§ THE DANY TIMESGATETTE, Mndey, Inly 1, 199% WHITBY and DISTRICT In i a ow # "ORANGEMEN HONOR FALLEN KY Whi1by A EE. Kemn, vee Caunty wee of them Is &v fides Lodee, and Wir Master Charles Gl Whithy, pause In » Stand ing with head howed hehind them 1s Rev, A KE, Being, res tor of Bt. John's Church, Port Whithy, wha conducted a href memorial servies fallowing 1h laying of the wreaths, Brother Orangemen fram Whithy, #s lodge members from paraded in Lind marking the Cy andeinen Yimy Hides sx Lodue left for paused gl he tionar the War, Mas well many centres Ba fly Whith Lode, wi AY Lindsay, (hey Cental here In fallen, Bhown ahave Shortage Of Scientists Has Hit Britain, Eccles Says | HERT RICE "Wanted Young men And yeas Blell Lime nla IFRin AS chemists, ph CF Brita sleists, metaliurists, de ome wm selentislg elgineers € enough threaten They are needed urgently to fil ERpAnSIon of he the great gaps Wn the inlermed toward greater use of the atom W | ale grades, which provide the ndustry | bulk of the sclentifie officers, Bal Education Minister Bir Davia] soics in this category range from Beeles, worried shout the apparent] 1 400 1a £1,750 & vear, | laek of interest Wn BONERGE, WAVE | ire FHINK SCIENCE! Britain needs a course Wg selene with the prestige of Oxford's] One of the men In the forefront classienl greats' honor eourses Britain's research nto indus devoted principally 10 Nierature trial uses of nuclear powers des erihes the problem (his way #nd the humane David! "This Is a young organization Wk furday Hence Betore say mn "Uh of from f LAOS shavbige y Berane wnauin arive in i His COuniry | of deseriin "eritieal," for tramed ligated hy CIITA y 'We have vacaneies from ahoul £306 to £5.000 » vear says Ur. A,B, Melntosh, ehief of one of AEA'S Ke luhioratories | Ba, the hig sgn It oul Japanese Wasps Hit Citrus Pest SYDNEY OF) Australian setentials pre 1 { 1.000 Janna wasps from Tokye to enmbat the pink was Toon many students, Bir as Al which Is still expanding, Above course at university or Jumping | ty at's where Oxfardedue ated | A PROGRAM HINDERED hy school with the emphasis on | taln's alomie energy authorities, | # schon)" he Adds vasearch aml development brangh | selene, hut to think science," Ie Miyear program | thers =the men al the iv adding that the demand | out of Infaney " | the professional soldiers say that you have lo have a lot of all sorts says, eoldshouldey golence career, either gong nto sn arte! all, we need ta reeriit lhe right | pe of man to make I work," | directly te & Joh after high sehaol fir David ¥eoles comes In mw Supports the ides of an Oxford The lack of trained ftedhnieians and selentisls #len worries Bile) selence "Hueh he industrial group of the Aamie | quickly, "shouldn't he for traning | Energy Authority reports that Us| peaple (0 do selenca, or to teach has only 10 per cent of the sclentl He says the selence market has fie officers WW needs to carry oul enough of what he calls "lop Researeh director 1, Rotherham | whose selentifie bralnehilds nee the next five years as! a host of pursemalds to rear eed fechmieians 18 com: | UH Whe a war" Bir David | the lure of private | says, "When It fest breaks out al all levels | they ve the only people who know the Joh, But ta carry on the war of people, because you haven't the time to produce the pros," neh, long which has caused, a lol of damage on Australian oltre nrehdrds, especially In New Routh Wales and Queensland," he nad "If weakens the tree and ve duces the fruit yield, The originally came from Japan, where It 18 alan a serious pest, About five years ao the Japanese discovered pest In Australian | that this wasn, whieh Ii nly citrus orchards | In some outlying distrlots, lived on he head of the hlalogieal eon | It, They then introduced the wasps Insect weal tral section of the Council for | to seme other disteiots and found Holentitie and Industrial Respareh, | they were a very elfective answer B. Wilson iid the wasps, about | to pink wax seale, The wasps lay the sige of a pinhead, will he! thelr eggs Inside the pest and the flawn to Byiduey in sealed glass | Young w A4pR feed on the inseel and tubes containing honey for them destroy it, to feed an | Wilson sald there Is no danger of "Phe pink wak seale 18 a small | the wasps themnelves hesoming a inset ahout threesisieenths of an! pest BROC {HOW PLAYING} AVING) WING SHOWS 7 P.M, WHITBY Phone 8.3618 ST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 Si COMFORT nd FOX NEWS T ™ I wisps fj LIES... THE SLANDERS | , THE THINGS THEY SAID I scr ABOUT NERY, & | Grand Union store st Dundas | sgmed here {all Brady earvied the Lodge wreath and Brother GH eptried the wreath for the County ' Royal Benriet Chater, Present sl the CERTEGY were members of he Whithy and Asx lodges, the Isl far led hy Wor. Biro, George HL About 80 Ovengemen from ihe two lodess paraded In Ling say Inter in he das Hahertaom. Whithy 'Plan Drive-In Church Service Whithy ehureh on the summer months He 0, MacPherson, minister of Whithy Fenlecostal Church, an hauneed vesterdny that starting next Bunday evening st 7.80, B drivedan ehurch service will he held on the parking lot of the ant lot 1s 8 to have & drivedn | Bunday evenings during and Perry Biresls his paved and can hold aver 0 cars There will he sneelpl mush singing and the preaching of God's Ward, The minister helieves that during the hot wenther, thal a service of this type will he wel and plans are under way 16. make each service enjoy alle and profitable Yesterday al the ehureh dossie Wong, missionary from | Ching, spoke at hoth serviees, In| the morning she told of the revival of the Chinese church and In the | | ovening showed slides of the | ghureh In operation Breeding Freak Is Cashing In At UK's Races named led an and Mids | LONDON Op h f Pappa Fourway is A in hal the fastest sprinter in Britain perhaps in the world sosyenr-old poll has won this year, al five and six furlongs, smothering his opponents with ease In fast times. He 18 helng compared with such Heel footed animals as Aber nant and Careless Nora, of (he post-war orop, and other past rents such pg Mumtaz Mahal and Irish Elegance Owned hy Mrs, Elaine Goldson Pappa Fourway wis a hargain yearling, costing only 150 gine: He Is also a hreeding freak, His aire, Pappageno, usually produces horses whieh like long distances and sloppy going, Pappa Fourway favors sprint races and has won mare often on firm than soft going He probably gets his speed from hia dam, Oola Hills, a daughter of Denturiug WANTS BIG PRICE Mrs, Goldson nearly sold him to the United Btates during the win ter, Now phe pave Li mht listen in an nffev.! vi to he in the hrrthorhood hy 30, 000 Pappa Fourway ts trained by Billie Dutton, who as a Jockey anes won the Grand National Htoeplechase on the almost legen dary outsider, Tipperary Tim, YHappa's't next race will probably he the King's Bland stakes al Asool next week Hin Intent victory was in the July Cup at Newmarket, in which he staetad a hat favarite al | to § Hin jockey, W, H. Carr, oalls him "a horse and a halt" JUDGE DECIDES TO MAKE TEST DETROIT AM Traftie hue John DD Watts deoided ursgay to oheok one of the speeddrd favorite alihis--""My Car won't go that fast Emmett Wesley made the olaim for his halfton traek In five Theos win AGNES MOOREWEAD DONNA CORCORAN Beans Fag bg NORMAN DOBW jad | LONARD ll] BEAR TUNBML Bat 4b Pusited by JEAN MEGILLS FON RNG LT 0 © Peoduiod ay 0AM $ pc Tom G ne JERGENS a appealing a speeding eonvie toh, He had beet acoused of going 70 miles an how dude Walls vade in the truek, a patvolman drove and a motoreyele patrolman paced Wim, The ap put the gas pedal on the Hoar he truok's top speed was Lh] Wesley's sentence pended WAH Aus OVERCOME BY ass BYRACUSE, NY. (AP) Nine POFSONS were overcome hy ehlarine Han Thursday when Hire started on H hoat used to purty water in Hia | watha lake at the eliy's Onondaga | Park Pollee ehief Haveld Kelly | avdered the park voped off amd { Josed after a valve on a ¢hlorine nk hroke, | tram idol Irene Lee Is Wed ennsylvania Ceremony Loe of Wiki pias the I Miss Jennsy te wk oman: Le Y he Fug Yo AM ¢ Choy ic pi 0 | mi L, : Hpi Chick in fois Mig Fd efi I fhe Qasamier Whit, | Mrs Lees lowrneved (0 hom | where Rely dpnihier gradusted | | dume 4 trom fmol, Calo, | | and them tg Wilkens | arama, The Eom oA br. and Mew Geer Cham | hin of Beh Lake Chy, Utah, Mrs Chammin came spel be prowent | at her son's wedding, The Iride's gown wis White | sitin, (Rsmioned with & row neck | | tiled in lace and weed pairs | long poinisd sleeves, apd & ¢ hap | Hey Iindariin engin ve | held by # Wars of oven ms, A houauet of while bs wilh 1 Hed rose conler com Ph iad the |oVey picture Mis | Wes vig tos The maid of honor wis tr A the ladies of M Aogidinin fovea / a | en sul. vit on mlchina hasdhond, Siig Hors wher wore Tac vide Agile, Eas ved le A ungine, W poy son Wilh Joo Ly i " "4 io LLL J" sag wronated hy | gre" caveman of Sik 4 ¢ Sead it lee srenm Laka Y | Wh. " i" 17 where (hey Me le enknged | Youth Work at the Bethel Ba i Chureh. In the Is I thew will retin ha Immanuel College where Mr Pegiy domeph of Wh y Yiedinia, whe wore & gown of ne | green talletn and a _mpiehing fieidhiand Mov Joseh Hawking | of Los Angeles wis. hridesmmd | alived In vellow (affetn and | matehing headband, Both earned | hiviguets of deep vellow and spric in will somWlote a Ws agiie senior Ta Upon gradual 1M, the young em pian a y 7 come missionaries in Bowlh Amer fen, Mr "Chamois rather, Dar: roll, 8 i [asloniny I n Rebelan Conga, Ar slater 18 8 missionary i Aberin EARLY DAYS IN WHITBY CENTENNIAL FLASHBACKS { i took the recent centennial | celebration to bring out inte the oben many of the articles of cloth: | ing, house furnishings, Kitehen | wlensils, tools of various kinds, | fine specimens of photography, | wriiales of Jewelry, and many | other thines of Interest, displayed | Ww oour slave windows, to show us | Wow our earlier citizens, here and elsewhere lived, In tael, some. of the exhibits were over A century old, and many of them brought {over hv early settlers from ng land, Beotland, Ireland and Wales | Many of us must have heen con vineed ns the writer was, that most of the articles stressed Gus) ity, fine erafismanshin and design and many other features and HN wis noted that In an see when the modern machines we now Hse were unknown, much of the work involved In thelr production was | done by hand, People of # century | ago, and in later years, perhaps took a Yust pride in thelr homes thelr dress, thelr Ideas so aptly exnressed tn the many things | which they made, fust as we do today, and perhans It oan he said | that they worked harder and got a | real entovment out of thelr labors, | They were not hound hy hours, | nor did they have many of the | | things we enloy today, They knew' | benefits, little or nothing of socisl security menmires, wake soples, fr hi and 8 host of ofl which we today are happy to pd | Joy--things that seem 10 he Part of of wav of lie in 8 modern nie, bul perhans they were Just wh hay or hapmler od During Centenniigl weel we were wivileged to mike fomphrisons, fo set over aesinst the things we enjoy today the things of the pan, and many of us were led to think that the good old dwvs we hear so much about which, after all, ould not have heen so had, We were gonvineed at least we should finve heen ~~ that we of today owe # frent debt to those of the past, for they paved the way for the wreater privileges that are ours Sometimes when things de not go fhe way we want them, we are prone to grumble, Our earlier citizens when & hard problem came thelr wav, and privations of necessity faced them, they were | obliged to grin and bear One would hone that all the evi: dence of our earlier days upon whieh our eves feasted for a week might he preserved hy thelr own ors, and some day form the nu | eleus of a museum whieh for years the Whithy and Distriet Ine stitutes have tried hard fo esiah lish here, hut so far with little BUCLERR Dedicate Acres As Tree BECHELT, BC, (CF) ~~ A 3,00) acre farm along a peninsula H0 mile northwest of Yaneouver grows a lush orop The crap, 1404001 Douglas fir, fiemloek and cedar, Is tended as wavetully an a garden; deadially are weeded oul, trees are thinned and pruned Hike a field of tomatoes The 2.500 acres were dedieatd veontly as British Columbia's sixth Wee farm, operated hy the Cana dian Vorestry Association To mWright, ehief forester for Canadian Varest Produets, owners of the site, says the farm Is being aperaled as 8 commercial sucess Cudar Auge and windfalls, killed In a raging forest Hee which swept the aves 78 years ago, He unburned whore they died and some are re covered for elthe sawlog or cedar shakes and shingles BPECIAL TECHNIQUES A Abpere tract of the second rowtn fir and hemlock has heen ald out as a commercial thinning operation, Objective of the thinning i to open Wp the overevowded for ABOTHFORD, BC, (CP little old train carries few pasion gers but performs a valuable ser viee In this Fraser valley area The Theme branch line of the Canadian Paoifie Rallway from Huntingdon, B.C, on th interna tlanal harder, to Mission City, B.C, where It connects with the main ne, passes thivough the main streel of this town The pean naer oar, linked be hind frelgh Att, 1a atrietly Vie torian vi con J lamps brack oltod to the wall beside She neal, of dark wood and leathe { aleams into Whotslord, ly stop unless Aagged dow HM burl or Matagul, noross sul praivie to Mikslon and Bab there over the main line to Van oouver, Next day It makes the re urn trip i TOUGH ]0B Trying 10 form a cabinet to | govern taly, Antonio Hegnl was relying on support fram antl Communist and anth-Fasoist ele ments In parliament. Negni 1s Known as an agrleattural expert | respected by all parties | IA Rraek South | Welt phols MO. Farm ost hy remaving the smaller and poorer trees and some of the hofer Ones Where Necessary, Tl thinned treex would have died anyway within 20 or 80 years because of competition from heal thier mates, Mr, Wright says Hvery 10 or 20 years, logging orews ean move in and take oul a crop fipecial teohniques of loading and yarding have hoen developed fov the operation, Yous are sorted and bundled according to species and types, Bo careful are operators that metal shields are daid down as the trees are dragaed ul, LL the hark will not he damage Artificial pruning also is 8 enrvigd out on trees a8 pn experiment, The priner efAmbs the trees with high-riggers' spurs and a heavy club, smashing off the wy limbs as he elimbs, My ght estimates praning Inerenses the value of each tree hy mak Ing them nultable for plywood pro duction, The operation leaves the fre with a minimum of | knots, Little Old Train Performs Fine Service In The Valley|t A VERSATILE CONDUCTO Ita conduotor, Howard Cline, has heen working on the rallway years and 1s due for vellrement next year, He han served the litle train not only as conductor bul as haggnE man and idkoight auperin: [1] 0} In the days when horses And trang: were the A means o travel, mall Aud howapa pers we delivered to those liv Paloh he tne, A member of the families ooneerned would he at the line oneh day to plek them ». an the bonduetor tossed them off The line has served the ares for more than OATH, During the Korean War the line wan used to oarry troops returning from Korea via the United States, In the Hecond World War American Woops alae used the line on thelr way on the Alaska Mihway, LONG TIME COMING PORTLAND, Ove. (AF) Frank Lechlsldner, First World War vel | orn Who saw action in Franoe in 7, foally got his medals for S| avery more than 89 years after hoy were awarded, Hin silver Star nt Purple Heart arrived in the Wil thin week BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL | Yodarahlng Oo TOWN, Na SATIN Chiropractor + ENNIS Powe "6 aR TOR NOAOWERRY ni Whithy, aa X:RAvy For appoint i: GOOD ANGLING Big one (hat ried hard but coulan't pway ls this 3 hen, pir MB caught hy rin Olsen, 71, of Toronto, If was Ch yh In Dalrymple 1ake | onl, though nol # record, | ws Wig enough to satisfy most ] Central Press Canadian Big Watermain Bursts Here Friday afternoon was hot and | sultry, and many weovle made for the water, bit not so whith PUC workers ~ the waler came 10 | them, and wenty of | PUC engineer Herh Pringle ve ceived # call 6 7 wom, on Velde, saying that a main had burst on Whithy Slreet, The main proved | to he the flew 14-Aneh main, which wis installed In the fall, and 1s now serving the town, replacing the old 104neh main There was a four foot by four neh break in the castiven wipe, | ond the water, under a Dressure of 100 pounds ner sauare inch, had own a hole throuih five feel of | enrth ond rondwav, and, forty | nately, was running harmlessly | inte & diteh Mr, Pringle immediately called Cornish Construction 14d who are the owners of the main for a veur, while It Is under guaries, and the firm sent down an endl: | neer ond some workers, to help the PUC with rensivs | Repairs worse oopinielad hy pm, Baturdpy, | ad pine section helng laced hv 4 new piece, The walter flow, which | did not ston, was diverted into the | old 104neh main while repairs | were heing effected, WHITBY DAY-BY- DAY Avcounte i sania * "it. . ae? oof 0) we va Mrs, James Van and daugh- ters, Paddy and Jane, have re furned to Oakfield, New York, after spending two weeks with her parents, My, and Mrs, ANY, 408 Burn Blreel, AT THE HARBOR The oll tanker Coastal Creek entered Whithy Harbor on Sunday morning with a load of fuel con slgned to Trinidad Leasehold tanks here, VIENNA (APF)-'The Crechoslo vak Red governmenthas ousted a member of the 17-man nroviieial avernment of Hlovakia and ve shuffled four others, Radio Prague reported Thursday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED -AMALL HOUNE OR APART ment, vielnity. King Bteesl Behaool teacher, high school son, Beptembor oi #4 f PURE Wool, (ENA 100 PER CRNT a Hlgos 88 10 WM MY Sr Sulla or Mio 4, AN UFR tn ehogse Fram ni 4 #8 00 AummerVatie Prien 810.64 ile Dept, Bove, Whithy, July ANTED ROOM AND BOARD, business af, respectable. Private home If pos ible Write Box 106, Times Anatle. hy WANTED T0 RENT-IN WHITRY OR diatiiet, four-hedraam house, Wrile Bax in, Times Gasatte, Whithy Me FOR BALK METAL, GARDEN Bwingi two aves arm chairs small ta Blasi oouehi mantel vadia, ole, MO LALLY 1h Hon ih! PELIVERAD, ) Anes, W BARL "JAKE" BRYANT, BLkO ud a ooniPasking, new homes, walter han fix Hy vange fables a ahecial Phvine 8 lv WANTED ~ WELIARLE PERSON FOR housework, MO, MAL after A "elo o ibid BB FOR RENT THREE ROOM HHLF oontatned apartment, heated, osntral, aliilin only, pratsrakily business eouple vallahle Ausust 1 Write Hox i mort anes, Whithy, We OOM AND KOARD. FOR TWO aN: | iy ay a share, Bingle heads 1hbe Mon "RELIVERED Phi, we snare vil aller Ward, 8M Chastaut worl, Whithy, phone MO, 83808, July #4 ME Neu ON, TARR if SANITARY bain Renita hine Avg § on ARAVEL, 100) ROAD GRA 108 yi PU supplied, Miia Bran fon, 000 Aug, 4 FOR _WHITHY HOMES W Meal 3 , Heallon, MO S381 Oshaws RA Ral $s Aug. 4 You DON'T HAVE TO what's solange an al home" while you've vACRHORIRG, Make your vacation eam Pole hy having The Dally Times tia Selte abled to you, ON, have vow oh saved for vou, Then, when you Baek, you eal eateh up on the ame Nowa that you missed while an vacauan, Phone your lecal Times. Ga wile aifien before vou leave. Hales: W SORtE weekly, payable Wn advance, WONDER MOWAT'S REAL BATATH LIATINGE wanted, small acreage, farms, homes tay HOARAUNHYE ellonta, slghs optional. Puone Lh] A | world | HA ot cttoss Says One Can Be Lonely Thousands Of Peop the house, 0p are \ last, marry onvone, iad ever pl ink 1 NEW a sot ihe he in doit » " | young irl far from home to make good In & Wrange Aisi And Dilys Lay has made good on the roughest street In Amer: len--tiondway, But not in the way whe wanted to "All my Me I've wanted fo be @amarous and languid and . #lltn he taken seriously," sf the Welsh lass, digging inte a plate of luncheon eggs with the hearty | sorrow of youl | CALLED wry "And what do oll me? Citg--~well, M We cute they op ae to be, Ws cute 1H he i I'd like Just ones fo Ay ; oly Kven my friends Pl me J) fiitys 'made an Migiiiiog hit last ui sa flay t "Phe Boy Friend, (a " Mich kids the shirts of iE "n ig! n beter Pan ha gay and me Playgoers fou ality in the vibrant little visitor, who a. nk dance RA play medy 1d COMPAY) ited ex. to ) that Of entry yh the hagel-eyed litle notress, vho had appeared in 10 hefore coming here, now 1s 8 like the world to reslize that she 1s more than Just a mad: "ap, | GIVEN A KEY "In Kngland it Is 8 wonderful ai Important day--the day a» gir turns 81," ' Whe Ald, You wre ven ay by A * "You are free wer BHAKY RO go oni Hilla pa fhe nile and lov 8 " ft Fron ely mod ue | A ifn, LLL hve a own," she to try to live doen't , Shiltran iy want to herd & Wei WE Ives, fo HM Yin he Wa lonely | of peo; Imes, rests, (of "You en of | as ference hetween oom ng ho y apartment and com "e 0 a home, Last rip Tulle h other daehy Wi I gave oh und "MM y wines," of ely. ne that "ithe dog home, We von "ai "0 it even he / AP i Ms yy: Ee | a in London Hh pd ale a a di: Make Effort To Keep Colonial While In UK placing agency to advise Inform students on conditions, The | W dous inettade in wnt "ore that hoIves Students Ha LONDON (CP)=An British research Ah Aide ahout polities) consequences colonial students leav. Brita with unfavorable impressions, has recommended te Fria el effort ™ vy them A report Rey the problems ANT hy ol foal in i (PEF) Ry four years of i The 12 « man Inquiry show many colonial students----especial Africans apd West Indians einarly had been lod to expect too much, COLOR PREJUDICE Some, for example, were sur: prised to find poor people In the United Kingdom, They not eXpeut 0 see while persons earn: Ing a living with 'thelr hands Others; seemed almost shocked at the dirty streets and voler oft male Rome students told sad stories of eoloy prejw los and widespriad lnovance of the eolon'as, The Pup report urged a oentrat How to Get Rid of SOFT CORNS AND CALLUSES Hore In the nipsl, sme - nt ol hay you ever heard ol pati soft snrme hd hard, nore Hilly 1d a little Bortist) an anes o" we Hilts » af " wa fake 4 Wo "be bg off wil 0 akin slonn ah Aay---the Ih it wl J LRU ool 84 AF drag ore, depen nt agar yt lh voy fo | fv everything must inte volonin whi Ll the J is a problem War of B nee dl Ll urvivi or this reaseny he yA ud, ontr i" a i ¢ Yi 6c Ljtudent activit los "py 4 " nl 8, .| WOMAN ACCEPTS #ic| AT WRONG TIME Lo HITE AY BILL and Into E---- ~~ TOWN OF WHITBY TENDERS FOR SIDEWALKS M, RAE, Supervisor, Tenders will be resolved until noon on Monday, uly 180h, for bonstrusting approximately A548 lin, foot of concrete sidewalk and 2485 lin, foot of asphalt sidewalk, Further partiswlars and tender forms may be oldained fram Mr, John M. Ree, Works Supervises, of the Town Well, Tenders should be sonled and plainly marked ""Tonder foi Bidar walks' and should be addressed te Mr, Alex F, Beott, Choirmen, Beasts Commities, Town Mell, Whithy, The lowest a any tender will not neceflurily be ascopted, Fr, §COYY, htm 2 A great soul prefers moderation §ENTFCA ' $8.0 ~AD 65) Che Jtouse of Seagram . . . . . » + \ . . * Men wha think of tomorrow practice moderation Yoday