Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 30 Jul 1955, p. 6

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8 THE DANY TIMESGATETTE, Saturday, July BW, 195% Editorials by Fimestpratte Putishers EE Tho ly Pimas 6 mine Wines Bodh, mpws, (Mar, er-- More Canadians Become Company Shareholders Some of the stock marke! operators, in the category of those wise ones who ine yustignte before they invest, are turning their attention in part at least from the Canadian markets 'which have been doing o well for them over the past few years, They are looking to Britian and the res- om is that, because prices overseas have not been going up as rapidly as in Canada, there ure better yields to be had on the basis of dividends whieh, after sll, are the test of any issue, Also British industry, ke Canadian in healthy condition and looking forward to a stable future, As an indication of how yields have Lisen aifecsed by prices, one Canadian bro= kerage firm a few days ago made a compile ation to show that the average return on "114 dividend stocks of the Toronto Ex- chinge was 4,11 per cent, This was off 02 from & week previous and well below the 5.06 of 8 vear ago, Not so long ago invest ors were looking for six or seven percent from the good stocks, I'he search for new places of investment ie & further indication of the increased publie interest in the markets and also of the flow of dividend money whieh in many instances is promptly reinvested, Newspapers are among those well aware of the interest In stocks, They find that the market pages where prices are listed has become one of the most popular, Some helieve the market pages now draw more interest than the sports pages which not #0 long ago were helieved to he first in popularity, The recent upswing in Canadian stock levels has been due in large measure to investments from the United States, It is from nevoss the line that much of the money has seme for both the opening up of resourses and for Investment in the pong industries, There is no doubt this sons bovder Slow of onpital has heen a big help nm Ganadion industrial develop- Interest of Canadians industries has slso been high, Generally it is ua good thing, too, The people of this country have s right to share in the bene- fits of its great natural resources, If they ean do so through wages received as em ployees and dividends received as shares holders the benefits are double, A finan. eal share in the enterprises concern alse gives the owners thereof a better appre elation of the general situation hearing on the economy of his country, He becomes better able to judge conditions, inclusive of the relationship of eapital and labor, and generally becomes a better citizen, Stability generally is promoted hy & wide distribution of company shares, That is why so many companies in thelr annual reports point with pride to the growing number of shareholders, even though the total of thelr issued capital may remain the same, As for the inclination of some to turn to British Issues under present conditions, there is belief in well.informed quarters that Canada still has its opportunities in established companies with long range growth possibilities, These are generally believed to include such as banks, paper, utilities, power, railroads and some of the mines, which, however should be studied with an appreciation of the fact that every ton of ore taken out is one less in the total reeves, Then, toe, there are the speculative is sues, the prospects which need the money and from among which the big producers of the future must eome, They must have the "risk" money but even that should he placed only after careful consideration of the several factors involved, There are still big things ahead in Can- ada and no one has a better right to share in them than the Canadian people, Just be careful, Use your own judgement and don't put all your eggs in one basket, The Metal Of The Future Hiven bodose the beginning of the 10th pontusy, motollurgy was acquainted with the "wender-metal" called titanium, Only posontly, however, have ways been found to fowge, hammer, weld and roll this sloment iso mil linds of forms and shjects whieh are customarily made of metal. A wide variety of articles can he made of Whanium--among them strip and shoot metal, serews, and pipes, The future role of this metal cannot yo be entimated, In comparison with all other metals and alloys, it has several pdvantages: WH bs six times as Slrong as puminum---that in to say, almost as phrong an steel--and considerably lighter han von | se specific gravity of 4.5 is halfway between that of aluminum and that of wen, Like aluminum, titanium to a high degree is safeguarded from corro- pion by a hard, invisible oxide coating, Through these qualities the metal ould have & wide demand if its price ean be considerably lowered, As vet, until a short time ago it cost about $6 a pound which was the price of aluminum In the | 800s, Since, however, titanium Is among the earth's ten most abundant raw ma terials-----ranking above lead and copper-- it is wnly the processing which is blamed for the present price-level, Titanium has Bible Thoughts We should be glad to do a decent action, A nig: gardly compliance defeats Itself, Da all "things without murmprings and disputs =Poil, 3, ings The Daily TimesCazette Fulilished hy TIMER GAZRTIE PUBLISHERS LIMITED 7 Bimees Street Bouth, Oshawa fhe rally Times-Gasetia (Oshawa, Whithy), combining he Oshawa Times (established 1071) and the Whithy Gueelto and Chronicle (ostablished 1863), (x published daily days and statulory holidays exoepied) Members of The Canadian Press, the Canadian Dally Newspapers Assoelation and whe Ontarie Provincial Dallies Assuiintion and the Audit Bureau of Clreulation. The Publication of all news despatehes In the paper credited to far to The Assosiated Press or Reuters, and alse the ol news published theretn. All sights of special des Alito are Alea reserved TL WILSON, Publisher and General Manager, M. MaINTYRE HOOD, Managing Editar Offises: MM King Street West, Torenta, Oatarie; University Tower Bullding, Montreal, PG. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dislivered hy carriers in Oshawa, Whithy, Breoklin, Port Adds and Plokering, not over 30 por week, By mall Provines of Ontario), sutside camvier delivery areas, 00. Elsewhere 310.00 por year BAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR JUNER 12,648 I & very high melting-point; more heat is needed to make It duetile than for an equivalent, amount of irom or copper Whatever the processing difficulties, how- ever, the fact that aluminum today costs approximately 26 cents a pound on the world market makes it reasonable to expect that In time the price-barrier ef titanium, too, will be removed, Uses of this metal are numberless, In vehicle construction --- particularly airs craft ~~ mueh depends on the weight of the material, In shipbuilding, before many decades have passed, titanium and titan lum alloys are likely to predominate, The chemical industries, too, are interested in the new metal because of {ts non-gorrosive qualities, Titanium is already an ingredient in light-weight alloys and used in refining wteels, Wheels of rallvoad carriages have proved to be far more resistant if titanium goes into thelr making, These are only a few of its present uses, Much exploratory work on titanium has heen carried out by the Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation and a new plant at Ashtabula, Ohio, will produce the metal, Should demand for titanium experience the growth that is expected in seme quarters, production may be introduced in the company's Canadian planta, Bit of Verse CICADA'S LULLARY Over la the winter and amid the meadow grasses Bpring the challces of roses from the teeming lap of earth, While beneath the solemn hid Add the reaper, As he passes Into slumber, hears the a cloadas making mirth , , , The tender mother swallow she has bullt her halls of plaster Underneath the cornice and is caring for her young; No more before the equinox the ships upon disaster Are driving, nor the flowers of foam upon the beach are flung , «+ Other Editors' Views RIG RUSINESS (Northern Miner) Canada's robust mining industry 1s on the road 10 becoming larger than the mining industry of any other country, 1 already is one of the largest Industries In Canada. And it wil get a lot bigger, Canadian mining companies, we fel, should occa slonally take time out' to make sure they are peflecting the bigness and growing stature of the dustry In which they are blossoming, in thelr own GALLUP POLL OF CANADA Two Thirds Of Public Believe UN Has Justified Existence : By CANADIAN INBITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION In celebrating its tenth birthday this summer, United Nations re eolves an extra git of apprecia tion from Canadians, says the Gallup Poll Today, almost two « thirds of the people helleve that UN, has Justified its existence, And for every six Canadians who feel that way only shoul one takes the gloomy view that It has not, The others have no opinion one way or the other Among those whe think the UN NATIONAL Maritimes Quebec Ontario Prairies British Columbia has Justitied Ms existence, four to one helleved that Ms eaten achievement has heen Keeping Jence. While 25 per cent oi hat he prevention of war has heen the (ig atest good accomplished hy he only 4 per cent say d Russia In check." Interviewers for the Canadian institute of Public Opinion Ia question fiest, to a Alen am ple of men nd women, 31 years of age and aver, "Do you think the U Na- Hons has, o has not existence?' No Opinion on w LL] wu LH! 1] Fas Not 0% 1h " 10 10 10 How Justified H% bs ah oh Ld (LJ . As the table shows, there is 8 much higher belief in the West, than there is in the Bast that UN, has been worthwhile, 5t 1s also interesting to find that the older Canadiens grow, the more eonvineed they are of U.N.'s achievements, Aeross the country, those int heir twenties give # hare majority (88 per eent) vote for UN,'s success, while #6 per cent have no opinion, Canadians who are fifty or aver show a ratio of 64 per cent who think U.N, having no opinion, Second question pul to those who felt the oN had Justified its exis tence, asked, "What would you say ls the realest good the United Nations done up to now?" Those who work for the betier understanding of United Nations will he dismayed, perhaps, al the fact that almost half of the peo ole (40 per cent) whe believed in he Organization, cannot name ny good which has heen done, Ana vals of publi opinion may feel that there 1s evidence the UN, has not dramatized Its program, as Milged hy the public's knowledge ol This Is the way the people i Pot, Kept the peace 2 Provided place for negotin: tons FOR BETTER HEALTH has Justified its existence, with only 34 per cent Handled Korea i 3 Held Russia In cheek H Work of other UN iro: i Done some good; hut prob lems not settled Misoellaneous ' Don't know; ean't answer 0 Soe gave more' than one An ar Back in 1046 the Institute asked a somewhat similar question, "Are you satiated or dissatisfied with the progress made to date hy the United ations?' Pot, |) ablatled Diasatiafiad Undeelde | 100 World Copyright Reserved Improper "Blowing" Has Serious Results By HERMAN N, BUNDENEN, ND TODAY, I'm going to tell you how to blow your nose, Now don't snicker, This is hot as silly as you might think I'll het the malority of vou don't blow correctly, And Improper blowing might have serious and painful vesults, You have to be eapecially careful when you have a head cold and sore throat, Lel me explain, IN EARLY NTAGES During the early stages of &a head oold your nose secretes mi ous which reaches the hack of your throat Ta get vid of it, you probably press your nostrils tghtly togeth or with your handkerohiel and blow violently, Ocoasionally, you might feel your ear drums snap upon an exceptionally hard blow This is a warning of what might happen. The alr pressure you generate oan push this muous from your throat through the eustachian tube into the middle oar. When this happens you're api to have trouble, MAY CAUSE INFECTION Inflammation may fill the cham her with pus, Swelling of the eu stachian tube might close the tube, trapping the pus In yow ear. Pressure of the pus on you ear dum will oause intense pain i and maybe eamplieations sueh as mantoiditia, Alded by new drugs, your does for can usually olear up sueh complications, hut he may have to lance your ear drum to do It, AVOID TROUBLE You oan avold trouble simply hy blowing your nose correo Take your handkerchief and hold It loosely, He careful not to press both nostrils: olosed at the same time, Then, blow wasily, There is one more preopution, which, while not always polite, is proper as far as your health Is concerned, Generally, the safest thing to do when you have a cold is to snirf the mucus ta the back of your throat and then spit it out, Society, however, frowns on this method, Blowing 8 much more gentlemanly, QUESTION AND ANSWER K. Ki: I have been troubled with Qlgainess for a period of ai Woeky What would be the cause of i? Answer: Digalness ls caused by various conditions, among which are ponstipation, high blood pres sure, heart and Kidney trouble, and disturbances of the eyes or Pars, It would he advisable for you to have a thorough physical ex amination hy a physielan to de ermine its cause, \ - Aided to the fire when a BYGONE DAYS M YEARS AGO old historle church of WM, near Columbus, was re: Boni fn Yih re iia for, 4 Mes J » wo Ld td al pil tg nas thon, furnace ins "es ay le Bt, church, was A -- Ma ya prowimate cost of $1,500, hia Ww, Biliou, the Jivater he: oul compresed alr wa wel " business in +, Mg i yy About 800 gnembers of thodlst Chureh and Behool went on an excursion \o Peterhorough and Stoney Lake, R, J. Mackie, town assessor made a thorough revaluation of town property, as se aament of property was ridieulously low, ore ates Ramsey and Miss Mary Wilson, B.A, Were o appointed to the hgh school staff H, W. Ives, of the Tea Store, miraculously escaped serious Ine Jury, when a street car jolted his wagon, smashing it and tearing the harness from the horse, Many Oshawa oltisens hecame guide eated over the subject of e ruinous barbed wire, Fuel was valuable young horse belonging o Jas, Rid: or on Wirt In ach [) once and had he destroyed Miss Sugden was a the public school staff, Miss Thomas, olnted to replacing Rir Cooling Piast For New York Trains NEW YORK (AP) -- The wilting thousands who sutfer torturing temperatures twice dally while Sng subways in the summer hyraday Hot their greatest news e Al-year history of the New A k underground system, Transit officials are looking into the Reebibility of alr-condis tioning all trains!! That, to a ihway vider, would surpass anys thing maginable- ~aven getting a seat, a long-forgotten luxury, Il This new service lets you go confidently on vacation with an extra $50 ar $100 Loans $50 to $1200 ar more on Signature, Furniture or Aute oe pia | Nuooe 8%, Ns (Over Bank of Nova A Justa) 08NAWA A S-4687 + Ask for the YES M. OMEN BYENINOS ~ APPOINTMENT - I Aa 18 + tion parties 'War Now Suicide ik QUEEN'S PARK "Virtue In Error"- ADoser live JS oer oy or rovpndam Te TORO} ho St Tauren ime Vin a oie not oly in " Can a Are MEL he bre in this provinee we have hd ) bile ' Ohana CL ne behavior of A Ul iA prove bee ooimitiee doa Winter ust cone! 0 Ottews has heen the wrentest hattle of recent years; over the extreme powers ¥ of the Hom, €. 1, Howe, A matier thet went vight to the core of prin. ciple. There Is Tittle do the most Important confliet of the present day 1% of the power of the exscuts Wve an againet the rights of pa ment and the people, And no pri Kument promises fo figure more [Pr ominentiy In It than endorsation 7 the hallol ho ENDORSE. HOWE? If the Liberal veriment Oltawa Is relurned at the election, for Instance, the ouile endorsaion wii he accepted In 16 party ranks as approvel of dl the principles It has follow Wed, Here over the rest few years f we expect lo hear our recent eee. Hon froauently offered as vindie Hon for various practices of the wernment, and partigularly of he activities of the highways com: i This Is common political prae tice, When a government BA 8 new mandate, It takes It Into [A on vind AR was in I ore n Ontario the y aelors Wn or As oh salisiac general res re ord of Dioftens of hie Sov i. fin wi wilh" he "Lier oii a money sty The matter the election leader Oliver Wed it form, But there WK DF ome dan n od jo whom med any Lh mporiancs And there doubt. ot ol that It Of ant Aut n BUENOS AIRES (ie il ter MW Argentine wit vera to he ul brewing today noonfirmed reports spread | fo the ial that hat Admiral Samuel Toran Cal. nente ir Toi the por wd oath Reports inlay i 6 miliary iripinal io bl es APPTOVE tater, pk sl "4 pot Bid ion re (EAR Ean EEL Ch : , In fr at time ph avant th ely font wore an {and EEE Th ws he here sald that ¥ turn iy volee of the . Fd on caf carried out ig] pri LN five ro UN a YY on a fh y! ole, The odin on ur Hear Ad: , and other we were Ti Train To Nowhere mei vim Battles Through Eis, x By GILBERT SEDBON Jie con i Wl a i vince od GAZA (Heuters) oh "rain to road Audionse In Are riowhere halted with and N Tighe true worl through the ayviion in: to Pevon's Even the ils curlew In fores : . | jo have yy y roping rowing the sonduetor, an th ed "hi down Ne the camps " Our Hands Juande Ase ul he alls," sald A derailment is no cause cannot stop 1 ham "There will he a delay," alarm on the 20-mile Jou the line day across the grest ney J from Cairo to Gags, When the wi as ah iene hows hard overnight, parts ol . single line often are hurled in wind vi a i 0 TE blown sand by morning foe: the y, I is the biblieal w deruons of by 7, this fovtharn Somat Final, & wilderness dunes, scorching [1 ni By Ju Ware, It he ming i oP # HAVE overwhelm onsls, leaving only the ide mn res fronds of hil Swaying palm -- ion a Wa! the main pi Br IL [] pr A rae ne Por Toves fakghe Lp on Inside the RATPOW coastal strip, mare thal ne Argh ¥ Are row # sordid tent In this anclent capital A he i: Istines, a destitute po; in i or rather than oar. AWAY, hordes I) tow Mile 4 Fer fan and mortar fire on Na almost dally LE r nel 10 gel a' EE pK Kipp ian and laraell soldiers ot mann al va! posts a mile or so apart, arael, furrow mers Hg x Sh Pg Th eh = Hat mie The iat situation anged, point 1a St Laurent On fla Se Fn TE RALPR §. JONES Senate Reform (DOVE, ont, her) : Barrister and Soligiter now lesated of 65 SIMCOR §T7, 8, thes Nan re OTTAWA (CF)=Prime Minister replioa of the plane used by He #, Laurent apparently plans ne Bleriot tn the first Channel ros major reform of the Nenate, ng by air 46 yoars age this week] He told a press conference Thurs oud he ¢ English en day de hopes the kind " Appoint: Th aro about five mants Is the past an ture w where . make the wile fol 3 \e whieh iy ras he apot \ ! ul institution w made & thr does not Seduire a8 much reform ie Trench Nor "3 an demanded In some quarters, Referring to some demands that boi Tre at the a f 7 nt ih hy ens ols about age ny on publie servants than I was 10 years ago, prime minister is 74, (During the now-congluded sess fon of Farllament ihe Progressive 'onservatives moved a mol manding fovernment Action 10 res form the upper ¢ hamber. fi he ake tion was Hipp wted hy a ile Pt WAR dolonted | 1 Morty hy a vole You'll enjoy hh minute Hol i Avia Line crossing to Ireland, England, France or Holland the Lihe to 63) WOULD ORJECT Mr, Bt, Laurent sald he ie that some members o thr legislatures would serio tn any olfunges nth Senate agreed to at He did not think Li of an age Hmit warranted a controversy over federal-provinelal ° lights, The prime niuigr sald he be: loves the federal avpram nt legally has complete Jurlsdiotion over the makeup of the Senate, whose members ave appointed for THE AVENUN OF sHors ON THE FLABRNIR NIRUW AMBTRRBAM Roguier sailings from New York to SOUTHAMPTON LE NAVARRE = ROTTERDAM by NIEUW AMSTERDAM, MAARBAM and RYNDAM, Or wall direst to ROTTERDAM by deluxe one-elans motortwing WERTERDAM and NOORDAM, SS Vries hy MAAN AYNDAM 10 CORN, IRELAND, jaa SAILING M HALIFAX ~ MAOAN NOV, 26 Minimum fare 8180 Tour 188 Glans, WITH virtual Anabalp privileges, SEE YOUR TRAVEL ARENT - #0 Moline Stroh, Toronta 1, i Tol EM 4-480 Ofoes alse In M cash, returndt, Your only ohw do is for the time vou hol it, For example, $100 for 1 month coats vou ehly $3.00, Phone, write a come in today, Lia] To EUROPE hy Netherlands Government Vessels Low fares, High standards of | BALLIN ) Moulhmaten, Le hy and Rotterdam: Duteh Sena, ee 1 1) Jon Au WY i one NORE And traditional frien ness, Ample 100M for re ti IRA fl ANS Mo rontion and fun, Good, pion at Lb Hw menu, *Direct to Rotterdam, Directorate-General of Shipping (MInlatrie van Verkoer on Waterstaat) The Hague, The Netherlands, Holland-Amarion Line, Agents, - PHONE FOR MANA HOURS Lonns made to covidonte of all swrsounding towns + Porat Finance Company of Conede

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