Mayr Ln THE DAILY TIMES: GAZETTE Busy H olida | OSHAWA Combining The Oshows Times and Whithy Gezstts end Chronide on tutor Yer Horm on) VO Vedio, U8 OSHAWA WHITBY, TURDAY, . AUGUST 2, 1956 Down aitended morning worship | al Ritson road Slovak Chugeh and spent the rest of the dey quietly | at kis farm home On Civie holiday, which he pro- daimed, Mayor Down wis wp wt 690 am, 10 assist threshing al bis son Allan's farm st Deriinglon end censed 1) for the day at 16 p.m, Like civic business & farmer's life can never walk! Prout Family Has Reunion The annual Prout family plenle was. held wt Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville, on Saturday, duly 2, with an stiendence of shout 60 persons, The two eldest surviving mem: hers of the Prout family, Mrs, Walter Manning Ad Mrs, Borah Pooley, were unable to he pres ent due to iliness hal were Fe- membered the two minutes of silence for ahsent and deph members at the supper hour Mier i pleasant aflernom of soe cial intercourse supper Was en: Joyed. Vollowing the supper Presi dent George Norton called the gathering to order and gave a few words of welcome and called on Mr. Will Yeo and Mrs, Alex Prout who spoke briefly Election of officers was held the following being chosen for 199%; |B President, Glenn Prout; 1st vice president, Bruce Yeo; nd vice | president, Margaret Alken: secre | tary « treasurer, a Norton; | sports commities, Harold Henning, | "After this the program Wak {turned over to Aura and Clifford | Trewin who condugied rollicking | sports, As darkness fell the family I dispersed to meel BEAR next year | Orono Park Pulpit Supply | AtKing Street | Ministers supplying King Street United Church pulpit during the who made the trip inte Osh: | next five Sundays will include the | Hh Hie shaw following H a. r av : © *% K. % 4 : LAY CORNERSTONE OF Wu. JLURCH BUILDING The cornerstone for the Slovak | Starr, MP, placed ihe { $da, CBBR Deacon, Fathe Lan Ha : MP Mayor Norman Down, Greek Church wes Jaid at the | Shown shove are those who ald | Mina, Rector, Father Michael | 2000 LAER BoC new buliding " isn, Fad ed in the ceremony. Shown in | Rusnak, Parigh Pris Fo corarslone Vor ot the Slovak Nations) | the left row, front to back, John | Vasko, Church Building ( he seen in the backs Hall, the congregation went fo Ivaneo Altar Boy, Jim Apro who tae, and Peter Vasko, Altar Boy, md, Father Mina conducled was the bricklayer tor the new Right row (hack to fron Blesging Ceremony ts new Parish where Mayor : gL a Down and Michael ' structure, Brother George Pere Oyville Fag ihn Vimes-Gazetie Salf Photo | Jet Aircraft Crash Over 46,000 People See Can't Be Confirmed Parade Of Progress Show wonde ri hos stone, Andrew may gro ihe (AML AMAL " ol AWAY AMA man but for the each dl # special hp you is he neral ator W,, $1 falike a . Ro tent and is carrying 1s 1 dus! sage 16 Anher Montreal, The show leaves a I sons entertained Oshawa audience 4 An eye-witness report to the Port Whithy harbor: master of having seen a jet aircraft glide into the lake gbout two to three miles directly south at #:46 pom, Mon day cannot be confirmed, Two men said they had seen a amazing 4b / community for the thousands of n particularly plea od | Dr, "ov Whithy and sald: "1 io A BR big splash but had heard no explosion, The RCAF at Trenton reported none of is sireraft was missing but an American jet aircraft was ligved to he lost in the Whithy oe erbormaster David Ross with one o the poriles searched the lake for 1% + hours without re sult, At 11.15 pm, Gilbert Doyle of North York, a from Port Hope to Toronto, pulled in at Port saw some Mountjoy | sort of light out there, It was & [ed flash followed by a while light, It was only momentary and looked like a damp flare to me,' About the time of the Incident and search the Toronto harbor commission had a hoat searching this area, Al about midnight the commission reported they helieve ed no aireraft 'had crashed in the lake, AL 9 a.m, today the Port Whithy harbormaster sald he was nol making La further search Five Attend - Film Work Shop oil Picnic", far vent!' The Ard annual plenie of the Mountjoy family was held at El morial Park, Hampton, on July 27 with an attendance of 60 Phe of ha Outark ¢ Mr, an irs, , Keevi remont 4 vs, A. Mar ign of Port Perry and Mrs, ¥ rnutt and Mrs, Wm, Carter of| Plekering, They had a very husy and infor | persons, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy as sisted hy Melville Bamells, con ducted the sports, The winners of the races were! Two years and under Norton, Four years and under -- Stuart Ayre, Bix years and under -- Judy) Mountjoy, Ten years and under, girls ~ Janice yers, Cralg Ten years and under, boys = Larry Gannon, Girls, 16, and under -- Bonnie Gannon, i Boys, 16, and under ~~ Ronald Hoskin, Ladies' shoe scramble -- Mrs Marshall Francis, Men's shoe scramble wo MUP ray Byers Enildren's wheelbarrow race Bonnie and Larry Gannen Tying the necktie Jean Ble mon and Melville Samells, Children, six and under, Ing the ball in a box = yre, Ladies dropping clothes ping in milk bottle -- Jean Klemon, an dropp ping clothes ping in milk bottle ~ Russell MeLaughlin, Nall + driving, ladies --~ Mrs, Henry Graham, Shoe kicking Harold Swain, There was a peanut scramble for the children, After the plenle supper Kenneth Samells, president, presided over the business period Officers elected for 1086; Pres, Marshall Francis; vice Pres, Ivan Mountjoy: Secty,, Beatrice Mount: joy: Hports Committee, Evelyn mith and Mae Franels It was unanimously decided to hold the nienie at Hampton Park th tor fourth Wednesday in July 1056, Cyclist Hurt By Passing Car Only casualty treated at Oshawa General Hospital, over the week: end was Victor Pomery, 180 Annis atreel Pomery was hit by a oar while riding a bleyele on Simeoe street south at 4.80 p.m. yesterday, and suffered abrasions of hoth arms and back and possible concussion He wan detained for further ob. servation, COMING EVENTS WEATHER PERMITTING, THERE will be a showing of films, Weidnes lay evening. Melaughtin Band Shell \uaplees, Oshawa Film Counell Mon. M KING a7 throw: Stuart HINGO AT THE AV ALON, west, Tuesday, August 2 RINGO ST. JOHN'S HALL CORNER Bimeos and Rioer streets. Wednesday AUBUst 3, & pono 30 games, S40, pols isa mative time, The lectures were {andueted Jy Prof, Bovard, MA, who Is a very Interesting on He spoke on the various | ways films were being used and | how to get the most out of them They saw such films as "Free | dom fo Read" apd "To Berve the | Mind" and others ! They were entertained hy #a wiener roast, a pienie supper and banquet af the local golf elyb At the banquet they were given our certificates of attendance and R. Ward was presented with a go. ing away gift, He 1s soon to take up residence in New York Some Defence Possible Against Atomic Blasts OTTAWA (CP)=Partial defence at least Is possible against battle field stomiec blasts, says Li.-Col R.A, Klaghn of the army' § direct orate of weay and dev Col, Klaehn was director of Fx ercise Bapling' In Nevada in May in which Canadian troops partiel pated for the first time in an atomic st, They also helped decontamin: ate the area, Writing in the ourrent Issue of the Canadian Army Journal, Col, Klaehn says "It was found, for example, that haope oould survive the effects of blast, heat and radiation If at the time of the explosion they were occupying a well «+ constructed trench, The dasadien troops, with the army's No, 1 Radiation Detection Unit as the nucleus, were in five foot.deep trenches 4,200 yards from the gentre of the explosion when the bomb. Was set off May §, Bad Frosts Hit Brazil; Coffee Price May Rise RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) They've got an awful lot of frost in Hragil, so your coffee may oost more next year Reports from Parana state sald heavy frosts during the weekend and early today may have damaged halt the coffee trees in the state Parana is one of Hrasil's four principal coffee growing districts 'he cold wave--hringing tempera tures as low as 14 degrees In the south---also hit the other areas The eold wave haa left the horder country of south Brasil covered with snow and set teeth to chal tering in tropleal Rio de Janeiro Some areas reported 80 inches of snow, a figure unmatehed in the last 28 years, In the hig eity of Sao Paulo, 330 miles southwest of Rio de Janeiro, four persons were reported to have died of exposure WHEAT INFORMATION LONDON (CP)--Graham Spry, Saskatchewan agent-general, con sidered in Great Britain as a lead ing wheat expert, has written a hook which he expects to he pub lished here and In Canada, Wheat Is the subject of the hook by the former Rhodes scholar, Lake selenece During persons andra Park ance of 1,766 vigilors per hour du ing the entire ing to Bruce G of the pargde has played Many visitors were from out of town, An informa the crowds ii oh indicated that al show, Over COMPAEre vorahly with other cities ay | to visit this fabuloy and indu thre visited the An WIvi five were from ou sOTAE "Phe from miles, Overhe Parade aad tainly has had a for Jon tine,' yea ike a" role that research and Fi ----- ona, a fimo ven the ile he dontied oP" Progress Vine tion hare and we shall remembsy i advantage of the opp u W are Hii Era which accord We oul { Oshawa an oer Overhey com to thank Fin AK interest displayed hy tha 1 ple here mi ahjet is lo encourage young men and wemen Wo choose careers in the technical professions, We believe we have accomplished thal with the One of our today the #4 ve le convoy rolled out of Alexan dra Park envoule (0 Montreal here it will hegin a six day show ing on Thursday, After Montreal rances in Ottawa, Budbury Saulte Ste, Marie complete the { rant Canadian tour As the gleaming red and while { y rolls to i's rendewvous ands, there are many vho saw the exhibition here (hal il long remember this fabulous clreus of selence and have acqulr ed a deeper appreciation of the h naw JAMBOREE BOUND A group of seouls from France arrive In Montreal for the Warld to be Seout Jamboree Niagarva-on-the-Lakg, Ont, Msgr tlary Charles Roman Quebec v eae ¥ Ni 1 Gacant h \ | held at in Aus gust, Some 10,000 scouts from several countries are expected to attend the jamboree (CP Pho) "the Department of Pensions August 7 and 14 wuttle, of Toronte, Secretary of August 21 and 28 Dr, George A, Viitie of Tovonto, former Editor of Sunday School Publieations and Director of the United Chureh Oh server Every Family Pian Keptember 4 Dr. 8 L, O% hone, Br of the Ontarie Ladies' College, Whithy, "I SAW..." 'One day; about mailing time, 1 BAW a man with # handful of letters al A mall box an Bimeoe street north Instead of mailing them, he dropped a oouple of pebhles in the lot to see If the hox had heen # ily the pebe emptied he ho ye oll" Arlene Attwood, 866 Bimeoe street south, 1s heing sent wo guest tickets for the fea: ture pieture "The Last time | saw Paris", now being shown at the Regent Theatre, or for any other feature there with in the next month foi having gent in this "I BAW ilem Entries for this column should he sent to the "1 SAW Editor, The Times Gazelle, Oshawa, Two guest tickets for the Regent Theatre will he sent fo the sender of any lem pub. lished Hince only one tem Is used each day, only the wost un usual and striking observations will he published, and in the order in which they arrive, Revolt Marks End Of Peron, Says Exile QUEREC (CP)The recent re. volt in Argentina Is the "heginning of the end" for the vegime of President Juan Paron, Dr, Alberto Gainga Pag, exiled publisher of La Prensa, sald Monday "The revolt has shaken the re gime and has shown Peron thal only military force keeps him in his place," the former owner of the Buenos Aires newspaper sald Dr, Gainga Pag sald Peron com mitted his greatest error in pros ecuting the Roman Cathalie Church hy ling priests and by legalizing divaree and prostitution wry PITY THE TORTOINE The finest t(ortoise shell, used for & number of fancy articles, 1s obtained from shells immersed in holling water infmediately after the death of the animals PRELATES AT STE. ANNE auxih hop of (centre) leads a rch A 3 ® Hght procession to the shrine at Anne Beaupre, Que { Others Mdentified Ww this ploture Sl de of and Hroohy include. . Mar Mangaster Hpringfield, Mass tleft) Abbe Jean + Marie (right), Fo we ANOTHER NEW BUILDING has heen added to the many al Camp Bamae, This is the Trad: ing Post, which 1s a grocery and confectionary store for the eon venience of the campers al Bam: ae, The chief trader is Don Beward and the assistant trad. ers are Harold Pascoe and Pal Edmondson. Mr, Bleward re: eelves letters in advance, and if the -complete stock of groceries and confectionaries does not in clude the n ig! of those plan: ning a holiday at the fhe samy. he he will have what is needed ed from the wholesaler, and will he there when the campers ar rive, The building houses t he store and the staff dining room, the kitchen, the assistant Camp ig § office, and sleeping quar: or the wank, The top phate TRADING POST NEW CAMP SAMAC BUILDING shows the interior of the trade ing post, which tneludes 8 walk in refrigevator for the storing of soft drinks, meats and ' The Tower picture show Comp, RL J mune sal Fair Dates Announced Belleville... Aug, 15:18 Blackstoek, vivir Oat, 7, Boheaygeon Sept, #0, Oct, 1 Camphellford oo Bept, 7, 8 Coe HIN pt, 18, 14, 1617 LI | IEEE 4 Huntsville i ooviien 1000 Rept, Kinmount Lakefield, ,,,,, Repl, (Bept, 16, 17 Sept, 20-04, Mept, 90:0¢t, 1, Kept, 10, Oct, 7, 8, and 10, Sept, 19, 30 Orillia PEALEAEE Abd #10, Orono Le] Lindsay Markham Minden Norwood, y+, Oakwood, vivre Sept Sept LL Oshawa. Aug OTTAWA Aug. 30-97, (Central Canada) Oot, 25:80, rere ANE, Be Nept, 8, A Port Perry. ivviin Rept, 3 and Mept, M0, Oet, 1, Mept, WM, %, Sept, 10, 14, ANE 46, 10, IIT A: 80 Ottawa Winter Falr, Peterboroush, , , Port HOPe. siti 100s Roseneath, yy Stirling... ELLIE Sunderland, , Sutton, , Toronto (Canadian SI L IE Nationa" Royal Winter Fair TT Nav, 11:19. Uxbridge STL IAT Sept, 2, Toronto «= London Priest Is Consecrated Bishop LONDON, Ont, (OP) 9p noy Thomas Joseph MeCarthy of Lone don was consecrated a hishop of the Roman Catholle Chureh al services Monday at 8, Peler's oalhedral he | a Ww @ natulied as Bishop of Nelson, B.C , NM y The ca prelate was Most Rev, Glovanl Panlea, Apes tolle Delegate to Canada, Assists Ing were Most, Rev, Hubert R Dignan, Bishop of Sault Ste, Marie and Most Rey. John ©, Cody, Bishop of London, Hishop MeCarthy Qader (1 BIRTHDAYS Belated congratulations are extended fram the TimesGa sotte to Mys, Martha Sargani (1A8R) B80 Gibhs street, who ees was born In lobrated hor hirthday yester day, Aug: A U.K. Jet Fighter Rep ort Puzzling To Officials OTTAWA (CP)=Officials here were mystified Friday hy an an nouncement In London and Wash ington apparently eoneernin i hier planes given to the Unite Sinidom and paid for mostly by | ol he hingt ton vepart sald that about 400 1-80 Babre Jets ave to he "returned" hy Hritain to the UK, Aly Faree for veallogation to some other country or countries ip the North Atlantic alliance, Shipment to Pakistan Part Of Columbo Plan MONTREAL: CPO) = A consign: ment of §8,00,000 worth of heavy construction equipment, a Colombo plan gift te Pakistan from Canada, Monday was loaded aboard two freighters hound for Karachi, The equipment will he used for construction of a hydro-electric and levigation project on the Kabul river, near the historle Khyber pans In northern Pakistan, When completed, the power dam will provide 160,000 kilowatts to northern Pakistan, with provision for an additional 80,000 kilowatts, The project will. pr avide electricity 12 KING ST, E RA 3.3633 to more than 110,000 waters Ui itd mutual ald program for ho! Canada supplied it 400 Babres to Britain, They were built by Canadair Lid, at Monirenl and Canada fd ahout 75 per cent f their total cost, or ahout $00, 00 00, PAID fi PER CENT The UB, paid the remaining 85 per cent, which took in the cost of supplying plane parts such as en gines and electronic gear, A competent source here sald and power-alarved acres T'wo ( ry firms--Augus Roh erison, Lid, of Montreal, and H.G Acres and Company of Niagara Falls, Ont, --will undertake the pro Jeet, called 'Warsak." The gift hoosted to some #6 on 000 the amount of ald Canada has provided under the Colombo plan to bolster Pakistan's eeon amy, FISHERMAN'S LONG DISTANCE CATCH SAINT JOHN, NB (OP) Ml | Wiht, you fishermen, te 8 Walter Hudson at nearby Buehler's ® WED. & THUR. SPECIALS ® that as far as the Canadian des fence department knows, the Roy, Ale Force 1s still using the Babes, As far as could be learned, Ottawa was nol advised of the London and Washinglon annonnees ment, In any event, Canada dosgn't want them back again, This e try already has In production sn aperation Bahves of a (ype far ade vanced aver those sent to Britain twa and three years ago, Grand Bay landed a fours fook | strugeon weighing more thaw / 14 pounds Friday while sitting on his verandah, His house Is a quarter of a mile from the ft, John viver,, The big fish, wet and wile | gling, landed with & evash on the verandah while Hudson was sliting there, He subdued 16 with a stlek and kept It alive in a tuh of walter for some Hime, Heat guess 1s that an ame hitious eagle was the fishers man hut couldn't hang on to the lively eateh ange alvharne, There were small elawmarks in the tall, A] STORE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY! Lean, Peamealed COTTAGE ROLLS AVERAGE te 6:LB uw 49° Shankless, Smoked PICNIC SHOULDERS 5 to 6:LE, AVERAGE w 39° Tender STEAKS SIRLOIN & WING w 69° Veal CHOPS SHOULDER Lh. &5c¢ Veal STEAK SHOULDER lh. $5¢ iho A Veal STEW CUTS, BONE IN 5 1s. §.00