HAT AND BAG SETS Daughter has 8 hat snd hag | at handle. This set Is easy to make sel exactly the same as mothe .er's, The hails are worked In rounds of single crochet and the hags have an open mesh effect the top with a drawstring with thick cotton In your favor would like to including If you instructions ite eolor, have (he MARY HAWORTH MAIL Reader Challenges Views Of Columnist On Tax Rate MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL, Dear Mary Haworth: 1 enjoy very much your daily column, and applaud your expert advice and intelligent handling of people's problems, 1 read with interest the artiole of June 14, aboul the girl LOVELY ENSEMBLE ; rate as a fingle, who can't dress as lavishly as other women In her office and who Is getting In trouble spend ing too much, trying to keep pace agree thoroughly with your slant, that It is unsound and un sophistieated to spend dispropor tionately on clothes, just to keep up with office style queens But didn't you make a mistake towards the end of the article, when speaking of Income (ax rates? You were suggesting that maybe (he better dressed ladies are married, and have the advan tage of a split Income tax rate hence may have more money lo spend on clothes than a single girl getting comparable pay, By consulting the Bureau of In ternal Nevenus, or referring lo Fa Ba me son a Joint combined In. come would oon the couple In a much higher tax bracket -- excep! that the Internal Revenue allows them to split thelr Income, to bring thelr tax rate down to the In dividual tax rate, The tax Is then doubled for the couple I don't profess to he an income return is fk y ANNE ADAMN ul fashions for summer fall! The sundress Is smart, simple with an sym meiriegl lne that's won b ing! The little bolero repeats pretty trim; 1s perfect cover town, travel, cooler weather Pattern 47111 Mins Higes I, 6 0 20; 40. Blge 6 dress and holera take 4 vards 304nch fabrio| "% yard contrast, This pattern pars to sew, Is tented for fit! pete (ih Nend THIRTY FIV CHENTN (38 cents. In coins (stamps cannot be soceptegd for this pattern, Print lainly ugk ahah ADDRERS, TYLE NUMBER Send co n ANNE C0 Dally Times:-Gagetie Dept, Oshawa, Ontario Wond and pu the " simnle "Has com: ADAMS, Pattern | for | tax expert; but as a working wife I happen to know that a salaried wife pays the same Lax rate as a Rage, 0 girl x Py BURDEN Dear Hany Haworth arate the sheep from (he goals with consummate skill but have you tried Alling out a long Form 1040 for a low Income work er lately? 1 don't think the com munity property provision is the principal reason why married wo men dress like peacocks while single girls go harefool Let's assume A, RN. your cor respondent of June 14, earns 'less than $4,000 a year, As a singlt person, she will pay an extra 4 per cent on All taxable Income over $3,000 and less than $4,000 and personal exemptions and stan dard deductions would carry hoi a bit above #5,000 gross before she gels into another tax bracket, If ihe could have the "easy let oft" that goes with being a Mrs she could divide her income by 2, You wep STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works Memorials ® Markers Member af the CANADIAN AMOCIATION of MEMORIAL CRAFTSMEN, 318 Dundas St, EK, Whitby Phone MO B-3552 NOTICE! Due To Staff Vacation Qur Stores Will Be Closed From JULY 30 to AUG. 6 FOR EXPERT SERVICE PICKWI 434 SIMCOR ST, § Dial RA 3.4832 OLEANERS & DYERS 249 KING ST. &, Diel RA 8-842) C both sets, Just send a stamped | well addressed envelope plus 10¢ for handing to the Needle craft Department of this paper, | requesting T AND BAG SITS, Leaflet No, C.P.C, T5640 | compute her tax, and multiply the tax by 4-8 maximum savmgs of $00 as 1 figure It, And 880 won't buy those $100 suits, dozen pairs of shoes and expensive hats that her co-workers take for granted, I am not prepared to submit comparative budgets for single girls versus married women; but "other things being equal" sugh as living in an apartment, surely the monthly rental alone would be a surplus in favor of the married woman, Assuming that her hus band pays this item <D UNBAVE, VENTURE Dear Neaders: My thanks to you both and a half dozen others for hearing down on the split income tax procedure--so as to get the giralght of the matter across lo the audience, As It happens | let the experts tell me where to sign, when it gomes to coping with Income Lax forms, And 1 realize now that It isn't safe to venture even so much as a generality aboul a subject #0 Intricate, without first taking some firsthand xporiance in com ng r iris, tary aworih nse through her hy Ha not by mall or per sonal Interview, Write her in care of this newspaper THE STARS SAY By ENTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This will be an excellent period in which to take part In commu: nity programs, entertainment for charitable organizations and Ko ¢lal aotivities, generally, There are good aspects, also, for both do mestic and romantic Interests, If It should be necessary you Munday, do not let considerations influence you ment either FOR If for judg THE BIRTHDAY tomorrow 18 your birthday, particularly stimulating cares Imaginative loge them out, eventually not be under particularly good as pects until late Degember but, de: aplte this fact, you can make some Ideas, coupled with | 26 SIMCOE ST, § { make the soming yeny or | very best now, | highlighted during | durin to transact any business on | sentimental | Make no snap decisions, | hy TE DALY TIMESGAZITTY, Saturday, July 23, 19% FE owerd and consolidate every | ond of 1956 your di Yow ® jneryane "Hike the pat since they could , #inge they could) 17] further your #ims In 1956, ehild born on this dey will we | oo sfficient, creative and endowed | with a sense of responsibility THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW Persons! relationships will be | under excellent aspects on Mon | day, ay: The stars will also be gener ous where artistic and enitursl | Interests sre concerned, A fine | time, too, for home decorating In business discussions, he as impersonal as possible, and don't | insist on hang your own way FOR THE BIKTHDAY i Monday Is your birthday, | your horoscope indiestes that, despite some sethacks, you ean h banner | | one If you push ward with con. | | fidence and foresight, Deo your since the resis you sehieve during the next five months will have a great influ | ones on your future suceess Personal relationships will he October and November, and you may resllze a long-cherished dream of travel January or Vebruary Avold extravagance and speciilie ition of any kind during Decem ber, Sentimental and social mat ters should prospect, (oo, A ehild born on this day will be intelligent, self-reliant, (rust worthy and unusunlly versatile HOUSEHOLD HINT | A conting of window wax) spread on a silver dish or tray will keep the sliver from tarnishing and enthusiasm In carrying | could yield fine results | Financial Interests will | REDUCED TO ONE LOW PRICE: "AIR CONDITIONED" for your comfort Fashion Uill "For discriminating women" PHONE: the next few months may not He | where| matters are concerned but | Here 1s something new for the | younger set when they want to | | get away from the regulation | Jeans and shirt, Though the usual costume Is almost an Identical deal, the girl who wants to be a little different will go for this out fit, It Is a clever variation bul Regular up to 49.95 | dihes with lids carry potato sal. | pure Ice-Packed Bags Keep Food Fresh In Picnic Hamper Today, wherever you find fam: |' Iie you find plastics, and they 9 right slong on plenies, too, The fie wile polythene relrigeraior ity ad, fruit Jules and sandwich spreads from refrigerator to pie nie site without spilling, leaking or breaking, Snap « tight ds kesp | the contents fresh and appeti/ ng, Vilythene with lettuce, tomatoes, eggs and green onions grocery bags filed |} hard-boiled | Carvy aif |; | the makings for sandwiches or sal: ads, Aer that it's "ench man | for himself," To keep food and drink cold, | fill plastic hags with ice cubes and pack around bottles and food comininers, Be sure the bags sre] tihtly closed and leak-proof Thermos hotties are sable for hot Vaulds, Those with polythene caps that house nests of cups prevent burned fingers and | lips when drinking hot fea or cof fee, Plastic fizz caps keep car sonmted. drinks from losing 7ip once the hottle has heen open od if facilities washing are not | available those old polythene gro | very bags are good protection against a messy hamper, Wel hathing sults can be carried home in the same fashion, hut make there are no holes In the hag! and can be esslly washed off when the article Is to be used, | Riehard, -, KID STUFF in that amusing und are the hobo pants have patches al the knees also shaped Into back pockets, Checked gingham is used for the deep cuffs on the top In of matehing gingham and In neatly tucked Into an elastl cleed walstline, By TRACY pants, The sleeveless shirtwalst progress If you follow a conserva: | shows some slight individuality | ADIRIAN dain FINAL CLEARANCE of all our summer COTTON DRESSES *10 RA 5-2722 their | | father of five children, | order | neighbor | or 3 Sa 4 &* CRITE NN Wi W . Ra) ob ro 1) RY NS indispen- | e | = | : : SEA SHELL DOILY I This shell motif dolly edging | brings echoes of the sen against a blue linen background Vieasuring 16 inches In diameter, | | this dolly will give protection to your table tops as well as hesuly in Interior decoration. If you CHILD GUIDANCE By G, CLEVELAND MYERS The other day, 1 heard the the eldest of whom Is 8, tell of lending thelr TV set to a neighbor while he was in the hospital for a week "We took the matter up with | the children," he said, "and they were glad to do it, though they greatly missed watching TV for | that period." This struck me as # highly | commendable net, All the family chose to do without something In| to glve pleasure this | $0 often, children participate in giving, without experiencing any self-denial, such as when the family leaves a basket of food at | a needy home while still enjoying sumpiuous meals at thelr own | table, Most of us, and our chil dren, make our offerings at church or Bunday school without really having given up anything It 1s a fortunate ehild who chooses to go without Ige cream cones, sides and the ifie, In order to make his offering or to Increase L] I have Just read your article the tollet training of hables before the age of two, and 1 want to toll you of my success with | keep him nest and clean, ¥ Wi Toy ll font me would like to have the directions for making this dolly, simply send a stamped, self-addressed envelope plus 10¢ for handling to the Needlework Department of this paper, requesting Ben Shells, Leaflet No, C8119 '| Teaching Children Self-Denial Shapes Character For Later Life } has an sceldent and very seldom | wets the bed at night "It has heen a source of great Joy to my husband and me to see how all our children love that baby, They are nlways eager lo and fo them Is It a chore to him into fresh As oon Bs he wakens In the morning, the children go to him to wish him good morning a smile dining room, lovable and happy, "It 1s such a fine experience to have this baby among us, and fo see nll the love flowing from our hearts toward him, Life is sinle without a baby in the home, and I thank God or ours," Fortunate, too, are these older children, with a baby to love and carve for tenderly! none of change TRAVELLERS AID Going aboard? Don't forget fo | take soap-it 1s not supplied in| Kuropean hotels, Many Europe: hound travellers take a tube shampoo for hand-washing while enroute, A tube of fragrant, aresmy sham) convention! minates the problem of what ig do with a cake of wel soap, stay-at-homes find the tube handy "I began to encourage him In tollet raining As Boon us he was able to balance himself alone, After each success, 1 praised him, and he seemed very pleased with his achievement, 1 never scolded him If he had an accident, I never worried whether he did or not, 1 was Just happy when he was sue censful, "He wan only a year old when I wont to work, and it was won derful the way his aunt--our 16-year-old daughler---carried on with this part of the baby's trains Ing, Bhe'd pat and hug and kiss him, and he would act so proud over his successes. Now he never ANTIQUE AND OLD ENGLISH BRASS ® COLLECTORS ITEMS » DIRECT SHIPMENT FROM GR, BRITAIN 98 Athol Street §, (back entrance) RA, 3.7722 clothing, | with | They bring him to the | of | AQ | Kven See Now Our Scientific Dry but that's best in dry cleaning, OSHAWA RAndolph 3.4631 Bowmanville, Zenith 13000 \" Sanitone DRY CLEANING SERVICE Gets Out More Dirt, YEY COSTS NO MORI Clothes can get so soiled that even Sanitone Dry Gleaning won't help, mighty, mighty ¢ don't despair, Send it today Ajax, Pickering, Port Perry, Whithy, N'T CRY... Call RA 3.4631 und ask for Cleaning Sark nit ; REALLY GETS our ALL THE DIRY . SPOTS AND STAINS DISAPPEAR Ll DRAPES BETTER . PRESS LASTS LONGER are, So, for the avi (oh (Proper Folding Over Tissue Paper | Secret Of Packing | ure, starts off with sulleble lug gage, In good condition and prop. | erly packed, But easy packing that band-hox look Isn't as fi | eilt as wo many folk seem to find it, Virst of all, the sessoned trav: aller knows how to combine clothes so thet & minimum is car. ried, Hall the things we (ole along are seldom worn, As for the | setunl packing, place shoes In the sultcase so that they will be at the bottom of the case when i Is | upended and corried, Biull shoes with hose snd similar small ar | ticles, Use old hose as shoe bags ihe i you ean, don't atny | more none extra Fiat | To pack Jackets, turn side oul (except lor sleeves), Void Jack In hall, tucking one shoul der inside the other, Smooth { wrinkles out of collar and lapels, Fold over tissue st waist) necessary, Bull dress hodices snd sleeves with tissue, Fold sleeves | and sides of skirts over lisse, | Pack lengthwise, fold again »t | waistline over tissue, i To puck skirts, place them at | one end of the case with. waist ex. tending beyond the opposite end, | Furn side panels inward over | sirips of tissue, Flip beck into cane over rolled tissue, Alernate position of second skirt, To pack Houses properly. fold mt shoul ders carefully with sleeves under- neath, Put first blouse st one end of case and next blouse at the other | To pack lingerie, place ench| item on several full-length sheets of tissue paper, Roll with tissue outside, Place lingerie so thet it will he at the top of the bag, To pack a wardrobe case place dresses and suit costs on gers; : A Journey, lor business or piess. | fee how fast bal to sle with all these oo Ay RA for company, ry this lt that's circus, Jorn, 700 ~~ a either cross sleeves over front or let hang down along side seams | of garment, Pin skirts to hangers and fold side panels toward scen- tre, nap holding bhr inte posts tion, Tuck hankies, gloves, hose into corners of bottom section, ¥it shoes into bottom of case against hinged side LITTLE PRACTICE To do a really fine Job of pack {ing, It Is certainly well worth while to have several trial runs, packing, unpacking, packing, un. packing, until the results are per- fect, And don't stint on tissue paper either, You'll find sll the rehearsing well worth while and travelling will become the wone derful thing it Is, instead of a nuisance as It 1s to so many folk who find packing a necessary evil But with all the well + made roomy, ontitieally planned lug. wnge that Is available at every price range, packing should be no problem {for It saves use of the none too-gentle liguid soaps provided in ong. So ony torn Thi0. A imal al quilt! Em Blog mots, ligue trans fers, inches, bond TWENTY-FIVE CENTS tn &int 1 for this pattern (stomps cane not. be sefepied) to Pally 3h Times Oshaws, Ontario. Print pa NAME, ADDRESS, PA a NUMBER, ORDER our 1055 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Coinlogue, Enjoy pages and pages of exciting new designs ~ kn iting, crochet, ems broldery, iron-on, ons, oye ok novels ties! Send lor you of this wonderful hook id onl) want to order every design in itl SOMERSET Swimming Pool SWITZER | PRIVE PUBLIC ADMISSION ite 50 Swimming Lessons 50¢ to $2.00 each See Lifeguard At Pool a A ---- some washrooms, | | both only 300 Jor a limited time 8 KING WONE RA 3-2245 Rh the hs Blue Grass Flower Mist wieh Purse Atomizer of Blue Grass Perfume 2,50 Forget that timid dab of magrance behind the ear! In. atead after the bath, spray yourself lavishly with lovely Blue Grass Flower Mist, Elizabeth Arden's own lighter version of her great perfume, Revel in its misty coolness all summer long, Carry Blue Grass Perfume in the new leaks proof Purse Atomizer, Both only $3 at your favorite store -- DRUGS BOWMANVILLE = 15 KING ST. W. « MA 3.5778 tong . : J do os, size 2.00 S530 SIMCOE WOVE RA §-35406