development of these | FRENCHMAN'S BAY Youth Hurt In Collision "ne, Blithe] PEARS leg ond gr Ay wd were treats FRENC ANE BAY ~ Mrs William Hern,. Front Slrest, was we vor wt ol the winner o i dressed Wn Re but recety wo voi Wills and raffled off by the Lions A soils of the fon fi A, Kote Corpival ont a eur. sumer song Sa oy parieiar" wt fst cryinekn helped the siled soldiers Mmar a0 Yamily are | Aol ae eae se nd bom fe Swgre River Bo | nosy Novels, Ww Apeninen Moun: ; travelled rond ns wre 1 1 hats hive pointes i a 0d hi Mlle Donna Gaskin Is home | availing Wenmelves o 2) wee of | ine, In the Rorthern part of Hay. haut inamin on from the Rospital and feeling much fhe yr resent , Jb i ley of a me, | Petler, { will see fit oncept (hal 4" program shod "he wud Sharwiid Wolldaymg Wn { maintained In order 1o keep WP sg" Coutts of Front Street is) | with those countries which threat | Pi Jn hospital, Nothing Pirast te) whey 5 it en the peace of the world | hiss heen discovered ps vol i ida piece of logieta- ind COLAADY, : a THE PALLY TIMESGATITTY, Thursday, July 1, 1058 Oshawa MP Speaks In House On Defence Production Issue Bowak oA Com (existence have not, thank Cod, (time, Most certainly the opinion IE "Wottont, vig Bh / der been winsed | expressed very emphatically wisi the Bh Se "The hon, member for Rose: that the act should nol he extends | Stare, MP town - Biggar in speaking this| ed for an indefinite period, as 8 for Ontario, , appealed to the | afternoon paid the members of the proposed in this amending Wi, minister of delence production 16 | Conservative por have LH "I 1s hard for me (n understand give falr jes) congiaer ition Hepes in this debate have Lwhy an indefinite period is neces: io the # definite time in the interests of dairy | sory al the present time, parties Smit the Till. He felt sure tht when we have had "this set of this were done the debate would oY LL SA from fo it Bronte #22 pei Bpi Be oN Patios, rer which enabled pe] ] ord 1 A os fret | evade capinr the enemy, WH | wie ny 4 R Alexonder, fis Brbadview Re tld ond, A I bosib a ot any Hime to them 10 escape or | minister these powers Lact with & Hime Vmit sel, snd WH with ot be the experience In the filigree; hecnise every member in this house ts well aware of the! fact thet protective wespons must | he develo, 4, tht y must be genred to produce these wes pons that oe necessary and thet are on the government program for detence purposes, seems me thet the spare | LO re) ot ih Wii tn Wend the the yd or al y 4 no definite thyme or resson, As| re Alen P members Lak rt in this de Foropia | Field Worshal, Aed Wer Com: ed | mand of The Wedierranesn The: | aye 19945 i Phe worked under orders from General Montgomery in mding {soners of way of the Mh Army Yd Corp to escape 10 thee o WR lines, wise earned and Ww ed with "The Kings Wedd Tor Ser: vices Wn the couse of Freedom, To merit these honors Mrs, Kore hi VGLO 175 NRACLE SIRE ENAMEL Mone May 1 pont out 10 him thet | jarly o the many syuechis of Je | uring times when world condi: | cement of sll con ve Hetened i has heen ERY | hone were far more. threstenin nd "the sgn 4, that not only be IRGUSKEY | than they are now, No me og in jeopardy unde, this set, Dut 80! expressed the opinion In this also are persons, My | read Irom | house or owiside I that this set § the Defence Production Act, whieh | not necessary, not has snyme sig: is chapter B2 of tim Revised Ba-| gesied that (he minister has at any participation in this debate | tutes of Canada, 1992, section | (ime ahused the powers contain: ne ret very much #l (di; Led in this legislation, In Ws slate. | that this i x en brought he (4) xequire any person who | ment in this house on June 26 of fore this house for consideration supplies any essential service 10 | this year, as recorded sl page 59 | ai the time it has, in view of the "oly the serviee to sich per: Honward, the minivter oled; {Hon pertaining particularly 101 on Sunday afternoon hetwesn 4, 9h 4 7 Phy 4 date of expiry of this sel, which sims, to such extent and on sich | 'Loan Say hat now we have) emergency, it 1 on the same 1, A pm, a ear frven » Pons metery afte Wines, ie duly MW, 1 I 7am. see no rei conditions as the minister may | arte wn # program of develop: | [haste se an legislation brovight pla O War, 1 he 3 9 A yinska, 8 native of son why this bill could not have prescribe ment that gives me the shudders | forwara hy thin govern oF ony Lot 21, Iiverpoo har Waly, was maorried in Rome in 19% heen brought in during the early| "Certainly the net affects aivi-| Bienen 0 oiene and & SPETION | tm Ink, was proceed eding. wor on the id Koreryingka, During the part of the nest session, In 1956, | duale, Ji alfects Jabor and every. | PCIGERI UEC SHC 8 Superson Valley Form Road and as it was | M.S nor why, i it was in the minds of | one In this country, Our srgament | o."ceicinly required as soon os ha to turn the corner at the | | sortie te of merit Which reads the government to establish his! has been based not only on the | foo," Coto fly iss) to ward ott | House for coneiliation with respect | 3rd Concession came In direct eon | folio A" m reads as There she wan works inwectr in| Department of Defence Production protection of individuals, abhor ana oe threat which hon, members | 10. AH8 debate, | listened io one | tie with # car driven by wr, | This ortitioate Is awarded 10,2 parachute Tactory In Market | a5 8 permanent department, it everyone who comes under the | opposite insist does nit exist' | WIE was advanced hy the hon. | Alan Chipman, #6, of 9 lonviaw P Wilvia Kore " 0) H » iy p I t : could not have { member for Winnipeg North Cen! Ave, Plekering Township, il nynska as # to" Harhorouih, wp to me they | Bay MeKay, 11, of 13 Celing heen brought In| Jurisdiction of this act, This set! during the enrl h "Then he goes on to say this! |ire this morning might say 1 | ed on orion that Donald | (B BOYS! GIRLS! Biraet, Oshawa', Who Wis An 00: l part of this pres: has heen wn exisience for limited | ent session, Why It was brought | periods of time, As a result of that] * 'However, we embarked on thought is suggestion wes very! 18 would psa that program and already on that! seasonable, 1 hope it is given serl-| O'Hare was cutting the corner | cupant in the O'Hara ear received | 8 pe arm and hasd wins ll Po You Want To Earn Your Own Spending Money This Summer And in st this stage of the session is! provision i has had review by heyond me, and | hope no motive | parliament, and there has been! program we have invested $30 mh: gus consideration by the Prime pretty close bul seid It was due iB lion, Before we get through, it will Minister 10 the fact that he could not see! I Mr, Bpesker possible fractured arm, There were only the two boys In the O'Hara Still Have Lots Of Free Time Left To Play ? hy hehind this action in bringing | opportunity for private members # In at this particular time to discuss the necessity for isl he around $100 million, That Is 8, "In conclusion, knowing fill well thet if she were CAUENL. doing 80 or even giving any information or assistance of apy | kind 10 them, the penalty under | German Law snd Order would he | that she would he placed hetore » | ring saiadron, while her howse: | old goods would he burned and | down nto the slr and her next of in. would he shot; nevertheless facing all this, this eonrgneons lit tie woman continued to help or men In escaping to freedom Later on she and her husshand | and family moved 19 England | re' Honsard Report of Mr K Anas p Starr's remarks nthe house is we follows "Mr. Speaker, st the outset of First Canadian Graduation Exercises held by Schools of Practical Nursing " this rondo eB AR more drastic happens, enyinsks, | fore this J nod & "A number of formules have heen advanced hy members of this "Many have participated in this prolongation when the life of the | program no other country has car: | wish again to Hopes to the » debate, particularly those who sel expired or iL was reasonably | ried ; throngh successfully #8 | ier of patence Production to give | are In the Conservative party in| close to expiration, | yet / {flr and logical consideration to this House of Commons, They! To my mind, Mr, Speaker, this "In his remarks of thet date he | this matter of a definite Hime Him have voiced thelr objections to this| is an act that has no place In the on ioned that the govern. | In this bill, If that were done | bill, partiewlarly on the aspect of | statutes of a country with a demo: | 'ih i into the field of| #0 Sure this debate would then the indefinite Tite of the set, To| eratje government, The oply time | MERE Bak Moved nia the Ned of end in the agreement of sll eon my way of reasoping thelr argu: | it his a place In these statutes Is | guided missiles, a field in which | cerned,' rits in the main have heen very when there 15 extreme emergency | no country has accomplished very ical, because this Will has been | in the production of defence male much up to the moment, He also | in existence for a definite period! rials, 16 1s not my intention to dis | stated hat this pragram will re Bf time and has to be brought be: | cuss personalities but rather to | quire iid iy pd am iM DURHAM (CP) Leslie Lawr fore this house for consideration! appesl lo the Minister of Defence! Soni" tony for iis development, 1f| 66, 10, of Durham was drowned en that period of time has Fraction Jo i Tided. | that is 80, then the minister knows | W & pond near here recently, Lawr- es Ana tog i ) fairly well that this development | enc describe (he Minister of Defence | yj) hot y ontinue indefinitely. "and We With 4 companion, Jumped off Production In this manner, Mi | that ft should he completed within a diving howd Into seven feet of Bpeaker, | do so hecause In most | 2" cortain length of time, Why 1% walter, Both were unable to swim His companion, Donald Sactria| {hy other cars | a oy wy dad ied i. "i the Chipman car, Don Mor: [ ris, 19, of 24 Wineva Ave., Tor ronto, was fortunate to escape without injury Other occupants were, Miss Lou | ise Anne Brimhlscombe 18, of 2128 | Queen Breet East, Toronto recely: 'FAST RELIEF FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN MINARD'S DROWNED AFTER JUMP Shows see Gb yoko dn I», 985 of Toromts, on, sr or bn Credit Plan oi J wind] oy li kes Training Available te All pe VE 4 £3 LE pn CR SCHOOLS oF PRACTICAL NURSING BOX 924 OSHAWA i a EE Ey en RT I L ! ! Addons: 1 v0 40 00m * Cy PIO enr a nnrsnennsnnsagonnrrnennsnenennns samesreees ses Matied nied "This debate has heen a very jon one, and as | have wal here listening to it, it seems Lo me | it has created & certain amount of obstinacy and stubbornness on the wart of the government because of | Ihe things that have heen sald In the heat of debate on hoth sides of the house. But surely we who rep: resent the people of Canada in this House of Commons are hroad Jninded and reasonable enough to disregard personalities, We should he willing and ready to arrive al ome compromise on the one uatters in Canada he is £onm det: {it then, that this bill cannot have ed In those terms, 11 16 my Nope |g (ime limit whieh would coincide ' of Durham, also 10, Was ese that his logical thinking and fair | ' : wed mindedness has nol heen over: come hy stubbornness and ob Ig ES EE cE shinacy Bince this debate commenced ff WHY PAY MORE? have had an opportunity to talk to | ) # number of Canadians and to ask | thelr 'opinion on this particular i ® Prompt Delivery! 1 0 8 thet mary women, ond We can place the first applicant from the Lokeview Park area on a route IMMEDIATELY. APPLY TOs The Circulation Department The Dally Times-Gazetie bill, In the majority of cases they ® Courteous Service! have expressed themselves Bind Dial RA 5-1109 sapect of this bill which seems 10] tarily hut quite foreibly to the ef it have bogged dawn the progress of | fect that the precedent which has ihis house on the many matters! heen set in this set should be i fhat gre awaiting our attention on | maintained, By this precedent 1) the people of this country, | mean that the time limit of three "This aot Js an extraordinary | years which has heen in this act 4 It is unlike any other ast in| should be again included and pos statutes of this country, he: sibly should be increased If at se IL gives powers to one Ine { the present time there is some 78 BON idual, It gives him wide and | logical reason why It Is necessary weeping powers which during 115' to have it for a longer period of RR TL Ra eI 0 peor ennsnnrininserenironss NO rerririnins ih 88 THE SOONER v1 VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. DST. W, OEHAWA J LEARN THE MORE LINimENT p-- YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT m---- Boys' Colorful Patterned Krinkle Fabric (ne ironing) SPORT SHIRTS BOYS' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REruUNDED - wy, Segutibuily Patiomas Ones Sr Bathing "Suits nT Gc a sa OPEN FRIDAY 'TILL 6 P.M. ONLY MEN'S DRESS PANTS gota. ved, yo 0rding, srease "i: LADIES SANFORIZED Outdoor Shorts MEN'S BLASTICIZED NUG NY Bathing Trunks 0-44, yim loti 8 uy HA hom: ar. ; 9.99 1.00 7.00) OPEN FRIDAY 'TILL 6 P.M, ONLY | GIRLS TOYS BOYS OR GIRLS' COOL "yr SHIRT S oon on. J == 29¢ [7 OPEN FRIDAY 'TILL 6 P.M, ONLY made of Hest quae LTT Reg. (04) Bises 0:04, nog, We lity sotten mush sires 4:8 Reg TH LADIES' BF WE ELIE LEE EP Bw -- HOUSEHOLD First Quelity FLANNELETTE BLANKETS «= 70 «x 5.98 20, Reg. 79 Pair Linen TEA TOWELS, colorful wripe patterns 5 1". 104 sch PILLOWS Foather Reg, 1.49 oq, PILLOWS-Kapok Reg, 99¢ on, PILLOWS «= Foam Rubber Chips, hot 0) . 5.00 or Quaiiy Large Sie CHENILLE SPREADS = Assorted dolore, Reg, 8.95 4.99 Large Size BATH TOWELS 2 x 4), Reg 169 1% Pair Wt Queliy White oy Ag a RAYON BEDSPREADS ww Wah: a. Colerbul PLASTIC DRAPES made by Hews 34" x 04" 49 Rog, 9% ium "148 "LADY NEICCA" SHERTS Large B81 x 99 double bed sine bed sheets, white, fog. 7.95 paiv Fach 2.88 Beautitul TABLE CLOT 52 x65, veg. 290 INFANTS' Flannelatte RECEIVING BLANKETS «= Colorful patterns, Colors: Yellew, pink, 19 blue, Reg. 1.79, Infant's Flannel NIGHTIES, pink and blue embroidered 39 Reg. 69% BABY'S DIAPER LINERS by Johnsen and Johnson 20° Box First Quality PLASTIC PANTS (With new soft stretch) 19 Reg, 2% SAVE DOLLARS ON ALL FIRSY QUALITY DIAPERS Wars 88 2.69 2.96 2.96 INFANTS PLASTIC ne design: od with eolarful animals 2 Reg. 3% 99 Headed BARY TOWEL SETS 149 1.9 Large sige CRIB BLANKETS 3 satin tem 36" x 50 in pink, Hospital Diapers == 10x36, Reg, 3.59 Kingeott Dispos Reg. 3.99 Birdseye Diepery-- Reg, 3.9% Kiddios' Pale PYJAMAS Sizes 2-6, Reg, 1.49 yellow and blue 2 44 . Reg. 1.95 Ladies yn, SHIRTS Sixes 5, M, L, | Rayon Patterned GOTHIC BRASSIERES, Reg, 1.75 Clear f popular white sot: ton Br U1] ] Meney Saver, 99 ATTRACTIVE HALTERS, For Wamen, Made by 'Lovable Bray', somfartable fit, 95° PDS, Maney Saver, COTTON DRESSES Reg, to 5.95 Smart, freshelookin f Cotten Dros: wen, 12 10 52, 4 to 3.68 Maney Saver, SKIRTS in 1.99 100% NYLON CARDIGANS for women, 4 popular shades Sines 12:20, reg, 298 2.68 Ladies LOAFERS = Siam 4)4 to 11%, 2.49 " Reg, 4.49 SLIPS 2.90 hadow panel, 1.88 BATHING SUITS Reg, to 9.93 New Styles and fabeies, Sizes 12 3, "2.00" 6.49 " " Woman's PLAY SHORTS 3.95% Beautifully styled, sipper, pocks ots, Washable, 12 to 18 Ll) Wamen's Cotten many beautiful patterns Sives 12:18, Reg, 39% Women' ' COTTEN double lavish "4 trim PDS, Money Saver, Miscellaneous Joins STORY BOOKS Reg. 2b¢, w Ot 26 Js, " 1.29 SPRINKLER HOSE = Reg, 2.98 25 fr, of glear plastic Sprinkler Hose, couplings, Maney Saver, ve Ke BATH MAT JITS Res. phd id ig NYLON HAIR BRUSHES § shed Res: 9% Full Tubuler ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIRS ARM RESTS Sanforized Duel Reg. 3 q 69 . 1 COMIC BOOKS -- Latest out, Reg, 10¢ ] each for PLASTIC WINDOW CURTAINS Assorted eolom 0 40 x 45, Reg. %0¢ Pocket Bool HW, 5, BLANKETS ideal for samp aunty, Reg. 8.95 po, pr, Large Size KITCHEN SPONGES Reg, 29%, ' Pha. of for Girls' BEAUTIFUL CAMP SUITS siven 2:6w, Rage 388 2 sve. s XH NYLON NET CRINOLINES, Tap: od edges, triple ter, for alrh, Sines 0 10 14, Reg, 2.59 PDS, Meney Saver, "1.20 Helf Price, pe "COTTON BL vin a. In q i" tailored, embroidered and loss 88 trim, Boy: NYLON BATHING SUITS 3.90 Attractive style swim suits, elas: tiglund, Sixes 8 to 14, PDS, Many Saver, & 1 IRs PYJAMAS w= Reg, "2.49 Nesiron, opiece seers! 40 lamas, fed ' PLASTIC RAINCOATS wm vinylite, with heed, Girly' made of L] GIRLS' FANCY TAMIRTS 1.49 Nylon voinforced foney "T" Shirts, Sines 8 to 14, 49 hos, Money Saver, Girly! SOCKEES--Pastel shader Slaes 7-04 SPECIAL pain 1009 NYLON BRIEFS Reg, 4% Assorted pastel golors, lace trim) slnes 2 10 6 PUSHERS 1.40 slastis waist, GIRLS" PEDAL Fancy washable, contrast trim) 2 " WALKING DOLLS w= You son wash and somb thelr heir, how: an, ' "119 WETTUM DOLLS == With bottle, Reg, 90s "a I Kiddies All Metal WATERING CANS Reg: 119 REE E RE) All-Metel LL Key Winding HORSE and CARY w= Reg. 16%, EEE LERE AllsRubber TOY DOLLS Reg 8%, ov iviinin -- ---- 1.2 Roy Regens GUN SETS Res. 1.90 -1 " MOUNTIR GUN and CANE Reg. 9% | Friction MOTORCYCLE and side sor, Reg, 99¢ Remote Control NELICOR TER == Reg, 1.49 A-Motored B29 PLANES, Reg, 1.98 3Mese TRACTOR TRAILER «== Reg, 1.79 Joys Replace KHAKI CAMP SUITE, includes shirt and shorts Sises 0:14 1 20 Reg: 2409 ,....... [] DOUBLESEAT BRIEFS Reg. 69% Combed cotton, nylon reinforsed, taped seams, 8 10 18, PDS, Monay Saver, PLISSE PYJAMAS, Reg, 2.98 Nociron, striped 2:ps, pylomes, Boys' wines 8 to 14 yn, Maney Saver, Ll wn PLAY SHORTS Reg. 1.98 Cotton gabardine shorts, 2 pockets, Hippy; 7 14 re soy ANKLE Sox "i rs id sotten, nylons reinferee 0 Miho ' Kad Davy Crockett APIECE SUITS Sixes 2 to 6x Lam Res. in QUALITY "7 SHIRTS = &% Boys' nylonsreinforeed, bold stripes, Sines 8 to 14 3 3 PDS, Money Sever for 249 1.80 Boys' Long Sleave SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 8 10 14, 1% Rig: 1.99 Boys' Bon, Wesley JEANS wo Siam Reg, 3.49 Boy's RUNNING SHORS Sis 6 10 12 Men's Outdoor Shorts, Reg, 2.98 Cotton Gabardine Shorn 49 Belted, 30 te 40, L Men's Vinylite RAINCOATS with sarying sone, 1; SM. # hey, '" a I Hs First Quality SANFOR. IZED JEANS w= Rivet reinforced, Sixes 30.38, b Rep. he " for WH ot 1 Coton pu SHIRTS oeket, og 3 id was BY EE EER DRESS SHIRTS we Colle' wraps yy Pink and white, Sixes 14 to Reg 390, ... & for "LENO WEAVE SHIRTS 2.98 A favorite with men, "1 0 M 0 Breast ML, to launder, dronsy, Pp taal Money Saver, Ye cooL STRAP SANDALS (Rl) "Punjeb' (eather sandals for summer somber Pr Dd. Many hibud vy WN -- -- Men's gotten pe SHIRTS, breast pakets, white only, Sizes SM, 39 3 for 1,00 Men's SPORT SHIRTS, Reg: \. "" Noslron ahortaloave Sport Shirts, § olen | 149 MEN'S HORRY PANTS Yori 4 WT Sant, holiday denim jeans, Exe tended walsthand, 30 te 42, Money Saver, 2.08 GIRLY' BATHING SUITS 1.98 Fastndrying, snug fitting, os sorted solos Sines edobeb, 09 uN SUITS, Res. 9% Por bors wd girls, of ey cotton ' 64 any Fé... SMART PLAY "SHORTS reg, 1,00 "Santorined" gotten drill, pecker, slastie waist ERTN I any COTTON HALTERS I "Sanforined", san be worm off the shewlder, § celery, 2 te ' B9* 7. dd Money Saver | Kid fis Light Welght DENIM JEANS, elestie top, " Reg 1.79 viii Ir Spray Devt Crooket Short Sleave T. SHIRTS, Sixes 2:6, '] Reg. EE Kiddies! WHITE OXFORDS Sizes 4:8, Reg. a. TRAINING. PANTIES Yar 24 Reg, 1 | CI ' r---------------- a Juin} JUNI, Sanforized Kiddies 2opioce CABANA SUITS In light weight keinkle "1 4 cloth, Sues 36x ' LU) Kiddie 100% Nylon CARDI: sins | only, In pink, GANS, blue, white, Reg, 2.90