A o po is son, David, He grabbed a co pi Mor TIMES-CRZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All Other Calls ..... RA 3-3474 -- pa VOL. 14--No. 178 Lo -- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Sunny toda Weather Forecast yv and Wednesday, temp~ eratures unchanged, winds light, Low tonight 70, high tomorrow 85, r-------- US. Border Patrol Recruitment | Suggestive Of 'Tron Curtain' | WASHINGTON (CP)~A meinber House that the new *"seeret" of Congress paid Monday he had plan mea t while the United | heard of a "scevet" US, border b ban. Ton Catlal patrol plan to recruit 8,000 vo VOR A teer patrolmen, stock up on 1 plotting a | tary4ype equipment and bios > | ges on rosds lead i ada and Mexico in cs gency. Representative Robert No (Dem. W, Va), chalrma House of Representative ment operations sub - c« sald he got these "sho tions" from an anony But he declared they "founded on fact" bec d migration service "has relu tant deny them." ays th an agency is being He said in a speech pre "militarized | the ou yeen two friendly | sald his sts barrier of : to both the Canadian | ii a an borders. | 4 A been in a running Us iohan meni of the | et | immigration ser- | ¢ by commissioner {ired general, of | ils as immi- | * Mollohan | 1 the | { another bite and threw | { he e | the ake into a small hollow, | Pony Express Los: 3 paged to kill it with) Race To Locomotive a ROSEBURG, Ore AP(} = Al He en to hospital by po- Southern Pacific Raflway train has) VC¢ wa on n won & race with the Pony Expr bite er « H condition w ~by a few minute swied as § Civie groups f nd > Rosenburg arrar Membership In Colored race to prove thelr contention thal § Fae ney service between the Group Banned By State two towns Is too slow, KEBORO, Ga, (AP)-+The They maintained that Pony Ex board of education Monday press riders, riding in relay mbership in the National could beat the two-hour and ation for the Advancement of minutes time the train takes for teachers in| the 75-mile stretch, I school However, desplle a minute solution adopted head start and a bit of sabotage ap the board served t teachers who now are by a Pony Express backer who|potice th flagged down the train at aon AACP members must quit the or- point, the railway won by seven n by Sept. 15 or have their licences revoked "for minutes Man Wins Bare-Handed |, Fight With Rattlesnake ecting in Atlanta un- » : Laer a w prohibiting official | ALBION, Mich, CP() Homer | 1.avd meetings outside the capital | gan, was treated in hos || | for three snake bites, after] Wttied a 30-inch rattiesnak is bare hands when it thren this five-year-old son n was picknicking he saw the snake head snake as re- slugene a WAY slate at a cial meeting become official until it is af firmed at a m si NEW BRIDGE NEW DELHI (CP)--~Work 18 to | start soon on one of India's major a! bridges to be built over the River Ganges ot ouf $336 in Bihar at on it of abou 3,600,000, Heavy tall, but dropped it when | earth-moving machinery ordered e picked it an, and. i AL Lh] ! A Celel Swim By Taking Another tween Dover and Folliestorle, in 14| leave hor alone or the swim would wo Gg ARCH MacKENZIE Canaflinn Press Staff Writer FOLKESTONE, England (CP) Marilyn Bell says the people in accomphnying boats had it harder than she did during her eple con. quest of the English channel Sun day "The water was so rough", she remarkeu during a press conier hours, 36 minutes, WENT FOR SWIM her first dpy of her hotel apd going for & dio in Dover harbor, | Ar she splashed about iin the| water she told reporters about bo yme of her experiences duping the ence Monday, "It was all 50 boring | jane change! crossing, She de- for them just to have to #0 On| gered rusning into schools of watching me all the time, I had jellyfish and sald: "They got me romething to do and that made all {{yice just Before the end." | the difference. Asked if she were disappointed | Hundreds of messag have | at not befftking the women's rec- poured into Marilyn's hotel here, | ord, Marilyn let coach Gus Ryder congratulating the blond 1 r for her, "No, ' sald Ryder, faced Toronto girl on being vho was in a boat with the swim- youngest person ever to swim lhe mers parent uring the crossing, Chaune.. "Of course, all athletes like to beat | Amoug the senders were Prime a record but conditions have to be | Minister Bt, Lanrent, the may p p , although she started | swimmer Brenda Fisher, now th the sca like a mill pond it) ing for a swim in Canada, ot very «choppy later on" holds the women's record Marilyn sald her {utdve swim hours, 42 minutes for the plans are uncertain, After Marlyn, 17, swam from Cap ( ng high school next spring, Nez, France, to Abbotscliff, b to enter the University ( ot vy train In contrast fo her widely publi elzed crossing, Monday's dip In the harbor was without fan. It followed what she de- a "wonderful night's ip channel 1 news of her remarkable ex« spread, it became a domine topie of conversation among and residents of England's coast, Marilyn, apparently bitvious to all the excitement, slipped guielly away from her ho- {tel and went to Dover for the swim nd a with her channel pilot ) Burwell, h vacatloner who saw lyn finish reealled the final moment "Some were going to help her {when near the shore," he he got fic Soviet Farm Delegates See Display Of American Might CALLED BY DEATH It was with sincere residents of Oshawa lo death In Ottawa on Mond regret } COLUMBUS, Neh (AP)&Mem- | ed of the | bers of the Soviet farm delegation | «A londay rode past a big strategie | gust 1. of Rev. Canon David Mont: lair command field where in full | ague Rose, who served as rector |view of the highway scores of hig | of St. George's Anglican Chu B47 { intercontinental bombers | Oshawa, from Qetlol 1994 until and thelr tanker refueling planes his retirement on April 30, 1965. | were lined up on the runways, Canon Rose had been he % Am&ieans who were riding with | in Ottawa but was reported the Russians In their bus said the | having made a good reco He | Soviet farm leaders manifested ni | leaves his wile, the former H el | particular ge Interest in the! Elizabeth Taylor and one daugl y all noticed it. Mrs. R. ¥. Woodhouse of Ottawa Russians--n Tass | The funeral service will be held in| corry however, asked the Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, | Americ what kind -of planes at 2.30 pm. on Thursday, Inter | these ment wil be in Plnecre ( Th was Lincoln air! metery, Otigwn. He was in his 70rd | force base, wl training is car | COM iried oul in refueling in the ale Je ory in were Al HOLIDA along our own | 4 | E wever, the board action will ; orates One on The Toronto schoolgirl slovrated hands and knese to the cheers of free after | hundreds of people lining the 400- weeks of training by restidg about | foot-high cliff "elal curlosity. TTT OSHAWA-WHITEY, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1955 Y ACGIDENT SCENES AT HIGHWAY 401 ACCIDENTS 3 A--~5 Yume SO rm -- oo Spm-- / ww void, Marilyn scrambled ashore 8. Dr. Bruce Findlay who treated the girl in July for a throat infec- tion, while she was in training and who was with her on the swim, sald he was completely satisfied with her condition, She was bright and exhilarated MoBday and spent most of the time oulibf doors, Before returnifig to Toronto Mar- flyn plans a trip to Parls, one of the prizes she won in conquering the Channel, The little Toronto girl was Brit- aln's holiday heroine, London news- papers Monday banner-liined her eple of courage and printed pic- tures showing Marilyn entering the water with a smile at Cap Gris Nez, France, and wearily erawling out on the pebbles of Abbotscliif, "Schoolgirl swims channel" pro claimed The Dally Sketch, Other papers told of Marilyn's struggle, |; especially during the final two miles when a westerly current pulled her down the coast and for a time threatened her ultimate vie tory, With the channel swim behind fer, Marilyn now will settle down to a brief but well-deserved rest and some sightseeing. She 18 ex. pected to remain In England long enough to visit the anclent cathed- ral city of New York, a walled city | ghe has always wanted to see, | When Marilyn reaghed the rough! beach below Abbotseliff she pressed her cheek to the pebbles and sald: | "Gie, 1 never thought this mo: | ment would happen." One newspaper said she finished the swim with a fourleaf clover in her hand and slapt with it un. PE RT lie TOP PHOTO SHOWS right front wheel of the transport in- volved in today's fatal fighway By Max harrelson GENEVA (AP) The United States and Red Ching today re cessed their diplomatic talks for 48 hours after exchanging views on the repatriation of 41 American elvilians held by the Pelping re: ime and Chinese students in the vB There was no communique at the end of today's Si-minute talk, but a Chinese spokesman confirmed that the problem of the civilians was discussed and that the next meeting would be held Thursday morning. NOT THE FIRST Just before this morning's meet: This is not the first time the | ,0 {he roving Indian envoy, V, K, Russian farm delegates have | yyishna Menon, conferred with passed by U.S, defence or security | {js ambassador Alexis Johnson Installations . for 45 minutes, but neither Menon At Towa State College In Ames, | ,,r Johnson would comment on liwa, the Russians during their stay of several days, drove past several times each day an atomic research laboratory which oper ates under the authority of the AEC At Sioux City, Iowa, on their visit there three Russian farm delegates took off from an air de fence command field where mili tary aireraft were in evidence Americans accompanying them sald the Russians showed no wpe | thelr conversation, Big Fund To Organize Non-Unionists Passed NEW YORK (AP)-The York Times says Monday that the CIO has approved a multi-million dollar fund to organize non-union labor. The fund would be used alter a proposed merger of the Resume Talk U.S. Repatriations ast trunk of the car, passenger in the rear seat died instan fly. s On | 401 accident, wi into the The Peiping regime launched the closed-door talks here Monday by announcing the release of 11 Amer: foan fliers held since 1938 as sples, Wang Pingnan, Peiping's am- passador to Warsaw, and Alexis Johnson, U.S, envoy in Czecho. slovakia, then agreed to give pri ority in their discussions to the is sue of civilian repatriation, They relegated to second place on thelr agenda "other practical matters at issue," U, 8. BAN RELAXED Pelping has charged Washington with refusing to let a number of Chinese students return from the U. 8. to the China 'mainland. Dur- ing the Korean War Washington banned the depature of any stu dents whose American training could be useful to the Red military, The ban was relaxed last year. | C10 and the AFL goes into effect next December, All principal | Indicated their CIO unions have but |The Times says, | to which A¥ | C10 contributions has not been de- {Yermined, Dimenaions of the pro. | posed organizing fund alse are un Jcertain, PHOTO SHOWS Osh- awa St. John Ambulance men eating for injured at the scene | dil, M'Carthy Hits At President's Geneva Talks WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senator | Joseph McCarthy (Rep, Wis.) Mon. | day accused President Eisenhower | of offering "friendship to tyrants | and murderers' at the recent Big! Four meeting In Geneva, i MeCarthy said in a Senate speech | he plans "to take the Issue to the | nurses were killed Monday night American people," | when hit by a runaway automobil of the rear end collision at Whiteside Road and Highway _--Phote by John Mills NEW ROYAL SEAT BONN, Germany (CPi --A new {of Ethiopia has been made by a | 87-year-old sculptor from a village in Westphalia, rain Of By JOHN MILLS : Times-Gazetie, Staff Reporter One man was killed and seven others injured when a heavily la-| den transport ploughed into the! rear of a passenger car on High-| way 401 and Fairport voad at 1 a.m, today, The car was driven westward nearly 400 feet in #8 straight line before stopping Dead is Hector Gibeaull, 32, RR3, Chesterville, Ontario. The driver of the car, Gerald Charbon-| neau, 31, of Oak street, Toronto,| suffered shoulder injuries, His) wife, Josephine, and three year old twin daughters, Denise and De-| borah, were treated ai the Ajax| and Pickering General Hospital and later were removed to Toronto East General Hospital, Other passengers in the car, James Carleton, 28, his wile Ma- deline 21, and thelr two-months-| old baby, Bandrk, were deiained in the Ajax Hospital The transport driver, James Eimer Webster of Church sireef, Athens, told police he did not see the car until it was too late Charbonneau said he was driv- ing west at about 20 miles an hour, Earlier a tire on the car had blown out, and he was driving on the rim, trying to reach his destination in Toropto, | He said, "I heard a crash and | then found something pushing me| very fast" ! The right front wheel of the) the rear seat pushed against the front, and from the ap-| pearance of the car's interior it is a miracle the other passengers es- caped without more serious injury, FOUR SEFARTE ACCIDENTS Earlier, between 7 p.m, and 10 cured along the same stretch of highway between Brock road and Rouge Hills, At 7 p.m, Donald Patterson 23, of Hillcrest road, Fairport Beach, was critically mjured when his car got out of control west of the Rouge bridge, The car rolled three times into the centre of the boule- vard, Patterson, and his passenger 4 y ¥o g ACA Gen Russians See Atom Damage COLUMBUS, Neb, (AP)--Soviet farm delegates here Monday took a reluctant t thelr bus window---at some A-bomb damage. The Russians toured at (he Behlen Manufacturing Co, This firm had two of Its frameless metal buildings at the May 5 atomic test at Yucca Flat, Nev, The dismantled sidings of these structures now are back at the Soviet delegation is traveling were invited to refused, get out but they | 'Copter Forced To Land In Busy City Street MONTREAL (CP) Provincial lice wrestling with Sunday tral fc just about threw up their hands when a helicopter dropped into the act, The helicopter made a forced landing on broad Metropolitan | Blvd,, at suburban HBeaconstield Sunday. The pilot bought a new fan belt at a nearby garage and| was airborne again within minutes, | while the cops waved on the would: | be spectators, | Owned by Spartan Air Services of Ottawa, the helicopter was piloted by W., J, McCarthy, who was uninjured, 'IGHT T HELSINKI (CP) A campaign | has been started to raise funds to] fight tuberculosis which still strikes down about 9,000 persons | throne for Emperor Halle Selassie |@ Year in Finland. Attention has een turned to aiding convales- | cents by giving them professioal | training and helping them to find | TOLL transport was buried in the trunk, | up hard! p.m,, four peparate accidents oc-| Behlen plant, The bus in which the | stopped beside them, The Russians | TT RIGHTEEN PAGES In Car-Trailer Fatality Then at 8.30 p.m, two cars eollid- ed al the intersection of Broek road and Highway 401. No one was injured although one ear Was velled 100 feet in the south ditch following the Impact, A few minutes later another car collision occured at White' road and Highway 40] y This accident, which topk pléce while a parachute jump was in progress at the Dunbarton Legion ' Carnival, occurred when & ear slowed, and another crashed inlo the rear The fact that the parachulisis had jumped from a plane a few mines before the accident may have been a contributing cause, hie wes wafted across the Iighwey and landed in 8 wheatfield, nay- rowly missing a passing CNR freightArain Driver of the first car was Don MeCallum, 184 Clanbrook Circle, Rexdale PO, His pussengers were his wife, and Mrs, Margaret Me. Clennan, 161 Redwater drive, Rexdale In the second car the driver Paul Douglas Arnott, 102 Vanbrugh ave- nue, Toronio, suifered shoulder ine juries, His passengers were Miss Carol Willman, 54 Oakwood drive, Scarboro, head wounds; Ann Rus sell, 707 Ossinglon avenue, To« roiite, suffered chest and shoulder injures, and Farl Barks, 71 Cleta drive, Bearboro, shock and abras sions, GIVE FIRST AID St, Jokn Ambulance men from Oshawa, Alan Wright, 300 Centre street, and Roy Niciforuk, 29 Eloi sireet were in the figld waiting for the parachutist to land when fi heard squealing brakes and erash- ing metal, They rushed to the scene and aided the injured, accompa them to the hospital, " nying | Il the accidents caused tie-ups in 'the heavy Aaa hold ay traffic, After the tran erash, all afin Ag Of { through Liverpool 'to 0, & or a HIDING PLACE Henry Sorvgtte, 230, a full blended Indian nichnamed "Ger+ onde', holds ono his toupee (lop) In New York after narcos tier souad detectives seized him with three other persons they had been (railing. The toupee tirned out to be a tense full of dope when the detectives pers formed their own brand of scalps ing, eombing out jive packages of heroin and cocaine, At bottom, the red-laced reskin puts the wig back on, Struck By Runaway Auto TORONTO (CP) «-- Two student Toronto youth of about 20, The which the three nurses had just tragedy climaxed a wild, 20 minute | lef, 1 bad chase The Wisconsin senator also bit-| whose driver had been wounded terly attackéd the president's ve-|by police, lationship with Marshal Zhukov,| A police bullet aimed at the tires Soviet defence minister, of the speeding car touched off a MeCarthy - sald that as of now | hain reaction of death, the vehicle he stands in 'the remnant" of the | lurching into three girls as they Republican party in opposing {lie | Waited at a suburban Fast York oy, ident re 1 bus stop, prs ho Suri he Senate | Condition of the youth, who was 8 scathing attack in the Senate | ,oing chased as a suspected car Shels feet in defence. of the pres: | grave, The bullet entered the back Bt, 'of his skull, The senators, several of them | Colomba Calengelo, 19, of Toronto supporters of McCarthy in the past | and Josephine Shymal, 19, of St readiness to con. | denied his charges that the U.S. | Catharines, died shortly after being New | tribute §1 per member to the fung, | government is ready to the extend | L unions would match | ell out" | admitted to Kast General Hospital the South Koreans. the Free Viel-| Injured was Elleen Keating, 19, namese or the Chinese Natlonal-|of St, Cathrines, She was taken ists in any deal with the Reds to St, Michael's Hospital, where Democratic senators watched the | nll three nurses were in training exchange in silence fram the side: | AFTER WILD CHASE lines, + Police sald the driver ; y d v | over the curb, flattened the group brought six other Republicans 10 | hare wag described early today as! off when a watcl man at a city car lot called police | fired WAS ing vehicle, bul shattered the rear window to say a youth had just climbed into a new ear and driven away Constables William Ainsworth and Bruee Priestman of East Yo police took over the case and, as ire Police said the first bullet was as 4 warming, The second dlmed at the tives of the flee: "At the speed the two cars were elling, aiming was difficult and the cars raced toward Moritmor | the shot went into the ear," Insp, avenue, Priestman fired two shots, The pursued car slewed crazily of nurses and shot on to the front | lawn of Clarence Silver, Silver was at work in his front garden when the car skidded along the side of the house, coming to a halt as it rammed a wooden tence, His four children were playing on inches "We're lucky to be alive," he! said The death scone was just a few J. Warren crow thronged tence scene, were graduated from St high were in the the lawn, The car missed them by [ing at St, | hospital, sald Three hours of after the accident curiosity seekers still around the shattered which marked the death Miss Keating and Miss Shynal Joseph's Catharines, hoy cond year of trains 1 Michael's. All three girls were on duty ear) Monday, They had dinner at vA then cheol t went for a swim, turning to. Calengeln thay were | was a yards from Miss Calengelo's home, | hotae when the accident eecurred, fT RR a lian LE oho a ha bi cates ad