Classified Advertising RA 3.3492 AN Other Calls ,.... wien Py Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Wednesday Weather Forecast Mostly sunpy today and Wednesday, Little change. Low tonight 0, high #0, ' VoL. Ta--Ho, 1% OSHAWA-WHITEY, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1955 Fann Cn YALA MA SIXTEEN PAGER SE -- City. To J App oint 3 lifeguards Council Acts Fast The controversial question of which eity department " will provide lifeboat and lifeguard personnel at the beach- recently declared for pottled, open Woman Silent | On $64,000 HARRISBURG, Pa, (AP)=M Catherine Krelizey hended for 0 ork with her bible foday. id hueping mum shout her nd big money It is, toe, The 64 + year + old grandmother from | nearby Camp Hill, Ps, has won heen | ss.000 on un television program | Tonight, she'll tell viewers whe [ther she'll keep her 832000 or try bathers--has finally Last night City Council gave the fire protection and| for the $64,000 question, which is property. committee authority to appoint three men for| for that purpose, The netion was taken after the Police Commission meeting to discuss the matter earlier in the evening-declined to act, at un specinl emergency City Counell = no doubt influence od by the growing concern of par: ents whose children Are using the beach in everdnereasing num: hers noted quickly last night Said Alderman Orville Eagles | 1g don't feel that we mee ving] uate life-savin supervis ry serious Consideration should be given to the inerense of the service, and I suggest it come with: in the Jurisdiction of a department of oounell," The Police Commission turned | down the proposal hy a solid 34 vole after i met In response (a A letter from Council asking i to act, Said Judge John E, Pritchard, ehalrman - "The first intimation from the gity for assistance in having fhe the | Boat at the beach was In the of a letter received by us only ast fhuraday. The matter seemed fo xtreme Importance and this Rtiing was oalled for that specific Awww OF BHORTAGE vi Mid 3s" hy A of | Alderman 'Atersiey, irman o the 8 Rapertyod {ire five a Ajo 4 otniion was ho raven auld to turn Commission, sly os | Xperience | © handling this oo in PAL years BIND OF LATE Maglsirale ¥, 8 Ebbs sald City Council was "kind of late" getting around hy the matter and that the Xi should have been ad: Chiel Herbert Flintoff said the Hoe department would "super ae the ground work" to see that iifeion t was nol damaged ® also sald that the eity police partment was one of the smalles( the province, despite the fael at the oliy's Mare mileage was fourth largest for any Ontario ely JUDGE COMMENTS Commented Judge Pritehard | "We're not trying to be obstrue: | Honints, we're trying to be veallsts think we should be eaveful Ao see |, al this matter 1s put in Hts right ®, Present At the meeting were Jud Pritehard, Mayor Down, | Mag trate Ebbs and Chief Flintoff, over lo 8 t al least three months i the name of the program The Jackpot question, as have | all other questions answered hy | he woman on the program, will he hased on the bible, EXAM RESULTS Results of the Oshawa Coens tral Institute final examinations for the school vear just ended - will be found loday on Dale three Rep resent GM, Union At Talk | Pwo members of the these-man | goneilliation board expected io | take charge of Aeflollationy hetween UAW-CIO, and the Gen. | ian JS of © Gi: gna fhe Company here have heen chosen, wah | lemrned today, The hoard may en | Loar loos) bargaining he oh plghure as ty ho #5 a third ma Fa Ried » company submi rage Talat roe on i Gntario jon has as He Tied hy Drums ond Wren, ! 0 be ude har oe two MoTatae: hr and Ontario La iat JUDGE P 0 hare od al EEdnL that a bak! one hot om of Fishermen Want|i Radio Set Back ATOINIR BAY A IL, Ont, (€P) ition 8 return a 1 confiscated Wr hore Sh : --. y : We Pr a ment [day WO Wh fi hormon from the Parry Sound a Plog Bg ben charged h and fon, Bs uk theit petition the flahatmah the depart 0 1) of the set, saying Mrs, Whately nad elped on oan Soesion 8 in ng ves and equi ather ly on tranam milter the dist he ran from | RO ar Her ALDERMAN RAGLE Eisenhower, Congress Heads Reviewing World Situation By JACK RELL WARHINGTON (Al) or the | owe summit talks Monday, reviews the world sity Allon today with 3 congressional ders Slate Secretary Dulles also am vanged to sit in on the White House | briefing Geneva hy Peinieniy of Heitain Raa This and other preparations for] Geneva led bath Dulles and Elsen: | enhower and Dulles hower 1 eancel thelr press confer onoes this week. They normally are | offered Monday hy Senator William | Knowland of California [publican leader in Mvahe e of the White House | acted with "full Wiley | president hold an Tuesday and Wednesday, | respectively oo 0 Alexande i Republic an onl Ue Sento fare mittee, sald be president is President | (he Tm bao enliowver, resolving new pled os FALEE PROPAGANDA support from Congress starting | Ga.) of the committee sald he ong out of this conference that will pease; whieh seemed likely to | Wis! forus on lasues to be explored at! Risenhower's deelsion to take part | Eisenhower and the in the summit talks provided * France and! dence we have heen hamboesled| ihe Knowland hy (alse Boviel relations com: ate an record as expressing Ysatistied the 'that subject peoples in Eure Asta will gain their freedom, RUBSIA NOT NAMED Although frankly almed at the Chatman Walter George 'Ben, Soviet satellites, the resolution does 'very hopeful that something will big Russia 0 Sneak of hs fam for peoples ott, by "otal tarlan imperialism' pod "allen despotism.' por expression of sent ment, it would have ne binding of fect on anyone MeCarthy, without "mentioning rejoluton, sald a peace propaganda.' | Mere expression of "plows hope" George, who conferred with Kis | that the captive peoples will gain torecant/thelr freedom would "invite the approval for a resolution world te think we are hypoorites,' "We invite them (0 conclude the Re: | what they suspect alveady--namely Knowland sald helthat the American government's approval" of the | concern for the o progued a cheap peliticlan's eon The resolution would put the Ren | about how Americans of pay otha to Geneva w Hh ng of both parties," serve the eause of world Senator Joseph MoeCarthy (Rep, told. the Senate Monday) 'ovh | ipeedy hope European descent will vole in the abd next election." "ur BO The we Ns rh cud AND REE ELECTIONS AVEHON lomatie In orn big three Meneva summil ntee Commu Aggression if free elections settlement providing for these ma man by the Paris treaties frontier yor achievements frontier guaruntees to ensure that Reunifieation of erga Wan Germans never try to break i Formation of an East-West out of thelr present post-war boun: pecurity system Lo guaranties peace fistios or those sel by a final peace in Europe through strong non: topy and (5) demilitarization of aggression pledges, of Kast Germany, and perhaps i, Limitation and eventually a of West Germany, to form a duction of arm 5s and armies or one along the Soviet Bloo's thou hout the continent) t brad Western frontler, BXPANSION of Kast-West trade; | Under arms nmitation, the West BA end to the Kast-Wesk radio | will propose that the Boviel army propaganda war, quit Poland, Hungary and Ros The West stlll will insist that no | manta in exchange for withdrawal Hurapean settlement Is possible un:( of American and British forces less Germany 1s reunified, and that | inte defined aveas of Germ this must he. done Lh the free, In| The NATO and Warsaw Commus tepationatly Buperyis nod elections | nist alliances together would pet odlled for In lden's propagals to frmament limits and establish cop: the 1064 Berlin foreign ministers | trol measures whieh ultimately conference might develop into a worldwide din. The Russians rejected the Eden Armament program, plan hut the Western ex arts WOTe | meee . » reported hopeful that "they can make thelr proposals more altrae: tive to the Reds now, Western ideas of 8 wuliranteed European security were sald to ins clude (1) limiting reunited < (er many's armed forces to the 500 men to he permitted West Ger: BER reported Mon Bart of peace Bris of a htt ice or, Pr ni Hon neh Premier Fal viel Premier i ig, oa in Hen: plan will he arls by U8, lies, Moreign memilian of in and Foreign Minister Ans a nay of Fron i, They will Aioter " [| "pany » the forelgs the other. 13 Atlantle fl ic! Hi yA sill the West vernman ehiefs Will ask Bul, bY Join them directing ; ovelin Gols 0 and lesser als to negobia alep- hystep eR Steal Diamond Rings To The Value Of $800 FORT FRANCES (CP) - Dias mond rings valued at an estimated $00 were stolen from a Jewelry store Saturday night, police dis 0 | closed Monday, The thieves used LATE NEWS FLASHES Dr, Sheppard Must Serve Term CLEVELAND (AP) -- A three-judge appellate gourt today refused Dr, Samuel H, Sheppard, 81, a new trial on the basis of error in the 10.week trial which ended Dec, 21, with hia conviction for seconds degrees murder in the bludgeon death of his wife, Marilyn, last July 4, Toronto Dope Tralfic Increases TORONTO (CP)--Morality squad officers who Monday arrested three men on charges of illegal possession of dedgs said today traffic in narcotios in Toronto in on the upswing and this year may hee a record number of arrests, il ae A rock to smash a small hole in the window of the store to gel thelr lool, Chief constable Louis ©, Cam: {rand sald an unidentified man has heen arrested as a possible Su eet and 1s In Jall on a olding charge. None of the stolen Jew: eiry has been recovered, May Bvacuate Summer Resort wih ¥ GRAVENHURST (CP)-~Cottagers on the shore of Kashe lake mear this Muskoka summer resort town faced possible evacuation today ax a huge wall of fire crept at 800 yards an hour towards them, hundreds of eitv ohlldren of This 1a the time of year when | various religious denominations ! study difficult in the On Health Plans Oshawa Council's endeavor to have a national health program was last night supported in a let: ter from Michael Starr, MP, who sald that the PC members in OL (awa were doing their utmost to | have such a program implemented an quickly as possible, Council also received a letter on the same subject from the office of Prime Minister Bt, Laurent ad: vising that the contents had been fui noted and would be brought to the attention of Health Minis ter Paul Martin, From the office of Premier Frost in Toronto came the reply that the resolution would be 'carefully con sidered,' Canadian Yederation of Mayors and Muplelpalities, which alse had received a copy of the local eouns ell's resolution, sald {hat the reso lution would be inel {ded o on the agenda at the annual meeting of the Federation in August, | ) | Despite the heat and the lure of | the open which makes serious attend church summer schools | summer yp 3 For Beach | TonsOf Snow Bury Victims; Fear For Safety Of Others BANFF, Alta, CPO Four hoys| from Philadelphia nd. one from | Bt, Louis are nowh to have ed in un snow avalanche #500 feet [Canada for shout & week, base camp af the Morr) lok | camp grounds, Monday boys, p\ 24 of the on Mt, Temple st about 4 p, mr. 0s eamp 3 Vi lok or 5 Monday pfternoon, Two other hoys were still miss ing at Bb. m, this [harming two are in Banif hospital f from head injuries, shock and ex posure and two escaped injury Dead sre: Richard Balls, 1d of Philadeiphle; James Balls, 13 of Philadelphia, twin brother of Rich ard; Mism Wise, 15, of Sis, delphia; Wilkism Philadelphia; and Luther Solidon, 14, of Louis, Bill missing this morning were; Miles Marble, 12, of Philadel phia; David Chapin, if, 'of Philadel n Ballard, 13, Philadelphia; and snr Copttenbirg, 14, of Philadel: PH or Smith, 18, and Tony Wood: field, ie #scaped injury, boys, all rid of the Wiiderness Chun of Philadelphia, were part on A group of shout 3 boys which had been In the area for three days, O, D, Dickenson and W, H, Oeser, both ol Philadel ering Watts, of | hi a Bani hospital are; Prede the phia, are camp leader The group, Pwhich had heen ry Motorcycle | Kills Man Harald Griffin, 40, » with The Peterborough Exam Bnd formerly with The Daily Times Cingette of Oshawa, died in Hospital nt ved today 4 ; als "Goin ae Ptr wm, both "loss br Eley would | fhe' to #0 AA atone wll Ing I a day and 8 hay won wer, permission hy i] fy ma to 4 NP ry 0 1 " Fished uj 9,500 on' nd 1 hy Red ody would he [7 her hey "ih aria 'the re un trip when the svplanche og curred Tony W Inst man on the rope, saw ea anche fSomin dug In ie axe A the fra fallin, oke the rope | took vg way boys away, leavs is Waodfeld free at the top of tl VERY I Poter Bh whi stented In the front, At one point he fell rope which had socuri hoys together, tighten ar neck, pulled It free wi himself away from dhe avala It 1s est Wiiated th boys tui down od foot In "avila Tile tne tut of the seal and suffered om ere shoe Bernard Harvey vel, Wah ough, driver of of the misao , WS plead | in custody overnight, PL, wiroek TN Tiki mounted fhe i oo H AK cha with ¢ inal megiigans y careless A iriotn worked as 3 data a foie ath , is wife ool ig ov Nia Rescue Hunter Close To Death STEWART, B. C, (CPA ur fum hunter battered hy 60 mile of travel over mountain, Mikey ond glacier reached this oa British Columbia mining town Monday with word that hls com» panion faced death by starvation at a wilderness lake, A few hours later the doco nd m was flown to safely, comp! foting I minutes the trip that took three days for the man who brought word of his desperate plight, Roland ¥, Legg, a Vancouver mining engineer, was in a state 0 shock from hunger and exhaustion when he stumbled out of the bush and ls io on in hospital, He set out on the rok four days |4 after he and Howard Joa ol Healtle exhausted the fhgh sup thelr light plane in fut RAE time, Attendanos at these sohpols is good, This gréup of youngsters | sings 4 hymn at the summer school conducted by the Fst | 4 nd a hole In the fog hlanketing Mie y oko where 1 were mae rooned Is anly 85 miles north here but Legg fovered iwice fi distance in i | he jo Arno foot, One can of moat on had for nourls [haut The rescue p aon of Queen Ciariolie" riimon a Emerson Wallae e of Grandue Mings said they i the 40-year old Beattle prospector in good eons fition, d's in sitting hy a camp+ te Yond condition In ital hard [] Ror his three-day o "1 yi 5 hike had a over a fool summit pac th lee and snow and over B acler, a 30-mile stretch uous snowfield, | CHURCH SUMMER SCHOOLS ARE ACTIVE Baptist Church on King Strept, One of thelr teaohers is shown, second from right ~Times-Gasetle Photo