WED IN TORONTO TO LIVE IN OSHAWA A pretty summer wedding was solemnized recently at Bis, Cyr pil and Methody Cathedral, To ponte, when Mr, and Mrs, James Paul Carey exchanged nuptial vows, The bride, the former Joan Burdett Wed To Stanley Bruce At Bowmanville Pink and white gladioll formed the setting for the marriage in Bt dohn's Anglican Chureh, Bowman: | ville, of Joan Helen Burdett apd | Stanley James Bruce, The hride| is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs Joseph Charles Burdett, spd the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Bruee, all of Bow manville Me Reverend A, ¥, Herbert of | ficlated, Mrs, Evelyn Marchant layed the wedding music and bir Kenneth Hull sang, The bride was given in mar riage hy her father, She was owned In white nylon net with a ace bolero trimmed with pastel sequins and styled with sheath sleeves, Hev pearl + headed head dress held a fingertip vell, edged PERSONALS me of Recent visitors Fd the vey Farraw, Fo and Mrs, illerofl Birest, were Mrs, Fd. Jad Millar, New prastminster, C0 Mrs, 8 Bueckell, Horne: payne; Miss Lorne Forsyth, Mills arook; My, Jack Vallant, Wind gor; Mrs, H, McKinnon and Mr Thomas Mitchell, Toronto; and Mr, and Mrs, George Simpson Chicago, Nlinols Miss Myrtle A Wilson and Miss Busan Laled have returned | from a trip through western On | tala. En route they attended the Bhakespearean Pestival at Strats ford and visited r, and Mrs 0. D, Shepherd in Hamilion My, and Mis, W, C. Werry have veturned after holidaying with friends in Palmerston and Fort Clarke at Lake Huron Myo and Mra, Henry Anthony are spending a week's vacation at Chateau Wembley, Burnt River Mr, and Mrs, A, EF Barton Bommerville Avenue, have a thelr guest, Mrs, Barten's niece, Miss Florence Hodgson, of Toronto Mrs, A. W, Barton, Simeoe Street North, was honored at a fa mily dinner party last evening at Adelaide House on the oceasion of her hirthday, During the past five weeks, Mrs Fred Gates, Baldwin Street, has had her father, Mr, L, C. Mitchell of Hydney, Australia, visiting her i his homeward Journe iTvearold traveller enjoy § visit 50 much that he may return next year, Mrs, Cates and another daughter, Mrs, G, H Coombs of Howmanville had not see thelr father for . BM years Looking at least 30 years youn er than his setual age, Mr Mitehe | Is remarkably active, He under took the long Journey alone. The voyage from Hydney te Vancouver lasted 30 dave and from there he travelled in the new Canadian Pa eile sunerliner, enfovinv every day ta the full and Mrs Blreet, Clayton Lee had as vecen! ir, and Mrs, Samuel { Hartford, Conneotiout James guest \ Behoars o Mi 5 and Mes. Donald Root and and Mr. and Mrs, John Wal lis were recent guests of Mp, and Mis Allen Davis at Wellington VACATION MEMO Before you leave, DON'T FORGET to notify your carrier to stop delivery of your paper, THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE "George MoGregor, Miss Kay Milosh, is the dsugh ter of Mr, and Mrs, Peter Milosh of Oshawa and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Har old James Carey of Toronta The couple will love In Oshawa Phota hy Daylight Biudia, Toronto with deep lace, and she carried ved roses and slephanotis The bride's sister, Mrs Theriell, was matron of honor wearing blue nylon nel with # lace holero and net mittens, and # small headdress of blug flowers phe carvied a nosegay of pink and yellow carnations The best man was Mr, Arthur Sitacharuk and the ushers were Mr, Grant Thertell and Mr, Mil: ton Brues A reception followed in the par Ish hall, Receiving the guests the bride's mother was In blue em: broldered nylon, and the bride Kroom's mother wore pink broead ed nylon, Each chose while ge:| Gensorien and & corsage of carna:| tons, Grant Guests were present from Bur linglon, Oshawa, Sarhoraugh, Whithy, Ajax, Pembroke and Tor ronto Later the couple left for Nia ara Falls, The hride wore a Austy pink suit, while accessories and a corsage of yellow and white carnations Mr, and Mrs, Bruce will veside in Bowmanville Robert Wagar Weds Jean Ellen Toms In Newcastle At Newcastle United Church last Friday evening, Robert Cairn Wagar, son of Mr, and Mrs W. H Wagar of Oshawa, took as hs bride, Jean Ellen Toms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, How: ard J, Toms of Newcastle Btandards of white gladioli and sword, ferns softly lighted hy cans delabya formed "the hackground for the eeremony performed hy the Reverend M, C, Fisher, Mr, Norman Willlama of Oshawa play ed the wedding musle and Mr Kelth Wood sang "Through The Years" and "Hecause," The bride who was given In marriage by her father wore a full « Tength gown of white nylon nel and rosepoint lace over white natin, A woalloped neckline and long lace sleeves featured the has fue bodice, A pearl embroidered tara held hey fingertip vell and she carried red roses and white ehrysanthemums, Mrs, Murray Patterson of New castle who was hep sister's only attendant wore ballering + length blue nylon sheer topped with a Jackel stole, Bhe wore a Juliette eap and carried pink roses and ehrysanthemyms Mr. Donald Wagar of Windsor Was best man and The ushers were Mr, George Tanton and ) A Tecoption was In the Sunday school room at the church where the bride's mother received wear: Ing sky hlue erepe and white lace E | slend of P and white weed a ' wiadng malt whe played by Miss Jean || white Frene 13 || lace over pleated net, Her finger WOMEN 16 ABWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR IAL RA, 30474 THE DAILY TIMEA-GAITTY, rider, Wiy 19, 1998 Eunice man Cat wg The bride is the " or bP lus Arm iNawa # fr gil " Timmins, and the bride bo som of Mr, nd Mrs, shawa, oom is the son ancel Williams, and the soloist was Mr, William Hark: nent Given In marriage by her father the bride wore & formal fon of lace lle, A long sleeved lace holers comple mented the strapless bodice of lace, nted at the waist, and the ny net skirt billowed over (affets with a scalloped hem edged with tp vell, edged with Ince and em hroldered with silver sequin and seed pearls was secured to # small dace hat to match, She ear vied 8 mauve orchid with vy trails on 8 white prayer hook The matron of honor, Mrs, Thel ma Langlals, was In green ny YOUR FAVORITE! 4794 new | By ANNE ADMAS This lovely dress has EVERY. THING you've ever wanied in a summer style! Fitted and flared arineess lines are the most flatter: ng for any figure -- Acallops and buttons, your very favorile de. tall! Sew it quickly, easily --wear It and lave it all season Pattern 4704; Misses' Sizes 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, Bige 16 takes 4% yards 86-inch fabrie This pattern easy to use, simple 0] dew, 1] tested for fm Has com: slete Mlustrated Instructions ' fend THIRTY. FIVE CENTS (38 gents) In ening {amps Sanit je accepted) for this pattern rin ai SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, BLE NUMBER fend order to ANNE ADADMS, (0 Dally Times-Cagette Pattern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario with a red corsage, The hride room's mother who assisted was 4 navy blue ovepe and lace with pink acoessories, Later Mr. and Mrs for a wedding trip bh tn New York City and will live in Neweastle. For travelling the bride wore a pink nylon Jackel dress with white accessories, Wagar left automobile LL DELCO OIL BURNER GUARANTEED BY THE GREATEST NAME IN INDUSTRY AND IN: ATDIXON'S PHONE RA, 3-4663 1 ALLED BY EXPERTS! BUY GENERAL MOTORS DELCO « HEAT 313 ALBERT §T, Or Phone Armstead, Married At Holy Crom Co th. FEE , Williams urch were ned sim They WW earried and Ivy trails, Asis Mr, Douglas Armstead ushered, Tacopiien wa paid in the Po. oh Jal bride's mother re eslved in a navy Wue linen dress with maiching lacket, white nes CERROFIEH BG i COFBRES OF 18d FOR on, The bridegroom's mother wore # heige linen suit with navy blue neesssories and yellow voses, The couple left for North Bay As they left the bride was wear ing 8 white linen sheath dress with matching duster cont, pink seces saries and a corsage of pink and while earnptions Mr. and Mrs." Williams will re rn to make thelr home In Osh AWA SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT uy and Mrs, Wilbert A, Brant of Buffalo, New York, formerly of Oshaws, announce the engage: ment of thelr dsughter, Verna, tn James Clifton Tull, son of Mrs don Lutf of Bishop Falls, New foundiand, and the late Mr. Tuff The wedding Is In take place in Subtale on Baturday, August 18, at pm ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Matthew Diasio of FPlokering announce the engage ment of thelr daughter, Theresa Rose, to Lloyd Patrick Bolahood, son of Mr, and Mrs, Anthony John Bolahood of Oshawa, The wedding will take place on Saturday, Au ust 8, . ¥rancls DeSales man Mail Chiireh, Pleker ng, at in am Identifying Stains Helps Dry Cleaners Renew Your Clothes A small seran of paper can he a hig hoon when It comes fn hav Ing clothes cleaned properly That's the advice of the Cana: ian Ressareh Institute, where the BX Aeday headaches of commer eldl launderers and. cleaners right #aeross the ecoumtry get studied - rablem may he Dad's new sult which was returm th slaln showing on the sleeve, Or perhaps a hutten on a smart ' mer dress simply dissolved is cleaning I's quite probable that cleaner had been advised caused the stain In the sult could have caught it belling Is not clear, he told about sult such as which often requ ment, Belts, buttons and other trim mings oan be troublesome too, It's often advisable tl vemave these or ask the cleaner to do an A note can he used on other occasions to give Instructions. For Instance, walter resistant or pot Fesintant finishes can't be expel: od to last forever, but a cleaner oan restore them, Similarly poy manent pleats are seldom really Rermanent, iM should he pepleal periodically for best i ance. Knitted anf felt Abies: y the nature of thelr aonatrye tion, have a habit of itretohing out of shape, To have them re shaped (o slge, you should five the cleaner your measurements If the what he Where Ia he should alse ial fibres in the aeron or orlen, we special (real garments, OWIA' BYES Wearing sun glasses While You're tanning in a smart idea provided that you keep delicate oye tnsues lubricated with a deli cate eye cream. But don't forget 0 take off the glasses, close your Yes mEAinst the sun, and ocean slonally let the skin in thi ) Net ts henedieation of sunlight. Otherwise, who'll he the awl , | , Mr, Donald Shields acted as best |F man, Mr, Lawrence Gagnon and)" al Bents TO BE MARRIED, NEXT Yon! |" FE 5 AB Sy, i Mish THERESA DIABLO po (7 hr ( and My, Lloyd Patrick Bo- I whe 10 he married sl Bt, France tholie Chureh, Pickering, on bi is De Beles Roman Cn KEEP IN TRIM When Mr, snd Mrs, go on # diel together, the spirit of good natured rnvaltry pis wp to reducing, All ws well ag long as you are hath osing pounds, 11 the pointer on the seales drops 4 y ¥. pounds this Monday morning, that's par lor the But sles, for one of you, the pounds may fe Playing hard 0 t off, 1 you have honestly for owed (he diet, you havey lost hut water storage is temporarily post: poning the registration of "Host pounds, The triumph will be all yours---~privided you hold on now, Here 1s 8 true experience which shows the way water tends to he stored, then released suddenly, A Miamlan who disted with her hus hand lost nary almost three weeks, while he lost a fast ten pounds Discouraged, she decided to quit, hut out of hihi slepped on the scales thal third Monday To her utter amazement, she found she had lost h pounds, seemingly overnight, lated, » went on to lose #7 excess pounds, While water retention isn't us ually that prolonged, 10 days with no weight loss 18 nol uneommon, Water Is a by-product of the oxi dation thuenth ol fot, and may he tei rarily rela ' og +4 acing the Tost fat. Bince water weighs more than fal, the seales may even register a & or § pound gain! Bear In Mind, the water hilance always adjusts, and then the weight loss is likely to he ramatie, fron the other hand, one dister lal weighing in to any, ay 11 or _ pre: e change 6 pounds, This weight i { and walter, protein dist ean ve bop loss o water Jom the Lissues ere Is ne F in being jubilant about this fest sizable drop In poundage so lon as you do not: become discourage when the pace slackens Back to the poor loser. Under stand what is happening, know that you are losing, and stay with the diet through this aggravating wriod, 16 will help you to know hat walter storage may. ooeur anee or many times throughout the diet, hut as long as you continue to eul calories below your requirements, you are losing. In the long run, you will lose the nan, imosnt nd eateh up wil ie fast starter, DAILY DOUBLE DIET with eal ories for Mrs, Mr, Hreakinn Tomato Ju course to a highs sult in an a | joe, with lemon 85, 84 gif I, you =» who you! July Sale SHORTIES IN 25 STYLES REGULAR TO 39.90 Just in time far alee on LL) $ \ ral MAE, NeW Alyied In Thee Papua lengthy (Jame fishy a pacha) | vely lightweiahy abiics seh as Naeanal Tweedy Englnh DBoucies, imparted suede lathe, sobbisstons checks, an sashmere Plans A havy of pasts shades ta h an Ammer draaies, add naw uu 10 part glathes, Siam 10 10 30, WH 4 WAYS TO BUY GAIN » CHARGE » LAYAWAY + BUDGET AT SUSS-MAN'S Circulation Dept, N Water Storage in the Body Often Fools Honest Dieters hall pound in| 8 Fy sl Fie HEY spp on Jy ant so Yo ut Vp Sr Friends Entertain For Frances Lynde Miss Frances Lynde Eh ie : MONTH wat hd, i and J 5% Wy 4 Mes, ¥, y bo i x: Miss Marion or Du i dor wl for WHiries, Lyne he ott fi A wills ware f dade aidan riey smh hi ln sl mde pr, 1s fh fr, Copan} 1 Bigg of so ul A [] i ME, LLOYD BOLAROOD Y, ust 8, The bridedohe A the put A 00m 16 the son of Mr, nand Mrs, Anthony John Bola: hood of Oshiwa » : 4 od shower was 2 Rk emn Friends of the sifigncd paly ar- ee be, So ogy | The evening ended with » wiener Learned to Paint (CP) rr rs. Erie PET ERROROV(G suffered ad 10 tors diop't of lo survive In chy Accident nee then Bill cooked Ho Mrs, 8 eggs 78, -------- Mr, § eggs | oa. I hin ice 80, WF utter, % pt ow Colle, "Wink 0, 1 Mes, 175, Mr, 200 Imneheon ' i 1 b Luncheon ments, Spiced ham, 1! § slice #0, #0; Bolognm, 1 slice 86, | 65; Cheese, thin slice % oz, 0, Bread, Mrs, 1 thin slice 80, Mr, 2| thin shiess 100 Butler, % pat 25, 2 i'd Hl» Cantaloupe, Mrs, 1s melon Bp, Mr , - rel bt "ine n,m, wo. | WIFE PRESERVER Ton or Colles Mr, #60, 4100 Energy Plokup Hot vinegar 1s # help when you | ant of skim milk or buttermilk | wish to remove a dees) from & wall Dinar or pleco of furniture, Dip & wad of | Cubs slesk, panhrolied 800, 800 [cotton Into the stemming vinegar | Niked lato Mn % potato M), land sponge the decal repestedly Fi Melm sige until It is thoroughly soaked, then | Butter, % pal 24, 2 ' Cholce of ummer ion string wish ihe' decal SRY, -- heans ov spinach #6, : Crisp celery and radishes 15, 1h Ww Gelating dessert with fruit added | When you put on your masears, I Mrs AM, | don't use waler use a setting 24 eyp 115, 116, Tota Mr iho, Total Calories for day lotion, Makes your eyelashes gurl "upward divinely, Mrs, 076, Mr, 1,170, # f " : . Total calories | AMWAYS LOOK TY 10 While Convalescing Lid A VEAFS Af, ; jd, oer Ra Ba IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST OIL BURNERS AND FORCED AIR UNITS % DOWN : 5 YEARS TO PAY! PAYMENTS oi lik" MONTH GEO. THOMSON FREE BSTIMATES DAY OR NIGHT 125 GONANY PIAL RA BITIH C--O ---------- ------ MEADOWCRES LIMITED N.H.A. APPROVED-5% MO Have you seen the new sub- division in Breeklin where they are building 670 § end é-reem bungalows, ell semplete with carports and gareges en 78 ond 80' lots ? " Yes, and the LOW Prices! From $10,725 with es little os $1,998 down payment, And the rest sarries for as low as $51.75 por menth, severing Interest and principal, It's LOWER than rent! You sheuld see the lovely Yaungstown steel hitehons with exhaust fans! The colored, tiled bathrooms -- a real dream! These sturdy eak fleers and big reemy basements! The private gravelled driveways end the beautiful landseap- Ing whieh goes with every heme! For Further Particulars Phone: ; SIDNEY MORRIS REAL ESTATE or TORONTO HUdson 8.8774 (Anytime) 4 Wi Cl bai a LER ! oie RTGAGES Drive out this weekend and have your piok of the cheisest lots | Furnished Medel Home open for inspection oll weekend, BROOKLIN 223