2. TE DALY TIMEAGATETTY, Tueshor, oly 11, 1955 pRTHS |Plan Course AHA HUK 4 a yor i5l arrangements Inter or call § WW. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy The Oshawa unit of the Cana FREEMAN In loving memory of » WROKIEE Mr. and Mes. Ross Brooks 4 wie lowhel Aciom, BY, sg Repwy be the Omani Generdl Hows! four deys, from July 18 to 21 In "Ontaria Federation of Flim Coun rh of J ho Asuginer, Aomick tof which we are embers. Any H # Aimmia oapiel. 4 Aust tr Am hiie {0 slain part of their ex | J we 5 at the Omaws Gonern) Howial, | Kenia Silman, Port Perry, Wis Helephone Usbridge rd) ad VRAIMY AL or ke Sosdonse, 1108 the Claremont nraveetor and equip | Cael 0, Bradley, 0 ber | July and Augnst, there will he 8! | Port Perry Film Library, under 1955 Kawais Jovenh Cred) Dontd, be | piso trying tn arrange film show: | Frank of Owhew fd Harry of Whit f ', | Claremont or Brock, Road) Hora, 198 Wing Breet, Kant to M, Grek: | or "ihe film counell who are contin Coighn Gomelory | to thelr community, but this month | Hospiiel on Saturday Joly film spain and Mrs | Ouiawn, brother of Wayne snd Wesley, | 1ekes eare thet eech 1'm has a ed away suddenly on July 19, 1993 / p | " ' Fond memonies linger every Asy, Mr: Phil Bamis, formefly of tt g t Mount Roy i in 8 ud cousin Boh rank standing in dentistry st Me Assy mother, who passed swhy July We mourn for her In silence, sreet east Oshawa, He left this | staff at Fittings Limited, thelr | io FRRGUREE the MITEL of Shey WP, i Barid Pal, on Wonder, dvby I, 1995, | This year there is 1g he » short course wl Queen's University for) Paler ™ wale "ute. | lusive, on "How 10 Use Film! It Is sponsored by the eastern eile, In sooperation with the On! TORE = Myr Ind Mrs James Boss inet | terto Association of Fim Councils, | I Sunces, oh | fim eoupeil representatives wish ¥ridey, 4 if o Omaws General to: a1iend may 89 so, and wre} ERSTOOP ~ Mr Ly? wt Tod 7 i | PER ant Th wa, Vary bed vojectors may bé hooked | Jansmes the on Bondey, doy MW, | through Fred Wicks, Markham A liniher lor Margaret Anne, iiam Carter, Brock 84 , Pleker: | Vi " Blusrt Watts, Claremont DEATHS I ry Mr, Walls Is taking bookings for | : /' , duly Hh, ment during July and August, | i994 WA Yet, A Cooper; he Fvery Eunday evening during | i film showing in Port Perry Me | | marial Park, sponsored hy the | DOs ALD A Bie late revidencs, #4 | the divection of ¥. Bullman The | Broek 8, East, on Monday, July 11, | Ontario County Film Counell is | id won of Edward Donwid snd roth | fog cach" week pf The Map) y ples ' y Mary (Mrs, Loyd Workmen), Reneh (No, 41 Highway 8 the ¥ 5 Me Wd yen Finlay "a the Luke Matmiom Funerst There ave & number of members| po g i" i rst duly 14 ot 8 am Interment | Welly doing an out-sianding service wa wish 19 mention twn oH Hs KUTASIEMOKE = Ab the Oshawa Bon | | newer members, Bill Baker, Port! 1698, Waller doin Katamomeni, son of | LOTTY | Maris and doin Kutasemeni, Borin | George Perry, Brook Read, whe | iT hours, Interment Union | fu words of exolenation inside Cometory he ld of the film can pUMMITY In ov] memory of # during a torehlight parade In dear nephew Allen Dimmitt whe pass DISTRICT London, Ont, The Oshaws group, Waotaing can svar (ake away | The lave heart holds dear Hemgmbrance keeps hm nosy ' , a ioc A by Aunt Mildred and Oshawn, has won the al Dental Boclety Prive for first H 1d Pi ' Gill University, He Is married to 0 icnic | the former Gwen Colvin, of King Mpmbers of the supervisory | £YEB CAR SEO UE weep, iw city shout 1948 | wives and families enjoyed a de- But many & sient tear 1s whe | . oat lightful pienie outing st Victoria | Willa others #re asleep | MISTAKE IN PUZILFK, Fre Cobourg, on Sunday after: be oy JJeniamiered by the Fresmah| noe to a typographical mistake! noon i Appearing in the crossword puzzle | A program of sporis for eld and In Baturday"s Issue Ib should bel young, In which each of the ple | pointed oul that the last of the) nickers participated with enthus "down" clues, numbered 32 should | slam, was run off. A number took have read No, 43 | the anporiumty to eonl off In the Hing ean evar take Away : : delightfully ehilly waters of Lake love our hearts hold dear, 0CVI RESULTA { Ontario on the wonderful sand Tenors ner every doy, The Times - Gazette is inform | beach Sadly missed by sister, Margaret, and | 04 that the promotion vesulls at] Topping off the pleasant autin hrokherin daw, Earl {the Oshawa Colleginie and Voea:| was 8 plenle supper, served a tional Institute will he released for, plenie tables under the trees, te THOM ~~ In loving memory of # 4887 | publication shoul the end of the! which all did full justice mother, Lyle ¥ faa who passed | present week | - | 3 Canadian Boys HORISON Those whem we Jove, go out of sight, Bul never out of mi They ara gherighed in the hears Of thess they leave behind HY July 18 In ib Bix yours Dave parsed pi sons » ' Boe ong. we loved so well 4 HIT BY CAR Was taken from our hams on #80) m, 0 A With desis Christ tn dwell wid Healy 6, of 126 Sutherland | In German Derby The flowers we pies upon her grave Avene suifered trom abrasions | May wither snd deesy, and bruises when he was struck! OTTAWA (CP)-Twa Canadian Bul the love of her who slesps beneath | by a car driven by Frederick R, | boys ured in the thrills and | nail pe ever fade Ld Per eid Fountain, 18, #7 Harmony road | spills ir soap box derby in Iser | north {Hohn Germany, the army sald | WASYLYK - n Joving amory os wile Misha : | Monday, One placed third. dear mother, Nellis asylyk, wha | Lersection o sleet and The two ar® sans of Canadian A aston. har door Roselale avenue when the hoy was | army personnel stationed in Ger: Ym "eM aya, A ' R8ing A sidewalk bievele down | many, Nine other fy 1 Aon of As long as life and memory Insts Rosedale, and van into the left) Canadians also participated, we shall Jomsmber_ ihe eh | front fender of the car Peler MacMullen of London, Ont, ww EVEE TOMMY ¥ Asughier, Anne; went off the eourse at the [] won iilaw, Daniel, and granddaughier, CHARGE DISMISSED line when # German ne en Eine Joseph Bwider, who was charged | brakes failed and the twa collided, with assault and bodily harm, had | One of the spectators, a young Gers | CARD oF THANKS the charge dismissed in Magls- | man woman, was slightly injured, | trate's Court here Monday he | MacMullon placed ninth | complainant: his wife Veronica | Erie Conrad, 12, of Halilax, | We wish to extend our heartielt | Bwider, asked the court that the | placed third in the derby, whieh thanks and appreciation for the sets of | charges he dropped, Swider was | was a run-off leading to the Ger: kinanspe, iii + MIR iF AM | charged with the court gosts man championship | ING oir hereavemont Tw' the loss of # Other Canadians who placed in dear son and brother, Rev, James B the race included Martin Cornfield | of Chatham, Two Hamilton youths, Ange! COTA vies comigan and family, | : | Tompkins and A Merridiih | | { : Kill Charges Woman fi; fies i noir Intection Kills Three Infants F l P N | when they will appear In Whithy a se Ie ences | SIOUX LOOKOUT (CPi Three {on charges of theft of cash from the telephones at Plokering STRATFORD (CP)A woman | Magwtrate ¥, 8 Ebb Jud he hahies have died, fwn others are | whose husband is being held In Jv em pending fur | in hospital and several are NE A Buffalo, N.Y on An assault home from a hacterial infection | charge Monday was charged here BAIL which has recurred in this town of her investigation GRANTED with obtaining a oar by false pre: #00, about 200 miles northwest of ALL Alton H, Goadwin, RR, No, 8 Ma: | port "Avthur ple Grove wis released on $500 Dr. a 1 Bell. 1ncal Mrs, Margaret Kelly wil 78: | bail when he appeared he , « HEH, J06A manded In custody until Friday. | gis whet ho appeared hetore Ma | authority Bhe was charged following the [of heing drunk while in charge of sald he helieves the infection is complaint of a ftratford Sr | an automobile, His cousel asked | ana which troubles the community deglor that a woman gave IM | (hat his hearing he adjourned wn every summer, hut whieh 1s nol res a warthless 81,800 cheque on an In | (il August f, Permission was grant: | stricled to Sioux Lookout gersall hank as payment for a car, | oq hy Magistrate Ebbs, on the gua "We do not know tee much ahout Her hushand was charged after | rantee of $500 bail it, excep! that it 1s an intestinal police sald he heat a state trooper infection." Dr. Rell said INTOXICATION CHARGE X oeeurred at the In Jarvis REMANDED FOR INNVESTIGATION medical , #ald the sickness has no Eistrate ¥. 8. Kibhs on a a charge | venchad epidemic proportions, He OSHAWA VETERANS WIN TROPHY | composed of army veterans from | tion held In that eity, Thres of dian Corps Association recently 1 won the Park Manves Trophy | [dyed the bes { marehing unit In the J part 4 hee, group, and Georg Womes, ser: gant at arms, They sre hold. ng the eoveled twophy, oily and distriel, was | the Oshawa representatives sre, | left to right, John Johnston, J, rade, "The. Ghplay Vos Woodman, president of the local the centennial eelebra Rene Goyette, of Verdun, Que | 8, Bonpude's, Eire Ahore, sits at the wheel of Wis new { 0 iy ! Chevyolet car which he won rer | VF gy sold the winning ticket, Vin papily Wa draw "ondueted a ) cent Kgan, vin, ehairmen $4070 RACE WIN CHICAGO (AP) My Hed Geflen, won by & neck | Wednesday in the fo Ariingion oh a tieket holder Track offic gd could not obtain flokenting bw Sweden's Leng the name of the lucky horse player | 1 | Immediate y | Ws Red Cieflen _ ~FimesGasntie, gin Yor 40, (Hh and A WINNING Che rey Roach, left, is Mrs, Allveda i ih [ ROSE TRIUMPHA BAASTAD, Bwedin (AP) = Aug! lit ly ton uh ion tralia's Mervyn Rose Wednesday | Tiger wr ie ona sills renched the semifinals of the Inter: | hall League Wednesday announced uational tennis iurmament hare, the name o We A Aad shot, | bord nialists are Vie Beinng fla | duly whase time was | delphin, Jom Rig hardion ie Gin ni i," Bk Won fi 04, 97, 64, Among LL i Fp with handeuffs while the couple He explained that heat inoreases vere hel taken to the border | Louis Nolet, appeared before Ma: | the bacteria content in food, pars for deportation to Canada, Istrate ¥, 8. Kbbs in Magistrate's | ticularly in milk, and consequently Kelly and his wits ye ar [Court here Monday on charges of | affects children rested in Batavia, about | Intoxication, He was fined $50 and [| Two white children and an In three weeks ago on % ¥ hare of | posts or one -month in the dolinty dian child have died from the ins petty laroeny in connection With | jail, Unable to speak Rnglish fection In the last three months, the "rifling of a werviee station | Nolet faced his charge through the | The twa children in pospital are cash Jenister, use of an Interpreter, "doing well," Dr Rell Girl Eager To a Meet Mounties | Residents Rap omy on = me | St paat Widening vith a erush on the Mounties, wants to meet four RCMP ser! & petition from the residents! Alderman James Lovell; "This geants whose names she has In| against the proposed widening of city is growing fast. The property her autogranh book, Centre street by eight feet on each | values have kept up with the She chatted with the four men | side was presented to the City| growth of the olty even though we in the scarlet coats when they | Council at their meeting last night, | have not widened the slreets ye! were in Britain to Judge a Corona:| Many petitioners Appeared The eity has to grow and with tion-year horse show, Since then, |sonally and Council ard heir the growth of the city there are she has cherished thelr names legal representative Me, T Kelly always inconveniences to certain her autograph hook and recalléd | explain the petition and make al Jeaple Sometimes it 1s a personal | their visit hy painting hundreds of | ternative suggestions neonvenience, sometimes 4 finan imaginative and colorful scenes The main ohjeetions ta the wi-| elal advantage in the long run, all featuring Mounties, dening were, hy making Centre| We have sel up a precedent we, As If that wasn't enough, she street for two-way traffle the ves | can't get away from." added a miniature model of an [of many children attending schools | NO DECISION MADE | RCMP officer astride a black | And Institutes in the area would| My, Kelly: "Our forefath: | charger to her doll collection, She |be endangered; (here were ali ers were as much to blame as creates the six-inch dolls from | churches in Centre street, Bee-| anybody, We are going to have! scraps of dressmaker's waste | Ondly, the trees would be eut| a greater hottle-neck at the parner | materials, bits of leather and wire Gow WL ahem aus of of King and Simeoe streets, It | The ) 3 Paty, tile waild be a good Idea' to get away | yo Furr orn of al 8 wali RA erento hii the Northern from the centre of the ely," | HH. van Pein and BW, T¥ler or (hat if the aes, MEER don | Alderman Waiter Lane observed both of Regina, and A, Colt of | %O\h hat It (he sibel wan Widen fo "ig a traffic problem. The Gladstone, Man TLR OL ON! degree fo which Centre street "1 would love to be able to meet Alderman Orville Eagle: 'rol Should be widened revolves round them asain," she savas, what greater degree in the dan traffio problems" ger than on Simeoe street" Mayor Down's remarks that (the JUDICIAL RESTRICTION | NEE HAZARDS trees added beauty to the eily eens SHEFFIELD, England (OP) { HReply "We have always had | tre supported hy Alderman Lyman Aang exhibits 'at a law court in| Simeae street and the people feel! Gittord this Yorkshire - city was a ak that Centre street is going ta In Alderman Lyman Glfford point i of soap flakes bearing its « ade crease the hazards to children In!ed oul there was no ikelmond of nome. Lord Chief Justice Goddard | the sentre of Oshawa. We feel the | the widening beginning this wdered the hox removed, saying: | widening of Centre street is go The matter was referred 0 the No advertising here," ing to make a hazard as » whole," | Board of Works, | * The hottest thing this summer won't be the weather - - - It looks like we're moving inte the biggest sales Summer in history! Predictions are that people this Summer will spend far above the 43 million retail dollars they laid out so freely last Summer, SOME SELLING SEASON! Do you know that peeple buy more in Summer months than most ather months of the year? No wonder, since as surveys show, more than 909% ef the people are at home on an average day during the Sum. mer! Only a few are away an vacations at any time. And those who are away may he be replaced by visitors from ether areas, DON'T MISS THESE SALES! Somebody's gaing to get the business , , , why not you? Whatever you sell, make sure you plan to pramete your product or service all Summer lang, Naot to a few af your customers whe can possibly buy! That, of course, means in newspapers, This message prepared by BUREAU OF ADVERTISING, American Newspaper Publishers Assaciation, d di but to everybedy in the ares ond published in the interests of fuller 9 of NO SUMMER REPLACEMENT for the newspaper! People keep on reading the newspaper all Summer long--far news, for amusement, for advertising Across the natien they go an buying 54 million or mere copies of their nawspapers daily through June, July and August, ' \ The surest way to reach the mest eustomers, mest often, most effectively, is in the newspaper + fe) haven't already planned a steady series of Summer 'selling adds----gall us today! All business is local . , . and so are all newspapers! by THE TIMES.GAZETTE