§ THE DANY TIMES GATIRTE, Taesley, Ity 1, 1958 HITBY and DISTRICT duhn's the Evangelist Chureh, | which was » gift Was the scene of 8 pretty when Jackellesn Margaret (Jacky) | ushers were My given in marviisEe hy chase & white ervetal s Fasidoned an princess Watch Nuclear Field Dangers ernment lias proposed vig rules PRACTISE LIFESAVING Jackeileen Gordon Is Wed |; In Midsummer Ceremony of the bride: groom's father from Malia Her only attendant was Miss | Anne Didveh, wha wore Dior h " prvataletie dress with matehing | holern, white secessories and oar: | vlad a nosesav of pink roses and | "mums Mr. Anthony Formosa, brother of the greom, was hest man and Clifford Gordon and Mr. Paul Parmosa | Far a reception at the Leglon Hall, the bride's mother reeeived he Huestis wearing a navy sheer with wink aeeessories and a sor: sae of pink roses Far a trip tn nolnts east the heide donned an agus ""Orladigue" dress with white acoessories and "Boeorsane of peach roses { of radiation Individuals ean safely he exposed ta In various elreum BARGER, Were AnnAunesd hy the Atamic Energy Commission hey wan't heenme final until the | public has had a chance to eam ment on them Bpecified In the rules are pro | wetive Clothing and other safety i | ovices, Araper ways to digposs of wastes and provisions for slgne around eontamin alam WHINE @ amount | ated areas [ unauthorized onl ue | FRot WHITBY Phone 8:3618 [RP A EVENING SHOWS 7 IM, NOW PLAYING, LA ST COMPLETE SHOW 8120 CUM 947 4 and FOX NEWS ™E THE THINGS THEY Sab [il Y ABOUT NERY, ,, sell] | nw AGNES MOOREHEAD BONNA CORCORAN CORN asd LINARD IRB Praitnd bg JEAN MERULERQ WHITBY DAY-BY-DRY Aceounis of " veel il vols and news Meme of ren ond names of viehors srs ap: preel ] wi Hunpt Wr, adler, " Boron esi 3 Whkthy, his heen advise thet thelr #0 Hohert oo ley, / #rrive dopsn where he i's be sinths tr the next Wa Voth ® Bradley 1s a member or oh} Arhanes Division fates Army, ROYALS DOWN MROVGHAM na ih imning wae 1A ) thy last might e Hoynls pd | Browsham, B23, With two the last of the 15th, Samay Wied, followed hy a nee hy Mendvk to plate he a run, Both teams eollecied seven hits, Miller fanned 17 In # losing wuss, while Samanski fanned 18 | for the isi re partied ars on last night's game will appear tumnrrow "led = Soccer Player Banned From Field For Year HAMILTON (CF) A Toronto soccer Ian who Saturday kicked an for his tesm, anned from Civie 11} Tor Monday was Stadium for a year and fined Gloranhatista Marchese of | onl pleaded guilty to interfering with persons engaged in a sporting event He was charged after he dashed an to the Held In the middle of Saturday night's game hetween Toropta and Hamillon and kicked he hall past the Hamilton goal: a Council Opposes Open Season On Deer wVTPATFORD CPO wo Warden Fo Ke'terhorn of Perth eounty a Monday a letter will he sent 10 the lands department stating his eauncil's opposition to holding an | Won on deer In the calmly this fall, VE 1 18 one of seven counties namad recently In a letter from the department In whieh an opn ni bas heen slated for Novem ber 84-48, he others: Bruee, Huron, Brant, Gray, Waterlon and Oxford, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HH nt | 'A Little Training Save Lives In Water HEE Eo at Could | a rs from an pt ion few wrokes come over-eonfi ng off the diving erally playin ha frowned on, No dnt H the laws | permitied to use the diving hosr or to Is apt to sari hon . Ontario Supreme Court May J Hear Moulton College Issue' A controversy betwen the alii of Torontt's TORONTO (CP) Moulton College, 88.venr-oid Bap: Usk school for Jin and MeMaster University of § hip fall W wa fk M the closing an of the college, Involved are the Somplonities of the law on wills and trusts The university governors more the schoo) closed because they said i than a year agh, ordered a losing mone ht OED CLOSING The alumni, who had contributed large fume of money to the college, dipenl led to the governors to keep +h and to try to find & sehool goin mea of Keep he When thelr ple they threatenad legal action ar, he Ing that he deficit arose only rr anler levied It profitable he horne hy the university itself They sald Moulton's fancied ple: ture AH d have or 4 Bolin oh . lode in Aho un er A airoom ent helween the un vores Bae Moulton Me. Mailer fe pay the salabies of four vesident wohers and Mrs, MoMaster gave ihe university $4,000 gash for hey interest In the college property on Insects Hit At Canadian Farm Areas EDMONTON (€F) Insects, WHITRY 80D SUPPLY, delivered or layed, Phone MO, 53008, Whithy, Aug, 4 " ACRES IN PICKERING TOWNAHIF VIE Terma areanged. Phone 14 Plekering, uly i FOR RENT LOVELY NEWLY Die Araind apartments, sell santained, pry ALE uREERRes, adern, BM and BOR per manth, Welling haat, hideg, Hoh " water Apply Middision's ALLY Dundas sant, Phone MO, #800 Ihe FOR RENT « FOUR UNFURNISHED ame, 800 Pine Sees, Whithy Li MEN'S 100 FER CENT PURE Wool nhorted Fabre ite I) nod , ARF SRIGUFR 0 shines fram id ¥ gles BAA00. Bummer asle pris HW oreantile Dept Nog, Whithy, lyie [0 JAKE" BN ANT, Wl ROTRi CORARHAE, Row es, waley ih ih Wien range ps (I) pl ¥ Phang WANTED AHIARLE FEREGN bon havsewark shot Y " 'oloeh Me FOR RENT - mL ROOM WBLY anid, seniral Whitney i non hed ARaTiment I¥, i Valiah mes i LLL Aubin he With OOM AND ie FOR TWO GEN Amen, b's io ohare, Single Beds hope M Ll] Tz on nei, Ll "VRE, F Wand Uh ho ig Whithr, phe Phone 0, #4 Hv hk Sh RE ARAVEL, | OAD (IRA Fill wi "Bian Aug 4 i SH, Ep : wn DON'T nave 10 WONDEN hats wi oh AL hama" while you've Ld Jone VACALAR pam Ding The hal Times Gia JA Woy 0 Rave your & Shved fhe you Then, when wen EK, FON BAN # on the » ao me News (hal yeu et while 0 VARAUGR, Fhans your feeal Times. fia, Welle allies Betare you leave. Rates 8 ORE weekly, Payable In Advanes. MOWAT'S REAL BATATH LIATINGA WARIS, SAL Aureagn, (Ame homes far {hha ttve olienta, slgha aptional, Phone Wl 1a FINE WEAVERS RUE worving, with voniuries of tradition, 1s a substantial industry In Mandalay wn Burma, g | dor My plant di y Weeds and rodents cont Canadian farmers more than §1,800,000,000 pnnvaliy, he Afrieuitural anticidal Bor ploty al Its annual convention here heard W. Lahay of the Alberta de ferment of agrieulture deserihe how It conte 880 a year Just to feed [] J Mr. Lobhay wald a tons of fond mh " hely ial food hill in nh od 00 rats, disease carriers, have heen Pethensih so for more human deaths than pi world wars oombined, Alberta's five gophers an sere cout the pravines 81,800,000 a vor, | 4 Mr. Lohly sald, Mice, 'whieh oan Pal consume Canad Canada See Probe Of Te age Shipping Trade Due To Battle atered ships and 0 transport min: Iuter hd have power to pres serie minimum wages and work: i oonditions ig! vessels In some i o hh A ! ion, issn i iy Tanada's sunt ap a" ing trade In thd ng largely an a Nght over the Issue restvloting the aperations of Canadian veelh n his 08,000 oo. nS ORR R VERT trattie Many of the belefs fram major hivtias, Among about 180 Jubinitfe tn the eommisglon i advance o hearings apentn J] andy, ave sonoentrated on vl Auestion Advooates or of various forma i 0 atriotion, which would range all the | w way up tn harving non-Canadian ships fram the ton rade allo piher, argue | i vould help Cana dian shiphuliding, shipping and marine laboy Opponents sontend It would In OreARe waler tral pont ohare, add to the sant of Ving and han string United Ringo venaaly fromm Sething Canadian dollars for Hettinh purehases in this country The threw man commission ah Justive W, ¥ fpenee of the Ontarie Supreme Court han heen given wide terms of veference to Investigate all aspects of the consting thade, which eansbals of commerce between polnita i Can: {istered ships | iy he town a ¥ gH alot of tun, » na pill learns lo swim | ard Ti) per: | hil» modern hat dive from the side until the | the pool In Whithy one of th Instructor Is satisfied that he can' uptodate In this part of Ontaria, an pi {ton may ond up in the fprome ourt of Ontario called the Friends of reported prepared 10 ask the Supreme (gtr for 4 Tiling proposed asle A Was rejected eharien Alans the eoilexe which should en hollered wy Wider year if the u vars ) jd rikin mon of four niversity agreed 10! a Insects transmit plant MS pub mal diseases that cost § damage to orops yearly, Mr, wei waid nulsanee as tn military o erations In RHA he Norihian, " bud e two ooants, the Great fled" on and the Bi Lawe ed » ver, t does not take in ew a Canadian port and one in anok wan given impet " the fauneh: Ing of wark on the Bl, Lawrence seAway, whieh in -- four years heart of Altovion Wit Anywhere in thelv alse on the Taker now is weaway will admit ships of 3%-foot dvangh! aperators, han proposed the heee treaty to vestriolk Mi trade wil oh members of , w other miblie spirited md wo men of a h ho | YORI REN Aint the pool, The Whit" olay Pih nd chanas hionse and ater, fi iA rose | # grant from rine [} filter was ipialed, ig making the mast oor sireet in the heart, of Toronto, The agreement that Wf Hs terms Hn R. pred up to, Mrs, MaeMasier nd 4 oF hers and assigne should re: | | fev 'the value of m wiod 0 In the , , [ropert estimaled al $24 000 and The lo ital Is estimated to he worth or mare, The opinions of some of Sifade 4 [1] leading authorities on wih trusts have heen sought and there are reports the (rr a4 received the altention of the public trustee for Ontario The legal lssue 1s i BA I y wh hid me FA the in op the college was de ante a charitable trust, 4 within iis neh in elosin school and se the property, as i [lina to do? If the agreement Sonititiles " charitable Trust, then, the al mol way, closing the sehool is nol HH sinee the public Irystes was hol fonsul ulted beforehand, as required by Jaw ul not un char able frust, then meh fi Fh dit re A or ihe of io fn wil " ahd ins b opinion bv aie by ment 1s a oh rith 4a Lawyers for 3 ni ul don't aH thing 1s certain, The | hooks will he Jed high on the counsel tables If the ease goed dally, anad i" fore the ort, I iA hetie th or ol Pr WR iA CR HB, Wood of the Manitoba de: partment of agriculture told how 'anadian farmen haryest nou h weeds annually te i) loads of BS card each, Moy " "he iy 000,000-in the hole--erop 1s on Prairies i Henry of the University of Alberta sald plant diseases pup ih #8 rust, root vats and potato hi i" cost the nation up to $800,000, annually W, B, Fox of Winnipeg sald that for avery dollar spint on inssctides the farme's productivity is In ereased hy $68 naeots Ha Penome seh a VALUABLE FUR Mik pelts made up 60 per ont | wl ith' Ulloa" beaten San Relwhen in OOuntry CHANGER COMING Apnointmnt o of the he. {Rimhission n will open up the waterway to the P lange AY veasels nresent vessely the and ven he Common: a PE, how 1m The Vio th may tater + roby a dana A fel hy deatdaen oanali The Dominion Marine Assooia ton, representing Great Lak ship tation of a Canada-United Ntal " the § Great Lakes to Canadian and \ ships, This plan has wel LR among some U, 8 Con HTOAR members, The association alse urges that the strietly-Canadian trade on the lakes he confined to Canadian res IT SEEMS CONTAGIOUS fh Southern Ontario Is nthe four-week Tamla hentwave whieh has caused city lawns 10 wy brown nd at Bi wll man has od a Ao Aumping vain on sever over A narrow helt of ot in Cai hat Sol Ty " Fs v FR pid ole i fold 9 hr (4 A hu 3 a Fa) NO SUT WOK | There 1s no set peciod for the time when a child starts to walk; hh dat Yven Tha es' ee nay Cas ae TORONTO id " if i he ve thelr one sald kindly, proms had in the downtown ton, hut it has more than is share of onal Vee) ST Ero BROS, || Monumental Werks Memeriols ® Markers Member of the CANADIAN ASSOCIATION of MEMORIAL 318 Dundes 81, £,, Whithy Phone MO 68-3852 fin wonvention in Connie of hel Atheriggn Association of Nursery: | Blyer, dr, of Comin i yille, Win, said In Bp Intervie! that Ontario's Queen City has W., i ey bit it's got to Invest in oven " "yds and trees are cheap, vel | h Airyrising difference ® NOTICE @ WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY | Closes for Holidays SATURDAY, JULY 16 Extra Books Allowed RE-OPENS TUES. AUG. z KINDLY RETURN ALL DUE BOOKS BY CLOSING DATE disappearing hose fo the face, Mr. Mitchell finally freed It with a neighbor's hose but the neighbor's hose got Which in the Neighbors look on as My, Mrs, Roy Mitchell of Deep River, Ont, near the Chalk Kiver atom o oneriy plant, try to bring thelr " Prisoners Come In, Sit Around yers Foot The Bills at Canada's gH popu ation of 100,000 Is A Ia prison alone up to 00 men enter oF leave each year," And, he added, "more than #8 per cent of those who leave will be # But Taxpa pay around M a - to keep each |! w! of the Onkalla prison farm's 1,080 And, says warden Hugh Christie, the men leave prison ible mare than they did when they Wardn Christie, at whose BXBCUtlons are carrie went on record al a recent Bowrd of Trade meeting as being opposed He says ratepayers who shell put about 81,500 to #1600 annually for ench prisoner are nol thing for thelr money orn Just eome In My Alt around for a couple of years," then leave without learning anything Many of these men are telligent, and apart from (he punt: tive aspects of imprisonment they Are Simply wasting thelr time, he "We are not justified in snutfing out the life of any person, whether he Is some old guy who has taken the wrong track, or a young punk who does not know anv better, Our highest spiritual ideal in a elvilisa ton sueh as ours is that we should respect the Individual" Ready Niagara Falls' Fer NIAGARA FALLS, ons of a oo Maid of |! were hauled down the oe 8 to the lan fling the Hovseshos Falls ae nections Vi he wind foe dition snes Ma dune, Maids of the: Mist have plied thelr unique routes to he hae of the Horkeshoe Maid of the it No Win 18 68 fenl 18 feet Wide Rhe will Mrs. H. Bracey, other ship will he BALA in the i, year of hl wii y oh 00m iin with tor wale and HA 0 WL ph In the oonatal trade, w NT EQUAL RATES hey should operate on the Ca Auda wage structure "e Willey now are far helow Can and should have to operate he domestie priee envi: though without Himitin und lL on based on eff On the side Meade: fo veatrle: tons on Aug Jidion ships, Man Apskatohewan and News NO DEAR OY WON'T MIND VOUR RELATIVES SRR, | we NOT SINCE I HAD OUR PLUMBIN! R PUT IN THIS EXTRA BATH We Selll "i Install We Service! We Ouarantes Always Call This PLUMBING CONTRACTOR WHITBY AUTOMATIC HEATING, LTD, Dechune of the exper The Ontario Mayors and Reeves | tion of the seaway bringin el 1X tolla on Ln port ge the trade reserved for the present Canadian Heel ships of which were built outside Canndaand for vessels hullt and regiaterad in Canada in the future helef from the 600,000. member Trades and Labor Congress pro 8 | posed hat the all-Canadian trade kept for Canadian-hullt and Canadinn-manned vessels Trade on land waters should he reserved for Canadian and UU, 8 Yon an agreed equal and i he a retrogra A atep to hi nit Canag Lan ra Hom Heitishebuilt ships, | rade halaneing dollars, The Canadian industrial Prepay beth Asioeition, LC] 149 BROCK NORTH PHONE MO 8.3482 FASTBALL -- EVERY WEDNESDAY WHITBY TOWN PARK ih Wal, MAHI avery A he made to maintati an effeotive shipbuilding industry to provide a sound bh quate eXpARNION 1h the avait of The Canadian Congress of Labor, Ith 400.000 members for reservation of the coastal trade