Out, 18 / and Gan 8% bags being removed | CPO Alexander Burns, Hamil from a helicopter om the Might | fom, Ont, The Tabradoy ts spond: of the RON's Avetie pale | ing six months In the Arclie ep (8 Labrador, is | gaged in surveys related hi the fret ma ne h habrate whip fim Canadian u dlink y June 1 for | early warning radar sy tive LA HA bed int Central Press Vas BRIDGE REJUVENATION avalty Gay Past, 0, of North | poles and carvings are the tenes witty 3 No her hit in the | I attvactions to the bridge annual face difting and paint fob | whieh spans deep canyon of at North Vaneouver's Papilane small Capllana river suspension bridge park olem LAL BROCK "=m "NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7 PM. = Kv RicHArD ADERS mon Sen Warren Beary Tus Tagan' Phaia) \ I \l Rik ROBERT DOUBLAS JOIN Ywist suis HENRY BLANKE PLUS: 2nd Feature and Fox News JEAN SIMMONS and RORY CALHOUN "A BULLET IS WAITING" IN TECHNICOLOR A Wi ATI RAY ters went out, Whithy was retired in order hy Industrials although both Yulll and MacArthur go) good wood on the hall The first hatter for Industrials in the second ning reached first via 4 walk and was advaneed lo second when Wilson The next man lo the What seemed 8 Sie plist single but ed i down, then he Toughed ses Brabin, the BA's second Yaseman, Jamped high nto the alr and pull was by this time rounding third The BA's were again vetived one two, three in thelr half of the ming Industrials were rapidly retir the third Inning ss Durston claimed two strikeouts, Whithy Wn thelr hall fared a litle better han their rivals as they seared thes first run of the game. Brabin led Of with a shgle snd reached pu ond when Vargs grounded While Durston was at the the Indusirial's enleher lel a past him and Brahin hird Althaugh Durston sirue out the next batier Len Yul, firove In Heabin when he singles lo right field. Allen Machinnald hit another snle hut the ipnin was ended when he was foros at second on a flelder's ndustrialy threatened a and eollscled two Mike' MacArthur helped Whithy sause greatly. when made a periee gateh an Industrial runner trying tn steal TURNING POINY cholep n hits he was the wal ary Ing int of the hn ne they cal vid lve " VE sinless and 8 wa jd Voie, he vel of wlio With atters to face moundsman, singled and was drive on In hy the next two hatlers, By DOUG MANTZ Prince Georse Hotel prevented the Whithy Stokers from elineh ing second place for the Beaches Major Fasthall Loague playafts as they defeated the Blokers #1 at Kew Gardens, The Btokers need ARlY ane more victory to put them In the runner-up spol for 1086 and " the Reaches playofis for the first Hime The Btokers pounded Murray Dowey, the Fringe George pitch or, for 11 hits, hut he vatlaned them ont singly and allowed the only pun in the final inning, John ny Maselwieh and Al Pacey oom bined to limit the opposition to ¥ nafetion Mel Meulemegster was one of the most eolorful feriormers n fhe game. He iripled to his wrong {| Held In the fifth and in the top of the ninth singled, stole soeand, third and seared on a passed hall Vewlameeater was forced to play dghtfield hecause of a shorfage {players and van the hanes hetior than any other player, Bruce Hoss was the leading bal tor in the game with 4 hits in tries for the Blokers' cause Heuee 1s the present runner Wp fo the hiking honors in the Heaehes Masor asthall League, balling i Pivsthaseman Frank Hughes, and plicher Jack Halnbow, who was also pressed into service he cause Prince George had several holidaying players like the Stokers, were the heat hitters for the win ners, Hoth ohalked up 8 hits, in eluding a double, however when the next we hal | ond hase Lo eateh the vunner whe il, | down in order In the tap of the Wale | ninth tn end the game, reached | A's tn win as I moved them a the | park in Toronto will he | peg tn second Wi R, | Parhes, rl; BD | Adams, b The Whithy half of the fourth | for Wilson | LARY'S BA's MacDonald, Industrials | Durston Hotelmen Stop Stokers In Second Spot Try 116 he thelr only run of the was out Chuek Akers poked & sin | gle over second hase, The nex hitter #lso hit a single hut was forced out on the nex! play on # fielder's ehniee, The threw down {to first to try for the double play | BREVINGED | went astray and the runner from hil | third seared easily, | Tossed during an argument thet {followed Bah Wilson, Industrials | shovistop, was ejected from Ihe game (A heneh Jackeying | next batier flew oul desp to centre {field to end Industrials rally Larry's BA's added their last Loun wn the hottom of the slghth as Hanne led off with his long {iriple, The next hatter popped mil | ta the third baseman and was fol lowed hy Varga who eonnecied for | # single driving in Hanna, Durston | the next hatter hit inte a double {play fo end the Inning for the | Whithy evew, Mdustrials wenl It was a good game for the litle closer (0 the third spel In leagie standing which is eurvently | held by the Indusiyials, A double | header win with Milan on the Ci vie Holiday and another win against the Tadusieials on this Thursday evening In Warlseourt put them right up with the Toronto team LINEUPS INDUSTRIAL LUMBER -- Akers Bpelr, nd; Davies, ef; Boelr, ded; Wilson, Biephen, Ist; Harapym, ¢ Yakimoff in the eighth ull, ef; Al ReAthur, # Hanna LL LT LE 1 0 Widgond, 1st nd Marosek, 1 edd) Hrahin, ) UMPIRES Fervy hehind the plate; French on the bases Pringe George seored all thelr runs In the third Inning, taking Ill advantage of # hits, & walk, and an outfield ereor, The hig blows were hack « to « hack doubles hy Hughes and Rainbow causing the departure of Al Pacey Tohnny Maseiwieh put oul the fire In fine style, giving up only # singles aver the final 6 frames, Dowey yelled heavily upon his Infield support tn squeese Bis way mit of several jams, When Meule meester tripled to start the fifth he was nalled sliding tn the ate on an infield grounder. Al hough the Blokers got a pale of mingles with only ane out In hoth the sixth and eighth innings, smart defensive plays stopped them from Bearing on inteld put-auls The Blokers played heads hall on the defence ton. They completed a double play in the Alxt=the only one of the game, LINE SCORE Stokers 000 000 001 1 11 Prince George 004 000 00 8 # 3 The Stokers play against Shes Fins in the hig game between the Wo top teams Nin the Heaches Major for the Hastern Toronto General Hospital trophy tomorrow Eh, Before the gaine there will he an ald:timers game with #0 Priges, Game time for the fest af the double header al Kew Gardens 15 ¥ pm There will he no game in Whit hy morrow Instead, Friday nEht, the Btokers play Manehes or Box of the Toroante Industrial loop when it will he "Pot of Hula up nEht at Centennial Park With three cash prises. The soft ball game is scheduled for & 30 ame | {in the sighth, Aller the first player | The | he wold Tike in see hoys and | (iris se the stands and make | 4 " A [ite simpler for pedestrians whe | JAMES Wate " Toros, une the walks, He intimated that | (FN an oh a i ide hevenlier, if hike is found on ihe | 9 va [/] rn Whit, wdewalk, Mackin trathie, or lean | *" " Bro f py ed against a wore window, the, MEE. Brown, In her A 4 owner may Img himself explain: | Lid heen a resident of Whithy for | he W Ao the police depariment he {4 years And leaves to morn her | 4 yi | los | fore weling Wis hleyels hack again, | Martin Pallbearers were Murray Brown, George ol and four ehildren Gouldhurn) and p 1A, of Whithy, Albert K., of To LETHAL POWER | vote, and Arthur €., of Pele An average thunderstorm ve: | borough, Bhe 1s survived also hy {eases 80 Himes the energy of the | 11 grandehiidren and 18 great | Hird alge homb | grandehiidren 'WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT The Whithy Tennis Club receives lots of use these days with the membership slowly increasing, Since the installation of lighis, it 1& now & commim sight while driving down Brock street to see tennis enthiusi- anls happily playing until 11 pam, A grest desl of hard work went into the raising of funds hy the ehh members to install these lghts, under the leadevship of Doug Williams, past president of the elub, and indeed all the members, They now have eourls that equal many all over the country, Another example of the spirit being dlsplayed dally hy the loca) people, a quality thal is fast stamping Whithy as one of the top sporis centres of Ontarig, ' ' Charles | Another location that receives heavy tratfie (hese days Is the local community swimming pool, With the continuing hot weather we have heen having this summer, It more than ever justifies the cost of (his project, 16 must certainly he a wren feeling for the parents tn town to know they have & place tn let small fry swim that is not only clean and healthy, bul Is supers vised to nosure the safely of Whithy's future eltizens, The Whithy Blokers, as we mentioned late last week, will not he In action al home tomorrow Right, They will, however, he more than # little In aetion at Kew Gardens, This 16 an sandal benefit night staged hy the Beaches League, with proceeds going to the Toronte Kast General Hospital, 11 pits the second club in the league against the legge leaders each year, This year, the league leaders are Bherring, hile ib dom youl Souther in the own cap to find Whithy In second plage 7 one of Canada's top softball lengues. The game hetween Bherring and (he Blokers will he preceded by a Beaches League Oldtimers' game that will bring together the old rivals, Tip Top Tailors and People's Credit Jewellers, It 1s a veal big night, so If you want to take a short #pin to enol off, drive up te Kew Gardéns and take tn the action Coa Jack Spencer will send either Al Facey or Johnny Maslewieh 0 the mound, The Routh Ontarie County Softball League has completed ane other suecensiul schedule and, this year, the flag went to Brookiin Blevenson's Motors, This has heen one of the foremost leagues In this wren for almost a decade now and sompetition has always heen Keon, Loeally, the Whithy Royals, under the guiding hand of Bid, Bumunskl, had a fine season, The club's see Wigley, hrather Wally Sumanskl, continued to improve throughout (he Intter part of the sehedule and If Wally is hot In the OABA playolis, the elub could he a tough one to heat In the provinelal playdowns, Players lke Helfering, Dafoe, Jermyn, Trimm and iideed the whole elub are keen competitors and, with a eluple of hrenks, this eaild he he Roywis' year; They've heen mighty close a couple of times wre AROUND TOWN , , , This corner would lke to pans along hest wishes to Vie Igulesden, manager of the Stokers, and his wife, who Inst week celebrated their Bath wedding anniversary Haturday Ellen (Ms, |W Nght of this week finds Maher Shoemen visiting Larvy's BA's al Covonation Park in another West Toronto Senior Baseball fixture, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Undertaking 0, HOWN, FUNERAL, DIRBOTOR Frome Sle, MT and smbsimer Chiroprastor DENNIS BOWKKKY Do. MIA Brusk Routh, Whithy ment hans MO B20 X-RAY For appoint The roar of an aireraft engine during ground test ean rattle windows and nerves for blocks around, Bo we're glad to report that aluminum has turned up #6 A noiss-absorbing "honeys somb" in an sireraft sompany's test-cell, Hundreds of aluminum tubes of differing diameters and will be 4 Wl tar | CLOSED for STAFF HOLIDAYS MON., AUG. 1 to MON., AUG. 8 Inclusive lengths, flled with absorbent, sound-hafMing material, make up the end walls, And we are told that by the time the glant rou has bounced around in these aluminum mases it somes out the other end thoroughly Yhafled" and weakened tn a hum, We expect there are lots of aluminum boosters around that fustory | ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTH; (ALCAN) EXTRA VACATION M diseuss your prohlams with $50 to EARLY DAYS IN WHITBY FORTY YEARS AGO An Important ap MEER was that of James EB. Wills to he po lee magistrate for the Town of Whithy, In succession ta the late Major Harper wha held the post for a great many years, Mr. Wil {lM A druggist, was a native of | the town and a member of a well known family, With the first great war Wn full SWINE, A busy arganisation was the Whithy War Helle Society, Pres lent was Mes, J, BE, Willis, and a statement presented al Hw { eating rovenled that in 18 months aver $4,000 had been vals Lod through public subseriptions | donations and the holding of var | oua soolnl events. All of this mon BY Was spent for soldiers' eam | farts and sent overseas to the large number of Whithy bays sev Ving Wn the trenches and pls wher the Ontarie Hospital LLL TT PAS IY, 108 WARY Felurning (Tom over Ral | | Was the Muttary hosplial previags: | { Hally ROAR Toquiving medical attention. | wore treated there, Liquor was | net included tn the medieine 1st | and two Oshawa men were fined | $100 and conts for offering it lle: | in soldiers Several looal organisations stag: | od money - making soelal events | for the benefit of the soldiers who | were stationed at the hospital | Acting on the advice of the na tional. oad dantraller, the Town Connell ssued a proclamation calling upon all eltlsens 10 oon BOEVE 00d IR every way possible Looal affioers were named to help Sitisens observe the ordinance : Iwas mob unusual te see mill | HRY Parades Wm the town hy coun: | iy military waits, and. others pass | IE through, Reorniting for the ae | tive ROPVICOE wan Wm Tull swing the Ontaria Temperance Ael Waa 0 free Wm the wa, i Vocation-time and all the ITIZENS! "INANCE C OYMYpFaATNTYY AWAY NY 104 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITEY, ONT, * OFFICE HOURS . ® 10 5 Daily == Open Friday Evenings to 8 Are you worried aver a slight shortage of ready cash for that vacation you have planned? Why net drop around and see Bill Moore, our Loan Manager, ap? Nore You May Borrow Quiokly + Oourleowely « Oonfidentinlly plete loan service, located aver the Bank of Montreal in Whithy, to serve Whithy, Oshawa, Pie ond surrounding aren, For friendly, speedy, conti. dential lean service, see us new, We like to say "Your loan is OK" Closed Saturdays LOANS MADE IN OSHAWA AND ALL IMMEDIATE AREA™ ONEY? him? - SLWONT SAY VOU SHOULDVE LOOKED WHERE Yau WERE GOING, TLL SIMPLY POINT OUT IF WE HAD A aber BATHROOM THIS WOULDNT HAPPEN" cl oe Peas CoATTOR WHITBY AUTOMATIC " wo ISATING,, - 14 FASTBALL -- EVERY WEDNESDAY WHITBY TOWN PARK $1500 time we maintain & some ring, Ajex ne Phone: MO 8.2047 TRE aR ("60 WEST! Take the Famipy, save with the \ | FAMILY TRAIN TRAVE PLAN _ 4» Wess, DAD ROUND TRIP FARR For the "Head" of the family MOTHER, ONE-WAY{ FARE Por round trip by other parent Por round ip hy othr JUNIOR; ONE-WAY FARE /00¢ members of the fami over 12 but under 2 Va ONE-WAY FARE For round tip for children of § end under 12 years old, Under § free HERE'S NW 0 Family of Four Father Mother A (ww) Conch Save . or h Hy A m [ $200.30 $100.60 Low YOU SAVE OSMAWA « VANCOUVER » VICTORIA » SEATTLE AND RETURN aNLY) Family of Twe wa FTW | SIPT7H 441.08 Inquire about Family Plan Fares for Tourist and First Class ® In affect June 1/55 10 Jan 31/84 o Between Basten and Werte Canada, Between Canada and Midwestern and Western United States, Between Western Canada and Bastar United States * Leaving Mondays, Tussdays, Wednesdays * Stop-aver privileges ® 300 Ibs, Baggage Allewanse o Generous Return Limit Complete Information from ony CANADIAN NATIONAL CN. or GM, Ticket Agonh ae CANADIAN PACIFIC