Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 12 Jul 1955, p. 7

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8 THE DARY TIMES GAIEATE, VYueshoy, Idby 18, 109% ditorials Origin Of The Indians More plausible is the theory of & con * ng is always trying to add to the sum of humen knowledge, The gathering st the University of New Mexico of 8 group of savents intent on determining, by & study of the len guages of North American Indian tribes, the precise relationship hetween speaking and thinking is a case in point, Fueh 8 relationship cen, doubtless, be move aceurstely determined by a study of primitive tongues--the precise relation ship Letween speech and thought in civilized peoples being sometimes exceed: vizbing, Another scientific activity is the study of languages with 8 view to determining the possible commection between widely scattered remnants of races in various paris of the world, ' Thus, the origin of our North Amer: an aborigines, and their possible links with peoples of the older continents, is a constant ehallenge, Many years ago, philologists discovered similarities belween the dialect of an alweure tribe in the American West and the Welsh; and from these similarities conjured fanciful theory that the tribe were descendants of a Welsh expedition under Prince Madoe which sailed into the western seas long before the Vikings, Ingty nection between our Indiens snd the Romany or Gypsies, an ancient, race whose origins are lost in the midst of time, The late Marquis de Baroncslli-Javon, an authority on Romany lore, believed that the Gypsies and the Indisns were of common origin, and theorized thet th came from the lost continent of AY & continent which, according to A, sequired by the Athenian Solon from the priests of Egypt, lay in the Atlantic west of the Pillars of Hercules, now known #s the strait of Gibraltar, According to the Lgyptian tradition, the Atlantes had developed a magnificent civilization and were on the point of eonquering all Europe when their island eontinent was engulfed in a vast cataclysm, Students of anthropology have seized on this legend of Atlantis to explain res or supposed imagined similarities between the American sborigines and some Asian and European cultures, Nor is it impossible that the Gypsies, long treated as parishs in their nomadic wanderings in Asia and Europe, were merely carrying with them a long: endurance detestation of their conquering ancestors, Take Moral Principles On Holiday The season has come again in which the weekends find many eity residents answer ing the call of the wilds ~~ the lakes, the streams and the woods which, in this fav. ored territory, have their strong and dis- tinetive attractions, The summer homes have heen opening up in increased numbers, Owners have heen packing household goods and'supplies, loading their cars and getting out of town for the Baturday-Bunday period, Among these institutions which prin. cipally are affected are the churches, Pews that have heen regularly filled through the winter will he vacant for the next few weeks or months, It is not, however, necessary that the things of the shureh or the religious life he forgotten or neglected, People may leave their homes for the season but there is no reason why they should Yeave their morals or prineiples at Home, If they are as good and as strong as they should be they will serve through the holiday season, Perhaps they may need a little strength. ening for the period in which the ehurch contact will he suspended, It is a time to prepare the spiritual body for the season ahead just as the physical body is built up in advance of the fall and winter which will come again in the ceaseless sequence, If not going out of town this week-end why not use the Sunday at least as an op- portunity to prepare in a spiritual way for the holiday period? The ehureh of your choige wil be open Runday, Canada's Trade Problems From the point of view of population, Canada is small compared with the Unit. ed Btates but no effort should he spared to impress upon our neighbors to the south that we buy more UR, goods than any pther customer and sometimes we don't like being taken for granted by our big neighbor nor de we like being brushed aside when we show signs of exporting competitive goods to that eountry, Freer world trade is & moot subject for discussion in the U8, from President Eis- énhower down but we sometimes think that the arguments are more from the lip than from the heart, Canada buys some $8 billion of United Htates goods each year but we only sell about $2,850,000,000 to them, These ex- ports are mostly raw materials that are sorely needed by American industry, When we try to make up the difference in other types of goods there in a howl, pars Bible Thoughts The story of Eden came from the Sumerian ely: lization that flourished before Babylon was found: eld. The name Eden was given to an historleal pros The story must not be brushed aside as a I enrried a great lesson five thousand yours ago and has a lesson for us too, "Man falls win sin when he is Idle he Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden Ai 83, vines fairy ale Ge 3 y [he Daily Times-Gazette Published wy MUS GABETTE PUBLISHERS LIMITER §¢ Nimeos Street South, Oshawa Te Daily Timestiasstie (Oshawa, Whithy) gsambining Vie Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whithy Gheeile and Chronigle (established 1863) ia publ i dally Phantasy and salutary Ralidays axeepiedl Alombers of The Canadian Press, The Canpilian Bally Newspapers Association and the Oatadte Praviaeial Dalliss Association and the Audit Bureau of Olreulation, The Langan Press In exclusively entitled te the use for ve Ps deabion oF all news despatohos In the paper eredited to tar da The Assucisted Frese or Reuters, and alsa the gal Awa published (herein All Malte of special des pales are alve teserved Fok WILEON, Publisher and General Manager MM. MeINTYRE HOOD, Managing Editar 4 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, 383 Univer Bullding, Montreal, P.0 SURSCRIPTION RATES Dalivered by carriers a Oshawa. Whithy, Begoklin, Pant Gaye Alas and Plekering, nol aver de per week, By Mall in Pravinee of Ontaria) outside carver delivery areas HAA Hisowhare SA 00 per vear Wifipes Tower ticularly from the farmers' and fishermen, asking for a protective policy against us, At the moment we in Canada manage to take up the slack by the great import of US, capital thet is continually pouring in, But it must not be forgotten that this capital is used to produce more goods that have to be marketed somewhere, If the goods cannot he sold at a reasonable pro- fit, what will become of the dividends ex» pected by the UB, investors! Canadians are proud te be the neighbors and friends of the United States, but our friends must he made to realize that we are a growing nation with tremendous re- sources and an immense confidence in our: selves, We are too important to be pushed around by tariffs, exchange and convertis bility difficulties, If we cannot combat one sided policies by reasonable argument, we may have to look around for other sources of distribution of our valuable raw mater: ials, Bit of Verse HUMMINGRIRD The cup are tipped Last night were full, Larkspur, Canterbury Rell, Bweels enclosed In thin blue glass Of tall delphinium, It was A tiny raider From the sky, fwooped and then Dropped vertieally, Bugzed the blue Fragile cups, Stole the dew Bianca Bradbury Other Editors' Views HE GAMBLED ON AMOUNT OF TIP (Ernest Wright in The Sign) A dining car matron on an Bastern vallroad res ceived his lunehean cheek, which amounted ta $1.44, and gave the walter two onedoliar bills, In due time, the walter brought his ohange--a Hityeent plece and a niokel, Alter a moment's hesitation, Making Money On Uranium; Doesn't Have To Dig For It COMANCHE, Tex, AP)-~Jesse Reese 1s making money these days from the uranium he discovered on his dairy fabm without having ( sell any of his "pay dirt,'y He collects $2 oh from 180 per sons, seeking velief from aches and pains wha daily are willing to pay ar the privilege of sitting for two hours In the uranium-hearing soll It wes two years ago that Reese discovered uranium on bis 2-acre farm, Bul an assay showed thal the wranim foment Wii ton low for ial Roose went ae' to milking his cow! Last Bepltember a stranger knocked on Reese's door "If you don't mind, I'd like to sit in your diteh," the man said FOR RHEUMATISM a k home In the state of Wash: nglon, he explained, he paid for {ath [1] oo ments Fi he "te ho ht fe m oh get the same hone Ho Reese's uranium Vio ahead and ait," Reese told Im Ha sat in the diteh for AF mine ules others came asking to sit In the diteh, Heese lot them The sitters a They lelt ates open and tramped over the elds Re had to do something He built a small shed in his hae yard large enough for six persons to sit on two henches, On the henehes and floors he poured the mineral-loaded dirt, He also poured the dirt behind the walls, Then he declared that anybody who wanted n Aout sit in his dirt for the e of $4 for pn hours, AEN IT MARTE " thought that a keep them away," he sald "The first week it almost did, Only me person Jud the #2, But then more started coming By June of this year people were standing in line to get Into the shed, Heese called In carpenters and aupanded 4 the shed to 10 times adi i more visitors The word Hot around and harn he plans to open A gro FOR BETTER HEALTH Use Of Antiseptics In Cases Of By HERMAN N, BRUNDESEN, MD TR. ATMENT of athlete's foot or ringworm Isn't eonfined solely to treating the infection Iiself There are other precautions y ou must fake, Your shoes and slippers should he treated with formalin vapor This 1s easy to de, NEAL THE ROY Fill a wide-mouthed Jar with ab sorbent cotton, then pour in forma lin until it fills one fourth of the jar, Place the jar and your shoes or slippers Wn a shoe hox ar similar container, hut he earefdl not to spill the formalin on the Yoni I the hox with adhesive tape and Soft dhe It close ~ M ly i Then permit the footwear to air out for 48 Adit before you use It, BROIL TOWELS Care should alin he taken with towels and eotion sox, Holl these Ringworm articles gw 10 minutes after you use them It probably will help prevent anyone else from eatehing the in fection If you spread newspaper on tap of your bathmat, You oan hurn these after you are through with them, Also don't = walk aroind your house In hare feel Use disposable paper slippers for Walling to tn nd ho your hath After FA Roth and the bathroam floor with a per aent evesol or 0.1 per cent wiehloride of meveury solution, foal the hathmat vou have use in a 8 per cent eresol solution An then wash it QUESTION AND ANAWER Dn. C1 Can hemorrhoids oause AR bleeding from the rectum? Answer: Hemorrholds are a fre: quent Sine of fatreguior bl Dleeding from the rectum blood slioh cases 1s bright ved wash the tub Hh done Eh 4 tentative teams fo the first © Gus Believes Shyness Aids The Bachelor i: PORT ARTHUR, Ont, (CP) Os i Rodney passes on this advies o ot the young "wis: Be altar shy and live to 105, Gus helleves he's that age, #8: though the specific day of the year wy Vancouver, xr 6 om [he Hoy nl sl Canadian Fie Yield hd pon RL battle at tay th EY lan war § aves commission waid, BYGONE DAYS " 3 old man, o# lie was horn is 8 mystery, He re: di gards his i from martimeny as a major achievement and prime factor in reaching ripe old age, "I did Kaw a fir} tte 1 sort of had my eye on, but the other eye wandered at the right moment and of out of that fix," he sald, us attributes the fact he shill has his own teeth and a full shoek of white hair to his freedom from "ny k hat "Why you ow, Wha AR bride's ul ean do to a a. ai ! tious any " a of or ani sear, Hin Gus seems fo wel along nretty iM y eyes are not quite what thay 4 used to be though," Gus ad ou, Otherwise us fs a litle hogy about his gar y Jeans He remembers land: ing ere when he was about 13 en thete aa Just one store and A lot of Indian He recalls 1 ih abut the time of W the Riel lon his father had a restaurant here, "There wasn't much eall for that sort of thing," he Jo, "and my father went hroke," Invite Premiers 'of On Bow! Tour HAMILTON (CP)The premiers of six Canadian provinces have heen Invited to accompany Hire: dian h lowh bo owing pA harnplonships, sched the Hamilton Rose. lawn greens i Sh 20:41, Competing for Canadian orowns n singles, doubles and rinks will be. vier fom Seitish Columbia, He, atchewan, Manitoba, Ontera - The tentative program inclu fours, lunch: aon, dinners oo" or entertain: a bi ing, how ore will he Hi elr slay here hy {ally iB) hosts, al ay 8 under the » 'get along : supervision of the Canadian Lawn Rowling As: sociation The dstittery company sponser: ing the tournament will honor all howlers and bowling offielals at a special dinner on the second ay of he tournament 'The hoard of governors in oharge of te championships consists of Judge ¥. Behwenger, Hamilton, Na: JT, Thompson, Tor onto, vieeehalrman; 1. T. ing, Hamilton; Cu w onto, treasurer; Toronto; 0, H oth, Wh and W. DB, Connor, secretary, Hamil ton, TAX REVIEW WANSFORD, England (CP). Re. ORURR @ DungAMW I this Nort amptonshire town overlooks a p sly, municipal offiela ly have he the taxes hy £1 a yea ak hy | Poni No Ya hen he hy the Biltmore #514 was collect: and William Kinsale's vied his 80th air Howe of Wns "te the of commander ow the evil guard, ing" snk Johnston om An opendetiomy The Gin Guides of Oshawa poe it 2 no of ye lor hay ar ea pT br he La An ne i ih a eon: see us tol VACATION LOANS He as) a REPAY MONTHLY OUT OF INCOME ON BUDGET PLAN Stop In and dissum your financial needs TORAY! BELLVUE FINANCE CORPORATION LTH, 2944 Simeon & OINAWA Phone RA IY he Investment Dealers Association of Conade THOMSON, KERNAGHAN & CO, (MEMBER TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE BOND and BROKERAGE OFFICE wld T0 (CPF) - Ene at 'ontario re, yoann ed Be NEHRU PAYS A cal. Indian Prime Minister dove: on " me harisl Nehru, sceompanied by Yugoslavian President Tito, sa. Juin "" he reviews the oor nierent ih ae yihals vedi} ira ot re a uphyates, u hte" re ang Sea Is Always His First Love yg Jor fib A Woy n DB a Tn. h-yonr-old Lunenburg po bmn SFE bl FAMILY TRAIN TRAVEL PLAN DAD, ROUND TRIP FARE Por the "Head" of the family MOTHER, ONE-WAY FARR For round trip by other parent Por round trip by other mambers of the famil I aver 12 but under 2 JUNIOR: \ VA ONE-WAY FARE For round irip for"ahildren of § and under 12 years old, Under § free HERE'S HOW YOU SAVE (€OAENEL ONLY) OINAWA o VANCOUVER ¢ VICTORIA ¢ SEATTLE AND RETURN Family of Twe Family of Pour i Conch Save Inquire about Family Plan Fares for Tourist and First Class © In atfeat June 1/85 to Jan, 31/56 © Between Eastern and Western Canade. Between Canede ond Midwestern and Wester United States, Batween Western Canada and Rastern United States * Leaving Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays « Stop-aver privileges . oo Ths, Bageage Allowance Complete infermation from ony CN, or CI Tisket Agenh, Mon Coach Seve | bo (1m) 200,30 $102.60 Wife 77.75 M08 « Generous Return nt GOAT CAN SALUTE In the colorful ceremonies In | a major attraction: David, under Washington marking the US, | Ahm UFEING, gave his version dependence Day, "David, the | & #4 salle during the general lite hy kneeling on his fore goat mascot of the Fort Henry legs ! guard from Kingston, Oak, was the annoyed patron picked up the half-dellar, leav ing the nickel on the plate. To his surprise, the walter grinned hroadly "That's all right, sir, and lost" 16 KING ST, W,, OSHAWA For \nformation Resident Mgr DIAL RA 5-1104 ERIC R. HENRY DAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR MAY 12,534 CANADIAN. NATLONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC he said. "1 Just gambled Contra Press Canadian

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